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8.1 Introduction
8.2 Principle
8.3 Requirements
8.4 Solutions Provided
8.5 Procedure
8.6 Observations and Calculations
8.7 Result

In the previous experiment you learnt about and performed iodimetric determination
of ascorbic acid in a tablet of Vitamin C. In this process we recalled from Unit 10 of
the Basic Analytical Chemistry course (Section 10.7.1) that the I2/2I‒ couple is of
medium oxidising power.Molecular iodine is a weak oxidant, whereas the iodide ions
are relatively weak reductant. Accordingly, the I2/I– redox couple can be used for the
determination of reductants as well as the oxidants. In the previous experiment you
used I2 (generated in situ from acidification of KIO3) as the oxidizing agent to
determine the reductant, ascorbic acid. In the present experiment you will be using
iodide ions (from KI) to determine available chlorine in bleaching powder. Such a
determination wherein iodide ions are used as a reducing agent is termed as
iodometric determination.

Bleaching powder, also known as chlorinated lime, is a yellowish-white powder

having a smell of chlorine and is readily soluble in water. It is prepared by passing
chlorine gas over slaked lime at a temperature of 35-450 and consists of a mixture of
calcium hypochlorite Ca(OCl)2 and calcium chloride CaCl2; in addition some amount
of free slaked lime i.e. Ca(OH)2.H2O is generally present. Of these, Ca(OCl2) is
responsible for the bleaching action of bleaching powder . On treatment with glacial
acetic acid, it liberates chlorine gas (Cl2) as per the following reaction.
Ca (OCI2 ) + 2CH3 COOH → Ca(CH 3COO)2 + H 2 O + CI 2 ….(8.1)

The amount of chlorine liberated by the action of an acid on bleaching powder

(CaOCl2) is termed as available chlorine. The chlorine content of bleaching powder
varies from 35 – 40%. Besides bleaching action it has got strong germicidal and
disinfectant properties also. Accordingly, it finds application as a disinfectant for
drinking water or swimming pool water. Industrially, the bleaching powder finds
major use in chemical, paper, textile and oil industries. The bleaching, oxidizing or
disinfecting potential of a sample of bleaching powder depends on the percentage of
chlorine liberated on action of acid. We may define available chlorine to be the grams
of chlorine liberated from 100 g of the bleaching powder on treatment with dilute acid.
Due to its hygroscopic nature, bleaching powder absorbs moisture from atmosphere
and evolves chlorine as per the following reaction
OCl- + Cl − + Ca 2+ + H 2 O → Ca (OH)2 + CI 2 ….(8.2)

Due to this deterioration, a sample of bleaching powder may always contain lesser
amount of chlorine than expected and therefore a sample of bleaching powder needs to
be analysed for its effective or available chlorine. In the next experiment you would

learn about precipitation titrations and perform a precipitation titration for the
determination of chloride ions in a solution.

After studying and performing the experiment, you should be able to:
• define available chlorine,
• define iodometric titrations,
• state and explain the principle of iodometric titrations with reference to the
determination of available chlorine in a sample of bleaching powder,
• state the reasons for using acetic acid to liberate chlorine from bleaching
• prepare a standard solution of potassium dichromate and use it to standradise a
solution of sodium thiosulphate,
• write the chemical equations involved in the titration of a solution of bleaching
powder solution with sodium thiosulphate,
• prepare a solution of bleaching powder from the given sample,
• perform the determination of available chlorine in the solution of bleaching
powder, and
• calculate the amount of available chlorine in the solution of bleaching powder.

As mentioned in the introduction, a sample of bleaching powder liberates chlorine gas
(Cl2) on treatment with glacial acetic acid, as per the following reaction.
Ca (OCI2 ) + 2CH3 COOH → Ca(CH 3COO)2 + H 2 O + CI 2 …(8.1)

The amount of chlorine so liberated is termed as available chlorine. The liberated

chlorine can be used to oxidize KI (taken in excess) in presence of acid and liberate
out an equivalent amount of iodine as per the following equation:
Sodium thiosulphate,
Cl 2 + 2KI → 2KCl + I 2 …(8.3) Na2S203.5H20, can be obtained
chemically pure. However, a
This iodine can then be determined by titrating against a standardised solution of standard solution of
sodium thiosulphate using freshly prepared starch solution as an indicator. The thiosulphate cannot be made
chemical reactions involved can be given as follows by exact weighing as it reacts
with atmospheric O2 and also
2Na 2S2 O 3 + I 2 → Na 2S4 O 6 + 2NaI …(8.4) the CO2 dissolved in water.
More so, even some
The overall reaction between the chlorine liberated from the bleaching powder and microorganisms can
decompose thiosulphate
sodium thiosulphate mediated by potassium iodide can be obtained by adding eq. 8.3
and eq. 8.4 can be written as follows,
Cl 2 + 2KI → 2KCl + I 2 …(8.3)

2Na 2S2 O 3 + I 2 → Na 2S4 O 6 + 2NaI …(8.4)

2Na 2S2 O 3 + Cl 2 + 2KI → Na 2S4 O 6 + 2NaI + 2KCl …(8.5)

The sodium thiosulphate can be standardized by titrating against a primary standard

solution of potassium dichromate. (alternatively, you can use potassium iodate for the
purpose as described in the previous experiment)

The standradisation of sodium thiosulphate by using potassium dichromate is also
based on iodimetric titrations. The reaction between potassium dichromate and sodium
thiosulphate is mediated through the participation of iodide ions provided by
potassium iodide as explained below.

In acidic medium, Cr2O72- ions gets reduced to Cr (III) ions as per the following
Cr2 O 72− + 14H+ + 6e- → 2Cr 3+ + 7H 2 O …(8.6)

The iodide ions from KI on the other hand can get oxidised to I2 as follows:
2I − → I 2 + 2e − …(8.7)
In order to maintain the electron balance, we can multiply equation 8.7 by 3 to get the
6I − → 3I 2 + 6e − … (8.8)
Adding equations 8.6 and 8.8, we get the overall ionic equation for the reaction
between potassium dichromate and potassium iodide as :
Cr2 O 72− + 14H + + 6I − → 2Cr 3+ + 3I 2 + 7H 2 O … (8.9)

Thus, from Eq. 8.9, one mole of potassium dichromate reacts with 6 moles of
potassium iodide and liberates 3 moles of iodine in the process.

The liberated iodine, in turn, reacts with sodium thiosulphate solution as per the
following equation
3I 2 + 6S2 O 32− = 6I − + 3S4 O 62− …(8.10 )

The iodide ions are regenerated back. The net chemical reaction involving a titration
of potassium dichromate and sodium thiosulphate in the presence of excess potassium
iodide can be written by combining Eq. 8.8 and Eq. 8.9, as shown below,
Cr2 O 72− + 14H + + 6I − → 2Cr 3+ + 3I 2 + 7H 2 O ... (8.9)

3I 2 + 6S2 O 32− = 6I − + 3S4 O 62− ... (8.10)

Cr2 O72− + 14H+ + 6S2 O32− → 2Cr 3+ + 3S4 O 62− + 7H 2 O … (8.11)

We see from Eq. 8.11 that one mole of potassium dichromate is equivalent to 6 moles
of sodium thiosulphate. Therefore, the molarities are related by the following
6 MDichromateVDichromate = MThiosulphateVThiosulphate … (8.12)
You would be using this equation to compute the molarity of the given solution of
sodium thiosulphate.

Apparatus Chemicals

Volumetric flask (100 cm3) –1 Bleaching powder
Burette (50 cm ) –1 Potassium dichromate
Pipette (10 cm ) –1 Potassium iodide
Weighing bottle –1 Sodium thiosulphate
Burette stand with clamp –1 Sodium carbonate
Conical flasks (100 cm ) –2 Sulphuric acid
Funnel –1 Sodium bicarbonate
Beakers (250 cm ) –2 Acetic acid


Sodium carbonate is added to
1. ~0.05 M Sodiun thiosulphate: It is prepared by dissolving about 7.9 g of adjust the pH to
sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate in about 200 cm3 of distilled water taken in a approximately 9.3 so as to
1.0 dm3 volumetric flask and adding about 0.1 g of sodium carbonate to it. The inhibit the formation of
solution is then diluted to the mark with distilled water. thiosulfonic acid.

2. 0.5% Starch indicator solution: It is prepared by mixing 0.25g of soluble

starch with 50 cm3 of distilled water taken in a 100 cm3 conical flask or beaker
and heating it with stirring at about 80oC for about 5 minutes. The solution is
then allowed to cool to room temperature.

3. 10% Potassium iodide solution: It is prepared by dissolving 100g of KI in

about 200 cm3 of distilled water taken in a 1 dm3 beaker or conical flask and
stirring well to dissolve it. It is followed by making up the volume to 1 dm3 by
adding more distilled water.

The determination of available chlorine in a sample of bleaching powder using
iodometric titration consists of the following steps:
a) Preparation of potassium dichromate primary standard
b) Standradisation of sodium thiosulphate solution
c) Preparation of the solution of the bleaching powder sample
d) Determination of available chlorine in the above solution by iodimetric
Follow the instructions given below in sequential manner

a) Preparation of potassium dichromate primary standard

• Accurately weigh about 0.3g of potassium dichromate in a clean dry
weighing bottle, and transfer the same to a clean conical flask of 100 cm3
capacity through a glass funnel.
• Add about 20 cm3 of distilled water and swirl the contents of the flask
until all the potassium dichromate is dissolved.
• Make the volume upto the mark by adding more distilled water.

b) Standradisation of sodium thiosulphate solution

• Pipette out 10 cm3 of potassium dichromate solution in a 100 cm3 conical Sodiu
flask, add 10 cm3 of dilute sulphuric acid and 1 g sodium hydrogen carbon
carbonate with gentle swirling to liberate carbon dioxide. an atm
CO2 i
• Add 10 cm3 of 10% KI solution, swirl, cover the flask with watch glass which
and allow the solution to stand for about 5 minutes in a dark place. air an
• Titrate the liberated iodine against the sodium thiosulphate solution taken from a
in the burette until the solution acquires a light pale yellow colour.

• Add about 2 cm3 of starch solution and continue adding sodium

thiosulphate dropwise until the violet colour of the starch iodine
complex just disappears.

• Repeat the standardization procedure at least three times and record your
observations in Observation Table 8.1.

c) Preparation of the solution of the bleaching powder sample

• Accurately weigh about 3-4 g of the bleaching powder and put it into a
clean glass mortar. Add a little water, and rub the mixture to a smooth

• Add a little more water, triturate with the pestle and allow the mixture to

• Pour off the milky liquid into a 500-cm3 volumetric flask.

• Grind the residue with a little more water, and repeat the operation until
the whole of the sample has been transferred to the flask either in solution
or in a state of very fine suspension, and the mortar washed quite clean.

• Make the volume upto the mark by adding more distilled water.

d) Determination of available chlorine in the above solution by iodometric


• Wash the burette with distilled water and rinse with standard solution of
sodium thiosulphate and then fill the burette with the same.

• Carefully pipette out 10 cm3 of homogenous solution of bleaching powder

and transfer into a 100 cm3 conical flask.

• Add about 10 cm3 of 10% potassium iodide (KI) solution and about half
test tube of glacial acetic acid to the flask.

• Keep the flask in a dark place for about 5 minutes

• Titrate the liberated iodine against the sodium thiosulphate solution taken
in the burette until the solution acquires a light pale yellow colour.

• Add about 2 cm3 of starch solution and continue adding sodium

thiosulphate dropwise until the violet colour of the starch iodine
complex just disappears.

• Repeat the standardization procedure at least three times and record your
observations in Observation Table 8.2.


a) Preparation of standard solution of potassium dichromate
Mass of weighing bottle + potassium dichromate = m1 g = ..............g
Mass of weighing bottle (after transferring potassium dichromate)
= m2 g = .............. g
Amount of potassium dichromate transferred = m1 – m2 = m g = ............. g
Molar mass (Mm) of potassium dichromate = 294.18 g mol−1
Volume of potassium dichromate prepared = 100 cm3
Molarity of standard potassium dichromate solution =
m × 1000 10m
M K Cr = = = ...........M
2 2O 7 100 × 294.2 294.2

b) Standardisation of sodium thiosulphate solution

Volume of standard K2Cr2O7 solution taken in conical flask, Vdichromate = …cm3
Volume of 10% KI added : 10 cm3
Volume of dilute sulphuric acid added : 10 cm3
Solution in the burette: Sodium thiosulphate
Indicator used: Starch

Observation Table 8.1: Standardisation of sodium thiosulphate

S.No. Volume of potassium Burette reading Titre value (in cm3)

dichromate (in cm3)
Initial Final (Final-initial reading)
Concordant reading

The concentration of the given sodium thiosulphate solution can be determined as


The reactions involved:

Cr2 O 72− + 14H + + 6S2 O32− → 2Cr 3+ + 3S4 O 62− + 7H 2 O

Molarity equation: 6MDichromateVDichromate = MThiosulphateVThiosulphate

6 M DichromateVDichromate
M Thiosulphate =

Substituting the values, the molarity of thiosulphate =

The molarity of given thiosulphate solution is = ……….M

c) Preparation of the solution of the bleaching powder sample

Mass of bleaching powder taken =

d) Determination of available chlorine in the given sample of bleaching

Volume of bleaching powder solution taken in conical flask, = 10 cm3
Volume of acetic acid added : 10 cm3
Volume of 10% KI added : 10 cm3
Solution in the burette: Sodium thiosulphate
Indicator used: Starch

Observation Table 8.2: Determination of the amount of available chlorine in the

solution of given bleaching powder
S.No. Volume of bleaching Burette reading Titre value (in cm3)
powder solution (in Initial Final (Final-initial reading)
Concordant reading

The molarity of the iodine liberated from KI solution (which in turn is equal to the
amount of chlorine liberated from the bleaching powder on the action of acetic acid)
can be determined as follows.

The reaction involved:

2Na 2S 2 O 3 + Cl 2 + 2KI → Na 2S 4 O 6 + 2NaI + 2Cl
Molarity equation: 2MChlorine VChlorine = M Thiosulphate V Thiosulphate
M ThiosulphateVThiosulphate
M Chlorine =
Substituting the values, of the molarity and the volume of thiosulphate used, the
molarity of chlorine is found to be: = ......M
The mass of chlorine liberated = molarity × molar mass = ….M × 70.90 g mol−1
= ….×70.90 g = P g dm-3

The mass of bleaching powder dissolved per liter = 2 ×w g

(the solution was w g/ 500 cm3)

Thus, the amount of available chlorine in 2 w g of bleaching powder = P g

• The amount of available chlorine in 100.0 g of bleaching powder = 50 P / w g
• The available chlorine (the grams of chlorine liberated from 100 grams of the
bleaching powder on treatment with dilute acid) = 50 P/w g

The available chlorine (the grams of chlorine liberated from 100 g of the bleaching
powder on treatment with dilute acid) = ….. g


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