Question Bank 1-4

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1. Which one of the following is not an Evolutionary Process Model?

a) WINWIN Spiral Model
b) Incremental Model
c) Concurrent Development Model
d) Spiral Model
e) All are Evolutionary Software Models

2. What is the major advantage of using Incremental Model?

a) Customer can respond to each increment
b) Easier to test and debug
c) It is used when there is a need to get a product to the market early
d) Both b & c

3. The spiral model was originally proposed by

a) IBM
b) Barry Boehm
c) Pressman
d) Royce

4. How is Incremental Model different from Spiral Model?

a) Progress can be measured for Incremental Model.
b) Changing requirements can be accommodated in Incremental Model.
c) Users can see the system early in Incremental Model.

5. Give scenario base explanation of Spiral model and explain its architecture with
advantages and disadvantages
6. It is very important to understand the customer’s wants and needs before you begin
designing or building a computer-based solution. For the same explain all requirement
engineering tasks in details.
7. Why software engineering is a layered Technology?
8. Define different types of software Myths.
9. Define requirement of Software Process Framework with neat sketch
10. If a team want to develop a “Customer Address Book” using the Waterfall
methodology and you are the part of this team, the order of work would be as follows.
Product manager creates Use-cases document that include the following Use-cases:
 User can login to the system.
 User should be able to create new contacts.
 User should be able to view their contacts.
 User should be able to import contacts from other programs.
 User should be able to email their contacts from the address book.
 User should be able to add pictures to represent their contacts.
 There is one admin who can manage all these things.
11. Note: This system must have valid login. Help manager to draw the diagram of
overall system that shows Users view with all the elements.
12. Give reasons why software engineering is different from and harder to manage than
other engineering principles
13. Why SRS is document also known as black box specification of a system? What are
the contents of SRS?
14. In what situations will you use waterfall model? Justify your answer. Name the risk-
based software development process model? What are its advantages and
15. What do you mean by software process models? Why we need it? Distinguish
between software product and software process. Name four process models that are
used to develop large software systems.
16. What are the major phases of the entire life of the software? specify the percentage of
efforts required on each phase. Which phase requires the maximum efforts? Which
phase is/are more creative?
17. What is function point? How can the software size for the application be estimated in
the function points? Using FP count, how the efforts can be estimated, provided
various productivity means are given.
18. Compare the relative advantage of using the iterative waterfall model and the spiral
model of software development. Explain with the help of examples, the type of
problems for which you would adopt the waterfall model of software development,
and the type of problems for which you would adapt the spiral model.
19. The library management system should be able to handle the requests for
membership, issue and return of books as well as handle the purchase of books from
the suppliers. Draw the context diagram for library management system
20. Explain any two requirement elicitation methods.
21. List the characteristics of good SRS?
22. What is a risk? What are the activities of risk assessment?
23. When are verification and validation performed? Who should perform the validation
test (developer or user)? Justify your answer.
24. Write a note on “the software team”. As a project manager, identify the traits that you
would look for in a software engineer while trying to select for your team.
25. Compute the function point value for a project with the following domain
No. of Input =30
No. of Output=62
No. of user inquires = 24
No. of files = 8
No. of external interfaces = 2

Assume that all the complexity adjustment values are average. Assume that 14 algorithms
have been counted.

26. How is the project cost estimated? What are some of the factors which make it hard to
accurately estimate the cost of software project?
27. Which are the major software risks? How risk analysis and management can be done?
28. Narrate the relationship between people and efforts. How is the project schedule
developed? State the process of building and monitoring schedules for software
development projects.
29. Why is it difficult to gain a clear understanding of what the customer wants? What
can be done if the requirements are changing continuously? Which process model is
suitable in that case? Justify?
30. What do you mean by software lifecycle model(s)? is it compulsory to follow it while
developing a project? Explain in brief.
31. Define software and software engineering. What are the characteristics of software?
32. Explain the need for software measures. Explain how LOC metric is related to FP
based metric and COCOMO metric.
33. Define “requirement engineering”. How does the domain knowledge help in
requirement analysis? What are the underlying principles that guide analysis work?
Why is it difficult to gain a clear understanding of what the customer wants?
34. What are the unique challenges and elements that are involved in managing IT
projects? How is software engineering useful in controlling these challenges?
35. Show how the failure curve of software differs from that of hardware. Software
doesn’t wear out but it deteriorates due to change. Justify. How do software myths
affect a software project?
36. Name the risk-based software development process model. Compare its advantages
and disadvantages in keeping eyes with all other models.
37. Develop an ER diagram for library management system.
38. What is FTR? If your company is going to conduct a review meeting, who should be
on the review committee and why?
39. If you are a lead developer of a software company and you are asked to submit a
project/product within a stipulated time-frame with no cost barriers, which model will
you select?
a) Waterfall
b) Incremental
c) Spiral
d) RAD

40. Explain which process model is most suitable for the following definition and justify
a) A compiler for new language
b) Event management system
c) Chess

41. A system being developed has the following characteristics:

No of user inputs (I) = 20
No of user outputs (O)=35
No of user inquiries (E) = 20
No of files (F) = 06
No of external interfaces (N)=02

It is given that complexity weighting factors for I, O, E, F and N are 4,5,4,10and 7

respectively. It is also given that, out of fourteen value adjustment factors that influence the
development effort, five factors are not applicable, each of the other four factors have value
3, and each of the remaining factors have value 4. Calculate FP for given system.

42. Consider a software project using embedded mode (with type basic COCOMO
model) with 40,000 LOC (coefficient value of a=3.6, b=1.20, c=2.5, d=0.3)
a) Find effort estimation
b) Find duration estimation
c) Find persons estimation

43. Explain risk management process with suitable diagram in brief. List types of risk
with example.
44. What is management spectrum? Describe four P’s briefly.
45. Define the roles in Scrum? Explain Agile software development process in detail.
46. What are the factors affecting software crises?
47. Dream neat sketch of spiral model and justify why it is considered as meta model.
48. Draw UML diagrams (use case, activity and sequence) for online ticket booking
system for IPL 2020 tournament
49. Differentiate throw-away v/s evolutionary model.
50. Design test case for login functionality (invalid login, forgot password and lock
account after 3 attempts)
51. Draw context and DFD for BookMyShow application which includes ticket sales for
movies, plays and corrects.
52. Draw a Sequence Diagram, DFD, Activity, User Interface Diagram for Food Ordering
System in a restaurant.
53. Develop an E-R diagram, Sequence Diagram, DFD and prepare Data Dictionary for
Hospital Management System.
54. A student comes to a library for borrowing book. The student makes the book request
giving book title and author name. The students have to submit his library card to the
library. Sometimes student may simply give topic and demand for a book. The library
information system maintains list of authors, list of titles, list of topics. This system
also keeps record of topics on which books are available with the system. This system
maintains information about shelf number on which books are located. Finally, the list
of demanded book should be displayed, on the console for ease of selection. Draw
DFD ; E-R diagram, Sequence Diagram, Activity Diagram.
55. In a size-oriented metric like LOC, how Productivity, Quality, Cost and
Documentation is defined in terms of LOC. Also bring out the demerits using of Lines
of Code as a software metric.
56. What are the different categories of software development according to the
COCOMO estimation model? Suppose you are developing a software product in the
organic mode. You have estimated the size of the product to be about 100,000 lines of
code. Compute the nominal effort and the development time.
57. Is it possible to estimate software size before coding? Justify your answer with
suitable examples

58. Give the problem statement and prepare DFD for Library Management System.

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