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ISO 5199 STANDARD ADDRESSES TODAY’S RELIABILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR CHEMICAL PROCESS PUMPS by Pierre H. Fabeck Product Manager Durco Europe Brussels, Bel and R. Barry Erickson, Manager of Enginee! ‘The Duriron Company, Incorporated Dayton, Ohio Pierre H. Fabeck is Operations Man- | ager for Pumps with Dureo Europe in Brussel, He was previously responsible {for the launch and development in Es rope of Chemstar, Durco® newly devel {ped 10 pump. Prior joining Durco Europe n 1988, he spent eight years with ‘cee Pump Division in Belgium, schere ius last postion was Chef Engineer. Dur- ing his employment with Acec, Mr. Fox beck worked for one year at United Cen trifugal Pumps in Son Jose, California. He is « Graduate Engineer from Brussels University, and affliated wsithseverl professional associations in Begum. He {salto the author of seceral technical publications inthe field of centrifugal pumps. R. Borry Erickson is currently Man ager of Engineering for the Bump Dick- ‘slon of The Durtron Company, Inc. After receiving his Ph.D. fromthe University of Cincinnati, in 1971, where he was a fee ulty member forfour years, he joined Al- lis Chalmers-as a development engineer. He has 15 years experience in engineer- X ing ond reach on cnr poe and has authorized fice technical papers CA His presene responsibilities include prod: uct engineering for the Fump Division of Duriron in Dayton Obio, and product development for all of Duriron’s centrifugal ‘pump operations. Professional affations include ASME, and ‘Dr. Erickson is @ Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Ohio ABSTRACT The standards used so far by European manufacturers of chemical process pumps were only dimensional: $0 2558, BS 24256, DIN 24256, NF E 44121. The pamp manufacturer had total freedom of design provided outline dimensions were met. ‘Therefore, many European users tend to specify API 610 for chemical duties where inereased reliability is needed. By doing so, the user pays a premium for several features that ace not 101 necessarily needed in the application. Today, there is another ISO standard for process pumps which isintended to bring adai- tional reliability: ISO 5199: “Technical Specifieations for Cen- trifugal Pumps ~ Clas I.” The progress is shown for a new design of an ISO pump de veloped to address users’ needs. Several requirements of API 610 were incorporated in the design which exceeded all there quirements of SO 5199. A comparison between API 610, ANSI B78. and ISO 5199 is also developed INTRODUCTION End suction pumps used inthe chemical process industries axe usually speetfied following one of the three well recognized Dump standerd organieations: American Petroleum Institute API, American National Standards Tnsttte (ANSD, oF Inter nationa standards Organization (SO). Practically, the current Standards are: API 610, 7th edition (1 ANSI B73.1M, 1984 2] (new edition expected in early 1990) and 180 2858, 2nd edition, 19753) Historically, the ISO standards originated in Luropeand were mostly influenced by the German DIN standards. Since 1973, the 1S0 2858 (defined as end suction centrifugal pumps rating 16 bar-—designation nominal duty point and dimensions) sta dard has been the most frequently spectied standard in the European chemical industry: Many national standard organiza tions alsohave a standard for process pumps thats in accordance ‘with 150 2858. For instance: + France-NF E 44121 + Germany —DIN 24256 + United Kingdom—BS 5257 Usually, the national standard adds some requirements or combines several ISO standards into one national standard “The IS0 2558 standard has often een perceived a the "Ero peaa’ equivalent to ANSI B73.1 “This understanding iscorec, ithe comparison is limited to dimensions and deiition of duty potas [3]. The baste difler fence between ANSI B73 1 and TSO 2858 that the ater does not give any requirements sbout the pump’ construction, ‘whereas ANSIB73 1 gives several design and construction rales That improve the reliability and the safety of operation ofthe Pi psno design requirement was included in this ISO 2858 ta dard, waite ANSI, the puinp manufacturer had tol freedom of design provided outline dimensions were met ln many eases, 102 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL PUMP USERS SYMPOSIUM. thisted oa poor compromise on quality and reliability Porther- more, the first generation of chemical process pumps, were de- Signed for shalt sealing Wy packed sland. Thetr orginal design didnot meet the specie requvements of modem mechanical seals Teit therefore nota surprise to hear sers complaining bout seals and bearings as they represent 90 percent of thei amp falores. Teis generally ecognized that a considerable amount of els and bearing aloes are intencorelated and mainly de to in Sdequate pump design. The main eases ofthese problems are ‘elated tothe Flowing weakness * too small shaft diameters + t00 large shaft overhang + uncontrollable sea chamber pres + high and uncontrollable axial loadings + axial thrust reversal + poor seal environment + insficient concentricy between rotating and stationary pans + detrimental effect of wear + ofl contamination For hisseason, many European users tend to specify APT610 orANSTBT9 1, fordutieswhere incensed reliably seed Fortunately, today there another 180 standard for process pumps that brings additonal reliblit: 150 5199 “Technical Specifications for Centifigal Pumps-Class [5]. Ofitallyre- lensed in 1989, after having existed several years onder he drs status (DIS), tis standard species nostofthe important dese parameters such as maximum shaft deflection, easing gilts, beating life, vibration level, ad corrosion allowance, along with alot of mechanical features that ensirea toublefee operation ofthe pump. Wimust be pointed out that this standards not yet mandatory, aun that #8 requtements come in adltion tothe “dimensional Feqqirements of ISO 2856 (BS 24256, DIN 24255, NFE 44.12), so there isnaconiic between the old” standasd an the “new ‘ery few chemical process pumps in Europe meet all the re commendations of 80 5199 "The purpose herein isto show how an upgraded version ofan 150 pump was developed inorder to address the users need. evil be shown how 190 5109 was integrated inthis development, sul why i was docded to exceed certain oft requiem DIMENSIONS ‘The following lable givesa comparison of several dimensi features ofthe ANSI and the ISO ranges: ANSI B 73.1 150 2858 Number of models 19 uM Impeller sizes "8°,10"13",15° 125,160,200.256, 315,400 mat Pressure rating ANSI chss 12516 bar for east irom ANSI class 150 for steel “The respective ANSI and 1S0 duty point are shown in Figure 1, at M50 rpm. One interesting point shout the dimensions is that the ISO pump is usualy longer than the “equivalent” ANSI ‘pomp, butts overall heights smaller Both ANSI and ISO stan- dards call or the “back pullout capability (Figure 3) igure 1. ISO'Vs ANSI Performance Range at 1450 RPM. Also shown in Figure 1 is the capacity;head coverage is achieved in the ISO range with 2 higher number of models, ‘which suggests that ISO pumps wonld operate closer to BEP conditions than ANSI pumps. This, of course, has a sigifieant influence on pump reliability, as i is well known that eenning farfioan BEP conditions ineveases vibration and shaft deflection. Also, it may be seen from Figure 1 that there isno ANSLeover- age for the low low, high head portion, which suggests that the 180 range includes impellers with lower specific speed values, Another diference isin the pumpinotor assembly: ans 80 Suse seleton Onan basin Ou bf the smb ‘rotor ame atin ft feme te pump ne Socer length a lino Been mo Tsoi Penplnator Movitng Boks Moving ks slenment ‘der strony. ade tr andor ‘TRADITIONAL SEALING ARRANGEMENTS ‘The recent 7th edition of APL6IO, and some proposals publicized on the eoming ANSI B73 new edition, eonfinns the emphasis being put by seal aakers and by several pump man- ‘ufacturerson the sea environment, particularly the need for en langed seal chambers, The trend for enlarged seal chambers is also showing i Europe, but toa smaller extent beemise, a wil be shown, the applicable European standards are more fiend to the seals than ANSE ‘The only reoognized European standard for seal dimensions {8 DIN 24960 [6]. The typical avout of uch a seal is shown (Fig- ure 5) the U form (unbalanced) or inthe B forin (balanced) This standard dictates the dimensions ofthe seat, which is a ways Oring mounted (no clamped seats), slong ith the overall seal dimensions. Asal and longitwdinal pins to block the sea are optional ‘Two designs are available: the “long” design, and the most popular “short” design, designated by Ly. Most sealmakers offer in Europe “short” seals in accordance with DIN 24960, Their main advantage is that they reduce the overal length of the sealing chamber in the case of double seals anvanged backto back, which has a beneficial effect on the shaft overhang. 180 S100 STANDARD ADDRESSES TODAY'S RELIABILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR CHEMICAL PROCESS PUMPS 103 Figure 2. Back Pullout Capability, As wn addition to ISO 2858, another standard was issued in 1974, to specify the dimensions ofthe seabchsenber or the sta fing box: 1S0 3069 "End suction centrifugal pumps —dimen: sions of ewities for mechanical seals and for soft packing” [7] ‘This standard is summarized in Figure 4, Most chemical process ‘pumps in Europe were developed 15 to 20 yearsago, when shaft Sealing was stil mainly achieved by packed gland. In these de- signs, the sume rear cover must beable toaccommedate packing End suetion centrifugal purnps ~ Dimensions of cavities for mechanical seals and for soft pecking Figure 3. Seal Dimensions as for DIN 24960. Figure 4, Seal Chamber Dimensions as for ISO 3068. 108 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL. PUMP USERS SYMPOSIUM. ‘or an unbalanced mechanical seal. Looking at the seal dimen- sions of DIN 24960 and the seal cavities from ISO 3069, we can see that the radial clearance at the outboard of the seal i tly limited on this first generation of pumps. Example: + Shaft dia 33 mm + Bore of stuffing box 49 mm + External dia of standardized unbalanced seal 47 mm. + Radial clearance = I mm thas been proven by several authors [.€., 8] that a radia! clearance of 1.0 mm is not sufficient to provide adequate hest exchange around the seal fies. Therefore, itis not surprising to learn thet these “classical” ISO pumps are experiencing @ number of problems when retrofitted with mechanical seals Furthermore, these “classical” pumps cannot accommodate 3 balanced seal without having to rebore the stulfing box to a larger diameter, which is most ofthe time a post design modifi- cation with some drawbacks, ‘A more friendly approach for the seal is to develop a special seal chamber for balanced mechanical seals, but staying within the constraints of ISO 3069. This concept is being offered by a fow European manufacturers ‘The dimensions now became: + Shaft di. 99 m3 amon ‘+ Bore of seal chamber is 58 mm. + External dia of unbalanced seal is 47 mm + External dia ofbalsnced seal is 54 mm + Radial clearance with U seal 5.5 mm + Radial clearance with B seal Practically all unbalanced seals are able to withstand a pres sure oft Least 10 bar, so the majority of chemical process duties call for unbalanced seals, where the radial elearance is 5.5m. ‘So, a major difference between ANSI and I50 is thatthe ISO seal cavity dimensions are larger and allow up to 5.5 mm radial clearanee , providing a specific rear cover be designed for seals ‘only, This is not the case with the existing ANSI dimensions; therefore, several US pump manufacturers have anticipated the ‘upooming new edition of ANSI and are already proposing en- larged seal chambers. Before we goin detailed comparison of standards it is neces- saty to elaborate on hwo design features where, mostly for histor ‘eal reasous, the classical "Buropean” process pump dilfers from its American cousin. IMPELLER TYPE “The classical onpellor designs showm in Figure 5 are offered by European makers, “Type (ais bv far the most popula: flly shrouded impeller fitted on the back with pumping vanes (ls called "back nbs") to decrease the seal chamber pressure and balance the axial thst, Ie must be noted that there sno leakage low on the back of the impeller, nor wear rings, soi an economical solution to achive oul ellenis by lnsting internal volumetic “Type (bis simular to the API construction with wear rings on both sides of the impeller and balance holes to contol seal chamber pressive and hydraule avial chrst “Type le) is asemopen impeller adjsted aginst a wear plate ‘teed inthe easing. “These three types of impellers are driven by shaft keys and held in place bya locknut ‘Users umually report thefllowing problems experienced with these classical designs: Figure 5. Usual Types of Impellers in Europe. Impeller Locknut While itis obvious that che important HP absorbed by most API pumps call ora keyed impeller, the requirements of ebem- ical dnties are totally diferent: + in driving force: most chemical duties call for motor ratings lower than 50 KW. + in environment: the extremely corrosive duties encoun- tered in the chemical industey tend to deteriorate the lockout gasket, exposed to the turbulence ofthe suction stream. When this gasket fils, the locknot threads get badly corroded, and the impeller dismantling becomes extremely difficult. + another disadvantage of the locknut, particulary in the small sizes encountered in the chemical pumps, is its “eye area boctage ele! wich deteriorates signet the NPSH per + also, the lack of tight ft between impeller and shaft allows tative notion fetiag, and ocasional fare of he shat the Wear Rings and Wear Plates By definition, these pars are subject to wear and need to be regularly replaced. Apart from the cost of iaventory and labor ‘the major problem related to these wear partsisthat they not be removed from the esing “onsite.” The set sevews are usually corroded, there has been felting corzsion between the weat part and the casing, and it is, most of the time, necessary to aching out the old pat in order to remove i. To doso, the wser needs to bring the pump essing in the workshop, and therefore, he has to disturb the pipework. So, in practice, the theoretical ‘mck pullout “advantages partly fst when the pump is fitted with wear rings oF wear plates, Many duties inthe chemical proces industries use solids con- taining liquids, which tend to clog a lly shrouded impeller ‘The semiepen impeller, illostrated in Figure 5, Type C, has to bbe adjusted against the wear plate, installed inthe casing. As ‘one has to set the impeller prior to adjasting, the mechanics! seal, with this design, the pump needs tobe flly assembled in ‘order too a seal adjustment, which gain eliminates the advan tage ofthe back pullout eapabilty ack Pumping Vanes ‘Pumping vanes are still widely used in Europe, despite many shortcomings that explain why AFT 610 forbids the use of pamp- ing vanes for pumps fitted with mechanical seals [6 2.1.7) “The following shortcomings are usualy reported when using, pumping, vanes: 180 5109 STANDARD ADDRESSES TODAY'S RELIABILIWY REQUIREMENTS FOR CHEMICAL PROCESS PUMPS 105 + They need a special trimming procedure that is not neces- sasily the same asthe impeller trimming. In other words, some- times you need to trim the pumping vanes differently than the impeller shrouds and/or vanes. * They can produce negative pressure in the sel chamber, which is highly detrimental to seal performance, as itallows air to come nthe seal chamber: + As most impellers used in the chemical industry ae in 316 stainlese steel, these pumping vanes will wear prety at on ero- sive liquids, and ater a few months of operation, it will not be surprisingto experience high seal chamber pressure and/or faxial thrust, because the width of the pumping vane has de- treased. Stepanoff [9] has clearly demonstrated how sensitive the pressure distribution on the back ofthe impeller i, when the width ofthe ribs decreases, “There are over 30 manufacturers of chemical process pumps in Europe, soall designs cannot be summarized. Iis, neverthe- less, believed that Figure 5 represents more than 80 percent of the available constructions INBOARD BEARING Many European designs cll for roller type inboard bearing, such as represented on Figure 6b @ Figure 6. Ball Bearing Vs Roller Bearing “The main advantage ofthe roller bearings its higher dynamic loading eapabilty, about 50 percent higher than a deep groove ‘all bearing forthe ame ouside diameter Example: anion beeing 38% 80m Coda nd cacy Blertpe NUS Cmias kN Geepsrve tall ype 6007 C3 OHSS KN ‘Therefore, roller type bearings may be needed in pump de- signs where high radial loadings are exerted onthe inboard bear- ing. This situation can happen in one ofthe following cases: + small shaft diameters + Tong overhang + high radial load But the eller type bearing has several drawbacks Dismantling “The dismantling of «roller type bearings, as shown in Figure 6, very fastidious, compated toa ball bearing design Overheating ‘When the pump is operated close to BER, the roller bearing tends to heat 10 to 15°C more than a ball bearing [10 {Loss of internal clearance The outer cage ofthe roller bearing is not allowed to move vs the bearing housing: tighter fit i, therefore, necessary atthe ‘outer age which makes the roller bearing mote sensitive to a loss ofinternl clearance (preload) due to the thermal expansion ofthe shah This ghenomenon reduces the actual radial loading capacity ofthe roller bearing Susceptibility to emprinting of the cages This phenomenon is well known by offshore users: when high vibrations are transmitted to a standby pump, this causes im- prints on the cages, which deteriorates the bearing when the amp is started, Roller bearings are much more susceptible to ‘age imprinting because they have one degree of freedom less than ball beatings where the balls ean glide in all dictions Several major users in Europe begin to recognize the higher relibiity of inboard ball bearings es rller bearings. This prob- lem does not exist in the USA, where ball beatings have been used for decades on API and ANSI pumps. NEW ISO PUMP DESIGN A new ISO pump was developed and brought to the market in onder to address the new challenges set by pump users and illustrated by the new ISO 5198 standard. For the ease of the presentation; this pump will be called “the new ISO pump.” ‘A sectional drawing ofthe new ISO purap is shown in Figure ‘T Acutaway view and abare shaft pump are shown respectively in Figures 8 and IMPELLER (One major feature ofthe new ISO pump isthe setting of the impeller against the rear cover plate, The back ofthe impeller Figure 7. Sectional Drawing—New ISO Pump, 106 Figure 8. Cutaway View-New ISO Pump Figure 8, Bareshaft New ISO Pump. fs open, so that this impeller has higher solids-handling eapabil- ities. The principle ofthe inipeller is illustrated in Figure 10, while a pleture of the impeller is shown in Figuve 1 Balance holes located in the impeller eye allow an internal Teskage to take place on the back of the impeller: The controlled clearance between impeller and rear eover controls the amount ofleakage, An external shaft adjustment sestem, consisting of an adjustable bearing carrier (Figure T, 2, enables the clearance between impeller and rear cover tbe restored quickly and ac corately from outiside, withous having to open the pump. A"bhind” adjustment isinade possible by the use ofcaibrated notches located on the carrier. This external adjustment system {§ required by ISO 5199 (4.8.3) for those impellers which need sn axial adjustnent. It ust be noted that nothing is mentioned in API 619 with respect to external adjustment, one might ques tion here whether the closed impellers fitted with pumpingbsck vanes should be considered as “needing an axial adjustment, Most constructions do not have any external means of resetting the clearance between the back vanes and the rear cover, which bas a predominant effect on the pressure distribution slong the back shroud ofthe impelle> (9, Figure 10. 150 Pump—Impeller Principle Figure 11. Impeller In the new ISO pump, ba controlled rear cover setting, reduce and control buth the seal hamnber pressure and the axial thrast, Seal chamber pressure 's low and repeatable, so curves showing seal chatmber head es capacity can be provided (Figure 12). This results in extended seals and bearing lif Most chemical pumps are subject to seal chamber and asil thrust inereases with internal wear, In the case of double seal, an uncontrollable increase inseal chamber pressure can cause the later to become higher than the buffer fuid, which pro vokes an inversion of the leakage flow between the seal faces, allssing the pumped liquid to contaminate the buffer Mui ‘The need for eontrlling seal chamber pressure is recognized by API 610, which bans the use of pumping vanes or back ribs 2.6.1) to establish axial lalance ofthe rotor: Ikwas decided to use the latest investment casting techniques {lost wax method? to produce the impellers. This choice is simed at compensating fr the relative loss of eficeney caused by the internal eakage flow through the balance holes. The superior hydraulic efficiency derived from the better surface roughness Jancing holes, combined with the 180 5199 STANDARD ADDRESSES TODAY'S RELIABILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR CHEMICAL PROCESS PUMPS 1077 ' i i i : Figure 22. Typtcal Graph of Seal Chamber Pressure Vs Capac: ity, of the investment cast impeller resulted in an overall effcieney comparable to the best perforining ally closed impellers fitted with back ribs. “The standard impeller material for most dutiesis duplexstain- less steel ASTM A'7ld Gr CDAM Cu, which s 89 HBN harder than regular 316 stainless steel, and thus, less likely to wear due to erosion or cavitation. In particular, this impeller allo i stan dard on all pumps in dette east iron, east steel, 316 stainless steel and duplex stainless steel. This provides maximum inter- changeabilty. This also satisies para 2.6.4 of API 610, which calls for 2 munimum hardness difference of 50 HBN between swear surfaces. Neither ANSI nor ISO have such a requirement ‘The CD4M material also move resistant to chemical attack in :mostapplications. Due tothe difference ahardness, mostofthe ‘wear is concentrated on the tear cover, whose wearing area is about four to five times the aea ofa regular wear ring. Thisear cover is, therefore, the only major part susceptible to wear and up €0 3.0 mm of wear ean he compensated by readjusting the {impeller as the design includes a3.0 mi corrosion allowance. ‘Anather featuse of the new ISO pump impeller is that itis serewed aginst a shoulder on the shaft which eliminates the need fora ocknut. Thisallows the inlet ofthe impeller to be pro filed for optimum hydraulic Now, vesulting in lower NPSH val- ues and longer pump life when operatirg under Tow suction pressures Figure 10, 7)-The PTFE gasket confined between i- peller and shaft sleeve protects both the shaft threads and the shafsleeve interface (Figure 7, 6). This confined “O-ring” type gasket Is much less subject to potential failure than «classical Tocknut gasket such as shown in Figure 5, 6. This addresses the general need of chemical pumps to avoid threads in wetted parts ‘The absence of back weat sing or pumping vane allows the shaft overhang to be reduced, whieh lowers the shaft deflection and alo the loadings on the inboard bearing, dve to radial forces ‘exerted on the impeller (Figure 10, 9) Last, the inside ofthe casing is machined infront ofthe impel- ler (Figure 10, 6), so that a reduced impellevcasing gap is createdon the whole front area of the impeller. This elosed clear- ‘ace (+/— 2-3 mm) chokes the front leakage low in such a way thatit is nolonger necessary to use small clearances on the ane Jar ring part of the impeller. This obviates the need for a front swear ring, which consists in a major advantage to the wsers in the chemical industry. As no wear parts are to be fitted in the casing, the latter may remain connected to the piping duvingall types of maintenance operations. There is no need to bringhack the casing to the shop for retrofiting new wear rings. that no wear rings must be stocked, this “Apart from the f ur advantage to the users in the chemical is seen as a particy industry * Duc to corrosive attack, and particularly “fetting” eorro- sion, the wear ring/casing interface and the set serew thresds are very often badly corroded, which makes the removal ofthe old wear ring sometimes very dificult (must be machined out some times). + Inthe applications where casing jackets and/or special ther- smal insulationare necessary, the necessity to remove the easing {sa strong disadvantage ‘The standard values ofthe ansilar diametral ving clearance of the new ISO pump is 0.9 mm, while mest classical process pumps have values between 0-4 and 0.6 smn diametsel, “Typical values are shown in Figure 13 of annul clearances oun in process pumps, as well asthe minimum clearances re- commended by API610. Thismakes the new ISO pump less en- sitive to wear a8 its performance (head, efficiency) will deterio- rate at lower rate than a classical pamp. COMPARISON OF RUNNING CEES os Neue i) Q w a 5: nA UNG CEARANES rd Figure 19, Front Annular Clearance ‘This has been proven both inthe field and by many shoratory tests. The following table shows the average mean decrease it efiteney and head onthe “Croup A” pumps (smaller bearing fame}. Clearance (diam) Head Efficiency Std (0.9 mm) = ~ 2mut 01% 15% 3mm 19% 2.9% It must be pointed out that 3.0 nm of diameter clearance is avery severely worn out clearance, The axial thrust exerted on the impeller is towards the driver, as there is more shrouded azea on the front ofthe impeller than on the back (Figure 1), ‘That is hy the front shroud is partially trimmed and bas the form ofa star Note that wear ofthe running clearance does not affect axial thrust. Wear f the rear eover face will produce @ wanter thrust away from the driver, educing total ail thrust the bearings. SEAL CHAMBER DESIGN Recent studies [8, 11] have clearly demonstrate thatthe seal {ace temperature plays a predominant vole in seal life, Tests per 108 PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL PUMP USERS SYMPOSIUM [> DIRECTION OF AXIAL THRUST Figure M. Direction of Asal Thrust formed on several pump configurationshave shown that the best ‘conceptual design for single acting mechanical seals was the en- larged tapered seal chamber,” as represented in Figure 1. Battilana recommends this type of configuration for ANSE API pumps [8] ‘A recommended sealchamber configuration for ANSEAPT pumps ‘he agre shove shows eon seastanbet desig hat grecomes theortoming ofthe soventaal cfg box This oul Bsa wold tlimnst the mtd space fhe coventioel bx ard provide nr earase forthe seal exe damete an mare oo oie te houtng fr multe eal, Olvinuireuch hosing would no be stble or pacing. Figure 15. Typical Enlarged Seal Chamber Design (8). ‘The advantages of such a seal chamber design are multiple. Self Vonting ‘The tapered chamber bore assures a proper gas venting, so that air or gases cannot be trapped in the seal chamber Heat removal Although the power absorbed by the friction ofthe seal faces is dependent on many factors, itis not unusual to find seals that absorb more than 300, W. This flow of energy needs to be fevacuated from the seal chamber, otherwise the temperature will build up and there will be a risk of vaporization. ‘The en- Targed tapered seal chamber provides an outstanding heat ex- change pattern, s0 that the seal faces ean tun cooler without the need for external seal flush "The obviation of the need fora seal flush is also a major advantage; it is well krown that many seal failures are due to improper operttion of the seal flush ines {closed valves, ete). Batilana reports @ 26°C reduction in seal faces temperature when usingan enlarged tapered seal chamber oO Contrifugation Because the liquid is rotating in the seal chamber, the centr fugl force will move avy from the seal any abrasive particles “The same benefits also applies to SO pumps, and that ish the new ISO pump features a special rear cover developed for single sealsonly in collaboration wit several sel anafiturers tee 8 earovrisrepresested nig 5 hal the advantages of the recommended “enlarged tapered design, plusa few additionl ones. 2 + Integral desgn—Thete is no seal chamnber cover, and the seal is fited in place fiom the impeller end. Ths improves con- centrist, facilitates assembly and disassembly and reduces the number of parts, Italo makes the seals rotating assembly more accessible: the sleeve can be taken away without touching the rea cover, just by removing the impeller. SINGLE SEAL Figure 16, Typical Arrangement for Single Seals. + Pro-engineered for secondary sealing ~By adjusting stan- dard follower flange, itis possible to provide a “quench,” oF a vent and drain’ auxiliary system, It must be noted that the d= ‘mensions of the throttle bushing meet the dimensions of the [DIN 24960 standardized seats, so itis also possible to doa “tan- dem” sealing with this configuration (Figure 17). ‘One very important point related to this “enlarged tapered” design is that iis likely to be more effective with an impeller fitted with balance holes than with an impeller fitted with "back vanes” On the latter, the heat is not removed from the seal SINGLE SEAL: QUENCH J Figure IT, Secondary Sealing (Quench, VeD, or Tandem). 180 5199 STANDARD ADDRESSES TODAY'S RELIABILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR CHEMICAL PROCESS PUMPS 108 chamber because there Is no escape route back ‘2 suction {hough balance holes. ‘Even on the smaller models, the leakage flow through the balancing holes always higher than 2.0 t0 8.0 gpm which is more than enoxgh fo evacuate al the heat. ‘Wis ileresting 19 comment on para 27.111 of API 610, re gating the use of throat bushings. ‘The predominant concern of AAPL is to make sure that there is enough pressure i the seal chamber to prevent vaporization. This danger of vaporization is gqite important in the petroleum industry where alot of volatile Tiguids are handled. Tes not so much the ease in the chemical industry where, in most applications, there s enough margin be- ‘Neen the operating Yemperstuse and the boiling point. “The risk of vaporization is usvally associated withthe temper: ature buildup in conventional seal chambers. As the “enlarged tapered” seal chamber design also limits the temperature bull dup, the risk of vaporization is also reduced. Therefore, itis auestionable whether throat bushings should be mandatory for chemical process duties, as suggested by API 610. ‘Another sealing arrangement used in severe ies isthe "re- verse” seal represented in Figure 18. It uses the sae type of enlarged seal chatnber, and features seal with a rotting Seat ‘The spring assembly i fly folate from the pumped liquid, aud the seal faces are closer to theimpeller balance bole. Itrep- Yesentsan ecient solution to dilicl aplieations such as very ‘erosive or corrosive liquids, anh might became sew DIN sta dard in Gerinany. One of ts drawbacks i that some modifen- tions onthe pump need tobe done Figure 18. Reversed Seal Arrangements. SLEEVED OR INTEGRAL SHAFT ‘The question whether sleeved or sold shafts should be used does not have one global answer, as each solution has its benefits and draivbacks. Therefore, it was decided that the new ISO pump Wwoald be affzred with both options, depending on the specie needs or wishes of the user. Sleeved shaft (Figue 7). The classical "hook" type sleeve are considered here, Advantages + Avoids wear on the shaft, so only the sleeve must be re- placed, not the tha + Easier to provide the sleeve in highly alloyed saaterials ‘whose mechanical strength is not always compatible with the stresses occurring in a shaft « Allows advantage to be taken ofthe mechanical strength of a carbon ste! shake a the latter i notin contect with the pomped ligud * Different sleeves of various outside diameters can be fitted on the same shaft to accommodate several seal tes * Easier to set the seal rotating assembly ona sleeve than on ash ee Disadcantages * ‘Addition of tolerance between shalt and sleeve reduces overall concentiity * Shaft diameter at the overhang is smaller than with solid shat * Af the impeller gasket fils, the shafVsleeve interface is exe posed tothe pumped liquid, and there a leakage How out of the pump + Tfacatridge seal mus be ited, the hook ype sleve isuse- less, Furthermore, there is «tsk of galling between the hook sleeve andthe sleeve ofthe catidge sea. Thtegral slid shaft Figure 19) Addcantages + Further reduces shaft deflections as OD ofthe overhangs Inrger-betterconcenticity * Easier tft a cartridge seal + Easier asseinble the pump + No escape route between shaft and sleeve, so one potenti source ofleaage ts eliminated Disadcantages * The shaft needs tobe made in higher alloys (duplex or 316 stainless sted) * Not recommended for pusher type seals * Has its limitation fr very corrosive guid slid shal ean- not be mae in CNTM) “Needs to replace the whole shaft in cae of wear + Not so easy to set the rotating astembly onthe shaf. “There ae some dties where the choice is easy Sold shot Recommended for meta bellow seals (no wear on the shalt) and for eartrdge seals, providing the sha’ meal- dargy is compatible with the pumped liquid Sleeved shoft~Recommended for very cortosive applications and for pusher type seal BEARING HOUSING ASSEMBLY ‘The respective requirements presented in Table 1 compare API, ANSI, and 180 5199, with regard to bearing life L10. Figure 19. Special Arrangement for Cartridge Seals. no PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL PUMP USERS SYMPOSIUM. ‘able 1. Comparison of Design Bearing Lifes, ‘CONDITION 1 CONDIMON 2 amano, nieé. | aster LAND | 16,000 tas uc brenden sin a de ted gee ANSI 8731 | Farsoes aa though | OR | Forsace AND and Sersahoee Tt iti (od gn bn 180 siia 150 hones within NONE Ahellow operat {8 ino eo ee tokens of oper bor 5% fie bag ce ethene ond S610 hes le ht ed win he Ikis interesting tonote that ANSLappears to be the more strin- gent standard for the small sizes, even tougher than API 610. ANSI aliays refers L1Oifes to maximum speed and maximum impeller dia. Even though the L10 figure of condition one smaller for ANSI than API, tis applicable in much higher lnad~ ing conditions ‘One must not forget that ISO pumps are meant to operate at 50 Hz, so the same number of operating hours corresponds toa sinaller number ofeyeles when running at 50 Hz. Is easier for the pump designer to each a high L10 life at 50 He than iti at 60 He! Looking atthe basic formula for the ealeuation of L10: vo (SPREE) (GY snare load eapacity Peresulting loading Assuming thet both avial and radial Joads decrease with the ‘Square ofthe rotational speed, we see that 10, 50H Tio: 60 Hz 60 aay! (148)*=3,58 So, a pump designed for 110 = 25,000 hours at 0 Hz is ikely tohavea theoretical L10higher than 90,000 hours when derated ‘at 50 He, In practee, the bearing will most probably fail earlier because of ol contamination Para 2.9.15 of API 610 specifies that outboard bearings shall be of the duplex, 40-degree angular contact (7000 series), i stalled back to back. This requirement addresses the need found in petroleum processing to cope with high and reversible axial thrusts. These severe conditions are found when high suction pressure, o eavtating conditions, are encountered. ‘The new ISO pump bearings are designed to meet the API LiDlife at50 Hz. The double row angular contact oxthoard bear- ing (without filling slots such as recommended by pars of API 610) of the 5300 series has very low internal learances, Tipnting shaft end-play’to less than 0.08 mum. It must be noted thatthe Pump Handbook suggests a maxitmuin of 0.05 mum axial ‘endplay [12], This reduces axial vibrations and mts the pres sure flictuations on the seal faes, assuring a longer sel life, Al- tough this parameter has a significant impact on seal Me, i isthe pointed out that API, ANSI, and ISO dont specify a ‘masimum allowable endpley. “Appropriate lubrication 8 obtained by adjusting the ol level to the center of the laver ball. Four longitvdinal slots axe pro vided inthe bearing carer to ensure a proper connection be- tween the space behind the bearings and the main sump. This solves the elasial problem ofthe back bearing tending to over- heat (13) ‘Both outboad and inboard bearings are located agains shoul- ders on the shaft, so thee sno need to measure their setting Just heat them and side them agains the shoulder ‘The inboard bearing is of the bal type and the outer cage is five to slide axially es the bearaxghousng, This allows or dilr- ential thermal expansion and allows an easy dismantling of the Sat assembly (Figure 6) ‘the asial thrusts dvected towards the driver iis transmit ted by the outboard bearing to «stiff shoulder on the bearing carver (Figure 7,5). The conical type crelips only acts to hold the bearing in place. This isa major difference with most lassi cal designs (Figure 19) where the thrusts directed towards sue- tion, and is taken by acelips ‘Also, when high suction pressures are present, his creates an sudditional force towards the diver equal tothe area wader the teal fice ies relative suction pressure, Inthe new 180 pump design, both hydraulic forces are inthe same direction, while on most elasieal pumps, these two forces are opposite, 30 that, they can eventually balance eachother and provoke detrimental {rust reversal (Figure 20). “The bearing housing specially protected aginst oil conta nation (dust, humidity, acid condensations, metalic pertcies). Iti wellknown that most bearing flues are cased by ol con tamination, soa special atendion has been paid to the design of Figure 20, Effect of Suction Pressure. 180 5199 STANDARD ADDRESSES TODAY'S RELIABNLITY REQUIREMENTS FOR CHEMICAL PROCESS PUMPS 111 the beating housing. Double lip seals (Figure 7,2) isolate both ends ofthe bearing housing. A filtered vent makes sure no abra- sive particle enters the oil ump. A magnetic drain plug (Figure 7,3) captures the metallic particles that could be present. Op- tions soch as labyrinth tyBe oil seals and a meimbrane type breather are also available. Last, the combination ofa constant Tevel oiler and a sight glass indicator Figure 7, 4) make sore the oil level and condition are correct. SHAFT ‘The well known “$0 microns maximum shaft deflection citer- Jon,” is specified by all the standatds (Table 2), but is apphica- ble'in different conditions. Comparing the requitements for shaft deflections, it appears that generally the ANST require- ‘ment is tougher than the APL AP—max. 51 mirons total shaft deflection, over the full range, ‘with max. impeller dia and specified speed and fuid ANSI—for models AA through A70, mas. 50 microns dynamics ‘haf deflection, over the full range, with max impeller dia and ‘max. speed and $.G. = \0. So, forall duties witha SC lower than 1.0, the ANSTs slightly tougher than APT. 180 5199s slightly mote permissive here, asthe 50 microns ave specified within the sllowable operating rane. ‘ble 2. Shaft Deflections and Allowable T1.R. =a falta “— REQUIREMENT F prousten | Sones | Biome Bm e me [Sct |i ies pl ny elon ev oe Another parameter playing @ predominant role in seal and ‘eating selihility, is the shaft (TTR) total indicator runout. Tt rust be noted that this TIN is referenced to the fice of the seal chamber, and not to the bearing bracket. This is sensible be- ‘use the Seat of the mechanical seal s positioned through the follower flange whieh is ited on the vear cover (14. ‘The respective requirements ofthe three standards are com: pated in Table 2, and ISO 5199 s shown to be tougher here than ANSIB73.1, which does not have any requirement on shaft TTR, eis suggested that users should pay attention to this shaft run ‘nt, which is very easy to wieasure on any back pullout assem- Bly an shih cn der substantially rom one oestrction to the other, tis suggested that this shaft sleeve TIR requisementcompen= sates for the more permissive shaft deflection criterion of ISO 5199. ‘The new ISO pump was designed to address the need forim- proved concentricty,s0 that TIR measured on the shaft sleeve ‘ofthe new 150 pump i always less than 50 microns. The rest ‘was obtained by combining the following elements: + Integra beaving housing, without adapter piece (eliminates cone mechanical ft) + Direct register ft between rear cover and bearing bracket Most designs center the rear cover es the casing, and the casing. ts the bearing bracket, By having a diect register ft between year cover and bearing bracket, » better concentricity is achieved. + Restricted machining tolerances on all piloting surfaces + Direct meta-to-metal contact between the rear cover and the bearing bracket. Some designs still have asompression gas ket between rear eover and bearing bracket. Another important parameter recognized by the 7th edition of API 610 isthe register fit ofthe seal chamber. API allows 77 ‘microns (= 125-50) additional TIR, due to the machining tole lances on the register, bringing the total TIR between shaft sleeve and seal chamber register to 127 microns. ‘One immediately sees another advantage ofthe integral rear cover design of the new pump. The obviation ofthe rear cover/ follower flange connection further improves concentricity: Basically, ISO is more restrictive than ANSI forthe shaft TIR, Dut slightly more permissive for the shaft deflection. This ad- ‘dresses the fat that ANSI pumps run at higher speeds, CASING All hee standards cl #20 mm cron allowance, with rode nthe ne BO pag Caungover teri te sel by a confined compres sin gut mae sally nonusers eon mended by API 610, Wither to presive tng, ANS cals fora las 10 rat sng nhieu 037 pe QD ba or anes ‘tut temperate. 190 88 alors peste ating o Slee aro 0 vc on land ans steel APT door st seston ty minim sre gb ‘once thatthe cane ton be dened to wttan hae - =—S—ese—,s—=__— moet Inpro, moet APY pumpeae sted at 4 bar oS The AF requtement for fread moments ae wells sd gute ough, so tough thatthe Th eion he sigh re ‘Rethc, cotidering heft tat nny PI pamper nt thst he sins cero lth th eon. int Amey 491 610th edvon now sees ova the rnuierent fr yet and moment rte des tat ‘rhn the tsof Tle gue 2, Fast be noted at Hout percent fie chem date ae wines ats it must nevis be eoguzed tt, even on chem ule, the pup athe io ery import and that hy ‘ts anon ay been tld iy 13 S00, Life AB, 190 SGD spect, ut orem tl pump cnlysmasinen displacement ot sated when he arp Beetle aonb subeto speed for nd momen ‘Thsafns etovonwofcourslere tough han AP but gies 2 yiod ba that cori be conaderel by tees a bstaton totbT el seqarewent gen Annee A appieabl ‘nes {hoe dtl elation or 32160 1S0 pump (cqutlent toa bs 18) Asthe meodeteaclton re Skt Ho APL, twas necessary tomate sine ugh ong ne [APPENDIX A—NONCONFORMING PUMPS, ‘AA Application Limits “Typical aptcon Kinks for pugs that doa teu fl compiance with Sundae 610 sr peceted in Te A ‘A2 Guidelines tor Use Pup tt dost equ fl somplance wit tna 49 soul pet the regumeat lib todas wstvets ett, echnal al tenn esi ppg. Reyuremens ta mate fered ince thw fr womble force ane mate sa debesion, apesion, ning. ane dsuneation ‘ier tat ooo meer be tequaement oh wan kal eed ye ‘aor popos or syrva ye pre Both the prea te vendo ‘howl eau pose een pesormnce aed i that igh esa ‘fom the eof ch pup ‘abe A:1—ypealAapzaton Lint Pune Tat Oo Not Reare ‘ut Srgance win Sanaa 0 Eee aa zm oa Seco ey nee Figure 21. Appendic A, From API 610, 7th Edition tions in order to make the comparison, The calculation shows thatthe ISO 5199 stiffness extern is comparable to taking one third ofthe APT moments. "The ISO pressure rating of 16 ba, as per ISO 2858, is very often a limitation * Tn any plants, particulary n UK, flange dilings and rat- ings as per ASA class 150 are very often specified. While a0 problem to provide a clas 150 faage eo an ISO pup, itoften ecesstates Yo upgrade the pump rating to 20 bar (as cass 150 Comesponds 28 bar fr steel a ambient temperature). * 2900 pn, al pumps with a5 mm impeller ate close to 160 meters of head atshuto. Ite specie gravity is higher Table 3. Comparison API-ANSI-ISO. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL PUMP USERS SYMPOSIUM. than 1.0, or if suction pressure is above atmosphere, the 16 bar pressure rating will not be sufficient. + As the allowable stress of 316 stainless steel decreases very rapidly with temperature, the pump rating also does. For io- stance, a 150°C, there isa 22 percent reduction to be applied on the pressure rating, Therefore, in order to have a pressure rating of 16 bar at 150°C, it will be necessary to have a rating of at least 20 barat ambient temperature (for stainless steel DIN, Tae45 WN 1.408) + The 16 bar rating leads to relatively thin casing wall thick- ‘ness and subsequently the overall easing stifinessislimited, and Usually lower than an ANST pup. “Therefore, it was decided thatthe new ISO pump would be designed for anominal pressure of 25 bar*(PN35), thus exceed sng the 180 requirement. Ttmust be noted that several socalled "light duty APLammps” are also rated at 25 ber “The major benefit of the P25 rating might be found in extra mechanical sea) aad bearing life. Pump components are less distorted by external forees and moments, seal faces remain perpendicular, vibrations are more effectively damped. Last, Increased thickness means longer Ife of components when ‘chemical corrosion is present. WHICH STANDARD TO SPECIFY? -Acomparison i shown in Table 3, between API 610, 7h edt tion, ANSI B73.1 (969), and 1S0 £169, This table shows that, for several parameters, API 610 is actually less stringent than 180 5199 of ANST B73. + For all models designed to run at 2900 rpm + shaft deflections for smal izes + jackets design pressure (see parameter n, 3) sted for an external impeller adjustment system + allowable vibrations at 2900 rpm (sce parameter 20) + back pul out capability (see parameter, 5) Obviously, APT610 isthe more conservative standardfor most design parameters, and therefore an upgtaded chemical pump needs to be designed to meet several API requirements, particlalys NS _PARIMETER ——_AMiO.nhEDITON ans sNtI684 sso se NEWOFIPOESION aR ANSTO 5 Bate Nore ietgyormecte ae ‘Sth ei ta! Ceriee ptr = Se neti ane ‘Shes ihe af pe a ec a ig oa 7 © feed esting fake eed or ves wes ves Ses thins cern ‘intyrebe = ‘main koa am te, (5 Bakyslot 87 "epnehllbe = 4d al enti Eiclpemac ferme om Tikiateter — Tuneneg se ‘ig ton 93 ogetote i 150 5199 STANDARD ADDRESSES TODNY'S RELIABILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR CHEMICAL PROCESS PUMPS 113. ‘ble 3, (Continued) Gane Smt tent Gung uate NH = solaris: fis at dee cm Bier SEER Malm tev, “ “empenitnes shove 177°C saunter sete mova oe tober 2214 we pe semen Geraissindgar od YES = Stn Beg Signi = aa? Beteahs MARTE thy it toa Bel, aR ef isons. cetera = Sta cee Se $5 Saher at oie fear hse Bpgpaiege wee soorien Rip sacimad BE epee Sc hector reerens mo Sue. ee em SSkoesis FEET imum rom ieee came Rang Se ome Soma nineteen Some se nesten hele sas = peters ice we meat se mton amen lcm ES = Sorcha icon ‘nme er Samia cn . thom S74) eet iting: Nant as Toa heinge oi,—_¥e5 - Sm. aientrate Ferree a Ron ge Speman ete te ier eee enn Gievenmice” — oma epider sa and Sng and double was ha MWe Bana : ws = ows aire me pr Sreag ca St aed tm Sree on omen 2 meeps 2 tye Saat atoaig —Kemenn Noetne setters WES = Sah eed Seerocs ite Sareea sae eh at rb dra Ba ard pps AAR a PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL PUMP USERS SYNPOSIUM Table 3. (Continued) ©. Mowemng Een Neue Seer ean ES ves + Shaft runout, + Bearings life + Control of the seal chamber pressure and balancing of the axial thrust with balance boles, + Larger seal chamber dimensions tis also felt that the API requirements fora throat bushing fre not always the best solution for chemical duties usin single seals, particularly inthe light of the new trends in sealchamber design. ‘API 610 is often specified in Europe on chemical process duties because, until the issue of ISO 5199 in 1986, there were no European design standards aimed at improving the pump re- Tiability and safety, so APT 610 was the only answer when rliabil ity was a must ‘When specified on chemical duties in Furope, API pumps are {erated and the user is actually payingan extra premium for sev- eral features that he does not necessirily need! + Extra wall thickness, as the pressure rating is far above the actual needs, *+ A pair of duplex 40-deyree, angular contact outboard bear ings designed for high suetion pressure. * Often, acenterline mounting with pedestals not justified by the product temperature (API species the centerline mounting above ITC, but mest APL pumps have standard centerline mounting) + A throat bushing + Case and impeller wear rings APLEIO now suggests purchasers to consider, within the lim- its of Table A-L (Figure 21), nonconforming pumps where re- Auitements for foroes and moments and shaft deflections mav be related tas Deen shown that the requirement for shaft deflec- {ons anyhow specified inboth ANSI and 150 5190 standards ‘cis suggested that, providing oine specific requirements are aed, 150 5199 offers an acceptable and competitive alterna- tive to API 610 for those applications in the European process Industry which require more reliability than the cegular sta dardized” ISO process pumps. “The erm “upgraded medium day” process pumps have been used by several authors to designate those pomps with a in- creased reliability. Te is posible to find upgraded versioas of ‘hemneal process pumps, both inthe ANSTand the ISO range, ‘hat are buil tothe same concept that exceed ther respective sMandad (ANSI B7311 oF 180 5198), s0 the ANST and the ISO users: do get the same type of ump no mater the nore sie ANNEX I-ISO 5199 - STIFFNESS CRITERION FOR A 32-160 ISO PUMP ‘The ISO 5190 stiffness requirement is at least equivalent to using one third of the MY and MZ of API-610, para 3.3.15, as will be demonstrate. Asonly the stifnes criterion are compated here, the saftdis- placements must be compared when the pump baseplate assem- bly is subject to MY and MZ, API specifies that MY and MZ should be applied separately, and that each corresponding shaft displacement should meet a certain limit. 1SO 5199 combines all moments and measures the total salt displacement. For the ease ofthe comparison, assume that there is no correlation between the stiffness in the Y dieetion and in the Z direction, so the vectors of shat displacementscan be com- posed to obtain a total displacement in the (Y,Z) plane. Its Cognised that this assumption can be challenged, but is needed to make a comparison, Pump: 2.160 Suetion: 50 mm Discharge: 32 mm Impeller dia: 160 nin Systems of XYZ: as per API61O,7thedition, Figured, page IL One Third of API Moments Soto M9200 1b > 10 ( Mas=IT0R XIX YB Tt Resultant moment M= ViSF7.5=14.5 at suction flange a Same ealeulation atthe discharge Mange M=14.3 kg.m at discharge flinge @ With the above mentioned assumptions, the API criterion would limit the resultant combined shaft displacement, for & non-granted baseplate, to ¥52FIRF=137 microns (refer to API 610, 7th Ed, page 29{1)) ISO 5199 CALCULATION (Refer to 180 5190, Annex C, Figure 5) [1] ANNEX C (from ISD 5199, Annex C) External forces and moments on flanges Forces and moments actingon the pump flanges due to pipe Joads may eause misalignment of pump and driver shafts, defor ration and oversteessing of pump casing, or overstressingof the fixing bolts between pump and baseplate "The piping forces and moments caleulated by the purchaser for the piping system can be checked for acceptability as follows, "No matter how the forees and moments are applied and distr buted at the pump flanges, their admissible values shall meet the formula 180 5109 STANDARD ADDRESSES TODAY'S RELIABILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR CHEMICAL PROCESS PUMPS 115 ERY (SR), (EM) (ex) + GE) + Gem where YE, 2 Fh, ¥ Meat simple sums ofthe real forces and mo- rents applied tothe pump flanges, These sums do not take {nto consideration the diection or the Sense ofthe fovees or ‘moments, nor thei distrbtion on exch 12Ng6; Fy ga, how Mery are the values given by the curves I Mand Hf and are valor cast steel puinps at ambiest temperature. Materials ‘with mechanical properties lower than those of cast steel may equite further restriction. Attention shal also be pad to the fixing bolts andthe allowa- bie tess forthe pump easing according the mechanical pop eties of the materials used ‘The above calculation method resulted from investigation by {te Fyaopean Committee of Pump Manuactrers(EUROPUMP) ‘of pumps to ISO 258, ‘With piping not connected to the pump and the casing not pressurize, loads are applied to the flanges ofthe pomp, the Shaft end displacements then the acoeptanee criterion accord ing tothe following valves * 0, 15mm for pumps with shaft end diameter 24 mm; + 0, 20:mm for pumps with shaft end diameter 32 mm; + 0,25 mm for pumps with shaft end diameter 42 mm; and the curves given in figures 3 to 5 are obtained. Table 2. Nozzle Loadings (from API 610, 7th Edition). ‘ote Each shoe eo tess fom ns at ptt aa fe itp inde gr an Nomi Ra lg bes hd oe re mS Se 1 to Noe Gee ah snd Spe spn toe a Si Fn Sable 8. Stiffness Criteria for Pumps and Baseplates (from API 610, 7th Edition). on Sha ha Beep No wy ome ome A 2 in Sie ren MMe Me ML= Oa ME Figure 4—Coordinate System for the Forces ard Moments in Table 2: Horizontal Pumps With End Suction and Top Discharge Nozzies Conve II gives 1805199 CALCULATION (Refer to 150 5199, Annex, Figure 3) Curve II gives: mass x outlet dia Ae mpeller da 16 tan Mroge%35 kgm (read from curve TID) Mays with 1 of API moments: 14.3 kgm see above (1) My with 1 of APE moments: 14.3 kgm see above (2) 14.3] + [143/98 6 ky. hg m- ‘The 180 5199 stiffaessexterion Timits the total shat displace ‘ment to 150 microns, when the pump i subject simuitaneossly to the allowable forces and moments, In thisease, the ISO 5199 stiffness criterion is to be met when the pump is subject to pure Mm and Mr moments, equivalent to Ysof API moments. As vertical and horizontal forces have to bbe applied simultaneously with the moments, this means that the ISO 5199 criterion is more stringent than taking %4 of API moments us PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL PUMP USERS SYMPOSIUM. NOMENCLATURE, Subscripts S relates to suction nozzle D relates to discharge nozale Y relates to"Y" direction, i, vertical Zrelates oZ" direction, je. horizontal, perpendicular to shaft Trelates to combined Y and Z REFERENCES 1. APL610, 7th Béltion, “Centrifugal Pumps for General Re- finery Service.” American Petoleum Institute (1989), 2. ANSVASME B73.1 M-1984 "Specifications for Horizontal End Suction Centrifugal Pumps for Chemical Process.” American Society of Mechanical Engleers (1984) 3, 180 2858, “End-Suction Centrifugal Pumps (Rating 16 Bar) Designation, Nominal Duty Point and Dimensions,” nd Baition (1975) 4, Reynolds, J. A., “Stndard Pumps Are Not Obsolete.” Chemical Engineering (May 12, 1986). 5. ISO 5199, “Technical Specifications for Centrifugal ‘Pumps—Cass I,” 1st Edition (1958), 6. DIN 24960, "Mechanical Seals; Cavities; Prineipal Dimen- sions, Desigation and Material Codes” (1980) 10. n 180 3069, “End Suction Centrifugal Pumps—Dimensions ‘of Cavities for Mechanical Seals and for Soft Packing,” Ist Eaition (1975). R. B,, “Better Seals Will Boost Pump Pesform- ance,” Chemical Engineering, pp. 106-10 uly 1889), Stepanoff A.J, “Centrifugal and Axil Plow Purnps,” New York: Joka Wiley & Sons (1957. Anderson, W. D., "Five Ways to Cool Bearings,” Machine Design (September 22,1983). Davison, Michael P, “The Bifecs of Seal Chamber Design on Seal Performance,” Proceedings of the Sisth Interna tional Pump Users Symposium, Turbomachinery Laborato- xy, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, Teas (1989) Pump Handbook, 204 Esltion, New York: McGraw Hill, pp. £91 (1986) Summers-Smith, D., "Failures of Oil-Lubricated Polred and Double-Row Roling Bearings in Centrifugal Pumps,” 1-Mech.E, Paper C1390 (1980. Fielder, R,, “Dial Indicator Can Warn of Purnp and Seal Problems,” Oiland Gas Journal, p. 175-179(May 2, 1983).

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