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Which hormone control amount of calcium from blood & bone

a. Calcitonin from parafollicular cells & parathyroid
b. Melatonin from pineal gland
c. Thyroxin from thyroid
2. Release of hormone in conjunction with stress?
a. Adrenaline from adrenal
b. Melatonin from pineal
c. Thyroxin from thyroid
d. Calcitonin from parathyroid
3. Which affects wake/sleep pattern & function?
a. Melatonin (pineal gland)
b. Thyroxin (thyroid)
c. Adrenaline (Adrenal)
4. Stalk that connects hypothalamus to the pituitary gland
a. Infundibulum
b. Thyrotropic
5. Which hormone regulate body growth?
a. Growth hormone
b. TSH
c. LH & FSH
d. Lactogenic hormone
6. Which hormone regulate milk production?
a. Lactose & prolactin
b. Growth hormone
c. TSH
d. LH & FSH
7. Which hormone is for male & female reproductive organs
a. Growth hormone
b. TSH
c. LH & FSH
d. Lactogenic hormone
8. Which hormone stimulate adrenal gland function?
b. TSH
c. STH
d. Gonadotropic Hormone
e. Lactogenic hormone
9. Which structure stimulate thyroid gland function?
b. TSH
c. STH
d. Gonadotropic Hormone
e. Lactogenic hormone
10. ADH & Oxytocin secretion from?
a. Posterior pituitary
b. Islets of Langerhans
c. Anterior pituitary
d. Hypothalamus
11. This hormone ejaculate milk from the breast
a. Oxytocin
b. TSH
d. STH
12. Stimulate contraction of milk glands and ducts in the breast:
a. TSH
c. Oxytocin
d. Lactogenic Hormone
e. STH
13. Less than normal growth hormone before puberty & sexually undeveloped
a. Simmond’s syndrome
b. Progeria
c. dwarfism
14. _____________ is a condition in which kidneys are unable to conserve water.
a. Gestational diabetes
b. Diabetes insipidus
c. Diabetes mellitus
d. Diabetic coma
15. When body doesn’t respond to insulin it makes, this is called…
a. Type 1 diabetes
b. Type 2 diabetes
c. Both of them
d. None of them
16. People with diabetes are prone to
a. Acne (pimples)
b. Shingles
c. Infections
d. Migraine
17. Gestational diabetes occurs in
a. During pregnancy
b. After a bout with shingles
c. At birth
d. After menopause
18. Type 2 can cause a long term damage in the..
a. Kidneys
b. Eyes
c. Nerves
d. All of the above
19. Insulin is a natural hormone secreted by which organ or gland?
a. Kidneys
b. Liver
c. Pancreas
d. Spleen
20. Which is not a symptom of diabetes?
a. Itchy skin
b. Thirst
c. Frequent urination
d. Muscle pain
21. Diabetes best defined as:
a. A metabolic disease characterized by low blood sugar level
b. A metabolic disease characterized by high blood sugar level
c. A family of blood infections
d. None of the above
22. Which of the following is not a major risk factor for type 2 Diabetes mellitus?
a. Exposure to environmental pollutants
b. Hypertension
c. Family history of diabetes in a first-degree relative
d. Age older than 45 years
23. Which of the following test is the criterion standard for monitoring a long term
glycemic control?
a. Fasting C-peptide
b. Urine albumin excretion
c. Fasting plasma glucose
d. Glycated hemoglobin (A1c)
24. Which of the following is considered a first-line treatment for type 2 diabetes
a. Dulaglutide
b. metformin
c. Rosiglitazone
d. Canagliflozin
25. The nurse enters a patient's room and sees the patient breathing rapidly with a fruity
breath smell. This is known as...
a. Trousseau's
b. Cullen's
c. Kussmaul's
d. Bitot's
26. A urine test in an undiagnosed diabetic may show........
a. Glucose and ketones in the urine
b. glucose and high amounts of bilirubin in the urine
c. Ketones in the urine
d. ketones and adrenaline in the urine
27. If a person has a fasting plasma glucose of 6.8mmol/L and a two-hour postprandial
plasma glucose of 11.6mmol/L, should this person be suspected of having diabetes?

a. Yes
b. No
c. Cannot decide
28. Diabetes happens because of which of these?
a. Your liver doesn't make enough blood sugar
b. Your muscles use too much blood sugar
c. Your body makes more insulin than it needs
d. Your body can't use blood sugar the way it should
29. Two of the main types of diabetes are type 1 and type 2. How many people with
diabetes have type 2?
a. 10% to 15%
b. 30% to 35%
c. 45% to 50%
d. More than 90%
30. . Why is insulin important for your body to use blood sugar?
a. It helps blood sugar enter your cells
b. It lowers your blood pressure
c. It raises your cholesterol levels
d. It keeps your sucrose levels normal
31. Keeping your diabetes under control early on will help you prevent complications
that may come up later. People with diabetes are at increased risk of developing
which of these?
a. Heart disease
b. Cancer
c. Nerve damage
d. A and C
32. Why are a healthy diet and regular exercise so important if you have diabetes?
a. They keep depression at bay
b. Eating raises blood sugar; exercise lowers it
c. Being overweight can be dangerous for people with diabetes
d. B and C
33. Type 1 diabetes happens when your insulin-producing cells called beta cells in the
pancreas are destroyed. What destroys them?
a. Your immune system
b. Toxins in your environment
c. Free radicals
d. Bacteria
34. Risk factor of develop type 1 diabetes include all except
a. Diet
b. Genetic
c. Autoimmune
d. environmental
35. Untreated diabetes may result in all of the following except:
a. Blindness
b. Cardiovascular disease
c. Kidney disease
d. tinnitus
36. Excessive thirst and volume of dilute urine may be symptom of:
a. Diabetes insipidus
b. Urinary tract infection
c. Viral gastroenteritis
d. Hypoglycemia
37. Among female children & adolescent, the 1st sign of type 1 diabetes may be:
a. Rapid weight gain
b. Constipation
c. Genital candidiasis
d. insomnia
38. Untreated hyperglycemia may lead to all of the following complications except:
a. Hyperosmolar syndrome
b. Vitiligo
c. Diabetic ketoacidosis
d. Coma
39. Hyperinsulinemia may be caused by all of the following except:
a. An insulinoma
b. Nesidioblastosis
c. Insulin resistance
d. Type 1 diabetes
40. Which statement about diabetes is false?
a. The U.S prevalence of diabetes is decreasing
b. Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States
c. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness among person age 20 to 74
d. Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure
41. Which of the following measures does not help to prevent diabetes complications?
a. Controlling blood glucose
b. Controlling blood pressure and blood lipids
c. Eliminating all carbohydrate from the diet
d. Prompt detection of diabetic eye and kidney disease
42. Proliferative retinopathy is often treated using:
a. Tonometry
b. Fluorescein angiogram
c. Antibiotics
d. Laser surgery
43. Which of the following diabetes drugs acts by decreasing the amount of glucose
produced by the liver?
a. Sulfonylureas
b. Melitinides
c. Biguanides
d. Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors
44. The benefits of using an insulin pump include all of the following except:
a. By continuously providing insulin they eliminate the need for injections of
b. They simply management of blood sugar and often improve A1C
c. They enable exercise without compensatory carbohydrate consumption
d. They help with weight loss
45. Which of the following regimens offers the best blood glucose control for persons
with type 1 diabetes?
a. A single anti-diabetes drugs
b. Once daily insulin injections
c. A combination of oral anti-diabetic medications
d. Three or four injections per day of different types of insulin
46. Which of the following symptoms do NOT present in hyperglycemia?
a. Extreme thirst
b. Hunger
c. Blood glucose <60mg/dL
d. glycosuria
47. Type 1 diabetes typically have the following clinical characteristics:
a. Thin, young with ketones present in urine
b. Overweight, young with no ketones present in urine
c. Thin, older adult with glycosuria
d. Overweight, adult-aged with ketones present in the urine
48. A type 2 diabetic may have all the following signs or symptoms EXCEPT:
a. Blurry vision
b. Ketones present in the urine
c. Glycosuria
d. Poor wound healing

49. which of the following statements are true regarding Type 2 diabetes treatment?
a. Insulin and oral diabetic medications are administered routinely in the
treatment of Type 2 diabetes.
b. Insulin may be needed during times of surgery or illness.
c. Insulin is never taken by the Type 2 diabetic.
d. Oral medications are the first line of treatment for newly diagnosed Type 2
50. Which of the following patients is at most risk for Type 2 diabetes?
a. A 6 year old girl recovering from a viral infection with a family history of
b. A 28 year old male with a BMI of 49.
c. A 76 year old female with a history of cardiac disease.
d. None of the options provided.
51. Possible symptom of Type 2 diabetes
52. How to improve type 2 Diabetes
53. Most common cause of Diabetic Neuropathy
a. Autonomic Neuropathy
b. Focal Neuropathy
c. Peripheral Neuropathy
d. Proximal Neuropathy
54. In man type 1 Diabetes
55. Although the adipocyte has generally regarded as storage depot for fat, it is also an
endocrine cell that releases numerous molecules in a regulated fashion. Which of
the following is not an adipose derived chemical?
a. Leptin
b. Ghrelin
c. Resistin
d. Adiponectin
56. The major role of leptin in body weight regulation is:
a. To signal satiety to the hypothalamus
b. To reduce dietary intake and fat storage
c. Modulation of energy expenditure and carbohydrate metabolism
d. All of the above
57. Which of the following is not a secondary cause of obesity?
a. Cushing syndrome
b. Insulinomia
c. Hypothyroidism
d. Diabetes mellitus
58. Which of the following adipose tissue derived hormone promotes insulin sensitivity
in peripheral tissue?
a. Adiponectin
b. Resistin
c. Amylin
d. Leptin
59. All are true about chromocytosis except
a. They arise from sympathetic ganglions
60. Ratio of body mass to body height is
a. BMI
61. Condition in which excess amount of fat accumulated in one body causing negative
effect is called
a. Obesity
62. BMI for underweight
a. Less than 18.5
63. Which is not a lifestyle factor that contribute to obesity
a. hereditary
64. Which of the following is desirable blood lipid value
a. High total cholesterol
b. High LDL
c. High HDL
d. High TG
e. None of the following are desireable
65. ________________Is elevation of plasma cholesterol, triglyceride, or both, or a low
high-density lipoprotein level that contributes to the development of
a. hyperlipidemia
b. Dyslipidemia
c. Metabolic syndrome
d. hypoapolipoproteins
66. All of the following are effective treatment for triglyceride rich disorders except
a. Fibrate
b. Niacin
c. Omega 3
d. Statins
e. All of the above
67. Which of the following disorder is characterized by a group of symptoms produced
by an excess free circulating cortisol from the adrenal cortex?
a. Grave’s disease
b. Addison’s disease
c. Hashimoto’s disease
d. Cushing’s syndrome
68. You assessed a patient with Cushing disease. For which finding will you notify
physician immediately?
a. +1 dependent edema in ankles and calves
b. weight gain of 1 pound since the previous day
c. purple striae present on abdomen and thighs
d. crackes bilaterally in lower lobes of lungs
69. Which of the following is not another name of cushing syndrome?
a. Hypercorticism
b. Hyperadrenocorticism
c. Itsenko-cushing syndrome
d. Fatty disease
70. The pituitary gland is also known as the_________.
a. Hypophysis
b. Hypothalamus
c. Neurohypophysis
d. infundibulum
71. ACTH from the pituitary stimulates the____________ gland to release ___________
a. Pineal, cortisol
b. Adrenal, cortisol
c. Pineal, TSH
d. Adrenal, TSH
72. Cushing syndrome is a hormone disorder caused by high level of what?
a. Y Chromosome
b. Unprotected sexual contact
c. Cortisol in blood
d. Fiber in the digestive tract
73. Corticosteroid are potent suppressor of the body inflammatory response. Which of
the following condition/ action they suppress?
a. Pain receptor
b. Cushing syndrome
c. Immune response
d. Neural transmission
74. Which of the following statement regarding the thyroid gland is correct?
a. Calcitonin is secreted by the parafollicular cells
75. Which of the following statement regarding the thyroid is not correct?
a. A rest impulse rate of 65 beats/min
76. Which of the following statement regarding pituitary hormone is correct?
a. Prolactin stimulated the synthesis of mammary gland
77. Which of the following statement about hypothalamic hormone is false?
a. The hypothalamic hormones reach the general circulation in significant
78. An oral glucose tolerance test in a patient with which of the following statement
a. Show no rise in blood glucose
79. Following the clinical definitions, you can rule out metabolic syndrome if they have
a. Normal fasting blood glucose level
b. Normal blood pressure
c. Normal blood pressure & Normal fasting blood glucose level
d. High blood pressure & Normal fasting blood glucose level
80. Chemical signaling that affect neighboring cells called?
a. Paracrine
81. Which of the following hormone contributes to body fluids and electrolyte balance?
a. ADH
82. The secretion of thyroid hormone is controlled by
a. TSH from pituitary
83. The adrenal gland is attached superior to which organ?
a. Kidney
84. Which secretory cell type found in Adrenal medulla?
a. Chromaffin cells
b. Neuroglial cells
c. Follicle cells
d. Oxyphil cells
85. Cushing disease is a disorder caused by
a. Abnormal low level of cortisol
b. Abnormal high level of cortisol
c. Abnormal high level of aldosterone
d. Abnormal low level of aldosterone
86. The gonads produced by which class of hormone
a. steroids
87. The production of FSH by Anterior pituitary reduced by which hormone?
a. Inhibin
88. The walls of the atria produced by which hormone?
a. ANF
89. Which of the following is not a hormone of Anterior pituitary?
a. oxytocin
90. Hormones of pituitary controlled by which gland?
a. hypothalamus
91. The adrenal cortex produces which 3 main hormones?
a. Glucocorticoids, androgen
92. What are to the two parts of adrenal gland?
a. Cortex & Medulla
93. Which gland produces the same androgen by adrenal gland
a. Testis
94. Which hormone do the alpha cells produce
a. Glucagon
95. A cell that contains proteins enabling a hormone to selectively binding to its plasma
membrane is called
a. Target cells
96. Hypothalamus control anterior pituitary by means of
a. Releasing hormone
97. Iodine is added to commercially prepared table salt to prevent deficiency…… which
gland require iodine for proper functioning
a. Thyroids gland
98. Which of the following endocrine disorder is not correctly matched with its
malfunctioning gland?
a. Goitre-Adrenal
99. Which hormone antagonist action to parathyroid hormone
a. Calcitonin
b. Insulin
c. Triiodothyronine
d. estrogen
100. All of the following are steroids hormones except?
a. Insulin
101. Which of these is most sensitive test to localize full chromacytoma?
a. I123 MIBG syntigraphy
102. Which is false about insulin treatment in Type 2 diabetes?
a. Only long acting insulin can be given orally
103. Which class of drugs target the liver, adipose tissue, and muscle and increase
insulin sensitivity:
a. DPP-4 inhibitors
b. Insulin – secretagogues
c. Thiazolidinediones
d. None of the above
104. Which of the following is not a risk factor for type 2 diabetes mellitus?
a. Rheumatic pain
b. Hypertension
c. Family history of type 2 diabetes in a first degree relative
d. Age older than 45 years
105. Metformin:
a. Is most suitable in slim patients
b. Is recommended as a first line drug treatment
c. Is safe to use in liver failure and heart failure
d. Might cause hypoglycaemia
106. Which of the following is not sulphonurea?
a. Chlorpropamide
b. Metformin
c. Gilbenclamide
d. Glipizide
107. Which of the following is not a microvascular diabetic complication?
a. Nephropathy
b. Retinopathy
c. Peripheral neuropathy
d. Myocardial Infarction
108. Damage to the small blood vessels in kidney?
a. nephropathy
109. Which of the following performed value for diagnosis of Diabetes?
a. Fasting blood glucose equal or more than 140
110. A urine test in an undiagnosed patient may show?
a. Glucose and ketones in urine
b. Glucose and high amount of bilirubin in the urine
c. Ketones in the urine
d. Ketones and adrenaline in the urine
111. I

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