Inductiv e Bible Study

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INDUCTIVE =Taking A number of facts and drawing a logical conclusion from the facts,

Example. Fact no. 1. Thomas called Jesus “my Lord and my God”. John 20:28
Fact no, 2, Matthew called Jesus Emmanuel which means GOD with us. Matt. 1:23
Fact .No. 3 John called Jesus the LOGOS who became Flesh. John 1:1
Conclusion: Therefore, Jesus is God who became man.

DEDUCTIVE= starting from a statement or idea , and then finding various facts which prove that the statement or idea is true.

EX. Statement or idea: JESUS IS THE INCARNATE GOD.

Proof: 1. Jesus is called Emmanuel which means God with us.
2. The WORD became flesh and dwell among us.
3. Peter declared tha Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living GOD.

INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY is approaching the Bible by gathering facts and draw a conclusion based on the facts.

Three Important Questions TO DEAL WITH IBS.


Learn to go beyond glancing at the scripture and aim for clear recognition of what God has revealed.


It is your attempt to discover what the passage you are studying actually means. What did tha passage mean
to people who heard those words for the very first time?


To say “ I understand” is good but to continue with “therefore I obey” is far more important.

1. Use the six basic questions.
Who = look at the people involved in the passage The speaker and the audience., the writer and the
recipient. If not mention find the pronouns.
What = event, ideas, results, situation etc.
Where= Geographical setting., location of the event etc. Consult the dictionary or bible encyclopedia.
When = When did this take place? What was the historical background?
Why = Why it is written? Why it has been said? Discover the purpose of the writer or speaker.
How = How are things done? How it has been presented. How he said it?

2. Discover the Form or structure of the Passage.

1. Literary Genre =Poetry, narrative, parable, logical argument, discourse, practical advice, history, drama,
2. Some other things to look in the structure.
a. The use of cause and effect.
b. The movement from general to particular or vice versa.
c. Use of the OT reference in the NT.
d. Use of Illustration in the text of the main arguments or narrative. (Gal. 4)
e. Use of the current events at that time.

3. Find the Key Words. Observe the word frequently use in the passage. Repeated words ( find the meaning in the
dictionary, Bible dictionary and its usage.
4. Consider the Comparison and Contrast.
Comparison …, even so…as…and likewise. If you see this words spend time thinking through the things
being compared.
Contrast … it may be hard to discover the contrast . observed the word but, nor, not.
5. Note the progression of an Ideas or thoughts. The progress of the thoughts of the speaker or writer.
6. Be alert for proportion . The subject , time element.
7. Visualize the verbs. Underline them ( active verd, or passive.)
8. Picture the illustration. This might be story,
9. Examine the explanations. Rom. 3:28 then 4:1-8.
10. Be sensitive to the connecting words and conjunctions.
If = state conditions.
Therefore= introduce summary or conclusion.
Because, for , then= words that introduce, reason or results.
But = contrast that follows.
In order that = state purpose.


Basic Concepts in Interpreting the Bible.

1. Approach the Scripture from a normal literal viewpoint. As you approach the scripture you must know
the kind of literary genre and accept the fact that the scriptures has used figure of speech. John 10:9,
John 14:6; Luke 24:39

2. Approach Scriptures from Critical Viewpoint.

a. Does your interpretation agree with what the rest of the Bible teaches?
b. Compare your interpretation with what you know has traditionally been taught in the Body of
c. Remember that your education, religious, cultural background and your personality particularly
influence you’re your view.
d. Spirituality does not always guarantee the correct interpretation.
3. Interpret as progressive revelation. God did not reveal himself at one time. He never tell everything to
a one person. To study the scripture investigate truth from all Scripture.
4. Interpret the scripture in \Context. (
The immediate context.
The rest of the book
Other books in the Bible by the same author
All of the scriptures
5. Let the Passage Speak for itself.
6. Compare Scripture with scriptures.
Phil. 3:2 Term Dogs Ps. 22:16; 22:20
Matt. 7:6; Rev. 22:14-15



Application Questions:

1. How should this truth affect my attitudes? What I think about God, other people, my
circumstances, and about the way I look my life in general?
2. How this truth affect my knowledge of God?
3. How this truth affect my behavior.
What habit should be change?
What changes should I make in the way I speak to or about others?
Does this truth confirm something I am already doing right?
4..How this truth affect my relationship with God and others?
Do I need to forgive someone?
Do I seek to forgive myself?
Should I encourage someone?
Do I need to rebuke someone?
Do I need to become submissive?
Should I be more dominant?
5. How should this truth affect my motives in life?
Am I doing the right things butr with wrong motives?
6. How should this truth affect my values in life?

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