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greenworks presents

m o v i n g h e d g e


Greenworks’ Moving Hedge is the first self-watering
plant wall on wheels – a multi-functional, living piece 1100
of furniture.

enworksBenefits [size]
The densely planted Moving Hedge is an effective air purifier

for all kind of indoor environments. Plants naturally improve

air quality by increasing humidity and boosting oxygen levels,
which helps preventing common problems like dry skin and
headaches. Also, the four-layered felt gives Moving Hedge
significant sound absorbing qualities. Greenworks – brings the outdoors indoors
Moving Hedge can be whatever you want it to be: An eye-
The ecosystem depends on the balance between oxygen and
carbon dioxide, but with increased urbanisation the space for
catching, wild jungle for your conference room or a sober, wild plants has been reduced. By keeping and growing them
inside we recreate our natural environment. Greenworks designs

silver-toned backdrop for your reception. Be inspired by one

of the suggested themes or make room for your own ideas. functional furniture that brings the outdoors indoors.

enworksFlexibility [size]
The smooth running wheels make Moving Hedge a versatile
Greenworks was established by gardener and design strategist
Lisa Wacklin and design manager Per Berglund.
piece of furniture, which quickly changes the function of an
indoor space. Put them in a row to screen off a section or
place them in an angle to create a refreshing green spot in

your room.

[size] Lisa Wacklin and Per Berglund

Thanks to the integrated self-automated watering and
nutrition system you do not need a green thumb to take care
1800 300

of your Moving Hedge. Simply fill the container with water,

set the timer and let it take care of itself. If this still sounds too Distribution
demanding, a service agreement with a Greenworks partner scale 1:10

can be arranged. +46 70 444 4054

Stockholm, Sweden, August 27, 2009

Greenworks Moving Hedge – a living piece of furniture

Greenworks Moving Hedge is the world’s first self-watering, mobile plant wall. 4 square metres of the surface are densely
covered in plants, which literally make Moving Hedge a living piece of furniture. Plants naturally improve air quality by
increasing humidity and boosting oxygen levels, which helps preventing common problems like dry skin and headaches.
Now the Swedish innovation will bring fresh air into offices around the globe.

Gardener and design strategist Lisa Wacklin and design manager Per Berglund founded the Greenworks design concept
in 2008. The idea sprung from a mutual interest in the health-benefits of plants and interior design.

While working as a design strategist Lisa Wacklin got to visit the offices of many big Swedish companies. There she often
met people who complained about headaches, dry skin and tiredness due to bad office air.

“First I tried to encourage the employees to step outside for recreational walks during their breaks, but I quickly realized
that people’s habits are hard to break. So, instead of making people go outside, I set my mind on finding a way to bring
the outside inside,” says Lisa Wacklin.

“When Lisa and I first met we realized that we share the same dream: We want to design products that make living plants
a natural element of interior design,” says Per Berglund.

When first displayed at the International Contemporary Furniture Fair (ICFF) in New York, Moving Hedge got a lot of
attention. “We were overwhelmed by the huge interest in our product. After the fair in New York we got requests from the
USA, France, Canada and Saudi Arabia. The Japanese MoMA and the Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles have also been
interested in Moving Hedge,” says Per Berglund.

Lisa Wacklin +46 (0)70 - 728 81 21
Per Berglund +46 (0)70 - 444 40 54

About Greenworks:
Greenworks was established by gardener and design strategist Lisa Wacklin and design manager Per Berglund. Greenworks’
mission is to design objects that make it easy to integrate greenery into every indoor space; offices, restaurants, hotel
lounges and also into your home.

About Moving Hedge:

Greenworks Moving Hedge is the world’s first self-watering, mobile plant wall. The integrated, selfautomated watering
and nutrition system makes maintenance easy and efficient. The smooth running wheels make Moving Hedge a versatile
piece of furniture, which quickly changes the function of an indoor space.

Q: What is Moving Hedge?

A: Moving Hedge is the world’s first self-watering mobile plant wall – a living piece of furniture!

Q: What are Moving Hedge’s advantages?

A: Living plants increase oxygen levels and cleanse and humidify the air. Also, the felt fabric has excellent sound absorbing qualities,
which makes Moving Hedge the ideal room divider for offices, restaurants and other public spaces.

Q: How does Moving Hedge work?

A: The plants are placed in pockets in the felt fabric – up to 170 plants are needed to cover each side. A pump, which is controlled by a
timer, transports water and nutrients from the tank and soaks the fabric. The wheels make Moving Hedge mobile and flexible, and easily
adjustable to the needs of different spaces.

Q: Where is Moving Hedge made?

A: Moving Hedge is manufactured in Sweden.


Q: Will Moving Hedge be delivered with plants?

A: Living plants must be handled with care and therefore Moving Hedge is delivered without plants. Our local subcontractors take care
of the planting and maintenance of your Moving Hedge in accordance with your requests.

Q: Which plants can grow in Moving Hedge?

A: All sorts of plants could grow in Moving Hedge, but tropical plants are most suitable as they are evergreen. They keep longer and they
don’t affect people who are allergic to flowering plants.

Q: Could Moving Hedge be used for growing kitchen herbs?

A: Yes, Moving Hedge can be filled with herbs to create a vertical herbal garden. However, if you use a lot of leaves the herbs have to
be replaced as you go.

Q: How often do the plants need to be replaced?

A: Tropical plants can live several years given that they are treated with care and have enough space to expand their roots.

Q: But how can the plants live without soil?

A: Plants can grow anywhere as long as they receive light, water with nutrients and have room for their roots. Moving Hedge allows the
plants plenty of room to grow, so they can grow even better than in small flower pots.

Q: How about allergic individuals, will they be affected?

A: If Moving Hedge is planted with tropical plants and plants that don’t flower allergic individuals will not be affected. They might even
feel better, as plants absorb certain airborne chemicals and improve indoor air quality.

Q: Why can’t flower pots be as efficient as Moving Hedge?

A: Moving Hedge brings large amounts of greenery into a very small area. The largest sized Moving Hedge has a growth area of almost
four square meters and occupies a floor area of less than a half square meter! Potted plants take up a lot more space, but of course
have the same health benefits.

Q: How do I take care of my Moving Hedge?

A: The timer system takes care of the daily watering. The nutrient solution needs to be refilled approximately once a month, depending
on the humidity and temperature in the room.

Q: How long is the cable for the timer?

A: The length of the cable can be fitted to every need so Moving Hedge can be placed far from the electricity meter.

Q: How much electricity does Moving Hedge use?

A: The watering system is run by a timer and is only running one hour per day, so Moving Hedge only requires a limited amount of

Q: Do the plants need artificial lightning?

A: Unless Moving Hedge is placed in a spot where it gets plenty of natural light artificial lighting is essential for the plants to survive.

Q: Is there any extra equipment for Moving Hedge?

A: Greenworks is working on several new products that can be combined with Moving Hedge. Keep an eye on the homepage!


Q: What is Greenworks?
A: Greenworks designs products that make it easy to bring the outdoors indoors. Greenworks was founded in 2008 by the gardener and
design strategist Lisa Wacklin and the design agent Per Berglund.

Q: Why do you want to combine furniture and plants?

A: The ecosystem depends on the fragile balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide. With increased urbanisation the space for wild
plants has decreased and by keeping and growing plants indoors we try to recreate our natural environment. Plants increase oxygen
levels, humidify the air and cleanse the air from toxics.

Q: Who can I contact if I want to know more?

A: Call Lisa Wacklin (+46 (0)70 - 728 81 21) or Per Berglund (+46 (0)70 - 444 40 54) orsend an e-mail to

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