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1. Laboratory no.

1.1. Tensile test

1.1.1. Objectives
The objectives of this laboratory include the following:
ƒ to perform a tensile test on a structural steel specimen
ƒ to determine the main mechanical properties of the tested specimens
ƒ to classify the tested material according to its grade

1.1.2. Principles
Tensile test is widely used to provide basic information on the strength, stiffness and
ductility of materials. The tensile test is performed by subjecting the test specimen to a
progressively increasing tensile force, while observing the elongation of the specimen.
Load is applied quasi-statically.
Tensile test on structural steels is performed according to SR EN 10002-1 "Metallic
materials - Tensile testing - Part 1: Method of test (at ambient temperature)".

1.1.3. Specimen
The specimen can be of circular or rectangular cross-section. Other shapes are
possible as well (e.g. pipe segments). The specimen obtained using mechanical
processing. The following parts of the specimen can be distinguished:
ƒ The "reduced section" LC, which is prepared by mechanical processing in order to
ensure the required geometrical dimensions of the cross-section
ƒ The gage length L0, over which the elongation of the specimen is measured using
an extensometer
ƒ The grip length h, which is used to fix the specimen in testing machine grips
ƒ Fillet R between the "reduced section" length and grip length

h S0 R h

d0 d


Usually proportional specimens are used, for which the gage length L0 =5d0 (or
L0 =5.65 S0 for non-circular cross-sections). S0 is the initial area of the specimen
gage length. Alternatively, L0 =10d0 (respectively L0 =11.3 S0 ) gage lengths can be
used. Proportional specimens enable comparison between elongations of specimens
with different length. Specimens which do not satisfy the above mentioned gage
lengths are called non-proportional.

1.1.4. Test procedure
The following are the main steps to be followed for the tensile test:
ƒ mark the gage length L0 on the specimen
ƒ measure and record the initial diameter d0 of the specimen
ƒ place the specimen in the upper grips and fix the grips
ƒ set the load in the universal testing machine to zero
ƒ fix the lower grips
ƒ apply monotonically the load up to specimen fracture
ƒ stop the test, remove the specimen from the grips, and return the grips to their
initial position
ƒ measure and record the length between marks Lu after the test
ƒ measure and record the cross-section dimensions (diameter d) after the test
ƒ compute the required test parameters

1.1.5. Interpretation of results

The engineering stress-strain (σ-ε) curve is obtained by recording the force F and
elongation ∆L=L-L0, using the following relations:
σ =

∆L L − L0
ε= =
L0 L0
The following parameters characterising mechanical properties of structural steel are to
be determined:
ƒ The upper yield stress Reh
can be obtained only for low-alloy steel, that show a characteristic drop in load,
followed by some fluctuations. The upper yield stress is the maximum stress before
fluctuations begin.

ƒ The proof stress Rp02

The 0.2% proof stress is obtained at the intersection of the stress-strain curve with
a line parallel with the initial elastic portion of the curve offset by a specified value

ƒ The tensile strength Rm

is defined as the ratio between the maximum force recorded during the test Fm and
the initial area of the specimen S0
Rm =
ƒ Proportional elongation at rupture An (%)
represents in percents the ratio between the elongation at rupture (Lu-L0) and the
initial length between marks (gage length L0). The n symbol is replaced by the
dimensional factor 5 or 10.
Lu − L0
An = ⋅ 100
ƒ Reduction in area at fracture Z (%)
represents in percents the ratio between the reduction in area at fracture and the
initial area of the specimen
S0 − Su
Z= ⋅ 100

Reh Rp02

An ε 0.2% ε
Measure, compute and record data into the following table
specimen number 1 2 3 average
initial diameter d0, mm

initial cross-sectional area S0, mm2

gage length L0, mm

length between marks at rupture

Lu, mm
diameter at rupture d, mm

reduced area at fracture Su, mm

proportional elongation at fracture

A5, %
reduction in area at fracture Z (%)

upper yield stress Reh, N/mm2

proof stress Rp02, N/mm2

maximum force Fm, kN

tensile strength Rm, N/mm2

1.1.6. Compare computed mechanical properties with standard steel grades

Computed characteristics of the test specimens shall be compared with the data
specified in standards for different steel grades.

Data from STAS 500/2-80 "Oţeluri de uz general pentru construcţii - mărci".

Data from European code EN10025: 1993.

1.2. Charpy V-notch impact test

1.2.1. Objectives
The objectives of this laboratory are to:
ƒ to perform a Charpy V-notch impact test on a structural steel specimen
ƒ to classify the tested material according to its impact energy at 20°C

1.2.2. Principles

Charpy V-notch impact test consist in measuring the

energy absorbed in breaking a notched bar
specimen by one blow from a pendulum. This test is
used to characterize material toughness in terms of
absorbed fracture energy. The test can be carried
out at a range of temperatures to determine the
transition between ductile and brittle behaviour of
material. A material is considered to possess high
toughness if its fracture (at a given temperature) is
preceded by a significant plastic deformation. Due to
lack of plastic deformation, brittle fractures are
generally not possible to predict and should be
avoided. Charpy V-notch impact test is performed
according to STAS 1400-75.

1.2.3. Specimen
The specimen and notch dimensions are shown in the next figure.

1.2.4. Test procedure
The test is conducted at a temperature of 20±2°C.
The following are the main steps to be followed for the Charpy V-notch test:
ƒ Check the dimensions of the specimen
ƒ Check that testing device is operational (friction is negligible)
ƒ Place the specimen in the testing device so that the pendulum striker will hit on the
face opposite to the V-notch. Center of strike shall be within 0.5 mm from the notch
ƒ Lift the pendulum in the upper position and fix it there using the blocking
ƒ Free the manual brake
ƒ Place the pointer in the maximum value of 15/30 daJ
ƒ Free the pendulum. The specimen should fracture from a single strike. The
specimen is considered fractured if the specimen is displaced beyond the supports,
even if the fracture is not accomplished over the full cross-section.
ƒ Stop oscillations of the pendulum using the brake.
ƒ Read the impact energy KV.
ƒ Notice the type of fracture (fragile/ductile).

1.2.5. Interpretation of results

Record data into the following table
specimen number 1 2 3 average

Specimen dimensions axb, mm

Temperature, °C

Fracture impact energy KV, J

Type of fracture

1.2.6. Compare computed mechanical properties with standard steel grades

Computed characteristics of the test specimens shall be compared with the data
specified in the following standards:
ƒ Data from STAS 500/2-80 "Oţeluri de uz general pentru construcţii - mărci".
ƒ Data from European code EN10025: 1993.


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