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The Devotional Method of Bible Study involves taking a passage of the Bible, large or small, and
prayerfully meditating on it until the Holy Spirit shows you a way to apply its truth to your own life in a way
that is personal, practical, possible, and measurable.

Four Steps

STEP ONE: Pray for Insight on how to apply the passage. Ask God to help you apply the Scripture
you are studying and show you specifically what he wants you to do. Tell God that you are ready
to obey what He will show you and that you are willing to share that application with others.
STEP TWO: Meditate on the verse(s) you’ve chosen to study. Meditation is essentially thought
digestion. You take a thought god gives you, put it in your mind and think on it over and over

Practical ways to meditate:

1. Visualize the scene of the narrative in your mind. (e.g.John 4)

2. Identify yourself with the writer. (e.g. Paul in prison writing Philippians) (2 Tim 4:7)
3. Emphasize words in the passage. (Phil. 4:13) Read through the passage aloud several times.
4. Paraphrase the passage under study.
5. Personalize the passage you are studying.
6. Use the SPACEPETS acrostics. Is there any…

Sin to confess?
Promise to claim?
Attitude to change?
Command to Obey?
Example to follow?
Prayer to Pray?
Error to avoid?
Truth to Believe
Something to praise God for?

7. Pray the verse or passage back to God. (Ps. 23)

STEP THREE: Write out an application

Your application should be PERSONAL, PRACTICAL, POSSIBLE,

STEP FOUR: Memorize a key verse from your study.

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