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Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology

An Internship Report
“Hostel Management System”
AMSoft Technologies

Submitted to

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology

Academia International College

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Bachelor Degree in

Computer Science and Information Technology

Submitted by
Alisha Maharjan (5570/071)

February, 2019
The internship opportunity I had with AMSoft Technologies was a great chance for
learning and professional development. Therefore, I would like to thank AMSoft
Technologies for giving me the opportunity to complete my internship period in the field of
software developer by providing me the work environment and permission to commence this
report in the first instance. I would like to thank the employees and associates of AMSoft
Technologies who helped me in understanding all the functions and activities of the
organization, development of system and project management roles from time to time.

I am truly grateful to mentor Mr. Rikeshwor Prajapati who has been a continuous
source of inspiration in my intern period. Without his constant guidance and suggestions, this
project would have been nowhere near completion.

I am highly indebted to our esteemed project coordinator Mr. Suroj Ghimire for his
constant support, guidance, valuable suggestions and constructive comments. I take this
opportunity to thank our supervisor Mr. Ganesh Ram Suwal for his whole hearted
supervision, suggestions, kind cooperation and encouragement.

Lastly, I would also like to acknowledge each and every one of my friends and
colleagues, and the entire Amsoft Technologies, who irrespective of the situation, always
encouraged and supported me in every possible way.

This report details an internship at AMSoft Technologies intended as a software
developer. The internship was conducted for the partial fulfillment of the Bachelor of Science
in Computer Science and Information Technology (B.Sc. CSIT) degree awarded by
Tribhuwan University (TU). During this internship period, “Hostel Management System”
was developed using ASP.Net MVC. “Hostel Management System” is a web application that
provides an online platform for conducting almost all managerial activities of a hostel. An
individual who is responsible for managing a hostel has an overhead of work. Moreover,
there is difficulty in accessing stored information. Therefore, the main objective of this
project is to computerize each and every activity related to the management of a hostel and to
provide quick access to the required information. In this application, hostel admin can
manage records of students and employees of a hostel. A hostel admin can store and update
hostel information including its services, rooms and stay charges. Investors and vendors of a
hostel can also be listed and updated. Mainly, it provides a facility for tracking hostel
purchases and expenses on salary payment and maintenance. It has a significant functionality
of generating monthly student bill and tracking its payment.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................. II

ABSTRACT.. ..................................................................................................................... III

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................IV

LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... VII

LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................... VIII

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................IX

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1

Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 1

Brief Introduction of Organization ........................................................................................ 1

About Organization ............................................................................................................ 1

Organization Vision ........................................................................................................... 1

Organization Objectives..................................................................................................... 2

Contact Information ........................................................................................................... 2

Organization Major Markets and Customers ..................................................................... 2

Organization Hierarchy...................................................................................................... 3

Internship Placement Details ................................................................................................. 3

Organization Selection ....................................................................................................... 3

Internship Placement .......................................................................................................... 4

Mentor Details ................................................................................................................... 4

Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................................. 5

About Project ......................................................................................................................... 5

Problem Definition............................................................................................................. 5

Project Objectives .............................................................................................................. 5

Project Overview ............................................................................................................... 5

Work Done ......................................................................................................................... 6

METHODOLOGY .............................................................................................................. 8

Agile Methodology ................................................................................................................ 8

Hostel Management System Sprint Planning .................................................................... 9

SYSTEM ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................... 11

System Analysis ................................................................................................................... 11

System Requirements........................................................................................................... 11

Functional Requirements ................................................................................................. 11

Non-functional Requirements .......................................................................................... 12

Feasibility Analysis .............................................................................................................. 12

Operational Feasibility ..................................................................................................... 13

Economic Feasibility ....................................................................................................... 13

Technical Feasibility ........................................................................................................ 13

SYSTEM DESIGN ............................................................................................................ 14

Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 14

Architectural Design ............................................................................................................ 14

Data Modeling ..................................................................................................................... 16

Use Case Diagram................................................................................................................ 19

Data Flow Diagram .............................................................................................................. 21

Process Design ..................................................................................................................... 23

IMPLEMENTATION ........................................................................................................ 25

System Implementation ....................................................................................................... 25

Tools and Techniques Used ................................................................................................. 25

ASP.NET ......................................................................................................................... 25

Microsoft SQL Server ...................................................................................................... 25

Entity Framework ............................................................................................................ 25

Microsoft Visual Studio ................................................................................................... 25

SQL Server Management Studio ..................................................................................... 26

LINQPad .......................................................................................................................... 26

TESTING……. .................................................................................................................. 27

Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 27

Unit Testing ..................................................................................................................... 27

Integration Testing ........................................................................................................... 31

CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................. 34

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 35

APPENDIX…………… .................................................................................................... 36

Figure 1. Organization Hierarchy .............................................................................................. 3

Figure 2. Phases of Agile Process .............................................................................................. 8

Figure 3. Architecture Design .................................................................................................. 14

Figure 4. ER Diagram of Hostel Management System............................................................ 16

Figure 5. ER Diagram of Inventory Management Module ...................................................... 17

Figure 6. ER Diagram of Student Billing Module ................................................................... 18

Figure 7. Use Case Diagram of Overall Hostel Management System ..................................... 19

Figure 8. Use Case Diagram of Inventory Management Module ............................................ 20

Figure 9. Use Case Diagram of Student Billing Module ......................................................... 21

Figure 10. DFD Level-0 ........................................................................................................... 21

Figure 11. DFD Level-1 ........................................................................................................... 22

Figure 12. Flowchart of Inventory Management Module ........................................................ 23

Figure 13. Flowchart of Student Billing Module ..................................................................... 24

Table 1 Organization Contact Information ............................................................................... 2

Table 2 Internship Placement Details ....................................................................................... 4

Table 3 Mentor Details ............................................................................................................. 4

ASP Active Server Page

ADO ActiveX Data Objects

B.Sc. CSIT Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology

CEO Chief Executive Officer

DFD Data Flow Diagram

ER Entity Relationship

GUI Graphical User Interface

IDE Integrated Development Environment

IT Information Technology

LINQ Language Integrated Query

MVC Model View Controller

ORM Object Relational Mapping

RDBMS Relational Database Management System

SDLC Software Development Life Cycle


An internship is a career-related experience that involves receiving academic credit for
intentional learning at an approved site. It provides students the opportunity to relate theory
education to practice. Internships may be paid or unpaid. The main objectives of an internship
are to assist students in focusing their interests and preparing students to meet workplace
demands, thus aiding in their professional carrier. It also guides students to re-examine their
career objectives and explore varieties of opportunities. Internship enhances student’s
knowledge, skills, attitudes and values in three dimensions i.e. personal development,
professional development, and civic development through experience (Sweitzer & King,
An organization where the internship was conducted is AMSoft Technologies. As an
intern serving as a software developer, the assigned project was the development of “Hostel
Management System” using ASP.Net MVC Framework.

Brief Introduction of Organization

About Organization
AMSoft Technologies is an IT consulting and software company serving in IT
related areas since its incorporation for more than 7 years. The company was founded
by a team of experts and engineers specializing in system analysis, software, web
application development, web services and IT consulting services. The company is
serving businesses of all sizes with custom web site design, web application
development, content management website design, dynamic website design, e-
commerce web development, open source customization, search engine optimization,
and customized software development, mobile apps development, system
administration, and network support services.

Organization Vision
AMSoft Technologies is always mindful of providing efficient and
quality work while designing software according to client's budget and

Organization Objectives
 To become a result driven company, following industry standards and
 To provide quality service and always be customer centric.
 To become global company, serving quality product to clients.

Contact Information
Table 1
Organization Contact Information

Name of the Organization AMSoft Technologies

Location Gwarko, Lalitpur
Phone no. +977-1-5007646
Email address

Organization Major Markets and Customers

In today's world, the use of technology and software are the pre requisite for
every organization. Software is used in every field we observe. IT services such as
web application, website, commerce web development has become the important tool
to perform organization's task through internet, web application are sometimes
contrasted with native apps, which are applications that are developed specifically for
a particular platform or device and installed on that device. Some of the major product
of organization are as follows.

 Crew Roster System

 Document Management System

 Fixed Asset Management System

 E-Attendance

 Helicopter Booking Application

 AMS QuizSoft

 Loan Against Share

 Online Exam System

Organization Hierarchy


Human Resource Manager Engineering Manager Administration

Project Manager

Senior Developers

Junior Developers


Figure 1. Organization Hierarchy

Internship Placement Details

Organization Selection
It is very important to select an organization that meets a student’s career
objectives. As it is for the internship, it is necessary to select an organization where
there is learning environment because as an intern the first motive is to learn how the
work is carried out in the real field.

The four-year degree of B.Sc.CSIT allows attaining knowledge on various

aspect of Information Technology. At the same time, the internship is one of the
major highlights of the program to expose the student to the professional world.

Among the various criteria and sectors provided in an internship prerequisite
statement, software development sector was chosen. Various software development
organization were shortlisted and out of which the organization with the best lucrative
offer and environment was approached. AMSoft Technologies, which is located in
Gwarko, Lalitpur an IT company that covers software development, web hosting,
domain registration, e-commerce development, and different another internet related
system was the first choice. Resume was mailed to the organization and an interview
was scheduled. After passing an interview, internship started from 2nd September
2018 at AMSoft Technologies. The company helped in gaining wide experience
through various tasks and projects.

Internship Placement
Table 2
Internship Placement Details

Position Intern
Start Date of the Internship Sept 2nd 2018
End Date of the Internship Dec 31st 2018
Office Hour 10 am to 5:30 pm
Working Hour 7 hours
Working Days 6 days
Holiday Saturday
Mentor Mr. Rikeshwar Prajapati
Project Hostel Management System

Mentor Details
Table 3
Mentor Details

Name Mr. Rikeshwar Prajapati

Post Senior Software Engineer
Company AMSoft Technologies
Phone no. +9779841976042

Roles and Responsibilities
During the internship period, knowledge of various platforms and programming
languages are gained. The target was to deliver a fully-fledged web-based system by
using different tools and frameworks i.e. .NET MVC framework. Hence, to meet those
objectives, this internship required the extensive preliminary studies about
before actually analyzing the actual requirement of the system. The study was required
not only to understand the subject under study but also to realize the solution to the
existing problems and implementing the findings from the study was another bigger
Other major activities carried out during the internship was an extensive study
of the current system, presentation of study analysis and practical implementation, and
most importantly the team discussion to analyze the change request from the client. The
regular meeting with the supervisor and discussion with the mentor helped in widening
the horizon of knowledge of the existing system and problem background.

About Project

Problem Definition
For the past few years, the number of educational institutions is increasing
rapidly in major cities of Nepal. Thereby the number of hostels are also increasing for
the accommodation of the students. The person who runs the hostel has a lot to
manage and software’s are not usually used in this context. This particular project
deals with the problems of managing a hostel and avoids the problems which occur
when carried manually such as data redundancy, human errors, and difficult access to
required information and so on.
Project Objectives

 To automate each and every managerial activity of the manual hostel system.

 To provide quick access to accurate information when required.

Project Overview
“Hostel Management System” is a software application developed for
managing various managerial activities in the hostel. A hostel management system is
designed to provide a computerized process that is stress-free, reliable and quick for
an individual who is responsible for hostel management processes. This system

covers every possible area needed for complete hostel management such as student’s
registration, recording hostel details, hostel services, employees details, vendor
details, investor details, student’s room transfer history, hostel rooms, student bills,
employees salary payment, hostel inventory management, kitchen management and
accounting management.

An admin is able to access and create student records with ease and regular
update of student profile can be done. All the hostel details such as its building,
rooms, stay fee and services can be added and updated with ease. Employee records
with their basic details, designation, salary and join date can be created and updated
easily. Moreover, vendor details and investor details can also be recorded and

This system also provides facilities for inventory management, accounting

management, and kitchen management. Inventory management covers recording and
updating inventory items, its quantity and rate as well as tracking all the purchases
along with its payments. Accounting management covers generating monthly student
bill, tracking bill payments, tracking salary payments and tracking maintenance
expenses. Kitchen management covers listing all food items, updating daily menu and
tracking daily food consumption by students.

Work Done

In this project, a team was assigned under the supervision of our mentor.
System analysis and system design were done with the mutual discussion, co-
operation, and co-ordination. During implementation, different tasks were assigned by
the mentor. They are listed as follows.

 Student Module: Student registration and adding as well as updating

information related to them such as their guardians, assigned room, services

used, room transfer and daily food consumption.

 Hostel Module: Adding and updating hostel information along with their

services, buildings, rooms, and charges.

 Employee Details: Adding and updating employee’s information such as their

designation and salary.

 Inventory Management: Listing and updating all the inventory items along

with their quantity and rate. Recording each and every vendor’s information.

Tracking each and every purchase along with their payments.

 Student Bill Management: Generating monthly student bill including stay

fee, service charges, food consumption, the miscellaneous and previous due

amount (if any). Tracking payment of each and every student bills.


Agile Methodology

Requirement Gathering





Delivery of partially incremented


Approval from Yes



Feedback from customer Release to market

Figure 2. Phases of Agile Process

The development model that was followed for this project is “Agile Model”. Agile
SDLC model follows the software development life cycle which includes requirements
gathering, analysis, design, coding, testing and delivers partially implemented software and
waits for customer feedback. In the whole process, customer satisfaction is at highest priority
with faster development time. The agile process requires less planning and it divides the
tasks into small increments. Agile process is meant for short term projects with an effort of
teamwork that follows the software development life cycle. The involvement of software
team management with customers reduces the risks associated with the software. This agile
process is an iterative process in which changes can be made according to customer
satisfaction. In the agile process, new features can be added easily by using multiple
iterations. (Sharma , Sarkar, & Gupta , 2012)

Agile model is appropriate for this project since it is adaptive to changing

environment, ensures customer satisfaction, and provides rapid delivery of the product.
Among several methodologies for the implementation of agile projects, scrum was used. In
scrum method the entire development cycle is divided into a series of iteration where each
iteration is called as a sprint.

Hostel Management System Sprint Planning

A proper planning for sprint was done i.e. how many sprints are needed to
develop the software, duration of the sprint, and what should be implemented in each

Sprint 1

Master module implementation and its user interfaces.

 Generate views and controllers for adding and listing different types of blood
group, faculty, study level, food preference, expense category, and units.

Sprint 2

Hostel module implementation and its user interfaces.

 Generate views and controllers for adding and updating basic hostel
 Generate views and controllers for adding, updating and listing hostel
buildings and rooms.
 Generate views and controllers for adding, updating and listing hostel services
and charges.

 Generate views and controllers for adding, updating and listing investors and
vendors of a hostel.

Sprint 3

Student module implementation and its user interfaces.

 Generate views and controllers for adding, updating and listing student’s basic
 Generate views and controllers for adding, updating and listing student’s
guardian details.
 Generate views and controllers for the assignment and transfer of student’s
 Generate views and controllers for adding, updating and listing services used
by each student.

Sprint 4

Employee module implementation and its user interfaces.

 Generate views and controllers for adding, updating and listing employees.

Sprint 5

Inventory management system module implementation and its user interfaces.

 Generate views and controllers for adding, updating and listing item types.
 Generate views and controllers for adding, updating and listing items.
 Generate views and controllers for adding, editing, verifying and listing
 Generate views and controllers for adding, updating and listing payment of
each purchase.

Sprint 6

Student bill management module implementation and its user interfaces.

 Generate view and controller for assigning final monthly stay fee.
 Generate views and controllers for generating & listing monthly student bill.
 Generate views and controllers for adding, updating and listing payment for
each student.

System Analysis
The purpose of the system analysis phase is to build a logical model of the system. The
first step is requirement modeling, where you investigate business processes and document
what the system must do to satisfy users. The next step is to study the feasibility of the
system. (Rosenblatt, 2014)
During the internship period, the analysis of the system was conducted with the mutual
discussion between team members. The objectives, functional and non-functional
requirements of the system was specified. Each modules related to the system were analyzed

System Requirements

Functional Requirements

Functional requirements are the system specific requirements that the system
must do. It represents main functions of the system. Functional requirements of
“Hostel Management System” are as follows:

 Admin should be able to add and update hostel information.

 Admin should be able to register student.

 Admin should be able to add and update student information related to their

guardians, room assignment and services usage.

 Admin should be able to add and update employee details along with their

designation and salary.

 Admin should be able to add investors and vendor details.

 Inventory Management System Module

 Admin should be able to add and update item lists, their quantity and rate.

 Admin should be able to track every purchases and their payments.

 Accounting Management System Module

 Admin should be able to generate monthly student bill and track their


 Admin should be able to track monthly payments to employees.

 Admin should be able to track extra expenses such as maintenance, repairing


 Kitchen Management System Module

 Admin should be able to generate daily menu.

 Admin should be able to track daily consumption of food by students.

Non-functional Requirements

Non-functional requirements are the requirements that are not directly

concerned with the functionalities of the system. Although the term “nonfunctional” is
not very descriptive, this requirement category includes important behavioral
properties that the system must have, such as performance and usability. (Dennis,
Wixom, & Roth, 2012)

Non-functional requirements of this system are as follows:

 Operability: The web application should run in any generic computer or mobile
phones with a browser and internet access.
 Modifiability: The system should be easy to modify for any updates. And any
error or mistakes identified should be able to be mended easily.
 Usability: The system should be simple to understand and use.
 Speed and Responsiveness: Execution of the operation should be fast and should
work on all types of devices.
 Security: The system should be secure. It must preserves confidentiality and
integrity of the system data. It must require authentication for accessing the

Feasibility Analysis
The feasibility study is an assessment of the practicality of a proposed plan or method.
The main purpose of a feasibility study is to determine if the project is possible, practical and

beneficial. On the account of Hostel Management System, the following categories of
feasibility test has been performed.

Operational Feasibility
The system does not need any special trainings to operate. Users who have
knowledge about surfing the internet and know how to use computers can easily
operate it. So, this system is operationally feasible.

Economic Feasibility
The benefits of having an online based web application outweigh its operating
costs as it overcomes all drawbacks of the manual hostel management. So, this system
is economically feasible.

Technical Feasibility
The tools, operating system and programming language used in this application
are compatible with the existing one. The ASP.NET has a wide user base and a large
support community. As this system is a web-based application it can run on a regular
web browser. This system requires its user to have a computer and an internet access.
This project was deemed technically feasible.


In the design phase, a physical design that meets the requirements specified during the
analysis phase is generated. This phase consists of architectural design, data modeling and
process modeling using ER Diagram, DFD, flowchart etc.

Architectural Design

Presentation Layer
(ASP.NET MVC Application)

Business Layer
(C# Classes)

Date Access Layer


Data (SQL

Figure 3. Architecture Design

“Hostel Management System” is built in three layer architecture. The three-layer
architecture are:

 Presentation Layer: This layer presents data to the user and optionally permits data

manipulation and data entries.

 Business Layer: This layer helps developers to solve mission-critical business

problems and achieve major productivity advantages.

 Data Access Layer: It enables interaction with persistent data usually stored in a

database or in permanent storage. Entity framework was used as data access layer in

hostel management system.

Data Modeling
Address Buildings


HostelId Hostel Details Vendors

1 Phone Designation
Email Name
Password EmployeeId

Admin Manages Employee

Address Phone Address
N JoinDate

StudentId Student CheckOutDate

StudentName CheckInDate

Mobile FoodPreference


Gender StudyLevel

BloodGroup CitizenshipNo

Figure 4. ER Diagram of Hostel Management System

Address Unit
Phone ItemId
AdminId Admin Manages Item

PurchaseDetailId Quantity Rate

Unit PurchaseId
N PaymentType

Purchase Details Tracks Payment

M Rate M
Contains Of

1 1

BillNo Dicount

VendorId VATAmount

PurchaseDate ReceivedDate

Figure 5. ER Diagram of Inventory Management Module

Deposit Discount

StayCategory FinalMontlyFee

StudentId AssignedBy

FeeSettingId Student Fee AssignedDate

Email Password
Name Sets

M Address

Tracks Admin Generates

StudentBillId StudentBillId


Monthly Student
Student Bill Of
M 1 Bill


PaidAmount GeneratedDate
DueAmount PreviousDue



Figure 6. ER Diagram of Student Billing Module

Use Case Diagram

Student registration

Manage hostel and employee


Manage investors and

vendor information

Inventory management

Kitchen management

Accounting System

Figure 7. Use Case Diagram of Overall Hostel Management System

Add/Update/View Item

Add/Update/View Item list

Add/Edit/View purchase

Track payment for each bill

Figure 8. Use Case Diagram of Inventory Management Module

Assign monthly fee for students

Generate monthly student Bill


Track payment for each student bill

Figure 9. Use Case Diagram of Student Billing Module

Data Flow Diagram


Hostel Management

Hostel Database

Figure 10. DFD Level-0


Request Request
Track Admin Record




Add, update, Add, update,

view view

Hostel Employee Student

Kitchen Inventory Accounts
information information Information


Figure 11. DFD Level-1

Process Design



Add/Update/View Item Add/Update/View

Add/View Purchase Bill
Types Items

Yes No
Verified? Edit Purchase Bill


Verify Purchase Bill


Pay Clear?


Add payment of verified

purchase bill

View Payments of purchase




Figure 12. Flowchart of Inventory Management Module



Generate Monthly Student Bill

Yes No
Pay Clear?


Add payment of student bill

View Payments of student bill



Figure 13. Flowchart of Student Billing Module


System Implementation
During implementation phase, the system is actually built. The workable product is
the outcome of this phase. The application logic for a system will be expressed in programs
that will be written during construction of the system. First, various implementation decisions
will be made about the new system, such as what programming language, tools and
techniques will be used. (Dennis, Wixom, & Roth, 2012)

Tools and Techniques Used

ASP.NET is a web development platform, which provides a programming
model, a comprehensive software infrastructure and various services required to build
up robust web applications. Hostel Management System was implemented using
ASP.NET MVC 5 framework.

Microsoft SQL Server

SQL Server is Microsoft's relational database management system (RDBMS).
The database for this system was created using SQL Server. SQL was used to
communicate with a database. It is the standard language for relational database
management systems. It was used to create and maintain databases. The SQL
commands that was mostly used were "Select", "Insert", "Update", "Delete", and

Entity Framework
The Entity Framework is the development of data oriented applications using
ADO.NET entity data model. It was used for ORM in this system as it provides
database access and data operation process. Among three approaches, database first
approach was used in this system. In this approach, classes are created automatically
based on database.

Microsoft Visual Studio

Visual Studio .NET is a Microsoft-integrated development environment (IDE)
that was used for developing web applications. Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 version
15.0 was used to create hostel web application. It provided a project template for

creating ASP.NET Web Application in C#. The debugging feature of the visual studio
was very beneficial to diagnose problems with programs by setting a breakpoint.

SQL Server Management Studio

SSMS is an integrated environment for managing any SQL infrastructure, from
SQL Server to SQL Database. SSMS provided tools to configure, monitor, and
administer instances of SQL. SSMS 2017 was used to create a database and tables for
the system.

LINQ is a powerful query language introduced in visual studio. Entity
framework supports LINQ-to-Entities queries. To create and test LINQ-to-Entities
queries, LINQPad was used.


Testing is intended to check if the program works as intended. It helps to detect defects
and errors. The major objectives of testing is to demonstrate if the developed system meet its
requirements without any errors.

Unit Testing
Testing is intended to check if the program works as intended. It helps to
detect defects and errors. The major objectives of testing is to demonstrate if the
developed system meet its requirements without any errors.


 ID: Test 1

TITLE: Check Login

MODULE UNDER TEST: LoginController.cs


INPUT: Correct email and password

RESULT: Successful Login

 ID : Test 2

TITLE: Check Login

MODULE UNDER TEST: LoginController.cs


INPUT: Incorrect email and password

RESULT: Error message is displayed

Hostel Module

 ID: Test 3

TITLE: Add Hostel Information

MODULE UNDER TEST: HostelController.cs


INPUT: HostelName, Address, Phone, Email, Website and Logo

RESULT: Hostel information is inserted to database

 ID: Test 4

TITLE: Add Hostel Building’s Information

MODULE UNDER TEST: BuildingController.cs


INPUT: BuildingName, Address, TotalRoom, TotalFloor, TotalRent, LeaseFrom

and LeaseTo

RESULT: Hostel building information is inserted to database

 ID: Test 5

TITLE: Add Hostel Service Type

MODULE UNDER TEST: HostelServiceController.cs


INPUT: HostelServiceType and Amount

RESULT: Hostel service type is inserted to database

 ID: Test 6

TITLE: Add Hostel Room

MODULE UNDER TEST: RoomController.cs


INPUT: RoomNo, RoomType, Capacity, Building and FloorNo

RESULT: Hostel room is inserted to database

 ID: Test 7

TITLE: Add Stay Fee

MODULE UNDER TEST: StayCategoryController.cs


INPUT: StayCategoryTitle, StayCategoryCode and TotalAmount

RESULT: Stay fee is inserted to database

Student Module

 ID: Test 8

TITLE: Check Student Registration

MODULE UNDER TEST: StudentController.cs


INPUT: StudentName, Mobile, DateOfBirth, Email, Gender, Address,

StudyLevel, StayCategory, FoodPreference, CitizenshipNo, PlaceOfIssue,

DateOfIssue, Faculty, BloodGroup,

RESULT: Successful Login

 ID: Test 9

TITLE: Add guardian of a student

MODULE UNDER TEST: GuardianController.cs


INPUT: GuardianFullName, Relationship, Address, ContactNo and Occupation

RESULT: Guardian is inserted to database

Employee Module

 ID: Test 10

TITLE: Add Employee

MODULE UNDER TEST: EmployeeController.cs


INPUT: Name, Gender, Phone, DateOfBirth, Address, EmployeeType, Email,

Salary and JoinDate

RESULT: Successful Login

Inventory Management System

 ID: Test 11

TITLE: Add Item Type

MODULE UNDER TEST: ItemTypeController.cs


INPUT: ItemCategoryName

RESULT: ItemType is inserted to database

 ID: Test 12

TITLE: Add Item

MODULE UNDER TEST: ItemController.cs

INPUT: ItemTitle, ItemCategory, Quantity and Unit

RESULT: Item is inserted to database

 ID: Test 13

TITLE: Add Purchase

MODULES UNDER TEST: PurchaseController.cs &



INPUT: VendorName, VendorAddress, BillNo, PurchaseDate, ReceivedDate,

Receiver, Items and its respective Rate, Quantity and Unit, VatAmount, Discount

and TotalAmount

RESULT: Purchase details are added to ITM_ItemPurchase table. Items and its

respective rate, quantity and unit are added to ITM_ItemPurchaseDetail in

reference to PurchaseId

 ID: Test 14

TITLE: Add Purchase Payment

MODULES UNDER TEST: PurchasePaymentController.cs


INPUT: PurchaseId, PaymentType, PaidAmount, DueAmount and PaymentDate

RESULT: Purchase payment is inserted to database

Integration Testing
Integration testing was performed to ensure if units of the project were working
properly when integrated with one another.

Hostel and Student Module Integration

 ID: Test 15

TITLE: Add services taken by student

MODULE UNDER TEST: ServiceController.cs


INPUT: Services, StartDate and EndDate

RESULT: Services taken by a student are inserted to database

 ID: Test 16

TITLE: Student Room Assignment

MODULE UNDER TEST: StudentRoomController.cs


INPUT: Student, Building, Floor, Room and AssignedDate

RESULT: Room is assigned to a student.

 ID: Test 17

TITLE: Student Fee Assignment

MODULE UNDER TEST: StudentFeeController.cs


INPUT: StayCategory, Deposit, Discount, FinalMonthlyFee, AssignedBy and


RESULT: Monthly fee is assigned to a student.

Student and Accounting Module Integration

 ID: Test 18

TITLE: Monthly Student Bill Generation

MODULE UNDER TEST: StudentBillController.cs


INPUT: StudentId and BillMonth

RESULT: Bills for selected month and students are generated

 ID: Test 19

TITLE: Add Bill Payment

MODULE UNDER TEST: StudentBillPaymentController.cs


INPUT: PurchaseId, PaymentType, PaymentDate, PaidAmount and DueAmount

RESULT: Bill payment is inserted to database.

It was a great opportunity to work in the professional IT Company, working there as an
intern was a good experience. It provided a good working environment and adequate
information to develop interactive, operative and dynamic web application.

This internship was successful because of the following reasons:

 A system that covers all managerial activities of a hostel was developed.

 Database related skills in SQL Server environment such as writing complex queries
was practiced.
 The better understanding of entity framework and LINQ-to-Entities queries was
 The knowledge on the MVC framework, jQuery AJAX and other practical issues
related to web application development was gained.
 Business skills in communication, teamwork, and technology were improved.

As a whole, this internship was a wonderful experience. The internship helped in gaining
lots of practical knowledge and experience about the real world working environment. It
helped in building my confidence to face different challenges that arise in the software
development and better ability to address complex problems with proper research and team
discussion. I would further pursue my career as a software developer.

Dennis, A., Wixom, B. H., & Roth, R. M. (2012). System Analysis and Design (5th ed.). Don

Rosenblatt, H. J. (2014). Systems Analysis and Design (10th ed.).

SHAHEER.K.A, M., SHIRAS.A, M., RAJ.R, V., & G.V, P. (2009). Hostel Management

Sharma , S., Sarkar, D., & Gupta , D. (2012). Agile Processes and Methodologies: A
Conceptual Study.

Sweitzer, H. F., & King, A. M. (2014). The Successful Internship: Personal, Professional, and
Civic Development in Experiential Learning (4th ed.). Jon-David Hague.


Login Page

User must login with email and password that matches entry in database. Otherwise
error message will be displayed.

Hostel Module

Hostel Details

Hostel’s name, login, address, phone, email and website of the hostel is displayed.
Hostel admin can edit these details.

Hostel Services

Different types of services provided by hostel are displayed along with their charges.
Hostel admin can add and update hostel services.

Hostel Rooms

Hostel rooms are listed with their capacity and type as well as its building and floor.
A hostel admin can add and update hostel room details.

Student Module

Student List

Students are listed along with their name, mobile no, date of birth, email, gender and
address. Admin can update student information.

Student Registration

Name, mobile, date of birth, email, gender, address, study level, stay category, food
preference, citizenship no, place of issue, date of issue, faculty and blood group of a student
are added during student registration.

Edit Student Information

Name, mobile, date of birth, email, gender, address, study level, stay category, food
preference, citizenship no, place of issue, date of issue, faculty and blood group of a student
can be edited.

Add Student’s Guardian Information

Student’s guardian name, relationship, address, contact no and occupation are added.

Student Room Assignment

Hostel admin can assign room to a student. The building and floor number where the
assigned room is located is also recorded along with the assigned date.

Student Services

The services that student intend to use are then recorded along with start date and end
date of those services.

Student Daily Food Consumption

Student Details

Student details page has tabs displaying student information, guardian details, room
details, service details, fee details and food details of a student.

Employee Module

Employee List

Employees are listed along with their names, designation, address, phone, gender,
email, salary and join date. A hostel admin can update and view employee’s information.

Add Employee

Name, gender, phone number, date of birth, address, employee type, email, salary and
join date of a hostel employee are added by a hostel admin.

Inventory Management Module

Items Listing

List of items including item title, category, quantity and unit are displayed.

Add Item

Item title, category, quantity, unit and status are added by hostel admin.

Purchase Bill List

All the purchases of a hostel including bill no, vendor name, total amount, purchase
date, received date, verification status, receiver and payment status are listed in purchase bill

Add Purchase Bill

Vendor name, vendor address, bill no, purchase date, received date, vat amount (if
any), discount (if any), total amount and items list along with their respective quantity, unit,
rate and amount are added in purchase bill.

Edit Purchase Bill

Purchase bill can be edited until it is verified. Only after the verification of a bill,
payments for that bill can be added.

Add Purchase Bill Payment

Payment for each purchase bill is added with information such as purchase id,
payment type, total amount, paid amount and payment date.

Verify Purchase Bill

Once a purchase bill is verified, it can’t be edited. Payment can be added for a
purchase bill only after its verification.

Student Bill Management Module

Student Fee Setting

Monthly fee is finalized based on stay category. Fee setting of a student includes
adding stay category, deposit and discount. The person who assigns the fee and the
assignment date are also added.

Student Bill List

All the student’s bill can be viewed organized per month. Student’s bill of any current
or previous year can also be viewed.

Generate Monthly Student Bill

Monthly student bill can be generated for all or some intended students. Month for
bill generation be selected as well. The month preceding the current is selected as default.

Student Bill Details

Each student bill consists on bill month, bill generation date, student name, student’s
registration number, due date and fee particulars that includes rent, service charges (if any),
miscellaneous (if any), previous month’s due (if any) and monthly student food consumption
(if any).

Add Student Bill Payment

Payment for each student bill is added with information such as student bill id,
payment type, total amount, paid amount and payment date.


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