Automation of Civil Courts

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Computer Science & Engineering

Software Requirements Specification


Team Members:-

1. Shobhit Kumar Tiwari (77)

2. Shekhar Kumar (74)
3. Shubhendu Shekhar(78)
Table of contents
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Definition ,Acronyms, and Abbreviations
1.4 References
1.5 Technologies to be used
1.6 Overview
2.0 Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
2.2 Software Interface
2.3 Product Function
2.4 User Characteristic
2.5 Constraints
2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies
3.0 Specific requirements

3.1 External Interface requirements

3.1.1 User Interface

3.2 Supplementary Requirements
1.1) Purpose : Design a system for automating the judicial services in India.It is
intended to make the whole judicial process more transparent and error free.The
system removes the paper work involved in judicial process and makes bureaucratic
works automated.

1.2) Scope :

Court bureaucracy
 File cases from plaintiffs.
 Schedule hearings (initial and continuing).
 Log proceedings.
 Give instructions to representing advocates. All formal instructions must be
logged in the system. These instructions may be multi-lingual.
 Tag and archive proceedings after each hearing. Do “proper” archival after
hearing is completed.


 File case details on-line.

 Check evidence and case made by opposing party.
 File own evidence, witnesses etc.
 Validate case proceedings and notes as they proceed.
 Case notes may be filed but kept secure and secret with authentication.
 Receive instructions and validate developments.
 Report action taken.
 Receive formal judgment with authentication.

Plaintiffs and defendants

 No editing rights.
 Only electronic communication with representing advocate (without
 Viewing rights to see development of cases and instructions received.
 Receive copy of judgements .
1.3) Definition , Acronyms, and Abbreviations
HTML: Hypertext Markup Language is a markup language used to design static web

HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a transaction oriented client/server protocol

between web browser & a Web Server.

HTTPS: Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol is a HTTP over SSL (secure socket layer).

TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, the suite of communication

protocols used to connect hosts on the Internet. TCP/IP uses several protocols, the two main
ones being TCP and IP.

PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor is a widely used, general-purpose scripting language

that was originally designed for web development to produce dynamic and interactive web

Personal details: Details of plaintiffs and defendants such as username, company, phone
number, address, website, e-mail address etc.
Contact details: Details of contact persons associated with the complain .

1.4) References
(i) IEEE SRS Format
(ii) Problem Definition (Provided by IBM)
1.5) Technologies To Be Used

 Apache Server

1.6) Overview
SRS will include two sections:
Overall Description will describe major components of the system, interconnection and
external interfaces.
Specific Requirements will describe the functions of actors, their role in the system and

2) Overall Description
Describe the general factors that affect the product and its requirements

2.1) Product Perspective

 The web pages (XHTML/JSP) are present to provide the user interface on customer
client side. Communication between customer and server is provided through
HTTP/HTTPS protocols.

 The Client Software is to provide the user interface on system user client side and for
this TCP/IP protocols are used.

 On the server side web server is for EJB and database server is for storing the

2.2 ) Software Interface

Client on Internet: Web Browser, Operating System (any)
Client on Intranet: Client Software, Web Browser, Operating System (any)
Web Server: Apache Server, Operating System (any)
Data Base Server: MySQL, Operating System (any)
2.3 ) Product Function
User 1: Court bureaucracy

>File Cases :

Input: Details and parties involved

Output: Case no and date of hearing

>Log proceedings

Input: Case no and proceedings of the case

Output: update log

User 2: Lawyers
>File evidences and witnesses

Input : evidence and witness

Output: update proceedings of the court

>View evidences and witnesses of opposite party

Input : Case no
Output : Log of various evidences
>Receive formal judgement
Input : Case no
Output : validated judgement

User 3: Plaintiffs and Defendants

>View case development

Input : case no

Output : copy of judgement

2.4) User Characteristics:

Every user should be comfortable of working with computer and net
browsing. He must have basic knowledge of English too.
2.5) Constraints:
GUI is only in English.
Login and password is used for identification of customer and there is no facility for guest.
This system is working for single server.
There is no maintainability of back up so availability will get effected.
Limited to HTTP/HTTPS…

2.6) Assumptions and Dependencies:

The details related to the product, customer, payment and service transaction
provided manually.
Administrator is created in the system already.
Roles and tasks are predefined.

3) Specific requirements
3.1) External interface requirments

3.1.1) User interface

3.2) Supplementary Requirements

Have hours of operation that are 24 x 7 - Because system can be an automated
Process , so it can stay open for 24 hours a day. If the base is now the entire world,
staying open 24 hours a day becomes critical. System is required to be available 24X7 so
UPS support must be on server site for at least 8 hours in case of power failure. System
will remain inaccessible to users at 2:00 to 4:00 am for backup and maintenance

Make the existing Web site more dynamic in nature - Many early Web
implementations consisted of static HTML pages. This becomes very difficult to manage
if the number of pages gets too large. An effective system should be largely dynamic
taking advantage of technology that automates this process rather than relying on manual
processes. Application should serve dynamic user based customized web pages to its
clients from server.

Tie the existing Web site into existing judicial systems

Provide good performance and the ability to scale the server – The Web
Application Server should provide good performance and the ability to manage
performance with techniques, such as support for caching, clustering, and load

Providing session management capability - Web application developers should not

spend valuable time worrying about how to maintain sessions within the application. The
Web Application Server should provide these services.

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