How Does Water Injection Work - Rigzone

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12/9/2019 How Does Water Injection Work?

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How Does Water Injection Work? For A W

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While primary production refers to oil that is recovered naturally from a producing well, Online Training
Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) improves the amount of oil recovered from a well by using
some form of additional engineering technique. Water injection, also known as Classroom Training
waterflood, is a form of this secondary EOR production process.
Custom Training
Used in onshore and offshore
developments, water injection involves
Heavy Oil
drilling injection wells into a reservoir and
introducing water into that reservoir to
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encourage oil production. While the injected
water helps to increase depleted pressure
within the reservoir, it also helps to move the
oil in place.
Whether water injection occurs after What Is EOR, and How

production has already been depleted or How Do Spars Work?

before production from the reservoir has
How Does Underbalan
been drained, waterflood sweeps remaining
oil through the reservoir to production wells, What’s the Difference B
Baobab Subsea Production System where it can be recovered. Logging?

How Do ROVs Work?

Water Injection Methods
MORE HOW IT WORK in onshore and offshore,reservoir to encourage oil production.… 1/4

12/9/2019 How Does Water Injection Work? | Rigzone

The water used for water injection is usually some sort of brine, but it can also be made
up of other sources that are treated. For example, in some reservoirs water is produced
with the hydrocarbons, removed from the production and re-injected into the formation.

It is important that
the water being
injected works within
the formation.
Filtration and
processing of the
water that will be
injected are
necessary to ensure
that no materials clog
the well pores and
that bacteria is not
permitted to grow. In
an effort to reduce
Enhanced Oil Recovery
Source: Schlumberger any corrosion within
the reservoir, oxygen
is often removed
from the water, as well. standards in rese
approved by inte
While production wells can be converted into injection wells, water-injection wells are Learn More
also drilled specifically for this purpose. Water is then pumped into the reservoir, or
gravity can help to push the liquid into the formation. This solution positions water tanks
on hills or somewhere above the well, and the water simply is fed into the wellbore.

There are a number of techniques for determining where the water-injection wells should
be drilled, as well as established patterns for water-injection wells in relation to
production wells. One popular pattern, called the five-spot pattern, involves drilling four
water-injection wells in a square around a production well. This is repeated around each
production well on the reservoir, resulting in four production wells surrounding each
water-injection well, as well. action-oriented c
challenge studen
Other drilling techniques include the seven-spot pattern, which has six water-injection team performanc
wells surrounding a production well, and the inverted seven-spot pattern, which describes Learn More
six production wells surrounding one water-injection well.

Also, wells can be drilled in line patterns, rather than spot patterns, where a direct line or
staggered line of production wells is followed by a similar line of water-injection wells, and SUBSCRI
so on. In an edge waterflood, water-injection wells are drilled along the outside borders of
the field, and water is injected, with production flowing toward the production wells in the
Enter your em
center of the reservoir.

Improved Oil Recovery

Primary production usually only recovers some 30 to 35% of the oil in place. Although the SUBSCRI
effectiveness of water injection varies according to the formation characteristics, a in onshore and offshore,reservoir to encourage oil production.… 2/4

12/9/2019 How Does Water Injection Work? | Rigzone

waterflood can recover anywhere from 5% to 50% of the oil that is remaining in the
reservoir, greatly enhancing the productivity and economics of the development.

This form of EOR is

typically more
productive when
there are relatively
small amounts of
primary production,
and the process
uneconomical when
the water cut
reaches the 90 to
99% level. Some
waterfloods may take
up to two years of
injection before
production is
increased; and some
reservoirs do not
have the right
characteristics, and
water injection is not
a viable option for
Waterflooding increasing production
Source: Perisai Petroleum Teknology from waning wells.
(For example, water
injection is never used on natural gas wells.)

Another form of water injection involves introducing heated water into the reservoir. This
helps to make the oil more fluid, especially in reservoirs that contain heavy oil. Also, the
water can be treated with polymers to increase the viscosity of the water and help to
encourage oil movement within the reservoir.



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