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:16BT40305 SVEC-16
(An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to JNTUA, Ananthapuramu)
II B.Tech II Semester (SVEC-16) Regular Examinations May - 2018
[Mechanical Engineering]
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
Answer One Question from each Unit
All questions carry equal marks

1 a) Classify IC engines based on various considerations. CO1 7 Marks

b) Distinguish between SI and CI engines. CO2 7 Marks
2 a) Label theoretical and actual valve timing diagrams for 4 stroke CO3 7 Marks
CI engine and discuss the importance of valve timings.
b) Discuss the reasons for the difference between theoretical and actual CO4 7 Marks
indicator diagrams of IC engines.

3 a) Discuss different stages of combustion in SI engines briefly. CO2 7 Marks

b) List out the factors to be considered for designing combustion chambers in CO4 7 Marks
SI engines and discuss about SI engine fuels rating.
4 a) What is meant by ignition delay as applied to CI engines and explain how CO2 7 Marks
it leads to detonation in CI engines?
b) Discuss the working of any two types of combustion chambers used in CO2 7 Marks
CI engines with the help of simplified sketches.

5 a) Discuss the methods of determining friction power in IC engines briefly. CO2 7 Marks
b) A petrol engine consumes 0.3 Kg of fuel per kWh of calorific value CO3 7 Marks
44000 kJ/kg. Compression ratio=5.8. If the mechanical efficiency is 80%.
i) Brake Thermal Efficiency.
ii) Indicated Thermal Efficiency.
iii) Air standard Efficiency.
Efficiency ratio on the basis of Brake Power.
6 a) Discuss briefly the heat balance calculations that can be made on CO4 7 Marks
IC engines.
b) During the test on 4 cylinder, 4 stroke petrol engine, the following CO3 7 Marks
readings are taken.
Diameter of the cylinder = 8cm, stroke of the piston=10 cm, speed of the
engine = 3000r.p.m., load on the hydraulic dynamometer = 160N.
Dynamometer constant = 20420. When the speed is in r.p.m., fuel
consumption = 8kg/hr, CV of the fuel used = 43000kJ/kg. The temperature
and pressure of the charge at the end of the suction stroke =
150C and 1 bar. A/F = 13:1. For the determination of mechanical
efficiency of the engine, a Morse test was carried out by shorting the spark
plugs of each cylinder successively without change of speed. The
corresponding BP of the engine is 16.5, 16, 15.6 and 17.6kW respectively.
Determine: i) BP, BMEP and BTE of the engine.
ii) Also find the mechanical efficiency and volumetric
efficiency of the engine at the suction condition.
Take R (for fuel air mixture) = 287 J/kg K.

7 a) Discuss briefly the relative merits and demerits of solid, liquid and CO5 7 Marks
gaseous fuels.
b) What is meant by stoichiometric air fuel mixture, rich and lean mixtures? CO4 7 Marks
Derive the value of stoichiometric air fuel ratio for any hydrocarbon fuel
by taking an example.
8 a) What is meant by Adiabatic flame temperature and enthalpy formation? CO2 7 Marks
b) The volumetric analysis of a fuel gas is given as: CO5 7 Marks
C2H6 22.6%, CH4 73.6%, CO2 2.4% and N2 1.4%.
Assuming combustion air to be dry and in 25% excess, find;
i) the molecular weight of the combustion products.
ii) the total gas volume for complete combustion at 2600C, 1.013 bar.
iii) the dry flue gas analysis based on CO2, O2 and N2.

9 Derive the condition for minimum work spent in case of multi stage CO1 14 Marks
compressor and deduce the expression for minimum work for a
compressor having ‘N’ number of stages in terms of suction and delivery
10 a) Define volumetric efficiency as applied to reciprocating compressor and CO2 7 Marks
derive an expression for the same when suction conditions are different
than free air conditions.
b) Explain the working of Centrifugal compressor with the help of a neat CO1 7 Marks

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