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Chemistry Study Tips

1. You must be willing to accept the academic challenge of learning chemistry.

For some people it is fun and for others it is hard work, but no matter it takes
time. It requires persistence, concentration, discipline, patience and lots and
lots of practice.

2. Know How Your Chemistry Course is Structured. Your chemistry course may
include any of the five traditional branches of chemistry or a combination of 2
or more fields of chemistry:

a. inorganic chemistry studies the structure & chemical reactions of

substances composed of any of the known elements, except carbon
containing substances.

b. organic chemistry studies of the compounds of carbon.

c. physical chemistry or theoretical chemistry applies the application of

theories and mathematical methods to the solution of chemical problems.

d. analytical chemistry deals with two areas: qualitative analysis (qual),

"what is there?" and quantitative analysis (quant), "how much is there?"

e. biochemistry (or physiological chemistry) studies the chemical structure of

living material and the chemical reactions occurring in living cells. For
example, general chemistry (Chem 151 & 152) gives you an overview of each
of the above five branches of chemistry.

Chem 130 and 140 focusses on inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry and

Know How Your Instructor Structures the Course. Every instructor is different.
Find out if he or she uses the text heavily. If not, what does he or she depend
on? Library usage? Lecture notes? Additional materials? It is time saving for
you to understand how the instructor is organizing his or her thoughts.

3. Get a bird's eye view of your entire chemistry course from the very start.

Look over:
a. topics on the course syllabus
b. table of contents in your textbook
c. read the preface of your textbook for ideas on how the book is arranged
d. Thumb through your book note the learning objectives, tables, graphs,
marginal notes, word lists, terminology, summary statements, problems, etc.

4. Math is essential for chemistry. Study basic math and introductory algebra
before and during your chemistry course. Review and practice: addition,
subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, percent, exponential numbers,
simple algebra, and logarithms.

5. Chemistry progresses from the simple to the complex, building upon existing
knowledge at each stage. Be attuned to the cumulative nature of chemistry.
Understand the continuity of the subject. New work may be understood only
after earlier work has been well understood. Keep up with the work and don't
fall behind. Try not to miss important building blocks along the way.

6. Learn the Basics. Practice and repeat them often so they become second
nature to you. A large portion of what you learn early in chemistry is very
fundamental and is often used repeatedly during the remainder of the course.
Examples of such basics are:
o simple algebra
o metric system (length, mass, volume)
o significant numbers
o temperature (Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin)
o exponential numbers
o factor label method (or dimensional analysis)
o chemical symbols and names of about 40 commonly used elements
o symbols (formulas) and names of commonly used simple & polyatomic
o writing and naming chemical formulas of ionic & molecular substances

As in any subject, look for the most obvious basic concepts that allow
understanding of the material. For example, most of the more complex topics
in chemistry revolve around the topics of chemical bonding, nomenclature,
and atomic structure. It is difficult to picture what is happening with Nitric
Acid if you don't know it is HNO3. It is difficult to picture how ions are formed
if you don't know the basic atomic structure. Spend a lot of time on these
topics to make the rest of your chemistry go smoother.

7. Learn and practice the terminology and the symbols of chemistry. This is one
of the most important things to do.
a) Write out all the definitions in your own words and give an example or two
when appropriate. Recite the definitions. Do the same with the symbols of
chemistry. Put them on 3" by 5" flash cards. Review them often. Study them
before you go to sleep and again twice upon awakening. Test yourself under
all sorts of conditions. Let them become second nature to you.

b) At every opportunity as you study chapter after chapter in your text learn
to name chemical substances when given the symbols or chemical formulas.
Also learn to write the symbols or the formula of a substance when given its
chemical name.

8. Memorize selected material. For example, memorize chemical symbols and

names of the 40 most commonly used elements. Also memorize diatomic
molecules from the periodic table like H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2, I2, At2
(inverted L).
9. Make problem solving a part of every study session. Work out at least 10
problems per study session and review at least five problems from previous
study sessions. Your proficiency in solving problems increases with practice.
Cover up solutions in your text and work out the problems yourself.

10. Study chemistry every day if possible, or at least 5 days a week. The more
you review and work out problems, the more you will be able to put it all

11. Learn how to use your calculator. There are many problems that require rapid
calculation of numbers and by knowing how to use your calculator you will be
able to significantly increase the number of problems you can work.

12. Understand the difference between an abbreviation and a symbol. An

abbreviation is just the shortened form of a word, but a symbol can have
many meanings. It is important to know all the different meanings of a
chemical symbol. For example, Cl could be the abbreviation for chlorine, or it
could mean 1 chlorine atom, or by weight 35.5 atomic mass units of chlorine,
or 35.5 grams of chlorine, or 6.02 x 1023 atoms of chlorine. It is important to
understand that a formula or a molecule is nothing but a combination of
symbols. These symbols retain their individual meanings in the formula;
therefore, if you know the meaning of the symbol you will know the meaning
of the formula. Then you will be able to do stoichiometry problems.

13. Make the Periodic Table your friend! Learn how to use it. It will help you
understand and correlate chemical and physical properties of the elements.

14. Initially you will have to accept a number of things in chemistry without
understanding or asking why. For example, at the beginning you must just
accept that He, N2, O2, F2, Cl2, I2 are always found in nature as diatomic
molecules, but it is only later that you will be shown why.

15. Subjects like math usually follow a nice logical sequence, but chemistry
doesn't! You have to accept some things on faith. You will not be able to see
all the processes, although you may be asked to prove that they occur.

16. Maintain your interest in chemistry by relating what you learn to everyday life
and occurrences. In pharmacies and grocery stores look at bottles for names
of chemical compounds and see if you can recognize the common and the
formal (I.U.P.A.C.) name. For example, "Tums" is calcium carbonate, and
rubbing alcohol is isopropyl alcohol.

17. Learn the fine distinctions between related items, such as the distinction
between an electron and a proton. Similarly, learn to correlate related terms.
Facts, concepts and generalizations may be more easily understood and
recalled when they are associated or related to each other as part of a
meaningful whole.

18. Learn generalizations. These may be useful for explaining chemical

phenomena and for predicting new relationships and new facts.
19. Study your chapter prior to attending lectures. Make it a practice to read over
the topic or chapter before going to your chemistry class.

20. Read your chapter 3 times. First skim over the chapter. Read the lead
paragraph and the first sentence in each subsequent paragraph. Read all
summaries. Note all graphs, charts, tables, word lists. On your second
reading, read in detail. Understand all concepts, terms and formulas before
going on. Cover up solutions and work out the problems given in the text.
Underline, bracket, jot notes in the margin. Reread sections that are difficult
to grasp. On the third reading, take notes. Write down all important concepts,
symbols, terms, formulas.

21. Use at least 2 different chemistry books when studying. Each book will explain
it in different words and it will be like having different teachers explaining it to
you. If one doesn't make sense, the other book might!

22. Write and recite explanations to help translate the unfamiliar to the familiar.
The more you get involved in the learning process the more you'll recall and
understand. Remember to "Say" and "Do." Translate the new information into
familiar and readily understandable terms. Capture the line of reasoning used
in lecture and in the text. Explain what your have learned to a study partner
or even a pet. Form small study groups of four or five members from your
lecture or lab. Meet regularly, at least once or twice a week. Work out
homework problems, review your lecture and lab notes, compare study notes
and help each other prepare for exams. Study groups help you to "SAY" and
"DO." You can talk out what you're learning and explain the concepts to each
other. You can solve problems together. You can get your questions answered
quickly and learn to relate chemistry to other classes and to your everyday
life. Most important it can be lots of fun.

23. Learn general reactions and illustrate each general reaction with specific
examples. Where appropriate write the general reaction that corresponds to
the specific reaction(s) studied.

24. In organic chemistry: memorize types of organic compounds and types of

organic reactions.

25. Study biochemistry like organic chemistry and learn metabolic pathways.

26. Take good, full lecture notes. Successful students usually take down about
66% of what is said in lecture, while failing students write half as much.

27. Remember that despite all attempts to relate student success to something
(like IQ, sex, race, etc.) all have failed except for one: REGULAR CLASS
ATTENDANCE. Those that come to class usually succeed! So make it a rule:
attend all classes and be an active listener. It is important to be alert and
concentrate on what is said in lecture. It is most important to stay current. Do
not allow yourself to miss classes and fall behind or the entire course will
become an effort and a struggle for you.

28. Review immediately after class and again 8 hours later. Immediately after
lecture review your lecture notes. Fill in any blanks, bracket or star the
important points, put summary topic statements in the margins and give your
notes more substance by adding facts or statements from your text. Your
lecture and textbook notes are "sacred." They are to be studied, restudied
and reviewed again and again. Always recite and write out important concepts
in your own words if possible.

29. Always remember you have the right to ask questions before, during and
after class. See your instructors during their office hours for help. Notice
when you are beginning to get in trouble and seek help immediately.

30. If chemistry is your most difficult subject, then always study it before all
other subjects. You must study chemistry when you are most alert and fresh.
Make sure to take 5 or 10 minute breaks every 20 40 minutes in order to
clear your mind.

31. Begin reviewing for exams well in advance and avoid cramming. Practice and
work out lots and lots of problems. Make up your own practice tests or get
copies of old exams. Give yourself your own timed exams. Test yourself until
you can get 100% repeatedly on your own difficult exams.

a. Create sample tests for yourself and test yourself often.

b. Give yourself timed tests similar to those you expect in class. Time yourself
with a kitchen timer or an alarm. Practice, practice, practice.

32. Review the types of errors you make and types of questions that cause you
difficulty. Give yourself more practice in these areas of difficulty.

33. Maintain brain and body stamina. Maintain an alert mind and a happy,
positive attitude.

34. Take care of yourself before the exam. Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep in the nights
before the exam. Eat a low fat, high protein meal before the exam to keep up
your alertness.

35. Finally, learn how to remain calm, confident, clear, alert and positive on
Biology Study Skills

1. Successful biology students have told us they study a minimum of 2 to 3 hours

per day, 7 days a week, throughout the semester.

2. Biology is hard work, so be aggressive. Take it as a challenge and give it your

time and your energy. Don't take it with lots of other hard courses or a busy work

3. Know and understand all your terminology. This is one of the keys to success in
any field. In biology it is extremely helpful to begin by studying your Latin and
Greek roots. This is the basis for many seemingly difficult terms. Study these
roots. Make 3" x 5" flash cards to help you memorize them and later do the same
with your terminology.

4. Biology teachers have reported that if something is brought into the lab, it is
guaranteed that you will be tested on it. So pay attention to whatever is brought
into lab, even its name.

5. Chemistry is not a pre requisite for taking biology at Pima College, but taking a
chemistry course before taking biology would be exceedingly beneficial.

6. Make it a practice to read over the topic or chapter before going to your biology

7. Attend all classes and be an active listener. It is important to be alert and

concentrate on what is said in lecture. Successful students take full and
comprehensive notes, writing down about 66% of what is said in lecture, while
failing students write half as much. It is most important to stay current. Do not
allow yourself to miss classes and fall behind or the entire course will become an
effort and a struggle for you.

8. After class go over the material as soon as possible and again 8 hours later.
Studies have shown that you are more likely to remember the information later.
Fill in all the missing words or incomplete explanations. Recite important
concepts in your own words.

9. Always remember you have the right to ask questions before, during and after
class. See your instructors during their office hours for help. Notice when you are
beginning to get in trouble and seek help immediately.

10. Read and study all your textbook explanations. You may wish to use at least two
or more books. These books are often available in the library. Each book has a
different discussion and examples on your topic, and one of these is likely to be
helpful to you.

11. Whenever possible explain aloud to another person what you are learning. Work
with a classmate and explain terminology and concepts to each other.

12. Describe in your own words the similarities and differences between the different
concepts you are learning. Do this aloud with someone else.

13. If biology is your most difficult subject, then always study it before all other
subjects. You must study biology when you are most alert and fresh. Make sure
to take 5 or 10 minute breaks every 20 40 minutes in order to clear your mind.

14. Write up summary sheets of biology terminology and concepts and review often.
The more you review the more you'll remember. Also visually picture the terms in
your minds eye. Visualizing is a powerful technique for remembering terms.
Break words into small chunks and picture each chunk until you can recall it.
Then put the chunks together. Remember, the knowledge of roots can be
extremely helpful.

15. Making up mnemonics memory techniques may be fun as well as beneficial. For
example, if you need to remember the 12 cranial nerves you can take the first
letter of each nerve and make up a sentence where each word begins with the
first letter of each nerves.

16. Create sample tests for yourself and test yourself often.

17. Give yourself timed tests similar to those you expect in class. Time yourself with
a kitchen timer or an alarm. Practice, practice, practice.

18. Review the types of errors you make and types of questions that cause you
difficulty. Give yourself more practice in these areas of difficulty.

19. If possible, have a friend or family member quiz you on your notes and text
information. Done regularly this commits more information to long term memory.

Biology Reading Skills

1. IMPORTANT: Have you taken the reading assessment test? Can you read at a level that

is adequate for this text? In general, all the college biology texts are at least 12.6 grade

level and some are considerably higher. If you read at the adequate level, then the

following suggestions may be helpful. What follows is a summary of strategies that are

being used by students who are successful in biology. AND YOU CAN SUCCEED TOO!!
2. Slow down !! The flow of a biology book is not like the flow of a novel. A novel can be

read effortlessly, smoothly and rapidly, but biology books cannot be. If you are reading a

novel and are somewhat distracted, you can still get the idea of what it is about. When

you are not concentrating on biology you will get very little out of it, and it will seem more

difficult than it really is.

3. Every word counts. Biology books are usually not repetitive, so there is little chance of

picking something up from reading on. Writers of biology texts believe that extra words

and repeats get in the way of clarity.

4. It is best to tackle each chapter at least 3 times. The first time you should skim the

chapter, noting topic sentences, words in bold print, all tables, diagrams and summary

charts. This is best read before the lecture. The second reading should be in more detail,

studying each area and not proceeding until each section is understood. Reread each

section as of many times as necessary until you understand its meaning. Mastery can

take minutes or hours or days. The last major reading is for writing down terms and

definitions and important concepts (see #6 below).

5. Talk to yourself as you read. Explain what you have read aloud and make up your own

examples to better understand what you have read. Rereading the material aloud,

especially in your own words helps clarify the information. Hearing yourself makes a lot of


6. Words and symbols of biology have specific meanings. Each time you come to a new

term or concept, cover up the text and see if you can express the idea aloud in your own

words. Write down all the words you don't know. Emphasize words in bold type.

Whenever possible write out the definitions in your own words. Strive for understanding

the definitions so that you can easily state them in your own words; you are more likely to

remember them that way. By saying it out loud and writing it, you are more like to recall it
later, when needed.

7. Study all diagrams and charts. They condense a lot of valuable information. Cover up

and see if you can visualize them.

8. Write as you read.

o During your first reading write nothing in the text.

o Don't highlight it slows down reading and it's often used as an excuse for not


o In a later reading, call attention to important words or phrases by underlining

them (don't overdo this). Complete sentences or paragraphs should be bracketed

and not underlined.

o Write summarizing statements to yourself in the margin.

o Make notes to yourself right in the text.

o Note questions that you need to have clarified.


9. Record all key points on a separate sheet.

10. If there are study questions at the end of the chapters, be sure you can answer them.

They are good practice for the exam.

11. Make flash cards with terminology and concepts.

12. Keep testing yourself on a separate sheet of paper.

13. Without looking back, write out and say aloud the important points.

14. Create tasks for yourself as you read the text. After reading an example and working it

out for yourself, try to think of other examples that would fit the idea being discussed.
15. Use more than one book on the topic you are studying whenever possible. Pick books

that appeal to you. If you are very verbal, a book with long explanations is likely to be

most helpful. If you are more visual, you might choose a book that has more illustrations.

16. Read the chapter before, and again after, class. You will get the most out of class if you

have read the material before the instructor presents it. Even if you felt you understood

the material in class, read it over again in the text. The more you review it the more likely

you are to recall it.

17. If possible, have a friend or family member quiz you on your notes and text information.

Done regularly, this commits more information to long term memory.

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