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Name _____________________________________ Grade:______

Methods of Bible Study

Test 1. 20 points

1. Why Bible Study is Important?

Jesus Commanded it Paul encourage it Great misuse of the scripture and help us to correct it.

2. What do you think the basic questions in doing Bible Study ?

What does it say ? _What does it mean ? How to apply in our life? What action need to be taken?
3. What is the main goal of doing observation in Bible Study?
Saturate to the Biblical content. & Familiarize to the author’s meaning and implying.

4. What are the basic steps of doing Bible Study ?

Observation Interpretation Correlation Application.

5. Give the acronym of doing devotional Method of Bible Study. S P A C E P E T S

Test 2 . Essay

1. Read Acts 1:8 . What does it say? List all you can observe in the passage.
But = speaking in contrast to v, 7 when ? The Spirit comes to the disciples.
Receive power Why ? to be witness
Power of the Holy Spirit Where ? Judea, Samaria and to the end of the earth.

2. Find the Key word of the ff.

1 John 4:7-21 Love Luke 9:57-62 following Christ 1 Cor. 6:12-20 The Body
Psalm 1 Meditation

3. Titus 2:1-8 .
a. Who are the people involved ? Titus , Paul Silas & Cretans.
b. Why it has been written ? To appoint Christian Leaders and he basic instructions to them.
c. What does it says ? Teach older women, Encourage young men, teach old men.
d. What is the point ? Teach and encourage as we wait Christ. As Pastor
Practical Holiness as ordinary believer.
e. What is the Key verse. Titus 1:8
4. Read Matt. 15:10-20.
Develop questions in this passage using who , what, where, when, why, or how can you ask. Answer questions you develop.
Who is the speaker and the Audience ? Jesus is the speaker. Disciples and the Pharisees were the audience.
What does Jesus saying ? What make man unclean is in the heart not of what he eats.
What is the issue raised by the Pharisees?
Where this passage happened ? In Jerusalem probably in the temple as Jesus teaching in the synagogue.
Why this passage written? To answer the questions of the Pharisees about the tradition & washing before eating.
What literary genre used to answer the question raised? Parable.
How Jesus responded the issue ? He answers them with a parable.
When this passage written ?
What is the point of the passage?

5. Read. Mark 6:45-52.

What do you think the Key word ? Unbelief
What Cause and effects do you see ? Disciples straining because the wind against them. V. 48
They were frightened because Jesus walked in the water.49-50
What are the direct command are given ? Fear not, Do not be afraid,
How are linking word used ? But is used in contrast. v. 49
For v. 52 used in contrast.
Develop questions using who, where why, or how, when and what and answer the questions develop.

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