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N. Paravoor(9633555688),Perumbavoor(9895989446), Cheruthoni(9207025885)
1. Section 69 deals with…..? a) Dispute, b)Award, c)Award on dispute, c)None
2. Award on dispute may be final under section…..? a) 82,b)70,c)72,d)75
3. Section 70 A :
a) Provision as to pending proceeding, b)Cooperative arbitration court, c)Winding up of society ,d)None
4. Power of liquidator under section….? A) 71,b)72,c)73,d)74
5. Deposit insurance corporation Act…….? a) 1961,b)1962,c)1963,d)1968
6. Section 74 A deals….? A) transfer bank, b)cooperative bank, c)Insured cooperative bank, d)None
7. Enforcement of charge section……? A) 74 B, b)74 C, c)75, d)76
8. Registrar or person empowered by him to be a civil court for certain purpose section……….?
A) 76, b)77, c)78, d)79
9. Cooperative service examination board section……? A) 80 A, b)80B,c) 80 C, d) 81
10. Appeal against an Award is made with in…………days from the date of the order…?
A) 60, b)30, c)45, d)90
11. Application for review shall be made……from the date of communication of the order of the
Tribunal……? A) 60, b)90, c)30, d)45
12. Application for registration must contain Court fee Stamp of Rs………..? a) 5,b)50,c)25,d)10
13. Cooperation means ……..? a) Working together, b)Joint trading, c)Joint stock company ,d) All
14. “No competition, No money ,No profit” is the idea achieved by Robert Owen through………?
A) Labour exchange, b)New Harmony, c)cooperative colony, d)None
15. The self financing pension scheme was inserted by………..?
a) Act 16 of 1993,b) Act 3 of 2002,c)Act 1 of 2000,d) None
16. Appeals to other authorities section………..? a) 82,b) 81,c)83,d)84
17. The term of the office of an elected member of SCU shall be for a period of…………years..?
a) 3,b)4,c)5,d)7
18. The chairman of state cooperative union shall be elected by the…………?
a) General body, b)Managing committee, c)Executive committee, d)None
19. Section 95 deals with ……..? a) Cognize of offence, b) Address of the society, c)Tribunal, d)Inspection
20. A………is a bill of exchange drawn on a specified banker and not expressed to be payable otherwise
than on demand……..? a) Cheque, b)Promissory Note, c)Bailment, d) None of these
21. Section 6 of Ni Act defines……..? a) Cheque, b)Promissory Note, c)Bailment, d)None of these
22. A cheque which is torn in to pieces is called……?
a) Ante dated cheque, b) Post dated cheque ,c)Mutilated cheque, d)Stale
23. Section 5 of NI Act defines……….? a) Cheque, b)Promissory Note, c)Bill of exchange, d)fixed deposit
24. A bill of exchange is a/an……….order..? a) Conditional, b)Unconditional, c)Oral, d)None
25. In case of……………crossing two transverse parallel lines with & Co or a/c payee only will be written
on the face of cheque……..? a) Special, b)General, c)Opening, d)Conditional
26. ………… a direction given to the paying banker not to make the payment across counter……..?
a) Teller system, b)Crossing of cheque, c)Garnishee order, d)ATM
27. On the face of a cheque two transverse parallel lines are drawn with or without certain words in them,
this is……? a) Opening, b)Marking, c)Crossing, d)None
28. SBI was established on………..? a) 01/04/1935, b)05/05/1956, c)01/07/1955, d)01/01/1955
29. The maximum number of withdrawals permitted in current account is…..?
a) 10 /day , b) 15/day, c)No limit, d)None of these
30. RBI was nationalized in…….? a) 01/04/1948, b)01/04/1949, c)01/01/1948, d)01/01/1949
31. The biggest commercial bank in India is….? a) RBI, b)ICICI, c)SBT, d)SBI
32. The basic idea behind cooperation is :
a) Self help ,b) Mutual help, c) Self help and mutual help, d) none of these
33. Principles of cooperation formulated for the first time by ….?
A) ICA ,b) Rochdale pioneers, c) Karve Committee, d) Robert Owen
34. MATSYAFED was registered in ………..? a) 1981 ,b) 1984,c) 1980,d) 1979
35. Special Charge on Movable and immovable property in favor of agriculture bank is………?
a) Gehan ,b ) Mortgage c) Hypothecation ,d) Pledge
36. UNICOOP JAPAN was established in ; a) 1961,b)1905,c) 1919,d) 1917
37. Name of the publication by information Bureau of Kerala state cooperative department …?
A) Cooperative worker ,b) cooperative Journal, c) Sahakarana Veedhi, d) The Cooperator
38. The primary credit Societies are to pay the audit fees calculated on the basis of :
a) Gross income, b) Total capital, c) Total sales, d) Working capital
39. Which of the following type of societies are exempted from the payment of audit fees :
a) Credit societies, b) Transport societies, c)Farming societies, d) Housing societies ;
40. The minimum age to become a member in cooperative society :
a) 18 Years, b) 21 Years, c) 25Years,d) 30 Years
41. A decision on application for membership has to taken with in……….of its receipt :
a) 2 Months, b) 15 days, c) 3 Months, d) 30 Days
42. A nominal member in society is also known as …………….: a) Associate member,
b) Full fledged member, c) Ex-Officio to member, d) None of these
43. In-India cooperation is a : a) Central subject, b) State subject, c) National Subject, d) NCU
44. Convention of Conservatism takes in to account ………..?
a) All prospective profits and losses , b) All prospective profits but leaves all prospective losses,
c) All prospective losses but leaves all prospective profits, d)None of these
45. Revenue is recognized as being earned at the point of time when………..?
a) Order of sale is received, b) Cash is received, c)Production is completed, d) Sale is effected
46. Cash withdrawn for personal use by the proprietor is credited to…………?
a) Cash account, b) Drawing account, c) Profit and loss account, d) None of these
47. ….is the basis for all accounting records….? a) Journal, b) Ledger , c) Trial balance, d) Source document
48. Credit to an asset means that asset is…………..? a) Purchased, b) Sold, c) Constructed, d) None of these
49. When cheque is received from a customer………account is debited…?
A) Bank account, b) Cash account, c) Customer account, d) Cheque account
50. Section 74 Deals with……..? a) cancelation of Registration, b) Surcharge, c) Audit, d) Director of Audit
51. Industrial Dispute Act: a) 1957,b) 1947,c) 1946,d) 1960
52. Section…………deals with expulsion of member ..? a) 16,b)17,c)18,b)19
53. The section deals in cooperative Risk fund………? A) 57 A, b) 57 B, c) 57 C, d)57 D
54. Section……deals with disposal of net profit….? a) Section 56 ,b) section 55,c)Section 44, d)section 45.
55. As per disposal of net profit an amount not less than ………….% of net profit transferred to Reserve
fund ? a) 15%,b) 10%,c)5%,d) 25%
56. In case of cooperative society paid donation, these one paid from.?
a) net profit, b) gross profit, c) Common good fund, d) Paid up share capital
57. In case of cooperative society have net profit an amount …….% compulsory transferred to cooperative
education fund ? a) 10% ,b) 5% ,c) 15%,d) 25%
58. The following statement one is wrong in case of disposal of net profit of cooperative society? a) Bonus to
members, b) Bonus to employee, c) Dividend to members, d) Cooperative education fund.
59. The rate of Agricultural credit stabilization fund in a cooperative society? a) 7%,b)25%, c) 5%,d)10%
60. Rule…….deals with constitution of cooperative education fund?
a) Rule 53,b) Rule 52, c)Rule 51,d) Rule 56
61. Section………deals with Investments of Fund? a) Section 57,b)Section 56,c) Section 55, d) Section 54.
62. A society may deposit its funds in…..?
a) in government saving bank ,b) In any of the securities specified in the Indian trust Act,
c) In Shares of securities of any other society approved by the Registrar, d) All of these.
63. Interest on capital, salary to partners etc...are ……
a) appropriation of profit, b) charges on profit, c) Credits on profit, d) none of these
64. Closing stock is…….? a) Income, b)Expense, c)Asset, d)Liability
65. In a sole trader balance sheet, assets are arranged in the order of…?
a) Permanency, b)Liquidity, c)Priority, d)Liability
66. Good will is…………..asset…? a) Tangible, b)Intangible, c)Current, d)Fluctuating
67. Gross profit is the difference between…….?
a) Sales and purchase ,b) sales and total cost, c)Sales and cost of goods sold, d) sales and expense
68. Teaming and lading is one of the method of…………………? a) Misappropriation of cash
,b)Misappropriation of goods, c)Manipulation of accounts, d)None of these
69. Window dressing is one of the methods of……………?
a) Misappropriation of cash ,b)Misappropriation of goods, c)Manipulation of accounts, d)None of these
70. …………are methods, devices, tools and procedures adopted by the auditor for carrying out the audit
work…….? a) Audit principle ,b) audit techniques ,c)Audit standards, d)None of these
71. The audit working papers are the property of……..? a) auditor, b)client, c)Both A and B, d)none of these
72. Decrease in the mineral wealth of the mines is termed as…………?
a) Obsolescence ,b)Depletion, c)Amortization, d)Fluctuation
73. When an auditor is satisfied that the P/L and B/S exhibit a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the
company, he will give……….report..? a) Unqualified, b)qualified, c) adverse, d) Piecemeal
74. Under……….method of providing depreciation, the value of asset cannot be written down to zero..?
a) Fixed installment, b)Original cost, c)Straight line, d) Diminishing balance
75. Cost of erection of plant and machinery is a………….?
a) Capital expenditure, b)Revenue expenditure, c)differed, d) None of these
76. …is the auditor plan of action..?
a) Audit programme, b) audit file, c)Audit working papers, d)Audit note book
77. Detection and prevention of errors and fraud s the…………of audit..?
a) Primary objective, b) Secondary, c)Main objective, d)None of these
78. The person to whom the business is owed…? A) Debtor ,b) Creditor, c)None of these, d)All of these
79. Cash withdrawn by the proprietor from the business is Debited to……….account..?
a) Cash, b)Salary, c)Profit and loss account, d) None of these
80. Sale of fixed asset on credit is first recorded in the ………….
a) Sales day book, b)Fixed asset account, c) Cash book, d) None of these
81. Sale value of goods taken by the proprietor is Credited to………..account?
A) Purchases, b)Cash, c)Capital, d)Drawings
82. If the stock is uninsured and it is lost by fire, then ………………account is debited
a) Trading, b)Profit and loss account, c)Purchases, d) None of these
83. Rebate on retiring of bill is a………….to the drawee..? a) Income ,b) Expenses, c)Liability, d)Asset
84. When the amount of bill is paid before maturity, it is called………..?
a) Retiring bill, b)Renewal of bill, c)Dishonor of bill, d)Discounting of bill
85. Receipt & payment account is a …………….account..? a) Real, b)Nominal, c)Personal, d)None of these
86. At the time of admission, unrecorded asset will be………? A) Debited to revaluation account,
b)Credited to revaluation account ,Credited to asset account, d)None of these
87. At the time of dissolution, a liability taken over by partner is to be credited to the …………..account..?
a) Realization, b)Partners’ capital account, c)Bank, d) Cash
88. Opening a crossed cheque is done by……..? a) Drawee, b)Drawer, c)Payee, d)endorsee
89. The banking regulation act was passed in the year……….? a) 1949,b) 1959,c) 1948, d) 1947
90. Not negotiable crossing is warning to the……..?
a) collecting banker, b) Paying banker, c) transferor, d) transferee
91. ……………banking is a system of banking where two or more banking companies are controlled by one
or few individuals or by the same group of persons through purchase of shares of such banks…….?
a) Chain, b)Group, c)Unit, d)Branch
92. The person who transfers the interest in a specific immovable property is called the…….?
a) mortgager, b)Mortgagee, c)Mortgage, d)None of these
93. Transfer of property Act was passed in the year……? a) 1881,b)1882,c)1883,d)1884
94. Indian Registration Act was passed in the year…….? a) 1910,b)1909,c)1908,d)1907
95. Charitable endowment Act was passed in the year………? a) 1880,b)1890,c)1892,d)1894
96. Enforcement of charge deals in section……….? A) 74,b)75,c)76,d)77
97. ………….is principle book of accounts : A) Journal, b)Ledger, c)Trial Balance, d) Balance Sheet
98. Section………….deals with companies Act 1956 Not to apply…?
A) Section 107, b) Section 108,c) Section 109,d) Section 110
99. ………… of company can be called up only in the winding up of the company …?
A) Reserve capital, b) Unreserved capital, c) Uncalled capital, d) None of these
100. Rule 63 deals with ………….?
A)maintenance of fluid resources ,b) Gratuity, c)Investment of fund, d) Provident fund .
101. If in a certain language CHARCOAL is coded as 45164913 and MORALE is coded as 296137, how is
‘REAL’ coded in that language ? a) 8519 b) 6719 c) 6513 d)6713
102. Find the odd one out a) OMQ b) HFJ c) TPR d) VTX
103. If two is subtracted from each odd digit and three is added to each even digit in the number 94257636,
how many digits will appear twice in the new number thus formed ? a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3
104. In a certain coding language, if GO = 32 & SHE = 49 then SOME will be equal to ?
a) 56 b) 58 c) 62 d) 64
105. According to a military code, SYSTEM is SYSMET and NEARER is AENRER. What is the code for
106. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and so form a group. Which one does not belong to
that group?
1. Robust : Weak 2. Chaos : Peace 3. Cruel : Kind 4. Sink : Float 5. Abduct : Kidnap
a) 1 b) 3 c) 5 d) 1 and 5
107. Choose the number pair/ group which is different from others? a) 7 : 22 b) 12 : 37 c)8 : 33 d) 15 : 46
108. If 324⊕289 = 35, 441⊕484 = 43, then 625⊕400 = ?
a) 45 b) 50 c) 55 d) 40
109. Sandhya's birthday falls on 15th August and Minu's birthday falls on 25th June. If Minu's birthday was
on Wednesday, what was the day on Sandhya's birthday in the same year?
a) Friday b) Monday c) Tuesday d) Saturday
110. In a queue, Amrita is 10th from the front while Mukul is 25thfrom behind and Mamta is just in the
middle of the two. If there be 50 persons in the queue, what position does Mamta occupy from the front?
a) 14th b 16th c) 18th d) 20th
111. A child went 90 m in the East to look for his father, then he turned right and went 20 m. After this he
turned right and after going 30 m he reached to his uncle's house. His father was not there. From there he
went 100 m to his north and met his father. How far did he meet his father from the starting point?
a) 80m b) 100m c) 140m d) 260m
112. Vishal, Priyatham, Raghu, Karthik and Veeru are five friends. Vishal is twice as old as Priyatham.
Raghu is half the age of Priyatham. Vishal is half the age of Veeru and Raghu is twice the age of Karthik.
Who is the youngest? a) Veeru b) Karthik c) Vishal d) Raghu
113. Complete the series 2, 3, 10, 39, 172, ___
a) 254 b) 323 c) 658 d) 885
114. What should come in the place of question mark (?) in the following number series?
3, 22, 7, 45, 15, ?, 31
a)91 b) 110 c) 125 d) 247
115. Find the wrong number in the series
37, 46, 71, 120, 191, 322, 491
a) 46 b) 191 c) 71 d) 322
116. Find the missing number in the given figure (a)28 (b)30 (c)31 (d)34

117. 4 men can do a work in 5 days and 6 women can do the same work in 4 days. If 5 men and 6 women
work together they will complete in:
a) 1 day b) 2 days c) 3 days d) 4 days
118. A bus of length 10 m is overtaking another bus of the same length. If their speeds are 12 m/s and 8 m/s.
How much time would be taken for overtaking?
a) 2.5 s b) 4 s c) 8 s d) 5 s
119. A trader purchases a certain property at 4/5th of the value and sells it at 10% more than its value. What is
his gain %? a) 37.5% b) 31% c) 32.3% d) 27.7%
120. What day was 1998 April 13? (a)Monday (b) Tuesay (c)Wednesday (d)Thursday.
121. World Social Justice Day is observed on
a) February 20 b) March 21 c) October 17 d) February 21
122. Who is the first Malayali to win Dronacharya award?
a) Jimmy George b) O. M. Nambiar c) C. Balakrishnan d) Sunny Thomas
123. Which article of the Indian constitution deals with citizenship?
a) Article 1 to 5 b) Article 12 to 17 c) Article 5 to 11 d) Article 17 to 23
124. Which is the tallest dam in India?
a) Sardar Sarovar b) Tehri c) Hirakud d) Indira Sagar
125. Who is the Father of Email?
a) Sabhir Bhatiya b) Paul T. Buchheit c) Raymond Tomlinson d) Seymour Cray
126. Talcher Thermal Power Station is located in which Indian state?
a) Andhra Pradesh b) Maharashtra c) West Bengal d) Odisha
127. Who is the first deputy Chief Minister of Kerala?
a) C. H. Mohammed Koya b) R. Sankar c) C. Achutha Menon d) Avukader Kutty Naha
128. Which two countries are connected by Maithri Express train?
a) India and Bangladesh b) India and Thailand c) India and Bhutan d) India and Nepal
129. Who was the political guru of B. R. Ambedkar?
a) C. R. Das b) Gopalakrishna Gokhale c) Jyotibha Phule d) M. G. Ranade
130. Which is the most abundant metal in the human body?
a) Iron b) Calcium c) Aluminium d) Oxygen
131. The first Biosphere Reserve in India is
a) Agasthyamalai b) Sunderban c) Nilgiri d) Kanchenjanga
132. Which among the following is not an indirect tax?
a) Excise duty b) Sales tax c) Customs duty d) Income Tax
133. Which is the first hydroelectric project in Kerala?
a) Idukki b) Pallivasal c) Malampuzha d) Sabarigiri
134. Which is the only district in Kerala that shares border with two states?
a) Wayanad b) Idukki c) Kannur d) Alappuzha
135. Where is United Nations(UN) Peace University situated?
a) Tokyo b) New York c) Costa Rica d)Paris
136. Who is the present Chairman of National Commission for Scheduled Castes?
a) P. L. Poonia b) Ram Shankar Katheria c) B. S. Maoji d) NandaKumar Sai
137. Which country’s Prime Minister is awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2019?
a) Kenya b) Tanzania c) Ethiopia d) Djibouti
138. Who is the National Security Advisor of India?
a) Krishnamoorthy Subramanyam b) P. C. Modi c) Ajith Doval d) Rajiv Kumar
139. What is India’s rank in Global Hunger Index 2019?
a) 101 b) 102 c) 103 d) 105
140. Which novel has won the 2018 Golden Man Booker Prize?
a) Celestial Bodies b) Milkman c) Flights d) The English Patient
141. They haven’t spent the night there. (Decide which part of speech is bold)
(a)Adjective (b)Adverb (c)Verb (d)Preposition.
142. Monkeys are ……learners than elephants. (a)faster (b)very fast (c)more faster (d)more fast.
143. The train runs at a speed of 65 kms ……hour. (a)a (b)an (c)the (d)none of the above.
144. You should decide which one of the three choices A, B or C best …..the question.
(a)answer (b)answered (c)answers (d)none of the above.
145. Everybody has attended the conference, …?
(a)didn’t they? (b)have they? (c)hasn’t they? (d)haven’t they?
146. Joy Thomas ……the marathon for the first time in 2009. (a)is running (b)ran (c)runs (d)has run.
147. She wouldn’t have yawned the whole day if she …..late last night.
(a)doesn’t stay up (b)didn’t stay up (c)hadn’t stayed up (d)don’t stay up.
148. We often go fishing …..the river bank. (a)along (b)inside (c)towards (d)around.
149. She has three children ……her first husband. (a)of (b)in (c)by (d)from.
150. Priya said to him, “Why are you working so hard?” (Choose the correct reported speech of the Direct
speech given above.
(a)Priya asked him why he was working so hard. (b)Priya asked him why was he working so hard.
(c)Priya asked him why he has been working so hard. (d)Priya asked him why he had been working so hard.
151. A………of gees was heard a mile away. (a)litter (b)herd (c)goggle (d)none of the above.
152. ………money is invested by experienced investors who know about what they are doing.
(a)Clever (b)Genial (c)Intelligent (d)Smart.
153. Choose the synonym of “Embezzle” (a)Misappropriate (b)Balance (c)Remunerate (d)Clear.
154. Find the Antonym of “Quiescent” from the following. (a)Dormant (b)Active (c)Weak (d)unconcerned.
155. My parents told me that I would have to ……them when they become old. (Use appropriate phrasal verb
from the following ) (a)look for (b)look at (c)look after (d)look into.
156. Find a word suitable for the expression “The style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge”.
(a)Verbose (b)Pedantic (c)Pompous (d)Ornate.
157. Choose the correctly spelt word from among the following (a)Ignouminious (b)Ignomenious
(c)Ignominious (d)Ignomineous.
158. Choose the meaning of the idiom “To Pick holes” (a)To find some reason to quarrel (b)To destroy
something (c)To eat some part of an item (d)To criticize someone.
159. Many medication have other ……besides the intended one.
(a)affects (b)effects (c)taste (d)none of the above.
160. Thousands of people have taken part in a …….democracy demonstrations. (Choose the correct prefix
from the following ) (a)for (b)by (c)of (d)pro.

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