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Amitabh tried to calculate - But it was erroneous

FB 495 - In the Hanumaan Chaalisa it is said :
'Yug sahastra yojan per Bhanu !
Leelyo taahi madhur phal janu !!"
1 Yug = 12000 years
1 Sahastra = 1000
1 Yojan = 8 miles
Yug x Sahastra x Yojan = par Bhanu 12000 x 1000 x 8 miles = 96000000 miles
1 mile = 1.6 kms
96000000 miles x 1.6 kms = 1536000000 kms to SUN !!
NASA has said that it is the exact distance between the Earth and the Sun ( Bhanu )
Proving thereby that according to the 'chaalisa' Hanumaanji did jump to Planet Sun, thinking it as a
sweet fruit (madhu phal)
AMAZING how accurate and meaningful our ancient scriptures are ..

From <>

**** Above calculation is wrong

My view of the mythological stories, calculations and Thulsidas poem

Did Thulasidas provide mathematical formulas specifically for distance from earth to sun?

Was he a proponent of Physics?

What is the Sun he is referring to?

Is Gayathri mantra talking about the Inner Sun or the Gnana Surya or the physical Sun (The star) which
propitiates our life on this earth?

My point of view is that the author has not done a clear job of separating fact, fiction and correlation. This is
how most of Indian values were lost earlier.

All references to Sun should be first considered metaphysical, The Gnana Guru (Refer Shiro Thanvath
Pradesae of Vishnu Sahasranamam and Vishnu Puran ).

The mathematics has typo.. thats the first irritation for many people.

The calculation might be approximate or even correct once you remove typo. But the author is not
substantiating many things. why 12000 years for a yug or yuga. In telugu and kannada sampradaya, yuga is 1
year in earth.

You will understand that there is some reality in what the author talks if you remove the trailing zero. But his
typos, his understanding of the sun referred as the star near us and delving into faith confuses many a readers
and ultimately the concept is shunned altogether.

When we state scientifically proven facts we have to be careful.. It's 149.6 million km only approximately. We
should not be comparing pseudo sciences and metaphysics with physics...

Already millennium generation and generation next is confused enough..

If we have the patience, we should talk science else stick to just faith..

At the same time, Sahasra yojana is there in Sree Rudram first.. So it even surpasses hanuman.. May be we
should research more..

The metaphysical or may be interstellar meaning of Sahasra yojana theory..

Probably.. Referring to an easy explanation from the scripture..

Lets now Ideate:

And I feel this correlates to a remarkable film taken in our

If there are cosmic beings out here and there in space, whom we can or want to call Gods, they wouldn't be
happy with what humans are doing to planet earth.
So, the Sun that Hanuman, Prophet Muhammad, Christ, Krishna, Sankara and the Vedas are talking about is
The Gnana Guru, Adishwar, Adi Yogi.

Is there a cosmic or stellar place where a superhuman who was like us once resides? Are these people
referring to him here?
We are in the verge of destruction of nature, selfishness and vandalism..

Would they take action, punish or cleanup?

Will they show mercy and mend us?

We need to think.. A lot.. That's all.

From <>
Sahasra Yojana theory

Why 108 and 1008 is important in Indian Traditions?

This is explained by many researchers at a higher plane but lets come bit lower. Recently, got to know a very
important equation related to this.

Values are approximate below...

Diameter of Earth = 12,742 km

Diameter of Moon = 3,474 km

Diameter of Sun = 1.392 million km

Distance from Sun to Earth = 149.6 million km

Distance from Moon to Earth = 384,400 km

Diameter of Sun/Diameter of Earth = 109.245

Distance from Sun to Earth/Diameter of Sun= 107.47

Distance from Moon to Earth/Diameter of Moon= 110.65

Please remember even the values given above approximates. The early vedantists/scientists found that all
these point to an approximation of 108.

But why?

I will theorize now. This is related to Subrahmanya Srushti. Go back to the story when Brahma did not how to
create a living being (properly) and created them incorrect. Subrahmanya said this is not according to
pranava roopa or theory. Change is not internalized in these living beings, he says, and takes over as Brahma.
And then, everything became fine.

There was a time when solar system didn't have life or life proper or had it irregular. The celestial spirits or
super humans considered this is mundane and thought that this will not help life to prosper and grow. They
wanted to mutate us. Earth probably didn't have a moon that time!! or was in a wrong position.

The moon and all the above positions you saw above were fixed to create life or improve life. The super
human who controls 108 worlds wanted this world to be in their order and effected His rule here and His
wisdom here.

This is theory.

But, is it not there in every story told here in indian/ancient traditions?

He is constantly watching us. He is mutating us. He has fixed things for us. Every religion says so. Every
tradition says so.

"Chandrama Manaso Jathaha, Saksho Surya Ajaytha"

"Moon and Mind/Manas is Birth,..."

or Re-Birth!!

Taking the first sentence, Man is his mind (manas or emotional occult). But manas points to Chandra. When
manas merges with chandra thats is rasi and nakshatra (zodiac).

In Indian zodiac (particularly southern), lunar tradition is important.

The person's rasi or nakshatra is identified by where moon was at his birth.

The Super Human(s) created a mind/manas for us to excel, grow, improve in wisdom, attain bliss by creating
a moon linked to it which is linked to Sun and Zodiac in a mathematical proportion...

They wanted us to be remember that this proportion is what is making us excel, allows us to control our
mind/manas, Buddhi and align ourselves to our occult senses.

Now link this to, (Amitabh Bhachan wrote a few years back, there is something in this which we don't
understand yet. he was right.)

FB 495 - In the Hanumaan Chaalisa it is said :

'Yug sahastra yojan per Bhanu !

Leelyo taahi madhur phal janu !!"

May be Hanuman (not the monkey God, but the intelligent spiritual cross-breed of two clans - human and
super humans , certainly not human breed? ), found this or recorded this for us first. And Tulsidas remembers
this for us.

When do we realize what they are hinting us always?

I will continue..

From <>
Some calculations for above theory…

Sahasra Yojana theory and calculations

27000 light years / 255 zillion km / 24–28.4 kilolight-years / 2.5544e+17


Basic Assumptions
Distance of GC from SS - 255 zillion km

CG - Center of galaxy 1.2 zillion km

Diamater of solar system - 287 billion km

Scientific Approximation 1
Distance of GC from SS - 255 zillion km

CG - Center of galaxy 1.2 zillion km

=212.5 ~ 216
Scientific Approximation 2

GC - SS - 8000 parsecs

CG - 40 parsecs

=200 ~ 216
Calculation for Galaxial Bhanu / Sura Bhanu - Approximation in Billion kms

1 yuga - 108 or 110.181

1 sahasra - 1008
1 surya yojana - 287 km * 8



Calculation for Galaxial Bhanu / Sura Bhanu - Approximation in Kms
1 yuga - 108 Deva years or 110.181
1 sahasra - 1008
1 surya yojana - 287,000,000,000 km * 8

Distance of GC from SS


Essence of calculation is this - each number has a significance


=110.181 ~ 108
Number 1 - SS diameter approx - 287,000,000,000

Number 2 - SS to GC diameter approx - - 255,000,000,000,000,000

1 yuga - 108,000 manushya years ( chatur yuga is 432,000)

1 sahasra - 108
1 manushya yojana - 1 mile / 1.6 km * 8 = 12.8 km

Distance from sun to earth

=149 million km


Hanuman - Moola nakshatram

Moolam is in Saggitarius -
Saggitarius A is in galactic center
Hanuman found the above calculation and recorded it; born again and again to transform monkeys to

Saggitarius A diameter
44,000,000 kilometers
44 million km

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