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A CATALOGUE TELUGU BOOKS LIBRARY BRITISH MUSEUM 1, D. BARNETT, MA, Lieb. SOLD at TH Moman, LONUMANS 4 CO, 98, Paansoreh How, New Vows Smsry, W.y Maws ASHER & C0, Din, HENRY FROWDE, Oxvon,Unveasry Pxtaw Wanswoeey ae Coven [At pie eer) 576433 PREFACE. Ix the great family of Dravidian languages, the mother-tongues of some ‘fifty-seven nillions of mev, covering the whole of Southern Tndis and Northern Ceylon, northwards ppencing in smaller eenttered areas, and lastly represented after an interval of hundreds of miles on the west by the isolated Brabui of Baluchistan, numerically the most important is the Andha or Telugu, spoken by about twenty millions. The origin of the word lluju or tongu i rather obscure, and both forms seem out” wo tnt dere ‘ancl, The moeb reasonable derivation, bowever, ie from tom, ‘would mean “southern; and this may well have become corrupted into telugu, eapecally vos seedy to band.* 1 a popular etymology from ‘eli “bright “The Telugu country is ounded towards the east by the Bay of Bengal from shout Barwa in the Ganjam District in the north to neat Maveas in the south. From Berwa the frontier line goes westwards through Ganjem to the Eastern Gat, end then south westwards, croses the Sabari on the border of the Sunkam and Bijji Talukas in che Bastar Stata, and thence runs along the range of the Bela Dila to the Indravati, It follows that viver to ite confluence with the Godavasi, and then runs through Chanda, cutting of the southern part of that district, and farther eastwards, including the southern Dorder of the district of Wan. It then turns southwards to the Godavari tits confluence ‘with the Manjia, and thence farther south, towards Bidas, where Telugu meets with Kanarese. The frontier line between the two forme of apeech then runs almost due south +B a evans rm i ig (a he Fe gn”) oe Rg te oy w PREFACE. through the dominions of the Nizam. ‘The Telagu country further occupis the north- eatorn edo of Bellary, the gentr, eastern, pat of Anantapar, and the eastern corner of Mysore Through North Arcot aud Chinglaput the border lie thence rune bick to the se" ‘The extant Teagu Hteratare may be aud to Nogin with Nannaye Bhato a Vaidika laa ofthe Mudgalagota, who was a post at the court af the Chilukya Raju-naéndre or Vishnu-vardhana, son of Vimaliditya, Rija-narendra was king of the Veigi-nida, the ld Teogu country, and reiguel in Rajahmuniry. Uader his patronage, ely in the eleventh century, Nannaya, with the id of a certain Niriyana Bhat, composed a poetical ‘Tologu version of the fist thee books of the Sanit Mabi-kirats, which was supple rented some two centuries later Ly Tikkana Soma-yoji, who added a version of the greater pert of the remaining books. This “Andbr-bhisata” of Nennays and ‘Skkana renin tothe present day the chit claic of Telagu literate; and in the same way Nenuayss Andhr-gabda-chntimani has been the last of all subvequent works on Teg grammar snd sty, Nannaye's succesiors have left aumerous works behind them, Among the posts of the carlice period (cirea 1000-1450 4.) whose pooms are catalogued in the following ages aro Tikkana, Heri Progada, Radga-nithogu, Bhiskarwfu, Ketens, and indeod nearly all the inost brilliant writers who have survived. An Augustan age may be sai to begi in the middle of tho 15th contury, under the patrooage of Krishna-déva Riya of Vijya- Imgar. From that date the number of poets ani writers on various eubjesta began to incense, and is still increasing, with notable rapidity Linguine Saree of Ii, a. p97 4 Naturaly Nannaya was mit the Get Saihed pact in Kade spush, ul enti rove no eae ows sum Lo lave teen geuralyEnowa to exit Tn 100, wove, M. Rimes Kanha ped ‘nn. 2 of the Fogosien Pot” Seria « Kamdrecuntberans purporting to be ly Nonne Chiedtva ‘oskapidys, an af Chidedal, King of Orava (Tichingly); tod the etitor on Ky Engh tage Ge tho yur of bla death ww A:D. 940, whl in ha pects Besant bal ble guia the 4 This rain coer ahont 8600 sare mies, aod is bonsdd on the cat by the Day of Berg on ho north by eve Overt and onthe sath By she Kya (Kis) The rl i ase ap Veig exit some ght mile marth of Ela 418i intring now to contrast pest cndtona with the wards of tht Ite Me, C. P, Brown on 25 thi piel printed Literary Tite” (183), He writers "Wien Tegan thes ty ego Tieatare was dying ot, th fame was jst gimme inthe weki ‘The Madre Calege fonda in 18 peered = th fais exromed to me th re tat hn rally yore read thom a ules pensioner, ‘The soit Tle cnc were fa a dolore wae like int of Gre nd Tats uthore tne the faveation sf pletig; ut »rovion made in my bone greet on clon f mauris hs stcoafly epoluoel dhe ling Teage pom im Fe an spl te” PREFACE. v ‘The following is the scheme of transliteration which has boen adopted:— =) ue se chysr 8 tw om ea wo ¥ ella, hag tha orm ai a «ines da om a om sy ja zha gla ol en so = a sm ol oe vila ot sp sw wri » ba the «pha om wrt xm eda ola she ae gla 6 dha = the sm 2 =e ou 6 ma hn Lastly I have to express my sincere thanks to Messrs. H. Datlow and H, F, Moule, ‘who kinilly aided mo in the article “Bible by lending me an advance-shect from theis monumental “Historical Catalogue of the Printed Editions of Holy Scripture in the Libary of the British and Foreign Bible Society.” LD. BARNETT: Barris Museo, 19, 191 Josey CORRIGENDA. 24 oom top. Corsec the date to 1880. ‘+ My Tine 1 fom botiow. ARer “exteacta”” add “in which ato incorporated he Sanssit phorinms of Nannaya's Andhra pbde-chintaani” 13 ine 18 fom tp, ond ool 26, line 7 from tp. Read “esaip and." Appayyn” v3 Tine 9 from bottom, Por “"N, Rimw-chandee Riu” rend “"V, Rimacchandrs Ran.” 30005 (W. B)" read “20008 (Wr 1)” 14 from top. For "2" read.“ Tasjanagarams: 80, ino 15 from bottom. Por Sy Th 8 lines O10. I Sf, lines T and 4 from Botlom. C. Dore-simayya and Omandiva Voidyues Seiaivse-put. Dorasinayye aro intial 11 ine 88 from top. Read “Michela.” =” 85, Line 14 from botlom. Read " Gi” 89, Tine IT from top. Rand.“ EODARDA-RAMAYYA” hi » 98, lines 17 from wp: The asoripion of this poont to Kyishpa-srdmi shoald bo corrected ‘in accordance with the statement et ol 986 av. Sidgararyud +96, ine 1 fiom bottom, Add “ [Addenda] Naakeapucninny, Hk” and “ [Addenda] Sie sinarta, Ke ve 10} ine 2 from top, and col. 855, lng 1 from top, Rend 185, 1760" read 1757." se 10, i “Vatajeataeme” 11, ine 17 from top. For “Potaan”” road “Patan” 176 line 2 frome Bottom. For “I” road“ Koméndira” 291 Tne 14 from Bolom. For “1012 road“ 19102" » 274 Kine 20 from top. Corret prse-mark to MITE. 8.0, se), > 270, Howe M615 from top. For "Vasu" rend Vegi” 200, lines 1112 from top, Road" Vishpwkiichi-rnndaeije-avi 1» 866, Vine 12 from Bottom. Rend Aoll-rimiyepame.” ert the onder of thse tno entries, Sein from top. For “Trhon-nisa, Poet read “ion eae” 2 foom bottom. For 18-14 from bottom, For road" Véikate-ratoamims.” wthstayama” CATALOGUE or TELUGU PRINTED BOOKS. [Phe personal name af ery autor ele, in at Eh of tte printed in tage laren cnt: ‘ofl hich or added in ali, whan availble, (1) the fenily name (cal or trial), and (2) the mane the ftr of the athr, eber,e, fwhch ke appeal the abireviaion “pW. (Le purl "20 Word eclad in nae race are add by the compl. Tito ter editions ar incu i areathne nln fr some warn thr tha he main illepage thas the porenhesewhen woe ‘enter tat th words ihn are from a nad or hal pp ore Reding, dager the par lei tha they oe from come kr plac within the Bak, Onision of word th pining of ile ‘std by tr sail, omision uth mile of tt by Urs dts ABBA RAZU, See Aoniva Mase, Jevin midis. With Tologn interpretation] 7 opp, | PHO Madras, own (1881) ABDAYA MANTRE, Kupsparti Riyanaeps’. €2 a Srenrtentiens mongoose | rug auaat yattgae of Dots pret eee oe, Soedaegve ma [Nirae Porras | goer Plt i a ‘idaina. An exposition of Vodantio theology, | "2" Stirs the rebishr. inthe orn cf ting teneen De avin | ABKINAVA DAML, Soe Klean, tuge Nadas th lgendry Lig Pores | gnTNAVACQUPTAL See Pauwiores, ¥en. forming part of ten Tin Abbas poom Kavi: | Sera, [Pummdriename 79 vray adel ‘Aentraoum} pp. 12 Ore: [Hairat? | fom ihe won f the sane ae by hace sa) 6. dark 8801) PS or “uoiae 290) aanier NATUDU, 7 of drt Min Cllr jyRURAA HANRAYA BEATEA. Sie Anns Senin in Teluga Poy, forthe nn of Lowe " Scoluy. Claws, ih hoten Now elton pdt Mans en a “tare | gcapma, oe AMIAYADA, 962 epexmnsty mE. Maonse [vinyada-prpoastrn. A Swoekit trot on | Uaivenity of Madras fortune-oling by means of dice marked © #7 | See Bniveasnye, Hikiel Pet, An Koglsh Tran 6, aud 8. With Tolog iatepretton by AlGea | ation af th +.» Dhaskarasathalam «». The times Jpitshkode] pp. 80. => (Moran, ion text-book for 1881. 1881, 12% 1800.) 10% 10. «1 174 x, 8 ABEIDHAMA, 222 3 Shuppeurg wisramoee. Utara Rama chaitan sieve ubyreih,ere. [Abhidhine-raton-mi or | (Pie in Arta Bxamiation, 1690) 1880. Shad-acaaighapte, A Stuskrit distionssy of ar. 5 “ACADEIIES ACADEMIES, ee Mansa (oni). Uaierity of Madras (ented. 1000, Sre0 Nor See. Ma sana, — annoy end ‘thon ‘The 1 Version. .A. Hxwminaton 1001 - Motatlnesty ee. 1900. 6% MITA E4808) jnvorn, Novae. FA. Bxumins tion 1899." Annotations on Sonandati parina- yomyete, 1808. nits, 8 2400) Seo Smasinares, Nétonitela. A Manoa) of a forthe usp of wadents preparing or the Matvosati, FA, and. B.A. Bxaione 1604 14, 15.0) ‘See Sinvaewininayn Sita, Dy and ers. Copious Amiotations on the’ Mticustion « « « ‘Text, ele, 1000, 8 Mate & 456) Se Sonranisivaya Siete, D., aad Suxaci- ina Sinem, 0. Complato Noter on FA. Tolga ‘Tort, 1000, de. 1908. 6. MATS. 4. 28, An Boglsh Tea The iiston 1. 18t4, e.240) ‘Se Vinaprniacnneets Nave, Cand others Notes on the Telugu Tost for the Matrovation (i) Examination 1808, ee, 1898. rs. 02, See Veinapa-soens Siert, 8. Copious Annota- tions on the Telag Text for the Matriculation, 1aee. air 45.0) See Trea Sous-vt for Nirvachspothare, Tamayanuim Matrieulation text book for 1880, te See Viseapistank Siar, 8. Copious Annota- tions on the elogu Text forthe Matrislasio, de. 1000. ras. 48043 ‘the Talogu Text for the Matrosation Bzatins- tion of the Univenstyof Madras, Decomber 1900, {Being (I) Molla-rémyanema, Youin-k°. i; (2) Andhra bhigavatame, vores extracted from Dk, vi, 805-0875, (8) 30 ve. of Dhactihar’s [irmtakamo (4) Nitvchandvka, Introduction ind Mite lithame} pp. f59. Maden, 1600 | * irae 65. -ADVAITA-BRAHMA 4 AGHCHAMAMDS, Thapdira. Livos of mobile ‘Women... Patti, Mistrial Iadian Vemalen Dy Bir B-Aichamamn, (2005386 S8yae.) psa. 5096, 7 plete. Madras, 1001. 8 1074 6, ACHOHAMAMBA, Guys. Sathatbamanjar. (My- ‘ological tle in vere}... ByG. Atchamomba, vith a preface by 0. Vasodova Sasi (861-0 SSg8) voli. pik 7,4. Cocanada, 1907. 1, Tnprgreat MEE 8D Stee Syamantakatnni. A Tolage drama by G, Atshamamba [on the logead of tho jowel obtained by Kriahya and given by him to Batt jn rtura for dhe hand of the Inter daughter Sutpecbhimi (Bhagavatepar. x 36:7), with an introduetion by . Varndevunstl (2:00 Fe wren) pp. si Hall 64, 8, Oona, 1906, me Pract ACHYUTAMATYUDY, Poutiri Véubeltcatu yn Getewogepernm. — (Abhiorandhme Vishye-pardguwn, An adaptation of tho Saosrit Vishp-pavina, in Ganqar of vere intraperaed swith pote) Apt, PADS OFF [Nolo 1990.) * 14, Bb. ACHYUTA-RAMA SisTRt, Vatladi. ‘rigour, [A diam in T acts on the ep Ramune legend eat thi throne at 4y5db76) pp 3, ivies 166, Beane iar. 4.38.6) Yowmnennrn) [eswade,) 1907 ited by TO Via Sresges core [Vive 10th 2186) ADIDAMU SORAYA (Sone Kav 4B. ADVATIAIRAHMA SASTRI, ovilita, E> ‘Se4. [Mritisidhann, A Uiography and pano- igri of tho author dsoue Irothor Visodéva Sisiri, in 17 lines, Followed by a series of tlegios ov the donth of he latter, by tho sane See Soraya, tn hy various Kinsmen and frends ele] pp 09, $f, wees [Morlpatom,] 1898. 12. Mire. £31 5 Awsor- ABGOP, Atos Fables. Psuslatod und adapted into Teloga prose, with morale be. ia ers, by 1 Vowrnaingom » + With seventy-two ist: ions, Gor grescud ws LagEse) 2 ple pil 108, Rajahmundry, 1805. 8°. A116. g 38 SASROUL MSO [Valdye A baodhoic of medisin, ascribed to rasa hy Se pp. 8 10, Mit. 8 cast, {ho legendary sage gusty, rapids Sram from the Tas.) Marae, 908.6. AWOBALA-PATL, Vitale, displ of Part ana. have Yojo, (Awausavn Navase Daas). Se Nawears. Abobaln peuditeoyam [or Revise Ubishoonin) [Comprising tho Aphorame of Nanaaya, with a Sunsket commentary] by Abobals Pandit, de 1007, 1908.” 13% 082». 29 AKBAR, Enperor of Wiuduelon. life] See Laxseaicaieivayeoe, © %y500,. [AKbarw eharitea] 1907. 12. ir £3811) ALANA.SIVOARACHARYULU (Crea Svioani- crise), Tegra, See Basnwvanra Bt, De ico Ganncarm «by «+ « Blngavanta Tow, [nssinted Uy Chinon Siigevichiryul, te) 1900, & 17s. 26, See Soiomenserets, 7, and Aan " tar. «8 cod Apna See Suassoureeu.s, 7, fpGounseuteroue, Z. Gayake eiddbanjs 1800-1908, 12 tas 03 For worke edited by A., eco ander the following beadiags:] Riaisovarna, 2 7 Sal-naion Kee ALLASANT PEDDANNA, Sev Panos AMARASIOIL, 25g 70TTS Hold ey SUg-eytebh wens solspspsed a, code Ghnsfotbatoh¥Sexcakf, else Boiw uusehad anne PED EMNEMS Dining oscempsogN ass BF en [Nim | sretcoas. (Nm toptean, or Amare-Kost, A Snnakrit metrical vocabulary, ia. Risdon, With » Telugu com -AMARAYYA, « mentary styled Arnen-padzrtba-ohandeik, pre red by otder of Palkeriki Kumirayya] pp. B04, oe02 OG (Madre, 1800] 8. 14062, 4 lished by K. V4 rer [Madvae, 1879.) imcrigharnyya) pp. 854. SH, 14003». 10. = mre gatevaeRsresdoms artnet SRT Ei igimugisann. itd with Tologn commootay siya Gure-bitaprabodbika feud nn index ealod Amare-kigidarame by Sat revi Tievdbgedihiryuly, eeitad by ¥-R ‘ma-byshgam-Sehiryu abd Mégiea Parapacaioe Sistr, Second edition) _pp. levi, xix. 268, M8, Segsbotio2s® 5.82 (Madre, 1861) 4 14090. £7. roswregjotQ tal [Niemliigine- simon Auother edition of the Ist the tile. Pe bsing someon diferent, wad tho index Fiyled Amarepade-pirijte, Ieited by Vavila [Rbma-avini Sat, nasi by M. Subd Ste] Pp. vile 435, 98. SHS GOH Sep [Iedrer, tesa) "4000.0. resemsesie Broom ppeuner ge gudyronan: cot Ges Hs Perse’... wufe: ne deradomersge hand spnowes « tasessewysnm$-N toll [Nima liga isan, Witha Tologa commentary styled Amare Pada-ratodpupamey copied by Dampara Ve njeaubba Sissi] pp.d00, B¥ysyoows noe (Madeee, 1863] "8 14082. & PSDP Kah Orne Ee wn. ortnuo™ ve [Nim-ligiausiea, or Amare. Sige, With Vobkafarebla Sistr’s commentary ‘Amara-padaratnipapaies, Eoited by D. Siryae tiriyana Sint] pp. 394, SYP (Madras) 1800, 14000 OU PePR esse tal [Nametigion awa, "A dotached copy of the fest hive of {he pevcedig’] pp. 70. 54 [Maewe,) 1800 14008. ba ssiorensgemyst ATelagu catch 1 AManu- ‘on topics af ira mystic (pp. 436), followed by some devotional ereen i Kannada (9p. 30- ON) pp. OD; L plata, 99") [Bellary 1908.) sa 16 1. 0, MART, fore ser-eesS... yom bir | Pots Segoe page Sal Tere styled SriigitdmarokacKivys, 101 Sasaki vyoreen om themes of lve. » With tho Sanskrit onmentary Srigin-dpiki of Vema Bhipila tr Auavét Rodii of Addanki (reigned 1540-50), fod a Telaga commestary aad Telagn motica version by Sidhupall Chandeasdkhare Sis ited by S. Se-kagtha Sits) pp. vi. 136 Borie [Nangolre) 1808, “HOTS. «68. {Amara-stak, Pein mene ‘acharyicpa®, Soo Vania -razina ae Aegtgreyrsag srt Tarminvapa:pradipiki. With Toga explane- tion styled Tatparpabaahi ya] [1902] 8° ANANDA CHARLY. See Axa ANANDABAYAR, “See Tints —Neo Totumont ‘The Now ‘Testament « .. tranatod «into Toloogoo, by Baward Pritchett... [asstod by Ananariyt), ee. 1818 8% MHO.R A ‘ee Dinu — New Teloment,— Gon ‘gpaorle ss Sd erGe “al (The Govpale scoording to Matthow, atk, and Lske. ‘Tease ated by A. Dos Grangos, with the assistanco of innderdyar) (1812) 8% 140.45, ANANDA TIANA (Monvscaierd). See Mani tisuss.—Modern Version. (Bhegesad-ild-) SS Gisthishyatragaaira (ce, the Bhagorad- its with commentary bnsod apon those of Sahar, Timinujp, and Madea] ee. 1009, 8% 4048, ann. 22 ANANTA BHOPALUDU, Muth Blayue, 6S ‘uence. [Kabtstbavijoyame, A mytholgice roimance in 8 autse of Yrs mingled with pose, ompouad fa the 16th century. Rite by K, R Veikatacriabes Ria) pp. 2,101. 1004. See Penoeiat: Postiearions.— Rajahmundry. The Sarvawatiel vol. vi, n08 1-10, 1808, et, 8% MITA. gg. 20a. 8) Soe Anavnionsarvcs. amawthouiaxv, | (aditod by A] 1808, 8 -ANANTACIIARYULU See Rawspe, 8.3. Mama. Bled by a [iea] | avanricadnyery, Konzagéra, Seo Jens see agains (Vikeunarks chartrame) wa, 8) ‘See Panoun, A. Oh, ++ Sgt [Srisécishe’mana-charitvama, Baited 1900, 8% ars, 22 by Al [Xnalen = Unagevatems & MITA. Ba ‘85 Poniyat —Dhapoval-purina aro eeneess ited by A} 1804, | bee Taceana Soman, OF ress pugeRng.Sorancnss. (Nevachasoltara Rene ‘yanaina a) [Bited by A] 1808. 8% 14074, 60, See Vitalst-—Ramiyann.—Metrizal Vor pat-soroncoes, [hikarady Baited by A] 1687, 8% MITE A. serpemyeor'g, [Pallant Pade lath A romance of tho wiles of tho mute princess Padndvats) pp. ld S¥38g0c0 err *. Tate g. 61) | } Ciera, 1600) (oasteneasis). (A ‘Authored... oe romance) in Telegn prose | | TToluge teat for IL, Porm in High School Swoon edition. pp. 58. Madras, 1897, 12. ‘ara 18189 Somesarmabhyadaynn (264235 )- [Aromat] A reprint from. Seve Vyiayantis (Parangaen vo. 4. Chamatlare i gi otited by P. Anuade chara) pp. 45. | Mateos, 1894. Mira. 31.0) ANANTACHARYULU, Panoypkams, Vidyé-vin See Maak-nminatA.—Naznayn end Titkon’s Vern. FA, Beamination 1001. Tho Telugu Malublarats.... With am istrodaction by the Hon'ble Rai Bahadur P. Anatda Charlo, ct. 1900, & 1a. &. 45) Maxjarant ijayam [0 romancs) by P. Azada Chala (id, (omerdBeatsan O2EXES- ® ANANTACTIARYULU- \Weewse.) Second edition, yp.ieBT. Madan, 100.” gg 3. See Vaapseataiswnns Niveve, 0, wn there, Noles on the Telagn Text (rin Matjucvdetijyain,) de 1806 ®. 1078 02, ANANTA-DASU, Kawnj(a, and SIVA BAU, ral, SaaS o0abi geo. [Rayal-ingdckir ‘ale, Versndesribing tp Hart Cont twas] pp. Vaagopatem, 1809, 10, 14174 1002) AANTAM (D.), ofthe Clurch Miarisnory Soci ‘Se Bivix—Complce itl ‘Tho Holy ile [Wevieed by D. Anastam, r.] 100K. 8.10, (RAYANA SASTRI, Intl. Soe Sue teassiontonm rome, tat Baind by A.) [1882] 6. 14089, 08 AMANTAPURAM. See Brows (0-9). ‘The Ware of tha jue, being the Bistory of (Hand) ‘Avestaparam, le. 1850. 6% UIT p86 awanta Kiva {itech ANANTA BAU, Suurls, of Matrox Chvistion Calog, S00 Bacow (8). Taoon's Bssnye [Teanslatd] by. Anuotha Tao. 1903. 174. ee See Sonrsewinivaya Sista, Dy and Bt ania Shera, C. Completa. Note om Pa Tengu Text, 109 [vi on Awanta Kia's version of Bcon's Bass) ee, 1008, 8 TAI. 98, ANANTAYAMATYUDU,Tithenacp, Bho njo- yma, By Anuuthanathya Kavi. (A romance In vers lulerparred. wth prove, in 7 canton Billed by K, Vitgwliignma (F's %Ecas0) pp. i 294 Madras, 1904. M17. 2.10089 AMANTAYYA, Polerigu. See Rawscnincontense pow. b= eee ee age Hari ‘haore-onlpakhyauame. Canto With eo mentary sgled“prakigiha by Amantnysa.) 1694, * itd 10.8) anavhouARvu.s, Amphy. os 598% (Andil-chavitramn, Av secon, in verso ftorspersed with pros, of the Tegend of the Vaishoara votaeen Kp beloved Soe Ayyarionsayous, -ANTYESITE 0 to have boon wot to the god Vishpa) pp. 72. Zeawige 9 52 [Maren 1007) 12 1074 £26 ANDERAPORNA, won of Silayrama, ant disciple ‘of Latalmaéeyude. Ufo). See Parrkomnine Sharyn, hs 2 GOmoG TETAS TES (Andis parydchiryaprbbivamt!) 1898 © 174 gg. 3 ANGLO-TRLUGU READERS, A Vale Moos of AL Anglo-Telagu Readers, [With prtioo by Dis Keyra Raw of Blloro] pps 100, Mens, em. hm 28 ANWA MANTR, Denfapidé Devnyerp? (life) yf, Boagr2 wea 268, 2 fatrvekriram) 1905, 12. wate. £26 See Passevin ANNAN, Pratiad-theyemarom rusaweasan Ay ANNATA, Airayarye’. #00 20,8 nS [SE twndrikeastrans, A retrial wos on pais, physiogoomy, and ether Kinds of divination a to the chaescrs ad foramen of both axes, fn Debapters) pp.48, OFe¥ (Madore? 186b] ANNAYAOHARYULY, Daratigunte. Soe Mondars, Chess soon ZBhe ‘oot [Bebintedipiki sid Niepene. Bate by A] [18001] 140886 21, Banker igom 088.21 ANMAYYA, Tent Remoyap. Sotlsshinaparz ayam, Cheshwstncne) [A romenc, in 5 Jgotaae of wan intersperid wih prose] pp 102 Madras, 1908. 8 i510.) ANTONI PILLAT (teow). The Boglish, Teil, ‘olage sad Hindestast Sorts, or Au ey way of aaron to spake four langangen Compiled Uy, Anthony Pilly, and revieed by C. Venkata: See Ureaesith. (Weert giti, Hated by AJ C186) sang Naidoo, aod Tanjore Stations Dani Pillay: Pook (Serer eta.) pp. ibd, Maton, 1880." 1a, 10, bees wrth op ews, wee: Cantyéeii-vidhiusine, or Aparae ANTYESHTL 1 ANUNTHAMATIYA- nndtika, A handbook of andy é of fanert feremoniey and engeata ites for tho artilee ‘teen clang brabinanie dsseat fom the mgt fa Vicit? in. Sanlerit, with “Taluga rabrie, Pablied by Gdousunte Wetayyn Saati] pp. i 62, 50 Fy [Menlputans] 1908. 12. ‘one, bb 1802) ANUNTHAMATHYA, Soe Aussraviuterooe ANUNTITA RAO, Soe Awana Iie AMUPANA, wed sorb ws Super. [Ane Pinwinadjari, A Sansket tet on drags used To counteret or convey ather medicines. With "Telugn paraphrase by P. Soryendviyans Tw iitel by N. Viiv Séntr. Sacond edition) pti 63, Madras, 9? [1885] 8° 4048 «28, Apastawma, fy... seryereganmanes. ee Sant [Upmnayans-prgoge Being the fection of Ue Giyacniten tenting ofthe npana sgnayor invettur with the macro cord (it TO-Ty, with a proyign or pentcal gu tot tito,” Edited with Teluge interpretations ofthe rabviee ee, by As Kshanarsinkagys] pp. Sk Vhingupatom, 1901. 8 1088. 480) APPA DISU, Vata, 98. yoo £8650, 1 erie of theological [Appa chart ving pevem, Pacha muli-hanamatp ‘nd Achyatinanda pevtom Followed by Awna-dinid-penam tka, # religious Iyee, Thin oto] pp 3,8, 104 Pet (Bepalla) 1009. T8834 APPA KAYE, Dlamiditi, DOE WS By. ‘qanForsss. [Pantene o Satya Uhl pt. poo on the Togend of Krishy’s theft Sf the coletial pirijet-eeo for bis wi Batys-Uhin,Paited by Paravasta Véibats ha Simi] p81. 29s [Via im, ‘a 1 8. [APPA KAVE,Kiluniri, 5," [Appackat yam, of Audbvasabda-chintiman A metrical {rentse on clasial Tolga grammar and prosody, with iluseative extrcia. Baltod by BR Kame. | s©955 2650 (Kanyaki-pa iahge-pnche | -arravu 2 APPALA-NARASIIULE, Vina fina, #8 YoE cesmainte ot [Si ‘With preface by Appaltonrisimhsla) 1808.6 Hite F180) APPAPPA, [utuihara Injaniga-pn", of Tate. ayaram,” yes BORE GME HOC See), ‘graham id with prose, ‘onthe ep Igend of tho Patdavan. Elited by Nalatdra Veitaubba Sitti] pp. 88. 2%, Biyne ower (Wada, 1890) OTE AB, APPAROW PANTULU, 0. 7. Sco Viduxraees Ris, 6. APPA-SAME PILEAT, C. No.5, ‘Guid, or Hxeries in gonorl Boglish with tana lations forthe wan of tho Malo School Dopart- ont or i i Forms. (No. ti «forthe xe ‘Of the Matreslation & Upper Secondary Clases fr fr Uh fy, i Porta) Boglish ond "Teloge, “By C. Appatawnny Pilla, 2 pla. ppt 186, 247, Madr, 1204. MITA 3 8, APPAVUSETT, Kopparom. Soe Vinaax Rimi yuyn—Mtreal Vion, Scbiny® 808, we A Translation Genco. [Balersnayaynnn. With Teloga retrial version hy Appava) 1903. 16% ore «1069 WansTase MRI, GesreEe sndyertchari 13 apraya- -ARDEN u ‘A work, ohiely ia lyrica) vene, on | ABAGIYAMANAVAEA PERUSAL, called Maye tho Togonds and cult of Kanyakiparaméyear,| vita. Miwon, Panvacsvas, and Deoa-nheio ‘p.i 105, TA, 6, tho godess of tho Vaitya caste] Bes 8400 [Byrn 1808] APPAYA DIESHITA, of th lineage of Siena Dilaite. 9634-9006 su." [Nianna-sitew tole, 52 aphorisms on YogioVelante mysticism, with commentary] See Visuagaavastor, 7. Sxseseers [Adeitendbisidke] vol ie, pp 5679. 1005. 8." LTA BS Adcom 4) APPAYA DIESHITA, Reign rijeut. [fe] Soe Sal-ninsendary, 0.” (e8yast hoo) [Aypye. {iksitrchiitrmr) 1888, 1809.12. (Hesjor ent] aT ioe 1) ‘See Stns, A.B. ‘The Andra Chand Joka «ith the Samet Chandoo [falaely suppored tobe the work] of Appayys Deshakits, 1808, ©. ‘4058 «08 Gees Hemasind mancuste Sweat Hous SFIS HAF [Kevaayhuande-pro kgs, A. treatin on the madee of poetical styl, in verse and prose rendered from Appaye’s Sanskrit Kevulaydonad by Katikevdn mays] pra, Beru28 ors [Fenbatgi, 1808) * 17h APPAYA MANTRE, Palohia. §)6%)%5:40"b Ag69%S,%0. — (Cheune-vbatéqrare cavity, ‘An account of « Vaishonea cult) pp. 10. See Viewasensrerns i Geng tort fret (Chem mola] [1876] 8 ARAGIYAMANAVATA PERUIAE, called May vita Miwon, Penvacivan, and Radionnaenn Lge] --- Gaseemneeooemsnhe ‘yoo Boll” [Varavaremoni-penynpe-vijayune ‘An anonymous acount of the easter of the Sei ‘siapava doctor Arygigarmagaralar, in @ of verse mixed with, prom” With preface by Aaragivesanevdle imanujesiyar, Soebrit ta yenget or devotional verso adlewed to the tenabers ofthe spiritual linnage eoding with the Tater, sod some Tamil verce] pp si. 1685 Splat, Bx6s [Bangelore] 16D). 1474.8, 25.) (continued). Bey Prat Ldhouiaran, r= Eres. (Nramautrtiane, a. the Me twolabepadi, With she commentary Tiyemat Uoirtham of Apegiyamonnvila Perens). ‘Tras Inied into Tologu] "1804, ele 12". [Subua silydtivardtawc] MI g, 986002, ee) See Proqat Trtoutneas. eng. Terese umvsbucadi With the coma fay Tirwmantartham af Atsgisemanerilar] 1002. 1 1a 5 2 Se Punt Lictoakeran, Sater bog Gegpeeneeye ss = SEsGaie sae Wikh tho commentary of Anse nageviar, and Tolga translation} [1004] i 1470, fee sebovete¥®, [Fati-siju- vin 20 Senrbritdovotional anna adroesd o iam’ tnje. With the Tamil commentary of Pili aamsjigar, and rome other prety, Sanskrit and ‘Tamil. Faitd, witha Iter Ploguintrpretation of the 20 stanza and epitome of the commentary by Midebhinké Ramonjichieyar) pp. 64. S33, E50 [aaras, 1904.) 8% 1028 66. ARAGIVA-MANAVATA BAMANUIAJIYAR, Peru: tasty of Drwati. Soe Apaorva-mayavina Po sty (Lf) Lo ererinp mas [Vara ‘are-muni-prarope-ijaynma, With profico by Arvgiyemanovsfar Rising yar] “1801, i746 25.4) ARAOIVA- MaNAVALA — RAMANUIA-- sIVAR SVAMI, Vadirivari, Sie Agviuony. «06 ¥3- Bet tery so 0 (Kayinopsioetanb, Dit with Teloga fterpretaion, toy by Atv ssiyemapavdla Rimiaojeiyar) 1909. 12% 1170. a 9, ARDEN (Auster Hever). [Por editions of the Bile inthe evised Tulugu versione sted by the committen of Delegater including Ay H. Arden 3 See Brau, A progromive Grammar of the Telugu angusge, with eopioasexamplorsudexersien rt SD.OK. Prous Modvue, 1875. 8" 18908 41, Second elton, SLC, Pree adeas, 1005, 8 2086.6. 15 ALDEN- ARDEN (Asser Haves) (otal). A com pvion Telage Reader to Arden's Progresire TFluge Grammas, pp. 130. Madre and Londen, 1870, 12061. e.18. ARNOLD (Sir How) fond Sa-ninves, D. ing Badia nae dia, ae tld ds, 1002. &. Sea Ninavaya Rie, Ds Sree Sangita ravatarangiai Th drama on the life of ‘Arwol's "Light of Axia 1iT0, b 40.8) ARUNACHALA PILAR, Ponosellie Kensra- eine, OPsanghsen otsp. WEsESEIN ‘sn. TADNinyabjodapasulicani. A toatis fn Sanshris verse on he actor’ rt with Teague inverpretation) "pp. xsi 144, f B¥ashyne {adres 1907. "1 sa, b. ARUNDHATI deviants, vosegile 506. (Arondlat ‘The logend of the pions lady [Arundhati (Mabicthirate, Salye-p"), fa delpeda inet, Baited bp Te Vetkate-ubba Kin] pp. Bh. Mylopere (Madras), (1008) 32%, irs, $2809 Borne 909 fh Ja juntas ARVAR-AYYA, Koritoyéti, Soe Viuniet Ri javy—Prowe Vowionn OFS EERE Eegieas. [Prnsokame, — With faterpiatation hy Areirayya] [901]. 6 ARVAROAL [Tiver) Seo Butacemsnya Mo+ mune, Vo, @) s+ OT gwmage Bex [Alvieedobinyala vaibhavama (100L] 6° Mats, B58, Bee Kigssicusero, MLN, OSS, [etsy ait makeial] MH kh. ser herret. pera) & ot the Anvir [Por the Mukunda’ Klusfihata:) See Kote ‘ha Ney tions from the ‘he daly tun, in Tamil) word meaning fro paruphras nthe vermcaas [re Teloge), sad Bogloh teanlation [and Sato Auctions +» Elitod by M. B. Srnivaen Aipane gun G@ELMEE HH.) Maver, 1695, te eprpn HUT BB -ASHTAVAKRA 16 ARVARGAY (ontinued). 200 ST YSHON EH poerge geet weehstesa. (Nitsa twovndldnam, Pollomed by various othor Tail Felines poet, With Telogu word-for-word Fnderprelation, passphrase, bogeaphca note, ey by Rf Seiivtoa Ramivaje-tisn) pp. vill 717, ii; Uplate, Madea, 1006. 8°. TAO, ee cee HQ twee oH [Kogninuo- ‘inwtimbu. Dovotioual verse ascribed to the ‘Aviv Madhorn Kavi and forming bk, 9 fx the Madabyiram or seston. of the Naliyiwm. ‘Tho Tamil tex, withthe commentary of Pevigar~ ii Pilly alo i anil Hit with word- for-word ‘Tolaga interpretation end paraphrase Df the former by Vai-kéard Aragiynmanavila Rifaujeigar) ppe Al. Mares, 1909. 8. 70, e.30, esggeeth eget [Firwpll-dee, A ‘Veishgava devotional prom atzribad to. Peiy Sqvir, and forming § 1 of tho Tirwmori in tho Modatayirvm and of the ‘Nitsinamndhinan. Rendered into ‘Talaga deipeda vorws by § haoliram Swlarzntrvir Aye. Talited by N. Deva Pera-mal Ayyad pp 18 oe. (Maron, 18a1.] 16. ra £2) o2seta). [Virwvdg-marl Form ing Visi. of the Tail Nibayireprabuodam, ti ecribed to Nawn?-ivas, With Plage gloss tid “commestarie, haved pea. the ‘works of origav-chie, Dif and eters, by Miabhisht Riseiniehiryer)] pp. xr 890. THasEO (Madres) 1002. 8. i701, ARYAMATA, Uxpee once EFA EE Gore [Preydttare-grenthame, A third extociem of Hinds rlgion, Pabised by Divi asda R. Magh-aitha Ten] pp. 20. 07s (Badr, 1838] 10%, 1.2 120) ASRTASTHANA Ug ¥shu. [Asbosthion Dvikabi. A Soot netrioal tract om medical ingoosi el With Teloga translation) pp. 7, She Seelouunanire, Supe teees. [Rade vidyajivens] [1876] 12. 1408.82 ASHTAVAREA, EREELONES. HG. ‘Bois ot (Aah. git-gstrema, A poem fon the Vedonieplilsnphy and doctrine of salva tion, Trauelated from tho Buaskrt into Teloga a ASSAMAMBA sador the pateonage of a Edit with pare versa by Sings eran Kamien Boag phmse nad ietrodaction by P- Séshistalsme Raye) pp. wii 108, Seatfions core (itadrae, 1800)" 8% rare. 8.2, ASSAMAMDA, Sor Acremaiush ASVALAYANA erguraipigers fr 000. Dm SeFseue (OEE. [Geyer 69 nou 24. Ssnabrt text of the marriage itl, vith glosses in Telugu.) pp. 10,0. Sie Nani ‘aga Barr, Raméqarap?, ‘Tho Vivshapeasogs, de 191. 14038 08. ATOHAMAMBA, See Acncoswinas ATHARVANARAMASYA, )sG8S0 [1b] 8. Yokes Fhovosomw Edo. | Uypsisne an Sem$0.[Dinnor-misa-aabitmgs. A Sanskrit (tach of 122 verse on the legende and staal spproprnte tothe mouth Prin (Deed), par [potting to form ch. 60 of the Kapifjelaan bit ff the AUlnrvays-rhasys, Balted with Telags Aranslation hy N. Veikateeabbi Sissi] pp. 16 Forgog6 (Danger 1852. 14028 « 50 Phe Keptinlnamhi ty wih hi wor i aarl a it iS ea eth Tle tp aca AVADHANA SARASVATL, expestsgo-.. 4 Een tpeengjerta Fnenae apres [Vsidgngntaiit 116 Saaskrit vores 08 her tion Proceded by 22 verses from the Apvion- mtd on rer. With Tologa interpretation Uy A. Sornvati Nysinichiryela) pp. fe Gl. Ret ore (Madras, 1860.) 1E Moun». AVADHAMT (V. V. 8). See Visars qviva: a, Ye AYYALARYUDU. See Viuwie, —Rimiyaya — Motil Vesons, y+» 8 wancenta, [Bhickareimdyapama. Aversion by severe posts, ix Yada, bopun by Mufti Bhiska- ha and completed hy hi fond Ayysley, te] [1934] &. atk See Vieube,—Rimiyapn—Metrieat Vere Goercsnl [Dhisksersimiye *. ee. 10 me) 70) -BADARAYAWA 18 ATTALARTUDT (cntinei), See Viuaien— ewes nama] (1872) rar. 16, See Vauaat.—Rimigann —Mdrieal Ver~ vest-t amass. [Bhiakars-amiy own] 1897. 8% 174. AYYAPA-RAZU, Mats Soe oonares. dy poyxbecans (Sugrieaciayama. Batol by AT [1005] rare BACON (Fast), Ftcor St Alans. Bacon's Ronnys, Tn Telugu. [Transat] by Suserla Anmatla Roo. (EMERGES) pp. ive 8 ‘Soe Sraaawiays Siena, Dan SSowousaaiiea Shera, C. Complete Notes on F.A, Telogo Text, 1900 [vason 5, Asants iw’ vernon of Bacon's Eesys] els 1908, & 1780 98, BACON (Jous I), f te Londow Mronary Sosy See Brnte—Complete Dilla, The Holy Bible. {Moris by J.'R. Bacon, ele) 1008. & rs, 89.20. BADARAYANA, Gy ORyHSswes uotewcen Grapreury sratyedin cose hima loonie se, Body Sraacacsusey wp Org Orses Ory pr@anes se (Dishimacstin, The Saaeh text, wid» Telugu version of Rimineja's come mentary Vélintedipa, supplemeated by. aa navies, le, compiled by Nerahari Raigayyn Seti, meted hy Ch. Seaivdichiryae, K. Me Peramilichiryla, H. Karmayye Nagas, add Modalgeandan Nigaksla) pp. vi. 268, 2c (Maden, 834]. *. 140888818. Andhra Srahashya, eng rep euytrGrngen tal [he Deo with the commentary Se-Uhiebye of Tn Int ato "Telge and ita y Pa vies Jeguoatlln Srii)) pla. 10, Paton, 1600-003. ave om pa eo tye itd ly dnd EL iPad he ie premysoue amp Efe Gamyine Bunopin genes « ForberEM ys Bee. 19 [BADARAYANA- PEP Prem, yomng bane peg. Prous... aoerngyres¥ em. [Anlcse kama. ‘The Brahmas, ia. Sanskrit, with Telage itera inlerpretation aud commealaty compiled from the monstic expositions of Bukara fd Ramdnanda by Valli Jagearnatha Ris, A by Mahi-bhichyamu Veikaja-ramos Sintri] pp. fi vi 190,108, SA ower (tas, 1860.1 T4048 a1 “notene only te end ofa exemysoaie amy Gis gooytsr Denon gonts «HOES eee Osos pigemsow GRIM OOE ane [Brsbma-sitrtiheaaigrabams. The Aphorisms fn Sunlertareanged in tabular fm, with Tologa raphraes aod synopaoe of the exposition of Thom given in Gatharw’s Bhishys, by Valldrt Jngaenithe Ris.) pp. ii 118. Visagapatom, oor¥ 1994] Moss. &a 30 Tit nye ent of typ BAIRAGT, China ‘85 Cues Darn BALAIT DASU, yf Anatapal. ore mys fes or. [Horigehandeopdkhyiname, ‘The wory fof the tsthfal King Havichandra, told i tho Iyvieal-dramatic yelsbapinn style, Bliled by Ri Néstyape Ris] pp. 58. Coomnada, 1900 * 1T5. 4, 6) BALA KAYE, Dordhetamitta Palugundla, Soe Stes-mrwuoe (Bits Kart). DALA-KRISHWA MUDALIVAR, ¥ ima sotmi-p. SeeMasiran. o899%.-. se. [Bhakteal Compiled by Bale-krshoa.] [1901] 8 ate 60 a [ipiierjan-charitram, With Tani tramalitere ion, ary by Bila- rsina) 1900." To 3506) So Posiyin.—Beubminda-purtsa, os oraetn dud Corgan bythe Er ssjonncen tail [Adlyiton rimiyan ‘rgalatd ito Tuloge prose by Bilckstee) 1900, 6. rare 8 1t, bo. ergmersge Beem. [Ale lehiryolavibhavacn, story of the Arv ‘A oc on tho lgendary oF apostles of the southern PALL 20 ‘Vaishyava church, compiled from divers ‘amit sources] "pete. 278; 82 platen THg oro (Madr, 1801) 14.85, SALA KRISHNUDD, Bilayer, yo. Geo ‘wreWvs. [Varularijsatakama. 106 verce aieenad to he god Vara raja, & frm of Vishoo) pp. 20. 9 [Mua 186.) 1, rath 1.) BAEA-SARASVATY, Kloteli. Seo Baasersinn ‘Supmbaiss aol [Bharichar-ubbichidame, With a Telogs poeta version hy Bils-srusvai, plod Malayan] 100K, 1070, 2d, 92.19 See Buanep-nant, @BgHOPPAS Erg seo. [iri haet- ait = eigen Belstions from the versions of Bil-earaevati, et] 1005. i784 1018) BALA SARASVAT! xOpOaI VEATAOHALA. Su Viseariouaans, K. 8, BALA-SUBRAHMANYA BRAEMA-SVAME,Parems- ayaa of Madura. See Mawi-aninana.—Madern Various. (Bhageoa-gitt] 00 Aexekor sroyS0Y. [Dhagerad-gitd, WiehTalaga inte prtalion and commentary styled “gadhirtha- ‘ipika, by Bilacbeabimayya) (19005) 8 1085.50, Ge Mani-misnen,— Matirn Versions ([Dhageoed-gia] ses QyuneBwremniseeres (agavad-gitk, With rabaysetbabodbi, "Teloga trssltin and exposition by Bla-abrah smanya] 1000.” 16 ‘6b 2 Sov Urasineare, os famsba Br. (Keni vised, With the Tolaga commentary Kénd- Panishad-dipke of Balesabrahoanys] [1900,) & ‘007 320) BALLALA, Fesseres9g5 Bhaja ‘ajeelaritram for Bhjecprabandha, ‘he Sauskee romance of ig Bj] With nots [in pp. ik 147. Mares, 1690. 13°. 40 rs prt of VV Sir Sanit aa BALL esse. ePoe [Dall:patananie 178 Shoat atanms on the omens ipl in the falloftheboatesiard. With Telage paraplrse, tnd Telogu appondis oo th omens isthe zat a pALuRU- ry, by Chilakapits Vasbate pp BL. 2% (Afadras] 1698, nie Sara) 1053. 21202) BALURD, we0S¥ S007. [Dia vingeechiot magi, AG apelling book for children, with tome atovion appended. Hated by Tira-kadiybra Kris Ria] pp.02, O78 [Madrn? 1854) we 117 m1 BAMMERA POTAWA, or POTA-RAZU, See Ponank Me BANGAR-AYYA, Kuruolry, disciple of BR. Sul- Inyiryo, o= sede wngeerae. [Mgeare-rai- igye-itekeme, 104 vores cossoling rena inion of the world and devotion to tho etal 1a) pp. 82. Madre, [1008.) 10", 1074, 0 88 BAWKIN-OHANDRA CHATTOPADHYAYA, o¢0- SF. Amola matin, [Aw bistorcal romance ‘Traslted foto Teloge by O. V. Dornsimayys, from» Kannada version of the original Bonga pe 158, 8 Madras, 1907. 8%. 14K. g. 0 Yoesiotin Kapalakundala, (A nove ‘ranaated by G, ¥. Dorwsinayya. trom the oogalid) pp. 2, 202, Fa" [Madre] 1908 * 1074. gg 2 Praphalla or Dei Chowdharani._ A Telazw novel [adapted from the Bengali work of Baik thandre) by C. Bhukars Row. (E08, #5 Bgow ok FH xba52 Sam EOD Gye Fisting. BH 20=88.) pp. 300 Maraipatam, 100. 8% 104g. 28. Sree Senapati-umar, Translated [rom Bahimchandrw’s Bengali romanoe Dargienate Aint} odited by Y. Nasapuoamerthy. pp. 8, 3,245, 10. Duley, 1897. 12%, 14 2D BAPANWA, Aits, USo_oLESEYEY HD. [Kee sufesiméqraraytakams, 108 devotional vesce {in sun metro on Sin ae worshipped at Atonts, Naracapar Tale, Kitna District) pp, dam (lore) 1908. “12 Mars. 9n0) SeKtoeretse. (Madanngipilepte: ua, 180 devotional vortn in sian sire om Krisko ae worshipped at Atsunte. Followed “BELLARY 2 Dy siniler vert to Hama] pp. 85, 8, des itr 1. Mira i 320) BAPIRAQU, Valor. x0". ‘rama adoouiog, marriage of widows 108, Sams (Bllre) 1807. 8 BARING (Twowss Grotot), Her of Nertitrook. See Biaee.—Now Testunont Steins. The Teac fing of Joun Christin bis own Word «+» Go [sigur a. pi 1076 244) piled... tho Bat! of Northbrook. 1001. 1 10th 4 98, BARTON (Wisse Bisssan). Seo Dinte—Now Testament —Coepdle. (Selections) Hi Lio prepared by Willis B. Hast, ee, 1008.10 1th a BABAVA, Founder of the Jonguma Church, (life) See Siutorieavpe, P. 2. LS... esegmes oN (Hasare-purtynina] (18884). See Siutgrawoy, P. (Qnss9 er. 60) (Basara-puripama.) [1896,] &. 1074 64 BASAVARAZU, Wila-Lesfla Kor Namo fivlyegnt, Gyo. tykodaseas munctitcate bisedasss BRR. [everiigama, ‘orViishos*. A inna of madisio in 25 chapter In Susekrit vores, obey compiled fom older sofhors.Blited with Talage fotarpretaion by Pavvsda Sirye Vierardmi Sirtt_ and. Ghirgare. dayekyan isu pp. xiv. te wi liv. 096. Mads, ores (1882) 6 14083 4.2 BATTU MORTE, Sew Riwsceisxaniensyent, BELLARY —Dalery Tract Sosy, Peco. 41018 1520. Bel nd pany compre by F.naid 19 pte Movion Ps Dalry, 108 dese ie, iar ema) sp Intra oe natn 8 bern dere tiie race nc ela fate co ‘iad rare 3 ‘aeolian as Hele, de jira tthe ihm, ee irae a Spee Ack shiceion ee Pr li etn me ‘DESC Se Pee meen, pean pro. a sec Mare iri dence) deena CE Eo retin rte i oy ofan rte RNB ia nab (did Cited AEQcHt (Comm Giorno Towen). ©4505" yen srenrgnogr Pym, [Punmimt foreran kata A tration of the Tui Stn soy Poemistha grain, ata need foentt} mp 86. #fgeyete ore Late 1301.) 6 Mair g. 4) BHADRADRE-RAMA GASTRI, Son!hi $1-koatha- ya’. Seo Naswura. Abobula panditeapatn «. 1207, 1908.12 14002, a, 38. (Chitra sem, A fation fn poom (in 6 +A rpriet from the Manjavani, Raited sd by-Chulapati Ran. (20585. 1238 E0080.) pp. Hk 4, 98. los, 1907. 12%. wars 4 27449 Sentanspakyenom, — Mabaprabsndham. [Sovtanipakytoame, « poom on the legend of Santano, inorsperved with prose, ja 8 oieen) (ros bargzee.) yp. ve 112. Bll, 100, BHADRA HAVE, of Kalshat, Gy... or¥cete- sr3feinegs6 (ShunudépalhyGnama, A poem in 43 dradeas of dipada vers, on the Siva Ingen of the wotary Sinande, who released tho euforere fn hell by teaching thom tho formula. mamae tiesye, Bed by Aridhysle Viséeligam ] pode SAsyem oer [Matron 18791 8 74 ab BHAGAVANTA RAV, Blepadi Iatale-niniyana- yu. Stee Ganasarn, Or Lactres on Hind Musie hy Botapady Bingovanta Row, [sisted hy Chinon Sisporichiyela and’ G, Kotay DDvara in rgard to the mica science, and by (Ch, Sundarerima. Sate ia regard. vigl] (ioheepgimooun poncdsan Fe m7 8) pHi 92. Madran 100, 6, MA. 26 Kvinitheam, of Th wo of Ardhansewara & Sekataropha. (OPHESY TEE Show -DMANU-DATTA, a ween Yam 0.) [Rovied by D. Tirwpath ‘iat’ aad Ch. Vetkatéprare Ste, witha proce Vy Rigedargams Naranyye Gaeke.] pp. xx 162. Manipatam, (Mdrerprintod], 1900.16 ‘im. 93, Sico Mulenangals natakas, or Bkadusce ‘mshatmyam. Aw orion. drums ia six ate {ou the Vaishnava porans legend. Revised by D. Tirupati Sister sud Oh, Vedkatvarn. Siatri ‘ond Garaipartt Rojayys Dovara. Wi Baglioh Introdectin by V. Ramme-tion.) (habreerbine eed sotgreom... wrens eure). pp. viii 2,111, 2,2n Kermode, 108, 6 MITA 9A) Sree Swarvohisha Manstanbhavam, an original Telugu deama (onthe poor of Allain Poddaaas) in fvo acts by Betapudy Mhagavatn Row» with many vorss of Allama Peddasn Kavi, (With Boglish pretaco by Vemavanpa Rimm-dias,] (29628 s18604=%5.) pp vil 104, 2, Madras, 1900, 8% 1174, 1880) BHAGAYAT-KAVI, Salyers Jendriawa-ps° akmint pasinayam, or Tho Cours of Tras Lave A poom on the loves af ied by (het dsbecorn) Krish aad Rukiit, in 4 dqeien, ui Syibgies-havi Survicriyuta,) Serie no. 10) yp. 10, 100,40 rs as. 104) BHAIRAVAMORTE AYYA, Mallomspall, Sco inane Maen, P. Ve gy--- meer ane. epartpan, Elite by Bh, A.) 1897. 8 IT gg. 8 BHAKIA-VATSALA NAYUDU, Gecrashonde, di tiple of rt Riminujichiry, tur 8o0- Fans purfossoaSmoutess [Répukt-dévi- Aaydikama, poem ia feo metro on the guess épaks, the mother of Paraa-riwa, Followed by Sidhajendoanderajita-madier, or Sui" 0 ‘oom panegyrisng a crtaia Cid-enanda Yogi « tmyita, ted by V.Selatviniobieyate] pp I 87e0 (Matas, WL] 1. IEEE BA) SHAWU-DATTA MISRA, Coyepatinatharye- 65. sg5 (Ulxamarjry. [A Bonarit wore fa 157 staas on tho wt of pootey. ited with Tolga Intorprtation nud notes by) V. Venkata Raya Saatty) pp 2,100. Madrwe, 1900. 14056». 9, The Bagi ie from hn 26 bHANU-MURT- BHANU-MORTL, Channs-propud, of Nile Coleg, Maratipatan, Bee aestactben, @eoS03E el [Prigsdaryika, Tramalated hy Bhi 100.8% So Vinuomannssy, G2 The snalavilsam [ited by Bh} Ratha itor, 1. 1. BHARADVATA, w¥ mSer Eo (hima Avajeait, 45 Sant aphoriams from a Ptr tmdlhacece on the iter of burial. With Teloga ated by Tigoen rtaphrase ne commentary. Vebkat-rima Sst] pp.24 tek [Ong sar. 14028 2. $07) HARAYL The Honter sod Arjuna, Boing @ ‘loge rendering of Bharsv'sfanous Seat work, Kirntarjunceyam [o poom on the legend of tho god Siem diagsied ar © Kidta meeting with [Ayjnal by GopeloniSinguyye. (Borer gs) ps 199. Madras, 1009. 8 MITER B10) BHARTRLHARL Gy tystsstantogorte'. Seren onthengomes orpagyar gsm Spyraomenacoyens. [Niteetaks, Sige fy and Vainigyes, coletivly nsled Sabhie ‘ita hee centre of Suaseit verse, twang espoatvey of morals lave, abd woseioss of the Beak, With Rimw-chonden Dudhodra’s Soashrit sommentary, aud a Talogu metrical version by by Kanbuldyam St-rina Sist] ” pp. 285 pee: [Madre 1876] Mora. @.31 ban BE, Ryome, Sonfomexests ao eworsons anions al Ni fst, Siogines'y and Vatrgyae. Wh iwtnadraDadhGodr's Sask commentary, snd Latahaped’sTelags reson. ited by Bladsichaloy Tiramaleriinhichaysle) pp 220, Madian 7 [1891] 6 1OTR ce. FEgROw PS wogSenae. — Uhartie Irseathiahite-rsgrahame. Selection fom the versions of Tinmanns, Lakebuapiu, and Ele chi Bilesnasrat, compiled by MOdhT Jograe Mal] pp. 6, 80." 343" [Modren] 1905 Mit 4.10.8) es seugrmbanis Um penser eee eregeohbes, [Dhartyartoubbishitome, Bh -DHASHYACHARYA 2% Uyshnss Sanshre contaves with a Tlugupotion varsion by Blakichi Bily-ersevti,Jodizacd to is patson SerabbiBfalla-DhOpala of Jatpol aud thoace styled Malla-bhipaliyena) pp. wi 80, F5" (adr) 1904. 8” MOTD, aa 38.04) < egoeetereree, (Niteante- ‘anaated lato Telegu verse by Enoge ri, and forming Port of the laters shiners) pp 2h Segoe peer (Madras, 1870] 16, NTE 2c gH. [80 vores of the Nikequtaka, in th metrical undoing of Banga Laksbmavada Interpreted word for word, with aoten] See Vriniqicnbniseseir Nivops, 0, aad others. Notes om the Telugu Text, wt 1608.6 174 62 woe RONSres. (BD vere of the [i gataks, fm tho metrical rendering of Pachper ffir Timmnoon.] See Acuoenies, le —Madrae — University of adran. ‘Tae Telogu Toxt forthe Matriculation Examination of .. December 1900. pp. 89.38, 1890, 8. 1074, 66. ge [The mine 80 verse ofthe Ni tata, Interpreed word for wordy wil notes fod Boglish tavslation] Sow Vadara-eom Stern, S. Copious Annotations ow tbe Telags "To for tho Matriculation, le 1900. 8 eB oH8 tell [The same verses, Iter preted word for word, with notes] Soe Siprar inavaya Blatt, D, and othors, Copious Ano- one ow the Matsoslation ‘Tlagu Text, ste, 100. 6". 174 4508) huetedart nti salakam, Second book of Aryan morality aod religion: Sasort, Tologu [vie by Lakshonguda], and Boglish. aited by R.Sivamakara Pandiah, pp. 10,74, Matron, 1957. 14008. Bont. of he ia eo See BHASHYACHARYA, Nadedari. G.2geonbe258 Bee moe GAY MedN. "(Sevan | para vighteata dita - sn sara” praradtinranika, A tration by Rondel: yada th Catchinn of ViihtadnitaPio- sophy.")_ pp. ti 4, 10,3, Bem (Ear) 1808 * 1a 50.0) 7 TMASHYAKARACHARVULU- BUASHYAKARACHARYULY, Wirumalad Kiydiri Raigaehirya-pet, (Kasi-vavanna), Sie Paxi- Bway. ssesiwgese OBE. CAshie With commentary of Pratvidl-Dbaamn- aud Telage paraphrase le, by lyakirdhieysla) 1007. 12%, 14086, $8.18 SHASKARA BHAFTA, Dramatin, 446. oye LWoastiacrighevama. A play on the lagead of Rima. Rendered fom the Sonait into Teloga by TR. Lakahmi-oamsiqhs Rie] pp. 15, 1898 ‘Sus Parontout Pentcavions—Rajalmundey, The anewati ee. vol fy nou 1, 21898, ee, Math gg. 260.1) BUASKARACHARYA, son of Melitoora, DreoessoxaSe igen oll (Lily. A Sen. ‘sit teatiea on arithmetic and algebrs, forming Li. of Bhinkara's Siddhintepirdmani (A.D. 1). With Mabidharichirgae Sanskrit com woutary, and « Tologu version of both in vorse td prot, with additional mater by Tafakealla ‘Voikatecyinbna Ria, Riited by Vavila Rima. ‘viii Shute] pp. 44 865. S¥geNBN OSES [todas 1860 8% 1083.6. 34, {nother copy, wanting. 805.) 14089. 2.23, SHASKARAMISRA BHATIA. SeeVEus, Se 8 tol [Radvadhyiya, Withinterpre Biiskar, we) (1907). 40R8 bbb. 10, BHASEARA BAU, Konslupalli Pértha-aivahé [Niyani yx, See Badanw-cuasona CHAyyOrdoNTaYA Psp, or Desi Chowdharai [adapted] by .Mhaskacn Row. 1000.6 TMA gp. 96, RUAGKARUDU, Elba! Pot. An English Trane Intion of ho whole of Bhaakaracathakam and of some difieale stance of Hariechendropalysnnt, Cento thre, (Blited by N. Rima chaades Hin] ‘Phe Telogu Matroslation text book for 1881, pp 86. Madras, 1661, 13% 14176. 218) BHASKARUDU, Diaryiyyela. SeeStuauavasvats, Dh, and Buiscatgy, Dh, #2 ByS80 (Retr vmstindhes-kivyambu) [1862] 8, 14th. 6 BMASKARUDU, Hult. See Buanuavvs, High. Woda, PEE (Dbisknrédantama, A Arvin om the vival claims of Huikki Bhieks- -BILASKARUDU 28 ala aod Manet Bhinkara to th the Rimayayann] 1608. 8% thorship of itd g. 6201) ‘See Vitale Ramayan. —Mdrial Vr Fone, yes palesersmanss. (Bhdsk Himiyspame. A yersion by several poets ve Yuddher, begun by Dhiskarudy, etc} (8641 ” aL, See Visniet —Reiyagn —Mareat For fiom “Ges Semcon [Bhskarerinis yomme] [1870]. Mak. 1, See Vitwie, —Rimiyan Metin Vere tions, Goes psiesersmaess. (Dhaka Himiyanamou) [1872] MIT Soe Vina. —Remnyaya.—Aercal Ver= tent, psiesersnasse. [Bhar rie yonama) 1907. 6 1417. BHASEARUDD, Aunts, of Guntur. See Trane ares, Kighblota. 5-800 (Whdskard- ants. "A twentise on the val laine of lik Dhdskarade aod Manted Bbisharaie to the authorship of the Risiynpaion) 1408, Mart g e209 ‘See Vist —Rimiyana— Marea! Wore tions, Give PSieSorenaseds. [Bhisarae imiyapamu. A yerion by several posts, ix by Bhiskarad, fe, the work appar boon published wuder the direction of Bhtebarofa] [1364] 8. Mite Lat, See Viumiet-—Rimiyana.—Metrial Por Qowrasel [Bhlskarerimiya i. 1.20, ‘wma [e704 Se Vauaas —1 imajonsie) [1872] 4% yaya —Alrcal Pers (Whishara- Te See Vitale. “Ramayana —Meread Pore ssi eames. [iekarerid fama) 1807. 8 Hk ‘See Vitutes—Mimiyann —Metrial Ver sine —Bhiska’s Riwbjann BAlakdndam, te ee, ante b 34 BEASKARUDU, Pusitita, of Cawamernegurs Eayegeree [Veyedharmaprabagiki & [Saskrit treatise Ia 12 cbaptors of verte on the » DHASKARUDU- religions legends cults, ste, and family divisions of the Voinga oe meronuslo clases.” With a ‘Telge interpretation, ee, Published by Atmaci Takahatenacsnimboyya pp. ih 896, 5 Madear, 1800." 14008 28, BHASEARUDU, Ryani: [fe] See Si-ekwse orn, Rayansblackaramantricharitean 100. 1rd 42) DHAVABHOTL Mahavoors charitea, A denna {in 7 sete) translated from Sensbrt by Das Sreerula [i]. Raprinted from the Manje- ani. ( Mire {atatoe] (Phe Gonpl of Mathew. 3-46 Spans Mesbemnd.) [A evn veson, Propel by the commitos formed in 1835] p08, Madre Assay il Sosy + Mion Prav Ballary, 1880. 3068» 38 St Matton’ Gonpl, E86 wrascnte opntrentin. pp 22h. Mate diary Bile ‘Sty: Amerson Marion Pree Mado, 1889, iS 300,12 (or Blessed Lonts Sermon on the Moons, St, Matt vovil, in Boglish «ia Tamil... in Matoyil +», in Kanarose «sand in Telage ; i the Anyloadian charcter, with a vocabulary, minute grammatical praxis und jfeioual abla by the Hoy. G. U. Popes pp. iii. 88,84 xh Madras, 1950. 6 3088, e , 7 pm, BIBLE (oxtinui). [Mork] (The Gospel of Mark, snsi-9.e28- ‘big weiiesnfei.) (Published by the com mittee formed in 1885.) pp. 64 Mada ai Tier Bible Societys Mision Pres Baller, 1840. co What itepge, 9068818 SU. Mask’s Gospel, a EE “food. pp. 12L Madres Ausiary Die Soil» Amoricon Minion Pree? Waray, 1681. 12.” 3070.4. 8. ‘et ha of 90 eon fe 8 The Gorpel of Mark Toluga, 886. [Aradbitegite, With ‘Talagu interpretation and come smisande-ghanéedra) 1906 e -BRAMMAYYA, “ BRAHMAWANDA GASTRI, Dee, of Twsi High Solo, Se Vitwariata Yaovs. Seco Prada fannnda natakam - tranadated = by. Babmenanda Siac, 1008, 6% 074.4 DE eaME gS UBsI0d eta sores. [Anandédayaastabama, A Arama in Bac on th legend of Vipreadrigane (a Tamil called Topdaradi-podi, an Arvir oF Srivsihoara apostle) pp. Hh 85. es (Cecanate] 1909. 12 rar. a 34d) | nimaamas, s2si§ oF es e408 [Alte riys-bribinapa, Saunt text, with Bogs nd ‘Teloga proces sod Tolagu at of contents Bilal by A Lakshist-oarasimhayya.) pp 4 10, sli B1, Madra, 1888, 6°. MONO. 6 RANMA SAMAJ. Sis Uniennios, Brabops: sanam [a lectionnry of the Bribina Sami) ee 1905. 10% M010. 10 BiG oo. e so» (Bibtranptha-pustl twols, “Hymoa and devotions for tho targoe of the Southorn rakia Semij, fa Shnsket and ‘elugo. Swern edition) pp. 4h Ys" [adrae) 1890." 12", 14008. 13.2) [BRAEMAYA-LINGA ARADHYA, Aiposfa. Mol- lunape See Pouiyan—Stonderpuriva, baoye khan ame ‘Rendered into ‘Telogs, ebodly prose, wader the tid of Tatteeprabisii, by Beahmoyeinge.) (assed 4. air 8 ‘ee Poniyas —Shando-perin, eseenigponss. | [Sivetahay Parephrnsed by Brahinye-ge} Goren BRANMAYYA, Padionspall, sxe ss0a00%. {satya ths, An account of the legends connosted with the ritual of the Soa" [Kalpu invore and prose) pp.ii 78. #9@a0 oren (Narmpur, 1901). NT 8 480) BBAHMAYYA, Kip baste. 9rat-e*eoss (Bhi. arddeniame, A treatise on the sia lime ff Holi (Halak) Bhisharada and Moots DMskarwds to. tho authorship of the Tulogu retried Ramgyapame.) pt i. pp. 7h Tte [oecanada,} 1898. 8 vat. g. en) 4a bRannMavya- BRANMAYYA, Kiy-erla (onto). (2H ETH.) [Manuernaprakiiba, A stody of the Maniccharitrame and) Varwharitramo, in svowor tothe eritiinns of Venni Rama-chandrs Riv) pp 112. 1000-1001, Se Pentoocas Pow Luciaionn—Dille, ‘einer [Maijervigi] vol Fy mo. val yo, 2 1898-1005. 12 176. Lots 2-4) GREET ITU. [ah prakipikinabaadiems, A reply to the rvotrer ‘of Venti Rima-chanden Riu upon Brahmnyye's ‘Manu-vace-prakigika] pp. 42.0 =-tee (Coen. nade, 1906) 8 irs. g. 624) FgauyreY ego [Naonaye-bhattie ‘A biography ofthe poet Nan ska chisirane nays} (Sarrwati Sorin 20) pie pp. 2 105 Gocnnue, 001. 8. 1074.38 Philology. Totch C=) 55. Printed {ota the Manjuva Jonge ine. (Monje pe 18. Bre, 100, 1p, 176 m 32.0) A metprengais adr eng raat [Virda-obandiki- vines oF Rj sithare- ‘hasitravimarganama, A ertiges of K. Vint Tiana’ novel Virdke-chandikh or Re 8khare shasitrana] pp. 120, ""-4=- [Cocanada) 196, & 1s g 480) BROWN (Castes Pater). Sev Biats—New Testament-—doopde, ake] (A new Taage ion [by C. P. Towa] of the Ganpl scording fo Bt Loko, ae) 1808. a 008.63 ‘See Dusvootes. Dialogues in Telugu and aglih «(With « profatory nota signed by ©. Bromo] 1853, ‘3% 2007. 86 See Gaunana Mawes, 0 Bro ete a0 BSE «The Calamiioe of Haiscbonden with exiructs fom the Navanathe cari [Wink potace signed "C.P-B.") 1682, 8 O74 8 ‘Soe Nasawsuncwinrons, A. Vayama jas ‘roma Bro’ cei A collection of Telugu idioms -.« (manly vy 1882, 12, 28 IF, Siw Rionavicuserous, V7, fone 8, ‘he Advontares of Nala.- [iited by CP.B] ine 147410. | Brows 2 [ROWH (Castes Puts) (online). Soe Rae fomisia, FO Disptatons on Vilage te = Bltod by C.'P. Brown, (UTie same) tesasatd oto Hoglish Dy ©. P. Brown) 1855. 8 tare. & 104,29 Called. Popalar by Charles Pilip 1a 7. Se Taveuni. Tal of Tatacharye [ewnalated isto Bnglish from the esletiona of CP. Browa] 1009. 13", us. 38 See Vinasa, 525% 5H008 Tho versce of Véone .. nusated by Chavos Philip Brown 19, i 38, ‘ee Vianna, $e 23p00 (Selections from tho vee of Vomana [inthe txt and tne Intiow of GP. Beown).) 1868, §. [Mori ‘Taagu Selections] rs. at ‘A Dictionary, Hoglsh and Tologa, ox- plsiiog the Baglin dome and phrase in elu, He (Soy cokw Bows Kaglish-Telogs Dictionary) pp. axe 1502. Chriatian Kune lage Soy’ Prot: Vapry (Maran), 1952... 1008.18. Phe ie dtd 18 A Dietiooaey, Tolage and Bogish, expat sng te collogula styio «- and tho pooten! Ailes te, (Shm§ Ban ices Teloge-Laglish Diotionary) pp.x¥- 1803. Critian Kaowloiye Sony's Press Vepery Murat), 1852. 12006. £18 nixed Dinleln and reas (5 OE A Dictionary of forwiga Worde azo in roe Bins) pp. xxvii ISI. Oitian Kur Ioiga Sots Pre: Vepery (fades), 1864, 12006. e.13, A. ‘Tlogu-Boglish Dictionary « . . New scivion, thoroughly revised and brought (0 ato. by M Venkata Bataan =» W. Hh Camptell’. and Rao Bandar K, Voorn, Penila Gara. Seoond edition, pp. vii, 1415, Madrar, 1003. 4 1rd. 4, ‘Tho Telogu Render, boing « seri of eters, private wo on busines, plead revenue s “EROWN- tontters, with an Boglsh trosation, notes ox- hing the geammarand ele lesion. pte SWPCK Pree? Vopery (Madras) 15t-1882. Th. 229, THER Vakybrai, oF Torsten jn ome, Bugish and Telugu. Proered [is trans ed with eonederable modifentions from J. D. Pearson's Bakyabolo, on Anglo-Bongali masa sf conversation ] under th divetions of Chaos Philip Town,” pp. fi 24% SPCR. Pros Vepery (Maison), 1852. 1076 8 ‘The Wars of the Raju of (Hfenteb) Annotapuram. Writion ie Telugu; fn or about the years 1750-1810. (Baited aad] tranalated into Haglish Ly Charles Philip row, 2 pte pp. 7, OL. CHS. Pras Vepery (Caron 1853.8 rata. 6. 26 sing the bitory BUCHCHANNA, Padipet an (Nootans Kanal fe snare. ‘ira’s con and their father and sacs, lnsed ‘poa the Titerrimayann) pp.90. SP~SI° corr [Vizapapatem, 1800.) 6. MITE, E2702.) [irnigndnen- A poem on the logon of he tempt: tion and. iiumpl of Birigudhare’s ehasiy] pp-lIS. Vsopapatem, 1897. 6°, MITA K, 66.2) BUCHCHAYYA, Monsoca, [For works edited by 1, ac ander ihe fllowing bendinge:) ‘Mani-nsinata—Moder Versions, (Bhagroui- site] Pesoanierey0, ¥, Unisanuee, ee hastrt. ‘An Bsposton of the Puli of Women 11 Means of Remedy there. Tihagnse Siw, omeSanngases.Reprvtad from the Hinds Reformer, Madras, By M. Dutchish Pane tala, pp 81. Madrae, 1601. 13", 14174 € 4) BUCHCHT-RAMA SA8TRI, Goiysdtora. SeeGatos: pabteraton, os hte 81 Banaiit “CAREY “ Dited by M Virsa Siste.] pp. 27 Madras, 1880. 12 or &. 20.4) [BUFTERWORTH (Avan), Se Maons, Prnifney ‘fA Colleton of tho Taoriptions ia the Nello Distt, Bade by Alan Battorworth YV. Venugopasl Chetty. 1905. 8% 1056.6 1 (CAIN Jon), A Key tothe Ast of the Apostles (omegeu “agers Ate) [lvanlatea into "ologa by 0. Yéswtiaue ppt 95. SPO. | Brees Vapery(Madror, 1909. 1. 80744 60, ‘CAMPBELL (Arexawoes Dowcts). A Dictionary sf the Teloogoo Lacgunge, ole pp. 1 601, Colige Pree? Madray, 1621. 4%." 6211 20 [Another edition] pp. if. 882, 912, i, Hinde Proms Madras, 1846." 6." 12807018. ‘CAMPHELL (Wiss Howse). See Buows (CP). A Toluga-Roglish dictions ~.. rewind «by epbell, es 1005. 4. ANT 3 48 Captain, a whom shall we SPguaimesinisosteel ge POMP TA Christian teat, originally published ia Marathi. into Tolaga by Pare sdtiame) pp. 24 18952] Sw Betuare — Dellary Prac Svety, (Tracts) wo. 10(a). 1885- ree. 1h. hart «2 Ta whom shall wo trust? Orgs anes est goo S88. (VTS. No.3.) Thirdediton pp. 1%. London Mason Pro: Vaapapatom, tia, “16%, sate 2 482) CAREY (Want), of Outen, Darknow dispelled. wosrre eerfeo. [A Christan tract, originally ‘wriston in Bengal by W. Carey. ‘Tranclatod into Tolage by Parashittame) (VTS. No. 24) Second ei. pp. 28. Londen Minin Prem? Vicagapatam, 1861, 16 1a «40 trast? CAREY (Wrst, of Serampor. (For Talags translations of pata of tho Bible propered wndor the gaidance of W. Carey and odor isinarien of Soranporo )_ See Bux. ‘A Grommar of the Telioge Language. pi 186, Mion Poe» Serampors, ISL, 8 ra ean (CARR (Manx Winn), Copain, ong eat. A Collection of Telogn Proverbs (in the oigoal txt, alpbaboticlly arrangod] ta lated, ltt, and explained: together with some Sansrit Proverbs piatd ia the Devas sod Telugu cbneactors, (A Sapploment ... eoa- {ining alitioual proverbs, as index resborem, index do the Busopean proverbs qurted fe iletration) 2 pte pp. vib 487 i. 148. Vepery Maran), 1808, 8%. MATA. g. 2, wel CATECHISM. Calechmes Telayions Minor b alls i quo dealogus, ambolum apostaioun, io dominic formula, bapksmatn,inelitaio snlne coeno,eoufesio peeatoam,precer trerapce exhibwator io ueem telogumendlorem Interprete Bennmiao Schulaio. (S032 26007 eoaery guBremerl- Hokie) ppdh Hale Mogdehargins, 1748. 16 ©. 20,0020) A. Catschiom om the Bvidonen of th Christian Revtlaion, Zemetgeursmes toe GTRLSEN —(Publiahed by the Rov Joka Bid) pp. 0. Merion Pret + Bary, 198,12" 1a a1) ‘elaga Fest Catechism (of Christian doe tring). @oese'e2. | New edition, pp. 24 Chriaton Vernacalor Edsation Sey ¢ Asean Mion Pros Medea, 1804. VATA m1. CAVELLY VENKATA RAMASWAMY. See Vic saps-etua-svian, Ke (CHAKRA KAVI, and otere 98,G7%45.8 #7p- Et [Chitrapregdtire “A series of Susi viding wtanaas. Boited with Te onmontarion and interpretations by K. Sesh hala Naya.) pp. 38. OFF [Modrar, 1800.1 * ‘rt, on 88:2) CHALA-PATI RAU, Nandéries. Soe Buaonion- diva Sins, Chien seem «+ Bled... by N. Calapati Haw, 1007. 12. MITE Lata ‘bee Kigh, Tras Kasi Maj... Proe cd & edited by N.Chalpati Ra, 1003, 1007 1 rare 25 See Sananvs, Disses of Cite... Notee by N. Chalapati Ra, 1908. 12%, 18174 ve 102) 1990, 1aTA. 140) -CANDRA-SEKHARA, 6 OHATA-PATI RAV, Nandivigu (contnset). All bout Cows, F'S08ice. Called from sacent ‘oimodera trata. pp 7,190, lore, 000 i a 208) amp sogstpegtess. (Askin royteiciila-kathirams, Answern to ei upon publeaions in the " BaSj-rigi, monthly magesine of Wterature) . Bited by N.C. Ma (Manjvasi Peosota no 2,4) 2 pn ‘Bier, (18983) Tag. 4802) Complete Telage Prov void e450 pp. MB, Bor, 1905, 12% ars 98, Dreams andall boat it. 258, ¥883e55 {Am alphabetically arranged list of ejects of roams aid their sigeiGeasce} pp. ss. 115 Bier, 1907. 13% ITA oe. 13 Seasirl Proverbs, dostrysert! hse. Printed & peblited by N. Chalapatiras [with ‘Telogs interpretation). pp. i 96." Bll, 1007 1. 098 3.) (CHALA-PATI SARMA, Dipame-rips Motllargy + Reprinted from the Manjarasi, (Sager TA gee) pe Lp 160, Ble, 1902.12 Foe part of he Mason See, CHAMBERLADI (Jacon- [Por odtions of the ible in the revind ‘Teloye ve sed by {ho commits of Delegates islading J. Chamba tain See Dias, Boe us Stpfe psow A Teloge Tibla Dintonsry. — SPO.K. Press Vapery (Wades), 1006, le. 1074. 88. 8 HAND BIB, Suttons of Mijspur. [Life] See Ssinviaa Riv, K. Sultaon Chand Bi. An Natori! dram ee, 1907. 47 4 3808), CHANDRA» SEKHARA, (60g ¥os¥s¥'e0) aka, A coutary of rene Printed with the “"ppooal”” of Pe Vedidsi iste, dieciple. of Sidgerten Kondeyyn] pp. 24. Moots ovr ([Gantur, 1850.) 10°. wir La) " CHANDRASEKHARA- CHANDEASEKUARA SRANMANANDA SVAMT. See Urayienans, Brshmopusanam «dedicated to - + Chandra Sekhare Brabowoands. Swami Praaon Acharya of the Bangelore. Tain Shy ee. 120K 16 14010. +, 10, CHANDRA SEKHARA RAY, Gunfupllt, Bae Niswuioun, U.P. Theos (KGL ‘mardanaiou. Blited by Ch. R] 1000. 6. irs. «, 9800) CHANDRA-$EKHARA $ASTRE, Sipe Vso ivy’. Soe Aniat. 1pm ODSE ESE wt {Amare-atake. With tho commentary of Vans kipila, and a Toluge commentary nnd Telega ‘moti! version by Chandewétines] 1898, 8 ore CHANNA-BASAVA. [Life] See Pirariuirwore eee Sdgesegmnss, [Chanearbeene-pari wad [1884] 8% TTk 8, CHANNA-VIRAYA, Gipaye-po’. ust #3 6805- Sasoy ogee stron BAR ger tol “Achomi in versus prove st matic exorcism ad ‘yétishkada.] pp. 5. oe? (Baran, 1858.) i aire. 98 CHAUPAPPA, YoEEESYES. foxes. iy HYMN HGS MI, [eyrOtenlaypergeibamer 201 yetson on mol, ‘roti, and come. themes) pp. 10. 7% [Wadraa? 1985 8. 174. &, 120) Festa #8¥a. (Kavi-Chanfappryaae Juma, 100 verton Edited by H, Veskataaubs Ria) pp.Oh Mylapore (adres), (1908) "82° rare. £2816) ort nef team gat cuEROHITA, (20b8F.) [Chetcita-katha, A popular ballad ox the legend of am ial Dotmeen the god Krishya and a barbarian ge) pp18, (Madre, nat] 10". M4174 4 206) (HERGALVA-RAYUDU, sono th nj of ible gin, MyoMENSE yaw oom auER INTE Fos. [Madanegipileatakame, 100 sleam verses in pratt ofthe god Krishya and bis loves, Baited by N. Diva Porosilayyad pp. 2. crew (Medroe? 1864] 8 14H. 4-808) | | eaves, dnote cua 8 CHENGALVA-RAZU, Kadiru, See Vieuv¥s, N, aed Cusionsvicnigt, Keo 0 2Eayosceo Fe. [Pddaeobbiicnshicrign-tathe) 1898, ® irk &. 818) CHERSALA BAU, Pall. SeeDevars, Ax0z=r~ Pye (Darah dharmesicten With (ronda tion by Chofials Rau) [1880.] 14008, 2. Soo Nivsvays Buayr, Rindrare pe ‘The Vieahaprayogs =. with teanalation by P. Choate! Rao. 180. 14099, 86, Tire, Sse Vekeapscmanae hon SAS aH [Pre iited by Chetgwenbbe.) cuntgu-suaa, (CHENTSAL BAO, So Cnesgusa Rie. CHND-ANANDA SARASVATT, proviouly called Nevorsisa Latanntvisivays Disewtra (Iafe] Siw Mincappira Siva, Ke Tho Tif of Set Diksic, ee, 1908.8 1076 gs, (CHID-AMAMDA YOGI Soe Buacravaraata Ni ‘Geordos i (Megoki-dévi-dapiakaa Followed by Sidba;joinundaraitimagjar, « oom paveygrising Chid-ioanda) [1881] 1 rae 24) cum DAIRAGE, s¥go¥ 990. [Dhanvane tari-ejyama, A motical compenton of modi cin, in danduer, parportiog to havo been ro ated by the god Vishps to. votary atled (China Baigi, With prose paraphrase. Pablishod by -Akkina Véilateratoams, and elited by K. Sondarecrimayya] pp. 74. 86” (sore) 1908. & MIM, 12 CHINA NARAYANA WAYARUDU, Siwiramu eevcsn¥$s9Gyi (KaralaySqvecasitema. A romance io 6 Ayitas of vers interspersed with rove, based pow a story of eho Markandeya. ‘ied by K. Vikata-kiabns Ras] porin pp #102 IMB. Sw Peroni Penna Poes—Rajalmuntry. ‘Tho Saraswati ete, vol ¥, ow Tl, 1808, ee. 8%. 1TH gg, 2001.8) INNA KORDA DABU, Puripam Obians-Pei Inyyerpe, of Patige lnage, GE PSs Helge (Uuhmritetatverkirenals, Verses “0 cuss Sntrsporaed with prom, setting forth Vaishyars religioes pieophy. abel hy V. Raigichde ola] pp. 48. Bap (Wallre) 1901. rate, 25,6) CHINA KOTAYYA, Parurtri See Posiyas— Deursew-di-apapariya, S586" [Kaore yall chasitam Published with preface ly China Kétayya.] 1008. #°. 14088 b. 1 (CHINMA STRGARACHARYULU, So Ayansgtionr: CHINA SUBRANMANYA SASTRI, Surarla. See Nieteaya Marrm, PL Gy-- = Somoweet [Wagerige-charitmss, “Hailed by Ch. 8 8) Lissa] s- hava. k 48, (CHINNA-SVAME MUDALIYAR, 4. 1 Oviental Musie, i» Haropoas sotation, A monthly peri= lial. With word ehiedy Telogu i Boga, Teloge snd Tamil characters, non 1-8. Madras, 1802. Fo 058, g. 1, ow 110, Madras, 1605. Fal 14058 1, (CHINA VEEATA DABU, Padiperiu Muranars ‘The Savgootha Sarsngadaranatakom A Tolage rama in ye aole of the ory af Sarangn (he Sirnigadtnrn, the abate von of Réju Nears, who ithelowd tho advavote of his stepmother Chita, Goh weeneseurse. Bom eyo) pp. 17. 243849" [Madras] 1008 ® 1a 4 3116) CHINNAYA SURI, Pors-vous, Soe Nata, ¥0- ‘5rg,ss. [Nela-chnitvamu, Biited by Ch. 81] [854] 19% ata 6 Se Paseona-roeran, Neti chanavin« [Pert Aa adaptation of the Bitr-iUeas tnd "Uhddnna of the Palche-lontra combined trish the Hilopadéye) by... Chinaayya Sark 1009. 6, 174 ge ‘See Pasenactaas, OS 2 [Nie ondvika, Ch. i] 1890. 8°. [Tike Telugu Pot forthe Matriculation Bzemination.] 10742 Se Patoma-tanens, DS reese [Nic chondrite, Notes upoa ch. i] 1900, [Sirguentinaya Siti, ond others + Capos bn ottions, ete} ark 4508) ~cHINNAYA so CHINMAYA SOR, Parents (continual. See Pafonscrartss. POS" @,F “mo [Nitechandtik, Notes upon ch iy with Haglish translation} 1900 (8. [Votafceaha Siete’ s Copious Amtations, ee) tard 4510) See Pasonniveade OE ¥ [Nite ehondsks. Cb. i partly ioerproted.] 1888, 1 [Vethaaculh Sacets Copier Antatins, es) ears 45> {Por the continuations of the Nita Aavika composed by Kokkoyds, Véskataratonna tod Kendakisi Vistpliggnme:) Sev Pains See Sevason (7. L- res, [ind dharms- ‘Tranalated foto Taloge by Chinas * tose see SeTonnsth, K.0, 08s 36 tow. bstnais [Nilsasndartparinzan. ited by Oh. 8) [1852] 8 1.1, exM Ey. [Ababnre-gocehame, A feat eading-bok i ove Lada, 1856.) 8% ia a8, ‘A Belaeyskaranam by P. Chinoayssery. (Tetugn Grammer. Pemgttoss By Pare vaste Chant Soott + +s Thcteeth edition — revised) pp i190,” Maran, 1900. 1 1eir4 m 26. or prof th Tih Sa, Balbryskarnna gupthardia prakasita, An laborata commentary om Dalarynkaranem of tho Inta Chinnaya Boost by Sunknce Raogayya [with Chinnsye's orginal site. (wemgr en Wy STH) Rejakmantry, 1908, es 8% 10. 50, Keeumsogysreed Le Vzonte ance Ease Fae [Babde-lhahaon-sniyrabambu, ‘Aw outing of Tolaga grammar, ie 8 chapters of Lief ralea] pp. 40,i. 0582 Bed oo [Pi can, 19853) 8. 14.3.2 [Anotbor copys witht Siege.) M74, a cmuaya uate (coined). 26 8 (Wibhati-bihini,Paradigos ofthe io of Telogn grammar] ppedt, Ore¥ (Madras? 1054) 12. ark =. 16a) CHINMAYYA, Chandragii, diciple of Raage- iminaja, dys hol 8,8) sens. (Dae shinogé-gesingame and: Utarsg6-geabagninn ‘Tho story of tho eatloraide in tho soath and ortho tho ety of Viet aa rlated Sa the Mai Dhirate, forming the Sed aad 4th aque in a jnsgama-latha or popalae balad-yclo] 2 pe. pei 18k” Bygatye (dren) 100 ec titestnaite, noreers. [Siti khu-parigayams. A ballad on the epic legend ‘of tho neptinn of BalarsSima's dnaghter Seis vith Abhimanyu pp. 128. 3%, #40 (adres) 106, 1S. 18. ar gnrtente pt wes Pewee fo.ors tai! [Sikahalabalina kotaa kaha, A Tallad om tril for murder at Sholap, i which indications given. by monkeys belonging to the ‘marred man led to the detotion of the mer- ree] 2 pl pp 8,3. Psy [Madan] 18.4 98. elenrsOrE EMH SE. [Se winivatclaths. A prove romance, with rat and ber loyally tober bebe, King asta of Gawja] pp. 144 Madras, 1908 IT. gg. 38, ‘CHINNTAH SOORI, See Cussta Sou 1009. CMIPTERAMAYTA, Poitida, Sie Mayrevs sesssetunssoye (Mappadiiddora masala clsritrame, it by Ch] 1009. 8% Mars. ¢. 6009) CHRISTIAN RELIGION. othe Christan Raigiow roe? Grseas Sager. [Tranlated by 3. Hay from the Boglish] (WTS. No. 30) Pp. 20: London Mistion Prams. Vicegapalam, 1868. 16° sa. 0 4008) CLARKSOW (Wust4n). On Pontoon. 85 #5096 H0gHS. [A Chvatinn tract, Tramelaed by J. 5, Wardlaw from pt. I of W. Clarke's (Objarat work ayled Destruction of Seperation.) -Dawopana, a (WS, No.20) ‘hind edition. pp. 98. London Minion Pret: Veegepatam, 1868.16, 10. 420) CLAY (Sons), [Por eitions of the Bible inthe revised Tologu vrsons ienued by the committe of Delegater including J. Clay] See Baus, OLE (Beysnan), A Hod Book on ‘Telage La guage for High Schools and Collages». 8o°§- Ger vas (Cuddapak Seros) 2 pla. Mada 1905, 1909, 12% 1a m7, COLLETT (Cuan). A Mansa of tho Taw of ‘Torta and of tho Measure of Damages.» Tran Iuted into. ‘Tlagu by Pedacotal Samy Tye. Second elton, (orgs = HOTS 5) pp. fi, 200, 70,” Madras, 1672, 8%, 10488 CONCORD, What Concord Yatwoon Light and Darknoss? Besmosty OFUER, iAner Gen. [Translated by Parushitiama from en Oriya tmnot} (VETS. No.25,) pp. 18. London ition Pret: Visagapatam, 1962. 16% 14004.0.400) (RAN (Gowan). See Ban —New Testament — Goapes, BedSeF === wtp [The Gow pels acconting to Matthew, Mark, and Lk ‘Traslnted by A. Dos Grango, with the aaitance of0. Cran) [1812] 110.4. DAKSHA, 8:¢3,90. [Dabsba-omyiti, A Sanskit code of religions law, serie to the mythical Dakss," Blted with » Telogu translation by Dara-yeate Veshataruigicharyala] pp. 48, i Visapapatam, 1875 008... DAKSHIA-MORTT, P, A critical Kasay on Pings Sorana. Road. at meoting of the Andhra ‘Bhashabhiraajany Madras Christian Collge, ee Gomrgneg.) pp. i 2 Madras, [1690] 8 ware 40.4) DALYELL (Ronse Anerscrusel. See Mansi, Presdeny of, SX BOP SESE Toll [The Standing Oriors ofthe Board of Revenue. Com- piled by R.A. Dalyell] [aba] & 1478 a7 DAMGDARA, Gnipidlare-pe’, oooa4, oma. [anteeshintito, A Ieatisn im Sonnkit on rangic diagrams, eo, Edited with Tlags pare: & paxpe phrase by Paltinps Sirsa-isiysoe-beahme.] ps vie TAD. SH. 69 (Aidan) 108, 8 14088. bH, 6.2) = [A champs vertion DANDL Se Kinass, 36M, ‘Thaaskutarecharitbrame of Dupe Dap-kamira chai) ee. 1001. 1078.42, Simeon g, eae epi. [Das imira-chariten ‘The Stove of the Tea Princes, ‘ranslted from the Sunset of Dag ato Teo yy Yemumachininl Saenriya Slats, under the patronage of tho Ia of Venkata) pp. fi 210. 9% [Madan] 1886. 6% 174g. 18, DANIEL PILLAL, Tasjo: Semsinom, See Axton Pijsat. The Englih, Tami, Telogy ond Hindus tani Sonmalai «= sovivd by + Danial Ploy, 1880. 14072. «10 DASA-RATHA-RAMA SASTRI, Siritonf. Mara. (tose a) Baited by D.$.]_ [1000 Ba [ifage- vinta gen, WW. MIT ee. 12, DASU NARAYANA ROW, Soe Ninixaya Riv, Di. ‘DASU SREERAMA PANDIT,or DASUSREERAMULU PANTULD. Ser Sul-tincto, DATTATREYA, o=5-388, [Avndhittngit, A ‘Sanorit pacts in 8 canton on doctrines of Tog ‘vd monistic Vaint, sorbed to the logoedary faint Daetategyn, With Telogu intrpeetatin SorVBbearioranony,P. Bsa eS (Adraitiudhi-aidhi) vol. v. 1905,, 8 174 98,16. (90.8) esos, [Avadhite gta, With Telogu intrpretation and commentary by Brabmaznande ighandodra Sein.) pp. 102. Audra 1806, 8 14048». 98 Rgsse ceseehoontioe SE Bawe wed eBaurscoss Varokaeens (e6¥ 050.) [A Suourt menus of magic snd divination, acrid the legendary mint Datthtrign, but aiforing trom the Datttnyne ‘Taalram, fea, Bite with "Telugu trnnaation by Ke Siictimn Srivoi] pp. 102, [lclelaparaoe] 1000. 1. M028. be -DEVANNA, oo DATTIL, Vengonti Mipijom._ Ser Manso otek Pronn (Mogunstgital tye Biv tone 0 [hagas Avenlongia Folpaverm Dau) tools e 1aTER IB) DAVIS (W. 8), of te Anse Dap Taupe Minin, Aer," Boe Bata Now Tete are, [Seton His ita Pat maga hye. WS Deva 1000, iat Mi DAWSON (Wise. pene ex cotta tation. pp. TL soot, 19, Trae Way af Salvation, (WAS. No.7) Ninth Toudos Mion Pre: Vise ie, ts. 4023) DE PUY (J. N) and TRAVIS (I. B). Sted ‘in Biblical Pacts aad Hislory Edea0¥1- €48, Aesavess wao0¢ Sesion | ‘Translated [it 1TH 48, DES GRANGE (Avocer). Ser Innts—New To lamont—Goypde. BgBOurI- Hes Re tgs ‘Sot! [The Gospels sccorting to Matihem, Mark, sod Tinks, Translated by A. Des Grnoges) (isi2) §, 140.4. DEVARI-NANDANA. — sstsrgogusrsoon “Betpoueds¥en. [Devaki-nindann-satakame, 10 verses in praio ofthe god Krishon) pp 12 ore (Madras? 1955,) 8, MITA m9. 08) DEVALA, #s0s=er 35:5) [Dévala-dharinas ‘atin of Dévalaamiti A Sanskrit coe of ro Tigious lw, in 67 verses, With Teluga taoslac tion by Palo Chota Ra, asiated by Chakra. vari Kavi-tivkike-sipbao Raigenithichiyutu ited hy Vavills Ramaervimi Saati.) p12 corer [Madre 1890) 8 108. 27, DEVA-WAGARA-SANOHAMY, SieRiuiragiedhis- [psn [Rimiyapa-ractmis. A work par Porting to bo 8 teamslation of the Rimsyanay in {he original fort as preverve by the Dévw-nigas sighnmo, society for which ie claimed the cxcisive Inowladgo of Sanit and n contre at “Chitani-kaipana” a the Hivalayn] 1908. 5 178 55.24, DEVANA BHATTA. See Visvoira Pasuananes Stern John Peser Thomas Bhopaiom.- beleg ' compilation of the .-» Smtuichendrita, we UL 1038. 13, 6s DEVA- DEVA PERUMALLAYYA, Nichinta, [Por worl cited by Diva Peraullagys, sce ander tho following besdiogs 1 Ayriwost. Pannige, KA Cmnicauvsepinene, Sinnav-nisoe4, B. Kewtveare amar, K Taconnaytgs, —— Trap-vinivayiutee Nin ‘rt, syhasyengemcesey meryreem semper ol [Haigh estas, A poplar drama on the legend of the trthfl bing Hariscandra, Foust edition.) pe 130, ores [Nedra 1882] 8. MITA DEVAPERUMALLAYYA, 7. See Sionors, “$555 = fofoe [Nrxinhartakatn, Halted by DP) 1909. IF. yas 21a) DEVA-RATADASU, Kiyi Dhonila. Sess. (Dhaktdmritama. A collection of Tlogu Vs ‘yaya Iyien Followed by tho Pafehacatnam, a ‘Snider Tamil pom.) pp.90,8, B28 Seee0o [iadrae, 1698.) 10a. 9.25089 eeu, [Dhakte-i A serio of lives of Vaishnava sina nd wotarion]) 2 ple pow 4 118,187, 840805 79 [Bara 1860] & 174, 0.8, efouctie. (Bhaktervijsyame. Anew ‘ediionin parts) 4312758-% [Madras 1908] a4. Ob. 3. ial ant a eee srwvilanan, oF DEVARASAYYA SRI, desir Tiumogari. Sw Stanicatevow, Af, LEE ESE Se, {Perum kirss-afvia-charits, Hated by D. 5] 1880.) 6 sa 4 DV-gAHKAR VISVANATH. 81 Viana, Vex ronta padhyamate... [Buited] by Dev. Shankar Vivaah. 1803." 8% tars. Gyan Lodhi, [Ae bil yom, cis SnD arot momen] Part By Dev Shasta Visitas (gesr02) ppieitDL Maron, 17, 16. arr sa0. 0 Siri dara Bodin, (A mst prem on the dats ef women] wh note by D. Bow as. (Qe GoE) ppb 1B Maas 1897 ava. 68:8 | puavawrant. “DHARMA 50 eS26tp HOWE. OS Begeiow eM.e0. [Dhaovantar-nighanta, A. ‘Sanchrit-metscal repertory of materia, medica svibed to the mythical Dhasvantari, "With ‘Tloge interpretation. Hii with tho aid of Shigeeign Kah Ssst hy Piage Vetkatappa Ria) pp. 808, Madraa, oor (1808,) 6 14063 «40. DHARMANNA, ObarigondaTinmaya:pu®. 28,0 Ss. Chitra Bharatame. [Ahan composition in 8 ayaivar upon epi theme)... Bdited for the frst time. by K. Voereetiogam. posi 158, Madan, 1808, 8°, ITE 4 0808) DHARMANAMATYUDU, Siirepada Tippaye-p. Sree Nalchertma (a poem interspersed with ‘pros upon te pi og of Nal, a) seen Re-pintedfromSevaroa Laka, [ity Tali prague Siryenirayane Riu) (#2558, pp. 2, 200. aren, 1907. MATA A BBD DHARMA-RATA Diksuita, S=-gs8e-% ( A Saoakrttccazeoe Venotio With Tologu teenelation) 1695, ‘Se Paatoiea, Pertonrona.—Visaga- sreomgpsse®. (Sukalevidyibhivar ii pe oo, ORIBOT. 1 Tag. 38. lilo. paten, DHARMARAZU, «+0 ¢4ore0-s55. [harms arpa, A Ballad for womes, apon th logon Of to dinutrou guubling of Yudbiabthira Pablished by P. Véskaterataanma) pp 1 Visagapatam, 1908, ars, £21) DHARMA SOR, Pareotivarspy’, PAL Text 1000, Sree Narekasurs vijayam, A Sener ram (in one 20 08 the Togood of Kyshua's iolory over the damien Navska,} rendered into ‘Plaga by.» K, Vouatarstan Pasta Gara Togethor wich notes by... K. Subeahamaye Sese trae Gara. (2 rte ss Umomgar rss) poet 103, Marne, 1908, 19%, MIRA. SB AQ) o44 Sierm, D, od Sova mt, Complete Notes on FA. Telage Tes, 1000 [via on Veitaratonmife version of the Naraka arecvijope ef 1008, 8, 10750 28 a pqtunsati- DHORIAT. Qonseragnged vomexnte dy Tree anweiseo. [Kifohantsmahitmsamy, 1A work of 4 esa, in verse intrspesed with ‘rote, 08 the legend and cult of tho Suir save- taaey at Kalshaai, North Ascot Dietrit. Hii swith oto by I, Veskataauibayya) pp 100 Nene Moet a i.fanhtgemmnma ty DHGRIATL, Kemiro. Soe Kowiny Dubey DHORIAT! LAKSHME-PATT, See Lassua-ue. DIALOGUES. Dislogucs in Telagu and English, ‘wth a grammatilsaniysin. [With prfstory tole signed by C. P. Brown) Beoond alice Pp. 5 106. Chesion Krowldge Society's Pret Vepery Matas), 1858. 8 12007. & 8 DICHONARIES, Eoglish and Telogu Voesbaary. Pers i Gi). (loghah and Teloga gram ration Voesblary. "Useful words aad Somat fontnces. Series of vocsbularieg noi) 3 pts Ohrinion Verntalar Bdwatinn Soe Betish land OLS. Prove: Madras, 152-1881. 16% another set, cootaining pt Un the Tie dition, pte 2 Uh th, and pt 9 Jn the Teh] CH.S.Prees Vepery (Matha), 1881-1885. 16% oglish-Teloga Vocnbslry out ppt82, Mara, 1803, coke erive 1010.00.18, ‘The Teloge Spelling Anirtnt aod short Lesion, adapted for the ure of schools. pp. 7%. S.OK. Praws Vepery (Madras), 1842.‘ Mark (Woonbslary) [60 “loons” Bgtish- ‘eloge, withowt sile-page] pp. 80." (Madras? nay 1. 1rd = 8) DORASAMAYYA, 0, Sc Petosicat Penicarions =Madren. 8530 Vidynrnti, Elital by C. Doragwamish, 1906, 8. MITE LA, DORA-SAMAYYA, Onontire Vaidyom Sriniten: 0°. Seo Bakes -cuanona Gnapyiviturita, 205. 8. “Ananda watha. (Traslated fats Telugu by Docwsinnyyn] 1007. 8 NTA gg, -DORA-SAMAYYA 8 DORA-SAMAYYA, Onandira Vaidjom Srinicninn ‘re. (cobined).” See Baincnsvons Castro: Hourits, Foes Kapalaknndala, [te ody Dora-simayya] 1908. MIME ge 28, | See Laxamniyens, PB. oe eng Segisssi Toll [Andnenimarsigrahons, ee, [aitedbyDore-simayys.] 1900. 8. MAT4.n.€F See Nigousia Diss, BONED. (Vi chiresiguenma. Teausated by Dora 1908. 1418 ‘ee Panago-nina Paton, wfessoms t [Sitd-rimiijentya- sm ited with» commentary sigled Ar Fo by Dorasinmyye.] 1600. 6, NTL. 1 ‘Soe Bishcrdon, ANN STAs Sot ([iijeyognrntntbaraoe, Biited with Telogs trstsation, ee, by Dorwsimayye] "1900. 8 + bor oranoe 108041. See Srituitinn, Qj os EUR OME “aot (Hatheyogeepradipikl, Wilh Tela tm ation aod eommentery by Dorssiimyyn] 1903, *. "4088 28, so SborsiySai aot (Bhakts loslamrvtam,) (hakteiimyitamn. ‘Th legendany lives of the 85 Nayanten or Geen saints, compiled from the ‘Tamil ype 100; 1 platy” Sey shnse ooo (Uadeos, 1900.) 8%, 17g 8 DFondegantewyet, [Ramil prapdya-rlaival A trontie on the ure of simple mnents) pp-16,198. 343! (Metran] 1900, Ta 8 ross mani Senso [ind-vivie Hatrcanigrabama. —A tories of quotations from Authority Sunset texta upon the rule rep Tating moriag, with Pl ion] pp. 12. Segbyoss [Madr B. 085.628.3) OSGeo. HYSL enmse aol ([Patvratyerikehannins and Sat-parushy- lls nme, Two compilations of Snoakrt_ vere ‘resting of wily und aly virtues respetvely With Tolugu tenusation aad soten] pp. 18 ‘Ses sp0m [Madras] 1001. 8. 4085.6: 9844) eenfounseio, (Sekalirthasigarama. A general nootot ofthe most remrtalledecteines of religion and philonphy profered throushest Py DORA SAMAYYA- ‘he world, modes of literary expression, aod ethodn of divination, social diversion, by ‘and moticine, ta] pp. ii 870. SA R40 [Wadena 1901. 8 1g. Sgpsa. (Mattra-siramo, An ole- rmontary Sonsbrit eateokism of philosophy and religion. With Tolugn traction] pp. 12 Saget [Madrae, 1001) 4085.0, 982) Vailyanearatimval, Raposo [A taedcol of metiine] pp. 8,272. allary, 1805. 6 Tard 2 DOWNIE (Avsue TL). Telugu Obision Lyseg, releted and reduced 10 masic from the mative sir, togethor with « number of translations of Bnglioh hymns with their English Wenes, For the sap of Telugu eongrogations. pp. tk 188 “American Boptist Ppa Mion + Madror, 1896. & 1rd, bt DRAUPADE GELebHE wo, [Draupnirdéei- itr. The Topend of Dewupadl, wife of i Pindava brothrs, a tld in the Mahi-Dhirats, in deipada metre.” Baited by R, Vethataanbba Ri] pp-48. Molapore (Madre), [1908] 32. ‘wir. 954) Forma. ft Jamies. DURGA-AOBSVARA §ASTRI, Korie Tima- hanira pe’, of Nets Coleg, Manslipatam. See Rimconnosa Sern, tira, oedema Manjarimadbekavim «- Baited by K.D.Nageomara, 1008 6% 20TA 50, DURGK-PRASADA BAU, Galepidi. OEY as. (Beahna-jBfpn-tirame. A treatise 00 tmonisic Valanti. thology, with Mlatrative Sorin) Brahnn Vidya Seas, No.2.) pp. vil 200,” Madror, 1596. 12% 1a a 8 PFE. [Sejsdma Mink. Boys ‘on moral nid eligioustopien) —(Brahm Vidya Serie No.8) 2 vol Madray, 1907, 1808. are 6.58 EDWARD VIL, King of Gruet Britain ai Ireland See Mginvonssta Nuguiea. hy. eGo. SH (lydie-rsedala-peabharvardaya-rijya- ‘hiew-vahenpoennachila-ioktaava char trams Anscont ofthe fetvitin bed by Bs Mityumjye Nita on th acconson of King Blward VIL] 1901. 12% rare. £20, -ERAMRA, oo DWARD VIL, King of Great Britain and Tran (oontinui). Bee Tunurate Siseut, D and Vek rayberana Siar, Oh. SeSgesqee Gt ma ng Briperors Coronation Drama). 1903. 8. (Sara: seat] MITA, gg 2.4918) HRADI-RATNAVAEL rons. [fai raloival.) A glory of tecbneaitin of Tlaga ‘su Sanat torture, [kaa glomay of Sancrit Titray tars aoranged according tothe namber ofthe objecte denoted by thn} te (5 20.2) pp. te M0, xis Madre, 1005 1874, m9, ‘ciama svOTISHKVDY, Airy, Soe Auuvaos oe ecopaass ell [Ahayade- pong ‘With Plaga interpretation by Bh we. SaKita, ain torstiomtonts Pes, ‘ot [Kile-hakra. With Tolaga paraphrase by Bkdmea] [1882] © 14058... (Doutyfat end Sup “essrsom [vida ‘See Sabuanieutr povitious Works} aij ses] 8 M076. «25. sss] 8 T,6.20, See Tira Buspre. ef Sot tH [Solueshapaaicama. With interpeotstion by Biinre]) 1932.8 174 «8. (Por other works edited by B. J, 0 oder the following boudings] ras Vieuva Sabivana You sHorayegie Foomtes whe. Sr 0g fame SuPerET ERO FSO Hoe BEYC RGIS SOME UOT ECS ell [Pour astrological tract, vies (2) Jétake-cban- (2) ipa hi, by Nei kalau, in Dikahita. Revised Pp. 66, ore 140584. 9 tion of the same) pp. 64 1089.6. 26 (adres, 1986) [Asother re dren 18) 8 a ELLLOT- ELLIOT (Sir Ware). Plora Andries. A ve seco and botanic Hit of plants commonly met sth im the Teloga distin of tho. Nortora (ircra [in Telogu and Latin, wth Bish note) Pei pp 19h Modeoy, 1899. 8°, 14TE eed BMBARAYYA, Nivlinas Seo Ponigas-—Drake imdpde-purigne 695" [Osuet-putrcber- teama, Rendered ia prose by Babir-ayye.) 1896 P, 104 «81 ENGLAND, Ontings of the History of Baglan. oes 4 s8djeo- pp. Uk. SPO. Prem Vepery (Barat), 1856." 5°. rare. 8 ARNOLISH. Hoglish and Telugu Pir Book, Sixth thousand, pp. 72, Chrietinn Vernacular Baeaton ovis Seth Proms Madras, 1862. W%. rh. 8, Bglish and Tolage Vooubulary (otal Wordaad idiomatic Sentence). 1881-188, ‘Se Diorosasis 12906, 60, "The BoglishTostrastor, No, 92s 80 a (Utnglish and Tologa «Pit toeath ehousned) pp 73. Obition Vornsexlar Fiteation Scity: Seatioh Proves Medes, 1862 i Mt [RPHEMERIDES, Celendsr for 4,000 years, [ln English ed Tslagus By P- Votlata cobbe Riv) Ongol, 1804, ea. Pole 14003. « 2.92) AnBphomerie showing Boglisk dates corr sponding to Talogn dater wes orn for thirty far yourn fiom Prabhavs, AD. 1867-68, to Server A:D. 1900-01. Compiled by P, Venkata abe Mee. ppt 84 Ong, [1000] TBRRA PREOADA, Beir! So (Guunuoaauyd). See Bauk-nehnarh— Sonne dnd Tikkans Version, &y-- Qyoerog rec, [ndira thirata, or Mahabharata, A retical ‘version, in which Bhs foi, were compored by Navonyo, sopplostent to bi. i being writen bout 1950 by Hu Pregade) (1804) 4. yf ars, tor Ls, ‘See Mask-annash—Noneaya id Tkana’s Version, es Gamo eaceeh (Andra. mahi bhiratn) [1881] 147k Li 14174. 299.) (Guxewo-ri000) (ontnud). So Mani-oninata, =Neneeye tnd Titkane’s Version, somo ores (Andlrarmahi-barate) 1907. MiB We Gass m1 Chote oaLLERTT (A), (Mt A.) (GALLETTE DI CADIEILAG (Asrnox Maio Aono Cou). See Vietstoun, K. The Vina arangini «+ with tremlaion aad glossary by A Galleui, 1902. Po aire. po OAMOADMARA BUCHCMI-RAMA SASTRI, Zs Se ll See Soaanous, HSS, aot (View “atta, Rondorod by Gadgiara Backed rims] TOOL, 12 (Magjwoset) MITE, baal 8) OANOADHARA MANTRI, Atdviti Tirwpa-pe ‘Thepathisamvaron wpakhyaoame (S3bso56- Anoergten). The wll-ows Teloga prabat Ahan [kara poem dn & fudeee nterapered with oso the atory ofthe loves of Sarasa “Tapa, tho younger sistor of vite, as natate inthe Mahabharata, Adt-pars clxa. fll, die ‘uted to Tbvihim Maik of Golkonds, who etigned 1360-81] (Sujemorajoul Seriog 0. 5) pp. 4, Hi. Corenada, 1908. 8 147k x BLL) OAHOANARYUDU, Foppondmityepw. [For eli- tions of bk. ¥. suppliod by this poet to the Andtee-bhiguratama of Potaus Bast] ee Pontyis—Dhagaeateyuripa GARTRWAITE (Leto). The Word for Word Translation of the Anglo-Teloga First Roader ‘saat Bgtish Pp. 40. Hadras, iar = 1800) OATTU PRABHU, Kllouap. Gtrtme ses Peheletyger rans seiseregs. Frome Fem g all [Kuchiihya sama, ‘Tho lagendof tho wotary Kuehl, Ktishow poor fieod (inaed on the Bhigerslapusine x, 80-1), rendered into 8 cmton of Telogs verse Interspersed. with prom]. (Tho Cacbl pre td into elags. Miyanam. A Telaga poor) pp. 113. Anaricon Miwon Drow? Madi, 1841," 12. 414 8b Sdetmygees. [Kuoksipiibyinemn) Pp. 8,88. SY." [Madras 1897. 1. ITE 8 os court ‘OAFTU PRABHU, Bulena-pu (coil, Gengevinge%gee[Yijfavalkyweinsitrams, 1 composition ia $ euton of mized verso and pron, tarrating tho legendary history of the elie theologion YajSuvalky, and dedicated 10 ss corain Uadand Liigaya Monti, Pablisbed with preface by Beplepait Lalehnane Tia ‘svpniod by Lisgunagusta. Jina rime, and elited by 1 Virwrighara Saat) pp. 2, 2,68, sty [Bepatla) 1908 from @ Tb. 8 2. GAURANA MANTRE, Ayelarpe?. = 0550 seeded, (rete mwse) ess HpaI, eae PSE HENS, NET ES owrene Saorryayree, The Calumilie of Hurt hands [be Harigcha fon the legend of king Harpohen fod hin sulrings in tho onus of truth) with ‘xtente from the Nvanatha chaste (6 hagend ‘of the Nine Worthion") = being Teloge poems, ‘writen in». couplets by Gasrana Mantel about the year A.D, 1600, [With a proface signed 10.2.1, ka, Charlo Philip Brows) pp. 8 259, Vepery (Madras), 1882, 6 a7 28 On pe MMSE ASE T EIS “Mision Pee -GOPALA-KRISHNA ou GEOGRAPHY (continu). Telaga Goographical Primes, gFFet9b. cond dition. pp. 6 Ohrition Vereeelor duction SovelysAmarcen Mion Paes Marae, 1085. 12 NT. 40) GHATTU PRABHU. Sw Gipyo Pram, OHULAM KADIR. [Fife] Soe Sina-gatnana Sherst, Kadri, Wmsese (Gholi aire etaritra] (1900) 8 1405.9. 4 (GOLDSMITH (OureEs. Padma’ vlan. (Boing the poor “Elwin sod Angslinn” fom the "Vint fof Waledsld” with « Tolage metrical version] by Havorunts Vajola Vooraragheraih [oi] hited by Satyavole Gannaswar Row. (28S. sae.) ppt 12 Elle, 1001. ard, x. once GOOROOMOORTER, Su Gose-n0Kn: §, GPA EAVE, Katcllla AUana-itgayyi®, #0 eSp40rss. [Dizsathigatakam, 101 vers fn praise of the divine hero Rime, Edited by ‘A.‘Anontichirgale] pp. 22. 9202 (Uadras! 18i5,) 16, ard. £101) (OOPALA-KRISHNAMA SET, Novator. See Sreanau( DL). 2-987 68 7S oan (Hind [Harigshandvopakhyanamn, Raited by K@knot | dharoe iatmanigrahams ‘Translated by Chin- Kéyavdehieyolu) ” ppe 287, OF8¥" (Madre, | mya Siriyanited by Nor-hari Gopau-kyahoama, rat) ae roa x9, | Sot] T1581 8 Maat GAUTAMA, 1755 FAR Uee ... Oxorawai- | OOPALA-KRISHNA YAOHENDRA, Vangiti Bos lostenfists, (Onstammdharmetstrame. A | girs, Survefba Kvmire, Raja of Voulatgii, Serie meio code of religion law, in 14 'sTeluge intarprotation. ited imi Sis, aenetod by Chaken- Hinds matha vida bajsoi. nese 8 8o%— ‘sour. A eulletion of artists [ia defence of ‘Windsinm) coutibuted by » +» tho lato Bx-Rajsh of Vonkutghiri, CS. Reproluced from tho ‘eri Ravi-tikiesinbam Rage nbcedyae | Peel or (Madrey, 100] @ 109849, | Andbrprtaste, ee, pp. She sotray, 1602 1m Tak 0, bon #50. tcMe| | emegn. wmtenenne 28. senses Tat [Dharmasden With | py {Sig OF PAEIS SREESCort. [Benasibciyumes work ertling Vedio Tarwdatta's commentary Mitikaback, Sansrit xt edited with Telugu interpolation af eh xxx. (daiyethipa) by Sitinndra Kalylon-sandare St Med] ppiv. 210, 343 or [Madr 1908) = 1038 , 99. GEOGRAPHY, Ssoond Gaogrphy. sorte. ‘pei, 247. Londen Minion Proves Virga putam, 1864, 1 1a, a, 42) sod other ritalion, nd advocating Vainboavn ‘nonin and devotional rte founded thoroupon prin 180, Madrag, ror (1950,) 8 aire b8 ‘The ‘Masnenshimatham’ (a sew mothod of raligiona rform) «translated ito, Boglsh by Sripati Supenamayena. pp. 63. Moros, 1BDA Fs are. 35, « GOPALA-KRISHNA- GGPALA-KRISHNA YACHENDRA, Volugiti Bos ‘pire, Sarvajin Kania, Raj of Ventategr (on finned, Gos P Le r seers ses. eS SYS. Gove. [Nanika-dhvdnte-bhiskarame. A re filaton of aim av advocated by 0. Deadlaogh, J. Symes and the Buddhists] pp iv. 02.5230 free Madras, 1888] 8. ANTE. , Gon Rhomuperiass, um 68s. Goons. [Nirgupa-rade-nsilaraname, A po- Tomic ages the doctcne which regard the Fist rinciplone unqealifel) pp. 28 2¥30 009" [taivas, 189.) tare 816) Ce ees ‘ogee [Rateashotkddguiyekam. 6 Sanskrit smaxime (riz daisam sly, emaranan fare, pahiveh kira sad-tharmd no ysiyehy mid Pula, and thaviabyad alchanipan) with Telogs | Aiasertation [ise] 16 hereupon] pp-38. Madras, ru nara 62 hae Herfows (Sabhinaieal, A work ‘on the theory ofthe sentiments conveyed in mesic sad drums the persone representing thet, thelr modes of expression, andthe theary of ase] pp. v.92 S¥gh oro [Madan 1600.) 1074 1, hn HoO{SESU TSE. CHESS. rao. [Sandigdbettateeridabintenws. Diseve sions on various probleme of theology, and eit newers) pies 40, SF oro (Mads, 1800) ars 808 Gos SSE HN Ee os Gov [Sorvemate-ieeadgmbame A summary of tho doctrine of the chisf reigioun andi tophien! schosls of Tndin and Persia] ype 78 Beat over [Madras 1280) 12. 1904, 2 COPinA-KRONNATYA, Meer ernest {iaktbetenn A 5 Se logy. With Tlog tention.) 1005 Seo Pranoiit Peroirons. Maton 2955 Vigor ae. 100, ee TAT Le, ed corita- Rima DisvpD, 2. dy. 6 bors ssapadonnmyss.[Siwayemanme A Ante oom, In galahrgina sgl on fhe opie legend ot Sisco of Ri aad tie bea, especialy intended for sudy by women ad gine GORDON 0 athni Vesata-sabrabayye.) ek 40a) ‘ee Viana Batted by $4 pp 12, Madror, 1857 bPAtA-RAV, Crohns Yl ivita Ra, 0. OPAL RAU NAYADU, P., of Majoinniey. Andhra Dhashe cberien mograbam (oge>- 506205). [An emg on tho history ofthe eloge language] pp. 12. Rajahmaniry, 189. Rem eof te Cota Seen ‘OOPALA SASTRE, Susie. ¥0"8. Tho Jn Inbar. (A. collection of Sotarit Vedantio txts, | with commestrin of tho Adtaita schol in | Senabsit, Eopihy and Telagy, de) Balted and in Gopalaestey. Marae, 1900, 1040, ee. | OBPALATYA (tows Sos. | CHanutat-patebavigat | Sie monkey-god) Hsnuae Rimagys Naywe) pp. 1 dereesyystor®. 2 wean in pine of ited by. Nayiat [tadroe 1890 7) ae 1074, 28) oPALAYYA, 1, (Guxeinaxos Vda), SeViuens, ett Doce peae (Varna pt tala) 200 Evers, Hiited by T- Gapalasya] 09. 8 MTS. 2 36. bp-WATHA VEREATA KAVI, Soe Visors GORDON (Jous W.). Sov Drrtx— Compe Bio. ‘The Holy Bibl jn the Teloge Language (The Oi! Testawont] translated by the Rev. Movs Gondon abd Pritehot. 1857, 1860, $*, 3008 «16 See Binin—Complte Hitler. Tho Holy | Bible... [Comprising May's translation of Gon, Ex, Liev Pa, aod Prov-s Pritoett and Gordon's verion of the rowaindsr of the O:T, partly revised a) 1881. 2070. 5.8, ‘See Diana —Now Totanent, ‘The Now ‘eatament .. tanalated «into Teloogeo, by Dinard Pritchett... [amistad by J. Gordo, We 1918, 10.44 See Bins—New Tratumonl, ‘The Now ‘Testament in Tolongoo [in Tritehot’s version, aed feom the aotee of Gorden). Vol. fy et in, & 069,012, w GorDox- GORDON (Jone W.) (conimuai). Ser Moreicen (Ura PT). 'Tho Poop of Day» [Teensated Uy We Gone] 1864 1 MIB On Denth, S¥esupentoogs. (The Siory of Mary {a mative Christian) . ». 89 emis Hor #8, Os the Smal Pox nd Chole Einar asd Horloses Rtod eal) (WTS. No. 18,25, 27) pp 10,1414. London Mission Proves Vicagepatam, 1851-1852. 10. 1h. 406,18, 109, {hai tt in ation, OVER (Cransts H). ‘The Felk-aoogs of Southera Indi, [tnt] by Charon B, Gover. pp.xxvi 200." Landen, Madre (printed, 1872. 1470, Kibgadinepe, (Lom 6: inoaciae), erry ance isn [Fagen A work on the logon nd history of the tomple of Jagan-nithn st Pur,” Procudod by 3 Sansrit hymna) (odd Govind’ Jounodnya Seren 20. 10) pp 6,48. ‘SH (Madea) 1900, 12 MFR 8 24) Life of Sei Vallanctanys, S852. rag s8gias. By Lold Govindle, (Ladd Govindde Tohodaya.Serien 20.9.) pp. 8 Madras, 1900," 12. rae. LL) GOVINDAS, Lat, Sow Gonexou-ok, RANGES (4. De) COULAM XHADARV, Ses Gnovin Rion GUNNAYYA SASTRE, Raspi-ta(ls, Vooubalary Parti, Raph, Telaguand Uriga, [Containing ‘Boglish words aed phrvaos with Voie taniter: tion in Ovige character and aneniogs fa Orie delay in the Oris character}. Sa pp. 8% erhampors, 1903. 8% lB g 20. CGURU-BRANDKA §ARMA, Mudlapalé Plata pogye-ys®, The Koedaveotiharitenm. A ized "Tuga poom in four entos fon the history of the sncient town of Kondavi i Naraarapot Talk, Guotar Diss, Madras, With preface by Gab bite Lakobmi-mersipbam). (Afreabss8 2.) pve 8 1985 1 plete, Madea, 1007." 8. rs. 9204) See Ge See Des Graves. GURU-DASA, Nala Kitew vt -GURU-LINGA ounv-TRama-visisHTHA. seregwredoss. (Yajta-variha flti-sistea, Am oxporition of to {0198 Saas yoru extracted from the Jae Lids i 1-13 of the Guru-jin-visshth, seri of iseourge om doctrae ani practic of Volinta and Yoga. Blited with Tolaga word- for-wort interpretation aad” commentary by ante! Eaksn-nirayans Ste) pp. 8,14 Bas sogers Sot [Madras 1887.) 8. O46, b. 20 GuaD-1ni0A SASTRI, Wied Gipiletiaiya-p’ Si Haseiuatana Aoniers, y=. + riper rusgies[Mantalaka-ttea, With Sbhishya, ited with Telugu trouaation Uy Gare-isgn) (io ” 5% M4049, 1.0) ‘Soe Tannin, 08 BOPP TH [ rinbhiraana, ‘Translated by Garv-tibge] oop) 4 YTS. 08 See Wvevinua, #08 mE AED ao (Viste-rotuiva Hlited wis Tulogu version by Gurwliaga] [1697] 6 M053. ee 16 ‘Sea Mionana, yess sO#RD TAs at haven, Flitod with Tolugn pare 0 plsese by Guveliogn] (1008) & oss a Seu Mank-naiass,— Modern Veron (ten or More Porous 88» PPG moO: [Sintitrayeon. Being a prose pitome of the Str-pareuny, $Satep, and. Auusioana-p?y by Garaclisga) [1002] “#. 18a See Ma Liter-vamea) ‘aot [Sioa susnata,— Morn Versio Whee seoge 1 Waemee gina, Tranlated by Gorastibgn.] {i900.) 14 ge. 34, Se Nigh Qe PARES. NG aa, With Telugu parapeae hy Gare ga) (1000) 8 1408s ee 10.0) ‘see Ninavaya Buapps, dvowtarye’. oe dose andiense sell [Mahila mica, ited with Tologs interpretation end com mentary by Garelinga) (1001) 6° 140580. 98, Soe Panage-nina Paso. y+ bare wamortassossss. (Sitinimaljniyaceayie o ounv-uNcA dame, With commentary by Gurn-liga) 1808). Tate 6. ‘Se Porigas—Dhigosatepuniga, Q- wo g tostersdsn tot [Andhra bhigerolome ‘With parspbraee and commentary ithe 6 Bh. slat by Gurelidge] [1807] ‘80 Poniyas —Brahmindarperiya edu eunsGe [Eatin With a commentary in Telugu by Gare-iige] 1800.) See Sucmranionra. dy [sivarearddayn, With Teloga tem Gurwtinge) [1001] ‘Se Seuatt, SE BPRS el [Samat fotskame Waited with analysis interprtation, de, by Garedisga) [1901] 8 MITE 1.900) See Tantnan. yoo mash Sou. [Giyatstnntr. With loge trnslation by Guretiigs) [100] 8 14038 20,280) Su Varmexiens, go. oer. a0. (Jaaka-paijte, With Teloge version ‘yy Gurvliign) (1897.] 6. 14058 ee. See Viow hoe U8 FOF ol dhyiya. With Telagu interpretation, ey (ior) ae 14088, 00.10, (e compiled by Gurus.) See Vebespe nage, Oh. ey. = Beas evs. [Vijyecvlisama. Hlitd with Sater pretation, ee, by Gurvliige) (1906) 8 1078416 Ses Vinstanaa, *2 6896 53,71¥ ot [Viqvatarmepraknis, With Teloga tracae- ion by Gurelinga} [1806]. 14089, 0818 Soe Varshn hys-- etd ell [Yalte ipa, Wait with Tolga translation by Gare. Tibgod [1890] 1038. cow tgsorefootea en Upysiog. oe. [Abaiha-mantenmae, “A Yajureadi vital of the snaual griddle ceremoniay, in. Sancyit, ih Tolage inlorprotation and paraphrase Pp. HB. 83 rece (Madre, 1906) 8. 14080 a -curuvayva 0 GURU.MORTE SASTRI, Rips. See Pasone- Brgin. (y= ASE ell (Pacha ttre, version, by Gore-mirti.) [1904] & 1076 gL, ree, ire g. 2 Soe Pasentantna, Soros. (Pale clactotes, The version of Garwmist.) (1864) See Pafonttanrna. Panchatastra [Trenalatod by Gurwen, ee, 1950.” 10, 108.66. ‘See Vienunined, The Tales of Vikrwe marke [Ursslated into Teloga) by Raveopates Gooroomocrien. 1819. mate 8, 1925, rat g0 1850, &. 174g. 10. See Vigunine. S88 ryorotre ees. [Dritrimyat-slabatiala katate ‘ranaated by Gorwmarti] 1858, & (Mer {elope Section] tor 2 (Become prs) [Meloga-yyiare ‘pema, A grammar of clasical Tologed] pp. 152. Bf spas O23. [Church Mision Pees Madrar, 1536] © tare a i OURUSYAMAYTA, Putragustn ([Kilabasti-charitranas ‘Th history of Kalasti somindirt, noted for ite Salva ssnetanry.) ppt O43 T plots, Madras, 1804 * tare g. 3 GURU-SVAME, Modis. xem 6K 18¥ Hn tot (Narachary-abeba-petakams, 105 vores in ‘loration of Vika, Ealted. by M, Voskatee wi 5942 [Bader 1867) vars. 8d) GURUVAYA, Pavipiti Gurwen’. Sex Mores @. 0), Telugu Selene. + (The Tologe Ponion .. corrected, andthe Glossary exbrge, Dye. Oaravaya), 1658 8 4M nl GURUVAYYA, Nalirw Kulaw-qets, (Gonu-nia) AmonreNes, [Chiteiaginstekatn, Adres n Maran fon tho Tegond of Cite Doe stepson Sirabgadtarn.] (Madras) 1908.8 HAIDAR BAKHSH, Say, Hilars, Soe Mu sav Rion, renvoes Dot ¥ Geo et [Sage raijterhiuka-kathala. Adapted fom ho Toii- shit, Haidar Bebhel’s Una version of Mul. Radin’ ati-eimah.) 1909, 8 MIT ge. 28 HATO ( —), apr. Se Biaw—Appenti SeriptareTrath in Scrptare Language. (Beected hy Major Haig), fe 1850. 16%. 16174 a 42) sappy pasion for pre 8. fat hare 9910) ‘HAMZAH fon ‘ABD SL-MUTTALIB, Amir. wtod (Amilansd, ie the Distia i Amir vwritton in Persian Krotlpall Sirya Ra from the Windasiaa) 1008, ee, Se Petooteas Penticaon4.— aja Rendered nto ‘elags by ‘awd. ‘Tha Saraawat te, Woh x5 00,8, Totes tie, BATE ge BL 1, te) ANUMANTA RAV, Moskerla Sith rimalandrae Pe. Bro Chandrahaa aatakame (80g. ‘Peras). [A drama in Oaata on the legend of ‘Chanare-hse, based upon sbeJuimini-Dhratalix.] pil 6. Conmade, 108, 8 14174 216) HANUMANTA BAU, Zatipalt, ot eeuass [Suedon-wiayamn, ‘Av adaptation of Shakspere's arama" Cymbline”) pp. ri 108,48, Gree Dory [Chincole, 1608) 8%, TUTE IT) WARD-ERATANA sigant-Disv, ‘MARKWESS (ITesrt) end VISVAMBHARA SASTRI, Nidemigalameripaya. A. Saaserit Primer {in ‘olagul, or Firat book of « serie, designed to ais motivo atodonts .. . by Captain Henry Horkneas and Vievanbrs Baste, ee. pp Sk 3, He Cologe Pros: Matias, 1897." 8". 1478 3.18, MARSHADEVA, King of Thanceor. [Lifa] Soe [Addenda] Baga, ==" (Harahachaitrame) 1908; et 8 [Saran] 1474 gg. Be. 10,0) See Sisouse worst. [Rataival A drama, tated into Telopa by Kendakie Vinew tiga aay n from the Sensst of Manbedéva, Beoad tiivion)) pp 4d mas ogetie ret Unajatnundry, 1666] TEN ILO Sestes. [Priyedarmon, A Teogn Arson by Bolusa Piyagya Siott of the Shoskrit drama Pripadaerka) pp. 45. Vi pipatam, 1902, 6 1474, 26.00) Seostye ase. (Prigndarsita, ‘Teapelated into Telogs by Channd-pragnde Bane ririi] pp i xi Al. Momtipatam, 199, 88 ‘art. 88 este rer. (Prigadarsea, [8 rit xt, edited with Telugs translation and totes by] Vs Venkataraya Saat.) pp 0128, ‘5 oe [Madran] 1908. 8. uusstAMataxa AouAnya, (Haat ‘With ila commentary -Hastimalakae ye scribed Sanelait text, ‘elite with Teluga translation by N. Garusngn Sistei]” pp. 82 8¥xposw Pen [Made 1001) 8 noun. 10) Ths commentary nl fh Fin dant tia alee a ld td Pas ‘ik eat otal Cat, chm 441. Canim ea. romans, orgieally composed i Porsane Trane: Tate by ‘AI SUB from the Hindestai} pp 198 14080. 29 1002, Sex PenorressPeusoasions sang. The Saraewai, ele. ro. fiy no. B= ol ivy mo, 12, 1808 le 1074. gg. 260s 98,49 HAY (Jous). See Baus —Oumplte Bil, Tho Holy Bible in the Telaga Language ..- (The (Oud Testament] tonslated by «Gordon and Prithot (and the New Tostement in the version of Wacdlaw and Hay, revised). 1857, 1800, 6 3068, 634, See Bints-—Complate ibs, The Holy Bible. [Comprising Ilay’s teaaslation of Gon tnd Bea, a8 roviead hy the Delogst, and his varsion of Hx innit, sxicnl, Der, Poy aad Prov.; Pritchett and Gordon's version of the remainder of the OWT; and Wardlaw and Hay's version of the NET, partly revised by May] Il. 4, 3070. g.8 n may. HAY (Jons) (continued). Sie Broz —Complets Bille Tho Holy Bible, le. [Another edition ofthe vorsion of 1881, giving the Gospels a rt revised by the Delegeia, sad the ret of the’ fin Hay’s reriion) 1884, 8. 8070. So Tie —Complte ier, ‘The Holy ible. [Revised by J. Hay, oe] 1904.8 1aara. B88. 10 See Binue-—Appenti. Sariptare rath fn Scripta Langunge. (Trasatad 1858, > Telogn by J. Hay], ete i. ite 4) Chaitin Religion trua?., [Prsated by J. Tay.] 1855. Ww. 14H 4120) See dnanenires, On the Worship of Jngannath + [Revised by J. Hay.) 1961. 16% 174. 0.400) Lamb orgses Kem, (Truth for al. wossracay segs, alive and live, #35 #80808. The Gospel of eave Chiat, rps EHF oom. Chole Tract 08 sorwm Ne00fe.” Who Jone? aot ms) (VILE. 19, 1,21, 12,22) pp. 21, 5,15,21, 12,12. Loudon Minin Pras Visage pat, 1950-1966. 16 10769. 40,8,5,1617,25) To timid Del mrrBraniea. (0st fan sdaptation of the Paicha-tantre ‘combi Sith the Hitgpadéa:) "Soe Pasena-tarr Steet sl, MSeresi Hitopae oan, (A rovin of fblon} The Sansert tent In foor parte. With sommontary sod explanation in Teloga language lodlding +. note maialy coached i Boglish -.. bythe into, V, Krish fama Charan.» Pare [With pofac by & Veikatogéehicaryulu) pp ii Mh Marrow, 1870. ors, a 38. HOLLER (P.), Holle Tologuenighantval, taining 4. Tolgu-Bogloh: Sell Ditonary Seientieal Dictionary. Bagleh-Telage: Ola sca Dstionary.Vooubulary ta the Bila. 4 pte Majakmandry, 1900. 120062. 2 a See Jouxst (RD). [Adapted trom HOWELL (Wins). Strctare on Hiadalem » - INDIA cn Howells Critisoms on the Hiade Shastra] 1862.16" ar «4089 [HUNDRED RULES, So Reuss [HUTCHINSON (J. Row). See Vieegt ios, 1K. Fortane's Whoa» Translated by J. Rober Hotehiwon, 1657. ia g. 20, YMNALS, SerDownor(A. 11). Telugu Civitan Lyric, a, 1806. & 14768 feefo. Hyman, Arranged [by He Nowlin mete ented to Boglish and German anes, pp 86," See Larononas,-Bogland, larch ‘fA Teloogoo Traasation fom the Bock of Comin Peayer, de. 1840, 10%. 1106 0.12, —— A Siwotion of Tolngu Christen Lyrien Geasonorms Bw 57 Sogenus. pp.72 SP.OK, Pres Vepery (Madrar), 1008, 10° rare, Hglish Motrs, 65¢e0 Deaited by JS Wardlow] Third oditon, Revised dhrooghoot aed enlarged. —Sowth India Ohvitian Scho ook Society Seth Pree Madsas, 1857. 16. ith 2 SAB, Gaydtiri, of Dhangorpue, Soe Ndorrst “toe (Gul | Baka: INDIA. — Tepieatve Coe. eb ao. vik of 1882, a, (The Civil Procedure Cote. Signed by 4J.D.Sim as translator.) pp. 195. Modro, 1870 * ith 804) elage Hynes ‘iszar Avi rraueiged By Yom Sanit) ‘he Tadinn Poaal Code, Act no. £1800, aobea 647 FB. wg, godeom “Arg tar 490 ot (Signed by TG. Me Lane a8 Arvoaltor] yp ii. 22%." [Matron] 1870. 106.86 ‘Not no. vi of 1871... The Fain preety [signot by W. F. ‘Moras, 1871 i761) Regitration Act, 187L solanttg bis UB tor] pp. 108 ‘Acta of the Govornmont of Indi, Act no.ix-of 1871... The Indian Limitation Act, 6 INpA- 1871, orto Wt xosRhey sosawsrorenss- O51, [Signod by W. F, Weight as translator) pp IDK Adres, 1872, 8 SITE €. 808) ‘The otian Bvidenco Act, Or Act £1612. Anamendol by Act avi of 1872. eof. code pA OB. (Sigoed by W. F. Weight fs temslator.] pp. 100.» Madras, 1878. 8% MT 25 Acts of tho Goveraient of Todi ‘Act nais.of 1872... The Todian Lawof Contract, pedandg ... Young we HOEN M80OF ‘rise. [Signed by T. G. M. Lane as tas Intor)) pp. 19%. Madras, 1673, 6, UOTE 2, ‘Asta of the Government of Tad ‘Act no, x. of 172... The Godeot Crimieal Pro- celure +» Panebuesyntocy 330. [Sigead by W, F Weight ae trnastor] pp. 29,235, 14, 76. Madras, 1874. 144. 8, Acta ofthe Govorement of Taain Act noi of 1973 +, The Madeas Civil Comets ‘Aol 187 ed, (At no. ¥. of 1875 (cited aa tho Savings Bank Aet]..-K#8aous tao E whe ‘Pate, Aet no. iof 1873) (Signed by TG. nse an eanslator)} pp.28, (Madray, 18787) 6. MIT a8, “Amare: [INDRA-KANTHA- VALIABHICHARYA rare, e+» BE§D078 [Valdyechinth favs” A Sovibrit totie om welstne | With 1 eluga sterpretation by PHoga Sehta-rim- ised by Jaya-kriahva Dien and Rij ‘Niyeda. Balted by 8. Kini Sisti, svimi Sistr, and K. Voikete-rime 810, 06 [Madea 1885] MOM8. «5, x. tri) pe ai ‘ IUSERUCTION. Spirital Iestraction. gs ‘Ayes, (A Christian tact] (WES. No. 9.) Sisth edition. pp. 18, Vizegapatam, 1862.16 tere», 403) TRUGAPAMATHA, See Uonayos Radon ‘WAAT ALLL, Daigit, Ketorrteais ossb- csr. esereses. [Gal 1 Bakielf, or Peahpeliivaath, A prose version, by Tirake ‘adandai Kastvieraigayys of the Gali Baka, ‘romance originally composed in. Pecsian by “Inaat Allah “pp. 187. ¥59 (Madre) 1804, ®. 1th g. 30, | AIAGAN-NATHA 6 ‘WIAT ALLAN, Baipis ontnued). Rodo-rst YapebonRs con Goyse mel (Gul | Bakival ‘anal by Gand Iason Sali. ited by Bonakiyaladte Nallagela Krsbpayye.] pp. 19. SON [Pangan 1895.8. INTE g 28, IAGANATHAM, Polipata. [Vor edition ible in tho revied Talogu versions tho committon of Delegates i tha] See Bin, IAGAN-RATHL, the God. On the Worship of “Ingunnalh, wir 986K. [Tranlated by Para ‘Satiamo, and reviled by J. Hay and Jagen- ‘thon fom a Serampore trast.) (V.T.8. No.10) Sixth edition. pp. Sh London Minion Press Visogapatam, 1851. 10% 14th a 40) JAGAN-MATHA EAVI, Papulta-ripal auancaares Payorrsiss IAGAN-NATHA MAL, Mths, of Venklopiri. See Beasegcaam, #8oeoprko codecs. [Bhar tqichart-nlhdcita-eadgrabas. Compiled by Sogaroitha,) 1905.8 HTS 1006) Koomstamptspetste oh tomes. spew. 50 mt [Syligirepadyeeatnbeal Space mons of roti pootry alacted loom clasial ‘elagu poeta (1904 versal, with an appendix of 10 mila extracts fom tho Sunsket. Second eaition.] pi 246,340, 843! [Mads] 1908, IAGAN-RATHA MANTRI, Kichinuselt Casgona- pe. (oan Kee). Esa. [Sue Uhadricparipeyanie- A poom in 6 dtatee of vere intorsprsed with prose, on the loves af UArjune and Sabhadst, Reprint. feom the Ralivatio") ppe BS. erate tneg ee (Majeh reandey] 1908. 1078 «10189 IAGAN-RATHAMU, Yelsponula. See Punensn ‘Tranalated from -dngamnadbae. Th 88, IAGAN-WATHEA PANDIEA RAYA, Pircthefere. (rife) See Tororare Sher, Dao Vicar. trann Siete, Oh Pantry, fe. 1909. 8 Mare h §7.8) Su Bhamicovinsuma [series of erotic eve), ‘Trandate (wetrcly] fom the original JAGANNATHA- Senarit of Panditanyals line Jagemnatbakar by Balan Papagya. Suir, (easboonsae.) pp. 80, Comal, 1902. 8%, NTL 2116) Sol meres. (938 etaess of ‘series of minolancous Sanit staemne. With woe Telugu metres! txnlation ‘by Riminujashirylu, ited by Vedkale-vimé anje Seimi)-.. Third... eden. pp. 75 Visegepatm, 1895.12. M070. 8.22, JAOAN-NATHA BAU, Valeri, Rou Dabiiur, Sse gNemysmae- MSomrs SeO8r=. [Anibewsieinbame smaceitrs, with Telegu interpretation, ‘ey compiled hy Jogne-nsha Han) [1980.] 8 OKs a Se Binminayh pYERysoain GEG secon (Leake ecirhaco frainma. Tho Apborians aranged iu tabu form, with Tologe parophrsee and aynopre by Tngonendtha Rin) [1804] a” 4048, 24.90, Sea Taoivowiean We, Be Gye 0 Siege [Dhivesdremigeabamy, Blited by the author’ gramiiea, Je] 1806, 12%. ITA, en. 7 JAGAN-NATHA RAV, Vallré Depirgupe’, emsseei ans egos Cree. [hive Aivinton Edited by tho authors grandson, Ta DBahider V.Jngan-aitha Rau) pp.ti-th Pars [Notore) 1800. 12° ITE. en. SAGAY-NATHA GASTRE, Dor, See Kara, troupe) Bares ot!” [Sbikhysryttsieam, Being the SésLhpa-rit with Teloga interpre. tation and vorsion of Mabi-déva’s commentary Dy Jngue-itin] 1906, 8. [Piya] MITE Let te) FAGAN-MATHA SVAME, Sriniocea, Soe Ssiivien Saoanonizun Sedat, JAGAN-WATHUDU, pints, and gRi-aiaa- MORT, Gunsiin, Uoges needa, er Spogascwe. (Andhrepadepiriitama, A Aclionary of pare Talogu words. Bait by P. Soblacrimayya] pp.itail 796 Madras, 1888, & 1a 2 SJANAKERAMUDU 8 | YAOA-PAMT RAZU, Yoikef-cqhairi, See Vi rapéanumion! Jaotnser Rast. JADONL [For Ping Viewbhadvode's Aprané- ‘Uama:) Soe Poss Vinu-enaoacpy oo Enbyte -osese rag wgSystses. [siminibhinatans, Tho Ape nfla-yarvam oie of opsodes in 68 chapters (pardy pale’ to tho -Apremsiieg. of the Mahi-bbirata.aecribed fo” Vyiea), Which a ropatod to have ouce formed part of « completa Bhirats, or epi om the wart of the Kauravas fad Pinderas, by the legendary sago Jeminic ‘Translate fom the original Sata ata Teg prow by Novi Garolitgn Siti] pp. 158. Seg oror [Madran, 1909] 4°. "14106. 2 JAKEANA, Soe Toneavs, IAKEAYA, Pornyimayepe, «26 OSs ‘266. (Vikesmarka sharitenma) [A champ composition on the Vikranarka-charitrima oF ‘ales of tho 52 Tmages. Editod by IK. Annati hiryala and R.Nacasayya Sis] "pp. 2, 184i, Madre 1895. 8. 1074 &. 85.) Delite Siddanns, oof Jorn Beth of he Ee Piet al el ce Ree Met it JAS, Ohastor JANAKAWOCA RAOHAVAYYA, Pstame. Piston Of Brgaad: translate fromthe Tele, lta by Pothom Jasnkemmesh Rogar Dsl | of erviit a Beope pp. 1 i Andree iene are gt HANAKE-PATE arglst¥s¥s. (Finaki-patic See Jour, Chena taka, 118 vers addtoned to the divine ero Bim] pp. 28. ore (Madras, 1864] we. rare. £15) FANARERAMAYYA, 0. Sor Mni-aninarn— Nannayo and Tibkone’s Version. Seee Maha Mharouma.” Sabha Parvamoy conto. With. notes by C; Janaki Ramayya, 1809, &, etre x 45.09 FANAKT-RIMUDU, Diyethotla, See Vian. — Riwipnpa—setrical Posion, hone heoerogie ‘orsrasat (Andbre-simiyayamn, Biel by 3] (i046 14186 8. np JANARDANA- JANARDANA ERAIDIA, 22 fs gatersys wchrosin de [Jive-prabddbamritama. A trork of 0 chaptors in alugu prose and vero, Tersprsed with Sombrit stan, jor a tmowisic Veldnte-Yogu pilosophy ofthe Ve pera acools,Polowed. by tho $rikyishn iydevesite, Sonat hymn] ppl. oF (Madras) 1892. 8 it. bl {JANARDANA SVIMI CHATTANYUDU, Veoule- pie. See Niouaia Dims, Wooo {Vichircsigaratn,‘Trasslated by Janirdamn] {1906,) oth 4 ith. ‘See Viviana Punoanbeenns, 400° so gtjecate ell [Vishirn = chandeSlayam ‘Translated by Janine] [1900] 8% at» 26, FAYADEVA, Blgjcdivupe, +» $8208 PencllontSconcsend =. SUengesoEsefen. Si ongjores [Gia-gévinda. A Sansket ‘pm on the legendary sport of Kriches. With f Tolaga word-for-word intrpretation, Rated by 8. Brasvébgelichiryule and V; Tima ryan.) p88. Pyrbe (Madras, ort. « 8 [Another edition) pp. 78, ore (attra, 1864. 8% OTe 6 13.2) derogsrttcd Gir Es tot [Andhra git-giviedame, A Telage metrical version by Bapigonds VEbkate-romanayse) pi 56, ‘Madras, 1009, 6 1478.0 38 IAYA-DEVA, Mali-diorpe?. ‘The Andes Chane Arlo of Adidama Soorakays, with the Saneeit CChandrsok (flsly supposed to bo the work) of Appayya Deokobita, Baited « « . by Choral Cnc koyotse) 1698, ‘Sow Sousva, A.D. 14053. SAYA-KRISHNA DASU, Sriraignpatnan Gkirgcre Veilatediaape, Soe Baaseicehze. soo) wdas sol! (Baswacrjigama, Bite by. P. Sings Bagoowred [Vaidyuchintimani. With Teings {terprtaton by P- Subba-rimayya, asst by Sayers Dive) (1863) 4. 14088. 018 auvvane 0 JAYA-KRISHNA DABU, Srirsigepofaam Glarzere Veshaga-disa-pe. conned). Seo Méntevans bree Segeyein, [Vailyhorita, Wil ‘loge tvnalation by Jaya-kyabya Dasw} (1878) ‘HOH «23. (1860). OHS, 0.25. SeeNigi, wbshlste ... hee Ene ‘aut (Nidioukahatramals le, Euited by J.D.) (ee) & Mots © 28.) ‘ee Bindasousns, Damiterape, Qe = (rE [Sirdgndhar-sombitd With oterre- tation, revived by Jayacrishya} (1878) 8° ‘04s, «18, StUpEgye. oe BNERS. (Chie itratan,” A Shaaket andbook of mial dation, Edivad by 148, Madras, peer T1870] 8 ois. 0, 2 [Second edition] pp vil 48. Marae, oe [1881] “8 ‘M08. «21. IAYA-RAMA SENT, 8, Soe Mantas, Prsitney of, 34x89 BOR SSp TH (The Sanding Oners ff tho Bourd of Reverse. Trasslated by Jayae ina and Vijyerrighova Sofi] [1308] 5 yard TEWETT (Leas). [For editions of the Bible in the revised Telugu versions laned by the com. Inigo of Delegates forladiog Le Jewett} Soe Bree. FIVA-MATHA, Somlbuenithacpe’, e¥enov al-m. [Vane-mala. A Sanat tract on divination, SB adlyan. With Telugs tresalation) — pp 80 Seg OFF 2 (Madea, 1998] 12. MOS. 91) cee wrest a (Vistemindal A callestion of rules for tho religions rt, 6, enuetd with building. ted with « Telaye ters hy N, Gorvliga Sint.) pp. ii 91 Spoor « [Madras 1897] $1053. eo. 16, SIYYARU SORE, Parevastu Saniyuly, by Gag needs. [Bai-Dbaktevijoyawue A terion of bigaphice of eminent tachers of the ‘Vaishnava religion, chely beac on Krisko pida’e Bhatitative-siee, Second edition) voli Poti xi, AGL, Bont SFT (Mangal, ase] +, ithe a anvyanu- [HY WARU SORE, Para-ostn Serhiryul ontinue eeryxbFessoud wns Postgres (Ratna alicmaljari, or Saundarye-qutakame, 110 vormes on erotic and other sutjete) pp B2 SRI [Dangle] 1670. 12 ITE ES) sixiwanna Oot ‘Vedanta dinates, with Telaga meaning (styled ‘ee Viwana, Vomann ‘Tatvaetn-Lauhig by Jgainanda). 1903. a. 8.38 JOGAYYA SASTR, Pottondanivart, See Maat inom Sher, de Te SMES ONO [Diarme-sisim-rtnikacam. Buited Uy J. 8] 1996, 6, rare 16 JOUN, Cloudlart. Biography of Ch. Ps ‘hottie, cho Plaga Chistian pot «With as Introduction by the Rev. WV. Higging. 373° ‘wsershe ¥O5N8). pp. iv. TO, Moras, 190 Ie. 1rd. £22, JOHNSTON (Ricusn D), Soe Biotr—Complete Diller, ‘The Waly Bible (Comprising H's ‘anslasion of Gan, Bx, Eev., Pa, and. Prov; Pritchett and Gordon's version of the remainder of the O7, parlyreviaed Uy RD. Sohoston, oe) sat. 2070.8 A Dialogue on Salvation, #03609 ets. domsio. [A Chriation trot) (WoT. 8 No.6) Fourth edition p15. London Mion Strisares on Hinde, otras 3 B.. [Adapted by R.Jehnstos fom W. Howell's Critic om tho Hinde Shastras) (WoT. 8 10.92)" Third edition, p48, London Minion roe: Vieogopatem, 1863. 16 1817 a. 408) 4JOYES (Wauras) and SESACHARYULY, ¥. c "TologooSeriee Fret Potial Reader, beingitro- ‘ctor loons with ‘patiyamand Samathinhsthagum, by Walter Joye, fand N.C. Seabacarlo, with tho assatance of C. Ruginh, aed & Ramanoaiah «Pop tion. (StaTegeSun.) pps. SPOR Brees Vopery (Mudra) 1959,"'6." NT6. 8. asin. (Ufo) So Nacouswvat, 3.) i rteberto6H [Kabirwdian-carienmn] 1698 F ar. g 4003) 1g. an) 1000, & -RALIDASA @ KADIREPATE NAYAEUDU, Pulaékar, v's=0. (Goksaspiati) [A pooticl adaptation of the Seventy Talon of the Pasrot] "1908, ta See Prnontay Pomcariors.— Mejehmniry. Tho Barsawat ele, vol 3p BOIpees 1208, le UTA gg, 2.9L 10, ete) KApIVAtA virGRY-ACHARYULU. Su Vironr- KAKAMANE MORTE, Roma lige. See Moers HALA, ors tetgtinenscon ree ons | oasis (hha. A Ssnkris. oneal | Stoica von, in 2 prt of 198 and 291 | Sen Wik Taoge poreprae by Ale Bre | asinine, ied by nla Asolanty | Shad 105s 84a eyesore [Meo Is] ‘woe, hoes Pereyoretpacogiort tol [Kile myla, A. Sanat mann of axtolgy. With fommentary of Chintlapsti Veskate Yair, ad ‘Telogs interpretation, Baited hy N. Veskatw bb Sate) pp. 252, oe» [Madras 1962) * M089. 6 23. hes Am gP SE Teneysan. (Kile verte, ‘Arepraeot the preceding. Hdited by A Saraevali Nrsidchieyulu) pp. QBl, ie. 245 poem owe (Madras, 1880.) ‘4058.08 98. KALAMASTL (Uitry.) Se Gost-erinar¥s, 1. Gree R EN [Kileaati-chartrame] 1804 ALANA. Iajatharsngini (=r=86048). [A ‘Transat into Telogu fom the original Sanerit of Kahana Pandita by Se KB. V. Krishna How Babdar. (Saraswati Serie no. 29) pp 190, 115. Counada, 1909, 1006, , Tart. ge. 8. KAMASA (Kife] See Kueuys-uts SV. besten. Kal (sea) ard g. 81) ‘Sov Vibeapaadainons Sata, Ch, 7 SrhessnGa" Saw. Lileof Kaldasn, (A arm) 1008. 8° Ire A, es KALIDASA- KALIDASA, [life] (continued). See Vihean niwun Sanna, Oh 1, Sess Aas (Ma ‘Kalidierebartroma.) (1803) 1th. 3 80 Taeenisivaycazereus, Vey ‘reser [Sakontalm-nstaams, Aploy founded om the drama of Kalin] [1808] 8. 1074.6 [Avan ‘Tranlaed into eyes wbeserera Sasbritof Kalas) pp. v.76. ess [Rajahmundry] 1885, 6 TERT eoeRE erases... Andhra ABhic pois sakontalann, (Rondored fom the Sank {nto Telogal by V. Vonkatarays Busty. pi 9, 6. advan 1908, 6. 1B Sekmisla, © BKC UREA Poss ‘Tyansated ia pare Telagu prose & by le poi 120. adres, Mats. §, 2001) snrorhyoSe. [Milavikignimieam A drama, Translted ato Tlogo by Krad ‘Virnetidgame from tho Sanskrit of Kilian] poy, wakes oe% (Iajahmandry, ass) wig nL) Segre [Athewrmglrvangunnn A motroal version by Vaviila Vasudéra Sésti of the Ragha-vamas «Sanat oom oath legend of Ran and hit dynaty, from Dilfpa downward Cantor jeri) pp. aiv, 102, oro (Madras, 191] 138, rar 38 Complate Notes (by Peromanm Mali ‘Vawuléva Sits; comprising the Teage ver Ue i 1-60, with won-fonowond in paraphre hooks. Segara F 6 Hayens. pp. AB, Chitose, 263. (Maras printed) 1895." 1 ir. £10) vowornsje. fe, orden genera aot [Ragh-vanan. Cantor ior, fn Stk, with Mall-ntth’s Sanskrit come tary, and with wordlor-mord Interpretation and “KAMA et paraphrase in ela by Vavillo Veikate-vin St dolla! Sudipive Sut ‘Third lin] Sta. 243" (Aadren) 108, 1076, a HALIDASA, Poew, [e, Kéunisa Sievamunons Besgricwiers).‘esymaoeat, (Pashpabana ils. [An oot Sasaki poom in 26 stan Baited with wordsfor-word ioterpretation, pare prac, 20d comaontary in both Tolga wud Son it, ayled Srisgieacbuodvl, by] V. Venkata Taya Sastry) pp- 68. 22% [Madras 1900 * MOTO, ce. he gh iti from he sone KALYANASUNDARA §ASTRI, Sillaniru. Se Garmin dy = 880486 Tot [Dhara tea, Baited with Tolugu Faterrotation of eh sxxix by Kalytoa-snndars] AMAKSHAYYA Ses Voie dss [Vaidya sistrams, Porprtng tle trane lated by Kimilahayys fom the Suuskrt] 1906 ® IFA 10 KAMALAKARA BHATTA, Rimw-riebgapet, Gienkew oming gore tsa ml [Side Tamalikaranis, or Sédeedharma-tattvama, A treating on the roigions duties of tho fourth ‘ants, forming pt ix of Kamalihar’s Dinca tative, « digest of religions low. ‘Translated from the Sanskrit into Tolage by Kollei Kama Shae, wuder the patronage of Mateja Kesnda Gajapatl Mahi-ragn of Visiongesm. ited by Obelalavie Sandanvrima Bint] pp Hi ii, 262. xQH Ovo [Maras 188] & ate. 8, 20, KiMAMA, G -.- PSGFF. [Kenan Jatha. A poot ia popula style on the sorrows ide os wldie’ wits] pp. 40. adrae, . tar. ks) KAMANDAKL, 660 Trssos¥onis ... MS SogGuna. (Knmaaka, alo ealled Re-sstn sgeabe and Nitesiea A Snusheit work om polly, 20 captor. With eTulogaintorprete- on by Taakumalla Vodkste-hyshpe Ris.) pp B04, "Oreo (Maas, 1860] 8°. M098, es HAMA SASURE, Kolar, Court Pant of Visiane ram, Soo Kwatieans Bnapra. $9"ions~ an mon (Gida-kannlikarama, ‘Traualtel by ‘Kama Siste,) [1888] 8 MIT4 8.22 8 KAMA KAMA ghotat, Mondapsta Parativorant po Gan comeremget [Patri paiva ewinof mielaneoosvoree] pp 201M See Patoocat Posucarions Holl, (254858 Gov me) [Amu grenin-chintimey) evi, 9. Svol i, noBe 1885-108. ‘Mi ete 7-9) KAMA sAs0m1, Sitgw-ries, Soe Duasrantant hoe = w#So8tp Rowe Tan [Dhanvaatart ited with tb ad of K, §] [1892] Tighants, * 15, 40, See Pontyin —Kermapuriga. S578. segcaignnse =~ anyone. [Kirn pork. Blited by K,$] [1876] 6 4016. a. 22. Kima-suxpana vistmara-RAYALv. Visiercnio, M Be KAMERVARA RAU, Suiyenty, of Mlompu, Sratikonopskyanam. SoFortaeegeae. CA flory wth aoligious more, in 3 douse of verse intarperee with prov] pp. 128. lor 100% 1, 1a. £23, KAMBSVARUDU, Manis, See Posiyas—Kérna- prina, & Qe hoon [Kirme. Perio. A clamp renderiog by Kimérvaradu] (sss) ©. 1078 818, iyas.—Shanda-purdy [Siva -rabasya banda [issoy KANAKA-RAZU, Guttt. Vieskavijayam (0° ‘eciss). Chintanaai Prizo Novellete of 1894 Reprinted from the Chiat, (Chintar ‘mani Serie. Nowe) pp i. Rajahmundry, 1805, ©. 1a g. 36) Metalamal Bee Po on esp pe Bal a Rated by K. 8 tare 63 KANNAN AYYA, ‘Tirukajandad Paviita Sou eBesconn OsmmeE Seg ‘ao. [Vruv-iridhans-bromesatigrabamn, A book of yma and ofles forthe angie of the ‘iminujiya Valshpava, fa Sanskrit, Telngy, nd damera ‘Dewi. Buited by Madabhiaht. Tatkertirtha amianjichryar) "pp. ti 963 1 plate 2g xyes [Wedron] 1002, 12%," 14038, a. 48, KANNAYYA DASU. See Kawnarra Nareoe, -KASL-PATL 8 KANNAYYA NAYUDU, Fairs, (Kanrarrs Die) toe wim penry -.- arelgcrian lacs, (ikiinu-harsths, A romenoe on the lite of Kida, in ined oreo and prose] (Yo. 2, ari Katha Sories) pp. 3h Madran, OTF” (seed ras 25.05) Stuns toetooktise Foe bydowe [Natana Bobbi-ngaia hatha. Amott story of th princely house of Bobi and ie brave Aefonoe again tha French army uoder Bacay.) pp. 18. Madras, oP (1800) & ard. g 8442) KAPILA Fteferguc. [Kapllesttmims, or, ‘moro coreily, Taivesamiea. A ist of topoe Of the SKhpe philosophy, in 29 Sanskrit ata ‘wevibed to the mythical sage Kaila. With ‘Telogucommentary by Patiapa Voilent6rarwa] pp.2% 17. 343" (Madras) 1007. 10, ». 25.8 prosgeygareess ih [Sikyn- wie rama, Being the S8Gkhye-siiea (Sanit sphoris of the Sikhs philowpy,atribed to Kepila, but composed. 16th cen 1006, ee. See Pes Dageo Vidy 1805, ee 8 MITE Leo ted igh True Kasi Maite, (9 on emg -wrheonbeo «as told byan"™ Aradathe ‘Produced & eed by N. Chalapat Ras. 2 vole pp. 400, ri. S01. Bllore, 1905, 1907.2 aT 6 95. D. Joganrniths Siat) coor Porrcasons Medea, Vali, de, vol fy wo 2 a 2 piste on pnt pp, RAGEPAM, Uni:patipe”, Kauadinye, etn srfoueros. [Makendioanda-Dhigema, A comedy. ‘Translated from the Sanskrit by Gani ‘Sishaye Ste. Hated by Chedaluviga Suedars ime Gist.) pp. 2) 19.94.09 [Madras] 1906. 1a ka xishpatt Aomint, Maddala Souda pot, Ipprerdiomsan panedsunke Fombtie eoiomese (Guyana. A popular lyrical play in yale gina form, apon the myth of tbe 7 Kaserart- Gavaarra Gays, who wat conquered and pars Aonad by Kyishoa thooagh Arjona. Baited by Bhipdlam PirUn-seath Seti) pp 8. Madea, e008 hare n. 808 ==. etgnatonss ES Ego Mounmetis ames. [aicivape-si Jamo, A yulakargina or Iyscal desea on the pie Ingen of Hani and Rama's victory over {he demon Maizdvayain tho lower word. Bitod by Vallapadi Ketivara Sit and Yojteodra- ya Séstri) pp. G4. Maden, 1898, 6. 174. & 004) KASLRATA, 0fgs008. [Ajirowmaijan. A Suuskrit mateo” tact om disorders of tho ai seston, with Tolga tunsation,] Soe Moukgvans. Ghee Begeyse- (Valdyimrita) pp. 135 Lise.) #. MOK 6. 25. 10, XASTORI-RANGAYYA, Grommarian, onk- ighata. A vepertory of homo- ranged ander the headings of gods, Tama), fe. pp. 182 1e01, 12. MTL 2 xasrOar-naioavys, 1 Autin, metered el prove verion, by Kastact-raigey ya] dndaniais See‘asae (Gel | Bokival 1004, | 1076 30 Qvoremsste we rsges. [Grimige: | rmabntyams, A pros account ofthe saad tra Aion abd oats of Srirangum.] pp. 82. 2" [Bara] 1895. 6 1atr8 6 48019 KAVERAIA PANDITA, Guertin of Kima-diea Kidamba of Hangal. (Por Siransas Righori- | inderiyamo, an imitation of Kavi-ij'y Sia: est poom of the same name] See Stan, Pea. RAVERARSHASIEA, Freon fesse... 65827 sys, [KavisBksbasiy, A sei of 105 Sam tit stuns, each of which eum Do constraed #0 te lo yield two diferent mennings, on thames of pooty, ethic, ee. With Telugu iatrpetation find commentary by Srinivdeparan Laks-itha Kasi] ppb 70. SY (Maran) 102. 8 More, 38:8) -KETANA, 88 KESAVACHARYULU, Kijeamlalam. Soe Rix sunrts, 7.7, 6088 [Sabgiteenrvdrtha-sira- sigrabann, Bited by K (1880.) tC a BSAVAOHARYULU, okay, [For works odited by K., no under tho flowing bonding Beinn Jxoriennupe, Rist, the God Gavnuns Mave xBsaviouinvun, pit Namba, omaper Lars. (Achdryeekti-maktiva ‘A yosticalacooust of tho liver abd legen of the Atvire and subsequent tencbors of the $F aishonra church, and their roigioun doctriner, in parte of 6 1, and 6 wllius ropectvely] pp 658, S¥N OEM [Madras 1875] 8 ata. ka. BRAVA DLAU, 7, Stor oox'e Br pMSE RE Koarega anst gn com Qos [Kull ae gund-viliame, or Gayi-nedi-miatmsum, ‘A sory, in 4 éginas of yor Snterapered with prose, centsing’ upon tho logoud of Visbna's Trnnafrmation of the harlot Gandike into te fered iver of Ut ane ax a toward for ber Toya) pi, SAQeoHe OT [Aatrn, 1895] 8 ware L1H) RBSAVA RAU, Diu, of Hore, So AvauTusvos Reavers, A Ya With pretice by Képore Bis.) adam 25, RBTAWA, Uile-gleihe Minas pty (An sara Dagon), oe eeqrneses [Andhra Uhidld-Viishapnma, A Telage grammar in 170 parugrapha, composed inthe 15th centary ited by Sctnvdan Jaganeotin Sei.) pp 35 Viaoggpotem, 1901. 12." MITE. 3804) Andhrn Ubashe Viashonam, A Tvloga gramnerin verse, (COS e2oruae.) pp. Uh ‘Maran, 1800,” 8° irs 2 38.2) wens 985. Than kamarn lat tame, by Kethans Kev, [» shampl version of Das Benakitromasee Dape-amire-chasita, litad for the Bat tne by K. Veereainga pp. iv 108, Audra, 1901, 8% ITH 2 Viguacesmaram, A tei of Hiads law rere. By Kuthana Kavi, Repeated thom the Ghivtamani. (E"#S5m-) pp. M6, Rojul sewn 1898. 8 nat ‘msn of he Cia See 1892, = KBTANA- KETHAMWA, Se Kiran, XILARI BRAMMA-YOGT, disciple of Pamidipit Gene omsties : woxerg jeriyacharitrams, Tho tory of Ballaon Suivavotary, (o ixed ver and prose.) “pa [Nellore 10}03. 8 MMB. 8, pp. (Srhessrsrss.) (Kimayoara-mts uma. 108 devotional versa] pp. Be Pars (oF (Nair, 1908.) 16%. "MOTE. KODANDA-RAMAYYA, Kollelay i Lynhsamma-ye, Perlite yf Belli, 3848. we0.(Prapadans-piritama, A metric treatin in 6 canton on the dectine of pratt Goall-eurronder tothe Deity) and other Valahpava riniplen With a preface by tho Mabarye of Bobbi) pp. 150, 343" (Madr) 1006, ®. 1074 8818, KONDALA-RAYUDU, lope nia Ne Spt visihae grab pramt- larwnslia. A tnalaton hy Koedala-tyua) 108. tare. 8. 80.8) Vestatax See Busewvie XOPAYTADEVARU,Guritiperi. Soe Buscaraxen ‘Sree Gannsaran Bh Bo nota Tow, [asited by ‘Binge arya Dear, te) Sor Muscnvayra Ri, Be, Bree Reka: | aga natekam [Revised by KD] 1000.6 | wie 9841) OTESVARA SVAME, Ipioulin, SeeVinutionans- ninoge, 0. A Bermannysciom “tal [Site sbridayambe, Baited by K. 8) 1008, te sas. 23, KOPIGVARA DIKGHITA, = 6 » avaysrversn ([Vituatipraratatskams. 108 vero addceaeed to the god Vithiba worshipped at Pandarpur] pp.20. oreo [Maraa? 1860) 10%, MTEL) XOTIGVARA MANTRI, Chatrapespe. The Bs sth pa ‘A Teluge.Kavyatn (ies a rortic poem in enna, with ooasons prove] Biited by P. Srenivnes Charl (600 Hans em surgeons.) pp. h 105. Madion, -KRISHNAMA 0 ROTISVANA SAmMA,D. SeeTurrnirs, 3.20 ‘aot [Tairga- smivta-Drhanayn~ ey Indshtakwms, ited by K.§) (1008) i Mote, «87 KRIPAL SATYA-NATHAN, Ksmaln (a Christi story] by tho late Bre Krapabai 8. Suthingulan, ‘Traeltod into Telag [fom the Bags. 8. pet. BPO. Pree: Vapor (dade), 190, i HIT, £36 ARISHMA DASU, Dhiguntela, ooo eseetyass. sapgasestomysnem. [Saldba-uingupeta. (vocandirthe-darurai. 802 verses om docteoes of monsto theology.) pp. 102. [Utadras, 1860.) 10% Sash ewes Hate «10, RISHMA-DEVA, Aaborajaaf Vijayonepsr (Life) Seo Kewine “Datuagi. ryote: (UKrieboerigacijysme] 10020 12 (aerjac si] 1TH Maa § 8) See Siuwsran Riv, 4. The il of So Krishos Devarayala in Teloga vrs flee DOT. 1 rare 26.8) Sew Vinu-manns Tie, Ob. Kish ndovarayachartram, 1005. 8% 146. gg, 8 tse Laoag nga gese she. (Amukta-malyade by Kvishosdovaroys) [Auakta ‘milyad, oF Viehpachittyam A poo inter tized with prose, i 6 ddear, on tho Tego uf the marriage of Viehpw an wovshipped at Se rangam nnd cogante myth, with legendary lis of Visbooohitte aad Yona paraphrao, styled Roch, hy Vi Sati. Third wiiion) "pp. i 64, 122, 268, 95, agseye (Madr) 1007.6." MI. 8 38, The Bg ite ifr the ener, KRISHFA KAVI, See Ksnanyvor, XRISHNA KAVE, Biloya'. See Biuaswo yews [KRISHNAMACHARRIAR (V. IE). See Kenyans [KRISHNAMA CHARRYAR (S.¥.}._See Veynays 002, ats», 384) 91 KRISHVAM-ACHARYULU- KRIGHYAM-ACHARYULU, Minbollans 2, Y. See Keusgtenia, dy. tofane, (Makanda anal" With Telogn intarpotation by Krishowan- fchiryula) 1879, 16 rieer RISHNAM-AOMARYULY, Nelofir, [Ror works edited by .,se0 under the following headings) Mant-unstars —dypendin Sous, Pa Pauagesina Pawrste.— Trina-nion, Pot, Ssisandorsnrs, ‘Vekeapanas XBISHYAM-AOWARYULY, Vina I. See Varunic cuinrour,K., and othr 'Tha Sangitha botia + compild «by ++ Kesbuamachaerir, ele ‘0,2 ate 6 22 XRISHNAM-ACHARYULU, Vizeemira. See Man ainasa—Nenaaye ond Iibtone’s Version, Gere geesss. [Kui bhitata, Bited tyK] [1804] 4 rare. 116 KRISHVA MIRA, See Mauuarty, ¥. 8, and Seiostrh, GN. Prabod chendrothayatn (x poem used pom the allegorical Sanskrit play PrabédherchandeSdaye of ‘Kriabon Miera) le 1000. 6 Hand 8800) KRISHNAMMA (0.8.1), Se Sira-inacenen yan, ARISHVA MORNE, Ssh Sarva Sairala we. Soe Pesiyas.—Vanihorpuniva, = @40F ere Sou [Veslatachala-aahismyama, Rendered into vores by Kyshosomaeti) [1858.] 1. E91, Is ktor sonst Gore. suramba, 107 vere on otha themes for women] pp. 2. PEABO" OAT (Haden, 1880] 10% rar 20) -KRISHYA-MORTESASTRE, Sr pada Yoskfa-yojon- at, See Nisiraya Buayya. Vosimbara nar fakem, Translated... by Kavira 8. Krahow rwoorti Susy. 1907. Bs MITA A U8) Sree Anundodayama (foetcses). A. octal Cae] work fin 3 dpoiear of vere inter- yoru with pro, onthe logend of Jade-bharsta {GM in "Bhigerntarp. x. B10, ead) by « + Keishaumarty Sentry Kavias.(Kalavat Seva) pp ie $2. Rajahmundry, 1002, &, 1ei74 68,009 | -RRISHNA-RAU 2 xpismya wart atat sry pe. (continued), Critsiom om Taluga Veni asus [of V, Sabbi-rayeda) «v0 #Anoses 5884s. (Show Kelavati Soros) yp.5% Rajah sundry, 1908. Tare g. 6208) ‘kava pasinayann, a pootial work a ix comtas [on « story from tho Divl-thigarata, aerating the rose of Bali, daughter of Aga sud Yosbrati, by Ekaviea, and their mariage] Grrstetaate.) pp. 80. Rejeloundry, 108, & 175.5. 2216) Sree Gajanamaijayama (Kerf # Beau), ‘A poctieal work [in 2 éoinar of vrs intorpored ‘wth prow on the myth of the Arere Gj, the ‘bon obtained by hi from Siva, and Sts reat) by Sepa Krishamarty Sastry Ko ati Serioe) pp. fe 4, 31. Rajahmundry, 1901 & 144. Wetesnsie Seo. (Guatent-niitayeme. An sccouot of the mered traditions of the ver Geatamt o¢ Gada prow. Centos iter) pp. 10% (tre, 1800.) irs. 0.4612 ‘he Kalabbashini. A Totuga drama ia oven ct, adopta [oe] from the elory of [ “Kalapar atte. L619 argent egssannd ree) Rajahmundry, 1902. 6°, cereweesin (Kifdieeviliowme, A romantic acoant of the poet Kili intevporsod with Sanskrit tanaan] pp 83 Seasons oor [Madras 1608.) 8° Mir. g. 810) KRISHMANIT DAVE See Poniys.— Paine periga. (Soses0\) [Mighaemihiteyesiem, (Compiled by Krishi.) 1897. 12%. 4016.5 20, KRIBHA RAV, Tirubajiyira. (Por works sited by KR, soe ander the fllowing hosdiogs “bares [Nanavap, th dod Nuswoye, B. RISHYA-RAUX¢ NADEARNI Indian Plots ond Drage with hci modi! properties and ues [and oraaculas wane) pp 3. 450. Madras, 1008, ‘O78i0 «8 08 RISHNA- KRISHNA ROW (KT... See VE Riv, KR XRISNA SASTRE Parsee Voitfa-niesgnya-y Sew Saicandouinns, (25e°9E7) [Aden ‘adhe. With the Telugu interpretation and com> mentary Aima-lha-prakdgika of Kishin Site, fda Tail vorson of the mame.) [1840 12%. MOAB «. See Sabcarioniars, dy... 8metyso Re (GFeese aot (Atma ha, With omen lacy of Kriabon} [1868] 6.4048, € 48 KRISHNA SORT, See Penrar-konix Pry. RISHMA SORE, Gopaticharye-pu’. Se Navt wightsee... whee Sere tol (Nidan frvemils. With commentary by Krishys Ss ae) [18st] &. 0.6. 28.83 ‘ ABISMNASVAME, Pepfipedds dy... Hyrmsta Gwtowe Seoecaay Opaesgen [Bilkagee om tho story of the pont s'¢amout with tho princess his popil end meal Baited by V. Rime svdii Shah) pp. 88. SFa8fpN Ore (Hadron, 19683) 8 i418 RISHMA-SVAMI BAZU, wipira ‘Soe Pama aves, 80s, [Patobetanten, Bdited by KR] [s04} 8 144g. 13 ARISHNAYAMATYUDU, Rimsyeyomu. The Desye- Clepeangral) it aan SE ae sek [Sennen tocotgse Se feeanyt or Bogus ate toes riamrarts, ctetyth Bin fe youn i Soe ne | -KUMARA o XRISHAUDU, Dict. dyoorrabeuris wt [Sama-bémal-aitatams. A drama om the sory fof tho loves of Krishe's wou Chire-bhin aod Some-komali daoghtor of King Udsyorbs of Mala] pP-86. OF ¥eBoOwE [icenpatom] 638. ate bh KRISINAMA CHARLU, D. See Rawexisnpr seuusrevs, Dh KRUPA SATYA-NATHAN, See Kyest Sorrn- KSHEMENDEA, on of Prakivnita,(Vrish-oien) Kalarilsnm. (A story in 10 soges to convey practical morals) Tratlated foto Telugu from 1 Bansrit of Kehemendrs .« by K. (Reprinted fom the.” Sanur" (Evrae) pp. i 57. Cocnade, 1008. 8° Tg. menBelgvana, scarurrers. (Chavda- esupiams, A drama in 5 acts on the Paranio legend of keg Harchasden. Rendered from tho Shusket into Teloga by V. 8. Subbi-réyafe] pp. 8,86. 1000. See Petonicin Punucarons Ajatmundry. ‘The Sarna ele. el by 30.7 Seal iy 0 10,1808, ae 174, gg Riva 1, 2 HSUETRAYYA, of twee, = + tyes tpnsytom oto has somes 900 (Kahitaye pdamibai. 228 Vaishpava nyt, ciel erate fn sentiment, bearing the eile “Murra ipilage,” and dedinted to the god of that ‘nme. Baited by N.Déva Povumillayys] pp. 160. ores (Madras, 182) 8. HITE 10, XULASEKHARA, Molaraje of Kerala, se. porgienponncy mongers. [Makuodernil, A Sunshet devotional hyme by Kul-gdars, charah, WihTelage interpretation in-dchgula. Followed by 2 Sanshst aut, th frst with interspersed with pros, onthe eater of Kahn ben Raye of Vijgnnngee] ype 8 101, 1903 wuMARA- See Panooiess. Pomscisions —Bllre, sr [Maijeevigh) vol. fe na. Tovol vy no. 3. 1808-1005." 13*. 174 LL 4,8) KUMARA RUDRA DEVUDU, Sitiei Mi ‘See Vanntiet.—Rsgaga.—Merint Yerions. patesorenaiss.[Bhdskars-riyanamn 1A version by veveral poole, vis A8dhyi-™. by Kuta Rada, ef] [1864] 48. 10410, ‘ ‘See Vian —Rimiyagn —Matreel Yor sims, “4ya-. Sy-snase! [Bhlakarerinaya- woud 1670) 4% ware 10, Seo Vaextes —Rimigson—Mareat For sion, yee Wits ance, [Bhisara: ‘Emigeoame) [1872] 4. Mie ‘See Viet — Ri rai ¥ mena 1e07. UMMARA XOTLA. ro. —Netriel Ver [Bhiskareshmiya- ark ea mel So Mousa, UNDURFL—Vijcéna-ardhent-somgjnau. 54 stp (sepa swe8). [J8ieGpadeint and Vie jBiou-prabdhint, Two tracts om Adela pilo- tophy aud ethoy, forming non. 1-3 of the srien bled by she aboxe Socioty. Baitod by B. [ivigapappa] Spex. Nusdary, Madrae[prietd], 01. 1.828. KUPPAYYAPATNAYAKUDU, Kuppll. SoeSuls- Pinicazeyow, Fars. S8Sgs myers. wyeb so. Bppr al (Sarve-blesamboabink. Rovieed by K.P) 1876. 4. 10. 1 KUPPU-SLMAYYARU, See Urnwtanion. s8%- spa met (Sarvacadra Upanishad, With ‘Telugu tevasaton by Koppe-simayyara) 1900 a [Pidyioatt) 147 La.) KUPPU-SVAMAYYA, Nipepii, of Timpali. See Pareaiyy, Ka Ses enc, (Weare Ramayasans.) [With profice by Kuppu: svimagya] 1908. 8° 1478.06 ‘So Stuacnaniapa Sietm, D., and Sox sanscaiaa Sisre, C. Complete Notes on PA. Telags Text, 1000 [via. on Kuppasvimayye's Dhisstarame,] de, 1008. 818478. 0 28 ‘See Taceata Soun-ris, BF wens. pegepnge msmacoan. (Nirrachanotaes Be ryonam, le) [With preface by Kappevvdmayya) Teo 10T4 0, LARSIIMANA, 6 XORATT-ARVAM (Selvarenien Mugu), dsiple of Riminyja. (life) Se Steusousnrewe, M2. Sormeese st (Dirunkieat-alvi-cbari= ta) [1850] 1474.4 xGaMA DASUDU, Gslutaysfé Buckelannimdtye st, reo Sinhadrinarsiha aatakam, [100 Vaishnava verses] by.» Koorma Kavi. (Br- sxgyeeteo¥e¥se.) pp dd. Blore, 1900. 12, a, a 2004) soweksstoo est. [Varthelakahm- snvasinla-fuiskare. A. centory of Vakshyern levotioual versen] pp, 24, Visapnpafam, 100 ® 10750. 807) RORMAWATHA MANTRE, Ayyopiri. yo. 8 (#05) Sse. [Kuryneyarvamu and Solye-par- oan, Pott adaptations of the Karpacy and Salyep’ i the Maki-bhdenta] 2 pee pp 4, 40." Viangapatam, 1900, 14078, «20, hes BE semezaty BmbsEsie [Viritsparvama. A metrioa! adaptation ofthe Viktacprvact the Mabibdrata.] pp-88, iene sapatem, 1900, 8° M074, 97.8) TACHOHANA, KrtepalRimoninge-pe, (4 ‘iposviso.) [Digarathivilécama. A poo, inte persed with prose, om the epi le 1901-1005,. Bee Pestocicas Pomicarions — Blo owed "[Masjocvini] ol. ito, 3, et 1698-1905, 12 Vite Latta 42) Yoregrorss wall (Siryeqatskams, 105 vortes in Kanda motte addroued to the Sua) pp. 18,34! ovr? [Madvas, 1997] 12. ir. TACHOHAYA. So Lacon, LAKSHMAMMA, Nomar, of Mangala Syolieanes Hees tances (ha sikirtasamal, Vaisbpavs devotional pp. 12. Beene (Uermada] 1001 107s. 308) TEAKSHMAMA BAU, KC 7. (For works publish inthe Vitina-obandrika Series edited by LR, sce under the following headings Taveeabrany 2. Soak Riv, V. ‘Vinacemaona Rav, Oh ” TAKSIIANA- TAKSHMANA BAU, K. V. (conical. Sei Sivan charitam. [4 history of Mabaraja Compiled with the hap of rome Marstee bok of Mstrcal renown by K, V. lakshmanarow Gara. + Moprited feom’ “The Sarna” (Anette su) pp.il30; Iplate. Coed, 0a, & 10. 15.2) ‘Forms nf the rel Sn TARSMANA BAU, Tinma-rign Uno Pssogjenes.. [Kirme-puripesincmdgeaban, A prose abridgmont of the Karma] pp. {7 Sie Poniyia—Keraacparina, e782 SS Scopeten..-Gageoam [Kem pinie) tiers) 6 Woie 822 Lennrodagoonsinginse [Mir apa: porigecoirn-naigrabamn, A pro idgmontef the Marksedepe.) pp... See Pongan—Alirteniyeperina By > eosin gave ovat [Markayléye-porkon) [1876] © M016. 23, TAKSHMANUDU, S+i-eanhneen Teeter, ss Seregtsen eGo. (Momel Talpebame, A inte ‘ee ‘sishonra religious dct oa of theisteschors, ascribed in the refnia of mort of the verser to Lakshmanagu. With pros par ‘edited by N- Diva Peramilayya and i201, Oren haa AKSHMAFUU, dist of Rama Gann, 85> Ristor ene ors [Virerighereptakens. 16 Cer in sloon af the aie bere Ria Hite by Veauaersmast] p28, > Liedras? 1952] waa) TAKSHMANUDU, Braga Tinma-pu’. See Brag: fant hess #8 Qyeat [Nitemtake, Syiigiens sand Vaidgya-y, With Tologe mtreal vedion Dy Lakshmapoge.) (1876) 8 10ra da, See Dasargian, dy. =. VEN Boot [Nitqataks, Srisgare, and Vsinigysee, With skshinapo’svorsio.] [1881] 8%. 14072020 Bee Basweyraant, @ AQ O PE se (Bbartp-bei-subhiatite-saigrabarm feom the versions of Lakh le] 14076 «10:6 Selection 15, -LAKSUMANUDU. 8 LAKSHMANUDU, Reape Tinmorpa (coined). Soe Baanrpenans Gy---BOVOESe. (Mibyatar ams. Trnslatd into Telag vores by Lake mano, and forming part of tho latter's Subhi- hiargtasral:] [1870.] 16% atte. acy See Buanestnans 9 gs2. (80 verter of the Nisataks, inthe motial rendering of Taksbinapua. Interpreted, with aoten) 1898, 8. [Veiloteriminyjela Nepuday and theres olson the Tiga Tet le)” HIT, 88 ‘So Darngcnant- hartihar nt satakam fn Stuscrit, Telaga (va. by Inksheapedal, 1 Baglin 1897.8 14003. «. = ebgsent ssi. [Rimdgrare mi pene A prom in b dpe, tnterspereed with ‘proto, om the Saiva lends aod calt of Iao= fara] p10 1005.” Sa Pamonoas Por Cinose.—Hlore, tcarend (Mats) 0h fe to. Bvol, wy no, 10: 1808-1905. 12°. 1074 i dra 4 8 LAKSHMANUDY, Paiipati Amermaye’. 6- Ferree. (Andhreratsilarama. A lexical tract] Soe Sntina Jaaatenseua SEM, 0G Spomssmina (Andhra nighaola-chatosh- aad, oo, pp. 59-04 1601. 12 1a 24 TLARSEMANUDY, Paiipiti Bhimrepr, br. Eramgsngratacne.” [hvdbey- ak Segmbnoe, Anoka repertory of epony- tro euetaalve, by kabakmaguis, Follows ty Adkisme Sires Andleenime-stabamo, » fpplenent, Wish cmmetaryihonghra Bled ty Benlogis Nageyye] pps 72 Mion Brus: Vingoptam, D280 (1810) ita 0, (Andireskaesabgrbams snd Andie Dimegatnme. Third dion of the presdng, wibot tle age." Eited by Sty Vest temo.) 78, Minin Press Visayan, fon (1890) oth 1. Mit m8 eKareeeabren, rb meieGeo peat pots. With iotorpretaton.) so) en gmesreerss [Andre grams.) See Soluvies Jaaux-sitna Sra. Adiea-nima-snbgrshaan, ‘pp 48.0722 (Madras, 1a a 18 9 LAKSHMANUDU- eosin eso [flee nighanta hae tsam) le, ppe 81-123. 1891. 12 wi 28, see eeg rates... woes Ses Srestnsise [Andhra nima-subgrahama Vollomed by Siraga’s Andhen-vima-gGshame With explanatory gluten Batol by 0. V. Dorwsimayya.] pp. ii 80. 8¥3 [Mura] 1906. 6 with erg metegiess. HY. LAndhen ima-tabgeahame, Withansotations, Baitd by Koplépidh Sabbi-iynde] pp. 80. Beow~ ‘wane [Vatarapata Raytoaram, 1908. 8° rar a, [Por the Andben-ndma-piobama, upplementiog the Aadhrwnime-sabgra: aasw] Sew Sonata, AB EAKSHMANUDD, Zaliri AKSHMAYYA, Botta, of Dodou SE. [aja-vampepradipika, A teotian, hil in vere, to prove the Kabattiyn orig ‘of the Golly or hendanan-casts, from the ov ‘leven ofthe logends of Krishna sud other macred Titorture ete. With prefion hy adapat Ri vid pee & 8 3, 212, 8x0 [Taal] 100, at, 3.27 axsuMl-KAMTAMU, Dutjipnt Nrisinha-y alevilam, An original Teloge deem So LaranEnann, Bai init eon pp We 2s 1 plat, Cantar, 1005. ira. 3048) LAKSHMINARASAMAMBA. Sos Las LAKSHIMY-NARASAYYA, Ginny ol, pp. 92, Blksbi Chintsmani Prise Noveltts for 1890 Madras, 1990. 8". 147A g 380) ‘igri fom he Chataaa. Sreenathacbaritram. [A biography of the poet Sri-nithoy, which was awandod & pris 1906 by the Andhet-Bhshabhivardhesi”Sami- jenn of Madeus Prosdency College] (i-8- SSte)55) pp. Ok Cozanada, 1008. 8 174. gg. 30 LLARSHMI-NARASAYYA, Madd of Madras Oil Baginering Calley, See Tayava-iya. Mae rivin First Lesons in Telogu .« «The text | LAKSHME-NARASIBITAM . 100 rendovd into Teluga from the... Kathamanjuri Dy ss Kaksbuioarisayya Panta, 1880. 6, 144. 893, TAKSHME-WARASINIAMU, Chfakomorli, Abaya Bhayi (Serer§eron), Fest Chinlanaal Peiao Novellas for tho your 1897-08, (Chiat Series) pp. 104, Madras, 1808, tT, g. 9818 CCoyopaknyenam [xi]. An original drama ia Ave acts [upon tho logon of Krshn»’s cone ‘west of the Gaadnrvn Gaya nnd his padon of lim Uirough Arjuna). (Sedans ms remsvergtaor) pi 19,21, 25, 16,24 Maja | matey, 1909, 8% re 4844) Hlanalatha (4rsse8), Chintamani Piet eine Novillate of 189... Reprinted fom tho Chintamani.(Chistasai Serio, No. 2x4) pp. 90. Rajahmanty, 1897. 8, MIT, g 88.00) (eeryeson8), A novel ajabmentry, 17, Td eg Nanda, the Pariah Ssint. (Tho logend of 1 seat ho by bis devotion tothe god Siva ose tothe rank of assist) #ous5Go0. Os men BAG. pp. 22. Rajalmundry, 1908.8 har. 8828.0 As original dra theft of the ‘ecestil tro (Dhiguvatap* x £8), (20ers Sass) pp. vi 87,i Rajahmundry, 1900. 8 14.5 8000) Estganse eras. (Phosannn-yddave itukans, A drama on the legend of Kriss, printed from tho." Manors") pp. i 88, ‘orrsitrog5 xs (Rajahmandry) 1900, 1374 28, Rama Irevijayam (ors nese), CChintamaei Prise Novalloto of ISD. Re- printed from the Chintamasi. (Chintuasi Series, No. xix) pp. 92 Hejuhmundry, 1895. 8° ra. 340) ules of Reastan (Ougre FEN). Rajah sundry, 1907, ee 8% 104 gg. Tegra, Worms a ofthe Mason Set, tol LAKSHMT-NaRASIBMMAMU~ TARHIOE-SARASHOHAM, Si, Sco Mal nga, Keene adh, (otBovannn f¥- 25) TA dns tn 6 cls 08 th try of Ke hala sin tor Drang tl i he Baht Maen Vtg vet) pi es most dren (pine 190, 8 Hex 286 fnennyegn’. See Viewonss J.Bare fan nde dram to Bngishs» = au “Spt fom he tle orig wton by Pots Nari Raye) 1908 12 TTA Kokila, (te, eoator son r,) {A romano rama at.” With itodectry tom nnd opesng seen nen und pron) Uy Bich Narain) pp. 186. Su (anuiw,) 1900. 8°. AIT. b 476) Nerds. parucusthoam (#2, 6%6ty com). [Naradi-porokotiyama, A devma ia 1 acts onthe logend of hing Parackule, bis om quest of the Nague aad Gnedbirvas, aed hi ‘rarsnge withthe Naga process Narmada (Dba in TD pe 2% 196. Blo a74. a. 4801) Pattathange Raghavam aise Pada nttabli shekaon, (Sb per oyash 1S ao Sipe.) An orginl drum fn woven acl {oa the tory of tho Rimdynon, Ayébys xii © alliog bow Timin’s brother Bharata fet up Itm’salippers om the throne to represent [ima in hin exile). (Snevajnninanorayjen Series 0.2) pp i. fe 189. anu, Rajaundry (printed, 1000, 6 ats att) Praclands Chanskyam (2) 5°°0¥ 955) ‘An origial drama in rx acts [onsed upon the Mudricriksbuca, (Servasamanorajea Serer 0.1) pi 18, i, Rajehmandry, 00D, 174 4816 Venavase Regharam, [A dra i Bets om the dwelling of Tima nid SIUA Tu the fore, 1s tad in tho Rémiyaya, With opening sansae (oieds) and prado by K. Narasihaens) (Ggoseysan easstie Pee) pyri 189, So. (Panu) 100. 8%, ANTE STB) ‘Vijaya aghavam, [A drama in 8 acta ‘on the opie lognd of Rit’ conquest of Ravage, “LAKSHMI-NARASINIIAYYA 102 With oponiog stunan (nin) apd prelude by Ke Narasinbama (Sst pss. | SBBHOY sue pratas.) ppt iif $01, Soot [Paruhy) 1009, 6 ears 8 5208) Vipanseayans. [A drann in 6 acts on the legend of the Vaishnava votuy Vipa-nire une (in Tomi called Topdaeadipod) and i temptation. With opening rercr (nied) and pralde by K, Narasinhame,) (@e2orasese SE) ppv 51, Sw [Penal] 1000, 6° 1a 5.0) LAKSHMLNARASIIOUA RAU, Tait Rimacriya- pe See Bainiam Baagra, 34,8 bem. [0 ftaiterighavame, Rendered into Tela by Takshmivonvasinhha Riu) 1698. 6% [Sore soot] MITA gg. 240.1 aonolayum. [Metecal various of 21 rooms by Longfellow, Cowper, aad others] (grrmscos,) pp. xe. 62. Madea, 1903. 12. Mire 1 26.6) TAKSHMENARASDOHA RAYA PANTULD, Soe Taxaualsanasruea Baw, LAKSHME-WARASINGA RAZU, Switoade, Sov Rinara Manoa Y.8 emseesten 208 [Gay pikdiydnama, ‘Hite ky ZR} 1900. 6 168.56, axsmal-wanasmIA sOMA-YAS, 4, Soe IARSIDINARASDOHAYEA, dindei Se Are crane Gvsaeryregernttaet eet {tpeoymemprayige Bate wh Teas itr pretation he ic ey kaki erred 901. ‘ane e 48) See Badaranvp, Pwstite. 24568 coves. [Vaipyediarn-pakaqibd. ~ Pablibed by} (sta) & a8 28 See Daknnagan, wTS5§ 28'6o8 OSE [Aitargycbethnane, Edited by L.] 1888, 14010, o.#. regawtgs 3 obese Eaiued yb} (1868) Ser Vins (rainntys semi, ‘Sse Vious, The Biack Yajar Vadam With Teloga menuing by A, Le Narsinbam. 1880, oor, 18. wos LARSHMEARAYANA- ‘axsmad-wARAYANA DIESHIPA, Nondi-rajo, ‘See Canta Susur LAKSHME-NARAYANA SASTRY, dryesdno-yaule Arunithelarape’, 820 qreer sia ine Fethivendbicrncoe A champ ia 8 dyniees of ‘mised vere and prom on the legend of Sia’ ove forareati and their molook, the beth andexplate of Keine, th overthrow of Tak, tho mavingo sete) ppl, 260, 2%" (Madea) Ts. 2, TAKSmMd-WARAYANA hSTRI, Kofra Melle sirvape, of Karopa. Iakshaivarasasizam Skrosaos. [A dotionary of the Touge Innguage] pp. 7,38, 824, 8 (Berapa] 1907. * 1474, m8, LAKsHMd WARAYANA SASTRI, Ment Latshms- e-pe", of Kolteptienam, — Sen GunvrBinacri ingen, ces dhongu onegnah avers [Yojia- ‘ostha-biagavad-giti-setra, Tiel with Teloga Saterprtaio, le by akan & SeeSieans. {Vedinte-patobades. With ‘otorprota commentary ia Teluga by Zakshitn 1605-1808. 14048, 3,24, LAKSHMT-NARAYANUDU, Dodd Nérasintacp (somencr64s) [Ambujikehegetkame. 121 eres in paiveot Vishye] pp. 68. (adrae7n] 16. ite 8 ‘Wit iepgesaparenty pinta 18, LAKSHAE-WARAYAYUDU, Uanows, oFy55S, [akteracharion, A biography of the Blaghal Hiaperor Akbar) pp.8, 128. s0bsp00 [Ma ‘iipatim) 1007. 14 £994) ‘Forman. of Rese tebe Seo TAKSHME-NARUSU, Zari Sutbanape by Geqyenan Farputing snes oc Boeke Sonoscoty has onan s0 amare owen, [Dtakonda-righave-caritoame. A poetical aum- rary ofthe Biesiyns, ia 250 vere) pp. 27. S59 Madras, 1801) 8. ITA g 408) {LAKSHALWRISIMUHAMBA, Pauyurta, Mahila odhiai, (A poem forthe improvement of exlare mong Hinda womes.) By Pelagarts Laksb UE Cocamda, (Sine Pete) afadras, 1808. 12%. 417A 4, 15.0) pp. ith 22 “ANE 08 TAKSHMEARISMOHA SASTRE, Sulla Nipetinge. pen of Maraligaion. = ESD. (Gor tht ti yn 8 i with Telugu trnnsation aud moter) pp. 7, BO1y Tate Madan, 100.) 1M058. 8, 28 GOREN STAY ws UES G4 [Parindktapar-karmarprakdyl, or Aparse ‘Shandrika. A lletion of Sanaeit vulon or ‘arousfoneral itl, with Telage translations, totes, de] pp. xr 170, S#qstyoes oe (Madras, 1006) 6°. 14038, bo, 2 LAKSHE-PATT, Jssn(e, A Manual of Hiology in Teloge (x ayanye eres). By A. Laken! Pahl, Vijama ‘Chandvika. Series i. Biiad 2 introdaction by KV. anna Tao. alee 838; I plate Madre, 1007. 12% TAKSHAG-PATL, Dliratams. Sakatarophe xi yaa, [A tevaties onthe corrost st of the later S) A reprint from the Maxjoveni. Fated ‘uh Satroduction & crtisiom by Raja M. Dhar Jang Ran, (786 %¥Pzanso.) pp. 3,2, 4,199, lar, 1900, 12 iid a 32.0) LAKSEXLPAM, Diarjoli soere-ol, somes, tyewtsiayw foun Comwekety sontor {50> [Hapou-vippstikathala. 20 storie, chilly 1 provent bar from « lpue of chastity) pp 6. ek [Madea 1805,] 6. MITA LAKSEMLPAT, Ripila Lityonacpw’, Dhadrie yarabhyudeyama. (A poetn in 8 wlse, with tomional pros, on the fo of Bladniyy, ton of Rae Deal of Dowhonde, Haidarabad] +s Blited by Raje Remachender Rao, Domikond (Gweoe pai.) pp. 2, 244; Uplate, Cor 1078.8 87 So Dain plain a the sory of Ali Wl Gat Bata “Wel” of Shakuepeare (from tho “Teloge Teens lation of Tams Tales (rom Shakospente,” a) 1004. 1a 2 30.8) Be Penal ANE (Trowss Gotsox Mostos), Lieut -Col Tuts, — agile Council. The Tad LANE [Sigoad by TG. 3 bane as translator] | guokmdty -LrrunaiEs| 106 code ‘vor translation) pp. 138, ort 1s70. tara. 4 | [Madue, 18655] 16 M078, 8 See Iss —Legiltive Council. Acts... | UHTOANA MANTRL, Pabllpdt Velafe-pl-pe. ‘The Indian Law of Contmet ... [Signed by | Gy... gawronnetmwrgeas. [Uttarhariy. TO. M.Tave as translator) 1872. $8. | shandrdphydname. A poom in drut, i MATL 4.2, terapornd with, prose on to legood of king See fun —Tepeaive runel, Act «| Harchandra of Ayéibyi, prions to tho teat ‘oto. fit of IR, (Act no 9 of 1873, ‘Aot wo. Vi. of 1873) [Signed by 7. G. M. Lave se temslaior) (873. ITE A Gallestion of ofial Documents i= the ‘ologu Language, comsiating of Uraves and other persed fa Courts of Jasco, forthe ute of familie forthe Tedian Civil Bervion Coot piled by order of. the Soretary of State fr Talia by Major TG. Mave. 1808, 8 Bee Matas at a. Bnglih Translation of a Callection of cial Docnments in the Telogu Language Compiled by onder of «dhe Seretry of State for Tain by Major TG. Lage. 1857.8 See Mavs ant 20 Ia, covanias. [Laiki-sigama, A Iyrieal composition, to be ang by wonen of the tmorebant castor om tho epic lend of it’s ‘conquest of Talka.] pp. 29. Tiapapatam, 1879. * "ats. «802 LASSAYA See Laceonana [LEWIS (Hows), ofthe London Mininary Soil Se Bux Complete Hien. ‘Tho Holy Bible. (Movised by Lewis, te) 1906, & ara. 10. Lor editions of the Bibl in the rovted ‘Teluga vorsious ined by th committee af Dee- tee iglading B. Lawie') See Brus. LELAGUEA, G)--. FOES YSH. [Krichowe Irpimyitame A Sueskrit poom ia Senstor on the logonde of Krishaw’s sports in Vrindavan With « Tologn verso tsoaation Dy Velagapi Vebganintyogo, and Telugu lieral interpreter ‘on and paraphrase. ited by K. Babbe-rayala Niyade) pp.290. sox (Madran 1862.) 076,018. ene With Veie Ook KORE sseetoees [Kyishge karpimyias of is trathfloos Hiitod Ly P. Riackyish- wry) pp. si 1,6 7, Bas LNelre DL Mire 2) LIWOANNA, Kavi, [Life] See Ratosrinvone, PLN, dy. Faboxgg 16 [KaviLidganaseyata: ama] (1901) 1% tire 2 12) TMTURGTES Pots», Olarc of. Se Pasnstn GLB), The Book of Common Prager. 1804 ® Tara. & 93, A Teloogeo Tranlation from the Book of Common Prayer. Consisting of the porto in ondaary ase. (Morning aud Beening Prayer, the Litany, Collects ad part of the Comanion Oca) Pergs CGF est (Hymne ‘Arranged in ores sited Wo Baglish and German tapen) pp. = 192,38, Auericen Minion Pree + Madrar 1849, 16 106. «12 ‘hie porate ration of Wie owl oot Bfoteut Sgtooe se Geos ssohy Sands uff Ha... SEAT I Hiige eins. (The Book of Comm sd Ad Wwth the Praltsr or Prana of David «3a TTlaga) [Halted by JB Sharkey and TT. Noble] SPO, Prees Vepery (Maral 1858 * 3105 Boh ot ain hon athe iar, ‘The Litany in Tage in Roman charetar) ‘and Baglish trom the Book of Common Prager [talitat by HN, is, Henry Nowill) pp. 32. SPO. Prot: Vopory Maron 1850. 13". 5408.8 Selested Offs from the Book of Coton feria Teluga, ppl 82. SP.CK. Pree Vepery (Mare, 1888.1 1078 8 3 Selctod Offs from th Hook of Common Prayer, ogether with the Pall of Peale of 107 arunanns- David Teoga, manegougt eaves mts Bape. pp i 868. SPK, rows Vepery (Gladren, 1007. 16%. 1it4 0 38, A shortened snd adapted Form of Mora ing and Bening Prager. 54% aco frase eager Easesen, pp.dT. SP.0.K. Pres Very (Gletas), 1806. 1074, 8 Levwerox Cnononim, Catechism Tela cus Minor be, lll in gio ecsloges 27m Tole epostolioua, ratio dominiea, formula Implnmatis, fnsitat anctae eoeme, ovnfosi poventoais poses«»« waragic exhibeatar Inorprots Hesiaiao Selatsio. 1745. 1%. See Carson 6. 20.00001) LoDD GOVINDAS, Ser Gorsou-nie, K: LOKA-NATHA KAVE, Svnisiuyarum, See Kav insvatirn, ¥8e fats al [Kavirdhaharyn Wid Tolags jntorprotation and commentary hy Like-nitba] More. a. $803) TOUMEARAIA, Buspadan odonowd somoscnty SEgUpEY A. [Sud-vaidynji ‘A Sonseitmetronl work on medisine. Preceded iy an atonymous tract 00 dingoona le, etied Achteethiacparikaha, With Tologa tion by N. Vérpali Wéikatappayya. Hited by N.Viriccvdet Sisti] pp. 7,84, 88. Matra, pees (1816] 1 Mos. 2 2 LONGMANS, GREEK, & 00. Longmans Tolags Copy-ooks, (4). "Tandon, ew York, Bont § Caletts, (12087) 8%. oPiMUDRA, etme, <2. chaste, ‘The legend of Lépimads age Agate (MahicUhirats, Aranye ‘pada ote, Balted by B.Vekataenbbi Bae] 14 m3, po. O4 Mglopore (Madran, (1008) 22%, ara. £ 26.09 Farman tof le Snipa MACLAURIN (Jon). So Byova.—New Testament ATolage Commentary onthe New Testament. By John Metaurin, 1901 ce. 12. MET a 22 MADHAVA, ton of Ind Kura, y= == =009- wie Bugrgyie. | Be Taye she, [itedvacnidana, A Senshi mabual of patho. logy and medical practice. -Blited with Telage -aapnas, 108 pcapras by Novi Guracliga Sst] pp ath Mg, esse eos" [Andrs, 1008) ‘Hota os. 3 sngeporfeie. [Midlave-nidina, With a ‘Teloge traslation by Pattisapa Veihstéprarale Tied by” VidyanirdVira-righavichiryula) p88, 965, ¥q" [Mudevs) 1900. 6 1,04 MADHAVKOHARYA, So» Sirs MADHURAMUTTU MUDALIYAR, Vf Porembur, Sbabdartbchandiew [je voeabulary] eontaiving Iungengee [vi Teloge, Kemada, Tawi, inh, Hindustani, and Marathi). waters FEEECeN. In Teoge (ehorcter]] Compiled Up, Mthoramutln Mudalin. pp. 6. sre, 1806, 12 Tara. m 25.8) MADHVACHARYA, See Auwouctunus MADRAS, Prosdeny of S456 wise arena EN Sods ateapo Presideney-lia updé sildayobka Uh filicendgrabama, A googeaphy uf the Distits fn the Madras Presideney-} pp. 59. S..C.K. Prevts Vepery (Mada), 189. 12. MIT. A Calleoton ofthe Toserptionson Copper plates and Stones in the Nellore Distt, Made ty Alan Baterworth «and ¥, Venugopal Getty. 8 vole. pp. xii. 128011 Goet Pres, Matias, 1000. 14058. 6. iyo! Berssie fess wag a Standing Orders of the Bonrd of Revens, fom 1890 t0 1868, Compiled by A. Dalyell inn Sti and S. Vijaya- 7 pte Sas yas ore 178 6 A Collection of oficial Documents in the Tog Language, consintiog of Uraove snd other papers fled. in Courts of Justin, for the use of onoiidntey forthe Toda Ciel Service, Compiled by order of Secretary of Sate for Toda by Major 1. . Lace, pp. 217, lit Madras, 1858. 8° a4 4.19 Buglsh Translation of « Callstion of cial Documents fa the Telage Langange 109 MADRAS: Compiled by order of fue Tain by Major TG. M. Lane. pp. 85. Madran, 1867, & tr 420, Sapplementary Mancsl showing the tons- tortion of Hinds ames, Tamil and Telegu, vine tothe Maaaa Prosideney, ee. yp. 7. Matar, 1893.8 naam 2 GnscrmentOretal MSS. ibrry. Alpha Dotieal Index of Mataneripte in tho = Libary ‘Sensis Plaga, Tam fe. 10 pts. Got Troon Medeor, 1803. Fol O06 8. Unicel of Madras. See Aenoeuts, ee, aua-puinara, Gstermararstismpos Ueno: Hee Tomes Ps mwssl-0g Aso - Escadtnnee mass gzomenragereed. seve Gyeosne senses.” [Andhrahat, oF Mabithirata, A Telogs metrical version of tho Snskrit epi in which Des iii (Adip Aranyaep®) were composed ery in the T1th ‘contuny by Nasoaya Bhaltirsa, nd dhe remainder (Oke, Seay, ail. Veit’ to Brargivdbane pt) were added by Tkkons.Séme-yaj in the [eh centarya supplement to Uk i bing wetten bout 1950 by Bret. Pregudu (abu dieu). ited by Vidambre Krihnem-scbieyel) 3 vl BAasyoss OEY (Maas, 1854) 4. irs 128, hove Rotertticomnconctnb fa Fee Peenerssosmoee Curae, Org Heune, FoR eM Saw wl OS hoo. sagt, Gamegasteees. [Andhrwonhic Unienta, ited by Bhadrisbalon Trumals tmessinhiehiryola] 2 ole. poi wi. 440, Wi 250,824, Madras, 20 [1881] | Mad, ores sseoes [ndhrn-mahi-dharat, With preface by Sate ghantane Vebkaterssgn Sistri,Biited by K. Veéetioguwa and Mige- orgunu Narvanyya Siete] 8 vols. pp. 12,88, 11,1841, 1,679. Madra, 1901, 8°, 1478.41 (Por the Uteareari-rampaina of Sia ithudu:) See Sousnaeage, No -MAMA-DHARATA no tho Socetary of State | MAHABHARATA (cntivua). [AANNATA AAD TIREANAS TERI ont, AOr EME G{OND coger sn. [Yddha-puichekamo, ce the Disha parrame, Droowpt, Karvrp, Salyp, an Suptiba athe version of Tikkaea.}pp.208. 2330008 ex [Madre 1873] 176138 jo. Mala. Baran jn Telus in Nasnaye's version] Adi (Saba) parvum. ##0¢g7 Slseom Geregaceesees tel 2 le ppv iv. 298, 83, Nelle, 1825, 1806, 1004 & Gon Gamo gresmgrsoanevtses. (iis Jncvama:, ‘The version of Nassaya.] pp. 108. egtyon S0o"% (Maas, 1803.) 4. wa, (Gysitesesn st [Avanyacparvam, eevee ve 228 167. [a Nanoaye’s version, Withnotet) jnivaya Shera, D a0 Sonasie 0. Compete Note on F-A. Tologe ‘Text, 1903, fe. 1908.8 1478 9 28. Gastesaates RSPEI [Sabhi-por Fama, In the version of Naonaye. pp. 66 Syasyel oreK (Madras, 1008] B rata 23 ‘Sop Maha Bbnrstnns, Saba Perrams,oanta [vee L161}. [ls Nanagyws version) vit all, sotee [in Teloga and English) by C. Jena Ramayye, pp 80. Madray, 1800,” 6° yak 45.0) Goupesmsesd aEigcarses parvum, or pe ¥ of the Mahi Inetial version of Tikkeaa.] pp. 124 [aia 1986} 8. 1014 3, F.A, Hramiaation—1001. The Teloga Mabe. Dbarata, the portion prescribed, [vie Tkkann Séma-yais Udyog parvame i 210-416]. With a0 (Beglish] fatrodection by the Hon'ble Rai abadar P. Avsada Charla... and exlaastng note, hint for tatalation by D. Sreaniasa Charla, phe 31, 22, 72. Madrar, 100.” 6 ate 48.0) A pegoeeoryst. —(Dhinata-sira-rtniva [ke anthology of verse from Neanayn 40d Tike mm. 2AMATLA-BHARATA, Jaw’ vovson of tho Mabichrata om our classes of Deeogical Compiled by thal Sea" [Uedran) 1888 syabgila) pp. le 6,221 e ears eeseese et. (Bhiratesivertnival, 185 ‘eros from the beginning of the Pravit-pra: [Earapama with word-for-word interpretation aod notes] See Vaiaicsond Siena, S. Copioes ‘Avnotations on the Teluge Text forthe Matricw- ation, wl 1888, 8. 1a 45) (wor more Parvan] See Koows-uivua Mayon, an FEC }#68. [Kervesprvame and Salyarpt] 1900. & 178.220, ne Gesepssaeeexd wp Qa i). (Sictitrayene. Hsing 4 prove epitome of the Ste-parvain, Sinti-pervam and Anughsne-por- ‘yams by N- Gureliiga Str] 2 px pp. iv 191,44, 188. Ee5zhe0 oF o- (Madrar, 1002) | * 1it8. 1 ‘Ps tpg pga oer originally at forte cen ply Te eer arn (| Seb ig ee Baas” | (hatperva] “sie Veheupi-ymonyarns, HV. roupadee swagamraran« «= Adopted (i) from sc uory te dhe fet Parva of Mababaraam- 108. ard 88008) [areapecpervn] Gy. agyf30 ([a raga. sing the questions of Yaksbn and the replin of Yudhisthira, forming elup, exe 43 13k of the Arapye-p% in Swaskeit ited with ‘Tolga paraphrase, ee, by T. K. Rimdnejibir- yole] pp vi 22. Madeoe, 1901.” 8 Oss. 58 Go ete tysion[Vabaherpranoee aiuto, “Thendered nto Telugu verse by Romy dra Srisivasichiryla) pp. 12. 1004, See Pemonicas Pnszcaions—Nallors (888 (Go soi) (Amadrite-geenths-ehiatdemyi.] vol. evil, on 1, 2 1886-1904, 8% ITA bAL(vo. 17) or the Jeti bbiratame MAITA-DHARATA, ma partly parallel to tho Asvemélliep® of Mahi-thaveta‘] Ste Satu [Por elvons of the Uta toe derived. from the. Aye he Bhs i porpting [Bhagavad yi] So Visuaga Sieeu,Indrabayi G, ¢r=8d00 Sol [Hari-sbtitarigini, Boing tho Blagevad-gitd adapted into dipaia vers] 107, 12 wait L18, sib gitefseo [Bhagarad-gtt, Sansiit text, with « Teloga interpretation and commen- tary styled Paleyjunt by Rimachandvananda Sarueyat Biited by N. Dion Porumileyyn] pp a2. ewes [Meda 1861] 14065 2, skegetapsmyrsesoant gent ‘wot (Dlngovad-giti” Sunakrt text, wilh Pade yaa of Ritn-chandrinanda Sararatz.Biitd by D. Votkazesabhs Sint] yp. 170. rm? (Madras? 1863.) 1065.2. Q--berahstepsmygaiomnnget ‘Son (Dnguvagii, Sanskrit text, with Rat laodriuands's commentary.) yp. 160. FH ores [Madras 1878) 6% 1465, 37. MOREE Sonera pregmance. Sess. SER Tepe. Mhagevad gts or etal ‘A’ readering in Teluga verse by Venugentt Dati, Balted by AL Buchchayya.) pp. 90 Madras, 1801. rats. 1244) cee gteke we yite. (Bingen ita. Sannket text, with Talaga interpretation ofeach word and a Telugs commentary based on hat of Sekarn, and sited “gidhardhe-dpita, by Bil-subrabmayya Trahwasvioi. —Setoed cliion) yp. 6, 80. 94.807 2 [Medea 190] * M065. 60 see dersbwsmaygetos (Bhagarad- Ga, Sandie ext, print side by sido with Bhagavad. gfid-rabasysriha-Ddhini, «© Telaga fracalation apd exposition of the GIth Dy Bile tabrabwanys Braima-sviai,] pt i. pp. 268 "Se." (Maras) 1900. 16 ‘4068. 2, GG eRe OESTER. (Bhagavad gti, Su0- skeit text, with © ‘Telogu parphrase, styled us MAHA-DHARATA, Dhagarad gitSrthe-badhini, by Rie-ybginmnda ‘Voilate-prapaoan Svan. Proonded by the Bags ‘ead git mahitiny ns given tho Va fd Skasda-p, ele] pp. ai. 71, wo. 14068.» 7. Grrahwnysorsetes con Mhageradgootha, [Bhagavad Vivek Boing the Gis im Banal with Tologu glosses, embedded fm a Telage dialogoe Doimeon Kishen and. Arjeba expanding the Amen of the Git, by Kok Voikata-ramtoaja Nazada. Tagised’ by Nelonitain Sivs-rima Siatsi] pp. susie. 16,2, 818, 193, 212; 1 pete Sea! [Madran) 1008," 8 LSM wayspcog sn. [Hage ‘rubgith, Sanskrit text, prendnd by dovotions lad the hagerad-gité-mahatnye fromthe ‘Vasiln-parign, Hated with a Teloge paraphrase styled Bhaguvad-git-tiparyeagrabama by Veikatespepeons Sri) yp. 2, 43 [Madan 1908.16". 14088 «22, Leyte we yepsog see. (haga vadegiti. Sanskrit text, preceded by devotions ‘ind the “miditmya, With a Teloga paraphrase thyla Bhagorad-giti-titperywmigrabasnn. by MM. Subba Ria) pp. id, 470; I pluie 3 [iadiae) 1008, 10. 1060. ‘Sa ottibhtchyatrayastalie. the Bhagsvade ts jn Saari wth Telugu word for-word tar. Proaton wad commentary by Grin Jnguce bitha Seani, based upon hore of Suara, Re tajs, aad Madivs, with index.) Ghereag. Eaeae wot Second ein, pp. 488, avi Visopapatem, 1900.” 8° "HOd0, ca 22 Seen i edged Saar hte te Be, oa. Gosreker. [hageradegith. Text sith SeStar'scommontry, ia Sant, Boglsh, ft Tologw-] 1900, cle. See Gita Stars, 8. SF¥eHs. The Jonnlabat, fe, 1000, ele 8 “rorya MOU.ece 1 Gene Seng see atts roe Seampemsteinigs [Bhageradg, 8 brit text, with a Teloga interpretation styled Paramiribachandribe, compiled by Chedalavida 14068 «3. | AN MAHA-DHARATA au hishyal, Saikarineade, Madhu-idens. Sora- vai, Sridhar, Sirya (tho Parumteth- pea Rimnosj, Madhvs, de) €¥" (Meren) 1910, de 8 14065082 (Soe weer) [Vachame parspiease of Broo Vagrall ele ole. ic 1742, 98¢ron 18) ng tending ly oer p10. Geter Stesoem MAYER sIgENED Aapise one 84 Tepe [Sérhe-diari, ‘Avwork on the sites aud cults of Vashonvas | purporting o be from the Ateherya-par of the | Maricrupn. Rendered Sato Toleps prose by ra Vesatarubls Santi (chap 1,2) aad Bingscrin Sietet(obap. 3:5) pp it 197. S4q2b 8 [Modran] 1908. & 1iT6.4. 18 E55 Aempson? Glee... sre supspeyns Taareati, Ob Tasiaese. Paps. [Sérhedarma, ‘Trnaatad ole Togs proto by Nori Gara-liign Sint] yp. iv. 204, Seep omen [aadran, 1900.) 8% 3A gp 94. anaE-parra] sews. SHEESH. CO Wyeg sss. [Sabhicparen. Sake tent, with @ Telaga iotorprotation by Sarvevati Vei- Najasnbbe-riima SisrhPablhed with pretice by Gatepalt Séhichiryela) pp. 268." S40 [ladran} 1000. 8° 185.1 (Giiparm) Gs. begsionsn np. Sus nal [Sind-parea. Bausbrt txt edited vith joterprotation and exposition in. ‘Tlusw, styled Bhiestitb-tntenpraksk, by Dubbas ‘Votkafichala Sint.) vou imi a. 16. 2 osroverrs [Ouddspal, 191-1808 ] Brass ath esi, MOO AH oo Bek. [Mokahnetharon {teint 174.960). Sanabria ent, wih tho us MAU. BHARATA Advaita commentary of Nilekantha andthe Visishtidvaita commentary stslod Vyisu-byidays, sod likewise » Teloga teaesation of the txt ited by Para-vasi Veshateenigaeniihichar- alo] Veopapatom, 1887, le, M065, 3.8. Dinner Pd, (ayigepera) sesyerwsegss (Senn parva. Sanskrit tex, with Tolage literal Sater: Protation and paraphesse} pp. 108 1805-1806, 1B. Soe Pratooren, Pesiamions—Vicegapat. Beeomydsers. — [Ssbal-viiybhivaibani] oli, 1902-1807, 13" 46". MME, g 38s00 3) ‘The Videranety [e. Udyéga-parea sxesiiesl], A tmnlation in Tolga vero by ‘Malla Soryannrayena Satr- (O5800.) pp ih 30, Fojehmwendry, 1908.8", ITA. BT) (Wirita- perma] Se Cumarra, Chandra bo the (#88) egGermae. [Dilahign gs feragam, le] 1908,” ras. « 1000, an. e108) Sea Ratoieuiuree, Séshathafa, 8098 or pewsigee met [Vi ara. x. 2104) dep BOUBESE OE THES stsso. [Vieitapueva, Sanskrit toxt, with ‘Tluge interprotation by Saraavati-Vsbkats subbe-rima Seti, Published with preface By Guitapall SEchichieyula pp. 990. 243" [Hadron] 1008... 100,217. P88 coevu at [Mabicbharteyada- kil imarfnainn, An essay to prove tha tbe wae of tho MabaDbarata took place in B.C. 2446] 1909." 12 rare. £3 Su Rins-tounroee, NG, 88. base. ese [Muhilhirtenitekame, A dramatic version of the epie) [1900] 6 MITA B26 -MANL-PATI ne MAMA -BHARATA (cone. arena tn ‘So Vbieiga Svivicuscicran Tata Riv, Bir, Gee - = Beesye. [Sel- madi - rata simad-rimiyson-vimaryma,usaya om the to epee) 1007. 1, hare £32, ese ol [Rha epitome of tho stony ofthe Mahi by N. Kyishmam-dchiryela} pp. 16 (radia, 1864] 10%. MAHA-DEVA SARASVATT, dirty of Smyone prekisa, Bee Kans, osgeyeiree ao [Siskbyecrritivimna. ‘Being the Siskhye- ere with ‘Tlaga interpreta werion of Mabi-dira's commentary] (gsnat) TE # Live te) MAHL-DEVAYYA, Perumanem, of-Chil Sot Kaunisa, Completa Notes [by Mahi-dévayye sod Rima-avimayys) on . Raghuvnmeat, ce 108, 12 wim ce) Se Patonnnuntns, Pretao aK 6 305 ii, pro i Ete Pree) 5 (Buea padyamela, With inter pretation by Rima-rvimayye and Mabi-dévayya) 1805, 12°, waim.£126) ‘See Vinbg-iiouns, K, Compete Notes (by Rinwavdmayya and Mahidévayye) on MAMTDHARACHARYA, Mathematician, Soe Bui- eanicuiern, Bure “ot (Liat With Mabidharichiry'e commentary, se] (1853.] 8% M053. 34, MABLPAMY, Bins, 200 ¢Er0%sme sesessnI0g ‘esr. (Bhakta-tila, Motricl tals of Vsihe ava stints, Compiled by Ve Re Balakrishna Madslgir from Mabigat's Marathi pooms Bhakiseiays, Shateijye, Dhaba, snd Santa liimrita) pp. 2, x. S18 ; 66 plates Matas, 00 [1901] B. taro eee dursfreede £0480, (Pipi ijn-chartrsm. The alory of lag Pips, = ‘Vaishosva votary, in Telogs, forming part of the Bhaktealaof V.Bulakysboa Madalger, With, ‘nil anslitrtion, translation, abd commentary by Bilekyshqa.) pp. 603 1 plate. Osatior {adres} 1900.” 8, 1i70. 85.6) 7 MALLANA- sefao | 168 religious, Piltopical, aed mytinl vores. Pita hy ‘A.Viewbhadraja) pp. 18. Madras, 1901.8 sutra, 8.0) MALLANAMATTUDU, Monmagi Krishgage-y Jo" Hs oasis (Matava eames A ‘orm, in aeizen on Vaihonen thology, appar folly based on the ort Sanskrit porte tnt ‘ofthe same sumo} pp. 62. oe¥ (Madrn, 164) 6 1078.8 MAILANTA, Médayya-giri.‘Rajsschare chai- thram. (A poo, i Scans, om the lagen of & Saiva vary] By Madayyaget Malla, one of the “Bight Joma” (ve) of Krishnaraye’s Court, (ober ceisso.) pp. 62, Maron, 1800, 6 1417, 68:09 MATIAWMA, Noni, See Matiares, N.S. MALLAYA, Madayye-gir Soe Mastanes MALLAYYA, Nandi Sitgoyye-rw%, and SU GAYYA, Ghentu Nigenyrpn. Peabodha cheno thayama (SIE Souetsasss) Lu poom in tocar iterepersed with prose, base pon the ‘Mlogovin! Sansket ply Peabédn-chandrSlays of Kishin Migr} by Nandi Mallgya and Ghote Singayyn, "(Chintanani Pres Series 0 6) [Am adaptation from ia 12 drone of ‘dedicated to Narasimbne Ara, fatier of Kyishpa-dve of Vijayanagar (15 1Weh centry). Bited. by KE Virén gan] (eomgress) pp.i.252. Madan 1004, 1aT4. bo. MALLAYYA SASTL, Purinapanda Batragyape, of Pthoparem Be Oh. High Selot. Seo Sena Saber. (Sokra-niti-simima, Repdered into Teloge by Mallayya] 1008, 8 M4174 4 18 ‘Varsha porsnamn MALLIKARIUNA, Syomessy0%8¥on. 2. egererss. [Ball 108 rece, amoroes in sentiaen, in pean of Sivs, Trersipped wader the form of ihe Lioge a Sel, fila] pp. 20, OE [Madras 1863) 8 eat 948) -MALLIKARSUNUDU us aatLiRinyoNAnipsyepD, Wallop Mato dictiespa. Fessenden [hive Iibitnyome Ayoomin ee wien ron out nga he Wn of Pret an the god finan te Hrh of te won Kam) mriviivivas, ‘of oboe [Pnlom Miyata printed} 1008, 6. 10129016) MALLIRARIOWA $ASTRI, Alekirw Veikatent- mayyepet, 85S SAF Se. (Dharma gaae ‘atatkarame, A banca of religions and senlar law Blited by B.Jogapye Sots] pp. vi 112 * Madras, 196. Tr 8 MALLIEARIUNA SASTRI, ofan GetR¥SE ‘TSE. [Simdpvar-takama. 100 banda vorses to tho deity Séndpvare of Aronachalam, x frm of Siva] pp. 16, SP ¥EYams core [Pieogee pata, 1892] 16. 174 9 1206) MATIIKARTUNA SASTRE, Aatlompllé Mp Inya-pe,, of Bllors, = §oE a G8 4ne0. [Pa ptudberryikerapeme. A metrical grammar of ‘Tloga) pp. ik 100, Ser (Bore) 1807. 8° 144 3.9601) MALLIKARIUNA SASTRE, S1-pati Nandieore- pe- See Payorsinionra Sin, fy. -- oe See ot [Mahtedgvomananame, Baile by (1a05.) 14.3, Vivaiet —Ramayana.—Metrcal Versions, eine eanconc. (Bhinkaresimsyannms. A version by soversl posts, vie. Hale-kindame, Kishkindbi-t*, and Soodaese. by allie: ome, de] (1864) 4. 1a La Seo Vives. — Rimiiynna. — Merion Vertins, yo. Qyorsraait {Ohaskarerin yoann) (1870.) 4, Hatt Li. Seo Viuais, — Rima — arent Varina, Qh. sine orawne. [Bhaskaran simiyunme] (1872) 4 wire. ‘See Viunte.— Rimigana, — Merc Verna, 8S erancaese, [Bhkskar rink yepama) 1697. 8 1417.6 ‘Sse Vinny, — Rimiyans, — Metre Versione, Bhisha'e Riwiyana Dalaba, ee, 108, ite 9 MALLIKARJUNUDU- MALLIRARSUNUDY, Mallompalé Malls dn. See Maniseiasonasionveoe MALLIEARSUNUDU, Mudigonde, PoE se Snrgas. (Skantalanstakama. A new drama ‘on the pio legend of Sakuotai and. Dayan, ‘regen prelate ag ytala-gtna] pp. 89 Bese (Levwuly] 1909, 6, MATE. 526) MALLENATHA,Kalicele, Soe Kiuinian, 60- orn [Ragherramja. Cantos i-v., with Malli= itha’'s commentary, ae) 1008.” & or a1. oo anpsetynsran 108 Vaiehyara dovo- Eigtbne Ose 14. k 0.8) whwasa-néDuamy, [inasa-bodharmtakas, tional versou] pp. 10 (adios, 1863.) 12 MANAVATA MA-XUNT, Pesoonie Soe Aqworracnngavita MARCHANNA, eine esusngjsn. [Byte Vihurshartrama, A romance in 4 gtnnay of ‘vores mized with proce. ited by Teupat ‘Veiaéavars Sse] pp. 8, 70, 1901-1008 ‘So Patoteat Penuicasions,—Rajahmndry, The Siraswati de. vl. ie os. -10. 1808, ee. 8°. 1T4 gg.BévoL MAWOAYYA, Vaddipart, Sent ¥St >. [Ka- sedracatakams. 100 vers to tho god Komire] pp-i2. “Ptzre (Gocomae,) 1906.” 12 1a, 219.09 MAYTEYAMU,Disora-bopda Papaya’ ‘oseéam, Ravnoneambaram. An origital data fn five asts [on the epislogond of the conguost of Rivage by Ria, reprinted from the“ Major ‘uD pp 100.” Bln, 1690.12 aren. ery MANIEYA MUDALIVAR, Kuydrattiru. Sie Mo- fue Nuia Mose sl-Dis iba Metiaraan. Boscorescd. [Ketumbacrmrakabayi, ‘Trane Inted with the aid of Radgayye aad Minikya Madliyir] 1808, 1a 4. MANTRULY, xjpangunso ye HG. 3S. GF 4085808 6. [Muppad-iddagn mantrala ‘Sharioams, oF DeStrinaan-mante-ce, Bi irapbienof 82 minfstre of the kings of Vijaya: ‘sega, in vorao and prose Edited by Peldida -MARKANDEYA 0 Chitgenimayys, Second edition] pp-2,02. 2 ‘ese [Pieywram,] 1900. 8 MITE g 68:8) MANUAMASCHT BHATTA, Blairarnya’, ©FS> digs “tat [Agveristmmn, leo called Taya Inkshaga-tlésamba and Tarage-ilasimba. A oom in 4 chapters on the ehamcteriatien of tho various Kinds of horses] yp. S¥a" pore [iedras, 1898] 12%, MITA ew. 1109 MARANA KAVI, See Minava Mave MARAYA MANTRL, Markandeya purenam (40 sdaptaion of th Ssaskrt work of tho same nase, fa 6 cyan of verse mixed with prose, dedicated to Niguyacgnata, minister of Pratipa-rodes 1 Geigeed AD. 1296-1823)] by Mirauo Kavi [aited with profaco by Akupii Vyseemarts Siar] (ersinodang cross.) pp. vi 316 Cocanado, 1900, 6. 1a. oa, or Bape efor Phone Some yi Seoond edition. pp. 8,285. Madras, ira 0.20. 1000, MARDANA, Byohirti Dharmana-yw, ¢8¥09 wenaiess ois Frees [Stivjeyam, oF Setackanthe-rimgyapaana. A work of4 seca, in yore mized with proce ppm tho pie legend of Siti. ited by Marépali Nive-chandra Sati, swith preface hy V, Appalnenerasihaln pf 128," Vinogapotun, 1890.8 MITA BABA) MARKANDEYA §ARMA, Koraport, See Taser ras, 2600-208 [Tuitriyromirtabrihmayn- ityackaomdabfakama. Arranged by M. 8] (gee) 6 14028, 87 SesYouuvinanyaeniainays, Sake ‘66,50 so [Visiohthe-sspageti.Blitol by M5] 108. 8 14080. aus. 14.2) ‘The Fife of et Dikaite (te, Nanda atohmi-nirsyann Dikabitn, = mowistie theo. Iogiae,] or Chidinands Sarai. by K. Mirkaudéya Sarm, edited by 8D, K Kétinware Sarma S1sli, (@)--- Boome eh moe ELE ‘50u.) [With someof tho Diksit's Sunsht wliogs appended.} (ChidioandAsnama Series, 0. 1) pp 22, M4, 9; 1 plate. Madras, 1906 e MITA ge 18 aa -MARSDEN- MARSDEN (Bouvro). ‘History of Tia for Mido Schools, eluga, Pare. for Form i, (Pant for Form ii) 1. Sesde £88, “tal (Mace illo’ Series of Teat-boske fr Indi Sebooln) 2 pte Madras, 1901. 1°, MA. MARSHMAN (lnsus). (Por Tela trnslati cf parts of the Bible prepred ender te guidance of J Marshman aad other mininsrin of Sort pve} Soe Bun MASTAN DAS, won of Derr ‘Al of Chinaganjom, and dcp of Merkin Suimi, Q--- SFOS: Eenyeoetgaaghgges sory [Jdaninande povipirge-sumbidbn-tatva-Lrtiannln, Mystic Vsishnaen bynoa} pp. 20. = Topas, elon. 8 4. 56008) MATHURAMUTHU MUDALIAR, See Macnat- aevere Monat MAYA, (tes) (Mayeevstargadde. A tract on divination by digrame. With preface by K, Sésheplebirylu, Followed by Kapod hirskevihi, a sinilar teat fer the restoration of ella Hated by 8. Daqeeatb-rins Seti) pp. B. Notsns (Guntur, 1900.) 1% itd ee 17, MAYORA, oo /6>NGFYSS. divesting ftakama. ASeontary of anaan to the San endred oto Tologa verse from the Ssoaket of Moyiew Uy ¥. 8. Sulliersyued) ppv 3h 1618-1600. See Pemonieas Punicnsions-—Rajoh bon. 1 1074. mandy, "Tho Barta ee 1908, le. Be MILL (Jone Seeam). Po Sse. tavteya-daranuma, A tration of Mil ivory," by Dogivila Rimw-mdet,) 177; Uplate, 2b3 30 [Mural 1, 1478. 18. cafe nf he at seta tae MOLESWORTH (Juwes 1), Captain, Rol the Sin-hrdened, itde-cottgorern. [A Cision tract, belated fom the. Marathi) pp 1 1895. Seo Braman —Dalory tract Shey. (Pnots:] no. 11. TSA. 1 174 «97 MOLLA, daughter of dtabirt Kavya. Rama (An adaptation ofthe eps, in Ghindas Y avons 1 ot vere interspersed with pros] by Athakusi olan potar woman of ho 10th contury. Hated snd originally published by Rea Bubador K. ‘Veoreaingum Panta, (2g osmasees) Thin PP. 9% Majalmundry, 1903. ©. Mt 8 32.0) ion (Ulota-simiyanaon, ‘Notes on the txt, aud Sew Vaduaracasninisour [Navvor, Oy and others, Notes on tho Telugu ext le, "1808, 8. ir, 62 Zegosnatoss “mr [Mola-simiyn tama, Yndiba-k™ fi) Ser Acaonntes eto Madras —Uasivesily of Madror, ‘The Tega Text for the Matsaaation Examination of. Deemer 100.” pp. 12 1820, 8. TTL A 8. Teg menciosin [Molln-rimisnonmn, Yoddhe-ky ch. fk Interpreted word for word, sth aot and Boglish transition.) See Vai Capeaueed Situ, 8. Cope Ansolations on tho Tolage Text forthe Matriculation, de. 1000. e tT 454) segeratass. —[Molle-rimiyngam Yohelky ch i. Interpreted word for word, vith notee] pp. Sh Ser Bokraamuavana Sher, D, and others. Copious Antotatione ou w» Matriclation Telogu Text, ee. 1900. ate 4806) OODOORRISHNTAK NAIDU. sare Nave. MORESVARA,Asitobattrywy of Abmmtaoyer Gir Begeytes. [Vaiiysmita, A mode trork in Shalt, cotaiing #6 an appendix Kips Alrpamagjel. With Telugu tras lation by Jayarkrshoa Disa. Second dition] Ser Mnoo-rn6 pete, 125, 2 Madras, ores [1878] 8% ots. «25, BERRY [Valdyinrte, ‘Thied edition of the procoting.] pr. Madran, 79 (1880) 6 13,5 1049, «28 MORRIS (Hamas). History of India. Telugu tread S8Gian Byles Madras, 1870-1682 ® Mitt g.6 CEL et tn od 8 a MORRIS- ‘oRRIS (Jon Cantsc). A Ditionay, Bagloh snd Teloogoa. yol-i pli 586. Mara, 1886. * 1290720. ‘Tloogoo Selections, with trnsations nd rommatied analyte; t0 which So aed, 0 flornry of revenas tera wsol in tho Northern CGivcar pps ii 182, 26, Oolloge Pr Mara, 1835, Fal, 14 p8 ‘Tlogu Sessions compiled from the several tet bosks in Unt Iangaage, forthe 0 GF eters vof the Howorsble BT. Oompany’s fevviee in tho Madras Presidoncy. (1The Brat fl second parts contin « sevised edition of Morse lag SleoSons” «Tho Wied vise edition of th " Vikeamrka alos” Bart +» 200 of te Verso of Vémans with irenslation | by Mr. C. P. Brown». The ‘Talogn porion , «corrected, aed the Gloanry cnlngod, by Rips Garwraya) 4 pts S.P.O.K. Peas Peper (Madea), 1888. 8°. 188m T MORTIMER (ifr, Pavett Lis). The Poop of Day, wsesscnco. [Arapddayame, Pint Tensons in Christina dostrine,Tracalated by F.W.Gordon] Second aition. pp.179. Merion Prose: Visagpatam, 1854. 12. 1448.6 MRITYUNJAYA HISSASEA, Tojo, of Songun: fenton. History of tho TBl Zewindses in the ‘Viangapatate District, Madras Prsideney. Second ila Bretiog BE rb nd aes {50gss- pp. 18. PH [Madr] 1887. 8 Mig 16.) {srosansoteg oa tngoage ssn? wore remedy seen. ([ighemagdalae rabi-raréaya-rijye-bhiea-vahaon- Kilesihdtearechartrame. An aecount of the festivities held by Tafa Mtyanjaye Nignin I his somindet of Saogamala, Pareatipara ‘Agency, Visagapatim Distret, om the nsession OF King Edward VILL Followed by a Seneket poeta in 6 senses aad « short Tologe addres on jo topia) pp. Le Veapapotam, 1901 naira. 20, sigetrlentrvomme.. GSE KSEE A jnt- shoaEdTEEY om SnysomT Pi Sinhg Shor jag eto feo (Nisan Gsigrbame, — 5 chapters, cack contsiniag 35 -MUHANEAD ma Sanskrit moral vores. With Tologe intorpreax tion by Abie Vaakats §ist, and Baglish fot notes by Porambadisi Siebichryulu.) pp. 62 Fea" [Wedron] 1978. 1. MOTE O18. MODDU-KRISHNA MAYUDD, 8. See Visas — imiyann:—Prov Verio, 008 GFP speves. [Rani ited by M. (1061) 8s 14068. 0.7. MUDDU-KRISHYAYYA NAYUDU, Sinhidri The ‘Teluga and English Self-render, an easy method of acquting Telogu in a thor time. Prepared by Simbadey Moodookrisbaiah Nua, forthe nse of Buropesta ..» Romasized. Farily Treatre ppv 196, Madras, 1904, 12. 1ATE, 6 MUDDU PALANI, siyitu-pu’, —Radhikasant- ‘A pou in daaize, nterspared with prose, om tha Teguadary ours of tho god Krishon and Radbiks) by Madde Palak (a evorteaun ender the protection of King Pratipecsighe of Tenjore (Bad 1765). EAitad by Boigeléen Niguratsame) (or e065 Hi) pps iv. Bh, Madras, 1010. a8. «. 8201) MUHAMMAD ‘ABD ULLAM, son of Balursjepuram Bewt Safi, einerP30§ wenygtnes. [Ve ‘inicaidyaedhata-eriddhebodhii.” A work on {he Vaniolepstom of medicine. Translatd by S. lama, ‘Teunsctndgeyye fom the original Pani] pli porta, 274, 2h. 3fqH (Madras) 1800. 125 ITE, 6.1. eres PERyESTHA, Atos. [YEE iniaidyadbttaeriiLodKat-arpanama, A Aitionary of torina occuring ia Yunint medicine Followed. by Rogeebikites-besm-dpko, an alphabetical lat f dos with thie ome] ps ih xan 69, 100, Modray, 1896.12 Th ow 5. MUHAMMAD RUSAIN iis FAT MUHAMMAD, Mua of Oocamade. See Rassn ‘ALT Ban. $8 cevasm (Pasi | “j8D, | Tranalatod into ‘Telage by Sieya Hix and Molianmed Moanin) 1006. $*, [Saraeoas!] 1474 gg. 20s. 1,8) uvitamman £ADIRL, Rnsees owrrsw e8¢rxjee. [Sogone-rafjit-cilake-lathls 5 “Tales of Parsot” adapted with light tmodifcstions by G. Rimakriahoa Niyuds frou 125 MMUMTANAD- th ‘oid tabies, Haidar Bakboh's Urdu version of MB. Kadin’s Tail-ninn, an abridgment of NaehababY’s ten] pp. 113." 9A (Madras, 1909, ara gg. 28, ‘Musamman miziac muiLyrw-DIN ton MULAN MAD, Dalurjoporam, Sancoe™ 8 (Heh roca fd moral dation abd the principles of bealth (Ocutumbs-samrakabani. Trealated by th aston from the Tamil, withthe aid of Pe Rabgngyn and K, Maoikys Mudaliyi.] pp. xvi. 150, 170, vil, Segsgoms (Madran) 1308. 6 aT g. 48 MUERTE, Suxpogrsosomes restos, aphnyetione’d. Ppov nesses Bk oforen foment» sate GARY smn, Beenoen. Cove “eel [Bluhirie dpi ‘apd Mehirtadarpena. Tro Sapskrit aavsle of ‘etrology, tho latter scribed 9 tho mythical Narada. With Teloga interpretation, Eiited ‘by Buredeguota Anpeyichiryln) pp. iv 82, 12, Boris! WB, [Bangalrs, 1860) 8 140826 21, Hen .ADY, ten tse mom, Coron at [Mohistdipihd aod Mobiete Anepays. A reprint of tho ame, with a some what abridged file-page, Biied by MiGgie Jatfu Ritocehaadea Sistei] pp. ie. 178 eres Lata, 1872.1 14053 32, Ge - eERY, sosent ety mel [earta-dpika and larpana. A reprint of the receding eliion. Rated. by K.” Nagéyvarn Biat.) ppeive 1D, owe" (Madva, 1876) 14089, e, 88, MUKKU TIMMANARYUDU. S01 AUKUNDA KAVL, so of Kivi! Rondédat dgpam. hao GSexantedgere et Soesn. Sete Tsigesmihiinyamn, A youn in deipada verse fon tho colt and sauetury of Vishys at Brim foo] pp. 180, “92e¥ [Madea 1802] "10 144. MULLENS (Mrs, Have Cavenns), Phila 1d Karuna. 89 Fone See, [Artory, ‘esigaed to lnprove he condition of Hind ‘wouien. Trnalted into Taga by J.B. Sask] e211, Amerion Mason Proves Aran, 1838 i. 178g. wm, 8 -xapr 136 MUNNU-LAKSHANA-KAVE Seo Tara Busrze | munv-siacr wAYUDU, Nagor, Sangha nthe ongrabnm, Sohd sry Soggens. [A manoal of heartof wore) pp. 8,219. 4a! [Audra] 1909, 12% ath 0. 2. ‘MUMU-SVAME NAYUDU, Uppu, & SOS. ¥%°8.- [adatom Aggse . «+ KmnFT arom, [astucgageratatbarama, A guid to Mat Medica, according to tho Feit seboo.] pp. xix 204 Bev yae Dore [Madras 1697.) 8 ar MURARI MIGRA. 9 ¢6 dysood weet gone PoTog so [Aumgherigherame, A. fain on tho legend of Rima, ‘Translated from tho Sandkit of Muri by A. Vyion-mirt Sst] Dp. fi wi, HO. 1000.” See Pantooica, Pons chess, —-Bajokmundry.—Tho Sarat, le oligos Lovely. 9. 1805, 6. 174 gg. Brat. 1, 29 ORT, Kakamané Rimacliga-p", Rajavabann- viayum, (oumereeetsn.) [A romance in 5 ajivan of vorsn) | oprintd fom the Mase avai (ie. Baited with introdaction (or rather, ote) by, Raja AE Bhafnge Ras. (Mexjavani Series) "pp. 215. lor, 1002. 1 14ITk 314) MURIO. Todor tn Tint Mosio. sine, ffm, Fyeeo BE, Madras, 1900, Fl 1008 «, 8.04) MUTTU-ERISHNA NAYUDU. Se Movow-xpisnya Nave (MUTTU-KRISRNAYYA WAYUDU. gunyarea Nevooe. ‘NADL SHAH Son BABO AAT, Shik, of Poppal Sree Neelarandasi parnayam, — Natakam. (A. Arama on the lgoad of th loves of Kish aad tho Yadava_princose Nilisundael, daughter of Kunblaks] by Shek Nabi Babe.” (S0re4o0- betas pets.) ppd. Heroala, 1008. & tars. 92089 MADE Zegrig thwen omesteat com mee ees me [i A Seri work on Alingnorie from the poli With a Tlogw pu | phesso."Baited by WN. Vivi-evt and K. Ves ‘ce Moo a Napr- bata bysia Site Satras, owe (1880) 6 [Another edition) Madran, [1898] 12 weighs Sd] Bomosoay.. SE: Sse. -- whines, (Ni-nnlshatremal, 1X Sanskrit metrical (teh ov medical diagnots od prophooy fom the pals. With Sonat Seoond edition] pp iv. 88. 14048 ©, 28:03 pp ah 46 0H.» 2) irays, «sion tet oth, by Pig Subbarimayys, Ghiraara Jayariahpa Disa aad Kota Veils ime Stati] pp.ii46, Madras, [1881] * 24048 «28:0 Gass wha ees. [NaMifiinn, Ane tor Sensket work aa the same home, aeribod to the sage Kenia, With ‘elapa paraphease and notes by N, Gerosibge Sieti] pp. 56 aglow 00 [Madras 1901) 8 14049, ¢8 19.1) ADEARMT (K. 3). da M. Nio- as NAGADHOSMANUDU, Konde-punftra Riayo-pw Seth Rywbt ie, gedeKomemass. [ili Tkwnee-asjakatnn, A dranatio poom oa the pourals of tho riversgoddass Gaigh] pp. 83. Sons [fdor,) 1607. 8%. MITA N24 peertrerstes. (vraotian-marion ivalila, A collection of ancest and modera flovotional sange, some of a amoroes sbaracter, trth marie deetions ef dtionted tothe god Tijgopals of Repall, Biited by Donia Seltseriyeda] pp. ie. 40, Bghorre [adres 1800] 1474. oLa NAGA-LINOAMU, Ttdayda Pchchayape, diveple of Nivasinha Gara, rbessefyan (Killyee fnandaoama, A pom in the popelar jatgama- See Kesey bulla yle on tho legend of Krishnw' conquest the serpent Killa (Bbaguvatep'- =. 1) Totied by sptepall Chandraildnee Rie.) ‘Satyr [Madras] 1900.8 1076.0. 3202) AOA-LINGA SASTRI, Matigonda, Se Yoox visuaquwaiainaya. {Fe ES tel hte sinha. Waited with olaga translation by Nagestiga] 1000, "8 048,610. Wp. 8 waa, 128 MAoALiOA SisTRI, Mudiyonfo (ontnnedd, Ferhsad Kolsesie, Ung TaysSsinw. [ubbishite-mapi-tantin-hiramn, Sanskeivesos ‘on orl and aval tpi, compiled with a Toaga tentalaton by Nagesige) pli. pp. 4, i175 Madar, 1908. 12 14072. 48. wACALHOA GASTRE, Patlalenarri, Sow Tasay Braryo, $0275 ot [Bulakshape-siramo, ited by N53] 1602.8, 1th SAGANAMATYUDD, Diaragi-tole. Seo Tawa Masta, Dh, g8Adgoy HC TENSREYS rs WeCo sso. [Dexivatiecheritram, Asorbud on the tide-page to Niguaimityoge] 1008. 6 rats. 28 NAGA-RATWAMD, Bosgliry, Fytundori Se Mypoe Pauw Radhiasnatwanama...[Baited by NJ 1910, 8 178 « 319 NAOAYA MANTR, Kifamo-nigu Blaskara-yo', ‘See Peniyat—Drekmindarpordse, SSEeSS, ‘cana bat [Adhyitma- imi Render nto Telugu verse by Nagaye) (1870) & YAH 28, MHOAYTA, Bifogi,_So Lasnnsgue, Pi MER ebteg ese tetinatinent: TeuhameeBtd y R. C810) wane na, oSqvana giana, XS Mexoens wee tes [birth nope Biel by 9) (te) a ashe HGESVARA GASTRI, Pslapartt, Soe Panage- nina Parroue, §).. ber ormor fosomeiso. [Sibrimadjansyranmridama, With lose by Nagérrara) (1898) 6 ite « (For works edited by 8. ee anor che fetlowing headings!) in Poul. —Ildgaoate- Peiee AGESWABA,K.D. SeeDunai-xsoigeans Sit KR ‘Beonzousna Dise Vauaias —Rimayonn, “Metical Voto, HALA, foutGjs0. [Nel-chasitrams, ‘The pie thle of og Nola ond priocoss Damayaat, in 120 [NANME-ARVAR- ‘vere mine with prose. Tidited by Chinnaya Sisk] pp. ove ¥ [Madrar, 1088.) 16 war. £7. NAMMC-ARVAR. [For the works ascribed to Wie mnt which are doeladed in tho Nabiyire rabaadiam] See Ageanoay. WANCHARD, Q.sor mar aging POU, tnd See Fike [oi] [Srbmlgnendyal-ame foskvsow Nifebir-anakssns gaigina sratla [ott dalogue bntova th rival goddeaes Rrignendyaki and Nafehara (Andi) [ud] eS Rakor ara tare MANNAYA, [life] SeoDeamuarra, Kyla, Fegsoyret on [Newanye-bhataraks- chic frame] 1001. 8° 1078.88 ‘Soe Mavicraivark—Naweaya ond Tike ane's Ferson, ve Qwwres esses. Chae acim, oF Mahicihieata, A matin ‘ersion, in which bes. fi, wore composed sly nthe 10s century by Nannaya] [1804] 4". 1074. 1.16 Nannaye and Tbe 14741. See Ma lane's Verton. [Aosbee- ant ideata} (1881. Soe Manicamizara—Nannaye and Tike una's Versi, hose eterses [Andes rmabicbhieata.) “1001. 141780. Ser Manianinarn—Nonnaye and Ti Iana's Verion. ‘The Maha Dharatama in Plog ‘Adi (Gabbe) pureame, ce. 1806, 1890.8 104, st See Mawiceninass—Nemnaye and Tike Kane's Vorions os Germoeweaegc80 amousseo. (Adbpareana) (1853) pores See Maniconinara.—Nonnaya at Tike Innate Version, G8ot—rS005 “ta [Arsny ‘rvame, vi 260i 167.) 1908. 6 [Complte Nae on B.A. Playa Tat, 1900.) 1005.0 28 See Mawi-aninarh— Nannaye ond Tih. Aana's Version, Gh = SBP ISH [Bab parvamn) (1008) 17d 38, -NANNAYA, 10 MANNAYA (cones). Soe Mani-anizars.— Namnaye ond Thon Version. Gro” Ma Bartaon 100. 8". ‘Sabla Pervamu, cto [1-101] irs 4502) ‘80 Mani-neisurs.—Nomaya oud ‘ik- lane's Version, Geuseesegst. (Dies crtaivali Ae anthology.) 1883. 8. 174. 4, See Mani-asinyci.—Nannaya ond Ti ana’s Version, POHSSTAE. [Uhavater racrataaval) 1688. 6. [Copous Anotatione tm the Tea Tes, ee) tare e450) leg fg2R784. [Andheepebdachiotie api, A treatin on Telugu gramimarand sso in 8 chapters, containing altogether 208 Sanskrit sphovisma with Tage interpretation a mentary. Bditad by Tirunagart Kimya pplS2. oreo (Madre, 1860] 16% 14080. 14 hoof ¢g02764. [Andinasbia-chints- “Another ettion ofthe proceding, tod and V. Rane by Sarerrati Tis yshgam 1365) 10% Abobala yanditenyam (or Kavi-siv6 hi sapoma] : abssso. [Comprising the Aphorisms of Nou- ‘aya, with a Sanskeit commentary] by Aksbula Pandit (founded spon BlakGchi Bil-scervat ‘eluge fi, together with « Telagu paenphem ‘by Soothi Bhadride-ims). Eiited by Raja Mf. Bhajenge Ran, 2 voln. pp. 521, llr, 1907, 1008, 12. 052 93, Fourengein (Kuvi:jnifjennma, Na nye’ aphovinae of Beluga grammar, with com mentary by Balirsinhe Narasimha Ta Sine Tudo) Ste Penooieat, Pestcarins Visor rapepurom. “S032. , Sadana seve or ete 10006. 8%. ATL A2ra.ta) (or editions of the Appa po, in which are ieorporated th apon- fe of ‘the Andheessbdaecintamagi J See Ara Kas, > (Addenda) Area Kan, K: am. NARADA WARADA, F¥8y $6"8 e000 Toll (Nim Vhabtistra, Saneritaphorims oo the Vaish- sara theory of igi Aevoton, ascribed to the mythical engo Nivade, With Telaga temsaton and notes] 1007, ete. Sov Pasroorean Ponca rHosa-—Madroe, BorGu® Vilyarat te, volt Tye, 1008, ale, 6 HITE. La. 2, ta} WARA-HARI GOPALA-KRISHNAMA SEFTL Se Gieitaaqumyana Serr MARASA DKOPALUDY, Otsyo-rijn, =goorre Aogjuares 848 Fee pave Past OES ‘osm soll [Kivyalnikira-sndgrabama, A ‘metrical treatin on Uke at of postr, dadvated to Nerasa Bhipileds, ‘The Sed deem, com Desing the Tasa-prakaraparon ot section on the ‘xpreetion of sontiment and the Nayiki-adyakee Dr or section on the characterination of boroee eres. Edited with commentary by Vellila ‘Sadsgien Sisti, withthe aasatanoe of Avadbi- saan Sétha Sisti, under the iastractions of Raja Velogési Vebkate-yishoa Ychéodra of Venkata- iti] pp. 4, 189, #748 (Madras, 1902). rats. 2100) {Second edition) pp. 8, 7,288, 2, 1004. 6 vas. ARASAYYA, Kodinla, P5088 24856 [Thoo- sophiestand devotional pooms by varousasthors— t(D) Stdata-vart-atokain by Sate-ghantarna Siti-rine Yogi: (2) Yoginsnds -Avadhite's Atmaityaoiba; (8) vere of Padés Risa Iiage; (0) vorsn of Tavigooda Vosgamiimba; (0) verse by divers; (6) Atue-yoraka] pp. 99. 8 [Ouldapab] 1902. 8. 178 9. MARASAYYA SASTRI, Riyadurgamn, (For works ited by N. §, se ander tho following Dealings] ‘acca iaxars Sous-rio, Maniceninary—Nowweya Tonwar, IG. amd Tibtona’s Frio. WARASINNA BHAGAVATA-SVAM, Ghritasta: sum. See Trsouretsn Stay, TT BS WK Semgadgen [Iyigeerija-erdml- Kiran Edited with biography, ele by Narain.) 1008, ae 1743.88 MARASINHACHARYULU, 4, Retired Doply {aeittar, See Pamooreae Postcarions — Mara. -NARASIITANU 1m sesagas toup. (Mamalabarana-rajani Bted tnd poblishod by No] 1898, 1899. 8 MARASINMACHARYULD, 4, Traneletor in te Callers fs, Naloe."Vakyaranjor A callotion of Plaga idioms, colloeil expressions ‘nud proverbs with Buglish tranlation, compiled ‘hic for tho wie of mative atudeate [iuily from G.P, Brown's diatonary. pp. 88. Madvor, ree, 12 tate aT NARASINMACHARYULU, Kinfivi. Sw Stn aiaivcvicniaret, K, and Nanennnseniayvie, K. tohueyesn, (Saigitedarpaynnn] 1697, PS TA, 618, WARASINHACHARYULY, Nosane, Ashton amy B.A. Benmiation 1800. Annotations om [HC Selena Rio's Suunndan parinayam or Tho Avarico Deleted. (ef oub Somc-e3s03.) pre 87. Matra, 1808. 8%. MTL 4 2409 NARASIUCHA DASU, Clittiry,daciple of Yemana, wstesrarpesngiies. | [Nitimhadies-padya ‘mala. Lyris onthe matic pilosophy nd eulte of tho Suira Siddhinta] pp. 86, won ([Wadras) 1908. 8. 1015, 0.34 WARASIMEADASUDU, Kojeesregu". <6 > Serr. [hadeadeiesmn ptakam, TOL Yertes ja adoration of the divine hero Tima] pr 20, (Madre? 18507] 6 TATE WO) MARASINHAM (A. 1L). Soo Tarsnut-xansia- area, de WARASIMHAMATYOPU, Pulapurte. wmp=e'¥ so ‘A poem on Vadautc ‘sot [Aumsralokam. peyehology] ype 32 1800. See Pestoocat Pemicarion, Nill Sree Vagval ete. vol, ple 18, 1690-1001, 8°. MITE 8401.1) WARASINUAMU, Gufimle, of Gudivada, S085- Ges. [Maneepiotenma. A coletion of raped incantations ia” Basaket aud Tologe.] po 106. Be (Benoa) 1895. 12 careers WARASINHAMU, Kici, So Tvesna-eamsns Riv, PY. Kobila. [With introductory poem snd opening scene (nénds an grotieana) by 1902, 8, ITE BAT) Nerasnhame] 138 NARASIMHAMU- ARASTIHAMU, Kacti(oniaui), Soe Lassa ansenvni Rio, P. V. Vanavaca Raghavan. [With pening stanis aad prtado by Narasinnome] 1900," 1074 8 976) Sse Danan Rie, P.Y. Vijaya Tngbavam. [Wil opening slansne and prelude Dy Narain.) 1900, 8%. 24174 2 5108) See Earoun-sansarynk Riv, P.T.Vipro- reragaon, [With opening rors ead prelude by Nersciqama,] 1900, 8 MATL. OTT) NARASINNA RAZA SIKGUDU, Dal-int, Kn dei Buchel-rjacp Sw Nameara, Feo ‘4s [Kevijonidjanamo. Nanoaye’saphorimy, With commoeniney by Naeasihe Hija. Siphuda) 1902, ete, 3%. (Swargi] 1HTH £4200 ee) MARASINHA RAO NAIDU (P..). Sw Vicars: seanasipnk Rho Niven P YARASIMHA RAV (P.T.). Soe Lasaunusie fiat Rio, P. Fe MARASINHA §ARMA, Koitlaptgi Yajste-gr, Ort Peni of Dabs Aeosieos ange sivyfst. [Mabi-bhiratecyaddha-kly-rimae sms. An enny to prove that the war of the Pandavas and Kesravar which forme the theme fof tho Blahi-Dharta took place in the yeur B48 BC] pp. 10,80; 1 plate. Dai, 1000 1 Mave 98 ARASINNA SABTRE RAIA-YOGI, Tippteel- hala, of Guntur. Secgedeoud (So GsreKes srs). [Mabnaya-megimnlni, Vieariaitenns, aad Anabbaresatrama, Three tenotr on Yogic and Veantio doctrines of the Atala school} Soe Vibeatigranoge, B. ©2SS- “erb0 [Adveite-sedhiaidhi] vole, ppd 65, 00-110. 1905. 8. MANTA Be, 16¢raL. 4) MARASIXHA-SVAME, 8, PI. Some newly die ‘covered South Indian Rock Inscriptions. (Reprint {rom the Dawn Mages.) pp. 14. Meagrpatem, 1000. 12 14. £43, [WARASIMNHA YC, Mu(yle Rame-raimipu*. fe Vinass, S678 ¢eng 80 (Véwane jinerminge pdgamole, Bild by N.Y) 1008. 13%, aac, epesns oyrtaces oes me ps. [Sujsdantatva-parnddayambe,cr Drabae- -NARAVAWA im tsrahagnonn, An anthology of Senet versen from Vodaotio works, combived with similar vorson and pros expositions in Tslogt, pon the Velunto theology and mystic exariae of the Vsihoars chareh] pp. Ibs, #0 {Madras 1909. 12", Moss. sa. [SARASINEUDD, Achcone-pe BE1SFe. [Prastnaerighave taken popular verses ia praise of Ii and h te narrated inthe Rémayapa.] pp. 20, Oe% [Btedres, 1805 1am st ARASINHULU NAYADU, Gielire Solon. Sie Tavorsiovan, Gx. [Tivargann, ATeloga traosation, by Narasimhalu. Nayego, of Kup] 192 8. i740 Sa ‘200 ARASINNULY RAYUDU, Sam Papufite. 0 exeregs aoa — orem UF patie soppE 588s. [Balle armaparoama, of Nigadogiela mmathinn hartesma, A bistry of tho Dalia Naik com suusity) pp. 8,23, 144, C3 (Mdees] 1008. =. MIT gz. 18. ‘RARAYA, Valpandl AARAYANA,Pubulst Seo Pasomeruvr, MO% eeureryS Lo5¥0E ss “Bel [Rijwnitipniyer ‘Verses from the metrical Tluga version ta) 1895. 12 1474 £18) NIRATANA, te Got. Qo EST-2ss003¢25- S668 ark neous tna ErELOCoR promorsranp yoo" gen [Nispane futstams, 119 devote! verses to tho god Neraoe or Vishos Proved ly « Nisiyanie ‘wate, © Saket verve onthe anne theme, Bited by T. Krstye Ran) pp. 8. ove Cadre? 106.) 8 Tar 38) ARAYANA BHATTA (Mmoxaiss-unan). See ‘Visizarictor Bic, at, Vesinambara nataka pradarsana ofthe Rashonondry Hinde ‘Theatrical Company. [A letter on a vers by V. Salle iyofe] 1202. ara. 6202) ee Kysonya-niens Stern, §. 7: Critciom on ‘Telugu Veriombaram, ete, 105. ie g 620) Se Nisin. saul, ty Nirhyage of the Pah 136 NARAYANA, WARAYANA BHATTA (gt-eisn-toxe043) (on tiny). Veniumbars nate, [A draaaie ote fon the opie legend of tho Fasllofoed to Devs- mdi by Daryddhann.) ‘Translated Jnto Telage From Mhattanaryann's Soaaket ply by Keviey 8. Keishaamoort Baste. (Sbirseo erat) psi ih 96. Rajahmundry, 1007. 8° lara. sa) ARAYANA BHATTA, Auanteyw’. Goon ten trate | endoanergengegestn 66 [ohirtavmirtanis. A Saosit astrological work on suypcious tines, ee With the com Imenlary Artandacvallabhi. Halted with Telogu interpretation and commentary by N. Gara-ign Site pp wh 450. 8%" eran (Madras, 1901) 088 cu. 38. WARAYANA BHATTA, Rimiyoorapw’. The ‘Vivaluprayogs or Mariage Ritual presoribed for Pabimane of Taal, (ia Swusket) with érans- lation [ei a Kiera elage verion and a fe Hnglsh paraphrase by P. Chented Rio. [Wollowed by extracts from Ayraliyana's Orly sit, de (ae GiAnnt) pp. 8,70, x2, fx 15,6, 8, 2,558, Bangalore, 1801. 8 140,» 88. ‘Soe Visa WARAYANA-DASAR, Pudtui tars. 12, ARAYARA-DISU, Jiitatla. -fosgeocso- 8¥05. [Sirga-niniyapa-qlakamy. 101 Vaish tava devotional verses) pp. 18 Mdras, 1908. e wate e 9004) HARAYANA MANTA, Ayyele-rigu Siropr-pe, of Goruputalapads, srosber®. waSereyes Uitameeinens). (5 denane of tales, ebiely ia ‘yore, ald by a Din} to retrain Se ees from Teta by DoddikGrapatt Voter Tigama) pe wie 198. dra, 1909. 8% aT. gp. 28 WARAYAYA MANTRE, Pape-riewyw’, of the Tiseage of Dlts Kavi, dye Som meoo8 60 abot, [Rasiya charitrana. A pote fccount, in 3 dynina, of Raja Rasgh Ms of Poin sod is berets dtence in 1750 agsnst tho Mabargje of Viiamagnim and the Preach. NARAVANA 130 Dlited by Sosarla Cina Subralunanyn Site] pp. 4,40. S43 owe (UMadrey, 1880.) 8° yar k 48. NARAYARAMORM, 7, Sie Bakunecnsxons Caaprovionriea. Soe Senapatt-kamar. ‘rons: lated & edited by Y. Namyauamarthy. 1897 ie ware a8 WARAYANAPPA, Hlloma-risy of Kanirpi. Su Kewwune,—Vijaéna-vadlaal-sdjanie $F S45. [Iinpaéyint le Blited by 8.) 1801. . a1. 6, WARAYANA BAU, Dieu, See Texewow (A) SParcot ys. Kamslachiotanms. Tran: lation into Telogs of Tonnyeon's Locksley Hall By Davu Nornyene aa, [1801] 8 UE. ba. —— Paduka pouabhishotaa, [A deus tn 4 acta om the lend ofthe Rimiyana, Ayéahy ey en, teliog how Bharata sot up Mime’s tippers to represent Rima on the throw ia his fala) By Daan Narayana Low. (28° Sy Pees) pp IDL Berea, 1908. rar BT WARAYANA RAU, Diu, end §RE-RAMULU, Di Sree Senge raatarngint alae Bovba mata [odrams in? ate om the lif of Gasiama Bada, se tal a Sir Blin Aroelds “ Light of Asin”) Prodi (Qsohweaseend cane myrnr sn) pp ie57. Cocenads, 1907. 6% 4470», 40,8) gine from ha Sry eb WARAYANA RAV, Kollar’ Basgirwnriye- Chitrabhyudayoms, An origin dsema Sa sis nts (2EyPSSH) pox. ti 2B. lr, 1000, rare a 5200) NARAYANA RLU, No Town igh Ssh, vata. See Riouavicnins, N-V., and Niasvay Rie, ‘Av Anglo‘alage Phrase Dictionary, 1908, 12° Mand m3, WARAYANA RAZU, Nidumil, w8Ferg7S¥ (Laka-nith-ytakams. 108 Vaishnava verses, titty, dovotional, sad plilorophical, wetton under fhe" patronage of Andhvarcny Toks-oithn Piteujod pp. 22. Prvstjoo [Fitegopetam) 1807.8 Mito. 84) ar ARAVANA MARAYANA BATU, Paeepsi, [Pencyrie.] See Shu-ginnata Sint, 0, (hm ora eat OF, [Néedyapetdja-gtatome) 1905, 12°. 1178.18, MARAYANA-SAMT, Y. _Seloct Tamil ‘Talos, swith foe teaulatons ia Bngtish and Tuoog00, {o which are added a vocabulary.» Baglial snd Toloogen «by W. MM. Nereaasnway. tp. 190, Madray, 1930, 8. 14MTO.4 68. Sscond edition, pp. 157. Madras, 1ea8. 6 aro. 75, NARAYANUDU, Yelipedale, (Naupea ditions of Bike. ica. upping by thin poet ta the Andher-Dhagovatamu of Pana Mantvi:] Soe Pouigna.—Blapoonteyrspe MARRAINSAWHY, S00 Nisiviys NaTisa GASTRE, Seigindé Molstiigem, Some Specimens of Sout Ion popu tale Poetry (lodinn Antigaary. vols avil, pp. 238-238) Bombay, 1888." 4° 14006 a. 129 AUSHARVANAT, PS, of Guntur, yo GE Sse 6908s [Kabiudiascharinms. AR exposition of Kabive rsligious tnching and an ecoust of ie Lil, Ivially wt forth fn « series St Hindi, Tol, a0 Saaskrit vernon all a the Tolog charactor, with Tolga commentary, ce ‘Second edition.) “pp. 124 #229 [Bellary] 1806 e ward g 40,8) (Third edition.) pp. 124. Babs 22576 (Gantnr, Morar printed) 1000, 8. Mira. 424) hens Geert. Cima jananan, ‘A devotional work on the Logond of Rima, com Drsing ataneae ia. Sous, Hindi, and Teloge, With Telogw exposition. Second etn) yp. Fi, 99," Rot chars (Guntur, Ble printed) ol. & 14076.4.3.00) ‘The Yenani wyahya sanjoorasi- A vory ‘fal trentiae on todicine dotaling the Yun tmotiod of treatment ofall ills esh in ie to. [Adepted from the Persian] by Baboo P. Nowshereanos, (ain® Bap Hodes.) pp. i. 15,3685 T plate, Guntur, 1996-1809. 1076 083, DBLLORE, Se Marea, Preside ofA elo: (Fer im 1s tion f tho the Nallor disc se, 1005, 1088.61 NEWILL (Herre See Human, lees, Hyrins, Arsmged [by H. Nowil], ee. 184 16. [A Taoopi Trasaation from te Book of enmon Prager 106.0 13, ‘Sse Toronoes Bgl, Ohare of. ‘The Litany in Telugu aed Boglsh -.. [Biited by HUN, de H. Newil) 1859, 12", 3408.6. 48. History of tho Brarating Gospel D582 ors 508, (VTS. No-18) p18. Landon Mission Prose Vingapatam, (nal) 10% rath, 427) A Tretia on Mensurtion adapted for the so of tives sheng tho principles of the sl | stony aud tho inaccuracy of many of the aative ruler “dat %AM00 ea (Falaga version.) pp. 95 | Madras, 1858. 1 reir. 10 IRABIANUDU,Vasiepiti. Voge =e. [Key fndherkaxma, AD aotoua) inverse, wit fomational prose, of te ilo anid teachings of Polar Virdrars oF Vieo-brakmdde, aint Vedantis theologian and. prophat of the Vises Irdhmapa commusity] yp. 2, 93. Ree (Dogirata,) 1900. &- vara 8h) ‘Porn nao h Pb Seri ipo f Dada, 928 5 "A tonsa on Vedaatic ‘Translated fom the Hindi by 0. V. Dorsatmayyac]ppeale- 4,805. 3% [Madras] 1003." & 1074 Gare. [Viehira-sigaeuun ‘ranslted from the Hinds of Niehala Disa Uy Jnoirdate Sram Chatanyufe, "Followed. by ‘Ghaitanydctama a tract of philosophic dortion by the ltier, andthe. Sandert Viana soribed to Gablara] 6, 408,35. 2730 1629 (Madr, 1008} old, MTL. WI, SLES, slrPoseess. (Ni evhume (Prunstiaral Verses on themes of troral, in eatchotical form, with Kteral prose interpretation nud commentary. Edited Uy ¥ Deva Perumiyya] pp. 102 Oreo [Autre, 801) 16% 1.08, 139 NT NIN (contin). s8r Poros see. [Nand | ggulama, —Anotier edition pp. 110. rex (adres, 1805.) 10 sare c8, Posoeanss. (Nitzenigrabama, Anothor recension af the above, withost quetions and sommentary, Eaited by P. Nigéyvara Sse) pp Ih. ee (Madan, 1856.) 10 14.2089 Uo ROG OmET Ero BORE [Ntisistmms, A collection of Sanait yore From the Mahi-Dhraty, Mane-anyiti, Bhar core [Madre, 1982] "1 4088.2 (A eprint) pps at. over (Madras, 1880) 2°, 14088 «16 mrrviwanpa Yar... = Sacrerw, (Datiteyn-ataams, the divine ange Datiriya] ort [Madrar, 1897] 10". 121 verses in prise of pin28. SAase> wird.) MOBLE (Roses? 7). See Levon Char ef. arom... Se (Tho Book of Common Prayes RDN) 1856 6 NORTREROOE, Bulef- See Bano (PG), Re of Norte Boglend, Prend§ OEE ste) [Hite by 405,90. OWSHERVANIEE, S00 Navenasvin WRISMEKACHARYULU, 4. Sera, Se Ave ida Samira, ex mA 56250. BERET [Vaidyamtaiii, With Telage Saterpretation Dy Nrsihebiryute (1860) 12%. 14088.0-1 See Kita, y+ rey, ited by NJ” [18801] IKate- vit 1408. 0.38 RISA MANTRE, Attinpald Jegopa-p dy oe Lxiebstoatcnis Honea ng nore TOphavatrparinsyama. A poom in 4 draiten, fnterspored wl prose, on the legend of tho trinnay Oghavat’s out with bor gracdfathr ‘ad transformation ato « iver, bsed spon an episode in the Besbmige-puriga.) pp. ti, 112, ii Viagapatem, 1616. 1074 6 MRISTMOAMATYUDU, Palupwte. See Urane sinus SSt=08GES5 SF, [Mehicvikyealaiva with Telage taterretation) pp. OL | -PADMANABHA, 0 With grammatical analyses and Teague com- smeniay called Suprabha Ly Nrisiphimstyla) 1904. 1007 36 ‘WRISTMHLA RATA-YOGH, 7. Ses Nanasryna Sieres Risaoay, 2. NRISIMUA SVAM, Tivoli, O5"2-H-A. ohowregeo Has (Sien-pady {0 Nrisigha as worshipped ia. Tigh et, K. dor ume [Velen ‘hartrame} pp. 6478, 1906, 12 ath. 8 sere ao waponetang, gus T-=ya (Dharmidgada-charitr. A poom in Abipada motee oa the story of the oonjogal loyalty | ofa lady wedded to Naga, Eaitod by 7. Krlebns Rig, ‘Thiedolition] p.92. oe [Afadias? 1864) 16 ai, oss sapntnegie... afurbae. 58650. [Dharabigadarcaritram. Blited by ‘V.Soyhakdplcbdryule pp. 88. Orv [Madroe, 1887.) 10% rank, URU KARYAWOAT, Sve Rous, OMAPATH RAO, Roja, See Uxi-rast Biv. OFPERE (Gort). Se Vekcarrs, de S. OSO Sean, yam... Buia Oppo = ‘ORDO SALUTIS. See War. PADFIELD (Jostru Hows). See Bra Totament. A Commentary on the New Tear ment translated into Telugu by v7 «J. Padfld,” 1985-1991, 6 ‘ii. 9, ‘The Bock of Common Prayer, it history snd contents, Sicond eition, (Pring SORE Git Me Seam LoHD acess Syosers) pp. 299. Maulpatam, 18948 ate 8 33 History of tho Charch of Christ ta the Gaveral Council of Nicws ALD. 825, (Bhar Susywsn Gf sh #96) pp ah Te Monat, 80. 0 8. PADMANABHA BAZU, Danilo, cox)trps. Kubanergees. (Andhre-dé hitachi. ma ‘PADMANADHA- yBlvdhacridhi. A treatise on tho marrage rite ff Telugu Kehatrigas.] pp. 29. Matray, 1900 me. 1 18 PADMANABHA BAZU, Voller. Jaysthraa ataks (2c S9=°0F). A Tolage damn ja five set, adapted from Sholapear’ Otello" (Chintamani Sores, No iu) pp. 2. Baja mandy, 1594 8% 1074 8.915) PADMANABHA SASTRI, IK. Teitute, Copious [Noto on [¥. Subba Riu’) Sree Resselys pri ayeme, Sit onato, with exinsative explanations ‘ pros, grammar, Ae. pp.i-i 19. Maran wea MiB. 160 PARSHERAZD, Neti, woorrs sepie Hee. [Aleskicaanigrabacrnesjanamn. A calletion of ‘versnillstatog the forum of tsi oraament, od ohioly treating of the calt of Krishna] pp 23. Maran, (1880.1 8. Te 13.) Print ow ened of ka nl PALLE. So Bass PALME, Nuddu, See Musso Patast, PARCIA-TANTRA. [For the metro adaptation ly Vethataadthe, Rig of the Patcha-tantn:] Sle Vikeapwnira Base, P. Prmaiarerys LostoS sets whos. geneity [Bijel-padgumele, Ve fon the daties of kings, ftom the metrical Telugu version by Narayan of the Saoshrit fble-book Pafche-tantra. ‘With word-forwordSntorprate tion, paraphrase, aad poten by. Paremition! Rama-tvimnyya sod Poromanam Mabi-deeayys, forthe ua of UheFousih Forman High Scboole pp. in. 62 Chitor, 34." [Madras printed), 1805, 12. mare £1208) Begin, yy $F, Bwonpracwsgr ne. epgesutregecermnrneas iyreus ‘aot (Padchs-tacteyor tant. A prose Teoga verson, by Rivipsi Gara.mieé Sant, of the Sinskrit fablobook] pp. 138. #755059 ee [Madea 18841. uit gn. [Second edition, revised, and with nt pthta] pp. 124. Madea, ia. g 21 fs aighly di isis. -PANCHA-TANTEA, 1 PAROHA-TANTRA (onal [Patchatastra. ‘the version of Guru-miti, wih ome. addtiost staren, Edited by Mopira Kyishosevimt Riga] pp. 88, 078 (Madras? ese] 8 drt 1. [Another eopy of the same alton] 10g. Paschatanten, Sosy g, [Translated by R, Garesmarts Sunt)... Pablisied by onder Gf the Director of Publis Tenruction. pp. 167. Moros, 1600." 1, 1a 66 [Nowti chandroa, Toluge prose, [Parti ‘Aw adepinton of the Mtrtabines and Mita Uhkdame of the Palcha-tasire combined with he ‘Hitdpaé,) by Paravaata Chinoagye. Sur. (es0gF.) Bigltecath edition yp. 1 Madeas, 1000, 5% sar gg. 28 doo or [Nichandrika, Ch. i (OtiratabBem, with ils iateoduction] ee ‘Acioewns, le Madraa—Cnivriy of Madone ‘The Teloga Test fr the Matriculation Bwana tion of. December 1900. pp. 3459. 189, cs 174. 6, Gree et [Nithehandrika, Noter pon ch] pp. 80. See SUnvacranceaya Sena, Dy and olhers. Copious Anuotstions ow the Matriculation Tolugu Toxt, ee. 1000. Poregy¥ tall [Nitichandsike, Notes spon oh. i. (Miterlitham), wilh Boplish trane- Tnton) "See Vihuapisunat Start, 8. Copia Ausotations oa tho Telugu Test forthe, Aatri= eatin, el. 1000. 8 Mir 8) GHGs. [Nirchandsika, Chi (itr tbat), pally interpreted word fr word with poten) pp. 20. SoeVasiapi-eonnt Sisray,S. Copives Annotations on the Tage Text forthe Matriculation, oe 1885, 8. IATA 4841) Bosewy, a oytogon egune. (Nuie handsika, Pati, eh, or Vigra, Adapted {nto Taloga prone by Kokkonde Vebkaterat- sama] pp 110. Marae, 1872.” 6 1TH. gg. 2. [ek 4 of ai by K. Niihenibis, Sendhi rile, forming part of tho sequ us PANCHA-TANTRA- ‘Vinéetiggams.] Capioes notes to Sandhi with oglsh tration, pp 55. Madre, 1001. 6° MIT. 940) anchatnntrs, ‘Tho Fourth Tantr, called eget [in Telogn and English). See Vie ipscrinarts, 8.1,~ the Fiat Book af Telugu, vie pp, 124, 1900, 6. MITA 3 2. PaWDITinApeYA ava, Sri-poti + sens y #35 Ropes al [Mahi dean fama, A treatise in 26 chapters om the pho: ky wed theology of the Virwsaive set. Tit hy the aathors nephew, Malieijaen Sis) pp. 92, 8Asiyoe Oss [dadras, 1806.) 5 1140 90 a Pagoiea PAYDITLRAYALU. So Jaa PANTULU GM. B), PAPA RAVE, Atolara. See Parariwirvons. Sor Beenemves, M, PREARAGU, Kastontt Appoysnstyry Seng searmotmpimons POGOe neeieen Forea meow deonasc084 Gs Sqeouncsasesasersyos [Vuarerinlye tmbs. A version in 8 dyutoee of rors intor- thered with prose, of the Utare kinda af the pie Rimayaga; compored about A.D. 1700. Elitod by N. Diva Porendllyyya) pp. 17H press [iat ? 103) sa 8, seeQougemenainse, (Chara Rams 1.) Tied by Chdnovia Sentara isu ih prfce by Nagra Reppin tore) pr 2008, OOF Llntan 100 8 Mie he Bog leon hoe PAPAYALINOAMG, Kine Fiwncooe {ied Se Vibeaparms Bo, Poi Basse Soc aa tidnge oe bapaye ape Kevidieame) 188 Mice 8) PhravAMAryupu, 44 sigese: sgeross. [Chonnabasaveparinama, A poem of 5 ageizae upon tbe legendary life of Chaz ‘arn; Kinenan and follower of Basava, the fowoder of the Jangams sect. ated by V. Soigeméyvare Rin.) pp. ii 102. S¥g.8Bes foo [lladras, 1884.) 8° rate bs, -PARAMARTHA m4 PEPAYYA, Dpvila, ove ep U res weT (eongr2) [Raianitakame. Tho Bila-kinda fd Araneta, or plot of Bes. oie of the Rimiyaye, deamatived in, ykeho-péna’ style] 2 pts pp. 70,09. fa" (Wadreo] 1895. 8 1417418. PAPAYYA Sista, Bulerw, See Tarsm-oivs, Gases. [Priyedaryana, A tranaaton by Pipagya ofthe Priyadaryii] 1002. i748, 26.00) ‘See Jusanenivna Payornacrir. Bhaminee ‘Translated metrically] «bys « 1002, 8. MITE ET) vitae. Papeyye Bast, ‘ologa Poot for Chiltrn, (20 Ft segues) "ppb 17. Auatapell, 1906. 16°, ra. 18. a Rag e from ha rape PARADES DEVARU, of Kalnla, s¥oxsou¥e~ tmdwess. Homose. (Disibgemahi- srkaia, A etre history of Dasa, «raja of tho frien of Ging (Tindivanam Talk, South ‘root Distt, who resisted to tho death the [Nawab of the Carnatic, Sadat UL (oga.A.D. 1710-22), sad how wifo immolated_ hers] prlth, ‘S¥ge or (Medes, 1896] & 14074 g. 28, PARAMAHAMSA, Proud, ©.8;055. [Dosh vidya, A retig om entural aciaooo and Advaita Philoophy aad thealogy according to the Upani- Shade] pp. vi 128. Madres, 1896, 12. arab. PARAMAMANDATIRIHA, Paranachonaa Par Bee Ureatalta, yen S- rego ([Uitaraegta, With Tolage Saterpee edactieha] [1801] 10. 1065.41, (1861 0° 00.8 (useta a 14060, 9. PARAMARTHA, S¥srfewes. (Paramicth seams. arpa verses on the moniatio Volints philosophy of the Vaishnava. schol, slisbated to the divine sake Seba, ad adaptad from the Siva work ofthe same mhmo by ADI ive-guple. With Teluga temdation by Patt M5 PARASARA spe Véskatsrareja, Biiled by Viszaméri Virnsigharichiryale) pp-i22. 2%" [adres] wor. 14068 2312) PARASARA, Oo SF 880490. (Pardpare sani. Tho one law snried oth legendary ago Darien. endered from the Sans int ‘loge vere by Acipai Prabhikara Rin of Guawal. Reprinted fom he“ Aafjenigi.”) 1p 10K, oe, 1900." 12% ars. a, [PARASARA BHATTA so» of Sri-vataiéha Rere- 222 tegergy ERE farsin, (asonnazus) [Ahusoki. A’ Ssoakrit Vasboaeepoot in 8 staneas. With the Sansleit commentary of Pratividi-Dhnyamkaram Aypea, a2 appendix on Ue rateya-rayo, and Telagu’parephrares and commentaries by Tiomalsi Kurs Dhashuhis shiryala) pp. 02 2AM (Mites) 1907. i. ‘4028.00.19, PARASU-RAMA PANTULT. forounowtasson ahs Berea [Stirimbljendye-an Alama. A work in the form of a convention Detwoon Siti, Rima, and anemia vere tized ith prot, on the Vedaoto philosophy and Yogic Imysicing, Eted by Nolatira Kpehonm-hi Yul] pp. 66. OFE¥ [Medren 1864) 1074. Bh 8 2 breimosassomiiis ankr ois Ban ranow heaton ogee ma (Shicivibjonéyeosmridamn, Edited with » commentary tyled Avthe-mageshamu by 0. V. Dora-simnyye, tho mholo work bring yl Sisk- smisjsngrcamsdirthe-migrabanad) pp. B13; 2 platen S43 (Madeun) 1808, 8, 1074 8.1, cuUfalarrewrese Caw enisangeers isBraih gy, [Siti-rimisjanéye-samvaderie figeabam. "Ax epitome, by Nirspenige Rime Sind Pantala, of the Sitérimisjntya-same slams. With Tami translation aod eommontary and covelaling Tamil poom by Viuye-righa valu Naywu) pp. xvii 164 0 ii, era eben [Madras 1908) 8%. AMD. Go rw eyigs ems bie woe wfesosi. [Sidrtmidjendyeenmradame With a word-for-woed gloss by Palast Nags vara Set, and » commentary by N. Gureibgn -PARVATISVARUDU ue Slats, Second edition] pp. ini 12, B43 Pere (Madras, 1908) 8 rar = Row eG eter tw! (Nimeliagt ited with Telogu commentary ee, ined by Par 1000.27. PARNELL (Twowss), Arehdscon of Clgher. ‘The Vensprasads. Translated from Paras “"Hlermet” oe] by Yallspantala dagosoadam, (@EEBH) pp. AS, Majahmandry, 1008. "ais. 2, 2001) PARTHA-SARATHT AYYAR, 1. Sin Viwans b+. + Suxexgsoes. — [Vemaueplyemele Biited by P. AJ i807] MATL eos PARTRA-ShRATH DASUDY, Séminint, G9¥5- rberptgrpesows dsmyterbassenese Lo ryenmuduasseoseKs Seoekky a, (iths-maoniyamo, Papdaitshabidayams, Rima. ‘srranged for singing, with oeaionl prose, {he legendary iv of six Pathos of the Sit. vsishpsrs church, viz Natha Mai, Pendarit to, Kame Migs, Yamuna Muni, Mabi-piry, sued Mimsen) ype dy MZ Beh ere [itedrae, 1897) 6° 108.86 PARVATISVARUDU, Manjapite Kiniqure-ys, Court Panaitof Bobi [Misellanoas writings, Including (2) Sarat travali oe Varacanrasinhe ‘atshans, vernon the naatatae the 60 yeaa ‘tthe Jovin yee, ts (2) Seimat-taipdindra- sgurechandrcherteams, 546 lines o0 the io of araligoat teacher; (8) Prabundba~nmbandha- bupdhe-sibandhane-granthain, 107 verses of rules for artical vrsifeation (4 Sefton yada yam a poow on the legend of Krish; (3) Hari Fnréynes-fntskaena or Atina-pnryiys- chargé saparya, a pootical autobiography, wt] Seo Pemonr Penticinions.— Nave, (adage Gor SoM) [Amudete- genta -chintimagi] 1855-1004. 1a ur PARVATISVARUDU- Pinvanigvanupy, Otii Alyet Sorarsamals, An orignal dean inf by the advice and belp of Cholkani Venkata Sargerow Gare in momory of the coronation of ‘So Rajah Row Venkata Kamara Dahipothi Suryasow Bshader Gar, Zavindar of Pitter (ozs... oF.) piss 100. Coeana, 1007." 6 147k 4 38.) Werner mErs, euor so Wor. (ravtaike-itakam, A drama in 6 act on {he legend of the loves ofthe Moon-god and ivi swifo of Brkaepati) pp. 2, 2,114,902, PERS [seanat,} 1907. 8 ard. 8 3914) PATARSAIL meee (again, ‘The Yoqe Aphorians, with Telaga version by Srinivisa Tngaenitha Srimi] "1692-1608. 12. Boe Prmoweat Posticarion,—Viragepatam. 3 e0- sSgpscess [Solalaviyabbiverdhanid woh i, pis 110, 1802-1897. 12° & 6. Tira. 5.380001.) ot ope. PATTABHAMADASUDU, of the Doai-Reddi Sanity. &y ++ SSTOGOL TET {Andlra-piryichirye-pabivams. An account ofthe conversion abd the religious Ki of Andra ‘ros, a Vaishnara tncher and dssplo of Rmi~ uj mixod vores and prose. ‘ltd by 6. V. Dore aineyyad) poset 265,97. Mares, 1508 & HE gg. 3 PARTARHIRAMAYYA, Keira. See Sshcani- Gainta. | G--.88¥inwred (Vivdkwohiic fnnpic With Telogw tsti! version by Patti irimayya] 1908, 8%. 4048.4 29.0 PARTAR-PIRAN, Se Pau ceva [PEAROE (WH) 9f the Bait Maniary Soy The trae Rofogs. PHB UGoss. [Trane Iated by Poraabateame from Deagali tsct by We Pearse) (VIS. No.4) Third edition, pp. 92. Tondo Mien Pre: Viogap 166s. - 16% 1am 4a) [PRARSON (J.D), of Iandon Misimary Savey. See Baown(6.P), “=F SER- Vikybrai, Pro- pared (la. taunted with modifcations from 3.D, Pearson's Dakyabale) ee. 1852. 1074, 3 28. -PEDDANNA. us PEDA.BAMA DEEAANT, Muile-riqu Ganapoyer ps". Si SoesanA,P.d, cooorps messbosss Sa [Righava-padavigame. Witham interpretation glad “adarsampba by Poder.) [1865.) 4 WHA. 16 (882) 8 a. 30. PEDDAMATYUDU, Noniavera, 9Es0¥. [Vipre-rampame.] Names of to various Brs rinfoal wast [i 88 yersen. BAited by 3 Ba hagyel, pp. 12. Medras 1608. 8 1417. 28. PEDDANNA, Alssini Clothaya-pe’. See Boa ares, Kighilala, (HEHEHE) [lana ‘rasa-praiika. A study ofthe Mano-hmsitrama hd Veewebaritrnma,) 1900-1001." 12>. (Me ni] MTA 4 iste 24) ‘Soe Daunnart, Keer Balla, Qe" E-rer Hoos. [Manuevareprakdgikinabane Slain. A roply to atiturea upon Teahmnyya's Manuevas-prakisiea) (1006) &. uit. 24) See Riatemaxona Riv, Vous. A Prise any on thorlative Morita of Manucharite and Vetacharts, os, 1699. 8%, 147. g 48,8) Seu Serraaieatayacntans, K.Varadbint ‘A drama,» [bas spon the Brave sig. 6. TT. 4808 See Sumnarta Navope, 0. ¥.A Telogu Drama . + = (betel upon Poddana’s pon) Srarochisha Mana sambbave or Maou chart, ie, 1910. 8 air & 6008) + 650850. [Manu-charitrame,oe Srivéobibaciana-ch®, A clatsical poom in Ztotnan interepertd with prose, om th life of @ legendary prine, aon of king Svirdeiahn and 9 fairy) pp. 88, oe» [Madras 1882.) 8° Petts wat on of the Pani of Rina Rives eRe lt eee Getoayrow kw... seege roe HQT gm? SH-emenss OS WHS EP Scomy PAT ORENG Sy tll (SrarGcbabae rmanwchartrans, With « word-for-word inter pretation.) pp-208. ore? [Madras 1983,] 4. irk Lt uo PEDDANNA- PEDDANNA, Alles’ Chobhoyeyu® (continued). Gargierinaioan eemetiren Spdesmewete alrassr won ere [la8e.] 4, bee Bgetenmn ge dee. sts, [Srirdohishesmans-obriteama. With Anant interpretation. Biited by Kom hiryuly, with preficn and abstract by Képalt ‘Vaiae'rimnpe Bou.) ppeasais. 824. oy ([Wadran) 1000. 8% 1076 92 ce mgetes Senge Tl [Sri chisha-mano-hartrams, With interpretation and ‘notes by K. Auaotichiryula, and an sbstract by K. Vetlata-rimana Bia. Blited with prefect by Deva Porunilloys. ‘Third elon.) P98, 882." <5 (Madras) 1000. 6 TE. 8. ‘Scoo Swarocisha Manosambharsm, an riginal Telugu drama . by Betapody Dhaga- vonta How «+ wth many verso of Alles oddone Kavi 1000, 8. See Braonravta Bs, Bea irs 6208) PEDDANEA, Gigelsnife, of Mtlarripaten. oo Gees iearereensan. | [N ‘akravartinitabaniiérame, A Iyroal drama fon the opie lend of ala sad Damayeal.] pp 185. fH [Madre] 1808, 8%. 1478. b BL PENDLL, AV oebe> [Pepdli-pitala, 4 songs for weddings Poblished by P Veiata atom] pp. 83. Vitagpetam, 1898, sae 21a) ERA RAL, Gudloral. QO =peeee ee, wfc DeeGe sy Seye _ [Goime ‘yevahicebothin, o Grimbdydge pariah dar. ‘pepains, A mnanual of village administration] ppv. 684 Madras (18005) 3°, MITE € 18 PBEIME wre peegeseret, (Grime vyarabica-bdhini. Thelen.) pp, 05. Madras, (1901) 8. 1874.4.18, PEDAYTA, Sallayuya Sabbeyyarye’, br Sah youssoom Pesebomian wis Shag otan (Chiblayyenijekame, or Nilrkunal- “PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS 150 illenmu. A lyri! daa in 7 nets on the Iogend of the conversion of the sioner Chikkayye. by tho Lingayst apostle Basava) pp. 44. Bers [Beads] 1910.8 1a. 8 52.0) PERAYYASASTRL, Joyoni, 8rS0°U99. (Dast- wévlékbari] (The Doceiment Weiter. Par {ho Tadian Stamp Law; pet fom Indian Regie: tention Law.) 2 vole. pp. i x: 198, xvi. 220, Madras, 1800-1001... 1a. as, ‘Thal ls frome soe PEROIVAL (Ports). So Ponoote1 Posucs ‘nost—Madras. 648 4608. [Dinsrartamii Baited by POP) 1861, Ful. 14008.6,206) ‘Tlogs-Boglsh Diationary, os $84 Madea, 1862. 12 1200 pp. 8 i PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS, Brawn Geeptegeye Pebandia-balpaerallei, A ‘monthly Iiterary misullany. Published ad edited by Goptepali Somayya] Bes (Beeada) Woy de ine, Cocaraos. "The Saraswati le, 1898, ee. 8. See below ‘Virdktdeyam, Tho chenpost moathly magasn in Telog, devote tothe dissomiuation of ancient & modern rligion and philowophy. Steams ‘aot (Eiitor.+ B. Venkate Rao Past) vo. tino. 10, Creamed, 1906-1008. Ta. 3. Bure some’ [Mafjerini, A magesine of general Iiveratared] Baitor Rajoh M-Bhujso parse Baader 1, voli, Blog, 1808-1005, 12%, 141064 1, BF sei NASP a Ts magasne wil be ‘ead nt the Bary of te SE aon lt ny are aa ” Maveas 6 Disropadess. 3S. (A. monthly of moral and religious erature, i PERIODICAL PUNLICATIONS- iy noe 1, Madan, 1002, 8 47. .8, feist. (Dine-variwial. A daily news piper Béited by P. Prsival] 0.272. Madhat, 161. Fel 14003. 6.215) tnov8. ita: anillstntod Telagu megane (leited by J. B. Sharkey.) vole pp 193, Amerie Merion Pron: Maas, 1962. * aire 6.8 sommapestoed. (Mamuksh Uimonthly magasine fr the expo vaishyara Boulogy.-Eaitod aud peblihod by A. Narasimha.) vol. i, n0. Lvol i, 0. 1 Maran, 1898, 1899, 8 “MATA ‘The Satna sbdhani, The Tologa ongan of the Aryan Awosition (of tho Madras Brasch Theo- tophioat Soesty). Devoted to Hinds religion, pilophy (Hheosophy) and scones. 8858. ol, non -13,v0h nom 15, eof, 208 To, G12, vol won 1-7. Madras, 1907-1002, 1a. gg [A magasne of iterator, Buited by ©. Dor mat, boys Vidyarati philosophy, sion, ot) Satish. "Blader, 1906, ee, 6. ‘The Voiow of Progress. A moothly joural [la Tingle, Tas, and Telegs) eomdactod by commites of the Madras Hinda Sov) Reform Avociation, vol nom 1-8, Mura, 1901 1002, 6% 172 2. Neos, (om O8 Gop comrades eisee) [Ame Avivgeanthaehintimayi. A monthly mageine of Tolga literatur.Baited by Ofyaru Vir bigayya aad Panga Rima-ricbnayya) vol fox. 7, xii, 10, aie. 1-9, av. Lav 6 “Fars [Nellore] 1885-1004. 6%. MTA EAL ‘Sreo Vagealli, A mouthly journal of education Plited Ly KV. Rawanaje Sarma, (282,) vol ied, Nellore 19001001. 8 1074 m 38 Razanaenoe. ‘The Saraswati (S550). A monthly Telegu -PRIIVAV-ACHAN 182 rmagasing, Tlited by Sioo K. RV. Kerishes Tow Baader Zamindar of Polavarun. Rajah rmamdry, 1808, ee. 8 Tata. gs. 2 lag el ar Cf oi only oe 12 ee st of hota rly publi a mage EAT of Rea tonal thane Tala ‘The Sathye sam vathani, SspsouyE. A monthly Anglo-Telugu joarnat (organ “of the Prarthana Sams), mafely devoted to religions, wal os sora topical. no. I—vol. Yi, to. 8, vol willy nov Imac. iy no. 9. Roh any, 191-1001. an. ‘Vannes Raravana SrSHQHT. [Vigrestt. A maguino of Seeks tod Tologa liteatare bearing on the vligion aud frudisions of tho avtifeer curt ‘ited by ML Vira-bhadrada] vol i, m0 Ital. iy 20. 3 susny caste. [Velunpeha Rayavorom] 1906-1008. &. 14028 888.1 “Veemiaasararone 580... Sodarsini. A monthly Tolloga [se} Joaraal (Ce magasinoot literature]. Printed end Debio by the sor Rantory Siacenben Kawi Vivoasarayepurem, 1909, ole. 8 MIT. £48 Virsonarin, stoomgpuges. [Sekale-vidySbhivanlbas Ioagasine for the publceion of acest Dhllorphieal works ia Seaaksit and Toluga.] Vieegapatam, 1892-1897. 12 & 8 rats g. 36, role bo, Seo ac fe ek Pelikan a Wo 9 PERI-ARVAR (Parracnsix, or Veempo-car ax), (For the works crbed to this mist ‘hich are inladed In he Nab-dyira-peebacdham ‘See Ageinast [PERIVAV-AOHAN PIEEAT, (Kooy Om). See Agrinaay, 066 Bend tB. (Tewevdy mor 163, HTIYAY-ACHAN- ‘With Telegu glosses and commentaroy, based pon the works of Poriparashin Pill, ae] 1002. M70. £10 See Vatu. —Rismigap —Proe Version. esegaeee SEL ten [Paniabkum, With Tamil commentary by Poriyay-tehin Pils sod Teloga abetencte) {1001,) &% 14088 00.7. PIDLAT WRACHARYAR, son of Vadati Tire. ‘tht Piles, diple of Name Dil, e0230358 ‘eo giao Bol [Mupakeheepadi. A teatiso on the theology of the Tenglat Se-ichyaras, bere ‘racslted from styled alo Tir-tmotrethat, (ho'Teil wth ploserandparaphenser. Pablisbel by Ne Biensdiee Panta] pp. i 82. Visage palom, 1802. 144 Soe wFes, (Miew-manleiethamy, fe ‘the Mupolohacpali. With the commentary of Aragiyemagnrale. Perel. Tensaated from ‘the Tamil into Teloyu.] 1804, ee, 12 See Prmonieas Poucasiont —Virapapetam. #¥e0- rstsce. (Saln-vidyithiardian] vol 8, pela, 1902.1607. 12° 46 ITA g.38¢00. 2, 8) fn beating of ap. 18 eos tusopes. [Samblsba- pal “With the commentary Tirwcmantriehaan of Arse sipemaportln ‘Translated from the Tami ato "Tonga iy Srinivasa Taganentha Sebo] pp. 210 erpejese [Pitogapalam) 1002, 12% Prreers ‘erin fom th Saag Sandee Uiayetrrssy Biers te {ates CES osk ail. Gaemrenaprh eahyne mpeiee. [Tattratrayam. A Tamil work om the 8 eato- orien of Virehtudvaita thology. With th Tami commentary of Arsgipamayaeler, and a Tloga tenusation of both works by Paranrata ¥akate rniigaenithe Simi] pp. fi 10, 225 1 plate, Feghores (Madar 1906) 8 TOCA PILGAT LORAMATYAR, See Ansoirnsnyavita Puaviy, son csdoaters. [Yatirajecvint With Tamil commentary of Plat Lakam-jyas] i041 14028 6 Puna Vind-BHADRUD, Pilelamecr! Gidayn-pa’, (Powe Vieawna). Seimini Biante L2PPeS) -PONNADE 1 [es poom in 8 dgiens Sntersporsed with prose, ‘ompoced about 1450 A.D, aad based upon the ‘Arremédha-parea op Jsimini-bhienta, erin of episodes party paral to tho Agra-tédba-p' of the Mahi-thirats,) by Pillslamari-Pinn Veorabiadma Kei. (Chintamasi Prose Soria 0.4) pp, 104, Madras, 1900, 6 1074, 8506) Kyomersindess, wis Hedenstoais [spligirsikontalare, or Santas paripayeme 4 you, ilorpersed with pros, 08 the legend of tho lover and mariage of Saka and Das- nts, in 4 agoisar] pp 3, 100. 100. Prnooscay, Postcsstont~—Rajabundry. Saraawati, de, yol xi 1698, ae ATA. gg. 2 PINGALE SORANMA. Sov Sonunvs, Pd PITAMBARA PURUSHOTTAMA, dispte of D5p@ Soran, GSESEOE Has ss ETE ‘ee Goss. [Vichir-chandrddayaina. A cate chino 0 16 chapter, ‘hoa Briel Chitasyats from theo pp. 8. Sy. 1650 (Hadras, 1000.) 174.0 8, PITREMEDHA, Sov Busnyin, sass SrGH Ball [Dhdmdvljettn, 45 apheriens 1807. 14008. 0.4) So Yau Qy---atzrdaso wel (Valle ‘A tonaal of faverl silos) [1600 & 140086 41, ‘rom a Ditrsméa-eatr) sive combate hy ZOyLEF Gm tat [Anantigat-patrimedbieprayogn. A Soskrit sana for the performanoe of the lr-midhe tits forth sels of doconed lage, based po od illstaed from tho Vijuesnéyicmmbits and Tieratare derived theo, With a Teg dria ‘adda or gue totherits, Raised by Sitharan, Simbayya sud Vet Vethatapéshayya] 2 vole S¥9089 [Madea] 1807-nerr [1800] 14028. & 70. PONNADI SURI, Tomenaigan Saflabipa ye Ge GShgeoerwses, cmmese. [Sruta. 155 rore- Wieiomabiigubertee, A romantic drama in lslacgina style) pp.92- Murat, 1907. @ 147. 2.39.0) POPE (Gronos Usvom). Soe Banus —Now Testor ‘went Goel, [Mattie] Oar Blossed Low's Sermon on the Mount. in Telaga ».- by 7G. U, Pope, 1630. 8 068. ce, [PORTER (Vows) ofthe Landon Minioury Suit. 26,FpouR for so, ... Pables ani Moral ‘Talenia Telage and English, dsigeed for tho ‘wet of thowe i hia country who wis to wtndy tho Ragish language. Sond elite. pp 195, American Mision Pre: Madre, POTAMA MANTRI, Danmers Kaenary, (P5ra Raq). See Poniyan—Diag somo gersdss.» (hnjlrebbigevatums, An ‘nplation ofthe Bbigerat-pustp, in vere, by Pots Mantes} [1605.] 4% MIT. 02 Soe Poniyaa —Dha stan) (1680) 4 ‘aot (Andbra-thige: 144.116 So» Posiyas.—Dhipavatecpmipa, by -- dere rds [Anda bhageratame) 1806, & a7 8.7. ‘So Poninan—BMipocatepunina. 000 sserngeunsin, sail [Anhen-bhigeratann Bk, vil) (1805) 6° 104 A, Soe Ponigis.—Phigavate-puriva, = ssoyertsdss, [Balebbiguratann] [1952] * 1074, Mig 4) Seu Poniyan—Bhagavate-priga, (8.44 eyes) (Rakiptalyigeme.) (18607) 16. 17k 1.) See Peniysn—Dhagavtacpuniga, Rake sii Kalyana, ee, 1007. 4°. 14006, eal, 38) Sov Veteuricrinireroon Naxvee, 0, and others, Notes on the Telog Text (in, Rakiipi-lalyipame) we, 1808. ® atte & 02 -PRABIEAKARA 186 POTANA MANTRE, Hanmere Kivona-yu*. (co Uisuel). Soe Ponkyas— Bhtgavat-purin ‘Sovogh ewan eo [Vamannemicty- dvi eiatame] 1800. 6. [The Telugu Tee forthe Matrialation Baumnetin) 1et78 0, See Pontyas —Dhagavatapurina, | wrogeneSin. [Virmnnn alr - drier fhtiame, le. Toterpreted, with Roglsh tana Jusion] 1900, (Veikufaaibs Sisré 1a. 48.4) Copious Annotations, ee.) bhi ghattama, Interpreted, with aoten) 1900. 8. [Siryo- ‘ninyane Sse, ond thors + Onpoue Annotations, ed ard e455) See Peuiyss.—Blipacatepurina, = megeaertsiin oll [Andhve bhigaratan, Bia. xi-ail With proso paraphrase aed com- vwentary) (1897) 4. Mita. See Posiyss—Didgaenta-parina. - ogipteosn tol! (Anslhacthagavatama, A prota paraphrase of Ptane’s version of tho Dhigavatn] (1901) 6. 14th. 8, ora I, Bammera, See Rotana Mart, POTAYA, Sisgonna-pu’, of Kahimrani Serqat [Peemngeratagral. Ste Seoslritstanne, with Tologe translations] 1609-1807. 12,” See Paodicat Postications, Vizegapaten, s€0D—S0EErP. [Sakalvdya Dhivardhani] vol i, pk &—vol ity pt 9, vol iv, pts 2, 8 ISDST. 12 1th. g. 38 Bg eng 308 faa, rept ing PRABHAKARA BAU, 1p Ductei-tibayar’ See Panigans, 2G) F8SO¥ES 0. [Parsgre srl, onder ito vers by Prabhikars Ris) 1900, 12% Mit 1, Unapotbyabhyudayam, (Or Kmindsi- ampechavtran. A panopyrio poom of 266 ‘esan open Taje Uai-patt Ize of Domkonda, Hisiderabad, and bis ancertons of the KitinGal oj family. With Boglieh prufieo by I. ‘Vabkatschiaipa Ris and Telage preface by Tra wr PRANLADA- pal Sate and Vethatégvarn Sint] (Qs, Spease ws TAKS) ppv. sly 2 plates, Cocanado, 109, 8%. 1478.4. 3815) PRAHIADA, ett 695. [Pralsda~sherte, ‘Tho logend of Prahlada, the votary of Vishpo, and hi ‘bipada metre, Riu] pp. 80 Mylapore (Medes), 1009." 32%, MITA. 38 ‘onan no. of hou jet ges PRAKASA KAVI, Tauibile Sirayey®, wr lee yrds new tal [Jaganenierathlenye: vilisame. A poom on the car-festival of the {god Jayan-nith, in 110 ariel verso, Pee dod by 8 Souekitstanses gle Parandyvsc totem] pp. th 297 7 plats Ficegapatom, 1000, 12°, rare 2046) PRAKASAMU(M) of Fomachandrapuram, History fob [in Telugu verse] x meds (HR. 4 BR General Sorien. No. 86) pp. 86 SOK, Prete: Vopr (Iara), 1908. "IC ITA a 80 PRAKASA RAV, D.8, sSue7¥4. [Mabirgirl, Testaotionn fo performing 22 ticks of jugglery] pp 1% Elona 1808, 12", Ddltheee 8 PRARTHANA SAMAJ. See Pruonicat Pontos: oxt—Rajulwendry. ‘The Sathya man varinni * (organ of the Pravdhana Sama) da 1801 hoe iz 8.31 PRASADARAU, 4, 1,7. sottom BH# Gere fs. (Sante hinad-siamoa-prt fareo.] See Pentoweat. Pescara rayayarom. $0883> Suda bo. hele. 1900, PRASADA-RAYULU, Kendubivi. Ba5r4Byer. [Woinya-étrivai, A list of tho gurus in the lineage of the Vaigyn cast] pp. 80. 3%, roe (Madras, 1900,] 12%. “1874 a, 2108) veh iy WITH AMGre ind PRATAR-SUARAYAMD, S62 {60m HKG. stds [Pritah-msraqams, ‘ho morning ofc in Sanserit, with Tlogu translation] (Vakwe: Aa Sevies,” No. Gi) pp. 70. Madras, rer 028.4. 2715) (1901. ott 10% fata Dusreh, comsemser§e ORLE [Ashtasli APURANAS—wnisursrar) 158 With commentary ot Pativddi-bhayalarn Avena, te] 1007, 1 14028. 8.19 PRITCHETT (Bowans). See Brace —Complte Bit, Tho Holy Bible in the elage Tangange (Tho O11 Testament) tramaated hy tho lev Messrs. Gordon aad Pritshutt, 1867, 1860. 8% 088 «14, Soe Biniz—Complee Bids. The Holy Bible. [Comprising Bay's translation of Gen, Bx, Lov Py and Prov.; Pritchett and Gordon's version of the remainder of the 0.1, partly rovioed de] 1881. 3070.5. See Biots.—New Testament. The Now Mostamont . .« aeaated. into Telongoo, by Biward Prtchely, te, 1918, MIO.AA ‘See Binte—New Terlument, Tho New, ‘eatamoat in Toloogve lin Pritchot’s version, revised]. Vol iy ofa 1820. 5%, 9068 0,12, [PUDUCOTAT SAMY IYER. Sse Sit Acran PULA KAVE, Duibavigam, of Dargale ‘Sejsioo,[Gilakla. padyamela. Verses on religious and roi themes, tobe wang by children Auring tho Dasa (Vijoysedayani) festival ia October] pp. 12. FAR (Cason) 1907, i ars i220) PURANAS, Se Veitiriaiearts, To eoars- Se@- [Bariownimecchendvitn. A tetonney of mes found in ho Parayss te) 1870.” 1762.18, frou GEFs. Or Hlndsiom die closed, fn quotations from the Parenas fe. with fsitable comments. By « native calorie [vi Porashtama]. (WBS. No.23.) Thin edition Pp. Bl. Loudon Mason Does Vingopatom, 1, ites. 16 (Por Gajtu Peabt's poetical version of the Kecbispahyioawy (Bbigerata x. 8-1 of the Sanskrit text):] See Garye Pears, See Sikwiuacrige, BP... bso. Ske6i. [Andhrdpathigaretams. Aw adap lation of Bes. 1-5 of tho Bhigavate] 1901. 174. 99.7 higaveta-raptann. See Vikeapionsane, Kerw-meddsla, Geneseasaog a 180 PURANASamosrarars skandba yalabaeginatathe, A lyrical adaptation of tho Dhigovate-puripo, bi. vin] 1887. & 201Td e80, bee Semyeeheyser. [rams Dring Ue x pti, oh 47, of thi Purina in Sanskeit. Wika Ker! interprotation and com- rontary in ‘ology styled Bhramara girth Alpi by Veulata-prapsona Sven.) pp. i. 86. 4." [Medran) 1905. 6. 140266 49/9) Gee Mewhdon (Gopikdegitaly, de, Gini {UG (zai 1 fall of thi Pardne). In Sanskrit, ‘with Svdbars Seine commentary, and « Telogs ration version, Halted by Tirvnagaet Rémi eta] 10%. ejapye] pP.18, 7e-9 (Madre MOI. 10, bons Htedeanosomiioms .. egsrey Sin wamozoed want ptonseicdhe Hoos wal [Rijeyoguateambn, A ds lous between the ange Kapila and his mother Deva iti upon the Yoge philosophy and mystic exercises, adapta into 8 canton of Telugu verse by Turigonda Votgamimbe from the Bhiguvata, Di. fi) pp Oh OEY (Madea, 1864) 16 108.45 Aeros ores. [Aedhm-bhigeraiams, Ae ‘saptation of the Saoakrit Dkigerata-purion, in ‘Telagu vor intorapered with pros, Sort om posed (apparently about 1490-40-AD) by Bam tne Polana Bantsi, and anbvoquenty, on the lone of some pare, supplemented by Gaiganic- te (ke ¥), Brgiel Siogaye (Uk. vi), a Velignadala Niviganega (Ges ai, 33.) pp. 828,176. fa 28m0 eH [Madras 1865.) 4, 1th 02. Go. Gam gaurriim, extern "dg. [Kndbes-Ligwrstams. Potan's version With eaegotca footnotes. Halted by Nala Veikate-sabbd Saat] pp. 1.324, 108. Hae syne nour (Medray, 1830) W." 24TK. 15, Ga LseeGeress [Andina biige tama. Pola’ version. Roitad with pofie by XK, Anantichicyule] pp. 4, 1085, Si 9 plate Mairan, 1894. 8. ra. 8.7, soe Gamegenetinfend weer ee room symsrcpss [ae]. [Andbea-Dhigae PURANAS—amesraeies 100 ‘lame, Pans's version, Bk. the geod of the pious rotary rab, Eval by P.Nigégrarn Site] yp. 68. ore (Madeas, 1865.) 1a wa, containing Gesyerrata. legend of ‘Krisboa, being. bie tho Andre bhigavatanu, arranged with wmne ope Diikud, Bait’ by Y. Srnivdsichéryulo] pp. 194, vi, sos (Wedra, 1882.) "6 1. 24, (nother cops, wanting the index.) TMA. 25, (logark) (Gajéndra-milahamn, kalyinama, The logond of the maerago of Rekiwint with Krishna sn epaodo in Potuae's Bhigevatamy, Uk x. 1675 fell) ppe 18. (Madr, 1850 7) ritctatgay, MEE LOD okmint Salyanom, [Tranlaed Sato Bogtish) bby It Subramish Panta. An episode in the Stimet Bhagavats (in the yorsion of Patan Mati] ete (he Hedin Antigens. Voleaaariy vp. B%-384) Bombay, 1007. 14096. «ro. 98) See Vetuapaaininoroes Nérwoe, Cy sud others. Notes on the Tolugu Pent {vie Rukmigh-talydqame,] ele. 1808, & arr 2, GeregyrrEs SH [Vimane- minty vie Dhava-ghattama, Bali-chakravarti-hedsk Vic smsoa-niellylefchede kath, end Visnana-mirtt vigreripanen’ ond wjpimbbidehola Wt. 125 vert. from Polan's Andkew-bhigeratama, Ue wi 505-667.) Seu Acanenis Madras Univesity of Madras. ‘The Tologu Tost forthe Matriculation Examination of. December 100, Pp 1328, 1809, 8° ATA, a8, Gers rks8m. [Vinam-minty Svibhives hatams, le, Tatrpeoted word for word, with notes aud Boglish translation) See Vesieara. Aol PURANAS—senu ek Biers, Copious Annotaions on the ‘Telyga Tort fr the Matriclation, le. 1000. 8. tare, 4604) ress 200 [Viimanarmirly-dvirthire ghia: oterprted word for word, with aaten] See Sears wisivaya Sheri, Dy, and oors Copious Annotations om tho Bariealation Togs ‘Tost, ae, 1000. rs 4518) Lore suernutia SraFmgHT spose, [Kndkeabhigavatome. Bes sicait With prose parephmve and commentary, beod opoa Ont of Beidhars, by Nex Garalisge Seti] pp i 10 Ses yous ovr t (Madras, 1807] 4 Me. Same eretio. eSereS. (Andhee Duigeratams, A prove parapets by Viehou ‘ida Kari of Puta’ version ofthe Bhigerat, with iMastntons) pp. 48, 780, 720. ¥q" [Madeas, 1901) 8 aire 838, QSEY ESS. TOK. [Dbagevatame A Teloge proso version by Droqas-rizn Veikati- cllipati Sarma] 1002-1004. Ser Pertooreas Pretcirons, dlrs, Semrerd [Maljo-vi] vol. 0.5. 1898-1905, 13% TATE A, 68 6-7) fi etn nly 180, [A separte reprint of pp. 1108 of the procoting, with wn Baglish ile-page) | Bore, 1000. 12 10th 38 a0 ool. uckalpa( rata: kath), Amante pudipansbha-y* Kk, and Mathane-dvldasew"-k Sanskrit lectionarion for the legends and rituals of 3 festival, With Teloge tresulation] See below: Stavnireasya, 80 Bea0y soos 2a [Vinkyala-vrateckalpeele] p18 55. (1868) 14024. 10, GSEPSESESS omETous mgt Ser Geseps mamas 223 el (Adhyitise-rimiyupe. A mystic vorsion of the Rimigaps. Rendered Grom the Sontkit nto PURANAS—tosvaraszerserams 162 Gignya Monte) ‘S¥g08 Oto [Madras 1970] 8 ee§seencione aa [Adhyitin-rimyann laxt. With verbal interpretation and in Telogu by Chedalerdfe Sandars ima Sirti] pp. xvi 226 153,721. Madrae, 1007-1908. 6 ors. ga 21 hogorset... taes renege 2 6h Borgmest gta enphg nanan Soya TAdkpitme-simiyans. Transated into Telage prow by V. Bilekyabys Madaliyae] pp. 8 BUD; 8 plete, 343M [Madron) 1000, arab bg 500. (Gauri pateachastes. The ory of the snceslor of the Bali cast Retered in prom by Nigchinia Embie-ayyn. With preface by Akal Sabbeviyeppa) pp. 8,104 (Wfulre,) 08.12 rae de deorsmsgremin geass. [al rlesyo-bme-sihasrn, 1000. Sanskrit formalae Gf devotion tothe goddeee Laid. With» oom ‘mentary fa Tega based po that of Whiskam rye by N. Goruliga Sat] pp. 206, eo force (Matas, 1900) 8 1016.6 63, nas varvann4 oni Gamkesestere se [Beatma-vsivana: priv. Vol, comprising the Bratma Stan, Praerisshie, and Caper kit. Transat foom tho Sanekst into Telage prose by Chilkapat ‘Veakatarimingja Sarma] "pp. ix, Si B10 QF (Wadren) 1005. 6." MITA B18 ivEmmloavanuroniy, SeGui-xincts, Dirn d.-- bmeg Snes -Uhigevatn-porsgvma. An slpation in vere] 1007, 6, 1074 B48. 6 Dovithagevatam . .«(Meteically tra ‘Tirupati Venkateswara Kev Moestipatam, 1908, ee. ®. ed) by (Gaberesse) 178. bo 25 avaviaa nivdrareais, Regetheome . 5. Keech FAS [Kamro-nlyakulachaitrma. Av alleged exeorpt from the Gaurt-eophith ii, Vamysookittans 103 PURANAS- eras iM, of thia Upapurins, pom tho legeadary origins of he Kamma or Kamrw Naya 11oy, fassrted to bo Klntiyas descended from Par aves, The Sosseit tex, with Telugu tea Jaton. Pablishd with Talo profes by Para sei Chine Kotwyya] pp. 2 xxx. 128, 119. “24 [Mudra] 1208, 8. 14058481 ‘Ph conanon of the Sanit tet oppor to Be xéraronins sspepetsasie takran pricnmts, Befaeaehdo MK HAES dene got [irme-poriga. A evionof nye and religions teachings, ebily bearing’ on the cll of Ni yon ail bis ooareation a a tortin, Sanat test with a Teloge prove abridgment by Tama vga Tnkshonres Bis,” Biitod hy Sieguriea ‘Kimi Sisti Msgiepntfe Rime-chandea Set, ‘ad Mulukutle Vipya-adtha sti, with a proioe Dy Pervida Veskata Ra.) pp vis vii 972,47 Sygnewe (Madras, 1876]. 8, M016. @ 22 oso Th AgeroEspE eogetg-esie. Sr Soasonts, Qing eomon (Kanm sina, of Kauema, A chomp rendering in & Uyoinve of mized verso sod prose, by Munda ‘ameyrrafa,dodintod to Meharaja Vijayt-ramn Gajepati Tiga of Vinianagraa.] ppv. a6 Aladvas, ose [1888] 8. NTA BAB, Sve Mimara Mayeot. Mavkandeys paranan [an duptation] ee. 1000, 1a 1000, arte. wh 10 Qsmoae HErre.. ate donssce, Ges fagoak. [Mirksplipaparion A fovien of logon wn raligios dactines, chily pertsiaing to tho ealts of Nivigana a0 Div Suasket text, with w Telog prow abridgment by Tinmnriga Lakahaane Tia Blited by Masgiepatte Rioa-chaudr Sate and Mulokstla Vigewndtha Site, with prafce by Bevis Weokat Mia) pp i ia B98, 07. AQ ote [Madran 1870) Mo. 223, a Soe Sie-sisepo (Baa Kae), DP. A. 23 Bons Org AF anaes (oe). (Aeon: PURANAS—xavoury 104 Tisikasmihitayams. An adaptation of the socountgivon in tho Pada-puriga ofthe most Karu.) 1008, ©. ira. 22 (Aenioensesisn05,) [Mighemibitmye-sicam, Comprising Migha-snins-plali-prabhiva,« Sane sbsit exorpt from tho Maghs-shiémya of this Posies (Uttara Whaulacoxexie) on the religions otlaey of bathing in ho Maht-migham festival ‘4 Kombakoosm, with » Tani and an abridged ‘olaga vorsion, 10 Snake tanza on the divinity ‘of Kumbakonam, et. Compilod by Krishanjt | Dove] ppe 8 Aare, 1597. 12%." 14016. 690 1 te Ges te eorasof esd snpuansenset se Bm Syog ssa. [Migha-misa-mibitmyumn, 4 chapters on tho legen and eats seiated wth tho mouth Mighs (JanFebr). Sousket tox ited with Tolage translation by Uchehi Virecrighava Sst] pp. 409. 88 oF oF oF (Madras, 1000) 0.8 28. Sivagecthe .. #256 ell [A Snskei poem ow Sales Vedat, purporting tobe from the Uttara apis, in 20 allyiyar. lite with Tolga version’ by Nelatdre Voskatserabha Site] P13; T plete, SHR [Madras] 1897 & OG. 6 88. vehS, [Siow gta, A end by Raju. Bhaja ae) pp 117 PratorentPenucasions llr, wowed [Masjrii) vol vi, nom 1-12. 1808-1905 mn 1176.5. Le. 6) vg Tolga worse (reo eese.) [Siva-purina, Renered ‘Telogn verso by Raj M. Dhajadgn Ttn.] 1004, 1005. Soe Pratoren, Ponscarons.— Blur, Sieword [Mafjvigi) vol vit, no. 1, te 1598-1005. 12 1a IL Geol) apa, eateineayp. scamnarvaia, see fesgosis Bol [hia A pootealadyptation of the ‘So Sab-xieuvne, rare poripana Blima-Khapla of dhe Skands-p) 1001, 1iT5. 2 8 ‘See Staniont Suna, 2.8. hy stevens SE.9%0 [Andhrebildnyasaibitmyans, A come 165 PURANAS—oranoam) postion adapted from the ation of th ame name fn the Skand-puria) 1906. 8%, 14174 6h 1, see opreer seugb eel, exomsyre wet. sth Forbert Cdawnan Bos, Fe eggetemeere sol) [Vinkyakevenet eat), Sarasvasiee?k, Varlaks ‘Avaatacpalmandbir®k*, Mathana “Kail rigrara 32, Sanshit lectionarios for tho legends and riteals of 6 eaten, nox 1,2, aud 6 porportiog to be fom tho Skanda-p’, and nos 3-9 thom, the Dhavi- shyottanp With Telege tsnsation ) pp. i G3 ore} [Madren 1853] 8%, 14088 «20 2 ie) edgy ast [Balch trams, or Chandmnvams-e¥", Am acount int Syoiae of tho logeudary orginn of tho Baja ‘nate cating doscet from tho epic hero Bale. ‘ima purporting to be» prose vervion of «part ‘of the Malaye-lsngdh of thin Pants, trnsatod hy AE Re Yallsppn] pe 8, Hosea nen Bangoor 1801.) 12 wi. aL bin Gimesemmostingbo-aspetspotoes Bioeng eatesoento... oeRsoet easy [Haigchandrpkhyinn. ‘The logend of king Horpobandes of AyOdhy bie by hia maintoasnoe of his promi roward in 0 chapter of Baaskrit, by Telus prose epome [Néljew Vestatacraa Site) pi. 194, 8. Wontns oes [Bangalore 1880.) 8%, Mole, b18 Gaxtosaenranctemenenndéssor nme SearSthr [ue] some gousodssoyon agin Sexseiri-o8 org 68 oi] POY ok OES oid) co Sm pode MPSES Seibel Esgorsps. [Sinrhayethayama, A work ‘on the Shira legends and cull, in 7 sections, styled Soubhaveksp, Asura, Viewmihén, Arak, Yaddlarley Divak?, Dakshe ky oud Upadéack, aed forming the frst of the 12 Hiayas of tho Suikars-rahits in thie Paripn onlered into Tslogs, chiefly prose, under the tile of Tatereprabisini, by ‘Moigouga. Drab. aoayerlign Arédiya, Edited by Me Kyosksdi Sistriand others) pp. ie 288. O% [Andran 1800). rahe PURANAS rave 6 PURANAS (continue ANDAPEREYA (anne, Gots & ios emmosisn sets ‘Seo, [Siverabeya-Hhupimay-Paraphrned by Maligonis Brabmaystingy Arsayn) pp. 8, 416. "948 (Madea) 1800. 8 17 8. Sie Vesnapienstany, KS. Sivarsinern osdam [adapted Suto vert] ele. 102 * 8. b,c) PEALE AsO wt [Sujinedfpn, of Greeti, Pour chaptar, perporting to be fom he Udarskbanda, upon tho greatness nd Aootrine of the Aaitn teachers. Followed by tho Gurv-ashakn and Blrdoticrahitsike, tho Iepular religioas poems. Sandie testy with, Telugu word-for-word interpretation aid pars paso to each verse by Dhilehdni Sasha Tin, sie, Bolted by P. Séehichatany Nigwle] pp. 13, Gy ores [Wedron 1898) 8 1016... see pment g8teys. [Viniyakevmtntlpn A Swaabrit tent 8 the legend seul of the feaival of Gaps, With Tolog tealion, te] p- 12.” Coenade, 1899, 18,4008, 861/00 ‘vaninaroniys [Por the Bhogarad-giticmhatinyn from this ariga incladod Ja elitions of the Binzavad- gh) See Maua-nuiears Seo Mauiarra, . 8 and Siiouyra, Gh. 3 ‘Varahn puranano, (Am adaptation] 1004, 174. Gas eee ramsond dobortnvonniedy. 5 a [Vahatchalemihitmyans, ‘The legen of tho sanctuary of Tiapats Rendered inte ‘Fologn verse by Sishta Krishys-wirt, Edited by Damped Véskatensbla. Str] pp. 40 ess owrie [Medes 1858] 1074. visepeonia Soe Acuvorininroye, PF GOH ma gag. Soros. [AUbionvdndlra-vishyu-porspnne An odaptation) (1500) 8, MIT4, bbb. Se Sivkoniun-sriat, PR. hy... te mms, (Vishoa-potigaima.” “A. pection adaptation [ao04) 8 iar. wer PURANDARA- PURANDARA DASA, {Life] Sue Viena uaa igo. Qyare"., Ges ST [Panes Aaou-diswobarram] 1898. 8°, HITS. 4. 866) PORNANANDA GOSVAMT, disciple of Beahmi- anda, SOx PIV. [Shut -chaken nike Panama, A Sanskrit metrical tet onthe Youio Ueory of the asirity of the cove Boorgy at the 6 ceatees of the microm. With Tologa interpretation] Ser VEkxaptvanoos, P= &BSE- eras [Advaitanadhiaidhi) va: iy pp. 78 tat. 1905. 6 1TH, B18 2) PORSAYYA, Tasillla of Narsoper. Rasionn- yok, A historical drama fn alx ate on the ory of Prithvinj, king of Ajmer, end_ hi eagles withthe Moslame] (ods Lort- Yess) pps 96. lr, 1008.6. 1074.8. 5216) PURUSHOTTAMACHARYULU, Adtaripuram. See Tinaeuava Qos GSES nga mal [Taeate- tmyidicand-raton-nili-viriti, Compiled by Paruhéttamichieyela.] [1909] oil 6. "4008 96, PURUSHOTTAMU, Obouibari. [Tifs] Se Joos, (Ch, Biography of Oh. Paraabottnw, tho Telogs Christian pot, ae, T90L, 1. MATA EAR, In whom shall we rust? snttnac] [1886 7) 12 See Caner (F)- [Pratap Pas (Patery ‘Tract} rates 310) [1603] 16 tate a 422) ‘Su Casee (W), Darkness dispelled (rented int Ww by Parashédinmo.) 180 Mik 8 40) See Conca, Wht Craaoedbetweon Light aod Darkoces? .. (Cranaated by Parurot- tava.) 1862.16 its. 4.009 ‘See Tuanweriens, Oa the Worship of Ingaunath + [Praedated by Peroshoxtsma] rea. 16 rats 0 40) “Se Pearor(W-TL). ‘Th tr Rofago «« [Teesalated by Porushattme,} 1803. 16. rats 4c) thew ib Seta, OF "Diy sativa catch esa, Woe. ITE. 8. Se Poaiyas Hinduinm diel (in, Poroshétame) -TAGHAVACHARYULY 168, PURUSHOTTAMU, Ohowdlart (contivwel), On Cute, Senreue. (On Woltey. 8G Popes. History of Salvation, 8% 02) [Threo Chvistinn trate, nox. 2 ant & being im vere.) (WS. No.6, 18,15.) ppe 28, 11,90. London Mission Pes Wieagapetm, 1861-1884, 10. TA. 406, 12,2) ‘The Mind everything. s'%y sea. {A Chitin net] (WTS. N28) pp. 2h Landon Mision Pro: Vinpapate, 188 TT 4c) PORUSHOTTAMUDU, Kena, Anita mysha faiskem. (103 vest on tho Vashgev call of Orieole) (Sarasin Fa). pps lor, 1908. 12" ithe 29.2) PURUSHOPTAMUDU, Nadella. &o A boransess. te ese UF 3g Geos Guay ss oan Goons tell (AdbbutGtarw-randyanam, oF Side inihatmyama, A pout in 7 tos on th opie tory of Sta, wile of Rima) pp. 8, 26,7, 210 Modras, 1007.” & huis. « 10.00) sgtee pkege rare. \Sngrarsqutakame. 108 Iprical ver Sbuderara an worshipped at Kedar] ‘ous [Warulpatam,) 1900,” 12, Letatonrd str e wits Be [Sela nitidgunati harckathe-sitalams. A comedy fepresatiog a mosting of the spporters of itera reformat condition of women] pp 4 Beg (Madras) 1008. 12. 14174 1-38) (iashare. to Sivas vp. 4. 1474.4. 1802) PUSHPA-GIRE TIMMANNA, See Tones RAOHAVAOUARL, N.V., of A. B. a A, Colle Gestr, a8d WARAYANA RAV, X, of Town High Selec, Gunlar, An Anglo‘elaga Phrase Dietiouary. pps ici 197, Bewada, 108. 1 1m, RAGHAVACHARYULU, Parshaigum. Soo Ri weskeusarina, KK, gy-+- Oper" (Dillane itakame, Eiited by Te] 18841, 1074 bea RAGHAVACHARYULU, Paschdigen Nriinli- thingeyat de ReLoeymenge ss. ESF espe. [Havtchasdrspatbyinnma. A version of the logend of king Harigchndw's euforings 19 RAGHAVACHARYULU- for the mitensn Teloga prose) pp. 158. 1000. & rs. ge. 38 RAGHAVACHARYULU, Ysstale Airw-aéigulé- hire, S05 E534 30583 To Adventres of Nala. A pypelar Hinde poom..,by Raghara, bout the year AD, 1650,” [Baited by €. P. of his promi, adored into Seatbem [Madea Brown) pp. 284. America Miele Prev adver, 1841. 8 ara. ea, 88... BTL ERSoms. Logecnss 588, [Vishno-perdgams._ A poom of two prt, in ueipada rors, on tho logenda of Vaishnava Ingiology Bed by Chitra Yared) pp. vil 104, 24,0 oon [Malas, 1901.) ee 141. 3 ‘RAGHAVA KAVISVARUDU, Nalini Vipa Voiota- ali, Gy eons opm metbon, OS (Greets [Vadavaigharapiavipame, A poor In Fagan int ny be interpreted se narrating Pigiuras (inthe. Bh Otagora Virnentgnyyn and ayya] pp. 80, i. Bye (Walere) 1835,_ at x 4401) RAGHAVA-RAZU, Rompucherta, Se Vitinanv, perereotntyauin[Vivkha-mahdlanre pitalu, Bed by B] 1698, 6 14574 kL) RAOHAVAYYA, D., of Gint. Tronslator’s Oe Medran, A Guide to Conversation. Angle. ‘aloe. Specially adapted to the reuiromente of popile of the ded and 4th” Standards, ne p40. Madre, 1001. 16°, 44lte. m8) RAGHAVAYYA, tesoply, ()... ra £0 [Dtimigapa-biranai, Devotional” Voishyare songs in various metres, founded spon the sever Dok ofthe pie Rityaga.) pp. 48, oo 3 (advo, 1863) 6. 1074 a RAGHAVAYYA, Naluinn, SosSoeute, Boxy givsnes. [Sopilyitathishi-maljer, Bild by R] (a4) 16s 1076.8 RAOHAYUDU, Yadieta Tir-ssigaicharya-pe. See Rsouarscaterene RAGHU NATHAOHARYULD, Okntinani, ¥2ui0- We UPEIE Gutsy Bice vs mesa, -RAFA.GOPATA 0 Gernswshio (Total Belpee of the San, on Decomber 12th 1871). pp. 9 tt 4 plate, ‘Seg owen [Madras 187L] 8.” 81 ee 3. RAGHU-WATHA-PRASADA SUKALA, Sinn rats eng SENS al (Anup tar sink. A Soot motel treatise om ators Modica. With Tolgge translation by Purvis Ramachandra 70; Uplate. Muivar, covet [1896] Mota «48 [vines Aalpe Aramama, A Sanakeit tentce on phrodisiae. With Tologe translation by P. Sobba-ramayya) pel 7 Madras, cr-o6 (1001) 1406818, RAGHU-NATHA RAU, R, Disin Behidwr. See Anrionits, ©0559 08 [Pragsttaregrnthans, Pablished by Re] (86) 10. 1076 see mde reyee a RAILWAYS. Rei iss ¥QjetH. "(The Blots. Telegraph ov Lightoing Tappal .. . 5% 4) pp. TBs 3 plate. London Mision Press Psagapatan, 1656. 12 TT wee 2 RATAB ‘ALL BRO, (Seron, ‘rilokasunderi, "A dra asin iat), oe, 1908. 8 See Sanna Riv, K. {adapted from the ard 8.9202) waver. [Peake i hs serio of tos, ‘ransated rom the Unlaof ajo “AI into Tologu by K- Say Ris ad Malina sain, Fath Matammad) pp. 2, 98, 1906, ‘See Prmoscas Posticirons-—Rjabmentry, The Saraswat, se. vol ky no, Ire. vliy wo. 7 1806, te. 10T8. ge. Baa 7, 89 RAZA-GOPALA PILEAT, 4. AvglocIndian Vydya- chintamsai, [A Kanarese Materia Bfdicn, wi ames of drags in Hoglish, Latin, “Keonedn, Tamil, and Telogu sonatdaveld Seguin p-8, 2,264, 26. 2,20.” Bengal, 1809. & 1078 «31, RAIACOPALA RAV, Teivmalla ‘Trentve on Telugu Verifention, by Tekumalo-tajsgopats. Ra. pei 98,5. Maas, 1902. Thrivikromavilanm (8/8580) (Chintacaai Pin Novoltte of 1805-4 repriog A complete Prepare (ears) 1a 2.3005) m RATA-GOPALU- fiom the Cintamani. (Chintamant Sores No. xvi) pp. 68, Rojalamundry, 1890. & 1st, 98.5) RAJA-GOPALU SETTL Telage, Cansrecs (xe, ‘amily Baglish sod Windustni Vocabulary art ii, Tn Canarocs charactor». ougeaecs ty98. pp. 02, allry, 887. 6. 178.128, RATAH (G. P), Se Pina Riss, 0, RAJAMANE SEPT, Kerstin Naretari Gipite Iridkganma-pe. exgxebe¥8F sn. [Avubhove. rsikeantakama, A panegyric in 100 stanza pou tha Malarje of Visinayram) pp. 10, FQ! [Wadran] 1897. 8. ANTE. BOB) SEecest ges. [Dhallinsrijeshari- team A poom ia THT verses os the legend of = prince whowo piety atd truth were proved by the fod Siva] pp. 18. Madras, 1600.” 8 ard 1202) ‘The Talia ats yaa, 2 Telaga vigil sovel (in 454 rorsee] 1 by Alte KN. G Raj my, (Oueuowsie, aiedowey.) pp. 80, Vizagapatam, 1008, 8, IT 548) ‘Tho Lie of Wis Highness Mines Si Viton ramon Gajpputi Raj Manoee, Gallon Babador, K.CS.L, tho Ito Mabarjah of Vifianagaram (ia verre. And a Poom in honor of Her Highness Soo Venelomaet Sxbaib, the lta Ma Visianaguram, ao, (@,oues maokasd se me A keae. 3.9 S88 su, dy. QeeBmD dutodnd SO SBeneesgenm) pp. 29; 2 later, Madras, 1890, NTH g. 420) av Greve amen oe" Mebane RAJAMANNARU NAYUDU, Y., of Tonjre. Soe Ivoniceaypucrantasaicuiens,” t-- > B8520~ read [Valdge-chintimayi, With Tologn into pretation by P. Sabba-atnayy, suited by Rie smanira) [1882] 4%, O08, «1, RAIARATHAMU NAYUDU, 0. S16 Viwans, ‘Vomana soatht vedhaothn rataarall; (Talay text] with Boglish trenton «by C. Ra rathoom Naidu 1001 13%. JT 18, ARAVA RAV NAYUDU, Simin, Gy .+. Soo cadorzountie Haage Geet wis Hore OPSHseg se [Veakathdrisvimcharitrame, -RAMA-OHANDRA m or Tire-vdigaherindnajesiyyanprabbivame, A Diogeaphy of @ Vaishnsradevotea] pp. 95" [Ars] 1697. 1 wink ck RAIASERIARA sono Dordula, Wer snasete (Bilarimayapame. A drama in 10 ete om tho pie lgoud, Tundred from tho Sonskrit into ‘elegy D. Tirupati Sintt and Ch, Ve m Sint.) ype 3,95, 100. 1902-1003. S00 Pemoniest Pestcavions— Rajahmundry. The Shesowati, es vol iby ao. Iwo vy a0. 1 1608, ee. TATE. gg. 2008 359 RASA VATSAVAYA VENKATA-SINADRE Se Viinapaceyasoes Jaaeras Tig. ‘RAYA VATSAVAYI RAYA.IAGA-PATI RAZU, See iva Jaicrast Rage RAIA YOOA, amex Fie HKG sts, [je-yogurataiusms. 4 chapters of Sanit ‘oreo on the monist-Vedanti theories of physics ‘and plilorophy aud the mystic exercies of the Rjecydgu. Edited wih Tega tatalation, notes, dds, by O. V. §, Dovwshioagye] ppt 6, 20, S44! [Madre] 1900. 8 M088... BAMA, [Vor personal namo ofthis stem] So Rinwye BAMA, the Gal, TOWNES. (Rime legend ad cult of the epi hero Rima,” Hated by K, Kémvishirysla) pp. 18 orex [Madra? 1865). 1417 18) RAMA-BHADRUDU, dypulericn. Ramabhyada- (A poom on the legend of Time, in = 1 canton)». Roprinted from tho Chintarasi, (crsm@psedn.) "pp. 187. Rajuhmundry, 1805 & 14, 10.8) Form al of he Chia Se RAMA-BRANMANANDA — SADMAYADHTSH/ Chanirithfln, See Riveeayh, GSEsna08 {Rimiyaner ‘A wok purporting to bo a tamalaton, by Raimu-brabmiunnd, uf the Mimiyaya] 1908, & HITS. gg 28. ohana. RAMA-CHAMDRA, of Gal Kula. fog000. ‘58. (Rasindr-chinimeyi, A Sones of medicine. With Teluga translation by Pat 173 RAMA-CHANDRANANDA- ited. by Vidsamiet ppt 4 278. HH 1043, e. 30189 sap Vislatrarat Virortghavichieyala) [tan 100.8 ‘RAMA-CHANDRANANDA SARASVATT, dip of Beobmanonde. See Mani-meiaata, — Mader Verona. (Bhaganed-gitz] BST was (Blaguond-giti. With Taloga commentary pled Padasijant by Rama-chandriasada) (1801.) &. ‘Hoes, yas gvehetepae ae8 [Dag vabgiti, With Palasgjnt of Rimachan ‘aude (18655) 1066.6. 21 ns Qereketerae m0 (Dbageond-gith’ “With Tionchapdvdnnnds's commentary) (1878) & 140656 37 ‘BAMACHANDRA NAYADU, 4. See Itiwu-cranons Nivaoe, 0. RAMA-CHANDRA NAYADU, Gopi Mun ‘Sor Toxwtaon (A). Somathi, An Dora in pro Tega vere 1007.1 tara. s 260) RAMACHANDRA PANTULU, Iyolla Nirapa- ign. SeePanagu-nina Pastis, soofalarsr- im ‘alaptation of iy A, Rosachoudr Naya (ereyeCaw cote iy [Sité-rimitjondya: fipvidaere-edigeaiam, Ab epitoon by me Sauies, of the Sith-riniljeneya-eamyidene Wilh Tawi teaselation, ete] [18981] 6. aio, 21. RAMA-CHANDRA BAU, Gati-thislura Rima Iyidwa-pe. Malai An orginal drama in six etn [With prefico by K. Veskatartoame ] {re8) pp. 45975 1 pate, Covnnada, 1909 ®. irk na) RAMA-CHANDRA BAU, Kiminind Unipatip, aja, of Dontonda. See Lavannt-nin, Re Badeayurthyuayame «Biol by Raje Tamschouer Mo, Dowhonda. 1008. & 10178. 2 9. RAMA-CHANDRA RAV, Porsida Vhofa-rive-m ‘Se Rasno-winuacrnaaina Sonita, hse wie #56r8d sol” [Annpinrtamigok, Wid Tage by Kimavehoadre is] [189,) 082 « 6 trnoslai RAMACHANDRA SasTRE 174 ‘RAMA CHAMDRA RAU, Punta Yethatecniya pe (eontintd). See Vioumnapie G++ at ao! [Aablsgacbridaya Parti Hae with Tage trsoaaton by Ramachandran] 1698.4" 049,428. RAMA-CHAMDRA BAU, ¥, of Nell. Sor Bas anooe, Boal Poo An Boglish Tesnslation of the,» Dhaskaranthakam . [Bivd by Re RJ, te. Taal, 12. 17k 28) [RAMA-CHANDRA RAV, Vous}, Seo Brasmaves, Kixstballe, (878,708) [Monweraese rakisika,” A study ofthe Blana-cavitran oud ‘Wasnt, in anemar to the eiiciems of Tks loom Miu) 1000-1901. 12 [Masjueinid 174, ovo 2 See BrannarrA, Kiteblatle. GK errr songan. [Mame-vaseprakisitinaban- Alam. reply othe sriotoresot Ramachanden ‘upon Brahnayys Manucvasrprlgik,) [1905] & tits g. 6204) [A Priso Baany on the rsstive Aerts of (Poddenn's] Manoebritea au (Betta. Bar) Vamchartes .. . SOE RSNE ST AOS Hm, Madras, 1800. 8. tra, ¢ 4808 RAMA-CHANDRA RAZU, Jpsri, Ssvao¥ms [Kora liyakama. A poom on the legend of th silo af Sit, the bisth and history of Kos at Tava a, fom the Uterarkunia of the Rave yon. Second eition.) pp. ti 0.» Wenge tam, 1806.6. ars, 65.09 RAMA-CHANDRA SASTRY, Kir ale of Noble Coty, Moewipatem, sonbanp Gis Mous Jorinadbukariin. A dram inset, stating the dincord between ¢ mother 40d her daughter: fstaw,] by Kornda, Rama Chendea Sant. aited by his som KD, Negeswars. pp i 297 Manstipaton, 1908. 8. 27 0 RAMA-CHANDRA §ASIRI, Mirpali, of Lonton Mision High Set, Vzogopatom. Sw Maton Stor wanases at (Sieriayam, Bile by B) t8Y0. 8. tars 48.4) YegTooweeais, PAYS [Kone Wambina-vijsyama, A drama in acts on 175 RAMACHANDRA sasTRr- legend from the Kanyski-porsnams, followed by spproprinte songe] pp. ii 69, 10. Final ‘pala, 1900. ira 8 528) orn, th Rahal pin BAMA.CHANDRA SASTRI, Anieirpau (Por works dited by B. §., 500 andor the following headings ‘Moss, ——_Porkyas —Krma- pra Porigas-—Markuediya purine. RAMA-CHANDRA TIRTHA, disciple of ‘Véeulva Sera, Se Ursatanane, Seeark SSE (Madi vikya-ratndva. Compiled. by Tame: iunira) 1904, 8. MOT 38. ‘RAMACHANDRA VEiKATA-KRISHNA RAV, K. See Vikeapexntenga Bic, Kh RAMA-CHANDRAYYA, Dhotfpril, of Ohilatale- pul, Qo. Garp reremgrsass ogee oes tt [Anrackaviticatnde ‘caries f pooma by various eathora] pps 3 G8, beasdKeanfooF oro [Fisinngram, 1202) 8° rama 82) Daft ‘RAMA-CHANDRUDU, Khosdoili of Musrlionda, Dineueratcerilanm (S8jet0e~s), Chins rigoi Fist Prize Novoleto of 1808. Repeated fom the Chistamaoi. (Chintacaai Seve. Nosy). pp- 98. Jajahmendry, 1804, & tat. g 360) Latshnisandarsvinyam (of, fobe coi), Chiatamani Second Przo Novlletto of 1696... Reprinted from the Chitarnsi, (Chinta- tnvni Soren No. xxi) pp. 90. 2ajshmundry, 192. 174 3808 Malstheerghareeyan (cred eps), Chitamani Prine Novelota of 1695... A re ‘rint fom the Chiatamani.(Chistman! Serie No. xxvii) ppe Oh Hejalmundry, 1896. std. g. 2616 RAMACHARYULU, Kandla, of Badutarn, “ears noe mbH os. [Balada bay. fhandra-nftukams. A. drama on the logend of| tho trathfal king Hershandra. Darelyro-riten in pootial style by the autho’ younger brother Ratgchrgato, and edited. by the later and -RAMA-KEISHNAMCACHARYULU 176 Kifambi Raghevichiryola) pp. 10h, =F roe. (Badan, 1000) 8. MITA 29000) RAMA-DASU, Nyipo-pati See Pausat Lies fuderae, eshageyh tot [Mumokeha pa Pblishod by Risdon) 1802. 87 M474. 0b 6 RAMA-DASU, Vinavorgyn, LYSerosin ery. (the Murder of Pshwa Narayana Row.) pp 83 ss00s4s0 [Maeulipatom,] 1908. 1 vats, 9000 Borman. of he Kae Sete, RAMA-DASUDY, dpe. (Qntbw-sin) (St raga, A ok esa ith prov on the lgend ofthe ore sud warring of Krisiya nnd Rekint) pp 6. 1000, 1001 Se PstooroasPontcaons —Nallre iy dono. 2a 0 & ‘ara 360 8,8) RAMADOTA, dvcipl of Rosgaritamane, of Holst Gbemiorse Sooo. (Siri take-trayam Aovotiona ves, via. (1) Sit-rime-gatakam @) Sitiahddériwdteame, and (@) Rime thareenimamn) pp ix 188, Box6S OF oe nongaive, 190) “12. Prins RaMi-KANTACHARYULY, Gotfunaltala, Se (Addends} Guar (P). Seeo Karuoraca tharangi og the trealation of Gray's Blogy «+» by & Hamakantacharye, 1010, 8, MTB. 8 280) RAMA AVE, Kromifi, Soe Riaava Maven RAMAKRISHMA, ‘oni Soe Tawi Ri [RAMA-KRISHNAM-AOHARYULU, Dharmoverams ‘See Tauvow Panos, Tho Heport of the Pint Congress of Tdugu Pundite.. [Biv by 1] 108. Mire 4 "The Chitra Naliga Nataknn, A. Totoga ‘Bee acs of tho story of Nal [as eld ee] by D, Kristanna (gtesrerisn) Pousth eition poe Mh Maran, 1009. 6, MITA, RAMA-KRISEAM-AOHARYOLU, K, of A.D. Training Sell, Doptla, A Guido to Teachers 177 RAMA.KRISHNAM-ACHARYULU- iy Nature Stady. Teloga: part ir Geography & clementary ssonce combined, Compiled by K. Tnnkrstoann Charla. ("907 Gs.) ‘Tied dition. yp. 122, 17. apt, 1010, & HA ov. 18, RAMA-KRISHNAM-ACHARYULY, igipurams Nviinhichirgrput, See Auasietuna. roswee egy tal [Nameligivestnns, Bted with Teluge commenter, by 8. Traeyiie enfichryula, nested by] C1961} 14080, £7 (Wor other works edited by R., see sudor the following headings Shvacnbes, Dhijedaepa Renan [RAMA-KRIGHNA NAYADU, Swurpspuri Poni Mobisi. A Telogn original drama [on «love story] in throo acts « « - Bpecally writen forthe Madras Deena Pchala "Samajom, (22-8 Serdiot sonate HZ POF) pp,3,69, Maron, 1800, as. 264) Busocaasinae Sut vieneoe RAMAKRISHNA NAYUDU, Gayfite, of Valor Soe Mutaunao Kiri, mated Sarge st [SaguoecraGjit-chilkarkathnln, Adapted Dy Ratoakrishon from the Wolke] 1009, * 14. gx. 28 Sea Vataist.— Rimiiyans.— Appr. ose srorcsteas suv (Sevvuleramayaveme ‘A pros reodeving, by Risckrshya.] 1008. ard. gg. 2 RAMA-KRISHNA BAU, Moonipollt Voiotiehat- pulbdieepet. See Veivanicnasscrars Diy I Ghesswames-e0 [Apbihya hiqiemes ied RR) 1000. 1078» 926) RAMA-ERISHNAYYA, Pile. See Lions Maven, 1. Ve she metynes wage to ([Utarbnsgchasdrpikyaonma. Edited by R) leo. are 12) Se Panooiess Posuicarions.— Nellore (exig6 Gow aN) [Amndeit-grniln-chint inn, Blitd by B] 1885-1004, AY. K. Soe Raowava Kavigeanone, Qa: imoabasiss tat [Fidave- hare favipama, Baited by R) 1686. 8% wire ay “RAMA MMUETE cs RAMACKRISHNAYYA, Pale (continued) Soe Ria-nisa-aue este Canta i. Blited by Te ters. x 10.0) ‘So Vokeapa Kart, Ganapecert. +=» Spor eret [Prabandbn-rije-vabiatsprane Minye-vilisama, Blltod by RI (t8]02. MITA Soe Vikeaninaty PP. Gyo 80ers ([Chandrdgadahartesns, ited with prefvce by R] 1807. Tb... inihthye nevachans- ojwoharitrama, With profion and notes by TMitw-isheayya] 1805," 6% 178X100) RAMA-LIWOA AVADHUTA, Paiifa, oetoms. Poxagr8 8 [ni] wepeve (gratwms B53:003) [Wachonanula, or Tattvamale, 83 tanass on topies of roligion aud myatician) See Nusie | stirs, Kaaimala. “rscoe 81" [ fetakoa] "pp. 85-74. 1902. 6 RAMA-LINOARYUDU, Natasiti Gusgo-rdicy of Kotter. 50. ce Aewmatie version of tho opi, from the Aad to ‘he Gadh puree] 10 pia S¥thase ore Wats, 1800.1 9% aire a8 ‘Bo ef hh tot th od arc RAMA MANTEL, Dlaropi-divnla, $EsAye, Pkrundgiys Seaweeds (Daskentane, astra “A poam of the lagendary ts carutions of Viehys aroribed inthe eslophous fo ita, ad on the ttlepage to bie father oF sncenae Niganswntyuya. Soond edition] pp 850. Se." [Madiwe] 1908.8. 41769. 26 ‘he ttm ny Nip inate. Se. [Saal fab, Mapodia Rpe Fonts of le RAMAMORT, Dupre. See Mite (8). So $5534%. [Srilentryednrgonainn A lation of Mill's On Liberty,” by Rime- swine] 109, 1016.18, RAMA.MORTT, Gurvatda ‘BAMA MORT SASTRL, Didgnovaty, of Maorj’e olege, Vixionngoom, Sco Viaaaines, Vikre- See Serine m0 TAMAMURT soar chastram [6 now adaptation] «.- by amamarhi Santry, 1002 8. ITE g 6S ‘RAMA-MORTISASTRI, Tip SeeVssusiceafos inven, §. ve weme sodas [Ayatite: ‘sgraiama, With Baglish translation by Tima is] 1891, 16, rats. 122) A bro Hiotory of tho Teearnatione, ou Boglish teamalationby «-. Ranawurt» « of the Avatsrasingray de. 181, 1 i728, RAMANANDA SVAM, Katehi Ngsula. ‘wend= gm [Parnni on the Vedanta inthe form af legal procoedings, Yotlowodby tho Pritas-searan-tena, Siddhintn- Vind, and Vitive-beda, eseribed to Saar, 5a Sanssit. Baited by Rima-besha] pp. 6, 204; 1 pak 4,20 [Madran) 1007. 12% itd «98. RAwAwaNDA Yoo, Kiseki. Sw Teiowntn, Sut. Uf dure rem dual Bisasiace (ictevaanigal. Eat in Yemit charter, Dy Riéasada) 1910. 6%. SITE bh 28. RAMANAYYA, PY, o. Seo Somme, P. Kalapursodayama, " (Buled by Ramapayya & co.) 1010. Ts. «40, RAMANNA, Channaye-ps*. sre) (Shuey igen in" yalha the opie logend of pp. 24 (Madras? 18607) 6. A474 4. LA) (beevgoseain. RAMANOOITAH, Ser Rixivovares. ‘RAMA -RIPA- BHUSHAN, Bee Riwa-nivae RAMANUZA (By. sewowivs). (14fe] So Parr tivarat Disuoe 3. oeugbtons aot (Nath fwacsiyams, ce) (1807) 8. Mak Life) Soe Sisk nintowixrees, 7. 88S. s6seseo. [Achinyeratancirame) 1910, 6 1074. 88,2002) ogres With ‘See Broanivaya. dy exer Ese ml [Bulmesiten RAMANUFACHARYULU 180 Talaga version of Riminaj’s commentary Vedintadipa.} (1884). 14048, 18, ‘Soe Bioaniays. Andira. Sreebhashys [Tho Brahmasitra, with the commentary shy of Rbwsauj,wnaslaced ato Tolegn ara, bt, 3a 1800-1892. ‘See Mani-nuinuss.—Moiion Versions, (Diopaved ita.) Bet Gtabbiabyateyaeta (oe he Binguved-gitk wilh commentary Une ype toes of Bailar, Riminnje, aod Madre) el, a0, 8 4048 ena. 22 See Mauk-muirn.— Modern Versions (Diagored-giti.)) G5yreBs oot [Dhagaral- ‘With iaterprtation by Ch. Sandara- ‘ist, compiled from the eommentarien of see} 1910, ee. 8. OBS ee 2 RAMANUJAOHARL, Sse RewiworScusnvou. RAMANUTACHARYAR, Mofabhaké Portela, See Kyvinony, $20 8Smmp, [Tirw ‘riy-moti. With Tolog glosor and commontare by Riminojichiryar) 1902. 6 LATO. 10 Soa Kayan AvrA, o9088s8b0x OS #50 [Teur- Sridhann- heama sgrabam. lied by RJ. 1902, 12 O88. 4 See Yanai —Riniynpa.—Prot Veron espe Sond he 1 BPET eo. [Tonk lokam. lited by RJ [1001] "S*.— oes, ba RAMANUIAOWARYUL’ AYYAVARALU. So Jao4s- sro Paygremsinn, G++ S086 oetsr (98 sansa of the Satake. Wh some Telaga retrial translations hy Rimaajsebiyata] oe 1805." 1 10. 2 iuiwvsAowinyULy, Kedambi of Vesianogcam. ‘Sou Viieaga Grdvieascacrart Raton Bit, Sir. ‘uy. | [Sef-mabi-bharata-prind- marjama With profice hy BR] Mand 98 ‘RAMANUTACHARYULU, Kondideandetser Sica Chauakya eburtesm, A Telogu prove [being Il KAMANUJACHARYULU~ tho story of Visikhadatta’s Sannerit_ dr Mude-ritebas) for tho uso of exboole by K. enaagja Obani. . 0. Veorsnogayya, and MTL Sabbarayada |. SOF§SeE pp BL. Nas, 1985. 12, 1a 1 RAMANUIACHARYULU, Kuntidat Krishan Sehérgepa®, dys Somers. (Bilapae akan. A‘Tytal drama on, the Tegead of the poot Billagn and his amour with the princee ig ‘pupil Eiited by Pabebaigem Dagho chinyale) pp 101, Madras, 1864 12% waren RAMANUIAOMARYOLU,Poreoate, See Vita “—Rindyayn. Prone Ferviner ued with Too translation by TRiniyae 6. $e 1002-1905. 1 el, asited by Rannajchiepl . "4068 26, ‘See Vauules—Riwiyapa—Prote Versions eis. [Valnikentaama, Compiled ‘wih Teloga yaraphesey, te, by Séshichir- ola, assisted by Ristnejebisyala 1901.12, 1s». 26. RAMANUIAOHARYULU, Pare-corty Svinte chinjern’, Seo Sxinvinicninreie, Pe StS 5g ol [Sarvangabda by Veata-raigiebaryola ‘sed Risinajshiryale) 1875, 4%.” MOB, 1 RAMANUIACHARYULU, —Tirumolicirya poh Biattare, of Gncewsads. Bimad Rameynnun, nkahoians marche aatakan. A Teloga dramis (on an episode foued in Soatbnro tae of the Valuikisonigana afte Yoddhace, ch, 101, Baited by. Vookat@varulu Niyago) el (Aezymnains oon were) pp. 12 Mladen 1908. 8 Pree nimAwusioninyuww, See Mani-saisara.—Lern Verso ave) Ge keto Biited with Telogs paraphos Sicbiryut] 1901, sgemyerer see. irwnatas Kentytre. ley by Ris 1065.53, YouySesseSegi. [Kevihyidaya-ear- ‘he anthology of Sanskrit stanaas on Compiled with Tolvgu 3 phi. ppl Mora, eee 3. etal ead moral topic ‘aaslations by Riminaichdeyal 136. Madre, 1901. RAMANUSAYYA ae RAMANUIMOHARYOLU, Tas, HeeseeS bras, [Sexjanyacnshanenitakame. A drama fn S acts). pp 89, 1900, Sw Prntootcan Pome carinn—Nellors. Sree’ Vagal la, oly pt Ivo ii, pit. 1800-1001,” 8% ITA, a 28m 4,29 RAMANUIACHARTULD, Uppale, See Proomms, A. Ob, dy -+- SOSEN [Mane-chavten aitad by RJ [1882] rank, [RAMANUZACHARYULU, Foiyitoraya, Seo Vit- abet —Ravyoqa Metical Verio, +++ eabsorenainss, — (hiskare-riméyanomn Printed feom w copy rviend by Rh) (1884) 4 usta) &, sar. 10, BAMANUIA-DASUDU, Tapla-niyatem Alaghar: nyya-pet, Gh GNSS TOLaiCos BUSS ‘cross [Kunyakivijoyama. A yelulargina oF yeaa composition in various metros mixed with roo on the legend of Kanyakt-paramérrai tbo toddess of the Valyya or Komi cnato, buted Spon as episode on the Ustars-khanda, of tha Srveyet [Veaynpatem,] 8. yea) 1808, pp. 136. * RAMANUZA KAVIRAYAR, See Saixanscninrs (esjete-ee) [Atma With tho Teas interpolation of Krishon Sis, anda. Tun sxe by Rémineja) (1640.) 12. version of [RAMANUTA SARMA, KY. wou Bteua, KG RAMANUTA SURI, Roghe-maysham Alagharyy nt. See Rawintsaoieuns Te RAMANUIA SURE, Hetems, of Goct alge. See Area Eas, Re 88y¢ ice, (Appa kaviyamn, Edited by R. 8) (1850) & tard a, RAMANUIAYYA, 5, of Gost. Bormal Calis, Madras. Se Jorss (W.) and Sispicussuty, Ok, Teegoo Serie, First Potcl by Waller Joyer, sad N.C. Sashacharoo, with th asistnen of. 8. Reason, oe 1650 1478, 8. aes BAMANUJAYYAS RAMANUIAYYA, Tiromagari Viga, [For wo ‘otitad by R,, a0 under the following boudngs:) Nasr ‘Samanta Puig —Dligewalejurdge, Suxaren BOMESOEFR AS og mE TAME (Sshgite-sarivtbewirs-sujpmbams. A tein fon the modes aad measures of Hinds mos om [ising verses sleted from Sousrit works wth ‘elogu parphrase, commentary, end paradigms of aie! sotation, Followed by Rabaeyatraye: ‘iviki, 0 Sanshit religions vores, Blited by Katrambikam Kéwrichirvlal pp. iv. ¥- 210 Begsyom: or [Madras 1850.) 8° rath 4 (litt by 7 Sisgartchiryata end 7, Aleha-pidgurichiryela. Soeond edition.) pp ii B64) BEAU Owe (Madras, 1875] & 1th. RAMA. BAA BHOSKANUDU, of Fotupalle,(arre Mone). Gon menyege megs! Tare handre-oelopakiyinaina, A poem that nay be rea i to senses, a8 narrating the logend ether (Of Harigchandea or of Nala. Canto si With ‘commentary styled “prakigika, by Peddi-siga Aumtayye, “Halted with profeo by Paya Rimo-kyishoayyn.) pp. 12, 85-08. Fars (Neto) 1806. as. 10129 sitter fom tbat eae en (merge cities. lyn.) (Hasiy chandraesllpikyicame. Centos v8, with ‘ wordhforwordintrprotatioa.] pp 18, 135-176. 16051690. See Prtroncat Pomicions. Nellore (e108 Soy mI) [Amudsita gennthaehio tony} ye wily no, 2vol fy nox O,1885- Woo. 14174 tLe 8, 09 See Branwars, Kigelbella. (sis. STH) Dlanucrase pea A stady ofthe chartrn and. Vaee-cheitramn} ”1900- DOL 1. (Mogjunii] ITE hel, 2-49 See Baaowarr, Kegetatle. Qt. g-reriseapsn. [Muonvate paki Suna. A reply tatters pon Brakmayye's Dinwaerasuprakipita.) (1008) Mart g. 620) “RAMASAWMY. 18 AMA RATA-BHOSHANUDU, of Hotfoplls, (Mapre ‘Moen (contiuei). Seo Raa-ceaxons Is, Pene ti A Preo Raany on tho ralativo. Merits of Dnoucbariten and Vatachaitea le, 1699. 6 TI g. 4808) fot0 G0 [Vacharitrame. A clic oom in 6 eanfoy on thy logend of « romantic mou of King Vasa. With wond-or-mond Iatarprotation compiled by Chttni Veskaiehula Sists.) pp. 821. SEK (Madras, 1864] 4 147 La, FESR MnoTAKON ae wrens ddous | SeUsss ei souiees. Shon m E RIES. Bend rents mosiferpfoms*e ait [Varwobartrana, With Iutarpretation of Ch. VeskaGicals Sixt] pp- 828, Batewse (Mudra, 1881] 4 1a. RAMA RAMA Sor ayomeghety BF ODE. seiten ns ¥8¥ és. [Juywrami-ehimeyatakam 102 vores in adoration of th divine boro Rita) ppe20, Bsyeo ore [Madraa, 1801) ard & 918) BAMA BAU, Dirw, of Chinese, Soni, A Talage noycltte«« With an introduction Dy Mr. N.S. Prasada Rau. (082. oF Bem wo Seen.) pp. tk 82, Madras, 1001. 6 Rimi RAv, Faanbaton, See SSus-xiravoe, PD. 18... esesgoras. (Bamvs-puriname, ltd by RR) [1884] 6 1076 8,92 RAMA RAV, Kast, of Pomaurs, [Pancyyeie] ‘Soe Tuusaioa Ric, Af, Kastri aku, 1209. 1, 14174. 81.2) RAMA-RAZU, See Rinauivs-otdenayons BAMA S4STRI, Goeigédtara ence-ninn Siete ‘oe Gaaionana RAMA GASTRE, Rw, of Royuiag, Soe Suic ranieniuva, .--88¢Semod ol [Vivdka hidimani, With Teluge commentaries compiled by Rama Ste.) [1608] 6%. 048.0, 729) Ramasaway (C. V3. via, See Vanapa-nanas 185 RAMASVAMAYYAS RAMA SVAMAYYA, Porandimani of Ohiter. So Kiuinies. Complete. Not [by Mabi-dévaryn nad Rimo-svinayya) om =. Hghavanan 1805. 1 Mink £1800) See Pagcuscrastes, Potaso¥ BYE too Bogs ot [Rijernitcpedgame, Wit inter: pretation by Rima-rrioayya aad Mabi-dGeayya 1805, 12. rare. £180) + See Vintgeutianne, K Comploto Notes [by Rimacrviiugya and Mabi-dGeayys] on Neothideepta, ele. 1895. 127. 1478. 0120) RAMA-SVAMI AIVAR, Hora Ser Saiani- cinea, (Doalfad ond Supposittioe Works] Srinath Sankarschariar’s Datrin ngs nod Telags pontin! gach Hanawamy, 1805,” 8% RAMA SVAMI SASTAL, Voila Veitlérnra pe ‘See Kusnyaenivn, 930 se oot (Amul rmalyad, oe) [tod with dotorpretation, ee, ttyled Rochi, by Rimma-erdni.] 1902. ars. 4.98 Lor other works elited by B. 8, ae andor th following hosing] ‘By Hose ius. 50, ‘Ames Gaorne Badacanieaiars. Sanonous Divas, Ureanieieh RAMAYA, dacs of Canilapll ire Brabus fond Hina Braintree Eros so. (Uta aonma. Au acouet fs Parnio nareativa for, fof Yogic and souiti tonshings in 8 sce of erseasxed with prose] "(Brana Vidya Seria 30.0) pp. 50. Matron 1001. 8% N74, 99,2) RAMAYA MANTRI, Kioveift Talalmt-nivigena Phin GOI, HOE, HOS OM Pe bee Gr BIG WE, #05,00% (oso, [Chitverigiavame, A poo, with ‘eensioal prove, om the logoed of Rima ax tal fn the Ramyaps, aod espocilly iv the Ustame Ade thee. With English preface ky Chouna- prague Bhiau-miet,] Ser" [lore)} 1000, ae ars «30. RAMAYA MANTEI, Yuydapalé Simbaye-pe’ Kanmpgeti STEED. [Gaydpikiyinemn ‘The story of Krishow's conquest of Gapéeurs and Is pardon of im for the se of Arjen, tld as lysical drama in yelhargina style, Bited hy Ranma, 186 Savikopda Talebo-aarasina Rig) pp. 10. ott [Guar] 1000, ara 98, RIMMTANA (owoaessys. whem KSiojnfos0 CresbepssoaNNT- UF Sess” [Rimsyana-vachannmu. A prog» work parport- ing to bo'a taaslatoe, by Chandeibhotle Ten beshniaanda Sedmayibhishy,of the Rimiyaye, or Saaakeit poor on tho history of the dive thro Rime, in th origionl form ta pried by the Divwnigaremighame, © socoty for which fn eaimod the exeanie ponearion of» knwlagy fof Sanskrit and centro e¢ "Chétanielpaiia”™ in tho Himalaya] pp. 15. 40 (Auras) 1008. & ars gg. 28. RAMA Yer dane. os Forges GapBsesers eae Sovioum Sper, SeeTisoe[eiahdraie-patiiie goss brnvidone, A teatae in pre! 6 anes i tepwating ly teen er, ‘Sete of mei tly og exc tei eyo elghteneat Hellowed by bras S150 prune god Bes Eid by Maga "Veatappged pp. 6 4216, SERS (wna) ie, are a BAMA YOOINDRA, Kihe-ihinyep, Sore Sheer, (Wathenstene, Achoap comme ‘Slog Volt phibwophy ead tela Te 2 sss postnatal Vy fern 3) pea Mae 1904. 5 ait 98a) AAMAYYA,Chigonire Se [Addoun] Keane iene Setattontye. [Parsee Shnsaii A ntin by Reon st SiMe Pott teste) 121 tate ws, BAMAYTA, Jeon. An Hany on Teoge Taogung ad rr Go Hage yr 2 rytam, 10. BL sete 30) RAMAYYA, Kitten Sérowapw. Sov Areata Dineuira, | Gyo +» eeu fox so [Kovolagie ‘usnda-prkyame, Rendered from Appays’s Kevalayimanda by Rawoyye.) (1893) ITA RAMBHA, Yn ht ome (Rombbi-suke-sp vids, A dinlgeo in Sanshet verse between the tage Sake aod te aymph Kala, altemately 187 TAMESWarAM- fettng forth the dlights of philowophy and of Toye. With Telaga tesaaltion) See Taw: wetoussre, ‘ramalas Kanipaem. 22 Scosessgss- [Kavihyidayenarresvame.) phy pp. 6156. 1901. 8 "HOR. ov. BAMESWARAM, Derfbmses Dispetatons o Village Basitems [An account of igatlon from 1750-77 over the rights tothe olor of Earasim, tte, in Ramoswaram, Proddatur Tale Cadapah Diuuiet) The original Plage record, Balted yy Chasis Philip Brows. (The same) tran lated into” oglish from the originale. So the "eluge lgosge by Chvles Philip Brown) pp. i. 63,4 OL. SPOK. Press Vepory (Mudete, 16s, a4 0, RAMUDY, Soraevt-DaifaNrieighapu of Bit lu GowncswoGZ6 weeds, [Bile Fimlamu, DK. i of an adaptation of the epic [inna ia aused vere and prose, Bait by ‘sich Aunatichieyela] pp. De [Etory, 105], tar e278) RAMUDU, Siaconagandl Coster aearess, Anacvilisama, A drum in tho Ison! yotse- gin style on the myth of the god Indro's tedastion of Abaly wie of the mint Gastann] poed0. Séazh00 oro [Madvan, 1880.) uk 8 908) [RANGACHARI, See Rasoscunuras, K. BAWOACHARYAR, Kafambi. Hlemestay Botany ‘Teaalated [from the Teil] into Teloge by 'S Veulatnsbbssama Saute... With 231 il Arationn, (ese9idiai.) pp xe. 8785 1 plat Maen, 1900, 12 1074 we 18 RAWOKOHARYULY, Kancill, of Deduiuow. Soe Riwicninrens, KG | Ones PON (Bedodira-baritebandra-aitakame, arly re ‘writn in poeta eyle by the authors younger ‘rather Raigiciryulo, and edited by the later] {i068 1. 2.2008) RANGACHARYULD, Sshodiotl. +o-Boby6S- Fvyan OETA [Vinkeparvenitalam, drama, in yatsaegéne form, upon the plat of the Vintepatva of the Bfaivbharata) pp. $6 ‘Bxguhoe Ore [Madras 1607) irs. .2406) -RANGANAYAKULU 188 RANGLOHARYULU, Yalta, of Merlipetem 404 (ae) BE SOSpoR EM gE efessEpes ao. {Navina-tiahpavarmata-Kinpjenopanyina-dar- ‘ayenieatlaname, An anawer ton attack upon divers rites of the modera devotees of Vishou, ‘latteated from Suaskrt tents) yp. SY. syns [Madran) 1990. MTA 8.2508 egies. [Vigeabivddbamams, A tmncton Hl-worship.} pp. 2, Mh. Maraiptou, spe) 8 rare 69.1) RAWOANATHACHARYULT, Gtotrasatt Kev Uirkikesihm, See Divats. Sxopor Tg (Deval pistes. With tramlation by ated by Raiga-nithaelaryels) 14036. 6 27. faut AYTAVARALUGARU, S.P.Y. Seo Vehtap-zuian-sious Seiat. RANOA-HATHUDU, — ss¥oRprenodsseN. weyers... Gasysadenger. Esagtngommpns Qsiorenreoe soo. assy perry oenaas. (Ratgacoithne isdyapeme. A version of th eplo Rimiyaye, ie deipada mete, compored aboot 1300 A.D. by Rabge-adthoju pp. iv. 202. 02% (Muito, i873]. Prain BANOAWATHUDD, Oyirlo Porayye-re egevegstymes. | [Dviph-varno-darpanune A metrical tratse in 4 eines on the corect sso of the letter, with stations and expla ions. Tdled by P. Rime-bysboayya] 1008 Ser Pemooieat Prittations Nellore (2308 GoF mo) (Amdsin-gonathn-chintimepi) Yolen, a0, Sovak xvi, 9012. 18851008. 8 1074. Lala 1046) RANGANAYARL ror mar gity ors. Bap etig sme eBtN (ue) [Seicmige rW-anmarmnon Niickte-anaknnoa pri fine pevatala koflta, A dialogue of 25 verve, {nw mistarect popalar Telaga and Teil bstweon the rival goddesses HaGgeaiyaki and Nisehira (ofa) pp. 8 [aulaa? wn] 10% 1a, RANGA WAYAKULU, Poli Appela-neronyinyy as BYSSH SESE tn, we yHGeeSen [Nie Tachaas-avarodnepapane. A mtrial secoust 180 RANGA-AYAKUI- of the diviaatory proulo-eience and plysios of tho Yoga. With prose paraphrtao by Pokala Véllatecnarsinht Riu Néyejo, Followed by 1 tatlee-tirtenale, oF devotional pooms, aaa by Rsbge-niyakela) "pp. 08, 6. Madre, 1800 & 1h 48 [RANGA-NAYARULU §RESHTHT, Supfira. On85- 8Y. (Aadbredipika, A Tela dictionary) pp. 6 482. Badr, ure (1889) 8 rah. 6, RANOARAMANVIAYYA, Okimarema, 2338 Yoxgsm. (Sirha-peda-kalpa-dremama.” A tionary of aificlt wordn.} pp. 80. >Aa88 fess [Madan] 1801, 10%, 076m 82) [RAMOA-RAV BANADUR(Sir VEkeapaSrBtscxst4e van), So Vikeapa SvEricuatarar: Raion Rav, Bi RAHOA-SAYE, Alloma-risu Sulralmanya-pe SEungen8ESY am. [Parambtine hares, 10 vores to Vishnu ns Saprome Being] pp. 17 ryan [Visegapatam] 1900, 12% 174 «, 3006) RANGA-SVAMT RAV, F.S. The Linguine Sele iugtrvcor (ie Telage, Kaunads, Malaya Marathi, Tail, aud Boglsh. By P. 8. Range foeamy Row. pp. tk 101, Mairat, 1900, 8 a7 8 BAHOAYA, Remcnajotirhe pe [Rimddayame A metrical adaptation of the isayane. With prefao by P. Ansotdchiryvla] vol pe. 900, vi 408, 2 platen Madea, 1003, 1007. ard. gg, BANOAYARYUDU, orenudire Nemmapitye. pe. Gene Febery W0rao. [Kavi-Libgannee falskaims. 100 pancgyri vere on the lif, ea, of Labgenon, a poet Esited by Pandit Kyishon ays yoo Fon (Madras, ‘nade pp 18 WoL] 6. 1airt a ae) BAFOATYA, 0. AFAR HEHE Host {Kanyla-panmdyardapdekame, A hyn in feo tosh matron fh virgin goder wo shipped hy te Vignes} pp 280 (Madr?) isan ae. ines BAMOAYYA, K, of Gout Normal Coll Madras ‘See Joves (Wand. Stoucnserent, N.C “RAVADAPPA 10 Tolegoo Series, Fest Pootial Render. «by Waller Joyes, and N. . Sashackalon, with the ssistanes of ©. Rangiah, oe. 1859. 5% wir ke. Metical Versions, Syosset oers- ‘aor [Uhiskar-imipagsme. Printed fom 9 copy revised by R] [1804] 4%. aire Lat sro) « umt.L10, BANOAYYA, Kir, See Kusrint-nsiosrra, RANGAYYA, Puidclehvi. Ser Metanaao Nisin Mutts sl-Dis iin Muianaan, Binoorotid (Ketumba-smrakabaps, ‘ansaid with tho sid of asgayye aad Magikye Madaliae] 1908. # 1074 48 BANOAYYA, Sutera. See Cunnara 88h Bala: yukon gupthardhe prakasia, Au elaborate Commentary ou Balavysbarasai of... Chinnaya Short by Buakarn Rangeyya, 1908, wi. 8° HiT4. 0, RAWOAYYA WAYADU, 0. anKbor¥ers. ([Moksin-rabgu-sntakama, 145 santa on slva. tion] pp.22. Madras, 1002. 16%. 14174 « 120) ‘scnng the fia Catia of Bost print. ‘ elhor spe inact only Hoag Shaking” RANGAYYA WAVADU, P. R, of dlr Soe | Mesranans, Reahmopusannon”. dedicntl to 1 Chandea Sakbare Braboeoaade Swen « byl. PLM Raopiak Nada. 1008, 10% ‘oto. 10 RANOAYTA §BTTI, Noracee! Rima-eoimi | Sie Bioinivaga, he SOE NHNS Ce ‘forgave ot [Brabmncritrn, With s Tenge orion of Riminuje's Vedistadipa, le, by Raigayya] (1884) 8 14068818, RATHAM (Micuas). [For editions ofthe Bible jn tho revised Telogu versions ianued by the committee of Deegater inlading M- Ratnam ] ‘So Bats, BAU (N.C), See Crataust Riv, N, RAVEEPATEE GOOROOMOORTER. oer Suse, RAYADATPA RAWOA-RAV, Moje of Bll. Sve | Vaiuarasniven Vioxwrionsans, Hoey "5. Se Guns. 1 RAYA JAGAPATI- sooty tall (SabkalpusirySdayame, ‘Translated Dy Maja Hayne Habgieria] 1900. 1TH. 38, ‘RAYA JAGA-PATI RAZU, jt Votusniy,Mao- tajeef Palleperam, BEES 500. (Va Kiinesa-diarma-chandciea. A tmet on the authority of the Vellhigem-dherma-site, com rising: Satakrt. quotations and headings with Tologu trandation and comments] pp. 12 Bese maste [Valurapula Rayovarem,] 1006, & 14038, 44d) [RAYANT BHASEARUDU, See Briscaxcos, R RAVA-RAGHUNATHA TONDAMAN Maxt-Pi LUDU, Kis Vijagarreghentha-pu of Pudukota. Sastasoice eth [Pasvat-pasiayama. A poetical composition in G canton of mixed ver td prose pon the myth ofthe marrage of Siva fd Parvat fc potace by K.IL Vebkata yh, 1 pp 8, 121, “PERS [Cocanade,) 1908. 6% 178.9, 92669 A vent from he Sara [RRDDI VERKATA-SUERANMANYAMU, See Vs vpeavonanngeane, B [REEVE (Witty). Oa the Tucaration of Christ Sood paar wewsss. pp. 12. [18357 ‘So Brusane —Bellory Teaet Socity. [Tracts] [REID Jons), See Basusas.—Bellory Tract Suit (tracts. Blied so patly composed by J. Rei] 1e0b-1698, 12. 1uin « 31) See Curse ences of the hratian Revelation Dyer edohu Reid) 1696. 12 [ROBERTSON (WWritsax). History of the Discovery fof Americe, (Extracted from Roberton's History Ct America) Parti, warms Cray 206s. {Oviginaly tomaated into Tawi hy P. Vij oige Muli, abd now rondered into Talo ty V. Sotbakpdeieyu and others and pablshed by the Upayult grantba-kaaprsabhs of Madras, Secoud elon] “pti pp. 70. PHssgom porn (Madea, 1657.) 12" renee) ROGERS (Fleser Twowss), Culbue, of Madras ied Engitering Call.’ See Tapparac nea A Catechinm on the vi = (Pabished ia. a.3112 abtished by Séta-ximayye, with | -SABDA-MANJARI ae Monavie, Fist Lesson in Tlogu, | twenty-five abort waien «with» translation by al, LT. Reger, ee pring ‘poten aod 1850. Mir. 238, [RUDRA DEVUDU, Kunire. See Kowina Runes Divoor. RUDRAYYA, Komeils Pailiigons-ps of Kaw Auiura, Soe Sevaninaaya Suen, Dy and Suanstaains Siar, 0. Complete Notes on P. A. Talogu Text, 1909 [vs, om the Nirakoy- pikbyinam i) le, 1008, Ts. 0 8, e Nirankusopathyiname, (Beste eo.) [A eligins legend om the rewards of Fin and piety, fn 4 cntos of mized verse and proto, written. 1520, Baited with preface by KR, Vedkatepiabnd Riv, Second edition) 3, 64, Cocannde, 1008, 8%. 3078, 0. 2804) ‘mun. f the are Ser [mother copy] 1nd x 62) devs chcmpnemaneorcelt “fehebeams, iSegive-rijayamn. A lyricodramatic poom on the opie legend of the ‘vietry of Sogriva, a Pwookeyvehiel and ally of Rima. Baited by M [Ayyapesrign]. pps 16, 022% (Afaira, 1865.) ® 1k, | RULES, Moros Vitamgue chistino digoam de- Tineantes Reguiae Cent, Justa quae gonssaes (Cristi dacpul sas eoyitattones verbs et oparn omnia disigeredebet qotiie ex lingua tawalien fn Tingvam telngicam transfasus (oe), Tuts rete Heniumiao Sebel. [Tennslatd fom the ‘Tamil tact stp Nasu Kirynga, which was ® | rendering by P. Masiyappan from the Gevsan-) (GapleONg «Bg Ee BUN Cory, | Sete) pp. 48 Halas Mapieburgiee, 1747. we tate a ie LAnotior expr} @. 20,0088 RUNOASWAMY ROW. Sve Ratousvian Raw. [RUNGIAM, O. See RaScuvra, K. sAnDA-MARZARL [Sshdaas the slomeniary Sonshrit grammar in Togs, ted by Tirwoagert Rinyjagys. Pollowed by aoe Sanskvt poems, we tho lettre Rama aoe SABDA-MANSARI- yaps-sabgraba, Sirsa Kay's Mioa-kyishma ilbmacieya, de] pp. i vi 10 ore? [adroe, 1883) 16. 14000. 3 ‘gious. (Gabdacmafinri. A reprint of ‘tho mae, omiting the last set of Sanskrit vrs Iidited by Sarasa Tirevéipedichiryala and ¥, Rima-kyishoam-dchiryul] pp. vi. 184 ee [Mudray, 1868] 10. 1080. yeou8s [Sahdnemaliari, Anew edition, with only the Rimfyepscesigrahs sppended Bited by V. Rimacevimi Sint aad 8. 1 vébgadichiyola] pp. 134, fi. P40 ovo [teaver 1980.) 10%. 14000 35 SABHA-PATAYYA, Rsjamanndragudi, 0 0» oe Stans dSsonste Agneta gore mwBE Seen [Psdamola. Bogs lstratig th vious pees ‘of amorous emotion, and dedicated (othe ged [sega (Kahne). Selected and fersicbed ‘vith divctlons forthe musical pevforaanee and Flore soalysis aad with lstrative Saeskeit ‘ore from BNinu-data’s Rasta by NB ‘TinwevEdhatichinyela) pair. 98, Hyori [itedroe, 18848 1074, 40, SADANANDA YOOI, s=-gosens¥SY so, [Sadi nuds-pGgieetakame, 104 roses on Saiva theo: ‘ophy and pszebology. Batt by A. Bhimes ‘Syolstkolal pp 16 Ore (Madras, 1862] Ww. 1k LL) SADANANDA YOGINDRA, Vedante Writer, 825° Sdorg eres. [Advait-yeddateeia or VE- Aintasica, A Sinskrt compendiom of mosistic Velinta philosophy. With Telagw translation Dy Srivivkan Jegua-nitha Svimi pp. 69, vi 1804, Seo ‘Pastoorea, Penscarons.— Piso atom. SeBmsbeeCR [Sana-vidyibhienr ‘hani) vol ph Ovo. pe 9. 1802-1807 ree 174g. 3840011, 2 SADA-SIVA $ASTRI, Gulipinni,- Soe Kitoien, Ssforerit (Regheerapa. Canton evi with intorprotation and paraphras in Telogs by Ves ajenin and Suda-giv] 1908, 8%, 078,241 SADASIVA SASTAL, VellteofJalpol. See Nansen Dueavape, rengeors Sosa BoP [Kary -SAMBAYYA, 1m Indkineeagrabams. ‘The rddeeigoma Edited with commentary by Sudiiva} [1902] 8° tara e270 1906. 1018.1 SAHADEVA. Diseason of Caltlo i Inia end Danae Modicing. By [tho mythical hero] Sahaders ‘Noto by Chalapai Rav, (28° BSE Ss) p88, 10% Ber, 1008. 12%. 4874 0.7089 Besond edition. pp. 6,3 104 Bln 1000, 12% SAMARAPURIMUDALIYAR, Bruni. See Soxss. wpe said gg (Sumstiatakann, dite in the Tamil charscer, with Tani interpretation by Samarapar Mudalir.] 1904, 6°. 1075.00, DMAYYA, Padua. See Stus Avs P. SAMBA-IVA RAW, Adavi. All about Homes esate tee. (SAME EO Ss) Aye p hapesiei-antgoahama, A work on the ponte 11 management of horse, chiely in vores, with oles, Reprinted. from the. Madja-aei.”) pp 80, Elo, 1904. 13%, ITH wee. 1h) SAMBASIVA BAU, Kallekied Dligoigv—". Sree Kenyake persmeemari ilar (257 Seuastornssa). [A mythologiea damn in 7 sets on a Iogend of tbo gouthfal Di, na wor ‘hipped oder ho tile of Kasyaki-parsmépari by Southern Vays] ppeie 8 112, 1. Se | (Madras, 007. te. 4 30) Shop Rangarayskadane eamavakaram. An Iistoricl and riya! Talo drama ia ire sete [on the exploits of Raje Raagh Ru of Bobbi in 1257 ogaioat tho Matiarjs of Visinnagram ad the Preach] (Commanrsg soe wes) yp 100. Greenads, 1800.87. 14178 N26 SAMBAYYA, Kiterpant, OFS o-sgo= [Vighndsrarithyodayemn, Amthlugiol pot] SeePnasoncatP onseanions—Viawasorayapara, Sfosy8 Sadar, ele vole 0. yee 1900, te. ard, CARL 1 ee) SAMBAYYA, Sikiarom, See Proguaitous, he SeptertyBeyeay Sil (Analilign-paitye rméthike-proydge. Buited by 8] 1607-[1800.] *. 14028 470 n 195 SAMBHAVAYYALU- SAMBILAVAYYALU, Diarpipyals, and BHASEA- RUDU, Diuryiyyala. +0» TRICE TH oi Ssoree. [otincmatiadlrs-Kinynpba. A vial teatna om @vinaion from omens, ee omponed in aks 1492, ited by 7. Vetintar Trishnw Ris) yp.68, r+ (Hadray, 1862] ®. Mita. 8 SAMEEU-DASUDU, Sw SAMBHU-DASUDU, Bipile. The History of Sarunga dhare [the aon of Raja Nardades, who alfred tortare rather then Joie his viese). Ta ‘Tulongoo posma writen in dwipada eouplts by Samblodss.[Bdltad by N, Deva Poramllayya (preoxasse gs» ess) pp. 138. Madras, 1839, 12. wee SAMBEUALTHOAMU NAYUDU, Niyant Ohinu-stt- piney, Qemadeaiwe Fer PIES {[Ai-veini-bole-eapaa-tat2bhiardbasam. Aw fsccouat of the logeudary origin, history, aed Teligions rales of the Avaimi cate, a bran Cf the Volume agriclterinte of Teliogana a Ganja, in 1 ieee of tise eree aod prot ollowed by Adi-Slnialavivs-pudatal, rales for matingo of the carta] pp. Si 74 wove Gey [Vetopalem, Madras printed] 1000. i Pamoaps shut aan, Puduta Soe Cousre (0). [A Mapoal of the Taw of Torts... Tranlted into Tologu by Paddcotsi Samy Iyer 1872. 8° waite 2.3, Sime xATHA AIvAR, 7. Areas Bee Srimtenieea SAMSKRITA, Seo Severus SANAT-RUMARA, f-.-Ke=0. [Oyiha- ‘asinve, A Sansa trast on thet for balling tui estering houses, ascribed to tho mica! Senatkamies, With Tolage ioterprotation by 'T Siragye Slate, Sood edition) pp 18 sey os [Matas 1887.) 028, 2.35.4 SANDEYA-VANDANA, sewpers¢ Sobor cegistsyve seg ss00 [Sendhya-venda akon yatopevtn- denna mantra ‘The Saubrit text of the Sandhys-v formule aad of the prayers suid om sprinkling -SANKARACHARYA 186 ator before male and puting om thecord, With TTloge nots, rbrien, ee] pp. 12. Madras, aon, 12%. 4038,» 61.14) saiolraMy, cpeemgosvexs sohengy. PERK O RMT. MELO [abgitasstrams, A mansl of tho Uhoory of ‘movi, comprising tho Saonkit text of vv. 1-7 of the 2nd prekarey inthe Sraradhyiya of Sri ‘dyes Sdgiasntadkara wth Tele commentary fond examples of the various mdon and measures of Hinda music] pp. ii 72 oe [Madras siz) 8 Minko, (A reprint) pp. 08. essex 99 [Maygpuram (Hadras), 1800] & A, 610, SARUIVARAYA S4STRE, Yenameshinale, See S688” [Daqa-lomirchavte, ed into Teloge by SuBjierdga] 1885 MIM 18 saimaniouinya, (1ife) So Vis fee, K. FOP eta eSuse tel [Saikaacviage= Anvajase] 1904, te gg. 1 Seo Bi say, eremysrae gente. Gemegneevin (Andhra. ‘Sriraame, ‘Tho Brabmasitey, with, Telogu {nterprelation compiled from the expositions of Sealers, fe] [880] 6. 4048 21. So Wivasivays ON og eves [Brabmasitretiaed teraiame. The Apborime with ‘elaga para Dros aod ayzopes of tho exposition given in Seakar's Bhashya) (1894) 1048 90, See [Addenda] Biowsaraya, fnsnods [Vadintemoimed, The Brabmaaitr, sith Suara’ commentary, in Sanskrit, Koglish, od Tela] 1900, ce. 8. (Jninelohar] 109, ee Mani-oninars.— Modern Verona, (Dhagooedgitz) SH GhAbhsbysteayaten (ce the Bhagavad: git with com thore of Saker, Rimansjs, 1900, See Manicaninara,—Matera Versions [Bhogevadgiti) @eyreh o>, [Diagarad gts os. 197 SANKARACHARYA Senshi Uda 4040 ee. ‘Teat with Suiam!s commen English, and Telugs.) 1000, tears} Seo Urinensns, 284ans225. The Aitagoyn Upaishal. [With ailnens comme tury, in Sanat, Haglioh, aod Telos.) 1900, Hes (Uiaualaker:] OCD, ee 1 (e8ets5707) [Ktmataia. A S00 rit motrical tact on the Vodusti pilosphy. ‘With the Teloga intrpeetation and commentary ‘Atn-Lédha-prakifita of Porinom Krishya Sti, mil version of the same by Riwinajs spar] "ppv 162, Orerorac temas ssoprod (Madras, 1840) 12, 14086 0 88. os hate pees obecsg ro sis A Osage arta OEE el [Amd | With the commentary prakiqika p80, HoH (Madrse, ote. a8, bys. eetyan. (Aime biihe, With ‘8 Tolugs commentary (viverapame) by V. Vek ram Siete] pp. 60. Sh Oren [Madras 1881.) 12 4048. v.10) e+. Hooegedas ee (Vakyrnd, hore called Drig-iigga-vivdkn. A Sooakrit poem fon Advaita philosophy. With a commentary in ‘Teloge, based upon the Valye-sutbavyuhya of Besbmfoanda Bhima, by Apardkahinabhari Vakolibbaraya Pardesi) pp. 4,4. =¥338- ose [Meron] 1001, 8% 14048... ‘hey es aro Feyormpe ho 0856 pos oss Semen | pSrenarsod on [Vireke-chiimani, A metre ex wok Ai Susi 3 ith eag flonee soi commentaries compile” by Ri ma ated by Be Mivioame St] pp 225, BE8 BFOD [Dulary, 1808] 14088. 7212) bs 28F sere [Vivdkicchiimapi ‘The Seonkrit text, with Tolvga metrical version ‘by Koriia Pattabhivimeyyad pp. 2, 8,107, 6 ‘Bye [Nellore] 1906.8,“ 14088.0, 28129 (Dmbtot and Suppontitions Works] Ge ‘Bott [Mapictrayi,” Thive Soeekrit Vaio SANKARACHARYA, 198 Inymus cried to Sailers and his dsipee, vis, Takehosl-nisinhs-tits, Cvinde-vsdage- Imnfjarki-st. oF Bbajegdvinds, and Govinda hatuedags-radjaieh-at With Telage fate Action, word-for-word. trations, peraphonae of tho fest, and. mateou! versions of tho other pooms, compiled by K. Tirwwéikalichiryue.) p- 202. Madras, 180. ol. 1°, 028, 5. 28. der ogee TAs SRE scout Sees [Dridgn-maljer- ates 1 Chaturdage-matjeibia’. Too Sanskrit ascie pose, seribed respectively to Baikure feed. dinsiplo, the later bsing aa. expended version of the former. Wilh Telegu word-for- vor interpretation by A. Bima dyétishieuds] P16, OME (Madras, 1850,] 8. 10TE.e 8. dh oe geo [Drage materibia sod Chaturdajrm’-at”, The samo text and translation. Baited by ¥. Kyishpamsehieyel.] ppl6, es [Mader 1853] 8. 1076.28, Unter otition) pp. 16. avet [adres 1388]. 8 More. 20 Srimath Sanaracharnss Dwain mane just im Tnglish and. Telugu pootoal garb Dy Horar Ramarwany. pp. 1h Dalry, 1810 ard 8 60013 < SFREHT COT wl [Py senalbS. A popular catechism of ‘and ligon, in 67 drys vores, ascribed ‘reriouly to Satara and to Vinala-chandr, parapet, by kare Sats.) pp. Oh. 9H 1865.) 140486 6215) ‘Tho Aryan Ctochiam [ce the Pramtla ratoe-malikd or Aryeepraaétinns tava): ia Sabrit.. - Bugis, Tologs and Tans alled p11, 73, Mada, 08 Font os fhe inks Hei See, Qe welded Grergeyse set (Rime Karofipite,2contaio of Groat vores in praise ofthe divion boro Rama, Preceded by he Rags similar century, ere inoxpon ‘te Bertowatary. 199 SANKARACHARYA- ‘With a Telepa mats version of Both by Chis ira Sih ‘4008 «1, Gre gets, TOF Ses. (Rime Larodngta With Siddha Kevi's Telogo version) pp 149, s958%"9 (Madras, 1053.) 12 Pree Pu in city te Hama ite ls ea Be eth ead met the thy eo Fafa [Por tha Hlastimataks-téira and Hasti~ analaks-bhishya commonly asebel to Satara] Se Thasrivatare Acwiyra SANKARACHARYULU, Kopde, of Bhinesaram. Be Vinientervis, P.d. y= 856 45r65 [vinit-patalars Vira-brabminden-avitula. vii ifekama, » Pablished by Sabkardohleyale end Vipinyricheyolo] (180t] 6% NTA. 16 SANKARA MARTE, Dichona-pw’, st yoe52~ (P5F. [Marieheodsopabbysaame, “A poos ib Gtuceca of oro intorspersed with prow, vwriten about 1600, on tho logon of th tat ing Ivechondsa) (Chiathamael Peas Series. No.2, Sankara Kavi) pp. 125. Madras, 1899. s 1474.35.69 SAHKARANANDA, dielé of Jnaniiind. See Manicrninata—Modern Yeon, pia} chseyrege ct (Bhage fauerprelation compiled by, Ch. ‘ats trom tho comentaice of Sadkardnanda, tte} 1010, a & ‘HOGS. e.2 SAWKARA-NARAYAWA CHETTIVAR, P. An agliah-Telag Dictouary, By P. Sakaranara- Poorth edition. pp. 65,4. 7813 1 plate ES Mite 3 (Bhapased- avs. ‘Madras, 100, ‘Az BoglishTulugeDictionaey, wit copious gli syaonyie, aud brief aed secutat defi fiona. pp. W107, 1281,8; I plate. adres, & ror 3 46 -ATTologe-oglsh Dietonsry. By P. San- arayana. pp. ¥.57, 901 1 plate Madras, i tats, 5 4, 1005. Kavi} pp. 90- Madeae, 1868. 5°. | -SARASVATL 20 de, Wik Telaga interpratation by Saskara HOLE. 84. | Riv, AE, and Somes Rio, [an Geexsieme [Mijegteerdavame vrork by admirers of Sahara Hin; containing (D expositions of his doctrine, and (2) pooms fms honowr] [1604] 1. NTE a8, SANEARUDU, Matubiri, +20 Absbe¥¥ [Dsinedbeystatama. 100 yersce in pris of Timm and Si.) pp. 10, 076-2 (Madras, 1862) &. rare 0.2) SANNABASAVA. 80 Cuawnaceusva, SANWA-VIRAYA. Sor Crawnicvinnes SANSERIT, «20 osi-yMortraton® [Samukrite Diahi-mafjar. Sansbet tale fr scoot reading, with word-for-word Telage interpretation.) pp. Tia, "obese res. [Oonevoram Madras printed, 1851.) 10 4000. 2 Hostryoriowon®. [Samulita-bhaehs- rmsijeri. Tiited by N. Raghavayya] pp. 108 cred (Madras, 1864] 10 MOTB. a. 8. + Sostryseritiow’. [Sambita-bhd- swagjai. Bditodby?-Dsaioujayya) pp. 110, Seysyeo ore (Matias, 1808) 16%, Sostrysprisoed (Samubyta-ha- shicmagjori] pp. 18, 2%" 0880 [Madras Toon ie 1417 m8. sAwrAwanoa YOot, Se Goesuyrrs, SARABHA-LINGAMU WAYUDU, Innzncnd Virqa- Tidge-?. Alaskacachandrodayam, or roe Bae Lnaviaja charitra, [A romantic poom in cantor ‘ith oocasonal pros, on the clasioal mode.) = Corrected by Challapilla Venkata Sastrala Gata, hy OS SRS te VEranbs core eeoresot5 satel.) ppt i Ch Merle atom, 1008, ts. « 1010) SARASVATI BAT. Palnsstr, otbrniso called Soopeaatea, or Tho modern ealinry Teeipts of ‘indoos, compiled in Tologoo by Sararwste Teatalated [into Boglah] by O.¥. Rae By 201 Sanaa smasawing, Pandit. pp. iis 05 iy @ pote Chareh Marion Prev ‘Maran, 186 the. 38, See Vsteapionataars Sa, sete. SARIA (D.). SARWOA-DEVA, Yiqoste Sifhaleps argr0 (Saigite ratte, ve praterana inthe Srastdhyaya, with Flags commentary) See Suinitnne. eo. Trecsrepe BASTSyN [Saigilesiiemmn) pred [1862] 8°. 10M SARWOADHARA, Dinstorepa’. ds. Frnt ews BegM EO. (Si ‘A Saaskei work on twodisine Aerpretation by Pervide Sieywa Dice, 2 ‘Wid Teg i= rye. Tau, ted by N. 408. “Matron, 14063. «18, pees (1878) SARVARAYA SASTRI, Dirt Veihoteys' of Anakupall, 28 e saymgenetse gremeeien (Ssck-chid-doanda-badhini, An eny on the rmonistio Vedaotie.philosophy.] pp. i. 227 eH -80 (Anabapall,) 1906, 12°, "DOS. 88, SARVA-RAYUDU, Syitgiro-kasi. See Buncavar- say, Tokai parzayam +. (Edited by 8) 1004, 14s. 1004) Sev Sonnanicriu Bearrkcuiers, “Bi econ m0 (Shc riugems raat by Servi-riyada] 1006. 12. 147k b. 33.) wexuree9S, sal (Avatdrachuritts. Aw scconnt ofthe incarnations of Viehned pp 04, Covad, 1898." 12. i749 30,8) SARVA SASTRI, Dir, See Sunv-uiva Store. & SARVESUDU, Kompella Krisheum-irgepn + Hate Fens Se0 (Jeguerniibemthi- ‘exyame, Thelogendof Jegus-nitha as worshipped in to book, th est prow, th eco form of aderdaba, or poom ia foe metre.) 1478.8, Ppo1I8, 2, (Madras, 1861] 16 SASHACHARLOO (N. 0), See Ch SASHIAH, Sse SATA-KOTT RAMA-CHARITA, ‘The Baoteri{oie] Tamayors or Doba-ranayans, Doing a chapter “SATYANARAYANA.MUITE 202 [of 82 re. om Vedantio prychology alegorising tho legend ofthe Ramayan] taken from Anat Tamsyans [il forming the Sn sarge in the Vildewkipis of bes iv. of the Arnaud’, Sanskrit poom on tho legend aed ale of Rita in 9 carps, oriog pate of tho Satakit Rite ht] with Telaga meaniogs by Srivenkata Pea: panna Yogindss Smamy. (S£0% eancom gry Spe tevorcnasse) pp. 88. Mun, 1900 ch ‘MO, aan 2816.) SATHAKOPACHARYULU, Iyyznyd Japan thie chiryanpat. See Visearhonherets,- Gind chigarput, 08 Sosa. Sgergemed toys, (Chatea-pt-vaishpaya-dvijsabi Baited by $] [1902] SATHAKOPACHARYULU, Kundéomm, of dale: ‘peram Oberch Mission High Sebo. Foae 5. Feiss, [Saigraha-yydharapams. A oompen: iam of Telos geammar] pp. 30.2% [atadras] 1885. SATHAXOPACHARYULU, ¥, Seo Ronan (W) History of the Discovery of Atorin . « [Rou Aored into Telugu by Sathsbipichicysla. aod others} (1857). 12 1a 8 rs 1am. 16:8) SATHAKOPACHARYULY, Pulimutire. Se Ne enenoge, Hy + $5]9°59 8 [Dharmiigudee aitrame, Tied by 8] (1887.1 16% iia, SATHAXOPA DBSIKUDU, P. Se Poniyss—Dhi- pronlepariga, Qe yoorrsor..[Raledhign ‘ain APranged by Satbakdpa,] [1892] 6° 1a. 24 SATHIAWADHAN (Kavrunt 8). See Kesrat Storiewinana. SATHYAVOLU BHAGAVATHEAYY, Ser Iscavar- eam, & J . SATYA-NARAVANA-MORTL, Diyarign 62- somata [Ushi-parionsme, A dri in 6 aot fon tho Tegeud of tho loves aud marringy of Aviraddha and Ushi] pp. i 71. ayes elekeparam,] 1900, 12 rar 56 SATYAWARAYANAMORT, Kishi. Varun vrilaum. A deuma in coven aste [on tho lover cf the Gandharves Pashpa-danta sod Varddhin, ms savrrer Dasol upon the Seirchishe manw-chaitrams] (exmppeers) pis 5,8) 118, Blore 190, 5 rata 8 4008) SAVITRE, 910,6)40 50, [Sivitri-dbri-chartr ‘Tho legend of Sivtet the itu wie of Satyerat (Makita, Arenyep?), te depada metro Baited by. Voikatwsnbbi Rin.) pp. 6h Mylapore Maran, [1908 32", MITE, 283 "Poran, of te Snap gh SAYANA. (Hife]_ Se Sut Fs enGEBENS MG Sh tn, ranye-cbaritesnn.) 1890. aden, OSE Thtaahava- Vidya eT 60.0) Su Vetranieprinaonion 7. bemgioas ees, [Vidyarany-(wdhavieh ‘sritnng, Aw hntorealascoant of Madhava hiryacVidydrayge aod Signoe] 1000. 6 Ts. p48, Soe Vio, eee OS Fat we [Roaruahyaga, With interpretation aad eom- ‘meolary tneed on the works of Siyann le) oor] & 1402e. Bb, 10 hoo dybwosioeey ell [Vilintee ica, or Pasichadaal, A Sansksi meteon Treatise on most Volénta philosophy, in 15. ‘ooke, With an intorpretation and commentary jn Telogn by Mantel Lakebniniriyann Sis Huited by Annavarapu Velaterighave Set) B pis, 24s (Madras) 1805-1808, 6. ‘M048, a. See Canzone, Cate fnterprete Bai ‘6 20,00811) SCHULTZE (Bessa). chismas Telagious Minor twino Shai, 1748. 10>. Sie Rous, Mores Vitamgue chrstiane Aignam delneentes Regulus Contam... Tater- prot Bonimiaa Schulsio. 1717. 16%. 1008 4. 18 Sea War, Via sine Ordo Sulatis Iikellos «x lingas tamulien ia lingua felagicar trnsfossn Interpret Basiamioa Schult, 1146. 16%. 223.4.9, Catloguam roligiosssimam quod. doctor tologicus am quinguo.braminibus abot de Christ, anvatore mundi, ot do file in eum talivies bishele (EF MSS woe Seem -SPSHACHALAMU a Rydsm ants soroaye SIKOT) pp ds. aloe Mopdluryca, VAT. 16". 0, 20,008.4) SESHACHATA DASU, of Dlermaper Terer elas gitar, lindane ers, [Rimarnitukama, or Dharmapant- mi yayamo, The sabetanen of tho epi Ramayana fendered as a drama of the yebshogina type, Bilted by Palapars Nagéyraee Ste) pp. 152. 83 [Madras, 1873] "8 land ke soe e8o2esnaiod, [Dharmeper imiyayama) pp. 128. B4asho 07% (dra, 1655) 8 tor a. SEsMACHATAMU, Kitz. fextans. es mee soe sp (Nila giri-ydte) (ta Vachon Kovyam describing tur tothe Nigisie). a0. Be psigas (Vlnpapatam,) 1002 1aTe gg. SEsuAcMALAMU MAYUDU, Potals Rime gipile- pe. See Asnpirassa, OEE SoH [Ashe ‘akeegi-istrumn, tod with paraphrase by SGshichilema) [1806] 8." 147k 8, ‘See Porkyas.—Shanda-purina. SEE 650 ‘pot [Sujtina-dpa ee, Baited by 8.5.) (1808) &. 1006.5, Se Siwa-etun Ditutes, Aelale Guru 8... wcef eeu. (Achslargrandhame. Baited find trailed by Séshishalama,) (1868) 1074 Se Vekeapirex Riv, Af, and Sonex Ris, AF danse. (Niegurastarama, Revised by 8.8) (1804) 2" 1874 «18, we yseon ges. Yossrem, vatichastcam, A rotsance parporlog to have Toon nartated ly a vampire to king Vikraa pp B8. BQN ere [Madrn, 18983] 12 ars. £182) [saddhenivi- ‘A discourn om Vedantic tela 201) rae 26.0) eeKeeystos Soessyo me (Sujdénermindeaf 120 byes on themes of the philororhy 2. (Rata kpporcowenten. Tambe-mingama- physic] ppt S¥q ore [Madras ir 206 SESHACHALAMU- ‘Tied edition] a0, 18. pe ve 107. 658 (Wedran] 144. 40 (our edition, containing 125 Dyna) ppe¥. 108. 2A [Madree,} 1808, 32% 0749 62 hes tevenencr ar ges [Sule paihe vingatskatia, 95 ovtie thle, told by Kg ‘Vikeuni i the form of «parrot to eatin ‘woman from Snfdelity; an alaptation fom tho ‘Sensis Salt-eaptati, Second edition} pp. 216 Segeyy oer (Made, 1880.) 8 rr ge. 20, SOSHACHALA WAYADU, Kenda. Sor Catna Kaviandothers, 9835 %% 85508 (Chit prnedlacrratniva, Hilted with Telage et Imenlaie, ele, by Séehichaln) (1800.] 8°. Mora. 55.2 See Vbcapanananmnnacntiet KV. ssvenre OAT (Bhimdetakaans. Bite by 8] [1900] & 1789 86 SESHACHARYULU, Gattupallt, Soe Mans sari—Modea Versions, [Satldparea] Ste {F6sa ant [Sabhicparva. Pabiahed wi preface by 5) 1000. "Wee. 1 See Mani-naivara,—Madera Versio [Pirtacparea)] sashes oN [Viste aera Published with proftea by $1 1008. 6 Mose, 2.17, ‘Sea Vauaict—Rimnkyann —Peote Verio ho. sencoh Rmignge Baie ith ‘aage uso by cacharyte] 1902-105 im Ser Vines —Rimiyayn —Prove Version. srhisagsoo. [Valntki-raimmnla. Compiled ‘wih ‘Telage parsphrases end notes by” Seshi- hiryela) 1001. 12" 1408.6. 25 sBeuACHARYULU, Ketamagusdta Appalichirye. fogbromieetes, [Sel silgenitahams, A drama om the mythical eports of Krishon] pp. 48.30 Poe (Madras, 1880] 8 T4410, Gasset rabonsiebtan. (Venue vildse-nitakam. A lyri play om the advent (of king Vero. Followed by Higyaerteia -SESHLA-GIRE 200 ‘short Ivica comaly-] pp. 58.43! oreo. [Bfadras, 1880.) i748 SBsHACHARYULU, Meruderi Righens put, £00 SesMeSe ses, | [Pie kirate sich A patinl biography of the Set-aiehynra' apostle Tiled by Agvie Tivomngar Se Jonss (W.) and ‘Tlegoo Series. First eso, MITE sisAonAnvote, ¥. Stouteatnront, 8. Ch Pootsal Reader, ee. SisHACHARYULY, Popitsvom Tirumala. Chan Arahasa Drama. [A drana ia 5 ects on the legendary fortnaes of Chande-his, the adoptod son of Kinda) By . Seshucbary. (ovieed ty M. Subripale Nayela) (Sogsea. Us ryomembr ss) pp 4 i 1 1 dear, 1010. ware 346) Prablatha Drama, [A drama in acts on {he Ingen of Vishows salvation of hin otary Prahlada ( vi). By T. Soshachary, {Revised by Me Subriyula Niguge.] (Seee- ae ee Home ptan) p98, Madras, ono. 12, 147.4 9406) SBSHADAI RAZU, 7, Soe Viewiet—Riynyn Mitral Versions, Gy s- Gere Gouna [Andbes-rimyeyoms, Halted by §) (1804) & HN. SESHADRI SARMA, Zanametchi Subralmeyye put, (Paypsricntnnya). See Yocuienus wkvayas fp ouase eo (Viie imipagaina. With profice by éxhidet,) 1908 & 1074. 08.8 Gamregstonpeniedigen —[Andhre Lilisyn-mabitmyeoa. A poetionl composition on the leon of the Sain ranctunty at Madu, ‘apted from the motion of the samo same Sa the Skasda-pariia] pp. visi 340 Si Pi alapatan), 1906. & 1414.8. ESHA-GIRI RAV, Drigumanign St-pay Sewrl-sejor ge’. [Chamatkien-varyepadsi voli Complimestary tad religious vern edited to aj Kilepalli Achyate-rimayye.] pp 10. U#-729 [Anabepall] 1008. 12 nara 290 07 SESHALOIE- SBMMA-GIRE RAV, G, sainemd Rayoty Dogpanseyas wee Tepm. (Vichitmevindde eathala, A werice of romanons narrated by = peacock] pp. 122. 343! (Madrea] 1898. 5 107s 60, sBora-OTRE SASTRE, 7 Miidar. See Traoxs- aves Névuot, Ke livid with preface (im Beglish] by M, Seabogiri Bastia, 1606.6 tare es, epRrsee Sse. (Theory of Anda vies (or al ‘Tega pp vi 48 Matar, 1803 1A. 23, eBid 180 egret ab the nd ‘ologe Philology. (On *E6SH.) Byte. pp. 15, 91, 6, 1 128, adver, 1880, 1880. 8 1h 9.32, Osriciha- sion of the Hay a8 wor pares irs. L118) SESHARPA, +06 yofomrora. akamme, 100 sna vee fn ad fo of Vishow as the. Ma shipped at Dhsrmaparem) [aden 19853) ghee sys [Nyisimba-yataham. Biited ty T. Dive Peronillayye) SL Yall [Wedron] 1000 tare 218) SESHARYA, Marwliri Mighoworm. See Stew caso, JC. ESHA SASTM, Aoedicname, of Jatpo. Se Nonase Bnipiuege, “rangers ogame tal [krsalahieaandgeahao, Tho Sed dyadroma, Bite with commentary hy V. Saigive Str, vith the assistance of Sésha Str] 1902. 6% i.e 2140) 1004, MiT6. 85 SBSHAVADHANE, Velojari. Soe Virir-toni Teves Kel eee Bebe 0% naa [Niu lig Ghibkayyacnitalamn, Edited by §). 1007. 8° wir. 40.0) SésuAVACMARYOTU, Konlutiri, Se Mavs (sess) [Mayzeriats-gedde, With preface hy 8) (1a0b] 16%. a. 817 SBSHAYARYUDU, Aclale-gin, ems [Anusnskame, “A discon upon Yogio and -SHAKSPERE 208 Volantio dstrines of the dslale school] Soe Vikeayioaseon, Po 835808. [Advaita sullienidbi] vole. pp. 1-34 1005. TH, 6 sismava ‘rf Got [Mokundionsds bhipam: Iated by Sésbaga.] 1000, 10 a SESHAYYA, Cideyopiri, of Madvar Oallign A short Telogs Grimmar Tor elementary schools tod clases: by W. Sathish... Bominpysre. fran pp BL Palle Tastruction Prev Wodras, 1857, 12", ra ourh edition. Peblihed by order of the Director of Public Tnatrostion. pp i. 86 Mateos, 1870. 12. sink 2. sbrvmionava niv, 0. ofo3x5 0008. [Aagléya-vsidya-chitimens.” A manual of ‘medicine, compiled from Bglishsoreeed pp wil. 960) 8 pleler, 206845 9 [Maealialan] 1000. 1th, eB. end spaowed witnosit mont to the Angleys vydye ehintamani, ‘Sabet (Menaipatum] 1910. 8 SHARSPERE (Woutun). See Buivawiuiviy Sundarya mtinani »- an origiat drama i adaption of th story of "ALL fa Well that eda Wall” ee, 1004. @%, 14174 1 908) Supple: pp. 22, ‘Soe Brivusnieseayens. Sree Raghaders "A poor written in adaptation of 1800. Tar. 68.4) See Havounrs Ri, 2. fev oeatis, “An adaptation of * Cymbe- ajoegam + the wary of tho “Poril's Drs,” ae, e Tine") (1898 1a nT) Soe Papwaviena ino, F: Sayathous adapted from..." Othello” 1604, MITA, 8 808) ‘Soe Viaricnssamy, 1. ¥. — Malativa sastam, A drums... lased on Shaksperes “Tompert"] 1800.” & 1a. 288) Se Videspicussans, 7.7. See Saga ‘A dzama [based spon " As You Like 1177 1910. nat. §7.02) 200 SHAKSPERE SHAKSPERE (Wessun) (ativan). Sse Vice seanasund Ry Nisan, PAS. Khon nates rome An intersting story - [One pon "ymbetine "), oe. 1808. 136.” 1874. £ 1811) ‘ce Vinsgeuitcane, Chitraketacbarie ‘An adaptation [in narentive prom] of Taio. 1h gg. 118) "ing Lear” frond. PEAR exsinyses 3 Stee ow King Loon, [Temslaed ato Telage dy Parawachamen Vidyiaand. Sri) p.25,8, 28%. Modrae, 1007, 122418, 81812) ‘Trnaated into (oras os 1805. 12 ar, 18> Vanicparavartakodantham (£8,566. Sots). A translation of Sheakapeao’s [i] Morwhaat of Vouico. By Tallapragada Saryaane ayn Rao. (Sawaal Seros 0.2) pp. 8, 4,100, "Fte [Cacnede,] 1906, Tare 8 49a) ‘fom tess Palids Sula or Ol [Tosuaated into Tolaga by] C. Sriniaan Row p14, 108. Madre 1000, 6° 174 B.40(6) Shakepoae’s Masha ‘Telage by 0.8. R. Kea Beto) ppd. 1, He ada wood cer 80808 wnye-fosd BY Be rine, Shakeapoere’s Rempert. [Bow into Tioga Uy” ParamachansaVidybnandn Swi] pp: x. 18, 164. Madeoe, 1007. 12°. TA, bl Noto the Anaesth atin apen, SHANKAR (0). SHARKEY Jou Bowexo)._ Se aus.—dpyeni VF Boose «NFO. Now Telament Storie, [Mvnslated into Tologu by J. Sharkey] 180, ‘Sve Divaniaan Vigravia, Soe Lyvovaut. —Bagiaad, Church of oot on ae Pand§ SIRF Tol (The Book of Common Psajor, le)” [Blited by ES) 1858 6 5405.8. 4 ‘See Mewana (Ws. H.C). Phot and Kraus. . [Teaueleod into Tologa by J. Sharkey)" H658. 12 itt g 3 “sin a0 SHARKEY (Jou Bowen) (cutivnal). Se Pasion reat Posticaront—Afwran,2mor0. Tita (Wiivad by 8.8] 1902, 6% Te g. 8 Gods Choice th best Translate into Tolagu by «J.B. Sharky, | Tato, 1k 5 SHEK NABI SAHER See Nast Sein iba Divo Baie. — Sie Senor (0. [SHERIDAN (Rionany BuuseueyApavadsiar | kink (ezesecond). A Telegu prow dame in five ante adaptod from Shovian’s "Schoo! for Scania” "By Sei K. . V, Krish Rau Babadar, (Sarnewatl Soros no. 16)" pp 107. Movs, oot, 1a. 828.6) SIDDHA KAVI, Cickire [Doulyfat and Suppontitioue Works) oy Goer gases tot [ama-karghmita, Pee feed by the Rimagiti, With Telogu motsical ‘See Saiscanieions. version ofboth by Siddha Kavi) "1863." 8% 1402601. Gree peyiie tet [inne With Siddha Kuve version] (lass 12, Mh, SIDDHANA GAUDY, Sisgona-p. i --- Kom Si Hose Nows Feng ans Sous omeh Sek Perel... reewasren ais, [Siig Abara-aitskan, A popular drama on the Inge of the tamplation of pre Siraigaian by his stepmother, ited by A. V. Sebin-iem Sart Second elition} pp. 86. SR Hem res | Cedras, 1381) &% Mink SIDDHAWATHA, dutrotogr. Gf, - on8,- bp ours—(eha-raoa-sidihajana, A reeteinl Sanskrit treatise on ateolygy. | With Tolage translation by. Pibgula Véskaterios Uongula). ppt. B48 2F [Maton 1805.) 8 14058607, SIKHE-NARASIIGLUDU, 1964 ¥8¥<. [ii nrecimhoratnkame. ‘vination from various omens and. astrologi! folon} yp. 20, OF0% (Medeor? 1605.) 8 are kat) SIM (Jawss Desoas). See Tnora—Lopdatve Come Act no. vile of 1850, ete. [Signed by ED. Sins as temlator} 1670." 1474 941) A eerie of vores on sInrsON- SIMPSOW (Davis). God's Choice tho best for His People, SeoSongeerge. [A vernon.) ‘Teanlad into Teloge dy the Rev. J B Bhaskey. pps 4 SPOR, Pros Very (tata), 1850, airs 88, SINAYYA (B.), of the Ohueh Aievinary Society ‘See Bie —Oomplte His. Tho Holy BiDN (Rtovined by B. Sinays, le] 1908.8 1474. 0.10, SENAYYA-DASU, Morte Rémaps-pw’. See Vebcarinaesant, K, Mangalagetsabatmyam for s. Sounnyys Das le, 1008. irs. 0. 2040 Se Auanacgiion- s0HoARACHARYULY, Chinn SINGARACHARYULY, Martganyi Tirw-votgal- chanyuyee, sea ggT repos (ol “hindhewniésbtiyastikalysgame. A. poom fon the epic legend of Sia’s marriage) "Ste Prtovieat Penicarion, —Rerwada, @co¥tes: ‘eg0 [Prband-kalpavalari] oly 901 1h, te N74. Ba 3,8) srioARACHARYULU, Tassra, [Por the odition Gf the Seigiteanrrirtha-sin-eshgraham pre- paved by Sitgarichiryalu and Ahnsibgerichae ulus] Soe Riwanenaees, 2. Avayevartnkoumeds, oF The Root Mess: fnge {in Telage) of Sancrit words used in Telage s.. Part i, esata. pp. v.16, seal Madras, 1882, 12. Hr m8, sriganicuAnyoLy, ovsru, and. AEAKA-Stc GARACHARYULU (Cutis Scanteutero.t!, ostirs, Gayaka lochanam, oF Tho Fourth Hook in tute, mestertey me [Inlading womerous Sonakrit excerpts, Telugu jntorprotations and fxpositions, and an appendix of hymoe by Driabitale, BySgerngye, Sibgseichiryul, and ‘ovhors i Telags, Ta Kanan, and Sushi] pps vil 256." 2430 [Madren] 1884, rath 68 Gaya siddhasjanam. Tha SU book ia the ast of musi... Seat REroefas. 2 vole Sea (Morar) 1890-1005, "S. MMTLe 8. sill aa Tipnut -SITARAMA, ae SHOARL-DASU, Hurihojana, 90 OBESE Bgeae, Byswuewes, [Poldadiewebae: frome, A pootical arrative of tho legendary tory of Poddivdian, « young votary of Vishoa jn Tasjory who waa perseuted and miraculously relomed, need spon the yrsin of Sigari-aan ‘Thin eiton.) pp. 82. 7 (Madras, 1866.) ®. ita. 1. [Anotber elton.) pp. 28. 020 [atairae, 1810.) = irs. 200) SIROAYA, Brie, (Vor editions of Vk. vi applied by this pout to the Andiracbhagerataa ff POlans Masti] See Puuiyas.—Dhigetar aries. SUHGAYYA, Chavis Négayye-yu’. SeeMatsaren, 1.8, and Sifouvrs, Gh N.Prabodha chendro: hayens, le 1800, 8 1a. 88.09 See Mawar ‘Var paranaans. 8, and Siannts, Gh M. 1008, eI B14 sINOAYTA, Virana-mantr:puty Soe Bains. ‘The Hater and Arjona, Doing a Telugu rendering «+= by -+-Singsyye. 1908. Tr 27009 STUA-SVAMI MUDALIYAR, So Cusmuorius Moonuiras. STrAMMA, Kiiteapayk, PEEEETOES. [Sie were) pel %a! (Madras) 1900. tara. «2063 SITA-PATAYYA, P, Tatil, of Chitaor. 984-000 O48 asecl- gang [Vivel-chandsl, tr Vraqlla-peabnensana, A fan 7 acta fon the dowering of bridegeooms.] pp. 80, i S88 [Okituor] 1910, § TATA. 60.8) SHTA-RAM, Yemulsonis, Loreen cottro. roeias [Vijayardton-yuekiotvilanms. A composition in yrs on the lovosrtory of a ancl gr) Visanaporam, 07-2 (1808.8 1417 480) (argneke ours. pp ie 1, SITA-RAMA, te Dat Yeo) (Dhadrwgirbaiti-rimeryatalame, 102 ‘vores npn of SRA and Ran an worehippad Ae Badeasbalan) pps 12, (Madras? 18107) & its, x 31.) 213 SITARAMACHARYULU- SirA-RAMACHARYULU, 1, of Govt, Normal ‘School, Maran Sube extabkaram, A diee tionary of th Tolagu language. (Hg 3582) pp-seuvili 140, Mathas, 185, 8° 104m 20, sird-mAmiomAnyoLw, Vasgiarame 9o°%5- eysesas. (Achiryacatow hiram, A poem fon the lives of tha aporten and doctors of the Sricrashaava Charo, comprising (i) Rito Peal, a fo of Bey in 4 larasge, Gt) Ding orp, ivan ofthe avail Arvin, fa trues, sd it) Paevichieye pe, livesof lator eae, fn torasgas, Biel hy Chilksmatr Veikatw Arishoam-Gehiryuted pp. 2,825. Rajmunry 1910. & ard bb 20.8) SITA-RAMADASA, Tasiptl via, 7, Bes Biticadaa- SITARAMA MANTRL, sidi-rice Dhapav yn sodagsb ow tasers, [Suliekper-vitic jnsdja-patakams, 108 Vashyaraversey in honour af the monkey-god Hanuman.) pp. 87 Beastgoe [Madras] WOL, 128. 1082601) SINAOHARYULU, Kapri, #=h30o. [Sai a darpayam, pp 42s 1 plat ‘A mawnal of muie) ph i Seo [Blore) 1807.12 1014, 618 SIrAmAmaRAGD, Bale Penyerpe, of Fula pall Qo-- Gore dnsrnesion (ude abbigevatema, An adaptation of Uk, Ib of ho Bhigarata, ia voren mixed. with prose ited by P. SirnyyaStatre] pp. ii 152, swte [Cocanada) 1901, 8. ‘HTL, SHTA-RAMA $A8TRI, Kunthabipom. Soo Baas sant Gy --- 18% Gao [Nithqnakn, Sriogtme: Hy aed Vaieigyng Baited by 8. 8) (1876) s ‘or. 3. SIrA-RAMA sista, Padiri, (ee%G.) [il iki, Afra render, with Isto fa aplling, iuerary comporiti, mathenstien, xe Hiltad by Veskatakyishpe Siate.) pp. 78. 7 (atras, 1856.) 8% 174. 8 3, reader {oF naive | (eeda-bite-gikso, choos, with wd A fest al mater -SITARAMAYYA a ‘on liorary subjects, proedy, Sanebrit yams, _Reograhy le, being aa enlarged edition of Siti- ina’s Baleilaba.) pp. 90. Oe [Aforve, 1805] waitin weesereysicg [Mie vivdta bapa ferava, Another enlarged oliton of th Bil fileba. Baited by KK {nas 185. SIDA-RAMA §ASURI, Vale Yajsérora FESS pee. PAE UREN ‘sot [Bharste-sadgrabame, A moteieal tentize fm & cbaptors on tho art of noting, drmatic. “nosing, and mate, wid prose parapeseatled Bhseu-darpaname) pp. 2120. e280 yj sandr) 1008. 6. 1475.0 34 SiTA-RAMA-SVAME, Inout Vethafo-nimayep Graver OF Fee [Mibhiehe male A oonbalry ia Ttoge, Hindi, ad Paria, printed tntirely in the Touga ebamotor] pi pp. 83 Muraipotam, 1890.12". 14m 20, SiTA-RAMA-SVAME, Killa, of Silé-nimaiton Prue. Telchapurem. See Destieasea. 20 (2ousu Zoomgese . . . Vaateknraon Tanta (Biivod with Tolage tmeslation by Sitirsms 1000.” 1°. 14038. 8.3, orspsooong [Ninietha-vigea-nighaotn. altel bs interpretation by Sitirim} 1009, 12% 1400», StrA-mAma-sVAar, Tadépalé ajesbboray Ge Gagemate. | (Vishonpuntgame A Dostical adaptation of the Sanskrit Parton, jn Inixed very and prose] 2 voln pp. iw. 91, vi 6 468,58; Uplate, Dem (Bre) 1904, B 1414. 8,13. SETA-RAMA YOGI, Sata glantoms, of Kolahast Sr SYS. | [Svintavaetglakar, Aleyotional vores of aiva mystic.) Soe Nasu aves, Kedimelis, ooms, ee) pp. 1-20. PE08E 50 [Thaonaphicl 1902, & MITS. fe BAnmtnd Beg. inh, 18 captor om istorenting facts of eioace,) pp. 8 352 ‘Sens [Bere] 1008. 17h ce. 18 216 SITARAM-DRASAD- StrA-RAM-PRASAD, of Mine Religious Selo! | mw Nayudu w | (1888) Se Vina. Qaida act ia@uwacew, sal paraphesse, by vars 48) Qurgtu Covoerer (Cadyeagal. Elite, with Ts repeal) 1902, sith RAMUDU (Dita Kan), Drbatonifa Pe goals alyearimagepe, OIG OES CE ASnk4 ong vB amano (oe. [Ande ietitenataingeme. An adaptation, in Sein of mized ern ou pie ofthe aunt fren in the Padaarpargn of tho lege a ‘comnceted withthe noth Kirti) pp Bap [Nall] 1008, 8. LNT Yb 2 see Sopese ES Unies Beat srgteme OSES Seem, [Visvekarme abliynna. A poo on the logends af the god Vigraaraa and ofthe artifsercates alleged to to dennded from him, takon fom a Male. staothe oF work on easooriginn] =¥sig03 (Matra) 1900, ee. 8 ave x 9000 ITAA, Nenddre Tijeyare, of Blapurem, Callapat, by oo- Aer0ese sss baenk yen bsprjo does ta-darpapane, A work of Benstos, largely anthologe, and chity fn vers, upon motaphysio and religoun exercises scoring to the Vaishonra chute) pp it 88 Sess [lor 1808) 8 144,838, SIVAME, Roja of Satara. [Efe] See Tanauways iv, KV. Bel Sivauechartram, ee. 1008. B 14g. 18) ‘Seu Satuvisieuiuvs, P. tev# sol (Sivaji. Am bistorioal drama.) [1897.1 12. ‘ar, 8 Sey Viheapaauuayares, F Tho ite of Simi, we, 1800. 1. 2A Gna) SIVA AVE (Souscvieus), Pifupart. Soe Sine siswoyt, PD. SIVA-RAMA DIKSHTEA, Aclale Guna 98 ang fwombhbaiont ezegiopis. [Adhula gene hana. tates om Vedsotio motalytty, a 2 pars of Band 6 chapters spectively. Baited sod translated into Telogu by Potela Sela | -SIVA-SANKARA a6 PP 116, Madras, owe 2, vt. b 2 lapel tit Sterertshe £6%4, [Parpiya bathe sidahintwsismanit A teatvo upon the Advaita pilsophy- With pefuo by P. Veskatérared] Pp. 4145, 4 [Madran) 1008, 6 1a», 6000) Ongnat SIVA- RAMA KEISHOTANOA, Suaranese(W). Slakgpeace's Macbeth, Teanee lated by O. 8. R, Krishoumine, 1895, 12. ara 1540 ‘See Viana Se SIVA-RAMA SASTRE, Tolticho Rav, a @, = 9798656 [Bulihbndbne etapa aivvachanekana-cbaritewna. Edited by 8) tare. x 100) SIVA-RAMAYYA, Nolosital A’ Manval of name [or modes of slzistc ernment) ‘nd eeumples clad a rmged for tho sof stdout pepasing fr the Matriculation, BA. and B.A, Haaminations, (sibs weorsse8,6.) [Alaidee-chandriki PpM,7, 128 Naor, 1894. 6 8ITE @ 18.1) SIVA BAU, droll, Soe Anawricosen, KC, ao Sire Rio, d. sem o054e gem. [Mayalbanie Litanala} "1309. 16 rare 1012) [SIVA-SANKARA PANDYAIL, Rima-nithee. Soe Buagret-naeWhavtibur nit satiny ited by Te. Siusvsknea Pandiah, "1887, ‘So Sabeanienora. (Doulfal end Supe postition Works] "The Aryan Catechian Tidited by R. Sivamoiera Paniah, 1857. 12 14008, S06 Ramayana nth rato sare Pana, 13 —Rimyagn —Proe Perio, ited by R. Siva 14008. « og, wetoetes. Avira Lala iti Dodhiais The Tolga Juvenilo Moral Tnsewetor containing exellent moral masons Sa Telugh, ‘th Bugliah translations aad usefl iaforation bout Hindsiam, x. Blitd by BR, Sivatakar Pandya ype 30. Madras, 1889. 12, 14008. « Poms nf ha Wink Exes Sete, 27 SIVASANKALA- SIVA-SANKARA PANDYAST,oma-nita-pa™ com | Fisted) em snr sv0st 9 dome Aen Hise Dhishdntatearana Chintinaa), ‘The ‘Teloga and Baglish Travnlation Guide». con tnioing.- hint om taalaion froma Talay Sato Baga nod vieo vrs, le. 2 pla pp se 240 Matus, 1988, 12. itd m1 epee wnt 9p 38-10, Arya dharma bodhini, Argan Religious Tastewstors Contaiving the onsace of Arya oraity abd religion express in simple Snshrit nas with Telaga trandations By +» Sivasabhara Peadiyyi. pp. 24. Madre, 1697 ~ 008 « Form 3. of ein seinen eye sit mata babi: Hie Pack of | Aryan Morlity abi Religion. . contiaing ‘oxeclont stanane from ancient Sandee works with Tologa snd Hoglsh translations ad expla tions Blited by R, Sianakara,Pandipy Second eiton. 2 pte. yp. 47,90, Madras, 1880. 1 ‘003. =. Forme no of the Has Bsn ‘Tho Bpress of India Nine Goms. A oom fn Tolga ty... Verkatnathuame Pata “Tho Enprese of Toda. A poem in English by R, Sivssankirn Pondish~ Published by ie’ aduiors ae na ostwant exeiion of their Iartflt joy at the assuoption of the title “'Bmpress of Tada,” oe. 1876, 12%. See uracnarnane, Kabieds 18 Witna Jokoktt rival, The Diamond [Novkluo of BoglshProveria: oontaiing. tho ‘eat Boglish proverbs with Toluga and Eaglish ‘csaings, slborate explanations, and. Sonckit sysivalonta. Edited by R Sirmnahare Paedink (Chegleye lokakt rajtvali) poral, 218, Modour, 1985, 12. 14003. « Porn fhe Hina ane, Moers Briish Wisdom. Containing the several prneples of morality and religion ated fa tho choice... words of eminent. Raglish nathors with "eluga translation, elaborate Madras, 1885, -SIVA-SVARODAYA, as Pandiah, (sors ore Bd wor. Angleys salkari skti sudhd, The Nectar of the Dest Sayings ofthe laxt Bogish Authors.) pp. av 192." Maras, 1685, 12 14003. « orn. tH eS Bosirys ett awezet. — Sumskrite Iokokti mktival. ‘The Poai-Nocklace uf Sa revit Proverha. Costing portant Sasecnt proverbial mings with lat Boglish teutlitore sions and with Tolga aad English meanings edited by R. Sivankars Pasta, pp. ip. 00 008.6. ‘Fe fhe Hinks Rai ain SIVA-SAHKARA SASTRE, Kantor. Soe Perooieas Penueations —Vinwearayapuran Sadarsini «Print aod. pul siitor + - Binetnkare Kari Mir ca, [iscllscoas wonks, comprising Mi AbavEmindlarsana drats, Naveed ‘ prom romance, we] See Penonent. Peace, ‘rons—Vieecerayaparam. 80... Sadar, des vol fy. Ip es 1908, en at, £48 SIVA-SANKARA SASTRE,Keetrsof ajamusdy, orters306,50. (OhelinRaincinstrn, A Sanskrit poos on the io and work of Gholi adit, a eoclintor of atm “ad dua, With Telaga version] pp i 48. -ovesrters Ge [Rajvhmunty, 1000.) 8. 14058. 48 SIVA SAHARA SASTRY, Sih Subrahmanyu pe’. Seo Suinanacurars. (Doutfal and Se Dostione Works] y+ 43 8806, s00% ‘ast (Prarstera-ratn- nid, With lug intrprtaton te. by Sivatuibara) [1883] 140486 62:8.) SIVASVAREDAYA, ,.—-0¥sGeSa8sb. [$ivae tecatiso pou divination ‘With Taluga tinalation rp. G8 Seyteose 14033. a8 9810) srarédnya. A Bo from the breath, es Dy N, Garage Ste] ‘oreo [Mairar, 1901) 8% aeiseTwcnss. —(Sieacnrmdays, With ‘Telugu interpretation.) See Viapizeaneny, 7. ‘eaplanitioas ia ‘Telogs and. Eoglish, Sanskrit quivalnta, ko, Elitod by Tk Sivas | eases [Adesita-salhienithi) vei pp TI. 1005, TTA Bb L8¢ra, 2) SOARES- 1G). Sie Braue —Now Tester {Salectima] Tia Tito... pre- went — Goapele ppoved by. Thcodore G. Soares, te. 1900.” 10" ra. at SOMADEVA, (Cerseyr es.) [Kathiaarit "A serie of ronnoces and. fables ‘of Sinw-déve] 1074 g. 38. ‘Teanlated frm the Sask [afadrar, 18007} 8, intone ony r,. SOMA-NATHA, Paris, Sie Soubpranoos SOMA-NATHA RAV, dia Duchelineahaye ya ‘The Life of Sroo Krishan Devaeaysla [Maharaja of Vijayanagar] in Taga verse tog te cee SOGyae. BAST GeO. pi 128; Uplate Medrer, 1007. 12". aa: L288) SOMA-NATHUDU, Kofibleyst Kopqrara-thrtie robepe’, SBRESreTyHH. [Vishouites Pikhytoeme. A poss, interspored with prose, fn a legend} Se Paatotea, Posucerons— ‘Seveaiae nowts,.y8 [Prabandha- dal ‘allas,) vol fy no. le, 1000, ee e 174 240011, ed S6MARATHUDU, Nickona-s, (SOuuo). 48: Seezots, Uttarn Hari vemeama. (A chomp composition, in Gexnto, forming an appendix to the Mehi-bhiratame of Tkkens Sama, and composed about tho end of the Huh century). EAited for the fint time aod published by KK, Veevenlingen. pp if 12 i807. ajar, rare atid) SOMANATHUDU, Pifupartd Basacene-pu, (Siva Kar), bb, sarOfeizevoms weopran KesegnSouise wh vse goat Bol [Ba Poriqame, A work im 7 dpniae of verve mixed Irth prom on the Iagendary career and teachings rate Jangama apostlo Dasa, Kaited by oumbatam Rik "Kén.) yp. ville 288, 82 esi]. 144.0. 98, SOMASREHARA sista, Orogyt scomeferss, [Nisiyepenijeniniame, A -SREERAMA 20 contary of vrs i Rigo) pp. 34 logy of Pasapiti Naviyunn Vieegapaten, 1895. ra e18. we heck womlaces G8 Syne [Rim krishodrjona-obriyanyamba. composition in 4 tdsas of verso intoraporsed Sh prove, which tay” bo interpreted aa a ‘itam equally of the Mahi-Dhirata the Tim aoa, and the Dhigavatarparion) pp. 170 Vieegopatam, 1896, 6 sare Lt SOMA-SUNDARA RAU, Styria. y+. s008ie~ eaverpfonts Oe el [Muchikeodpithyé ams. A composition is iyrioo-drapatie gab tna syle on the lgond of Muchikand (ge fale 2. B1)] pps. THRE [Cocaneda,] too. & 101 36) SOMAYA, (Siva Kavi), Piduparli Se Sous aang, PB SOMAYYA, Guyfapali See Pasioniens Poms camiowe-—Deswade,&905¥e829 [Prabava: alpavallari,Pablnhed aod edited by Sémayy0] 1008, te. 1. £2 SOMUDU, Nishona-yu’. Soe $5 S0OBA ROW. See Somes Riv. SOORAKAVE, Adilamn, Soe So24%s, A. B SOORYANARAYANA. Seo SOnra-vinivaya SRADDHA, See Gose-nsoa Siere Peparsielen ofre gue, rmentiamala) (1900) SREENIVASA CHARLU. wewtgee. TAtaika- 14039, a8 47 See Saves SREENIVASA RAO. Soe Suiivien Riv. SREERAMA PANDIT, or SREERAMULU PAW. ‘TULL, Dass. Se Sui-nawoue, De ma SRIDHARA- ‘guIDHARA SVAMI, Sy Mawi-nuinatA—Modern Version, (Uheprind-gi.) GOSykERS “sa [Diagnvadsgit, With interpretation compiled by Ch, Sundararine Bist from the oom tation of Sridhar, el) 1910, Moss. 2 SRLWARSHA, aon of Hire Peydite, (Bor the Srighr-nashadhmo, adapted fro the Sa [Naihadba of Se-arabe:) See Sel-eitnces, Nysiatham. Ta prose « - » Re-priated from the Maajurmi, (#84360) [Varhane rnisindloms, A Tolga prose adaptation of $1 lnrsa's Sonsket poem Nsibadba, by Ras Bf Binjeiga Rive] yp i 88. Hore, 1902. 12° Tans. £19.) ‘or prt of he Majo Sra SREKANTHA SASTAI, Sapgera, Sie Avan, Hyon oat we3e mal [Amara With commentary, ae, Hiited by $8] 1898, 8% M078. 68 SRENATHUDU, Mirena pu". [fe] So bie auni-xanuastts, K Sresbathacharitrsm, 1008 ® ITA. 30, seahicpodiis ess enoste bk ssr@ooe. [Bhinéyeae-paripam, or Bhlie balan, A podtical adaplaion, in 6 Zane, of tho Mhine-khanda of the Skande-paripn upon "a Baien Ingonde of the srsrum (Detain or Dai kiy in Goda soe Distt), Bited by R. eskateasbbagya) hed 3i. 192, Aran, 1901, LAITBr a8 ‘morchant KGenfi Tippada, on the logends of the god Sion] by Stes Kavi. [baited by IK. R. Veilatwiqisind Rin.) (ee00~8.) pp. ie 8, 92. Conmade, 1001. 6, MITA EAB.) ‘Forme n-B ofh Sua i, BS Dipebastah air BB conc end BAHOBIGT RFE... BhecE-fonthteny, SostrgeRusreprmgssted ... Gwettog. pistescasungenroaneummoseaut. Sioacscedy AjomsBarTeSe [Srbgire -SRINIVASACHARYULU at asishadhams, Aversion of the epia legend ff the loves and advestares of Nala and Daina ants, in 8 ayotear of vera iaterpersed. with ‘roe, adapted from Sricharaha’s Sanskrit Naie fbadba. Buited by Saraavat Tea-véogubichir- ola s0d Vaigiparama,Rims-brshoam-aohir- ela) ppt to BAgsyau er (Modran Tee). ror. SRINIVASA ATrANOAR, KV. Sie Voranicnse ‘ra Ky aad others, Te Sangitha bodhini compiled -.. hy... Steonivasn Iyengar, ct 1006, 12", TOT 0,22 SRINIVASA AIYAWAR, Mosdayam Bhimaripa: ne. Sor Aarinant "The Nitybonssadlane Series. Mlited by MLB. Srinivas Aigengar 1608 eo ya 5 sniNIVAsACHARYULU, Romine, Court Pandit of Ventagii. See Manicoaesta.— Modern Forions. [Aragya-parea) hove ai ys (Wakshaprageamul., Rendered into Telegu verse by Siiuivisihieyala.] 1004. 6 [Amuiritn sronthacchintima] HAT LoL tT) sRIMIVASACHARYULU, Panaypume dnonts Siren. th peogyum Chace Sw Képlgrane Mase.” The Boje 7 Blltad ‘by B. Sreeniaee 1000. airs. 9, 9240) Sie Mank-ansesea—Konnaya end 0b FA. Examination 1001, The nin == With «+ notes, hints ‘hey by B, Srenivara Chara ae 845.8) See Somrewinivapa Siem, D., and Sowounacniea SisrH, 0.” Notos om.» Sato mani [4 romance hy Senivdetchitysi], at 1001. ith». 8004) Swe Tonnana, XS. xoD-osyares seererseesse (Pinijétipharagama Bait by 8) [1805.) 176.1178) ‘So Tanwar, KG. SeeeTaksisiparionyain Telogu Mababh for traneaio 1900, co Blited by P, Staenirara Charla, 1800 *. Maa 4) anskangi. An original Tuga denn fn Gee acin, (UTR Udy MOS) Dpsivie. Wk, Madras, 100, 12. 1814 b 21189 vy SIINIVASACHARYULU- snimrvisheminveze, Ponappitiwy Anonti hinge. (onined), P38 ws prota. (Six An historical arm.) pp i106. Madro pore (i9i7). 12 Tara 22, ho gla efrom he sovers ‘Victorian Rem of P. Sreonvase Chale, (QeEiSame GEOR esiy FOG.) ppt 15, Madras, 1910, 12, Yard m 36, sniMVAshcuAnYuLy, Pare-naite, sbgva- SayeA PROS sost-ySPogE UE SEAS! {Surve-mbdesumiadhial, A dictionary of 5 slsie worde explained ia Sanarit and whore tecsary in Telage ali. Dogun and weary completod by Srsiriaicharyla for his pupil, (Goi Sirye priya Tis, and afer dhe dah of tho formar fished Uy bis soo Vétlaterag chinyule aod Himieojichiryola, rearranged in rogelaealphabeioal order an far ax the loter 8 hay Veshataeasgachiryul, and fall rvisd by KoppiliKuppayya Patnsyekols, with some suldions by Mapas Siogrichieyala] pp. 2, ogo Titorntura, Ty Kae. 1008, ail YQ (Madras) 1675. 14008, «. 1 smiurvashcwinyony, y, [For works otitel by 8, see under the folowing eings ] Baaari-varenca Navvoe Poriyas.—Mhigooatapurige sRINIVASA TAGAN-XATHA VAM, Paramus ‘Andhrw Stosbhashyn ‘See Bananivays. ela bar eogrmgrsas, Buited by § 3] 1074, 28.11) Soe Keétana, Bh I (Anabea-bishi-bbisha See Mani-mninarss— Modern Versions, (Dlagoond-gia] Set Ghetbhdehyatrayaatrs [ce to ‘Bhagaad-gih with Telogu commentary by Sciaivdan Jeganenit] oe, 1000. 8 14068 ana 22 ‘See Pavabnss, Bo Es (Vogue, \Wivh Telegu version by Svnivisn Jagunnatha] 1803-1808." 12. [Seladasidytiverthon) ard g 38(aL. > See Prtat Losscuiovas, Cress [Blomokshaepa Wink the Tir: | of Samandan, -STINIVASA RAL on ‘ranalated hy Srinvdsa Jagan 1, ith. 9 94 roaotrzthan, atin} 10, Seu Saoixaena Yiolwons, &BS68=,- ‘sii. [Advalta-alintesira, With Plage Trnoalalion by Srinivian dogenenithe.) 16D. S [Batalailyidiverdhant) TTA 88.00 1,2) og ppoenswxi-us [Andhm-nighant clntashkar, Four vocabalaien hy diferent sathore-vin the Siaba-nighant, Andha-rtode earn, Andhre-nima-sésham, and Andhese imasaigesbame) «Publisher [and eter SrorparavetaSteeniram Jaganoadbsswamy Agyererlogsss. pp. 133. Vingopatom, 1801 rr 1 26 SRINIVASA RAMANUIA-DASU, Riynste Latsl- nayyerpa®, Sea Antinony, ovo POSEsOR ES “Sot” [Nitybnosundhnan. With ‘Telugu inte pretation, ele by Seaivdan Rémingjeve.) 1008. © TO, ee 21. gniwivisa RAMANUIUDY, Iija. 20° dy. ota. [Srckraboa-ytakamn, 108 devotional vores addressed to tho go Kysbpa. Bital by N.Mighaviehiryula]) pp. 18. 08% (Madre 1805.) 10% rare cL) SRINIVASA BAU, Clitoris, Soe [Addonds} Beieneounnna Cesrierourn. | Eee T sR ‘50 [Rrisiga-hfaten tara lation, by Srinivsan Ti, ‘w") “i910. 1, See Suaxsrece (WI, ns £940) tom Polinds Sosilom or Othello, [Pranlated by] tes C. Srinivan Row. 1000. 6, MITE R-40,6) set og208, A history of tho Maratha county, with laste Hons] sostbstyess [Auaulpatan,) Moiene [printed], 1900, ee 12° ‘iar «40 adaes Bre 909 f te Rotbe ts tare snisivisa BAU, Kalisatom, Sie Navan cnkerent, Nownn, Bul. Rasmination 1899, Anvotations on [Seiaieian This) Sunn Dvanyan, fe. 1828. 8 MITE B89) The Avarce Defeated, or The Ms (Mudra chaste. a "A Teloge otigioal denon in 2 seiwtvasi five nctx By Kollachllam Sreesiasn. Rao (ongors. “WY, seseststnanss. (Derink UinigamaorSenasdani-parinaysins) 25% 9, ‘Beret ss) ppl 1, Madr, 1805, 8 Ts. 817.8) Second edition. pp. ail. 164 4 Madre, 1898, Ta. 82416) Rama Raj, or Tho Last Daye of Viti roggne. “An Istorcal denna in feo note Uy Kollachellam Srecaivam Tas. (a ne306 su Negev ersp FE.) pp. 2,4 1 1025 1 plate Bellary, 107. 8 ta. 4.37.2) sbgereeyrBjctes.[Sutprhargshand yyoma, Adama fs 6 nota om the logon of the fnferioge of hig Harigchondea of Ayéthya for the sake of truth, With an appendix of 141 Sintobe] pp ive § 158, 8, BQ! [ery] 1008, "8 MTs, 48.2) ‘Tho Morrago ofSekbamanjor, A Teogn original drama, in ra acle, Cospsr=Bd ri) pp. Tl. Ballary, 1806. 8%, NTE 87) Saltann Chand Bi (alo ented Chad Vihar), Of The Last Days of Ahmed fasger. An Mistrial dram a alx acts, By Kollachelim Sronirasn Ta, (tear esd bran.) pp. fie 15451 plan, Ballory, 1907. & ras 36.9) sulmvAsa VaRADACHARE, 7, of Fumio lonom. ‘The llastratd Convorsetion abd Reading eso sith Poot. Hor those of the Third Standard oglo Tamil & Togs. Book i Pil edition (1. Srconiasnvarade Chari & Co, Primary School Sorin) yp. 6h Kuntbabonam, Modrve [vinted), 1002. 1 142g.) ‘Th ilastrated Conversation and Reading Lessons with Postey for the Fourth Standaed Anglo Twmnl and Telugs. Book ii (T, Shwe vaonearada Chari Co, Primary Schoo! Serie) Pp Gk Kembakonam, Madeas [printed], 1902 1 10g 4) sui-niwa mamma, Deo Sov Sat-xinvue gRb-miwa. ORT, Goresida, SerTaoun-nisuone, 04, and Saisninaswtnn, 0, ongjesmeweee ‘aii Anabew-padeplriteme.) 1888, 14074, 2 -SRE-RAMAMMURTI 26 saE-mima.mda, Gwveide (continual), Boe BEE UFaS08, "T9G. [Bepfapil-annn. smantrshistrama, "A biography of Anna a 1a Brahman contemporary with tho poet 8H- nitholad pp. 2h. F088 [Renters] 1906.1 ui. £28 (eaabhowngsss.) [Appayedibshitee htrtnm. A laf the plyhiston Appayn Dike ‘ita pp. 65. 1808, 1990. "Sa Paton Ponucaniont Blo, emerd [Malju-vint) vobijpo. 1.2, 18961005, 12, MITE Let 1) Bingraphies of the ‘Tolugu Posts, with crilcalandciaticonnys, (F8436:H0) Seco ‘8 pie Madr, 1909-1819 [1907] Forme ott of the Blog Vaimganen dition, See kate acres ae Free gttaar anger, [Kalkepr Aayekaths-aigrahame. A prom epitome of he ‘storia iu Pigall Sorenan's Kul-parpddayam] Pe. M2. 44 syeu [iedran] 1001, ITH 5h) ER SoB IS ceets mexorsios. 90350. [itsdhaes-Vidyimaya-charitams, An sccount of the life and the Itercy aad. publi. fetivity af Midhavs oF Vidyiry, sometimer ‘enti with Sayona] pti pp. 62. Ema [sconader} 1800. 8° rag 6312) Tayansblaskeramantsi chaitmm, [A Iistory of fayani Bhaskar, «echoln, pout, nd ‘easeia administrator attho boginniny ofthe 16h ceatary] (Snraswail Serer 20. 8) 1p. 86 Cocanada, 1900." 8° Mats g 420) dioototate ASH. (Serie came Jahhcivama, An bistrot tetany 3 the Batt jae) pp. fe 0 prs adray 1002. 8 1a ‘Timmarass, A Niyogi Deshmen, 856 SOE, (ewe fes0 850g a0) [Aloo ‘iome-rve, minister of Kishow-déra Rg alas A.D.IGI0) »« - Rovied and edited by Roja M. Diyjoge Hew... Beeond dition, A reprint from the Manjuvasi. pp. 81. lor, 1908. 12 naira. 998) @ or SRERAMULU- $RL-RAMULY,Dirw, See Basen suo. Mehavow ‘nated. by Dasa Sroormale [ve 1. rar a a7) See BusriconGet, Msltoemabavipame oo esnalted into Telaga..-by Dasa Selena Pootala Garg, 1900. 8. [Sorareati] 144g. 260, 2 = oe Kitolied. Sekontala,.anslata. 1808, 6 vars bak) ‘So Naming oD, aod Su-xinow0, D, by Datu Seramule Panta, Sive Sanita eusntarangit, ele. 1907.8 141708 40.8) wpeersgsyeopts ... ABN Gulye- prabandhama, A novel tale jn prom by Das Sreeramala Pantals Gave, pp-f32, 2. Bilore, 1805. Mint g. a7) bes demogtterssess tore erst. [Andre dér-Dhigevata-porinam. ‘Sn edaptation of the orginal Swart in Togs ‘ert intrspored with prose) Bex [Beawof,] 107. & Ts, 6 tho te bch paral pp fe... $yeK mets al (Bbyige- rijpcnshinntou, A tact in ers, wit prose explanation on te medicinal virtues of tho plant ll Hiplge ea or gertabaagere (Reipte vere prostrat).) pp. 80. Beare (Berea) ur. 1 its. 260) Beckie ws wogite et OMS os (Celogu Nalo, Beuhuine) — [Bribmana pre amen A description of the Telugu Brabmans, forming pl. 1 of » larger work alylod Tologa. i posticallydeeribing all won) pps 8,43. Ber 1, arr 618 so, 1592 ‘The Vaieyadbarmadipion. Am exposition ‘ofthe religious duties of the Vainya ilaatratd from Sausheittxte) (286 584.) pp. 7 ii 192. Ber (erg) 1608. 8. ITE Ba, sRERAWOAOHARYULU, Tewmaflam. See Vite aleh.—-Ramiyapa.—Prive Versions, CSTE. SL. SpE ves. (Tanilokamn, Baited by $8) [lou] 8° 4088. 0b. -SUBDA-RAMA 2s §RERAMOA KAVI, Bharata Rasgepsts yo peers pris. (Parjstesialama, A drama fm the Togond of Kriabnasabtaning Vo exestil pivjtastroe for his wife (Bhigeratap. . 59). Fasitd by P. Sidgartcharyalud pp.77. SA" pree [Madre 1881] 8. 107 8d) STRANGE (Tuons Liason). Posey Bogienas. [Hinda-dharmeyisten-mbgrabotn Strange’ Manoal of Hindoo Law,” teeselated into Telugu by Chionays Siri asited by Nar asi Gépala rishoata Seti] pp. ie bi. TB Bra sons OAS (Madras 1858]. 1TH eal, (Uthingeen) (Busitiesigatame TOs one on hs nor alee one’ Pl {ater tone wane 438) stmowo (Srasey). See Bonte—Now Testament. —dowpel, [Seles] His Lie... prepared by. Sydoay Strong ee. 1900,” 16% 1th at. SUBANDMU, se te (Vasnve-datis. A. romance. Readered into elaga by Blovalli Gabgsdhars Buchehi-ita istitrom the Sanskt of Sebandbe,) pp. 87,2. 1901. See Pestooreas Penicrtions Elo, Sosa [Maljucvigh ol iy non I-10. 1808-1908. 12% ea. ara. 2) SUDBANNA DIKSHITA, Madhire Kondoya-y eee crtsotbe ges, [Kiginili-katlalu. A series of talon] 4 pls, Maras, 1009-1008, OTE ge. 10. SUBBARAJA, See Sonsuaigs, SUEBA-RAMA DIRSHITULU, Mudusnimt-y’ Wotan fogs Csimontt Bree gee: so, [Prathamibhyaes-poatskame An elemen~ tay work on masie, prepared dor tho auepeos ofthe Maharaj of Betaysparana] ppt 36,201, 5. Huapmparan, 1905. 8 ‘ita 21, erotiner gtor orecemencnt BolasegmasGystyh. (Saigita-mmpradiya prada. A copious teativo om Tuan musi, Composed undor tho auapcas of the Dlabarja of Bllayapuram) 2 vole, Eelyapuram, 1904, TT 20, = SUBBA-RAMA- SUBBA-RAMA SASTRI, A, Varopiti. See Sioeuas Gaooe. Gy v= POR ee-ore (Sirsgudl nitekama, BtedbyS..] (1881) 8. MITA. SUBBARAMA SASTRY, 0, of Weelgjon Mayon High Selo, Triples, Soe Soeewndnknayn Siena, D, and others. Copious Antoations oe {ho Motricelation Toluga Text » By » « Shinran Saataly, fe, 1900. F417. 455) SUBDA-RAMAYYA, G. R.See Potipas —Dhipe- Antepuedna. Rakoint alyssa, [Travelated Dy G. . Sebrumish Pantla, we. 1007. 4 14006. (el. 38) SUBBA-RAMAYYA, Pifugu. Se Ixomnragyic vasuannicainra. (= Bepaowrsd [Vailyer intiepi, With ‘Telaga interpretation by Bobberrimayya)} [1865] 4, M040 18. w Taowweninenge, 0., med Sri-xina- oem, 0, 7608 >84"Gas m0 [Andre pada pSrjilame, Bitod by S.] 1888, 6. 141th m3 Se Nigh enshtee... hes Sire ‘soll [Nadt-nnkshateeila, ale With Teloge m by Sabbuerinnyya] [1381.) 140486 20:2) See Rague-ninnicmusioa Stmata, ¢ sefrereygossum [Vajharn-lalya-dremnon With ‘olage translation by. Subbarimayye] (901) 14085 ox 18, SUBBA RAO, 7. Venkata, Sow Vidxara-sonna Rio, % SUBA RAV, Agehti. The Telogs Primer, for tho wo of thowe who wish to xtady the Teloge Tngunge, by Adachi Saoba Row. pp. fi 29, xv. Madras, 1831. 16% 1. me SUBBA RAU, XC, (Vumpe-rin). See Mani- inara.—Medere Versinn, (Shagavad- git.) seyraher tor Mingaradgits. With a ‘Tega paraphruso stsled*itparya-adgrahainy hy Sabla Tia] 1008 1060 17, kena Nanay ‘6s0 208 [Udpogu-parvams, Aw eny poor par phrase by Subba Rin] 1910, 4%. 1974.1, BUBBA RAV, Tije Tirwmelariyaryn’, Uogs%: S0SEs50 caw wEeGoyse. [Andhra pares -SUBIA-RAYADU 20 Aatieackeamedi, or Achala-grandiaina, A prose srork itersporeed with vert, selung frth the ‘Ronit dotenn of « Fist Principle abeolutely Aevoid of qualities, and. preceded by an. autor Diogrphy of thoauthor. Hated by Tes-nrtla Soma-yaji] pp. xxiv. ISL, Beme [Beonedod 108. 14074, 816.2) SUBBA RAU, V, SeeVrinanscninivorote Navvos, C, aod others, Not on tho Telug Text forthe Matririation [sie] anmiaation 1808, By Ve Beli Row, of, 1808 8. MITA Koo SUBBA RAV, Vodfitl. See Somukxaeys SUBBA RAV, Peilitlane Rime-chandrepu®, Se Vata —RimigapaMerizel Verins, Seen wath Apdhee Valmiki Ramgaoni. A liters neva! asulation ...By.-- Subba Row, 1902 + 178. 8.7 bTsegsbnatss. (Sree Kaslyapae sum) [A work Sa Geiser of vee interspersed ‘vith prose onthe ep Ingad ofthe union of hing Aj with Todumett aad of Daye-ratha with nae aly] ppeaiv 1505 Iplate daira, 1002. a7 «31, he Bagh ies from thc Soe Pamwaniea Slane, Copioun Notes on Seeo Keuelya patina, Best alee, 1004, 8 DST a 14) SUBRA RAV, Vlita. Rani Samyakta(orAsons 5) Historical novel a Teluge (onthe sdvoatore ad loven of Pritbr-rij who fll a bat 1183, and Samyukis, daughter of the King of Kents] ‘Vijnaua Chaadrien Seren ie, Bled by K. V. akohian Rao. pp vii. 207, Hyderabad, 2% (odees printed], 1008. 12, 4t4€ 3404) SUBRA-RAYADU, Mold-Sal, See Riwinoricnite oun, Ke, aud others. Sree Chanakys carina ‘by K. Ramana Charis. and M. Il. Subbare- iy ee, 1888, 12", wit C1 Se Siar, A, Be Bros webs (Anahracasmarrésams. With oles. Tied by SJ 1804. 1" iid =. 290) 180k 16° 14074 m4, a SUEDA-RAYALU. SUBDA-RAYALU NAYADU, Kirmaselt, Soe us ea, eo SRF BENS. [Kishor kara rmytama, Baited by 8.) (1802. 14076018, re ssng,Ko ese. [Dasivatire: jgbamn, A bref eccoun, chilly fn poetical prove, of the Tagondary incaroatons of Vishoa. “Chapters iit) pp. 88. FH Oren (ara, 1261) 16 rats £10. chasis SUDA -RAYARYODU, Koralla. Soe Uneoini: anasirn. Andhra Pbsaryan «5 with = introduction, by... Subbardyéeys, le. 1808, 12 4058, 8. 3144) SUBBA-RAYA SASTRI, Doulepall, GS°S- ucist (Bre Mabandes vayama) [A po fn 6 canton on bo legend of the snctasty of ‘panies in tho Evstrn Ghats, aud a victory of Tura over the dames throagh hin devotion tothe local deity. Preceded by a biograpy ofthe pct] pps auive nevi 1b; 1 plate, Madras, 1907. 6. ars, « 2 SUBBA-RAYUDU, Dont-rirw. See Nien oon, y6F¢8zeateo. [Prachine-nnyinezive- Mu Bited by 8] (1800.) 8. AaITe x Lc) SUBBA-RAYUDU, Kendipi, Sa Taxsuaayore, 2B, engsrsiingyerme ah [Andreae saserabans. Bata by 811908, & tt a4 sumpA-nAvopo, 6, and viniga-oivoaMv, Kondo. Tolog Story Readers. Second (Tui Fourth) Reader, 9963 (ana, ge) 137 ero SST Hp, Vepey (Madea), 19091912 f ttm. 38, SUBBA-RAYUDU, Vathidi Steaprtey pw”. See Keouyacndasi Sista, $7. Crim on Tela ‘Veniaharom (of Subbi-iyedo], ae, 1905. 8 rete, 623) Soe Kaniatorin, Soo74% 208 [Chane urtame, Rendered into Telags by Sabbi- sSyila)” 1900.5 (Soret) TT e129 SeoMaroas, og 8° 2948H 5, (Andon siryasutama, Revered int Telaga verse by Suthirsyo] 18961800, 6°. [Serarete] rt. 26. -SUDRAHMANYA oa SUBBA-RAYUDU, Vaddaii Straperton yt eon tiyued). See Vooayoa Rafouonttua, 2 rns ‘25. [Malliki-marutame, Rendered into Teloga Dy Subbi-riywja] 1903. & (Suromet 174. gg. Bale 3:59 ‘Soe Vecapneomek Rk, Tl, Vevisa= aca untoka prndneona .. [A Teor om verslon hy Sabbicayoda ofthe ply.) 1002. 9% Mira. g. 622) SUNBA-RAYUDU, Yurrd Vobtafa-rsiayw’. Sor Vainara-sin, Y. Vertagouadeepi,«elited by. -Ba Subbatayodu. 1900. $1810 1008, 6 1074. 0 18, SUBBA-RAGU, Ratnttarame Miplava-rijeyn*, Gort Pant of Rutsaat, Sst hese seo CEES so. (Soi-kilabstgraresia avarititanva-charitrams, A claumpe compos tion in verse and proso of 3 cantos, describing the avaritra festival apd the corcuding.Dasers a eclbratel in the month Apvayajs (Seph-Oat) at he Seine tactuary of Kalaluati, Noreh Aroat Distt) “pp. i 8, B50 fox” (Tirupati 1008. 8 10s. « 28, eager ber e§eess al [Tabb lakabyadayama. A pavegyrieal poem ox Tins Niyade, Raja of Kalabars, and bie coroaation, ‘With aden by other poste appended] pp i126, fetes B plates agi omer EMadree, 1000 * 148. 4.38 SUBBA SASTRE, Matis, Ser Awans-simn te MSHS eH wall [Nimw liginuni ‘Edited Uy V-Himaeviral Siar, asisted by 8.8) ies2] 14000 «9 SUEBAYYA, Kikurla, sods mars. [Sajna iyeratakann, 216 yoraes on the Vaishoava cult ‘of Solioghur aad Mauballan pp. iv.44, 2¥0 (adres) 1901.12 2a « 30:6) SUBBAYYA NAYUDU, 0.7, of Gur A Telugu Drama in thrwo Acts [hated upon Poddsona's oom]. Srarochih. Mane atmbhaes or Maa ‘hartra, Dy G, V. Subbiah Naida, Cegoton, Saeges, US GEENS, Sysm) ppd, 70, ‘Madras, 1010, are 860.4) SUBRANMANYA REDE, Pstonsté Virw-riglave- of Katlananehi. "Sor Mani-nanara,— a3 SUBRANMANYA- Nanay and Tildana's Vervion. Geese. Seet, [Bhisstusirarntaival, Compiled by Sobrabmange Ted] MAK SUBRAHMANYA SASTRI, Choa, of Viengapatem. ‘See Sonata, A.B. The Andbra Chandatoks of ‘Adem Soordkavi, with the Sanskrit Chasdeu loka of Appayya Deskaite. Elited «by Sabraboanyen., 1808, 6 1055.6. wrepesse (Ajuclesirama, ATdegy ‘wont on oral unclomners, With a appaadie ‘extent From Sanskrit authoiten] pp. ie 40, Viepopatam, 1608. 6. 14098 8, 24.2) 183.8, SUBRANMCANYA §ASTRE, I, of Pactehayayya’s Coley, Madar, ‘See Duanwe Soe. FA. Text 1000.” Sece Norskaera vjayam «with notes by ++ K. Bubrabmanyn Sastela Guru. 1908 1%, ate. 9904) SUBRAHMANYA S4STRI, Porn’ Fosteticlarya pet, HORST OTs, [Sirahgulara- nate: fama, "A yubshegéna play on the legend of Princo Siragedbarn end bis templatin by is pmothor Chiteidgi] pp. 83. s20brome 1374, 946 SUERANMANYA gASTRI, Velie Orguoté Vestetévara ye, Sihint, of Rangeloe. Bee Vina Gerhs§n [Sista Bited vy S3) [Heer] 1 ‘Moret SUBRANMANYESVARAMU, Viskyetiaya, ssy8- [Derwarga-clariame. An ethin! oem, inteepersed with prose) pp. $4. Bors (tor) 1905.12 1478 L220) Kusalaya natakamu (Ge 1¥). [A Arama in 6 act on tho epic legend of Slt exile fn Vale's hermitage and the beth and bide ood of her sone Kuga and Lave therod pp. 8 Teswads, 108. 6 174. 839.09 Sepia koteewarn satakam, (102 Gira worsen] (GAFURSSYSYD.) pp. Bl. Blere, 102,” 12 174. « 20.0) Sarangadbarn (BBCNGERENE). [A Arann on the lagen of Sienigednrs ie resis. tier, to proponls of ubchully, hi abrings, ot his Sal wndication) pp. Hi 128. Meme [Beewada,) 1007. 8. tars. 4002) -SULAPANT pRARMANYUDU, Alena-vi fogersberat Stem. Talima-fatkama, A cotury of rere convoyiog ‘pnogyrie ofthe god Krishan anda contemporary rine simallancouely. With « profaco_by V ramacdéra Varma] ppt. 84 Vicaglgpotam), 107.12, wath 2010) SUERAHMANYUDU, Disvaoiite Bolalounsye pe, roSyenjomicosse ey. [Indrialy ‘iligumba, A dmuse om the iit lore of the {god Indra and Abul, wif ofthe asst Gastaton ited by V. Damp! Kinaeshayya aod others] pp. vie 240, S¥38hoss ose [Madre Toa] 8 ard. b. 92 SUBRAMIAN PANTULU, @. R Se Soon wines, 0. SUDARSANARVAR AYYA, $+ Uhandiron, Agvinnay. 855s ot [Tiew- pall Rendered ato Teloge verse by Sadarsafreir) (1861) 162 174 2) See Karennagton, “SHoxoes Fey¥sa met (Mumokabejona-bapslaune, Hiited by 8. A) (seid 6. mare SODRAKA. Mrotshnkattams, A drama in ten fet, Translated into Teluge from the origin! Sioserit of Gudrakn Mabarajeh hy. Thrypatt GSy%gFOFeb.) pp. fh M4, Cocanaty, ® Mite 436.44) 107. SURA-SAPTATL See Kicisbrast Névaxoyo. $539. (Sukampanti) (A pootialudapation by Kalir-pasi] 1908, le. 8 [Shreve HATE, g. 2000.10, to) See Siausoustane Névupe. (fj. to (OF (Saka-pnichaviqrstcathaly, Adapted Sanakrit Sukaaaptasi) [1650] IT. gg. 20 SURRA, Sgf0P eH. [Sukreaiti-sienma, A lectin on polity in ehaptorn. Rendered from the Sansket ito Tslage by Porkgapaoe Mal Ingye Sis] pp 19k PERS [Conmade] 1008. 8 rar A rqrint from he Samara SOLA-PANT. Sve Suaserann, from th m5 suMATI- SUMATL acyrsseian way sfeetie Lo ‘om fossteévem. [Somatrzatkams, 110 verses fn mora then, Ruited with wordsor word sualyss, interpretation, and paras, by Néei Gura-libga Sister.) pp. 68. 93 OF ON [nda 1901) 8 14174 x 20.0) aur gsi (Samstiqtatarn, Baited in tho Tull character, with Tamil verbal inter polation and parsphrases, by, Semanypar Mudaliyie] pp. 18, Geseorinsccamb [itudeas) 1008." 6 T8411 SUNDARA-RAJA BHATTACHARYA, HlaKirw Vorada-rijanpu®. “ay tebe, (s ‘ated from the Sanskrit of Sundary-ija by Sarr iyuda] pp.26. 342 [Cooney] 1906, 12° i748, 38.2) SUNDARA RAMA, Yoxuts m=F8¥s, [Sundare imagntakana, ‘hrc cantos of Vaishyava voree in worship of th deity Sandsea-#hina] pp 68 Deere (Dew) 1900, 8. 17a. ¥.2008) SUNDARA-RAMA SASTRI,0, So Sierananirons Sterns, D., and others. Copious Annotations ox ho Matrialation Tolga Text.» . By Sundare- rama Surteul, oe, 1900, 8, 4174 K-48) 0 Sovoania ‘Teloge Poo Somrsortasvivn Sinsel, D and us Siott, 0. ‘Noten on the Lives of fie 190, 8% 1874.9, 90/4) See Sonvaeniesrays Sisrs, Dy and Suoyorniains Sieral,C. Complate Notes on PA. ‘Teloge Toxt, 1902, wl 1008, 6, 14TS. 4.26. SUNDARA-RAMA SASTBI,Chodaunif, SoeMani- udness.—Motera Versions. (Dhagavad- it.) GSSyrEQ6 aot (Bhagavad. git, With a Telage Interpretation styl Paramdrtba-chandsike com piled by Sondaeweina] 1910, te, 6% 14065. 9 2 Soe Pinscthze, Kd, #90 fs ona nso, (Usara Ramayana.) [Biied by] 190, e a8. 68, ‘Soe Pouiyss —Bralapda-purna, ww: AGoverasnss Bo [Adyhtmaerimayape, With aby Sundar-rma.) 1907. ‘4018 4, 21 -SURANNA 26 | SUNDARA-RAMAYYA, Ayndpurapuinarnijeps® Jnyachondra Chesdrarokha vijiam, A dram i tun acta Seleted from Persian stories Tal Gober. (AB Fis om, seated, Sr Syrbvcntn Wi 38 atoFsce yore.) Sesoul edition. 1p. 10, rayaveram, 1908. 1474. 342) ett deta ates SUNPARA-RAMAYYA, Krotopall Darnios, ¥#Sostoxesss. syonu. Bind by 8.) 1908 suiana naioayya, (ee tgev yon eee 1 Rasa, SURA-EHANDESVARAMU, oo-rodIse. (Se Hi:bbinléyarama. An acount in dupa verse, nso upon the Kig- Khe, af the Sea leyenda sand call of Bonare, bro abridged. Bait by TR Voskata-esbba Tia] pp. 96, Astaro (tata), 1900. 32% Powis} ‘Porm aft Jama eater SERA KAYE, Agidamu. Sw So84rs SORA KAVI SARMA, Sue Soeavs, VV. SORANNA, Agidumu See Sonata. wag 400) ime Skera, $Y. The ‘Aeeedeume . from the sory “Kalapunnodayam,” vl, 1002 14174 28.01) Fresco of (Sirunaa’s 5 Soe $eb-niua-xver, @. ([Kalk-piepodaye-kathicnigeabams, A” prose spitame of Sirenna’s Kal-paryddsyame.) 190 = ag. 84) Kalsparsodeyams. [A potil manos in 8 dentas, ited by P. V. Ramapayyn & Co, With prefaco ‘Ly Kigi-blatla Brabmayya) (ef Eons.) pp. 14247. Robs [Genter], Cocanaa (prised), 1010. 6. UIT. 40, 2 mpurmontatie .., wsietost. couiteoosilrsinsomt, [Righara-panfovt yam, A poom in 4 dytat, which may bo read ar SURATANI- sarating the tory of either the Rimiyans rat, is inittion ofthe Sanhrit © amo naine by Kavi, and de led to Polerdilatsdei of Akurid, about 1500 A.D. With by Madd uited by Nelatera Krishgam-tebiryla] pp. 14h O72 [Modrar, 1805.) 4, mais, [Avothor ieee, with snilar tt mye] pp. 252. 0258 [Muivay, 1882) 1074, 90 SURATANL, 606 WAY goms-camg [Surstigi-kalyipama. An mnonymoue old Aramati_pocts in salske-gina sslo upon the logend of the god Hadenitha’s mon with prince of Debi by means ofthe former age) Pp. 6% Vitisnogram, ors [1808] 1 ears. { 2002 SORAYA, Apilann Dalethcsae pet. Uso ree AS Copies tal [Kavi janerae ‘nama, oF Chandvamat-paripayame, 9 poem ja 3 {qoiran on tho adventares nod. love of Havi= hana and Chandramatiy ‘Karienmyaye-vidh- chiang, metrical rules of grammar and syle for tho wo of poets in 3 farvaper,astrated by examples from varius pout; Avlra-chandei kaa, metriea! treatin onthe ar of poetry Andbre-nimesithana, a supplementing, Uhe Andhrentn-anigra Pailipiti Lakshya; Rin lingéyeantakms, Aovotionsl vers; and 9 pedyanala) (Chia rmabi Pros Sering. "No, 1. Adthon-Saranan} pp. 110, Madray, 1890. &, MITE KBB) ‘The Andhra Chandraloke of Adidame Soorakav, withthe Sanskrit Chandralok [aly apposed to be the werk] of Appayye Deokahita, [Dorks on tho graces of style.) ited». by Chovali Subrabmanyam, (P2505 Rov ae) ps iv. 81, it Visoyepatam, 1808, 14055 66 Thies Saag Candia nope for i com ia enti ht ay cd ‘ip fo Barge dlcrues etn Cenare, 10s eng sogmertte, uma). Waited with iotroductiow by Haj -SUEAYA 28 M. Dbugange (oie) Ra, (Ohanurani ris, No. L) pp, 81. Blo, 1808, 12 tars saa sbrogmsitsi. — [Andhm-nime- sama, A metrical repertory of aynonynous subsiansives,sopplomeating the Aedbve-nim ssigrahann of Pitipiti Laksbmapuja) So Lagsinayere, Paidipat 8, og eso [Andhra-niena-andgesbame, oe] pp. 80-72. (eso) & itd 2 10, Sea Taxsnnnyont, Poi (Andhra-admaanigrananyee) 60-78, (1859.] elk IP. 174 18 wo gs ass, [Andbre-nimetishe- sun] See Salnweiea Saoneaun Beans. In Biooonsss-au [Andbra-nigheniacchntashikn uel ppe05-79. 1801 12%, NTA 4 sires ess. [Andhe-nime With ote. Edited ty Mabickil Naor, 1804, 1 tart = 230) (Another edition, without noton] p27 Nalers 194,10, 14 m2, sen grease, — Cdlra-niw With plossoc] So Lasanmysoe, Paitipst'B, o00 Gog rsiingoense not The Arenimeanigeahasy, de.) pp. 62-80, 1000, Beberayaa] pp. 2. — Feserase ss. (Kari-tamsuyacvish iBinne. Rules of genmmae and tse. Eel with notae by Paraaaty Vetkaterniga-nitia Seimi] pp ii80.” 1807. Soe Prrootae Pomtcimoxs.—Viseggpatame, s¥ebmspeee (Sekala-vidyabbivurdbasi]) vol ing pla. Th T602-1607. “1&8. WI gBBtes. 4) (yerssione es.) [Se-riemedandskama, [A devotional poem to the divine hero Tin, ia fee bacchian otra} pp. 8. 1200. See Pas fomeat Peoucarione.—Nllore. Sree Vagvall, fie, woh iy no. te T6001, 1074 n. 38400, 29 Sree Tamatingoas ants. [106 verses om the cult of Siva ae eymbolied in Une Lima Tiga] by Adiama Soore Kavie (8, e008 Ors.) pp. 38. Elev, 1000, 12, Mira 2910) 20 SURAYA SORAYA, Vahini-paté Vethotvvara-pe, (S0aa Kart Sam), @2c8s Form. (Paldetallic ‘taka, 101 vera adoration of the goad lin a form of Divi, Followed by 18, 1902. Soe Pamoaicae Powscarons —Huras, B30 Vidcat ee, ol ik, now 25, 1905, 6, °, HOTA. & Lil 2 Sarnewalivijoynin, A‘elage prsbondham Lie « romatic poem, interspersed with prose]. Yalted [ie composed) hy Vahioipsty Surskavi Sarma Gara. (asesbousss.) pp. i 22 ada 101.8 ars 6618) aaa, epee "Teanlate fo verse Dy Sieayya] [1800] 8 i748. gERAYYA §ASTR, Palla, See SieK-enusnigy, Db here gemoeeserease. (Aadlud ebbigavatamn, Baited by 5. §] 1001. 8. MIT. SORAYYA GASTRI, 7. SoeSwmrsoxtes, hos. Komertiy. [Grihacvastva, With Telagw ater prstation by Sieayye) [1887.] 5. 4028. 4.98119 sURIAROW. 1 Stara Ris. SORYA, Jina-rijegut, Soe Mai-ansessa.— Molen’ Ferionn. [Blagavai.gita.) Set G6 tot [Mhagovad-gita. With interpretation Compiled by Ch. Sandara rea Sistr from tho fcommentarioe of Sire (the Paramirch- pray, He} 1910, ee 8 ‘085 ee 2. SURYANARAYANA, Sripali, of Botblt High Sele. Seo Girkueenionga Yaowionn. The *afanaemesbinathan? .» banlated«.. by Seryenarayans. 1806,” 6° aa. b.88 SORYAWARAYANA-BRANMA, Pottivaps, Sie Dis co 50268. [Yantreehitiman Bljed wile TElogu parphease by Sieywnirie ovecbishaa.) 1906." 6%. 14088, 809, 6.2), SURYA-WARAYANA BAU, Puvnida Testor pima-pe. See Avorink CRF oeB Bot (Anupiow-madjart. With Telage paraphesse by Sryeirigayn] (1882) 6 MOK 0 26 -SURYA-NARAYANA, 20 SORYA-WARAYANA RAV, Pwveide Teilafe imap, coutineal)- SeeBasaeinias. Tyeedas sot [Basarariiyame, Blt with ‘Tologuinterpretationhy Sarys-ndrayans) (1882.] & OK ce. 2 Py esaen(Sinkge Aharacenitd, With Tolaga interpolation by Saryenirayena) (1878) &. MOMs. 0.16 Se Sinsouomass. SORYA-WARAYAWA RAV, Tuliprageda, See [Addonda] Baia cwavies” Cauppérinnyi CChandrekbare ««» [Done into Teluge) by Srpannaysna Hao, 1910. 8% A174 gg 18.2) See Duanusnivirroo0, S. 7. S1ee Nala choritrame = [ited by 8. R] 1007. ‘Vaniepors vartako= So Saasareee(W2) antlam. A sranalation of Shoakepeare' [ie] Morchantof Venice, By... Saryanunyau Tuo 1006, vai. 48.09 Drnayadurodaram. ‘The sory of Drow: ptheevsceapebaranam. An original dma in fix acts [on the epic logoad of DazyGdhana's Outrage spon Draapadil, (sfasuttaems ws Spat Bead) pp. 85,1 Creat, 1006. rats. 98089 Sanjeoraraya. chartra (Sodworan cng. 9) Cniotamans Second Feae Novaote of 1599, ts Reprinted from tho Chistamasi. (Chinta- No. xvi) pp. 58. Rajahmundry, Mats g. 38.2) SORYA-AMAVANA §ARMWA, Gooo-nis Tekst "The orginal Hind pilosop, Vide. (in exay on Veduare mooie and (eda dsegn) pp. 6, 150, 1 Ps Tate. 28, manarps Takyeayam, its soterotogy ‘ilar, 102. SORYA-WARAYANA SASTRI, Dopdipu nf Madan Ohrition lleye. Seo Suata-sna petgrerigse tot [Nima liogineyinon Biited by $5) 1800. &. 14080, 0.18 SORYA-WARAYANA SASTRI, Dusdigufa, and thers Copious Ansotatioos onthe Matriculation ‘Talaga Tox, for 1900 (va. the Molh-rintyane, Yadilu-Aivfa,ch..; Bhigavate pation, Ue wi {4s part of Bhastihan’s Nivontaka; and za SURYA.NARAYANA- [Nitiandsita i]. By D. Saryanarayane Sustrula . Sandarnnn Seirat, and C, Sablarema Shstrly, les pp 4; 8, 68,30. Matos, 100, 176 455) SORYA-NARAYARA SASTRI, Doofiguty, and SUNDARA-RAMA SASTRE, C. Notas ow (pti of} the Lives of Telugu’ Poets [by K. Vieés Tigre) aed Sotecinnt (a romauce by P. Beai- istciryal), by D. Sooryamrnyain Seatal zd. Srodara Roma Saatrala, pp. 12. advo 1001, ears =, 3008) Complete Notes om B.A. Telags Tost, 1000 (vin an Nanansa’e Mahicbidata, Araaye pars vi 208.107, Vingetidgamn Pantale’s Kndkes Kavala Chisiteams fi, 8. Keppa-svdn ngs Bhiratesieanyy the Neaiktopabh fntne of Rly, UK, Veleateatnny’s version ofthe Nerakisore-viay, and 6. Avante iw version of Dacon', Betaye] with teat for Masbnestans, Arimpaparvsiny, containing, Iwernings, derivation of words, biographical ‘oles, grammatical noes, provody, hetvi, Be fe. pp 8, 58, 290, 2. Maras, 1008. SORYANARAYANA SASTRE, Goya Y=t=0- drRegey erste (reread) [Kepate Aimbhikevideatprabamama. A farce on the ‘nlveutare and exporero of two Lrabuinna who Prevended to leering] pp. 38, eeanynss [Pisianagran] 1907. 16 a a, SORYA-NARAYANA SASTBE, Gariipati. &)- Grogan ae eves | [Sic kyiabnejala-krlle Mitskaws, A dramatic poom on the legoodary tyorts of Kyishon aud the berdamomen in the |3°5)). 1008 tralee) pei 88. Fbee orto [Corned 1805) & SORYANARAYANA §ASIRI, Noll? Rimi Ahani-pn ef Analapwram, Bunva-onbrt @85 Se [Uttarcrina-charite- ‘Aversion by Siepe-ndciyron) 1906, [Widgets] TEAC LL, 8) See (Addenda) Bugricanere ‘Tranaited. by 1000, 6. steam te B Ranachoite yan Bt, sare 5118) Soe Maw -sainari.— Motion Versio [wapeqcparee) "The Viderucety | Soe Mani-usésucs.—dotem Vinson Me ena, | SURYA RAY, Krttopat ‘See [Addenda | Tlogu by Sirys Riv] Ute ‘sry | ‘A temnla: | [Sarvsoal) -SURYA RAU 2 + Soryauorayana Stati irk ko 208) A Teng drama [in 4 pee BD i Asalar Mie 4 3600) SORYANARAYANA SASTRE, Purioom, Sutive: 002, ‘Tho Satyakini Gast, wer) co vers by sth seam, 1007. ‘Monk, Seo [Addoods] Aree Kast, K 36 cor. (Appakavaeyem.Edor « » . Seer vayna Sate) 1910, 8, MB. ge. SORYA-WARAYAMA SOMA-YAT, Davaiale Vei- Anferipsgnnpe. Bes Voorvinanyunuiuine wiparcenn ol [Visihtbarim yupame. A proc redoring by Sirye-raynpe] toe. TA. 8 SORYA-NARAYANA SURI, Kitarypertt Sundor sierra Perse (Pini ‘A dma ia § acts on the Paarl, lngend of Krshpa’s removal ofthe colonial pi: Jitectrco (higaratepr, Uke x.) pp. ie 37. Vieogapean, 1901. ire 826.0) SURYA-PRARASAMU, Mavtr-priged Sorel ijcpe. The Keehoujann cactra. [A poe fn 2dgeinon of verve Snterspreed with poe, that tony be. wadertood ax deveribiog the legends sither of Krisko or of Arjuna] -- With note, Published by Sree Vikrama Dora Varma. (0% 0gjus. BESO HOR) pp. 91,8. nie 1903. ii 3.1008) SURYARAMA SASTRI, Cladstuoida Rimacpn. [lives amt] dy aps et (Sérhadharwe, Rendered into Telugu prose by Sdeyaeinn (chap, & 14078 0.13, See Wawzan iba “0 Amisé-hames, i ‘meodered ito te 8 alMeryaun, ebsooe. he Divtin § Amie Hamat 1908, sett) 144. gg 200.16, te) ‘So Kanianinons, Kelovlstane. ane | ate into Tolga = bp K. Beviaow 1008, 174. gg. 3. See Rauae ‘Au Baa, ¥eetorrenn [Wardoal 4 ‘9's Tralee soto Telagy by Sirya Win end Mubammad Hues.) 1900. MtT4 gg. 2s 7,8) 2s SURYA nAU- SURYA RAV, Krotapalié (continued). (Desys- ‘banithinionms, « deans on the logend of the Mab. Lidrate; Eavarnasptkole, «romance; [Nitivayitylams work ov etical topes, oe “TARATAMYA, ou TanAlvas, Bosom noe pgrgrs ‘aoe [Paitriyn-emartacbrahmage-sityackaem ‘shiskana, A Suuart amo of tho ily itor of tho Tuitteiya Brahwans, with Teloga rabies, 1910, le. So Praioent Pooucaviones—Rajl|oxplontions endnote, arranged by K. Mahan stage ‘Tho Sarnwai eyo xi, no, |e Bare, aad preeid by tho Sdhana-pl te Thee des MAME gy BWLD oe) | cha, Charpap-pajehs, and Drage mal | vk arte wo Subnra.” Baad by D. Ka Rondowt, (Gupe-mafin, A novel | gar Sura] p46 204; Lp torts Reprinted from the “Sarsrati") pp. 101. | Aro [Madru, 1908) 8 MOR. rte [Osconada,] 1907. 6. 1g 64) GAASTEEbgber. — [Kanyak pannirav-aitakamt, the logonds and cele of Gas fof tho Komati or tending el he Barnet”) pp 7 sada) 1900.8 seh [Ove ats. OT) ‘Thrilokasundari, A drama. in 6 nets [adapted fom the Ura romance Fasiaah ‘9b sf Rajb ‘ANE Bog), By K- Savino, (Qi fost.) pp $5. Osenada, 1008. 6° ait, 5202) SORYA RAV, Ladies. Swe Veearaei Ri, 2M, and Sowvi Ric, HA PeM Sie. [Nie gorcetavamad) [1694] 1, 1074 018 SVAMI-MATHA AIYAR, 1. 4., Blitor of te *Aryac” ‘The. Standasd Voosbulary, Engl ‘Telage. Containing over 12,600 Boglish words avoupel ender 12 besdings aad arranged lphe- Loticnly with a compote index « . « by TA. Swaminatha Alger. pp 686,908. Madras, 1906 1s 1076.28. SVAROPAWANDA SVAN Sie Aniorra, 45+ SSSREGM Ea [Valdyutiotame, Teandlated Yy Seardplonnda) 1008. lth en 6 SVATIARIMA §.-. svanngbir wees. inde, (Hatha-yOge-pradipl A Sans ‘oars of the mystic exercans ofthe Yoga. With ‘Teluge translation and commentary by 0, V. Dorsssimayye, together with Telugs enay om Ieijucyoge by Uo sme and 25 platen ilastating tho postures of the Yoga) pp. 4, 11, 2, 4 228,2,90; 20 plate, 43 (Maray] 108, 8 “os. b 9 suru Area, SWAMINATHA AIVAR, Sc Sv ‘A drum in 5 acts on | Port no he Chi ode grt la TAMMAYAMATYUDU, Siraigu _Nriviha- pw. Vijayantivilsama [or Vipracnieiyape-chari frame. A potm in 4 desaae on the story af Viprndsayane, in ‘ans called Topdar-adicpo Avie, « Vaiohoave devote, aud his temptation, writen about 1600)... Bited by . «Pandit K. Viterlingam Pantaie, (Beatotoras, os SepecameeS tm) pyri 59, Rajelmuniry, 106. 8 1078, 210.0) Vijqynti vilasama, Tha tramp of match gin (Reewobaurse manos BS Proven TE.) pp. 2128. Bore, 1906. 1 irs. 18.83 TANDAVAAKRISHNA, Soe Sioninn: Suoma, 7.3. ‘TANDAVA-RAYA MUDALIYAR,Vilipatiam, Fist Lestone in Tologs. comprising twonty-Bve short storie in both the colloquial aud the grammatical Styler with eopious notes aad translation by Cl HT, Rogers». Tho text rendered into Tologe ‘om the Tamil Ketheanar [of Tindava-riyar] by Maddal Lakshrsnarasayya Pasta. pps 3 8, Mares, 1880, 6, 1eath 38 MANTRAS, G5 Gre b SoS. [Giyatt antes, A Sonat work ow the eats and riter connected with the sored formu called Oya With Tolga translation by N. Gara Sst] pp. 182, S¥gNorce [Audras, IDL) 4038, 2000) rimaTaMYA, Sodas yo Bomerys BE ssarge Se syerorteyon, [Mantanyal sad-rutonnalicvivlt,Beiog (I) the Avectirn- angectr,« short Sunset hymn enumerating fhe dates TATACHARI- ‘soten oF Tientamyddicmd-estme-mil 9 Sa ‘exposition by Vithalichieye of tho former (0) “penghatiké or commentary upon the Iter, iby the same, Compile with Telogs Tiss of mnmes, ineartions, and qualtion of Actos, and othr note, the whole boing arog in parle columns, nnd with prefers a Kanaan sod Telogo, by Adkariparam Peruahitamckir- qua) pps tia vit 183, Bem mor [ewe 1000] a 14008 a 25 ‘TATAOMARY, of tors Teloga Tes by Ttachar werwergs. Popular Collected and bled (with ations om other soured] by Charlee Philip Brows. ppiv. 62. C.K. Prove? Very (Medr), 1835, 8. MYA. ‘aes of Tutacharys, Twenty-two amasing Autos. [Trunlated into Haglih from the elle fons of ©. Pe Browo.] ppt 2, 40. Madras 1909." 12°, hare, [TATA BHATTU,Bfoene-usaangacnas), Of 22 Spy leid) --- Heenmmewn-eagrsgs. {Se lakshanesirana, A metrioal manual of Teloga rors. With verbal interpretation Sn prone hy ‘Aare Elia Jyotnhkuge, Edited by P. Naga Tibge Seti) pp. 100.” [Aadraa?) 1852, 1. TAYANNA, Kerala. Vijayaraghavam, viginal drvms in eluga Con he api logon ot Mame, in Seta) (Greece previo.) pp. 160. #0 (Reraul] 1906. 6 14174 B. 90089 TELEORAPHL The Plctvic Telegraph or Lights ning Toppal 6. BSS ey See Teatware Teileays, ee, pp. HOS. 1855. 12% 1474 ne, Book. 166 10 m8 TBLUGU, Boglish and Telogs Pi 10%, So Rxcuins — Fogle and Telogs Vocabulary. 1802. 1881, 16% See Dicnousies. NTA mS) Second Telaya Reading Book, 038 ‘west Fm. ppv. 127. South Dndion Book Soioty: Mason Prove: Veogapata, 1652, 1074. 3 Bo sein wes Pp. 82. Chitin “American Meson 1474 18, ‘Telaga Fist Book r=. Beoond edition Veraeelor Bénection Society Bren: Malron, 1964, 10%, | Uusie. STIKKANA m6 TELUGU (onic). Telyga Second Book. Bom ‘ost gs. New edition, pp. 10k Christen Vorucular Eloeaton Socity + American Minion Prov: Madva, 1863. 16% Pree Tologu Iustructer, Noni, orgeecty. fo. fens [A primer for” ative children's schools] pp. 87. London Miwon Pras Vire= srratom, 1864. 12 147k mt. TTELUOU PANDITS ‘Tho Loport of the First Congren of Telugu Pandit, onG"Oz088i0~ eet [Eitod by Db. Rima kyishnam dehir ola] psi 72. Baty, 1998. NT. 4 TENALA RAMACKRISHNUDU. Deyin, 3rwos- pqporee (Tonia Rima-tyishpont katal, Storie relating to ‘Tendla. Rameckriabowds, © Jester] pp. 18. [Madar ? 93 178 2 TENNA-RAWOATYA, 8, See Mosuneso ‘Loo inm9B58 [Yinini~vaidye-dhita- ddi-Vodhini, Traaated by Tenne-rabgayse.] 190, 1 amor ihn tepep [TENNYSON (Acree), Baron Tounjion, “T0¥- ‘oifai. Kamlacintanam: Trotlatio ita ‘eloge, of Teangan's Lovksay Hall. By Das [Narapana Hes. pp. 18, Madrw, [1901] Semathi (A050), An adaptation of Lond | Meonpson Dora in. pare Tuga rors. Dy. Ramachandra Nayada, (Tho Aladeas Christan College Audhea bhihabhi uojusi Prine Poem for 1901) [With tho Boglieh origial proficad.) posix 48, Madras, 1007. 1, 1074.5 26.0) ‘TEVAPPERUMATLATYA, See Dien Paseaiye TTHIKKANA. See Txrava Siu ‘THEA HAVE, See Tae [THOMAS (Jone Favvs). Sw Visuolsa, Pane equa Stern, John Pryee Thoms Biapaliem, de BBL. 1096.1, THKKANA SOMA-YAIL. son of Kominane Doge ila of Guster ed grandaon of Tabor Mor Sue Mamicewisar.=—Nownaye oul ‘Tikhena’ ear TIKKANA- Version, Gyo G80 ei. (Anhen Ubiate, of Mah biderta. A meleel version, ff which De, ft. were componed by Nannaye, fond the remainder (Uks ivoxil) were added Ty Tikka fa tho 13¢hcoatuey) (1864) MIT 6 usta —Nensoye oud Tie Chern gear tsio, 1474.1. See Mani-nasuara.—Nannagn nd Tike ina’ Verion, terre saeresa [Andhra vbicbhtente) 1901. a8. Soe Mani-nvissts—Nowsaye ond Pit one's Vervion. cheesogeoe in [Fudd fala) (1875) 4 sare 18 See Ma Iunats Version ‘ [Aodtraenabi-ihirta) (1681) 4 Soe Mawicauiants—Nasnaye ond Pk anes Veron hye @ERGROSEN [DayBeue pevame.) [1804] 6 rats 98, See Maniceninars—Nannaye oo Tie lane's Voson. BoA, Esaniation 1001, Tho Telugu Nalnbbarata «(vie Udyoge-p, i 210-K16). With... notes, ee 1900." 1it4. 4518) ‘See [Addenda] Mant-meteana—Newneye ‘oud Tikhana’e Verein, ns 65) en [Udsigueperrame. An enny prone parsphnse] 1910." 4 ‘aL, [Ror the anthology Mhiests-sira-ratad- ‘Sor Mani-ntinuta.—Nannaya and ib Verto thug, forming Visita) See Su orren§g AScuet pigennge. (Sirvashanottara Ramayana by ‘Thikkaoa) [A potia udapation of the Utara Kigda of the Vilmii-imiyeps, in 10. dodee, Aedicaed abiat A.D. 1250 to Moots Rages and supplementing the Bhiskara-riaynyams, Edited by K._Anantichiryulo, K- Vidheibgama, and HE Nasnonyya Sat, witha preface by N- Koppae ssimaysa) pp. 17,180. 8%" [Madras] 1808 ® 14th. 6, he gl ie from th cs pegeangsoenconss, [Nirvadhandt- aon rindyeyame. dessa ivan, with wordfor: “TIMMMANNA a8 sword. prom interpets 2, notes, and. Boglish tenaaation.) See Viduaranaonet Bier, Cylons Annotations on tha Tela Toxt for the Matrealation, le. 1888. 8%. ANTE a5). ‘An Bglish Trnndlation for Niryachano- thre Ramaynnun, seventh enuto. ‘Tho Tolaye Mriciulnion text Look for 188). pp 27. utnns, (sso) 12 ats 20) MOA AAYUDU, Uinals Rejakionij? Dimaree Inmive, Raja of Kelebaai. [Coronation] So Scam-tint, R, OLjgrmer eS sa0e at [Rinmoa-bhapalokabbyodazamn [1905,) & 1018,4.18, TIMNMANNA, Noel Siignmapw,(Mowau Tapas tiara), Pob-beyragionss 8edouk moe" esane {Piriitipaborapame, The legend ‘of Kishoate roma of the esos pi trea to geaily le wife Salya-Dhdmad (Bhat pur, Des x), in 8 derdas of verge interspersed ns poo ofthe eout of ‘Blitel by Paneppikame pp. 78 tke Bet ort ai Lina Irth prose, by Titman Krishowdéea Riya, Sruivdeebinyaled) (adres, 1895.) "= ied by §._ Vedas Madea, (1898 pp. 116, Blan 1908, ([Paritapaharsni ist] pp. 80 Tats 48.8) ite 1.284) TMMANIA, Pockporgicd Appaneryat, of Modes guste. See Buatrarnaat. gino 08 fee Css. [Dharrshori-eabhishite-enigrtama, Sclotions from the veisons of Toman, te] 1905. 6°. 14T8. 0 1016) Seo Baseman eyo 0 [80 vorasof the Nitianta, fa tho metrical rdoring of Tiawoona) 1899." 87. [The Telugu eat for the Malvicaatine Beowination] IV. 85 — See Bassoons, eye 80 verses of the Nitisaéska. Interpol, wih noterand Boglishtrasltion) 1000. 8 [Vai afaveaita Sint Onna dnnottion, ee] 178. 18049 Soe Baasrann §gh9 260 (The Fre mae tame vores. Totorroted, with unten] 1900. a9 TDMA REDDI- ser ‘Anmaltioe, ee) iyone Saati, and aheres Copious 1A. 4508) IMMA REDDE, Tayitondn, e29 TEGO [faoetiwehivtimayi, A Telogy-Hindostani Aetionsry] pp. vi 2,882, vier Udute FR {ada} 1000. 1. ‘TIMMA.RUSU, Seno, Meir of Kenpaon of Vijnyonegar. (ife] Seo Sebabeicnden, marae, ee, 1005, 12%, MITE. 33.08) TIMMAYA, Kichinafeli Gaigonn pe’, PByBA dorostisnants [Nilieuederi-parigayamd, A poem of 8 sera, fa pare Telus, om the legend ff Krishow’s union with RidhA or Nila. ted Uy Chinvays Siri) pp. 62. Ore [Modan 102) 8. 14k, Rajmekbars vilunme, oF The Slory of Diallans Rajah (o2¥sE mss Og Fhe “SreS6%5). [A poem, in ennton om wlegeed ‘ot 8 prinee whose dovotion to Siva snd truthful eee wote proved by exparence. With a prefnoe ‘by K. Viegpligama on the pet nnd hie woke] (GSajnomanjeni Series, No.1) pp. 16,63, Coca, 1906.8 rae xara) br ego e%9 os. [Raikacaneemad- ‘Vbiedmames A romnuce in 6 dpeinan of Tore, Interspersed with pros on the adventors of 9 rnce aud hie love of « Gandbarya dames, iad ‘AD. 1750. Wted by N. Deen Poramillayya] p-106. ores [Auras 1883.) 8, 14 38 Sree Rakin parionyam («+ ,88- ‘airBe).” [A poot onthe eapousls of Rukh ‘Kriss, in 6 cantor aed A.D. 1715) BAited with tho aid of Panta hy P. Secnivnea Charla. (Kelli Terangi no. 1). pp. 5. 82, Madras, 1823, 8° 16.4718) ce My etenses girs Revfotstne ‘iss (Sarpapure minlatinyuia [x poor on the Iogend of n Vaishnava colt ear Pithapurin, fa 3 cemntao] and Nocasoondariyaranyama by Thin takai) (Bite by It Nartayye Sete) pp. 43,40, Maras, 1800. ait ‘Phe lh i fom te oer, (ssgenceasiegums.) [Sarmmlakehaps- “TIRU-NARAYANACHARYULU 50 Sie Pestootent Porticarions Bins, 2 Masjacvani] vol iy no. T—vol iy no. UH 98-1005." 1 re. AL Grote 1,29 TMAYA, Nabin. See Toneanna, 8 ‘INNA 60RI GOPALAYYA, Se Goraiav¥A TIRUMALA-DASU, dsc of Reppt Vetkof-riee hee Be ANE seen [Sekalenanh hica-inigedamt, An elementary werk on ‘Vedasisthorien of devotion, renunciation of the flesh nature, ead wnteviology.] pp.2, 88. Ze Vallre) 1001. 12% uit «26129 ‘TIRUMALA-NARASINMAOHARYULU, —invi- thalam, Poschisgam. [Por works eited by 7, 0 under tho folowing headings Dasara Mans-enieaa Naawaye avd Tithane's Version TIRUMALA-WARASIIGHAMY, Gutinelia, 5.54- Steasis. [Rukiipi-parigayama, A drat Composition ia verse abd prose on te loves of Kishon and Rabkin an tarrate in tho Bigs vain] pp. 8h Bees [Bawa] 1005, 8 14 ‘URUMALA-NRISTNWACHARYULU, Biadrelaion, Posehisgam, Soe Tronsiacrananaaicnsarot TIRUMALAYYA NAYUDU, Katu. Gana vidy ‘ausi copied from tho best Swasket anthorton with a preface (ia Boglish) by M. Soshagir Butrne (ovoepioése.) ppt, vi 37,83; Tplot Madras, 1896. @ yaa et, TIRU-NARAYANACHARYOLY, Fails, EeSrerss. [Problidenijekamn, Adana fon tho logond ofthe Vashonra aut Praline (old the Bhigavats-purina.Hiited by N. Dre PeroméliegynBightheities.) pp. 110. corso [tedrae, 1882.) 1076 8 oe Hhoser uA [Sekuntalenite ama, “A ivi! phy founded on tho Staskrit anne AULBinesthontala of Kalida. ied séreceuigeabama, A trative on the art of pete, Ginnhed A.D. 1740.) pp. 267, 1898-1900, | by Dien Porunsayya] pp. 94 ove (tedrae? 1968) 8 rare —— [another opr] TL [Another copy] ttm, 251 mmuuratt TIRUPATI SASTRE, Divilaria, Pont of Palon ram Zain, See (Addonds) Baya. ES" Gtorbachastesn) —Hendored by Tropa and Veiateyarn Siesh] 1008, le. 8. (Sara- enti} MATE. gg. 2.01 10,8) Kevimithens + 1, Mem 3. See Baonvanea Bau LMovised by Tee] 1909. ‘So Baoavaven Bi, kam [ovised by 1, 8.) Sree Rakmangada 1906. Mire 979 + SeoBuunaya, Vikramaskadevacharitrsms ‘oslo ate Talo... by .-»‘Tienpath Vene Satcoware Kavelay ef 1008. 6%, M174 gg 18.0) See Mascnnnns, Tair west [KEyaem ‘aa-charienma, Baited by Seypati ond Vei- Satévave Sissi) 1901-1002, 8 (Sarasa) MITA gg. Bisa ‘See Puasmixsta Rie, Unapathysbhyae Anya, [With preface by Tirpett ana Vent fore Sate.) 1900. 8, 1878.0, 92.06) See Ponkyas.—Déi-thapeoate- puri Doviblaguvatan . + [Motul temnlated] by ‘Tirwpati Verkaterwara Kovale. 1000, oe 1404. 8,25, See Rinacyheauna, Weoumese. [Bile iandyugun Rendered in Telage by Tiropati od Veihatépvare Sits) 1902-1003, 6 [Sameet] A. gg. Boo 393 Se SfonaKa, Mrutebeatitams... Trane Iated Sata Teloga «by +. Mhieupatt Voukator warm Kavala, ee, 1007. 6. MITE B98) ‘Soe Viiaptn,daeple of Nein ( pevsoeriss.) [Srinvdsavilisama, "Rendered Into vor by Tirupati and Vaskatvars Sat 1009-1005. "12". [Mosj-wis.) 6,29 ‘Vina-manot. 8 Chandraprabin ‘raualated ate Telogs == By === 1906, 8 74. ge. 15.0 Mudmunkabaenn. ‘Tirapat Vows rare 580) Bes ait "irupats Venkateswaran See Vienena-oarta, ‘Trandate into Telagy -+- By dateswars Kavala. 1908.” 8°. simupatt 252 MIAUPATI SASTRI, Disikots, and VESKATE SVARA GASTRI, Okla, Pandit of Palasarone Panindsri, Anarghaunradat, A Telugu dean fin @ act, fared om the legend of the Nirsdas moar and msarsago with Madayanti Aughter of Spf aod bis quaeal ani recon clinton with the ater, an told in tho DévF ‘bagevat. By Tiepati Verkaterwasa Kavala, (eggmesin, urs) pp.ii, 8: Tplte Mavhlipatam, 1900.8 aig. or wostorars ergs, [Bandarnqativadhic ‘nama, 101 estempore stan on miseleneosa emer (20 being is Ssnskrit), composod simel- ly at Masolipatan. With ame appended vyorea by other authors] pp. 25. sabvens [Waratipton,] 1010, 8 "1478.8 82.009 Dambhavamanam. A Telogs drama fin 6 acta on the myth of Vishoa'sisearaation a tho Dwar), By Trwpati Venkateswara Kavala (Goperiofie, PuFan) ppuikbhyives I plate Meralipatan, 1909... yar 37) suggeypet rere (ing Boperor’s Coronstion Deva). pp- i 88. 1003, See Pate ‘vient Penticaions—fsjshmuniry, The Sara oval la vol. yy Bo. 3. 1805 le. Mit ge. 2.058) [Nanacyesandarsanan, By Tirapati Ve: latesmarn Kavala. [A collection of oessiool owns in ‘Telags end Sanskrit addeesed 40 ris princer asd noblemen.) (eee. Eeyese) ppiae 115,5. Manlipatom, 1908 cS etre 52:8) ‘eBing,Hpsoes(Pallotila pated, [A sort play” with didactic purpose, rprintad from the" Maj-vig"] pp. 38. Ber [ora 109,12 sar nt) Pandsvapravasem. A Teloga drama (ba 8 ate, apo the story of the Pindavey’ exile, arated fn the Blaba-Dhdrate fom the Bambara parva of the Ady. to tho oud of th Virieept] (soak get. Pers.) pp. tM, Maesipatam, 1907 rat 38.6) & Pandaveswanettam, A Tolagu drama [on the war of the Piyfras desribed in the Mabi-Dharala from the Swuplila parra to. the 253 minvpare- Ayvacmdiia-p ers.) ppd 10k Baste] (4 sotinss te. ‘Marilipatam, 1907. atts. 8 98.0) Srosubuesiis oll [Pingavn-vijyame A dram in 6 acts on he lagen of tho Mahi hieat, rnalted from Saket play by the sine nathore]) pp. fi 188. 1005. Sor Pane fovea Ponuicxnona.—Iyjuhawairy, ‘The Sara trv te. vol thy 00, Ive vig 00.1. 1808, we HITE. gy 208 6,7) Pandavarijuyamo, fn coven gta. Second PP. 198. Cheanade, 1907. ta. 38.2) Penditerjam. Dear (ia 5 note om the legends of th life of the Staal pot Fugen elton tha Papdita-rijn) Ly Tiapmts Veokaterwara Kevalo, (60866) pp. 3,17. Madras, 1900, ava. a. sr) Satavadhanasarm. [A clletion of f= prompla vertn in Sanskrit and Tolga.) (Fe Eyre pei) pp. vi 12. Marup 1008 * irs. 2 22:8) mtmserwewte (dexmony. sft). [Vineminalagtiredhioe sad Vion-ma-malishtSradideame, Collections of fextompore verses in Telugu and Sanskrit on rscllneous themes, omposod atthe requst of Rinje Rimm-chandee-Appicrin at Noavid in the praronce of tho Abst of the Vanamamala monastery. With a preface by Varapist Rime Imire] pps 8, 2h “TERE [Oserand } 1008, * ra. 6208) ‘TIRUPATI VEHKATESVARA KAVULU. Sse 1 Shara, D, and VEdeaybgraa Sire, Che TIRVEATULY, frUpEAESERe EPA, [Na ‘ninid teapot prabidonma. A compondons fide to tho 108 great Vaichoave sanetate Pp. 80, S788 [Mairos,) 1898. 16% ata a, TMRUVALLUVAR, @x%oo. [Hvivrpeme A retical tesnalaton, ty” Golam Nerasinbule igal,of the Tamil Kors, 1290 couplets on homer of morals, plioy, snd loves, With inglish preface by P, Roigenithem] pp. 4 20,138, Madras, 1602, 8% AltA 4.80, -TRIPURA-SUNDART a8 TIAV-VENGADACHARYULU, Soraevaté nants chirp. See Ananwngaa, by = BE. Tolga commentary styled Gure-ila-pals- Abita and an index called Armare-bogdarmama by Miewerdigagichiryla.} [1851] 4. 1000.17 14000. «8 See Vaniumanaiea, Qos. apie HPse et (rtatnka. With ‘elope intenprtation by Tirwrdgefichiryula] [1865] 8. 14058 6 38, (ase) 4, ‘See Vistarauerh, ogee $30 tot [Yajsaraleys-emriti, With the Mitikabars, ‘The Sanskrit txt, edited with a Telaga parphrase of the Vyavahiradkinds of the later by Tiru: vésgadihiryala} [1672] 4, 14000.0.9, [or oor works edited by 7, ace under tho following Besdings:] “Saray Dijana pe Naw ‘IRU-VEWOADA-RAMANUIA ITY¥AR, Alar Vie ogperper. See Visuapaou Seis ‘inv-VENKATAOHARYULU, Komipdar. See Saiearicuisrs. — (Doulfal ond Seppontitions Works} 4S; (Mapiteyi, With Tlagu ‘ransatons,paruphraso of tho Ast, and mete versions af the ather pots, compiled by Tine éihatiohieyale.) 1602, old 10. 140384, 28 ‘Sanonasous ‘RU-VEAATAOHARYULD, N.S Suan ravatea, It, ov0 mek revoBSases “(Pade bala Scented and frmahed with drstions, ee, by Tirwevédatdchtryale] ‘TIRV-VBEATARYA, Serena, Sor Tino-vi TRAVIS (J.11). Sie De Por (J.N) and Thani GB), Sladi in Biblical Facts aod History, fle, 1908.12 tarda a8. MRIPURA-SUIDARE, 8.68 608548: (Oe restr.) [ipora-rondar- aia, 100 vera in prio of the goddew Parvait] pp. 10. ewe (Madre, 1805.) 8 11. x 9.00) 255 ‘mivinmanta- ‘TRIVIERAMA SASTRI, Bipedwrguou Balen Inout, See Gainanioninrs, 6 == 88F raved ‘all [Vivdkechiimagi. Blited by m8) (198) & 14048 0, 72:2) TULASTDASU, Kritoyint, Gy foren gressive ‘30g [Veikatédei-evdmala. vi chaste. [A poctical ingrpy of the Vsshywra dovotee ‘ified Vaskatudet Simi, Preceded Ly some ‘evotinal verses in Saoskrit aad Taal, ey ud followed by Sia-pdyuula, hymae to inh, Hiitod_ by Seanidhi Pach Dévarija.Perasnal] yp. 80, 70, il, PA (dae 1906. 12° ara, £28, TULASE-RAMA DASU, of the Sal-enprotiyn. euitinebithins Samajomn, Gent web oe epre erstyes Ife [Ihagnead-bhajnune Mieaoale.Vesshowvs yma, Followed by 3 ‘ymnaby the eitor Sakarshapa Rayhara Batt, no § by Sagitama Vedat Diew] pp. 4 exe amor [angeles 1000) 12 ih. 82 0 YAGA AIYAR, See Tricu-nhvs Sei AYHOA RATA BROIL, (ongekor ersten nets es) [Aadhe-lakshpaekarstalie ‘alia or ChiandS-rtaiharame, A tot nthe mete of olag pote, thei tte, ‘oped by thom. Published by Paveage Véblata Bind ppt 29. SAO Ore [lr 156) tke 8 rvdca-nAsa subrA, mm of Niiyana Huta Gremnseewoa, ass ge ysas. [Si Urahmnoyareayambe. A poom ie 5 drefoae on the legends ad cult of the god Subrahmanya) pp. 18h, Fey o8em Kt [Andros 1880.) *. ITS. 38, ‘TYAOA-RAIA SVAME, Tiraiyiru Rima-Irebme: pe Ag WyerrmSe Fe0. [Tyger Srimi-kivtanaa, Hywns by the mosicien Tyee jn (horn Kali 4859 = A.D. 17089, dod Kal {019), Bait with « biography of the Iter, musical notation, and footnotes by Gh, Narw nha Bhigavatacevdmi] Malas, 1208, el 8° MITA 3.98 UDUDAVA-IRADIPA 250 ryda-RAra sVAMY, Crvenigiyu Rina-lralne- pw (ontineed). Wf ure seq soar Bigenciacs (Tyngarsia Koortanams ia Toil I. Tho sae hymns ‘ith Teast bigephy, by Kiichi Waauanda Yogi.) pp. xxiv. 105 Vlate Madre, O10. 8. MARE. B 20 ‘Ph Bgl i frome cove arpscepmarysien [Ohymen] SeSis- sxasoueree, and Aunssioanionsarow, Gaya lohan oe. pp. 152-160. 1884. ithe 8, fyomseagrtcos. Arcades wrresgamreren [Naukbclarivame, A Iyvien-draontie deesiption of ene of the gud Kishye’soroticyporis, Halted by N. Krishan ichirgula) ppe lB ore [Madror,1865) ® ite & 6. iugolirn Vig Kuppayyee ao sovan kill. The most wef hook for mnie, Sesser. ages NO Feipstnase. (Blitel by 7. Véskatensrain~ Dshiryuted) pp si 12, 201. 48 (Madea) 1000. 1k 18, sob gemyet. sohbE nee. [ feonratnivel, colletion of hymns with tmusieal notation] pp 138. 2¥388300 [ulron] ‘oor. 6 a4. «2 rvhoa RAYA DHOIA, Soe Trion visa Budi Vann, preface ‘ira m2 BYAGARAYA SEPT, Poni. Si Verute Volante shasta, with by T.S1, 1008. IVAGAYYA, 1. VK, Soe Tviow-ningys ‘UDDANDARANGA-NATHA,Kshou-®,(lov0ie inna) -29-rense, (Balikimdsatana, A ‘ame of the prakurasa fypo, ia 6 abs, based npn Bharat Maltionsaya,” Rendered ‘tom the Sansrit into Telugu by V. S. Sabha riyuta.) pp 119. 1003. See Perioneat Por HHeimors—lejabnvadry. The Saraswati, oe, wok fky no. val yo. 9, 1808, oe, tre gz. 2. rae 3.89 vpUDAYA- PRADIPA, Anil Pirisnryamo, | retuga commentary of Bila Pirdaryamu [cathe a UMAPATT- txt with Tolga commentary, of the Udedi pips, being an elomentary treatio on astro logy with an elaborate introduction, by Komal Subbaryieya ss TOMES MHS eer TeG pp vi AD. Matron, 1808, 13% 108,» 944) UMA-PATE RAV, Kiminini Simiqara-pty Raja of Dombonda, [Uife] See Peaneseans, Bi. ‘Umapathyabhywdayam, 1908, 8, 2478», 385) ‘UMBSA-CHANDRA GUPTA KAYT-RATHA, Ko ija. Valdyskaablasindhe, or A comprehensive Toxicon of Hinds medical terme and anmes of rage with ther apnonyms ia Zatin, Sasaki, Hind, Tologe, Hon, he, with epioar refer ences to, and. geotatins from, woadard works, tte. Gametery) pp. xxriv. ie. 1118. lett, 1604. 8 0486. 30, ‘umn ‘ALE sua, of Pitapuram. Most mala, ‘Aw cniginal drama in six acts [baod spo a Hindustani romance]. (Be -.. oworeie Swern) yp 2% 22,104 Pitta pera, 1008.8 ‘aren art) ‘UNIVERSITY OF MADR. ‘UPANISHADS, ee-S4fe=8 UETsEe, [Adhy- fumpanihnd and Attdpesishad. With Telags fnterprlation and paraphrases by Elérarepa Voakatappayya, Siti) pp. 90,17. Madras, 197. 100, aa 1.0) ‘The Telogu Upasishad,Ia- Kent: Katha- ‘Se Acanens, le, nthaoharys Aryevaragara, With orginal Ssn- frit texts Part I (Tutivooya and Parashe- fooeta...- Past IL) (2ngbngestie0) pp 2 i, 90, fi 82. Visaapatam, 1890, 1902. 8% he Brg tei tate rm wp pe atesS. The Aitsceys Upanishd (osyetomstas. The Ai ‘areespspud. ‘Tho lvaayopenishd) [With Sadaras commentary on nos. Vand 3, and ae Aerpretation, in Sane, English and Telugu) 1000, ete. See Qbeku Sieem, 8. FEE. The inka le 1009, ce." -UPANISHADS 8 UPANIBHADS (cntime). Brabmopassnsm [a leationny ofthe Bria Sam consiting of ex lovely fim the oldar Upanishads with Tol lennalatons asd comestriee) ie rospeotally Alodicatod to th eneemed and vesoraLle Choad ‘Sekhara Brabnsoanda Swat, Pradans Acharya at ‘he Bavgalore Bahn Soa by oP ReSiangiah aide, pp. 89. adres, 1004. 16% 14010010 stent psoyEt. [Mabi-vakyerataal A caletion of extents from the 108 Upanishads, ‘compiled by Time-chandea Teta. Wi gran yen and 4 Tolga omentary called 1 Palogorta Nysighamityeda, Beited p56 ocr. 28 taal a apr by Garadenti Vedhatichnla Sarma] Syn [Wedres,) 1904. ho OmRUDEETAST THs, eres joss. [Upasishat wal A Aigert of Vednatc doctrine eo [qeotatonn from veri Ups ‘arephenc, l,i the form of «dialogue between Rimeand Hanuman, Compiled by Apardkehine ‘inv Vakolaharnga Paw dq. Sesoed edition} pp. 104, Madea, 1006. 1408.53, 1 eegetstopes oll [Atme-bidha Ups Sensi text with Tologe paraphrase.) 1007. Se PrstooiasPonsiarions — bonge® Vidyavai ol iy uo. 1006, ee. TT £1. val 2) CChandogys Upsniched. (With anlyaee sod Tologa wort formord versio and commen lacy) Bited hy, MB. Pantale (ce. M Boe sad, pp. 8 Madre, chap). wgetogeERE.. (applet toe inde Keone Madea No.) pp. vi 520 Moire, 1800.” Move a1 seearsps§se. (Ksdpmashad. Sa soit text, with the Telaye commentary Kén Pasisha-dipika of Bilaeubeshmanya Draie- brani} pp. th 12h, 8430 0F-20 [Madron, 1900) 007.8120) sormeetst. (Mabipnnichad, With ‘olog interpolation and paraphrasos by Bi svarapa Veakafoppayga Sist.) pp. 178. Moira, 1800, ‘Mate. ae 500) asietepe mo [Sarvesira Upanie had, Sennkst text, widk Telugu trnsntion by 20 UUPANISHADS- Kappo-simayyara]_pp.12- 1800. See Penson teat Pemeations —Mras, 8e§u0 Vidyarat, vol iy ton, 18. 1906, ee, 6 1404. £1. (1.1) ‘Tietirnyopanicbad, [Sanskrit text ofthe 4 sections, with Telugu word-for-word interpre: tation and parsphraso by Som-yajala Veskate: girs Siete] Bilt by, MB, Paotula (oe M-Bachebaysa], BQsarspas. eed, eg. Ede epmuds resnien, (Supplement tthe ind Reformor, Madras, No, ix) pp. 180 Mudra, 1289.6 (UoternandFeitou Upanishads] ¥S- Ourened re regster set [Viger ‘Sopevaiad, Senki tok on commogony aod ‘ce-origion according to the traitont of the Vinrakarina Brabmant or aricer oats, With ‘elogu tanslation by YalarartiASjnéye Sine Followed by « Sault GBtre-Kind, parpoting to form oki of Divas Tagen dary poligres fom Snags aad oer stints) pp 1, 38, tseress [Patron], Denali (rite), oie, & ‘M059. 2 VITARAGHE, dsseresomezrstesesom shops espns dpeemroticunetfas Wisesanevanne gow [Uttar git. Three Sensis chapters on Yogte pilosphy, form “erved fom the Ayracmédbe pares (or bee) er the Dhishmepe, of the Mabirbbirata. With ‘elagu monlformord itoprtation by Baric vintthe. Batol by B. Avynyiehiyale) Pp.26. TE (Vongalre 1964) 16%.” MOB a {A reprint of tho camo toxt and inorprotation) pp. 9%. ere¥ (Madras? 361) 16 14068.8. 9. Goo BEEMAN Sie Aare Gena. (Uuseargtd. Avother reprint of the samo text and interpretation, with the Kaupias- Daichake appended, Edited by Vavila Rirma- fim, Slate.) pp. 77. S¥QE yam one [tara 188.) 18% M060. 9. Gg.shersoxt. [Citaregitimagjart. A postal adaptation of the Witaraegitt}(Bramba Vid Series, No.7.) pp. 4, #30 [Mura 1801. 1 Mit. 1808) -VAKULADHARANA 200 VAG-BHATA, Sinteguptept, oem. Eseprnnestcane wporanysss tal [Aske Uaigebpidaya, of Bubata, “A teaiso om wedi> cine. Part ity comprising tho Chikitsi-tbins, Kalpacthand Uttara, ia Sanskrit. Bltod with Telogu translation by Pavvide Ti hanes Ria] pp. vie xxsvii, 664. Maras, 1808, ots ddd. VAIDYAKA, B5g¢ 82 at [Vaidyabnaie A Sonat troatico on medicine. Wah Telaga Sntorprotation.) 1892-1895. 12%. See Panionicat Penicarions.—Visagspalam. steomShue. [Gakalvidysthivardbans] voli, pl. Ivo pe a0, 18b2-1807. 12" & are 88. YVADYANATHA, Vosla(edetpet, Bharaiwja, Go Ort. (Jatalerpejan, A Sane ‘krit motrin! manual f Borosopy. With Telage version by N. Gare liga Sixt) pp. vii 10. "xg oor? [Madrae, 1607.) "4085 ce. 0 YVAIYAPURE SETT, 1, & €0. Shabidsethrath oval FEGST HE. A acol Telugu dictionary pp i284, vie Madray, 1807, 8. MITA. 294 VAKUPABHARANA PARA-DAsI, Apartelann- Was. Se Sacanicniarn, s+ SYS: “Aran te [Vikyoandhd, With commentary fn Tolags by Vakslibbarape] 1901. 3% See Uranasane, y= ABPRTNESTS. st aot [Upanishat-airaratnivai, Compiled by Vakolibbareye.) 1906, 12, 4040,0.96, ORE Fores... mers axme 50, “[trahma jen ehintioans, or Sogued- kearemahi-riguchartr, Vedante dostrinee) pp. 80. rae, 1898). ereuBangen wis Qerenaoneng, sop-regin. [Suka-brbna-laivalyans, oF Bulwmahivrsk-chertr, Tayends conscoted ith tho mythical sage Saks, aad expositions of ‘A romance,conveying ‘eratipae (Me 1074.5. 36 the Vedaatie doctrines ascribed to im] pp. i 140. BAH [Madren] 1890, 8, TATE ge. Se ae ee 298, HE 80 Hoo. [Velinterabeaye-darpae ama. Stories of virteoue women, conveying at ‘VALLADHACHARYA- Aoctrinee of Advaita theology] pp. i 122 Srazpoo [Madras] 1907. 8 MATA g. 48, YALLARHACHARYA, (Ifo) SueGivixonnieu,K. Life of Sei Vallabbacaeye, ele, 1000. 12. 1a 17.8) VALLUVAMORTL See Tie-varievas vias, ahaa Pr Tin Gebtourainifesd wo (wanys, OFo§ de) ese, (Midyans, Sanskrit teat, pre- ceded by the Gynt rimipaoe, ritual rales for ronling th tort according tothe Vaishnava and Sorta sohoos ee. Elid with Telugu tne lation; ay by Gattoall: Sésbihieyaty sisted by Parv-vasta Ritingjichiryala} 6 vol ‘Syl [Madree} 1902-1905. 12. M088». 26, ered itonmaiots wefe ‘et Vee Reem, Pr ion by Divarija) + Proosnly ilestated,) Matray 1910, 6 1418.6, Tuproro The Bolt from te ee SET EyS§hS Gresik worst UBatackiggas 5 pretation, paraphrase, oe, styled JGinn-praki tik bared on the commentarien of Givindaije fd Mabsyvara Tirta oe, Bite by 7 Vodkate. erigitchiryala) pla bene 24g [itadeae, 1898.) &*, 14060, 38. “sparen no mie hsb pai oop DRyEENS web xe somatnenseene- repos +. Kectmennt ell [Bala pam, oF Salkshépa*. 100. Sanat rece with profatory stanza, forming T. 1 of the ‘Valaik-rindyaps. With Tologn tntalaton and swosdfor-mord interpretation] pp. 8. 0wre-2 [Wedran) 1863. 16%. 4080.8 Ramayana nti rataeyali: Moral Gos frm tho ‘megane... Containing oxcllont moral stanans from Valneoki Ramayan, with Telogu, Tewil, explanations « ara Pandiah, pp. 24, 10 Bava, 188. 00s Forman eH lio Srn serbfvegsoen, (Gomsfiom Valaiki) [Valaiki- rtamale, Compiled with Telogs paraphrases -VALMIKE a0 sod notee by Gattopall Séhichiryoly, asst by Parw-vacta Rémaujacharyal) pp. xv. 6833 Uplate 95" (Madran] 1001, 1°, "4066.0, 25 ‘Pha Balh tl fromthe so epee ae PEmOEY SPE. [Ranialokne sma, Solos Suusit verses from the Rimyane, including the Abhaye-pradinesia (ce, bE. VI vii—aix, LP nd 20). With Tolage word-for sword intorprotation by K. Arvirayys, Tani commentary by Poriyo-dehin Pill and Tews sbstrcte ofthe later Biited by MT. Raa anujiciryse, T. S-radgihiyula nd 8. Md Seaton 4085 88 7 UL reseg s8araetmpbantirag tens. Fansite sulti-ost sve ee oactcoty po Si-sormmatoss, [Bhiskare-rimiyagama. A reeeal version of th ep, propared in tho 12th fr 18th century by svar pots viz (1) Baler Kivlams, Kishhindbi Maliiefnude, wom of Hofikkt Disk Agélbya.e, hy Sihigt Komi Rada Deva; (8) Arspyet, by Mantel Biskarad of Gootar (4) Yaddhase, bagon by Hoik B ‘completed by hie friend Ayyaliryay the work ‘pparealy taving boon published in dbp T2th century sider the diestion of MastriBidakneupa, ‘sad being dodicated t Sibipi Brod, son of Badaba-rigy or Nevo-thojy. Printed from a copy vied for th sod tine by Vaiyskarane itninujichieyala aed. Kerlayst Radigayya) pita. Begs ore (Metra 1886] tte Lak, his Geeysaharpeweies ronan. Wyre dossrwegonm yonmanmae “rages. [Bhlskarerimapanainy, A reves of Uo preceding. Pit elton] pp. $12. oreo [Wadras, 1870] 4, 174 L, Goto prant nob HOS ESSE Hom. severe sa 6 se Somme spate See [Ohiskara-rimipegame, aited by Pilapaei Nagéprare Siatri,Seoond edition] piv. 802, 27g hose owt [adver 1872) * 1H Lg, 2 ‘VAIMIKE ‘Vatatlat (contin. ‘RaW ARA Ma en oi sien oo [hiskara-riendyapame Fiited by K- Awantichirysta] pp. xe. 682; 2plade, *43![Madren} 1807. 6 ITA. 6 Bhiakar’s Réméyana+ Délakdndem. For tho uso of aehool, fe, Taga, galrtormncsin, wero. Thied edition, pp. 198. Public Tostnton Prom Madan, 188, MTA 3 Qe bereg menaiosser apie. [Andhre imigaqame. Am adaptation of the Ssoskrit ‘opie fn vere mized with prote, by GBpl-nithe Vobhate Kavi, Hiited by DéyebhaflaSinaki- imade sod B,Séshidei Raga, —Sooond edition ] role pA, 860,795, li ih, Hovwns ores [entero 1604) 1418.8. Sue aeath Andhra Valoiki Ramayanama, A Titer tse translation of Valnila’s Samkrit Remayasam. By Vavilicslana Sobba Row. [Pre coded by iatrodstions, the Gigatrrtmayans in Snoskrit and Toluge, ime-nut, Apa-udahs- raked cle) (ome mE, bersmats.) 2 voln pp. exvi. 708, 4, xxle. 605, 85 1 plate. Mada, 1808. 4. wats Sost-yS Og, we Terans, ‘yopama (co. Valrkanda 1). With Tolga met riel version by Kopparst Appia Seti] pp. 51. ‘Segvip [Madras] 1903, 10". 1072.0. 108) Lezrciam. SE Ger. —PoseTos, [Sudar-kinds, A pada vorion by S3pa Gopi Inj. Hlitod by Botte Appalanarasnnhs Dis pp Hi 62. Fisanagran, 1010. 8 1078.9, $200) aindeana appa [or the motrin! version by Molla ofthe Rémi yaya] Sar Mosca [Por Pipasigv’s Uttrerimipanumbs, based spon tho Utirackijnf the Valadkl-mspane:) ‘See Pancuite, A Seu Pavarts, 6. ‘Tho plot of bbs. Vise] 1805, 8 ost (Rima-adtaeams, of the Rémiyags, drat 1074 88 ‘VaIAKE 2a ‘vitalat (cou ad1xa appa (nti, See Rionwvarea, I «- Darcinls gen (Mimdsaga-hirisuela. Dovotona songs founded ‘pon the Ramapena.) (1088) #1074. 38, So Rina Manta, KB. --+ 26 [Chive-s5ghavena, ‘A poem on tho legend of 1 cepctlly tho Utarkin) 1000, we 1a, feof seco. (Vémnns-rstoamul, 200 of Vamana’s vores. Biited by R. Vlkatasalbs is] pp. £0, Mylapore (Madre), (1908) 52° tara. 2806) orn 31h Sannin pnt i yee aca Kourfin sr. ssyeek exempewssszjees | [VEmnnn pulyomla and Appala-dies-padyamula, ‘Tho vers of Vémann with paalel stanzas of Appals Digs.) aye [Iakchepurem,] 1900, ce, 12" etd 5 sntisitecasectosspien, Hoyts som, (Vamana paamulu) 3200 [vers printed fn largesype. Baited by. Gopilayys, otherwise call SutSaanda Yogl) pp. 8, 500." Madras, 1000. as.» 36. vaitoaya MAYAKUDU, Dimarata Yilatidr-yw, of Kolahaai, wom r¥3S0E So. [abalies Sharitmena. A pootioa hetry of «soya otary of Krish, nS derdoe, -Elited by Ke Voie atakyishos Rin] pp. 2,96 1908, See Pexor- teat Ponucations —Rajkmandry, Tho Saraswati ‘de. vol vit, wo, T=, it, bo, 7.1808 te ® “tre gy Bove 7,8 ‘VENoaMAMBA, Torgonds Bhigoeatapurdea. y+ “oreo [Rue sOyaceirimba. Adapted iato verre by Vebgn mmimbe] [1854] 16° Tat it Serreatorayms eefsven, [Vashnnse mola, Verse on religion ‘sot. A TH [Meosophical jet] See Nane- tints, Kadinola poems cte}) pp.75-78, 1903, 8. 18ITB 8.8 vENOANAMATYUDU, Volgspii. Soe Ligon. G--FOBF RSS. (kribme-karoinrite With ‘Wage’ vores tasaation by Vedanta yoda) (leo2) wore ei. bo Soar peytes “tot [psp erpteriaas “Wik, Veh. snitgo'stnsaton) (1806.) 10 OTe 8 YVEREAIYYA See Viseares VENEAMHLA, Tovigonde, See Voisuusuny, m ‘VENKANNA ‘VEAIEANNA, Iti, The Andhoabhasharsavarn A lesioon of Telogs eynonyma ia vor. By Kol Vonkasakavis Tdited de pablished by SP, V.Rengoanthacrami Azyararalagars (296 peiem Om 28) Bem PHOwE) pp. Hh Vieegepatam, 1900. 8, 81042. 35.0) ‘Rr prt of the Slain VEIKATACHALA MANTRI, Diévwvelonda Pil- haya-pe?(Vihearinanop). eos OSS. oer. "[Viejeparrama. As adaptation, is ‘mixed pros and vert, ofthe Viebacparra of the Mabi-bhivate.] pti pp. 122. Madras, 1901. & ware kana) ss, VeARATIORAEAM PANTULU, MannZpa. Vehrapiouatarar Dist \VANTEATACHALAMY, Kirt Sastera-po",(Bitse asta). Sivarahaeya Hbandum {a section ot tho Skunda-purigs, being tho feat of the 12 Plogdee in tho Suikare-ambiti, adepied into ‘Telaga vor mized with pros] by Balarasmaty enry Venkalachala Kavi. Past. Sambora, sora, Veeramabendra, Kanda. (9#65-5590- S350.) pp. fei 168. or, 1002. 1474, Wo. 20) VERKATLOMALAMD, Kurwmadiate. 4, predssenlog oanrery [Bhigevstesape nackatha. A lyial adap yna form, of tho oageratar be ‘tion, yo poripe, Bk vii] pp. 8k Sarsepur, 1897. ars. 9. vEitxariomaLan, 5 Paitipeti B. [Andina Daited by VJ (1880.} oll 12, ‘VENIATACHATAMD, Tora Toilafe-pw", Matar tivaseniam (snobs s08s4), A drain io fveacte [based on Shakspor's Tempest”) (Sxjnarane jan Serieno, 7) pp. ti 88. worn, 1690. 8 rare. 2608) ‘A dota in fe ata (based sapere As You Like I. poe xil 2, 164; 2-laten Gunter, 1910. ars. karan) ‘VEAKATACHALA PATI DASU, Aempalli, Gree berstond cits moreso Tee “Rous. (Bil-kipjams, A prin! version of AVENKATACHARYULU a7 Uh, of the Ridyans forming part of an une Snichod adaptation af the Ramiyans styled Bm shandra-lilitarsgiok] pp 81, 25,80, 29,82 3 Fan Ee [Nellore 1904) 8. 14H ge 18. Aww SbrsHond oss HOF Faso vane srrei. [Ayélbyikiplams, A Iriel ‘daplation of Ue, fi of the Rimiyaa, forming att of the rwlistrnigins. Batol Dy the author's son, MM. Riwo-kyshos Bia) Pe % MIT. Onpole, 1000, &. 1478.0, 38:6) VEREATAGHALAPATI §ARMA, Diipam-rivw Sw Porkyas —Dhagovate-perina, Quseyiedis ‘aot [Bhigovatama. A prose rion Ly Vede leatdcbela-pti) 1902-1908, 12°. [agjeaie] 174. LaLa 82) ‘VEATEATACHALA SARMA, Gurudanti, Soe Unie mnonane, Ster¥ S603 #0. [Moha-vikyeratnd- vai Baited by ¥.) “1904, 1400T. 0.28 VENEATAOHALA SASTRY, Chitiri, Soe Rin Rincenbanyaye, SOEs [Vanucbariten ‘ms, With interpretation compiled by Véabatichala State.) [1864] Mia La See Rintaiscaadonnyone. get, eis cee [Varvebaitame, Wi fae Aorpeition of Vakatichale Stn) [AL] paren VENEATACHALA SASTRE, Debit. So Mas aninsta Moder Vorvions [Séntzparen] 6 Gegeirssen PREETI [Séntipare, itd with interpretation and. exposition Ja ‘Telog, eyled Bharatircatateeprkigin, by Vedboichals) (1801-1008.) 6 M080. 14 FOfserge5. [Karmipanyisaes, A teatsg of tho Vadentio philosophy, trating of the fuence of arma, “work.”) pes pp. 182. Fas oor [Culdape, 1902} 8°, 1414. 0,80 ‘VERKATAOHALA SASTRE, Siré-Maslanomu. See Tinaanta, NSPE TE, [Pae aharayeto. Baited by V. $1] [1890.} 6 ior ka) VEitKATOHARYULU, Gautoma, Phpwicion, Bra Ind Vaidya mtaakarama, [A Telogu manual of ‘he medial at, with qpotations from, Sanat sourees) compiled by’ Voukatacharye Pandit, m3 VENKATACHARYULU- SOR ESEU AES. pp xvi GUO. BAA Cadras} 1002, 140880. 38 VERRATOHARYULU, vindschrga-p Sees gengemerrsg’. — [Chitthde at ‘ishasva-deijahodanekarmigi. Tho Ltangion for tho Ib chet domestic vitor of Chaitd Si vaishyava.‘Trahanns, ia Sanskrit, Tamil, and Telogy. Baie by Tyyinni Suthskipaebaryela] ppeaivs 198, #24orec [Mudra 1902.) 8 70 47, VEWEATACHARYOLY, Migalitohi, Madenn mo- hana chair (5 acer 306). [A romance of lore]. reprint fom Seee Vyjuyant. (Tara gm no. 3. Chamatara Tarangiai edited by PL Anwods Charla) pp. 27, Madras, 1694. 8 1474, 9718) VEWEATAOMARYULU, Noli, of Yagopuvam. sees gonseby ems [Samagre-rim nite. nwo, A dramatic adaptation of the Rima nn] ppel9h, Beqspossosee. [Madras 1870] 8 ait kt ViineaTACHARYULY, Sriniosertatzhirye ye, of Tiramalelakla-potanam, Achalatmja ps ‘yan. Slosha kavya [oil « comporiton io S denny of verse with occasional prose which smuy bo interpreted an desoribng the bridal of tither Pirval or Sti]... Hated with meaning by Raja Ms Blajengn Rau, (o8enS,evadecese] ppd 201. llr, 1000, 1, M484 549 ‘ViniKATAOMARYULU, Vipari eitarsharyeyn Go: Geegtee genom BETES [Vieeakarna-parigambe, A composition of 10 gorias in veren and prose on the myths and religioes doctrines of the PaSchila or arior ‘uses claiming dorcent from the god Virvekarma itd by A. Veokatarimmla] pp. aiz i 39, Rortess over” [Dangaory 1880) 8 174. YEHKATA Disv, Ob Dio. 1 See Cavern Veieara YVERKATA DASU, Pode, See Pasa Vehuasa Di VBKATADHVARL See Vébeasinta Yara ‘viticardpar sviME, Altri Vestoyynepe, (00- WHlauoscnisincss divvas). [lyfe) See Rash -VENKATA KAVE mm he tor in gastrin [Vie Fvevimi-ehaitamu] 1897. 12. 108.618 (tifa) See Tan-viae, K. biter ines (Veshajdetardmale vr cheritrams] 1906. 12", its. £29. ‘VERIEATA-GOPALA BAU, Dfakarmof Parlin, reese. [Gipilerige tials, Vaih- evn eins Teited by Magan Veseata Rs] pp. i 85," Sere s8 [Parlaimed,) 1908. ars, 30.) YVEiCKATA KAVI, Dorbr Poet of Pitaparum. So [Andends}Pesioneas Prvranioss —Pilaparam Tho Kavita... Bilted & pabishod by... Vou. ‘uala Hamebrishan Kavala. 1900, ele 6, mare. VBWEATA KAVE aad RAMA-ERISHYA KAVE, Darbar Pcef Pilinpuram, S205. (Madalen. ‘As origina! donna.) [Addons Patiootens mucaTions—Pitlaperan, The Kavita, st voli aa tla 110jeo, 6, 1174, ae) Riv Nirooe, 8. kt VEHKATA AVE, Ozmalira. See Viiwara-nize, Ch. I VEREATA AVE, Gopepavara, y= &Gee% preter bageoecstirsitn es ei§Qso¥an ([Penbandin rijewéakateqrae-ijayavilsonn, A tana, chieBy im vere, of tho art of posty, in {859 sotons. "Hated wth ntti and wate by Be Rimeciehonyye] pp. 85, 84, 4 iv. 8 ‘Bap [Helos 15102. 8. 14.0. Venkstonrara Andbram, A compeadiuon of elaga rooubulary in vere, (Sen wae". Baas Bor tiro ge) pp. 2h, Caanads, 1898, * rah» 98.0) Poms no. Soleo! ee VEWEATA KAVE, Gipi-niile: Padwoniiay See Vitaist —Riniiyaya.—Metrial Versione Ss eomeg;crenaoc (Andhin-ramayapan ‘Ao sduptation in ver mined with proe, by ‘Véakata Kavi.) [1894] 8 tare. VENIKATA KAVI, Mosse. So Vibsapa Ise 0, ‘VINKATA KAVI, Nopinéné K. Sse Vetnaraes, NE VERKATA KAVI, Vestiyate. 1868¥=5. (sive satakams. 100 vere in adoration of Sivn) P18. Vsagapatnm, 1901, 10% 14748 104) ‘VENKATA-{RISHNAM-ACTIARYAR- \VENEATA-KRISHIAM-ACHARYAR, §. Soe Tisd- ob, trBsdeas, Hitopadoes =» With omnsotary fa Telugu Iagunge += by the Tata &.V, Krishna Chareyar. Pavti. 1870 ‘Mora. a. 83 \VRWEATA-KRISHNAM-ACHARYULU, Cltato- roc. Sov Sinicrimiewiueews, Ve OOS vss. (chinpienstawhirase, Bitod by Vo 1910, 6 ats. 18. 20.8 ‘VEREATA KRISHYAM-ACHARYULY, Meni Soe Gorcsrinn, 3, GFemNGE Tre Dol [Narnshary-ubsha-yatskams, Baitel by VJ ssn] 14% k00) ‘VENEATA-KRIGHNA RAU, Koclchrikje Remar ‘haniee, Zamindar of Poavaram, See Kasay, Tnjthnrongint >= Tragalted - . by. Brea KORY, Keshaa Row Bahdue, 1908, 1906. 8% ‘nt. Poncanions.— Rajat iited by Bree 180g, ete rat gg 2 So Pasooren wandry. The Sraawati KL RV. Kelshon Row Bubader, fe See Riva-monerinus Toxouais Mast ‘agtetnabse “tel [Dirval-perga With preface by V. RJ) 1008." & 14t5, 8 2865) Gee Puanara (Re B), Apavadatarunginh apt fom Sharid’s* Bhool or Sandal Iiy $0 K, RV. Kein Raw Tohadur, 101 * tT b 2816) (Wor other works edited by V. R, s0o tudor the following hendiogs) suunyo. Anavta Babrstooe, — Sal-winavns. ‘Gana Naekvaya Navas Veiouua Navaxens st ‘Vilaagacest, Oh oven "The Progroes of Plaga Liter ermoeyg) pp 2h Rejamandry, 1806... irs. 8 30.8), orn. eof he Cinta ee VENEATAKRISHYA BAU, ‘Tufatonall, See Duksraneatera, gy. , Gove [Lilien With Mabidharéchiry’s commentary, and Tolugn version of oth by Vekatekyshs Ras.] 1868.) "40526 24 AVPNKATALAKSHMENEISIMITA 276, VEREATAERIGHYA BAU, ‘ufatamulla (Com finn). See Kiaawount, +8 + Pesos ons rem iogsrs. (Kimani. With Telagy ‘ntorpretaion by Weskterishya Riu.) (1800.] &. 1403818. See Sanuuavarvate, Dh, and Buiseaneny, “ys ([Retacnstindhr-kiyy ame [is52) 8. Ihe. ba, ated by VB] VEREATACKRISHNA $ASTRI, Soe Vocuawiues Sg ens yr pee me (Drill aie Tethale, ated by V. 8.) [1805] 6 ait. gt VEREATACRISHYA SisTRI, K. Se Bayes, thses raya wor (NA Balted Wy V-$.) (880) 6° Moss. «28419 4042», 6.2) (1996 VEEATA-KRISHNAYYA, 2512 Vistuza-rata> ‘ts Drowpades swaysorvaran. A dena ia five ete Adopted (vie) from « wel town bestia Story ia the Grab Parrat of Mababbaratam. (eysbagcwowtan + eb.) pp 100 Coma, 1904 8 1a. 90.8) Salbadvaroneayam (for oo bs). An original dram in six nts [onthe legend of the Tove aud marrage of tho Pindar hero Arjona ful Sabhadei, Krshye's sister] pp &. 1104 Cocanada, (1908) 12% 1a. 3408) ae, VERKATAKRISMNUDU, Koftalspafi Veikata imap, of Kowdapuram. —Dolops casita [Ditipe-hariea, A composition i 4 ceiaus of ‘oreo mingled with prove upon the epi goad of Ling Dili by Venkata Kristoa Kavi. alted by Tojo Binjengs Raw... Reprted com the Maajuvani, (288258, ) pp. vi. 210. Bllor, 102. 12°, 174 L1. "Romp! fh Majo St ‘VENKATA-LAKSHMI-MRISIIOEA BAU, Me4gu, Qtavers. [Kéjverptakamu, 108 Valse Dora vores] pp. 26 #83950 (Narepar] 1808," 16° ante 1841) issoortnp gees [Syamantldps bydnama, A composition a pros a vorto on the Ingond of the joel obtained by Krichya and on VENKATA MANTRE- riven by him to Satie im eachange for Satya- hint (ageratap x. 567, Vishgop. 1] pp. 2, 24750, fq" [Madran] 1899. 1°, 1i74 «90199 VERATA MANTRI, Chenatir, S48, Ole J Soe Vie VEREATAWARASINHACHARYULD, Penmefian. ‘Bee Vault. Rayan —Prove Fesonn &E > Serragegems hoe [il byV) 898) 8 VERKATA-MARASINAM, Difri, of Kelivala. ‘The Sathigavania via aatakam. A Telos rams in five nots of th story of Bathyaeantha Tod iv fuitat io Sivite, ae tld in the Mahi-iharats, Azanyeep.Baited by Ga geye] (68§K08 Base POF. BET) pr 81. P44 [Madran) 1008. ard. 3106) VEREATAWARASIHA-MURT, Kalliplli Vo rila-noreiniaepa®, erSEsGwexke ETE Yoo. [Dhinexe-vtskams. 105 dosble stanzas is ‘oration of Siva ne worshipped odor the name 14060. 16, fof Mhineya at Mkbavirapatann. Blited by KK, Séshtobala Niyada) pps 88, i. Aa cer: [Medea 1009.) 8 TITS. 0. 88 bags maavonis. soy TEGs [Vicitre yored wth prose om Uh legea of Ria. Hite by K. Vasihu-sarainba Pataiyakeds.) pp. 8, ‘Sea [Wedron] 1000. 6%. 1415.43, VENKATA-ARASINHA RAU NAYADU, Petals Siskichaleyn’. Bee Rasoxneracons, PA, BA [esses “tal [Nievachunervare-darpes ‘nama, With prove paraphrase hy VéBkataenar= Ri) 1a00." 8 renew ‘hadite matmeyamn, or The Marsage of Kamalarati, An interetiog story in Tluge pros [aod upon Shskaper’s“Cymbeina”) Intended for tho fourth fora papila im Hligh Sehool, (ootdendyeiue BF WatreebsOmcsetn) ppd Matar, 1898. 1. MiT4 8 16) Eero FEY gow remedteenn. 16, slow me Br¥® Kew [Peamnliijtine ipike. Songs Tor womer, comprising Ki -VENKATA-DATE ms smaplatiptchigata, 60 stanas of worl verses 11 Adit ginn-tinpati, 80 Vaishgavs hymns] Pp. 28, 243" [Madras] 1897.12 irk. 20.19 A otro neous of the eRrertonse (Masikajantoanden emotions a ropreveted im poetry, with expan tions aad isteedvotion] pp. i 122. Madras, 1604, 1008 53 ‘VEnEATA-RARASIMGIUDY, Belli, BErOeS, {[Kundri-stakams, 100 vereen on wots for sla Rdited with word-for-word ilerprotation od exposition by Pacpala Narasihihiyel) Pp. 68 Madron, 1010. 12.” 17h 880) ‘VEEATAWATHA RAZU, Poreoterizme. Bo880 Sse tuh ahs. [Pacha tantinn 'K pootial voaion of the Suaaketfube-boole] p.208, us [Madras 188] 8 HIT k. 6 ‘VENEATACWATHA VEDANTACHARYA, (Ks imnnwvetnna), Ho¥es Are SSaass ws Fog ‘bras, [SaSkalpa-syBlayema. Anallogoricn Aram apon the princplen of tho Gr-rishynre ‘Volant pilompliy. Tesaelated from the San: shat by Raju Rayedapya Hagler Bahar of Bobbi Pabliked with a preface hy the Inter's igreat-geendsin, the prorent Raj) pp. 2 x0 260, EAP [Boldi,} 1006, 8%, ANTE A 38, ‘veoreayA-MpIstanna MRT sasastyua-ati See Varna VEHEATANRISINRA NAYUDD, Donators, aj of Pangidigudan. ©8853 550 Gos [Agee vailyeiatrama, A treatise on tho metic! frontiment of horace) pp. i 22 100. Madras, [08 6. aT ee YRHEATAPATL, Pec, PhxwErse. (Kis Nigacmirdaseime, A dramatic poo in yaaa. gina stylo opom a logendary exploit of the god Krahn ted by N. Krshpun-tchiry stad] p23. re. [Madan 1864] &. 1TH 12) VENEATA-PATT, Chimaira Lalshmogiatya- Bee Vidiagaast, VEREATA-PAME, Paidinaer’ Pertenien-pu hoes Secmyereise ss. [Chandrigadrebarie fram. AL romaace iG éoises of verse inten= ‘VeNKATAPATI- sotto khanda of princo Chandeigade's death 1y drowning aud he eestoration to Tif through te prayers aud platy of hie wif Sinsnsuiy vwstten about A.D. 1700, Editol with proface by Pe Rimerkrshosgya pp. 1, wit 103, 6 Pugs (Naor) 1897. 18.07 VEKATA-PATT, Silame Krishuaye-pe= Tara Seannka-vijayama, by Seaham» Venkatapaty. (@errorsucess) [A compotion of Seantor in yreo and prose on the lend of th Loves of the Moosegod ad Tani, wife of Brihapat) pp 17S. Madre, 1008, 8, MITB,8 280) See [Aadonds) Sonnk Rio, Vai suri, Sangeot Sojencodyam. A drana “(based 0 the pratana by Vebkate- patil. 10. 1 ‘uit 8 9808) VERKATA-PATI MANTRI, Lanse Gasgona-pw ie Gaipsnemenrsis, Om Kom es geobes SS (Viatpeemiyievilimame, A poem on the royth of Vishnu nod Mébins, i $dppies, written bout 1690 under the patronage of VelogStt Dasigara Yachama Naya, Raj of Venkata.) print. 24" sre (Madar, 1208) e 105.06. VBIIEATAPPA, Nigintad Kyshyammaye’. 2. YypG.ereese. —Hriehandnastakams, A Grama fa 5 acts om the legend of Mag Hari- fcbandea of Ayélhya and bis safrings forthe Inaintomoe of his promise.) pp. 15. 5Aee (Dugyvate) 1000, atts». 4008) Grease ers. [Serine jan nitakans, A drata io 4 asta om the orents connected wih th Btth of Rams a tld in the Rimiyape) pps th O0,. Ro (Dap 100. ate 8 aT) VENKATAPPA BAU, Guruztde, Bpiraphit tthe Mohaewin of Visianagrem. Kanyavliam, A ‘Telugu comic playin Bre acte [upon the easton of Drabman ultieindhomu or marriage. by Dasa]. By @. V. Apparow Pesta. pp. 2, 21D, (Vaianagram, 1897.) 8. MTA. B28 io page, Phe aon tile from he ene VEWEATAPPA BAU, Midicorrizu, ant SORYA BAU, Miivien Goenstsm.” (Nijoegure -VENKATAPRAPANNA 220 storama. A work by vasious admirers of Phil [Eid Snare Hae (Prabba), a theologian of tho AchalaV ny coming (1) ‘expositions of his docring, ia vere and prose, tnd (2) lyrical pooms in his honour (flow vores ff which aro in Hidastn).ovied by P. Séshichalama Niyads:) pp. 2,18, 198, $43" fore (Madras, 1894) 12%" | M07 a1, VERKATAPPA RAV, Pifuye. See Duxwane ‘##SosoR ONG Il” [Dhan Baited by V. RJ [1892.] 8% 108,40. VEiKATAPPAYA SASTRI, Monfadi. See Kins You, A Gen GHP BSE es oe Bul tn ehacl af mor ighant, Abidaite-pahoabe-gort-sshyararpidan, dt. * died by V. 8] 4r4, O21 vibixarappayya, N. 1008. See Litewes- nin. B85.» dee. iy ivan, With Telage ttansaion by Vatkatappayyad (sre) 12 14048 VENEATAPPAYYA SASTRI, Elpvareps, See Uniauauane, wwrpsfs958) so [Adkyatnd pnishad ead Atmopanshad. With Tolaga in Torpretaton, ee, by Vetkatappayys.) 1807.8 ‘More. 2a. 14.00) See Uramanaoe, S7AEPSS- [Mali paniahad, With Telogs interpretation, «by oakatappayya) 1800. 14010. da 5) ‘vEiapA-PRAPANMA YOOINDRA SVAMI, Kan: Ailla Apes, Vedhlo, of Minjur. Seo Mans utara —Mllera Versione, (Dhagevad- gti Geragargeres, | (Whagurad-gita, With = loge paraphrase, styled Bhage ahi by Védhataprapanan] 1901 16. 4065. 427, Soe Maui-utuara, — Madera Vrso (Dhapeead-gits) i co5yeho" 200 [Bhagavad siylod ‘Stparyarmbgeliame by Veukatse rapa) 1203. 10 106,022, Se Donigas—Dhigavata-puréna, by Qecyaubosein, [Dhrmaregiti, With vorpfatation ei commontary in Tage sylad Dhramare-giteda-dipka by Vaskatayepanna 1005. 4028. ¢ 49.8) 28 VENKATAADHAPANNA- ‘viirxapa-raapanma YOoiNDRA sVAMI, Kes- Ailla Appa, Vata, of Minar (ontineed) See Serexor Teinnonaira. The arteries) Remayana of Debscramayana with ‘Teage rmonaings by Srivenkate Prapanos, le, 1900. 14088, waa 2045) VENKATAPRAPANNA SVAME, Tajo-ypinanda, Si Veieasionaranes Yootvons Seq ‘VENEATA-RAOHAYA SASTRE, Auuovorapu. See Biragin Co vve Qoressosen ae [Vall Pichadase ited by V. 8] 1806-1808. 3% 048 a. 2 ‘VENKATARAMA DASU, See Viiearnins Dis VEREATARINA J06YULY, Diigo, of Madr See Sinnnaenitna. y=. Sas, Rp oees. [Avihacratodaajunn. With Tega trae Tation by Weikna-rima] [1906,] 8%, 1088.0 6 \VENEATARAMANA KAYE, J, muaayon, ZY ‘VinIKATA-RAMANA RAY, Kopalt, See Paros Se Vibiape ACh bh -.. wgotonse (Sriviehis wanwetaetramo, With protaco and abetenct by Vellateramaya] 1000.""6. M174 E22, 1000, 10178.9.6 Arama in prose nd verso (ou th epic legend of Bits mariage with Tm) containing Ave nts (fersteaisn) "Soooad edition. pp. il 6 Madras, 1902. 14974 4. 268 VERKATARAMANA SASTRI, Moli-icehyom. So Bioanivayn. $m ySo Mee... PygouEs Geresintes. Chuhreirirakam, The Brabme-sits, with luge Taterpretstion compiled by V. dogen-aithe Ras, assted by Veskatoamaye] [1880.) &. 14048. 8.1 VESEATARAMANA SASTEI, Yale, of Goat Normal Shoal, Visgapatom, forge Sess, ‘Taloge Grammar roveed and improved. yp 61. Visegnpatam, 1870, 12. Hate 3 ‘VEAKATA-RAMANAYARYUDU, Kyioivagi Nr siharpe, (Kawcroor-sasanal. See YOa4vi- rime aiwivayh, SotmES S8yse et VENKATARAMANUIAM 22 With iaterpretation by 1008. VERKATARAMANAYYA, dnontrtlafle. + Ssgeqnorein [Pralyamon-nitakems. A Tiel drams_on tho goal of Pradyunon, son ofkrakpa. Biol by Teu-edhi Ches-eubba] pp-th wore [Ongla] 1897. 8 1474 4.240) | [vain spears katerrarnayaryoda ‘VERKATA-RAMANAYYA, Ay, Seo{AdQouds] Prniomeat Pansat. —Maelipatan, | 296 50 aot [Karacbhirat, Hlitl by V.) [110, te) a Pies VEHEATARAMANAYYA, Mopiponde. See Jax Divs, Dhijadivepa®, hres \8Ne08 “moo [Andhregitegivindams. A metrical version by Veikataramapayya) 1000, 8% MS. a.39. VEHKATA-RAMAFAYTA, Urovalondo! D. ¥. 2 seobeewsh wag mAs. [Varrrach-vje- yom, Alysia play, Sa yabohagene syle, 09 ‘Togend ofthe tristph ofthe grasiarisa Var chi ina til of wil.) pp. ih 44, 90 ors. [Datery, 1830) 8 ai a ‘VERKATARAMANAYYA, Vigstam. ‘Tho Lio of BivgiinTelogas tor sttowre8Se pp i 41, Madroe, 1890.1 vars. 100 VENEATA-BAMARAYYA, Zorayilli Sry niriyanepat, Gemwe [Stla pitala, Kee Tigious pooms, compiled for the use of women] pp. 105, FARE [osmnde,) 1808. 12° rain 2044) VENRATARAMANUDU, ZulLiL}! Teitef2nitn nts (FEES Agriod Sonn.) (Vibe fuarks chaitam oF Kanskaraaitasikhamapsr saya) [A pooticl saptaton of tbe Tales of Vikramirke.) "1800, le. See Penooint Pott cistoe—Nalore. Stee Vagvally de ole Soi, 1600-1001. 14174 n, 38¢e0 13 ‘Veireapa-RAMhMVIAM $2771, Poppe. =. ciortglaioed A soseA OTS SE ESS SE (Serene #8 Tye. s iva a clatam, of the Sr 288 VENKATA-RAMANUJA NAYUDU- ‘the Advaita aystm, in the form of © jadgment faruod by wcourtoflow] pp-16. 2238 [Matas wre. ire» 89.2) VEiKATARAMANUIA NAYUDU, Koti, See Mansontsnari—Molorn Verrina, (Bhagwvad- siti) Gy A Dislogue on Dhaguvad-goctha {sing the GIG in Sooterit with Tologe gloser, fembolded ia a Telugu dslogeo expanding. the thom ofthe Gi, by Véshaterkwino] 190 * 4068 «3 ‘VinIKATA-RAMANUIA SARMA, Chilekopai T: ramalayperpat, See Bais, 22540 ea [Bal pateaama. With Tela paruphease and appendix Dy Wesenaerimnuj) 1598, 10 1408301808) ‘Soe Porkpan,—Dralma-saisart-pu Seeeegecgoe we [Biahneevalvarte Dordoe.,‘Tramlated by Wéakata-romouje] Toos. prreraers cos seems er 08. [Chumtiee Teahi-kalin, A romance on the fortunes of ing Rchana.) pp. 88. S33" (Marras) 1807. tat. g. 314) worse on Otireres (Gopi-athickaumudi, or RAdbiks-parinayams, {A poor in dputene om tho legendary loves of Krlahos ond ROGUIA. Followed by a Sanskrit ‘arorpon the sume then from the Gargesane ta) pp. vik 188. x5." [Madeae] 1910. © 1TH A Pieseeg gf Fe. Life of Kalidas, (icaiauaaritrapatarapam, 10 aot with a pt basod pon the legendary Me of the Saasheit post Kalidasa) pp. 186, Madras, 1908, rat ‘A doe to sero rbe 0S 5. (Mahi kayi-Kalie Aisa-cartrana An historal romance 08 the Iie of the. Sansksis pct Kalidasa) pp. 97 Fe 3 [Madraa, 1805.) 8 ua 81, VEHKATARAMANUIA SARNIA, Komaydéru G2 ilhiryanp. Soe Mai-suiata, Madera Vevioss (ifaicvante.] | (@5¥ =-0208s) (Vachan-hasi-vamam. A prose paraphrase of the Harivange, by Vébkaterramivyja] 1808, ae 8 (Voprall,] MTA 2, 981818) AVENKATA-RAMA SRI- 284 VENEATA-RAMANUIA §ARMA, Komiadirs pilachirge-pw. (oninad). Soe Pusopteas Pov Fhexwoxa—Nabre, Bree Vagvall «+ Hated by KV, Ramungje Sarin, 1890-1001, 8 14074 0.98. VEREATARAMANUIA. SURI, Tirwnagert App simi-pe, woe BOKGIENS, woners.(Shenie fgntharachaitra, ‘Tho logend of Sraigadhor's temptation by his fathor' wil, hie resistance, tmartyrdom, and vindieation, told ia the popular jaigama-batha syle of potty.) pp. 80.273" {wairee) 1910. 8% Mas. 4 32.8) ‘VBiieaTA-RAWAMWUsA SVAME, Srininin-thsfe- nithiclinjape, Porwsana. Bee Taauseninin Paypiranisas ho ¥8¥, ‘he Sata.” Bite by V.], ‘VaieayA-RAMANUZULU MAYUDU,Oaadetbert [Notas on the Telagu Toxt for the Matriovstion eid] Beamination 1893 ris. Moll-rimayane, Sendarakini; Bhure-har' Nita Rake latarsmanujula Nayadu Garo, Ba, RV. Voo~ ela Subba Aiyar, M.A, and V. Sabla Row Pantie Gara. Past i "pp. M0, 43, 82, 19. llr, Madras, 1898.6 iT. 62 LIME fet wction the poieton erp. 10 coins VERATARAMA REDE, Dol, Furx0. (Kala. atl, A Telugu novel) [Based upon Chanda Monda’s Malyslam novel Indulébi.”) pp. 17,190, 5, Madea, 1000. 8. ITE. gg 86, he Bgl ee from the oe ‘VRWEATA-RAMA SAMA, Y. Soy Viiray nina Sam, ¥ VEHEATARAWA SA8TRI Sw Laromuayooe, iniple of Rema Gare, BSCE [Viner fatakstie, Biited by V.§) (1652) 18 1) ‘VEATEATA-RAMA SASTRY, Kojo. See Niol. U5. Prieee... AEE Gee et [Nalianlaba tail, of Bait by V.§) (1881) 6 M048. 6 28.2) vibreapanina sui-vipyAnaxna-xinuvpy, KonportiVétkapape. sowsSQE=8,7 [oie] 2s VENKATA.RAMA-SVAME- [Swikhytethacntem-prainike, A repertory of {he synonyms usd to donoto nuciors i chrono: ns, with explanations. Bild. by ame Fedaayya) pp. 208 ow ¥ (Madras, 1804] 8 dav a ee Sanaanart ato Bagh) 1806, Mid 2 VEHRATA-RAMA-SVAM, Kali it, akasten«.. Translated ty ©. V. Ramnenwny, Pend, Mootiinsankatitam; or Mingling of Herb 1 work on medicine tsslated (oe) ro Teloogeo fio Hnglish, having tho namen of tho various ‘modicines in Tams, by Cavlly Venkata Tess sewn Brain i}. [Pasporting tbe ovoid fon a Sasarit work of Dbasranter] pp. 8-9 Maras, 1838. 8 170,431 VERKATARAMAYYA, Kirti Anonta ninaye-p yasqeraten [Navemtaerivi, A tories of Iris to the god Krnhon an worehipps SnGobbera) pp.38. G30 "LAnekepall, 1905] 12° a. 0.8) ‘VBRKATARAMAYYA, Sala Kéma-kavipat, 2¥5- bata. ‘A potil composition fs 4 canton in verse and poe, th legend of th 2 5 Parvatt sod the bir of Kemira} pp. 8, 140, iv i Sets [Coeerada) 1906, 12 VRIRATARAMATEA, 5.2, of Matias Colle of Rngnerng, The First Book of Telogu ae commonly epoken aud written, (Parti Pancha. ‘Tho Fourth” Tatra [in Tels and pe lei 12K Madray, 1900. a a VEHEATA-RAMAYYA, Toéguri Tippoye-p Gramtne sorbiss borers. ayant sere Spo FEF. [Ginamagala Vikatan nw-pitakama. A contury of lel vert ine ‘od other motes addrosed to Vishow at wor ‘hipped at Gonamadogs. Followed by Minne Lila Rime-nimacstakuns, » contary of lyrica ‘vores withecosinal pros addreted 9 Rita] po. Sesto (Madron) 1000. 6 Ir § 29.4) A 8. Bogle.) ‘VERKATARAMAYTA, Yousnandrom. mors. 208%. [Porinwniom-chandrba, A ditionsry of th names of gods, mortal, twos, rive, oy AVENKATA-RANGACHARYUIU 286 {found inthe Portas prot, and ober iterate) pp. 264,297, 8; & platen, 943." [Badron] 1870, * 174. a1 VEHKATARAMAYYA, Zsnamateli Brelmiea- ‘See Buaracanott. Malet sxadhavam translation.» by deanmanel Ven Ietermish, 1003, 6% 20TH 8 26,02) VEHEATA-RIMUDU, Gontame ss.) (Nanda-nandanseqatakaoe. 110. ese vers ia prise of the god Krishna) pp. 24 [Wedron 18642) 8 1a 84 VEREAPARAMULY, pias, See Vivant enanrent, VV. === GaegisFac gon tl [Vigeakarme-porimbe, Baited by V-]_ [1680] & 1074 VEKATARANGAOHARYULU, Srinininlory ty Paraceauta, See Dares, 550. (Dak frit, Blited with Telugu temslation by VE steeagicbieyale] 1875, 10%. 24058. Ser Mark -nuisuts.— Moor Versions [siniparee) G+ Bonetsu (Moka Adnema, Buited by V.]_ 1887, de. 6. 408s 806 Sea Satsirsiouznren, P, SEStESIye- wargeb--- Fog Dt [Barre-taa-em: Vihink, Finished by Veokaterigachiryola sod Rimdnejfekdryaia) 1875. s. 1900a. 4.18 (eougesens. See Urimieusne, The Telage Uposishais [rranlated] by --. Venkata, Rangacathae ‘Shaya, ee, 1800, 1902. 6%. 14007. BTL) ces wswrsieg sei (A bref Hisiory of the Incareations) [Avatiseendgrahamn, tract om the theory of asaranion, With Bois translation by V. Rame-warti Siatri] pp. 2. Vivegepatam, 191. 1. rid 2) A brief History of the Toearastions, a fealationby «.- Vopa Taininyet Beano the Avatrnsangesin Voukata lanicharya ie. Mate. 13, vin nkabagn a, agli Sustrala Gi writen in Talo by pp. 2. Vieegapatam, 1801. a A mansal of prosody, ia yore and prose] pp. 4, brpeyess ores [Fiagapatam, 1870) 16 tate, ey VENKATA-RANGACHARYULU vieara zatoicuinyow, rst, Para-outs (continued) Tniahanaan of « Srinindatehiryer ‘The Srenivaan- sharyula Apyavaralegnee.Bdited Vfeikata-Je(adn-nithn Srani). (pede. Su) ppe vis 68, vii Veapapatam, 1898. 12% 14074 «10 ort prof h abrir Se Veconnivnys, em (A tinct on orthography] pp. 15. Vitegepatam, 1000. 12° res m. 2302) ‘VEIEATA-RANOAMU, Bodirapiti_ Soe Ni raya Mantas 4.8, s0880¥0 ‘eo (ameavin- fants (Hite by V.) 1900, 6°. NTA. gy 88 ‘vinveapa-naioa-whrwhouinyoww, sua, Bee Vieapesaiatorteee., Para VEHKATA-BaioA-MATHA SVAOT, Pore-eats, groniaon of Véikufenoipachirgu. See Potat Laienienan, Giger avon Goayetr- ‘Sragh «8s Soo cot [Tattratmyam, With Commentary of Anvgiye-auvdlar, aad Telage translation by Véikatasratge-niths Sea] (i904 14170. 2.1, [Par other works edited by V8, a0 under the following headings ate Ki n, Dh yout 8 VENEATA-RAWOA SASTRI, Sataghoyfam Sie Mavi-ninans—Naweapa ond Tikkana’s Version. Grecegicueeean [Andhrn-malé-bhirata, With pooico by Vetlate-raage] 1901. 8 148. ba. VERKATARAT KAVERAZU, Norfle Dhiaaye- pe, EATON pv ss, Tharmaananae Trams, [A drama on the legendary amoare of the ‘Moow-god and Tari, wife of Bibagpati, Editod ‘by amit ppa Kavi Akla Appayys Siti, ‘and Paichiigem Divert Perwaillayya.) pp. G8. Aras, 1910, Mara. 9. ‘VEREATA RATIANDNA, Pats-prageda, [For work published by Vee andrthefollowing headings ‘Duansarnee. Peyn. VEHEATARATHAMT, Atkina, of Bore, Soe VENKATA-RATNAMU 288, [Dinnvaatar- 1908. at. 18, VENEATARATHAMU, Koldonds, Mali-mals Ali Soe Duazns 80st. FA, Text 1909, S00 INevakseorm viayain . rendered into Telage by. K. Venkatarstnany ele, 1908. 12% ats. 3504) So Siara-winiays Siar, D,, and Sonoasanins Sista, 0. Compl Notes on F.A, Teluga Text, 1909 [vis. ov Véiletertoams’s version of the Narah orevijaya) ete 13, 6. M5, 28, Cure Bastion. segoenessi, isyams, Published by V.] See Paouurractns, BOSOBK += BE ses, (Nithelnadrka, |Past i, ey oF Vigres Tame. Adaplad into Telagu prove by Vélenta: ratoama] 1872, 8° 44. 27. ‘See Rinsccnsvons Rio, 0, Re Malas [With preface by Vebksjerratzema.] 1909. © ars, b $108) ‘Bilreevariyam, or The Story of tho [Siva] Shrine of Bilvaraya [st Tirovalam, Gadiyatian ‘Taluk, Nowth Areos Distros]. A Telugu poor (in 5 bina, Sndireetly setting forth « modified form fof Siiblhya philosophy)... Pablisbed oat of ‘etoum by Sriman Rat Buhadar P, Ananda Chale (igrshasem. 90, Orgeng Ae, ansessm.) pre isi vh 396, Sh I pate Madan, 1898. {ars 8.45, ‘The Broprn of Inia Nine Goma, A poet Tolage by +. Venkstaraihoam Pestala + ‘Tho Knpross of India. A poom in. Kaylish Iastentive ofthe views comprined in the abore ‘Telugu poom, by TE. Sivemankira Pond... Pabished by tbo authors as an outward expres sow of thie hoast-fel joy ab the asumplion of {he tile “ Bopross of Toda” ee. pp. 3,12 Madea, 1876. 13%, Minh. wterutaffao ma (Godives-varpanamn A poor, itarsporsed with prom om the sored vor Godavari] pp. 20. 1902." Se Paaonest Penncarions,—Elloe, Sew=nd [Mafl-vdi) oly, non 16, 1808-1005, 1 sa. 6) ‘Komaraarsimam, Or, Korkondamabat- vam, -A’Telagu composition in verso [om the oa VENKATA-RATNAMU~ ered legend of tho hil of Korkond, with other Iuybhologieal mater. Fllowed by the text of scien Bsaskrt Intripion fonsd on the spot] (oorstjtooss. au Fei-osme san) pp 2,105, 4 Rajamandry, Ble (printed), 1003, & 178. « 10,2) Mangslagiri mabatmyom, oxttsn stipe (4) [A pow fn canton on the dealt of Do eaneteery of Nesimba at legen Mangala, Gontar Distt) = for Malls Soonnyye Dat, Genter, ele. pp. 10, 100, 5 2B plate, Bre, 1008." 8%. "141744, 2044) For eoeatysens. Ke} S,cows (Saiharte jagearajoon Aa account of the carer of Sadlardohirye, written uoder the iestrvctions of Paramichaypsh Brahseanda Sernvath] pp. 8,6,227, Hid; 1 plete “PEs [Oeanads,) 1004 10 gg. ‘VENEATA-RATNAMU, Mallia, Soettaowx(C.P), ish dictionary.» nevned «by 1008. 6148 3 8, VEHKATA-RATNAMU, alleds, and Vina. AHOAMU, Kandi ‘The New Scoed Standard Rader, 17S Boa GuxO Gras. Tenth ‘eliion,roviaed. pp ie.Ghe Chration Literature Bovily» BPO. Pew: Vopery (Madre), 1000 e OTe m4 VBHEATA BAU, P, of Cucenata, See Pomootean Penucatons. — Onconads.Virdkbdayam, fe (ior... B. Venkata Rao Pant) 10051008, & ars. oo VEHKATA RAV, Blintrape Norosihimatya-re Sree Yacbasarendeavijynan (A drina in 7 ace con the history of Tajs Yachegire, or Pode ‘Yachann Néyadse A.D. 1000, who ro-stalished tho Kingdoin of Veskstayied and foonded the ‘obbiiZamindai of which th Haj Baga Rew, in famous for hin rosstane othe way of Visnmagram aed the French in 1757.) (Syem>S= Wobogsoecnis. OH Sor maesiP Lr aa) pp. a8, 192, Sau tergtue [Tonal Pthoe ere printed) 1910, MN, Moral) ‘VENKATA RAV, Belintrspe Norosihimatyn pe, sud SHSHAYYA,Sayanti sbsoaws, SOQo¥” SteYEm Beokwe MUEED. [Saiksamyults -VENKATA-RAYA 0 ‘A drama fm 5 acta on tho tory of king Pye ‘js(died 1192) and bie queen Ssmyuktt.) pp. 8, 2,110; 1 plat, Swesms SB [Pulleperam, 100)” 8 74h 62d) VEWEATA BAU, Moxa Gaigayo-p, (Kui sonpana Viiragtsivaie). See Vikeipiabedta Riv, D, Grtmemastyioon (Gopi yt," Balted by V.R.} 1806, itd «30.0 yas epg BES RUSS BF Og [Sodanindira-eedabthye-nirvucnon-bage- she frame, A poem, in pare Tolga and wthoot Ibi lator, ou the logeed of Kes, son of Risen, aited by Tolkisherla Sin * preface und notes by Papa Rama-ishoayye,] i 1, 50, 10.” Pars. [Nelo e 0. & 10) VERKATA RAD, Pees, of Vortamina-toraigivt Prat Madiee. SeoTriau-nis Babi. (250%) (Andiraclabsbaye-are-talitalakamn, Published by VR) [1656] Miri... Ges. tarptemssse. [vedaeehie A Teeter upon the origins and as of the Vedic echoole} pp. 38. 2¥3- Sos owee [Maroy 1886.) 12", 4A, Be VENEATA-RAU, Vevile Seiraimenyo-. Kguniaa, S560" [Rtaghorvamgns Canton vin with intrpretation and parapheas a by Weiter and Baas Ste) 1008, 8 1... ‘VENEATA-RAU SASKRYAYAMA, dehayf. Meno- una, a Tol drama Cio 6 acl], by Venkata, A, Saukhyayeon. (Rowe. Bzcroprbt se) PDs i fi $0. Tizegepetm, 1805, rare ata VEHRATARAYA SASTRI, Tales Yoskate- ramage-p See [Addends] Anne, Amaru. kavyam. [Baited with Tala ioterpretstion by Veskateniys,] 1900. &, orace 1, SeoBnivo-narta Minna. 3586. (Ramm sumjary. [ited with Tolga itorpretaton ee 1g] V. Vonkta Raga Saetey) 1000. 14085..8 SocHseenanien, Se888)E78Y. (Pega Aarika, (Sanskrit west, edited with’ Teloga om ‘VENKATARAYA- translation, ee, by] ¥. Vos 1000, ‘Boe Kinniaa, Uoyper# ments. Andre Abbigaae Sakuoiaima. [Rendered] ‘by V. Vouataraye Suatey. 1890, 8°. MITA. 2 ‘Soa Kinin, Daoud, gy PoDrst (Poshpabana vias (Elited with interprotaon, ‘praphraae, abd commentary fa Tuloga and Sa st eyed Sygar-chandik by) V. Venkata Raye Santry) 1000. © 670, IL Bex Vikespicnig, Ob. Le BHSNGE SH (Sorangudlory chris, [Rlted with notes by] YV. Venkatarays Suny) 1010. 8% 8478.0 42 —— fu Vikeapraiye, Oh. I. suaabrsss Tudited by V.8.) 1001. 1418.0. See Vinenniacn, Eon s08 5 Vikeumarka chartesn with notes. Veskatarays Soaty’s oo Sonion, 1800, 12". OSE. 02 Pratiparudriyama. Am orignal desma in ‘Tloga (in 10 act onthe career of Raja Patipn- len of Wortpgall «Gare dyesss ut, pposvic17GjhoMladron 1007. 6. ITE B28 eeemerss. (Uohe, An origina Tage Arama fon the myth af the loves of Anieaddia fui Bite daogiter Usha.) pp. 54 10, [Maran 1901. ears 29, ‘Pha agli fro thc, viitearanizy, 01 iémakira Talshmopttya- nt, (Widaaracrar). SONGS 208,50. (Soe Fongadbare chartra, [A poem in 3 divas on the Togeed of Sirabgadbar's temptstion and tnariprdom, by Veskate-riga (6 1680). ated trith moter by] V. Vonkataraye Sustey) pp. 8 18h, Madre, 1910. 8%. TaTb.. 42, ‘Viuye vitasana (oF Sobbaari-paripeya- "A poom int dgsiey, interspersed with ‘rote on the epi legend ofthe loves of Arjuna Nod Boviadrs, dedvntd to aja Tagh-nitha Tiga of Tejon, and composed about 1630-40] by Chemakera Venltarya. Published (and edited vith note, tn) By Bri Raj KV. Kesha Rw Tabadue, (exssouase.) ppexii 91. Madras, 1001. ars & 0807) -VENKATA SAStRE oe VEREATARATU, Chématira Lolehmaninatys pit (Viapictant) (oni). Bester Ge cuegjontan. (Vijumvilimens, Blitod by ‘V.Wealateriy Sti withaprefaobyP. Aon haryale) pp.i-88. dra, 1001, 8% 1400.0. he Besttersse, [Vijageviieama, ited with tra interpretation and paraphrase by N. Goroligge Site] pp. S74. So roe: [Badrae, 1908-] 8% 1415.18 VEHKATARYA YAIVA, ArcaZipalsi Reph-nthe we. Sree Prudemnazanda vatakam, A aaakst Arama [wie] in aixasts [upon the myth of the lores of Pradyumas, Kyishon’s eon, and My vat) trauaatod [rom the Sanshet] a to Toloqn [ash Uy Divvods (oe) Bruhmannnds Sus (Supenegrers syomebeveg wes) Pp 100.) Tani, OSE Bins [irwottigers Printed), 1908, rar. ata VEREATA SASTRE, Jlilo, Court Pant of Son- ‘Sw Myervousova Niggas. BSC ‘esber Si [Nitesben With” Telaga ioterpotation by eve, 12, MOTE fore Boner com: Veihata Sst VEREATA GASTRI, Olellopile. Sto VEiessi- vara Sse, Ch VEMEATA SASTRI, Iutrekené Gipaleyw’. ox Upees ereen send [Har il tradi Balog. tho Blaguvad-gi adapted by Véabate Sint into Telage depute verse} pp v. 227 Vieoggpatam, 1897.12. rae 18 weganyberer Aptese[a) [Phalapra- Anvyint, collection of Senekot stanzas, partly ‘original, party compiled fom eandardotrotogicl trorke, onthe lafaenen of the various postion CE he plata, With Teloge paraphrase and fommeotary-] pp i101, Vieagopatam, 1898 * 14058 ee. 22. ‘VinTEAgA $A8TRE, Ketovarays. Soe [Adena] Brierantoe, Bikol Pot rir [Bhishara fatakomn, Edited by V8) 1010. 12° maa. ‘VRATEATA GASTRI, Yinssila Sonesigtp of Bhadrachalyn, y= +1 ober Sree Se- tn ewett Samante Sen Sot [Akbandan igovlami-nibitmyamy, A Parasie compilation 293 VENKATASasrnt- om the lagendsof the holy place along the course ‘che iver Gbdivasi and th ffony of pilgrim toe titer, fu 2 actions of prose mixed. with ers, styled Gautantomiatngama and Seas Oliva sigarn-snbgena-mabatmyann, the Iittercoutfning an Aniarvéd-atrasiqha-vde prhivame, the legend of a oea temple of Wishou) psi 160,18, “#%3#b0 (Madae,] 1908. ara. 8, 200) bo Bebra ayer isons Logrobessmemgenced ssa. [Rabi sntade-tjamibitmyeme. An eezoast in verso ad proto of the roigios traditions aaocated vith tho eult of Wishya or Varndarije sb Kaliht se Coneratun] pp. 42. 8442403 [Metron] 108. 1475.3) VENEATASESHATYA, Total, So Preatinns cowmeminenyzayhey Sl [Anibitigal: mitemdahiba-papage, Balted by V.] 1307 {taoo.) 6 14028, 4.70, SoHaw Spey. A Sanat elaga Dietioaaey. ppc bikie 1.387. Madras, 1898. * ITA 98, \VENEATASINBADRE AGA-PATT RAZU, Fata: ayo, Haj, Zamindar of Kotha, sa0s5-08. (ate aboghst. A Hindastoni-Plaga vocabe Tang) pp. 2110, Bor > (Pans, 108.) 4 KceammpomysYexe 2 [Mabistgie sndimyitatalperall, A. phormacopes, on Heting of Sensei verso ffom varios sours with Tologe commentary] pp aleve 248, 6 Spree [Toni 1903.) 8." 14088 a 10. Seger eyes. [Vantwsvachehhan Aimpitoma. A reatn om tho preperation and ‘qeslitin of motals aud mioeral with Sanskrit qactaons) pp. fir, 612. 8 Ore, (is, 1006.) 1. 8 VENKATA-RIVA SASTRI, Sins-pijuls, Soe Uramnuaoe. Tiettvenyopsishad, [Sonslet text, svith Teluga Sntorprotation and paraghrse by Veikatwgivad ae. 1880.8. 14007-0820. VEHKATA-SIVAVADHARE, Favlie, LO=5%°5 sng TSS eS. [Vidgiengya(adara chiryalehartama, ‘Aw istorical account of | 1898-1905. -VENKATASUBRA om Midhovichteya-Vidgatagye aul is brother S6- pq, wid whom ho ie somotines idatied pp. xvi, 186,884 [Madan] 1000. 8°, 14h VRHEATASIVAYA SASTRI, Poipaddi Keaoy {o the god ive.) pp. 1 sont, 1807.) 1. SOV, [Hari-utskama, 108 yore (o the god Vishou] pp. 16, Bama aor? (Deewade, 1807.) 12 174 18.0) VEHKATA-SIVUDU, Iiyttms. Rani Balamba fu Tadisn wodion story. rome d Reprinted from the Teloge Zevann Magna pp. 18, Beads, Madras (printed), 1901.8 Mint ¢ 9105) ‘VBKATASUSBA AIVAR, 2.7. See Vitears- ixinerous Naveoe, C., aad others Notes {he Telugu Text for the Metrcylation [vie] Ba. mination 1998. iy. Venkata Sabb Ai tHe 198. MATE 6 VERKATA-SUBBA-RAMA SASTRI, 5, of 9.7.0, High Selo, Medrax, Soe Taioicuieeas, K: Blomeatary Botany .- Teonsatd into Teloge ty S. Voakatanubharama Sati, 1000, 12% 1074, e818 ‘VENEATASUSBA-RAMA SASTRI, Sureonti. Seo Maui-eadnata—Molor Peron [Srihtparce) sutqsess to (Sbhicparve, With Telugu interpretation by Vablafereain-rinm] 1900. a "HOG5 et. . ‘See Mank-anieat4.— Modern Versions [Virsteparsa) astgesin OEE" [Vistar pares. With Tologa interpretation by Vélkate fubbn-rime.] 1908. 1080.1 VENEATASUIBA RAT, Nasehigan!é Kime nt, s90 HESS E08, [Tiabharatakaamad, ‘A treatee on tho measurement of tine in Hin musi ele) pp. ti 4B, Sob (Gant) 1908 1076 «24, VEKATA-SUBDA BAU, Nati, of Gunter Mision Cale, #3e or ence Soll [Dhormsjerie sigama, A ogendary romanen) pp. 107. 1001, ‘Se Peuorrit Postcnnnns Bln, ceeand [adjoin vol 4, no. I—vol t,o. 10 rr 1. Lela 18) (Blar-gtakamn 110 yorses Bema or? [les ats 0.1008) 26 ‘VENKATASUBDA VENEATA-SUBEA RAV, P, of Ongele, Calendar for 4000 years, 1604 ale, Pol. See Hesuw- aoe, 1008, « 2028) An Bplaworis showing Baglah dates correpondiog to Telagadates from. A.D. 1907-03 to. +. 190001, ate. [1900] 4". See Enunaeuna, rare 2 38, VENKATASUSBA BAU, Piri. xg O¥8. Sexredesss [Bhisbag-vareePipsyagackayl= Sivituma, An aecouot of th Lb aod wo aatho~ Togy from tho works of tho pout Pipayslibgama (orn aka 1738),} pp. 22. Ceesnada, 198. 8 tt g. 0800) VENEATASSUBBA RAU, Raila. [Porshe works felited and published by V. B. fa the “Jouu ‘jani-granthemila” which have been regietered {this Catalogue, nw under tho following head- ings T ‘Acwowat Prancios Biviet Daan Lavaauon Se Viyo-critn, fooktorotn [Vigne sepilgutakams, Edited by VR] 1910. 16° ars. 38.0) swfoxbee. (Anandadpike, Insteutive bd entertaining miacellanien) pp. 1-160, Mglar ore (Madre), 1001, 8 uit g 6 Seige. (Hisyelabarl. A ellostion of semorons tales ests, ete) SE [Madeae,) 1910, ue. 1aT8. g3, “soon. [Késtri-viseame, A novel] 96. Madras (1895.] 8% MTA. 28, sepbror, (Satyarati-piakemn, 108 tical worse. Socond edition] pp. 24 Mplopore (Gairs), 1810.1". air 1.3018) mbigeiretin BY ettel-reren, [Vigtevayeprarsny, or Varoqulka-itakame, ‘A drama in aot onthe danger of osly mariage and payment of ridogroome) pp. fi 91. al ‘ore (Medes), 1000. era. b. 4708) ‘VEHKATA-SUBA RAU, ToLf Seo Vooresln- ‘cow’s critical Biography, (8, Yommne bevO=- 7 SKATASODDA 206 EDO.) yp. iii 1885 2 platen Rajah dry, 1808 & ara, ¢ 4008) Veuisantors nataks pradarasa of the Rajehmundey Hinde ‘Thoatecal Company. (A leer to the editor of the “Dixpaiei” on vorsion by V. Subbi-riyade ofthe Bsaskrt play.) pol. Bll, 1002 6%, MITE g 622) ‘VaineaTA-susaA sist, Dampira, See Awana amis, 8. Padomense ll [Nie Tigginesinea, Wiha Teloga commentary ssid nme, compiled by Veskati- "4082 9.1, ‘Acnara-pada-atsp subba) [1608] 8 ise] [or other works eited by V.8, aco ander the following headings} ‘Manicrninata—Molera Versions, [Bhagavad } Punipna—Varhe-pnion ‘VESEATA-SURBA SASTR, Mafra Ser Arne Mipeamon dhs feses sot (Dhan | ihcahdtny Bit with Flos rnalaton Ty Vetatscrabba.) 1882, 6% 140266 80 4090.98 16 ‘Se Porkgas—Pasia-purtga, Sivogectha + Divot with Tega version by Veskate- abba] 1807. 1ON6, 55, (or other works edited by V.S, 8 ‘under th fllowing headings ‘Aves Kau. ‘Posigat—Dligreat-pardge, (sreryosnunge oe s0 Gera) [Marie handvépalhydnaafra-ragrehame, A pros ‘pitome ofthe Harichandr@pakhydon.] yp. 82 ‘So Poniyan—Slanda-purign. y= - ayam [Wik preface by ‘Tieopati and VBi- Setegrare Slate.) 1000, 8%. 14D. 3206) ‘Soe Poniyan, — Divi UAdgosata partes. Dovibhagaratam + (Motrially tranlated) by ‘Tirmpalt Verkateswars Kavale. 1000, le. 174. 0.25, -VENATESVARA, suo ‘VEREATEVARA $ASTRE, Clllplle, Pont of Polasaram Zamindaré Continued). See Katie fines, Semana. [Bil.rSmayannn endored into Telugu hy Tirapai aad Veskatc rare Satr.] 1902-1903, 8%. [Sareea] A. gg. Bile 8-3), ‘Se Sanates-tisoune N&vugs handrodayam « .. Corrected by erate Gara, 1008.8 Alara “Venkat See ‘ars. 1018) ‘Metchakatikam Ta by --- Thirapati Voukato tor. ras. n 98443 Sou Sosa dated into Tage sare Keval, ee Soe Puavrass Sierm, Dy and Vbicar rama Siena, Ol. Anarghavaradie, le. 1008. & rare mora) ‘So Tunvear Sistet,D. and Visuapignass Store, Oh, sossr ee grees, [Bandara eth vaikiuame) 1910. 62 1976.0.32.00) ‘So Tease Siar, D, aul VibearEgeana Sierm, Ch, Dambbavamanam, ce, 1000. 8: rare st) ‘Soe Tiaupan $is0n, D,, ond Vieaybgvane Show, Che S8SgsEpDLE Ors (King Bie poror’sCoresstion Denn). 190. 8. (Seruarat ITE. gg. Bel 8) Bea Magnan Sion, Do wad Veena, ‘Sars, Ch, Nesaraja sindaranam, ee. 1008 e eit, 5208) ‘See Taurart Ser, Daud Vekeanéevans ‘guar, Oh, Stung etysons [Palla pate 1003, ara. 83204) dilate) 1 See Tuva Sis, Dy and Vidaarignans ‘Sieru, Ch, Pandavapravucam, ole, 1907. TAK. 8 36,0) ‘Ss Turse Sst, Dad VBieavivana Shera, Ob, Pandaraewamostan, el, 1907... airs 8 3608) ‘Seu Tagoane Siast, D,and Veeagirana ‘Shans, Obs oswDecncs ot (Pipdaveerie ome} 1905, 88, [Sareeut) TT. gg. Biv 6,79 1007, 14rd b 86089 Second edition a ‘VENKATESVARA- ‘VEGIEATESVARA SASTRI, Chelle, Pewit of eleven Zomsndari (continued). Ste Tinseat ‘Siem, D, nod Vibeapéerana Sher, Oh Pas igen, et 1900.8 ITA, STB ‘Sue Tinueat Sher, D. Steen, Ch. Stavaubasecaram and Vadcariana 1008, ats, « 28089 Sco Taueute Sane, D and Vsseapievana Sisrm,Ch, meee eeoyes. (Vine voalerptivadbinaa, ele] 1008. 8% are. x sa) See Veinarina, disciple of Sela. (S- povabvvsni.) [Genii -vilienma, endowed fata vere hy Tirgpai nad Weiateyeara Ste) 1005-1908, 12%." [Magjenioc} IPE. 4.1L 6,79 515 Chndraprabba cas by «= Tw viTh gg 18) ‘Se Vina, teva, Trnnlted into Pelagw pti Veshatermarsla, 1906. 5% Madraahahneam ys.» Trapt Veo eerie ‘See Vigienacnare ‘rassatd into logs - Iesterwara Kavala 108 VEsaTisvARUDU, Pastime, See Kant. Fier gjss. [Kapilesatrame, With Teloge commentary by Vethatéyvarade] 1907. 8% M048. 4.28.0) Se Mionart. eveserpss. [Idbare With Telogu taasation by” Viakate sraroja] 1909. 8%. 04S ce. See Pannniarna, wank srees. (Par swivtha-sirama. With Toluge’ translation by Veakatirverade] 1007. §%. 14048. 0, 282) Se Rimsccussons, of Guha Kula. 888 towed. (Raséadrechintimani, With Telos ‘wacsltion by Veskateqraride.] 1000. 4048 ce. 30:8) See Sivuniaa Dinara, sengetyaee [aripirga- bide siddbanes = yivdmani, | With pretaco by ¥.) 1006. 8% 1074 b, 6008) RST PO [Advnitesedbi nid, A collection of Saaskit and Tolga works om pilo= in, fophys yescho-phyaes, and diviotion, vole. 1-3 | ‘od Lelog compited with Tela iaterpretstons of to. Saasheit works by Veskaterraruy, nd ol 4 consisting chiely of Telogu works by 7: VENKAP-RAMA aoe Narasimha Str Mijygi. Baited by Chalet ima Sissi R je-yogt (rls 1,308), Vidzamars Virarighavichirguln (vol 3, 9, end Soot Bhadeidieriem Sint (val2).]) Sal S33" [advae] 1005. 6. 174 18, baat ts eetesn® 200 [Ananda-Labai, Bight Vedantio and theological Snusket poor, vie, ints, Makicvdkyaiviks, Chataplki Uhigerate, Sapa, Garbha pita, Tato Aaye diaa-mlt gti and Niredne shat eitod. with Telugu parsphrase nod commentary by P: Vetkaqvareda) ppc 32. S43" (Madrne, 1s07]) 14088. 0.28.09, ‘VENEATESVARUDU, VepériDeshmaninstyay Gyros Fe 2EG, ne! [Go-ngighe bere ‘he logond of the cow and the tiger, is 17 stunaaneollowed by 8 short pooma by Kanda Ikiri-Appalanaresntam] pp. ie 88. Visi ogra, 1898. 12. 14175. 2008) YeHaTisvanviv NAYUDU, Yerlaski Soe Risser ‘Sima Ramayan. Inlshmone mche salam (Buitod by V.N,) le. 108. ITE 84 VERKAT-RAMA DASU, Madiviee, GEetowrs. Fie coh mess. POY se [Kuchalpabhyé ‘Alyvion drama o th wary of Kachél, Krish’ ‘iend (Bhiguvats x. 80, 81).] pp. 38, Bema Berweads,] 1010. &. Tae. 06:29 VEKAT-RAMAYA SASTRI, T. See Suis doninrs, hy «+ 8etes. | (Aten-bihn With « Teloge comontary Cvivaraians) by Voukat-amape] [1881] 12 1088 8.17) YVEHEAT-RAMA SARMA, Yaliplule, of Horko- pall, SyOBDOTSSESN An Sm, Sets [Rae idgéerarcsstakawn, 108 Sxivadovotionsl verse, Followed by 2 short davtionsl works, | Seki olarak aod Telugu dandate or eon. tinoousbaeeian chank” Second ein.) p25 STH [Cliente] 1000. 1". aT a 304) | veimarmima sistmt, Jigs, Sie Dien vlan, 8 = Sefer gs to [Bharani Balued by V] 1807, 8.4088 680t) a3 ‘VENKAT-RAMAYYA- vaireap-aiaavya, sats. army, 8 ‘VENEATAMATYUDU, Dicowe-toyda saphena Mas See Viinarae Soe Vai VEHEAYYA,Andugua Sirona’, rsrerdssi, imasiipame, or Nerapativiayeme, [ poom, ‘nterepored with prov, om tho history of the [Nara-pati prices of Vijayanagsr, dowa to the tinea of KGlapJa Rime-riga, souindaw of Krishpnriga and patron of th post, who fll a ho battle of Talikota in 1868) . . - Bited for tho fat tine by Guatay Oppert. pp. vie 22 Madar, 1893... ard.) VEEAYTA, Maygosdnula Vethayyarpe, be saydetourotas. [Sichohideinande Hime fstskame. 110 Valabgave versou] pp. 24 Madras, 03 (1008.] 1% HT 18.08), VRWEATYA, Bivona. (Por the hikaru lesen attributed to Veagye :] ‘See Buexanoyy, Hibical Pek >» (Addeeds) Buistaxepy, Bical Pet VENEATYA, Mulaytii Rime-chendra-pt, Sree tram, [A romeneo in Zdioe PD. 85, Madras, 1890, tra 06.5), VBHEAYYA, Puloyarti, Soe View, Rimi. yron—dppendiz, Wf08SN [Kop-lavacha Pallished by V.]_ 1000, tra. x, 5206) VENU-COPALA, the Gad, rote ss [Veou gpila-gutakana, 101 verso in praae of Kyishos, tworainpod ar Veea-gépila, “the Herdsman with {ho Plate” Biited by I. Vishatacabba Riu] 1p. 52. Mylepore (adrar, 1910. 16 iri 960) ‘vVEu.cOPALA CHEPTL, V. Se Mapes, Pri sone ofA Collection of the Tnsritions {a the Nellore Distrit. Mado by Alan Butterworth ++ and V. Venogopesl Chetty, 1905. 8% 14068, 6.11, ‘VENU-OBPALA DSU, Trapponasgats. foot ceplsgon (Wénu-gopile- dis Kirtaoal. Lipice om the cult of Kishgs. Balted by K. -VUTAYA-RAGHAVA, moe ‘Tali Deo, Pashyals Rims Diss, and. Koll Pein 6 Mit orrs 1474 5.2518) ‘VETALA-PANCHAVINGATL. Yorrsosto¥Ox ge: (hataa-paschavingitibathala. ‘The 25 Storie of King Vikram and the Gobli, from the 8 it] pp. 80. ere¥ [Badree? 1808] 16% 107. £5, VIA SALUTIS, Sse War. VICTORIA, Quon of Great Britain ani Irland. gfe] See Broraion Rie, M, wie8osnss aoe ([Vacunackasumnene) 1002. 1. 147k. 11a) Victorian 174 m. 96 ‘See Vehuspinasnine, K, The Empress of Tadia Nino Coma. A poom in Telaga ‘The Himpress of India. A poom in Bglish | Published by the sothors a8 an outward expres. jon of thir haste joy at the asumption of the Wide “inpren of Tai.” 1816. 1 18 ‘See Vinégnicaws, K. The Tilo of = - Quoon Victoria, we, 1807. ITA g. 42a) 1998, Ser Saineviazonterots, Pe A. Bra of Telaga Literstre, le." 1910, 10H. 6.43, VipYAWAMDA EVAME, Parana hanen, of the Athinese drhe-matha, Madren See Saakereee QW). wemd. Perm” King Lene (Pencalted by Vidyinands.} 1007. 12" nats 41512 See Suaerane(W.). Hoos. Shake roars Tempest (Done Sato Telugu by Vidya nada] 1007. 12 a. 8, VIDYARANYA, Soe Sitvy. VIAYANAGAR, ‘The Chronclog, ofthe Biju agar Kings, or of Mondera [vie] Anegundy. Pestwowet BesEKSOg ESS. pp. BR, Hors pot 108 1478 g.20. “rng th Beak tli th Mine ci ew aly ae VUAYARAGHAVA WAYADU, 1a, and others peng brtetons, Sh rbusi, aoe ‘taupe ae [A collection of sooge on the 208 VIIAYA.RAGHAVA- logende of Krishna, Rin, and Vishos, and other Tnllads, for gisla] pp. 22. Oe Madras, 1954)" 6 14 3808) VUAYARAGHAYA SETTL, 8, of Madras Govt Ofiee, Bee Mabuat, Preney of. 3499 BP ‘Sse tol [Tho Standing Order ofthe Board of tevenue, Translated by Jagaaina and Vinge righava Seti) [laps] # 1rd ‘VIIAYARAMA CATA-PATI RAZD, Peni ote Aakoroja of Visianogenm. See Riskonagt Ser ‘Tho Life of... SH Vianarana Gyjnpati Rays 196, 8 174g. 4211) VUURAWESVARA, Seo Vieontea Parconsues Sierat, John eyer Thomas ‘Dhopalan Ting @ compilation of the Vijsaaswareyam, st. + So Yistaraura angeelr§ii0 net [Yijsavaleya-ant. “With tho. commentary Mishra or Vissodyrariye of Vijiinéyraen) Lisr0) 14058 «0 SeYbosirasrs, (Sr B2¢tsba-xH (Diarme-sstrs. Ble i, 308 —, 907, with Vijtinéprarw’s commentary Atikcara ‘anda ‘Telage paraphrase ofthe latter] [nt] 5% 14088. 18, VUWANAS. Sur Riva Toon rae Rages G2 #862500). [Vaikhdnaea-dhaeme-chandriba, ‘A tract om tho authority of the Vaikdna harmesitr.] 1906.8 1098 6 44) VIERAMA-DEVA VARIA, See Seominespw, ALR. tygaraoensrn [Ryne Baal, Inim-gtatinn, With profesby Wize der) 1009. 1 1.2808) See Sarna jn chaitenrn» {Uy Bree Virana Dora Varma, suo, Me. ‘Tho Keiahe ‘With notes Published 1905, 6. 14878. «1008 51) Manavai chavitam, A drama in Plog Lin fivencta) (sr#beOse uta) pp ih 474. Vieegepatam, Audra [printed], 1905.8 MITE. 8.30065 Saws goss. uN. [Srinivdsae Kalyiyoma, Adama fo 6 aote on th legend of -VALA-CHANDIA ne th nuptials of the god Sriivéan ae worshipped ‘st Tirupati, based upon a prose narrtive tee Inte for tho author hy Laka Vacha-eassia Ru from the Kenoala) pp. ii 75 1 plate erpegess oer [Vizagapaten, 1900], 8 ‘ats 9.26.29 VIKRAMARKA. The Taos of Vikramarks or ‘The Stories of the 82 Images, Destripst-iibbag ‘ala Kahala rested aad alaped into Togs] by Raroepatee Goroomenrta (SE OF yore Forge). pp. 104. Colle Pret: Maen, 1819 *, ‘iT. 5.23, Seoond edition, pp. 119. Colle Proee: Madeas, 1828. 8 rate 8 ‘Tho Thos of Vikramarks, by: Ravepate Gooroomoarts. ‘Think elition, pp. 16. Alen 1800. att g 10 PEGorTyegoere Fe. [Dviteingst- inbhoijksla hatha, Trenalated fate Taloge ly R, Guruemiti Sistri] pp. 89. See Mosse (5.0), Melogu Reletions, dep. 1858. 16.3.1, BEMinmmgess wseorTyeyeer- Yee [Deira -slabhasiea = atin boos at. A evied died by Vee Katahrishoa Sissi) pp. 78,54 OX (Madras, recs. 3 tate g. 1 So Tancarh, 898 2g5e81-5 (Vibra marks charitra.) [A clamp on the Vike taiekachasitrame) 1895, 8% 1478.4, §511) 2 eo81-8O5. . Vikramarkachasitrom [io the originl Sanskrit) with vote (in Tlogel, ‘Verkataraya Sastry’s Santrit Series. pp. 2,2, 168. Madras, 1690.” 12 ‘ass. «2 ‘Vikramacks ohertran (4 now adaptation of tho 82 tale) fa Telage prose for the ct of High Schools. by Bhagtvatula Ranmourii Sastry. Second “eition, (SE un8i- S86 a. osm See TESS.) pp. eh 105, Maden, 1002. tare 6.89, ‘VIMALA-CHANDRA SURI, [For tho Prpedtry ratnemilid. sometines sserbed to Voi] See we ‘VirRY-ACHARYULU- Saiwanionser. Works) viroay- Acuinyat, [Dontyad end Suppsitition, Kal Mattaye-p sod VipSry deizyala) (89L] 8. YK. 2. 16 s6 paborr tess PwHae (Nijelingae Coikkayyacnitakatme, Adama om the legeed ‘of the conversion of th sinner Chickayy hy the Lingeyat apostle Dasays. Fallowed by « list of onofistor? amen. Ted by V. Séchivadhin,) pp 90, Beane [Darwada,} 1907. 8° ars 8 40.03 ‘VIRA-BHADRACHARYULU, Mandaru. See Past foot Penicarions.—Vatarupabe Reyavaram. Srgayl. [Viger Blited hy V.] 1906-1908 * 14028, 90.1 eagmem sien yhSEE, wfesog- ovss. [Vistrmagrelams, A compilation of Swnsioit ralon and siteale connected with tho building of house, with ‘elagu glosariee and ater] ppe 100, Basser oto [Vedurwe ‘pak Ragevavom,] 1007. 8%, 088.0049. ‘VIRA-BHADRA KAVI, Pilla-narri Pina va Vinu-rnaneeo. Se VIRA-BHADRA BAU, Ohiubiri, of Vdpé-sigera Pra, Berwede. 9930805550 [Andhra chaei- teamg, A Bistaryof the Telugu poopo from the caret times, Second edition) vl-i. pp. 83, $00) 1 plate 845." (Madan) 1910, 12" Tia a inci Sa dy Hnsyatarangioi, [A drama sairising the vies of Hinds society a especialy tho evils of compulsory widowhood)... By Chiukori Veera- Dbadrarow s 205880N8 ph pp. 8 Peril, 16, iar wgo) inde Somsris An original Toga dese fn fv acts, detribing the teoublesand dialice uused by the cuslom of etsy marcagée in Hinda home, Hy Chiluari Veceabhadrarow fret de® ol pp iis 68. Brown, 18. 6 tara. 8.28.0) -vinacuaryuLy 08 VIRABMADRA BAU, Chiari, of Vidyieipera Pract, Bewwade (continued). Krichestevarays hari, (gr gerons SOBjeo. eis take hog feos 668.) [A ior of Kahane erat Vijoyanagar) pp. i2,204. zoe, 1005 ® Inge. 8 ‘ViRA-DHADRA RAV, J, of Kelreelayal. Saran ‘gudhar, A Thad drat in English by 3. Vie hades Rao (fam adaptation fiom the luge original writon by.» M. Ry. PL, Narae Seika Rao Garu of Pistapsn) pp if 100, Cacnnade, 1908, 12, 144. a6. VERA-BHADRUDU, Alloa, Se Mastaxa, Yop SSggoh TOE [Mallann- yogi- stake ited by V) 100 8. ISITE B28.) VERA-BHADRUDD, Mupdirs, See Vinu-ouabas VIRA-BRAMAMG, S:i-rime Gatgayapue. Tho ‘lagu Drama Rathoamale vlan or Chandra enihansiakam. By Steram Veorsbratmam Gary, [A romansis play ia 6 acts on the lover of Obsndrackiste ao Ratnarmile. Buited by Ch. Bhivu-mirti Pantala) (Sehsnen Sorc es og eG eeFe.) pp. 6,09. Madea, 107. ae, MIT 4 vina-mpamncinpna svAMt, Poli. [hife] (Seeinaunoye, Ye egore aso. [Rely-andlne Tninad) 1900. 6 airs 8.93.2) (if) Soe Viazcusenons, P.O. bee tgo [Vieityétlied Vira beahméod srdmolavirinijakome) (1801) 6 MITER, Gemeress. [Kilesinams, Peo phecie for tho proseot ors] pp. 37. Madras, 104, 8°. tars oe 6 VERACHARYULY, Paviné Gurwtsgr Ababers, QB>E Bans 85, pos mSawes bres. ~ [Virit:pltaied Vira bshméadra vitala iri nitakame. A lyrica drama on tho life aad teachings of Vita beabméadra Stasi of Polar, a asst and prophet of the artifonr sla, Published by Konda Skardchiryta and [Katiyity Vipiry-icharyuln) pp. 80. Madea {peited), ema6 FZ [Alalnrn, 1891] 8 1478.8, 309 ‘VIRA-MALLAYYA- VIRA-MALLAYYA, Kigénithest Téigaya =p (iesra), #823200.” (Kaaya-chartan A deus in 5 act on a lagond from the Kaya prams) pp. ii TS. Zeswade, 1908. Mo Monakskaasika samvadan, beEPO Somstsn. [A pootieal dialogue” between the hiymph Bléaaki andthe mint Vigrimitrs who twee lemped by her) By K. Vecraaliah Pat tala. pp. 16. Barwa, 1009. 12% 1lr4. 1.2002) SeogitaSutga Havscbandraaatskam, (A, Ipvical dena in 6 wots om the Togond of the hl King, Harichandra) by Kasiadhank (Eohb SSE oot 50.) pp i HL 18,4. Daswata, 1008, 8 ra. 5804 Sangita Tarschandvvom, [An operatic Aram on the logead of th adalteroas loves of ho Moon-god aed Turk, Dyihaspa’e wie) by Kasiadhoni Veeraallih Pantsla, >So ois pp. BD. Rerwnde, 1008, tare nan) boss. [Sticidys. Vorsee advocating ‘ho eduention of wowee.] Pei, Bawe [Bawade,) 1909. 10". rare 4.3502) Sree Ushaparinagam. (A drama in Gaston ‘the myth ofthe love of Ushi and Amide ] Py Kasioudboni Veermollishpastal, @ aba Pp. 82) b Berwada, 108. 6, 141744 6RG) VERA-WAGAYYA, Ofoyors. Seo Riwisovicniae out, Ky and others. Sreo Chanakys casita ‘by K, Ramaaaje Chari... 0, Veeramgayye, te 1885. 1 pe (or otter works edited by V, 0 ander the following heeding} Prnooiat Pestianeos —Nalore Riauara Kavieraney. ‘VIRANA MANTEL, Pikirigila VireDladray ees asseer ease UBF OSEEF, [Manes mte-povinama. A. work in 5 deciae of mined Yervo and prose om the mythic ann abd the Togends and genoslogiee connected with i Blitod by M. Dhairvemare Appa] pp. 107 ssebrost® [Meetpatam,) 1897. 8 W404 5. =Vina-ragtava 310 VERA-MANDI, disco of Ablayornand, Sti ha chariteama (SOS. 28,5). religions tory.) Tenuate into Plage fromthe origioal Sansert of Voeranandi ty Sithavathal Tirupati Venkatrwaral (Sars: watt Sevien) pp. 9h Coranada, 1006. iar ge. 18.0 VEBANNA, Pina, Sos Dona Vinu-mannes VIRAPA RAZU, Tyide-pdempati, Raja. ome Sor¥ cs al (Rodbra-padikarama, A matrical vec with ten} pp 104 #4 [lr] ian inex a0) vina-RhOMAVACHARYOLU, I 4, of Pacha appe's Calg, Madre. tari Died Skncin. School History of India Aisptad by I A. Viearghavacbaiar»- Telgn ition [Wausiated by the adapter] 1010, 12 sais m3, Sores fom Indian History by K. a. Vireragharachaiar... Tugs elton, ros ‘s0gjeee (hongmaa’s Vernaclar Series for Mairas) pp. ix. 162. Dombey Caleta, Mairas (printed), 1010. 12 NTA 3 Vina-RicuAVACHARYULY, Yitsantri, (Por works ted by V., ae ander tho following Readioge:) Maneava, Rina-onsnnes, of be Kate Pana, ‘Vina.RAGHAVA-DASUDU, Olinaluti, & r= Beryeaaouse semen [Si Inyidaambo, or Padunra rata kath. Sixteen Vsisbanra stories of tho advontres of outtain ig, ilustating various thom of religion and ker, ad porposiog t bave heen narated to Rimn by Haumio. Edited by 1. Kotévsen Sramic]” Madre, 1008, le 6%) 16IT. gg28 ‘vVina-RAGHAVA SASTRE, Desdopiai, See Garr0 Peanno, 200 Gsomgxoi-S5% em [Yjiaralkyx usitrane, Bilt by V. §) 1908, 14s. 27. ‘ViRA.RAGHAVA SASTRY, Ueki, Se Poxiyas, =Palma-purina, Gy. enpoinsnt (Migha ‘aisa-nahstmyema, Edited with ‘Tologa true Iason by Vienrighava.) [1002] $1018. 9 24 SIL VIRAMAGHAVAYYA- VIRA-RAGHAVATYA, Homumanta-ngshals, See Govoanrna (0}). Padmioi vlaam. [Being the oem" Hiwin aad. Angelina” with ‘Telaga tuctial verelon) by Hanatnunta Vajela Veer nglavah (oid), se 1001, 8 148 6808) VIRARAGHAVAYYA, Aétorl, 8S ayig tor be asl gan mau [Chenne-vide ntejenima-atcrtasamols, 88Vaskyera hye fon the names of tho god Chonsa-radkaté, as ‘rorshipped at Sasivicu-pet neat Madsen Pre eed bya prosescoount of the god styled Chen ilatesraecharitrms, by P- Appaye Mantel Ulited by J. R. Veikatesubrinnyela) — pp. 10,42, 9%. (Mesas, 1806] SMITE BE, Vina RAGHAVAYYA, Paipulir Zalshmayondtys- n*, ‘Tho Rajekbars entaam, Teloga drama [in 8 aot om tho Loven aud marvige of Tajo Jom and Kanakscali, Authored (Le, com- ata] by Pangulori Veoramgnvish Gara of Inppiewtls, (@asroseret i) pp, $2, Madras, amo. ars. 60.8) VERA-RAGHAVUDU, Nala Veibota-patt pe’ (esegessoass.) [Varomdhuripareagame 1 rowantie poom, interspersed with pros) 1897, ie, See Pantone Poseurs. —Nalone, (88 ‘OS Coe Mal) (Amudvia-grantn-chintinay.] tb, Zovol, nv no 8. TBBGH1908, 6° eepee, reing of ct ‘ViRA-evAMT SASTR1, Nivrti, of Conjverom [Wor works edited by Vs S80. undor tbe following beadnge vorinn ous Tsaveniee. Navt arsorpona Diao Sinicammans, VIRAYA, Senna, See Cunmnscisirs VIRAYYA, Mundane Appayye-pe. Ragin, 3%. eutosetgessiasysovontos Soll [Pare Veuhmiaands-bédbana, An exposition of monet theology, ia 3 dewinan of vor interspersed with prove] pp 196, (Madras? md] 16% 1976 4.9 "Wiha ape aparently pital sont 180, VERAYYA, Nidigew, ant OMEitOALVA-2A70, Kadina ose tgrtyosoemwts. [Pod obbli-maka-séga-katha, A popular poem, -vinesa-LiscaMu 3 rately illustrated, on the hislory of Bobbi and its dofonoe by aja Was Rba again the forsee of Vsianngran sod tho Frosch ia 1757] 1p. 160. 3384059 [Madras] 1896... rah. x nay inisa.iWoAm, drathyulo. Soe Duaves Kast Quocthgottont (Simuadépihyimme. Eaited by ¥] Os) &. 1a. VIRgA-LOAMU, Kendutéri, Rw Bahadur (ifo} Soe Viiernrsuens Ri, Ti. Sree Vooreuingn’s evita! Biography. 1801. 8 18 40.0) ‘oe Arson Iated into Tolaga pron in vera, by K. Veoreaalingem, le. Aesop's Fables... Tenn tvth, morals ke. 1805. 6 Mart. 6.38, Soe Brows (C. P). A Taluga-Buglish Distionary revised. by... Veernalingam, te. 1003, noir 84, Seo Haxsnacnivs. ==. (Ratnkrai ‘eaulavd by Vise Tdgama] [1885] 1074.2.) See Kiunies. SES Photos wr. [Aungaionikantali-aitatma, Traselated by Virgelidgame) 1885, ALA) See Kiuiea, HET ANE. [Maloe ikiguimitoam, ‘Translated by Vieéw-lid gama) {iss} 3 tara waa) ‘50 Pafoun-n1neus. Nichendiea, Sandi [eh, 4 of Ninehandrika, forming part of the requel by Viipeliogamus] Copioas notes, Te0t, rare g 5401) See Somaseivege, ME, and Vinteui aus, Ke Telugu Bory Reader ste, 1000-1910 rs rare 38. SeeTannars, KG. Rajsaars vilason With preface by KV.) 1806. 8% 1a, 4008) Soe Veteapa-nataawe, alli, and ‘Viekgusionnr, K. Tho New Second Standard Reader, el, 1009. 8% 1a =. 34, at VIRESA-LINGAMU ‘VinisA-tIYOAMU, Kndakii, iw Doha (ow tinue. [or other works oitod by V., so wader th following bongs] Awarraviwivroys. — Mastarrs, 8%, and Duanwsnaa, Ch 7. Sihaarea, Gh. N. Kiran Mout Mai-nuinas— —— Sivairnoyy, ‘Neweaye end Tike ‘Tanuavinkeevey Iee'e Vorion, Tees Sua Piguros of Spoch ia Teloge. (200-78. Singuran) [AlsiKiracaigrabame] pp i 84 Madre, 1008, 8 107s 1808) Chitrakotacharitewm. Aa adaptation Cin inert pros) of Shakespere's “King Lear.” (2S Fesh%6.) Fouslh ein, pps 2h “Toxub, 1910, MIT. ge. 100) Dakshina gogeabanam. Shorea. ual dams ia vo acts Con the legend of Durysidiaa’s callerid oars a the Vist parva of the Mabthirsts). By Kander Veeressingaim. pp. G2. Rajahmundry, 1897 = 174 a4) Taayasejcorani. A umber of humorous ose nee fadinlogen. =#38uode® ‘et 3 pte 10-68, 71,72. Bajuhmendry, 1806-1806, vee EE a tot ir eit tina, Claret Fane aR aerate ha ee Be Pec ieee lite icine, te ari a me ae ora iti datanrnt ee. Eprcaan, Rate ate Complete Notes (by Patani Rats viimayya ond Perumsoat Muli-dérayya) on Newt daspika [x ries of moral with word-for-word iaterpotstion, paraphece, ‘and notes for the Fest Forme ia school] BobaFe Wayne. pp. 4h Olilor, BZ [tuiroepritad], 1806. 12%, atte £18) Fortaas's Wheel. A tao fd domestic VIRESALINGAMU sit Hie... Tranaated [om the Rifekbea-hasi= teams of Vitgulibgame] by J, Rabort Hatin fon. With a preface ly General Macdowsl, Dp. i, 200; G plat, London, 1887, 5. are g. 20, o Daawaa pss Batten Arki-vimarpioema. “A ertiqas of Visi Lisgams’s novel Vigkacchandet or Rij: harwchartra) 1805. 1M g. 4801) Sathya Raja's Trovele, A tale for pats Port i, Female Malayla. (Pat ii. Lanka) 1s K, Veererlingnn, (845 2°45 fen) 2 pla, Rajahmunry, 1802-1804, 6 MITA 18 orm nt and of he Chit Sate Women's Malabar oF Stsi Mabyslan, Boing atraslation af (past of] «Verne: Tinga Pala "Satyarjahe Travels” Te Printed frm the Indien Soin! Reformer. pp 62 Madras, 101. 12% 1a. £1944) Sathya sanjcovani, A Tolug uorel for (e85soHea.) pp. 40. Rate Tas. g 180) th se of gil andy, 18, Syarathé chariteam. A Telugu novel for tho uso offal, (S8S60 986555.) Second calidon. pp. 50. Rajahmundry, 1857, 8 Mii. g. 82) Tho Telugu Poot, Host Ease Bs, Parti 2, Old Poole». Prom AD. 1020 ALD, 1450, (Parts. Middle Pools... From ‘ALD. 1450 to AUD. 1050. Bat i => Modern Pocts ... From A.D. 1650.) Bytm ppt 10, 2,8, 160,14, 210. Rejmnadey, 1805-1598. 8% 10Te g. 96 Seu Soenaoninsvaya SietsDant Sonnaxicriaa Siena, C2 Notes oo (pi of] tho Lives of Telugu Posts, ee, 1001, & 14,2 3004) Se Sturaxinivaga Siete, Dy sod Sovnaticndaa Sierst, 0.” Complete Notes on FA. Tologu Tent, 1009 [vis on Ws Andie Kavala Chartrswn i), ce 1098. TOTS 0 8 ‘Tho life of Her Majesty Qaoon Vitoria, sis ‘ViResAuINGANU- Buprets of India, (QAEoam ssemg re = S5) pp OL. Rajehmandry 1897.3 1H. g 4200) Second eliion, pp. 98. Madras, 1e08, tag. 48, ‘The Vinod harsogiel, or Plewures Whirligig, By Mao Bahador K. Vecrnaliogsm Pata, with's tesoslation and glossary by A. Calle pp. 14 8, Hajahmndry, 1002. Vol 147k pL ‘The Vieekavarthani |. Slect articles ‘contributed to the Vivekavasdbani of 1675-75 (0382-24). By Kanda! Veuroalingams, (88> SEP.) & pacts. Rojalmandry, 1890.5 ag. at VEnBSvARA SVAMT, Potsira, Son Vinu-onan- atbvona Sra. ‘VISAKHA-DATTA, So Laxara-nanastnk Riv, F.-Y. Prachands Chanakyom, Anorigiaal dram (acd upon the Mudra-riksbass]. 1000.2 ir. 4918) Seq Rimbrorienzerore, Ky and other free Chaonkya charitta, A Telugu pros [boing tho story of Masih), 1885, 12% 144.1. Madraraksbasams. (A drama) in seven ots, ‘Tranalated into Telugu from the original Snsrit af Vishikbdutta. By Satavadbarala TirapatlVeukaenware Rave, [Reprioted fot the" Sarsevali”] (Eyes) pp. 88. Once nde, 1908. are. 2.) ‘VISHNU-OHIFTAN, Soe Posrs-igvin. VISHWU-PADA KAVE. Se Posiyss —Dhigavoto puriga, Aog ees sl [Rudhow hi tuevatamn. A pros pneaphrae, by Vishno-pil, ‘ Potana’s version) {1001} 6%. 14.88 TEVA, mguieh cisisaronmdenn danger od wooends enone. [Nandy ighante, or Viera" Sanskrit ‘istonary of aloct words in 5 arpa, sere to the mythioat Vyisa, With a metrical Togs rendering to ech vor, and splemontad by » ‘Tologn metscal work with the wm til, in 2 organ, Haited with Teloga word-for-word later rotation by Kalla Siticramesviwid) pp. 7% [tetchaperam,] 1900. 12% ‘4000.3, A ete -vrasaacunnt aie VISVAKARMA, the Gad, © 0» SYS 5-7. wer ss [Vievokarmprakista or “pee: bigs, A Senskct retin ov architect, With a Teloge txnslation Ly N. Gurwlibga Siete pps 205, fa" oore (Madras, 1896) 8 "4088 18. VISVAMBHARA SASTRE, Widsnasialomunipaly. See Haneuase (HL) and’ Vgvannaana Saeem, ASSaourit Primer, le. 1887.6. MTL 9 18 \VISVAMBRA SASTRI. Sie Vigravonana Sista. VISVACHATHA SASTRY, Malotta, [or works ited by V.8, ne under tho fllowing headings] Doeeays. ontgas Kura Ponigas.—Mirkardya-purdea, ‘igva-WATHA YAINESVARA, Sins ‘VIFRALACHARYA,dssipl’s displ of Vpte-riys, Se Timea, hs eee Senge tl (Wirwtamyidiend-rateacnicvinyli. Being (0) tho Apa-tiratampaettr, wth (2) tho Bythat- taratamyars. o Miatanyidb-eal-ratoemdl, © Sanskrit exporition by Vithléchirye of tho ormer, and @) 0 *praghatiea or commentary spon the later, ia Baaskrit, by the anme, le] [900]- it. 14028 2.25, VIVAMAMY, Seestegeeus (Vivi mahitenrepitale, Miscllncoas songs for wa0 {i wedngs, Tlited by Rompusherla Raghara- Hien) pp 22. Beer (Dawada,) 1908, 6 irs. 8.) See Viatacninn ‘So WarBtgrana ‘VIEEARAMA OATAPATI RAS, Gaunevee Rive | vocunetAnts, sw Dicnovat ‘VUMRE ALI SHA, Sie ‘Uwe ‘Ast Suan Yb, S525 LE Spree [Voidynsiatramn, A handbook of modical practic, ascribed tothe legendary sage Vien, and purporting to be ‘ualatod iy Komdeshayya fom tho Banskeit) pe 8 vi 392, Madras, 1006. 8%. MIA, 10 VWAsAACERTT SASTRE, ing See [Addons] Kowupa Migta, Ser'eSoe5 sa" (Praboda Chandrodayan. (lendore] by A. Vyasomoorty, tie) WO, a. (Berta) 1417. 3.0.1, tod si VYASAAMURTI- vrisa.a0at1 §48TRI, dtvedi (continual). Sie Minera Maven. Markandeys parenam Dilited by V8) 1000. 8. T4IT& ab 1003, & T4810. See Murint Mug, 202 dysiee dw egos tell CAnnngherigharama sii) 1000.8. [Sera TATA. g. 201,29, (Por Telugu tanlations of ‘WARD (Wes). mrt of the Bible propsed weder the gaidanee FW. Was and other misonasion of Beram- pore 3) See Bue. WARDEAW (owe Sur ee Bina —Oom= pele Dien. Th Holy Bible in the Telage Tangange »-- [Tho Old Testament) translated lysis Gordon and Pritchett apd the New Teste cat in the verron of Wardlaw and Hay, revied), 1887, 1860, 8. 3088, ‘See Braue —Complete Bier. Tho Holy Dib, [Comprising Wardlaw sod Hays version tthe NP eta) 1881. ‘070.5. ‘Soe Cinsann (WW) Oa Pastbinn (Trenalated by J. Wardlaw fom Chekaoe Deviruction of Soperttion) 1865. 16% ats 4000) ‘Soe Heat. ‘lags Hyoae.- [ited by 3. Wardlaw] 1857. 10 TOT a2 he tue Atonement. S427 yang [A Christian toact)(V.T. & BS. No. 14) Second edition. pp. 39. London Minion Pree: Visegapatom, 1860. 16% iH. 4a) WATTS (less), DD. Wat's Fits Cotechiom. Seger hes mS Fy hve WES. pp 28 [1806 71 Se Brasate Bellary Tract Society. (Meecta) wos 1. 1895-1858. 12%, MP4, 8 37.0) WAY, Via sve Ondo Saati i, libel in gue oqonstenter, an rations et vin homo peeeator yor Teeurs Cristom ad vit astoraatn per ‘onie posit Bx lingua tmolien lingam el Interpret Berinmino Sohltsn, scam transi Conactt Peegeagere) ppedts aloe Mog: rgieae, U8, 10". 223. 4.9, Another copy] 0.2000. 20.) saat ap nig ma elherattsg Stent hae VAINESVARA 318 WOMEE, Pious Women, Parti Pashpaveni An original mora tal for the us of females (oaj84e0g sm.) pp. 00. Rajahmundry, 1010. in. ara. C384) WRIOHT(WaLten Fotses), Copan, Se Ivara — Lepidatise Qownei Act wo. it. of 1871. {Signed hy WF. Weight ae translator] 1871 cs 106 4.9.2) Sou Terk —Lepilatie Crane. "The Tai Bridenco Act... [Siguod by W. P. Weight as ‘ronsltor) 1878. 8. Mire 8 Soe Era. —Lapiltine Gown. Aste ‘The Gode of Crimioal Procedure». (signed by WIP. Wright ax translator] “1874, 1a, DMENDEA Seo Géesuacxpeaga Yaeuiunes, YAUHAVALKYA, See Viouobya. Panos ‘Sherat. Joba Fryer Thomas Bhapaiam -. being ‘compilation ofthe Vijenmaawarayu, oa T8SU . 14038. «13, eoprelgigtegmaten agrirshes 0 eayragts. [iajgaralkyeanriti A cole of laws With th commentary Mitikshsed or Viitdndnvariga of Viivéyvare. ‘The Beuskit text of both works, edited peste of the Vyuvahare Inter by Seema Tir lion) pps 21, 808, [iaras, 1870.1 4 740088 (ar Bpg Bstaroaneaserptnse. | eosoen [Dinrme stra. Being bk i. (Kehr | bits), verso 808—bi i. (Vyavabioe-k), 807 of the Yajtavalkyosmt, wile Vijnéyear's oon tmenlary Midkebacs fn Sandkst end « Teoge paraphrase ofthe latter.) 2 pis. pp 338, i 146. [Madeon? wt) 1403.16. rin pane Apparel pine abn 186090. (Another copy.) 14039. .1, fe ae ae a “igrana sista, Yomi Si preterm. Canyons, hee Satay he ec ate 08 sw YaULA YALLA DASU, ).. inex mmnasonifex® sop reas. [Yoddhs-kipiamn the” Kagskodcrimiyamamn, a version af she ‘le Bitnbynos in galabegava form] pp. 120, Matvas, 1890," 6 1a aT) YALLASE, Polamufi Yallutharcy’. - coptane (fie en)-4e Aare Ne BM wEyegsenss, (Falla, A Sanskrit manaal of the faseral rior and lastations, oxpeally for brabmane of the Apastamb family. ated with ‘Teloga translation by Néei Gura-logs Slat] pp. vi 422, SU oro [Madea 800] 8° 1039. YALLAPPA, M2 SeePouiyas Shanda puri (vid). -neudlog ss. [Baljchaitnme. 1 Inted by Yallappa] [199] 13%, 1074. at YATERAIA-DASUDU, O12 Niriyepeninepy’, ef Chittr, See Mionsvientevess, F.. ee ageooss sal [Visbye-pariyamn, Bdited by ¥) (01) & 1.08.8. Gytoversones gan, says. (Vea tichalnemahitmyame. A prose accouat of the ered legends aad cals of the. Vaishyava anctaary at Tirapat, fn 6 chaptora] pp xr “heaton of B52. EAgHbymcm ero? (Raden, 1000.) 14174 0h, YESU-DASU, 0. Sie Care (3). A Kor to the ‘ets of the Apost by Vesa) 1900 Ie, NOGA-VASISHTHA-RAMAYANA, 320 YOOANANDA AVADHBTA, disiple of Lit BN 5e%% esse [Atmaikge bbe, “A deipnda ‘si on monistic psychology.) Soe Nata, Katine. ogee 54H [Tcosophiel poems tie} pp. 8786. 1002. 8, 105 ‘YOoa-VisisuTA-RAMAYANA, tg cons 8 [Vaschtherimgapame, A prose rendering by Divtasle Shryarndshyays. Simo sijlot the anonymous Saaskrtplonophon poor Wik profice by Zanamadchi Bla-nearvati Seshidei Sarma] pp. 8 ine 4, 104 152, 108 Ses (Mairan] 1908 8. ITE Bob Lemp e.g wsepostinsze. [Biracvasishtha, An sbrigment of the Yas visihthar, by AUbinaods. Saosbet text, ited with '« Tolagu troaation by ML. Nie Tega SisteL] pp. 11, 968.2%. (Madras) 1090. 8 1049610. Hoxmbg ehh, dF megagee, (Wisiabyaaaptaati, or Yogeerisishtbaratua fala, A abridgmost of the Saaskrit Yoge visishthasimyapn, in 200 vers, based apon {hat of Abhioands, by Kyishoopit Kriabunyir- yin.” With Telaga interpretation by the Iater's ‘der Brother Véskate-ramapayirya, Biited by K Miskandéya Sarma] pp 2,180. Modres, FEN EeY Cisne ge. Pe ADDENDA. ABEINANDA, Jeyorte-pw’. So Yoourinunne- hanivaqa, E¥ eG tol [SHnerdaiabthe, ‘Be abridgment of the Yogu-viseMhaee, by ‘AbMinneda) 1900. 8. ots 4.20, ACHYUTA-RAMA SASTRI, Mallii. —Sangvetn Balyamodachandrodayam.,.(sot8) awyzneso- Cosaems. [A drama jo B nets ob w sory of tho rivalry betwece eckeniph nad Sty ing, Kishow's wives) — pp. it 116, 2, 2. tama [Beewude) 1909. 9% ib] 1002. Sow Hare Into by “AG [Sarevea-] 1TH gg. 2 oe 3,8) AMARU, Anarosaryam (ig. Yaak], (ox. PaGh. oases, tslng® a He5e8%) [Sane skrit text, with Vee Bhipale's commentary Srigieedipibi. Biited wth Telugu interpreta tion by Volume Véskatecraye Str] pp 8,2, 116, Adres, 1000. 0r0-ce 10, he Bgl ei from he ner ANANDAGIRI, Se Mani-nnivars.—Malers Veron. (Blagavad git] Gymeyrebs a0 [Bhegaead-giti. With iterpretation “by Ch. Benderarim Site Grom the commentaries of Anandegisy le) 1010, ae 8 085.00, ANANTAOHARYULU, Komzpdéra, Seo Peoonmos, A.Ch, 202 MS5'98 eG [Sririhishomane Shasteame, Wk interpretation and notes by ‘Ausntichirgoe,] 1000." 10.48 ANUAWEYA SASTRI, Yalecort. Soe Uoasinare 1a. 84708) | © sp KT wot [Vigcbeabmdpanishad. With APPA KAVI, Kihuniri, ©3 ba. (App Tenyooyams. Bitar Sataradhani Porson Sur osrayena Sastrla.) pp. 4, 800." Madre 1010. tas. "Me Bagh ie from th oe APPALANARASINGLA DASU, (46 Narawinhe ne. See Vint —Rimiyage Merial Prone, (his weserog. [Sanlareltods. lite by A.D] 1910, & irs 9, 32.0) APPALACNARASDHAN, Pall, Rati Pradyunis ijayeme. A Tolga drama ia fire cle (on the legend tholovesof Praiyumnn oud Rati (Bhi. rains 65)) (CU gugn Bushes ute) pp. ii 75, Madras, 010. $8. MITA 8419 Apvanoay. Y, essgegysisan ryuratee heme) oo, 14s. 8.20.2) BADARAYANA, Sxrostosoes. — (Vedinta Dmimiipsi. ‘The Brabmasrits, with Sabana’ commentary, in Saosket, Boglish, and Telugu) 1900 «fe, Soe Girbia Sioea,S. x04. ‘The Sonali ee, 1902, a.” 8.” 1404. es. 1 BANA, @EeeEH. CHarsbsdnstrana) (A romantic biography of th sathor’s pairon, king Harshedéva, Tondored by Tirapet Siete) an ‘Veikatépear Siati from the Saket) 108, ite. See Pastoviens Pomeatons.—lajahmnry. ‘The Sarma a. vol. zy no yes T8N8, ce a TATE. gg Bo. 10, ee) crsee [Kidambe Aromnnes. Ron: Loder end Fsione Upanininds] 04S. | deed in Telugu by EB. Kéyarayye] 190, ee, os See Pasiooica, Postcations Madras, 8=-§52 Vilyerai oe, voli, nocd te. 1908, te. 8 BAIKDE-CHANDRA CHATTOPADHYAYA. Char Aracakiars, A fonous novel of Baskin Chandea Chatarjeo. (Dove into Tlogo] by Tllopragada Suryunarayana Rao. (2#OP Soe tose eee) pprixiv.236, 6m [Tana] 1910. 8 1078. gg. 19.8) Foren. of the Berar gratin il. A novel ‘Translated from Baikimshaadse’s ““Chanden-sétharn.”) Soe (Addenda) Praooteut Peetcarions— Masuipalem, E80 “el (Andiracthdrati] Wolo. 1 ee, W10,ate tA. Aco. et) Hyp Tos se mshi ae (Krishna: etani) mara ats Chillarge Srinivasa Tiny of the Bengali novel “*Klahpickine’s WH") pp. iv. 1995 1 plate seabsayss [Marlipatem] 1010.” 12%. ars. 940 gAPAYA, See Vinsewatsatts, K, Ls BEER (J. W.). Hymns end Spirit! Songs in Tologs metro compiled from various sources aud seraged in two parts, Part for Gospel sr cess part il, for boliners and worship Boom HSgeo soll Sixth edition. pp. 290, Golavoy Dilla Mason Method Pablshing House Mostra, 1900.” 12 8.858 BENSON (Crssim). Calletion of Telogn Sayings.» boaring on ‘Agricltare. (Wilh prefs by C. Benson.) 1891 & 1.8 126.(00.22) SHADRADRE-RAMA SASTRI, So/ht $0-tonfhe- pe. See (Addenda) Rixarniicoosunyepe. spond, ©4081 [Vouchers Revd ly Bh. §] 1010. 10s. 8.10, BHADRAYU DEGAL, oon of Hija ajanna Desi, f Domtonds, (fe) See Taesexbent, BZ Bhadeayursbbyadayame, ef, 1903, 8% rs. «31 ADDENDA. See [Addenda] Manas, A | sa BHAOAVANTA BLU, tpt Lalamnariana pen deebscs sosintm sepeoes [Vivid fislayesnmstargepedyemule, 24 abort iro oor on topos and ebracters of madérn Hie) Preik 24 2¥Q" (Madre) 1910. 8 a1 8. BHAIRAVA-MORET AYTA, sfllomapll Se {Addonds Daarvartan. vés0#9. (Dhanveatr lied yy BA] 1010. 6 Ith en I BHARADVAZAM, Divuguptaps wapocs. ‘A Gra in 5 aot on the lepond of the loves of ing Yayitt and Ssrmishths, daughter of tho ‘par. (Bhagerata vi. 8, i. 00,” Berets [Pithapuram,} 174 4 6208) BMASEARUDU, Blbial Pac. @sI-¥¥SYs. Swaraygenes. (Bhikarestalama A centory af vertu om thi! thames, aad to have teen writion by Miran Veilayys, With word: forward interpretation and explanation, Edited bby Kitararapa Veilta Siatri:) (Ananda Prose Seren) pp ic103. adres, 1910, 12°. 161443 SHAVABROM. [Zi insane Stary, MB, Soe [Addenda] 8 [MabiskeviBhave-bhaeljivitama] 1010. 8% Agsmsstsrers. —(Untare-rima: charitenitakama, ATologa version by Mf, Biya: Bint] 1906, ee. Seo Powoota Prnucrviors-—Modroe, 227§€0 Vidyarai, ee ie 1008 ce. 8. TE Utter Ramashasta, ‘Translated by Malladi Soryosarayenn Sate sod pablshod andar tho patronnge of Bri Tajo ‘Welofoti Raja Gopala Keishon Yachondra Raj of Venkatngin. (68,0 oms8error ss) p.2,87 i. dmalapurem, 1908, 6. MAPA. 87.89 Ea. tete) A Talags drama, egsoscesis. (Uetra Ram charites. ‘ransation of eSonskeitDeama) See (Addenda) Pratorcae The Kavita, e a) Penuicaroas.— Pidispran, ‘ole a0. 1y we. 1010, vt 1074. at 225 BuIA DIKSHITA, iryo-simayijula Sogane ithe’. Soe [Addenda] Kauvien, [Supposi- tiie Works) eto 46. [Ruidhn 8 ted with Sanskrit sey aa Teloge parphrase, called Sabodbinl, by Uhlms.) 1910. &. 14058, es. 8.2) BIBLE — New ‘Teetaunsr.— Gospels, (Mark) Commentary on the orpel of St Mark by BLL, Marler (withthe text) «» «sri “0%, be8f. pp. ie. 205. Chitin Tileratars Sowiy + Mairay, 1910. 8% MITA. Bb. Arrmuie. See [Addenda] Kupen (C.F) sony Gongs 45°70 1, Lengogie a the Maly Mile, 1910, 174, bb 28 Sw [Adena] Mactuan (@. Maclon's Nw Testament History, 1910. 12 sar. 8 DOBBILE, [Mistry] ne Siete, $.7. Bol 1008, Mistry) 8ee¥) ‘Yachasurondrariayam. 1910. 141 [Addenda] Ket: ‘dha atakam, oe, ars, 86208) apa Rio, BN. Sree sah) [etry See Vbieapustark Bio, Ob ¥. o¢soxeweN (Chim-mga-riga-nitaka.) ano. 1 ats. b 84) BOGS (Wax B), of the Amerison aptit Mistry ie Mowilotion; ii, Pastoral tice sechAw Hee Bell pp ij 32h Maran, 1010. &. 14i74. 08.0, BEANMANANDA SASTR, Desi, of Punt High Schl, eegrrgesose.” (Vajranable-vijeyamn, [A dram in 8 nots on the myth of the lover of Kyishys's son Pradyuona and Peabhivat, anghler of the demon-king Vajeanibhe (Hari ‘ant, Vishowparrnc fo] pp. ti 10, 68> [tania 1910.8 ize b.92.40) BRAHMAYYA, Hp-bpla, See Soeavxt, PA Kalaparuodayaina, (With profao by Branayya] 1810. ars. 40 (CERVANTES SAAVEDRA (Nigutt 0»). Sew [Ad- enda) Hasowaea Riu, MS. 3any oe 20850 (Parvessande chartrie) [A story Baz spon Dow Quixote”) 1900, 8 107A gg 3112) ADDENDA. 6 CHANDRAYEA, Vojrtla Nipopschigerps. #3 one dire of mized vere and po on tho religious Iageada and dostriace of tho ‘Vigyatarme-besbmans (it. goldsmith carpenter ‘isc beasior aud atonoutter) iltrated from Sanabit texts.) pp. 6h. ®rB@ep angto Roe [Mojechern | Madhovaran; Duggal printed) 1002. ‘ia. 26, (CHANDU MENON, 0, SeeVHiuaps-n6u4 Reoo, D. Fors. (Balavati, ae) [Based spon Chandu ‘Monda's Malogalan wovel “Induce.” 1000 we 174.38, CHEROHITA, BoEW4'. (CheBehtekaths.} pp. erpegoss [Vieegapatan,) 1910. 10%, HITEES6, (CHINNA VEIIKATA DASU, Padie-reu Muraoary ‘See [Addon] Proa Vihcapa Déso aad Canina Vehura Dist. Chitra Tharasacmka vijeyan, ste, 1010, ars 8 6006) DEVA PERUMALLAYYA, Tusjenagsramy Prooewes, A. Ch evo PSOE Se [Si chishemapa-charitrame, Edited by D. Pd 1999. a8». 8 ‘Se [Addenda] Stioarsnreps, 89, Sa0s0 (Biaplyamu. Bite by D. P1910. 12. DRVARAYA, Sco Vu. —Rimiyaps —Pr Verna, GS=0G = bbmamatise ot (Sr tant Andra Valiki Ramayanemn. Pros [trans Iaton by Devncrajel, a) 1010, ee 6°, 1075.8. 9 DHANVANTARL 925080. (Dinnvantari. A inbual of medicin, compiled from varias sorees ‘Baited by Mallamepalt Bhairaramirti Ayye) Dh. vi 8, 126, 2,908, avi vt 4, wobeoses Ttantipatem, 1010." & 16. 6.38. DOWNIE (D). Ste [Addonda)Hvwvass, Tega Hyon... (Bdited by D. D.] 1910, 12 10h 6 GSPALA-ERISKNA RAV, Dovlattidé. Shoo Sse vlaam. An original Telugu drama is Sve tela, (olanaerses, Wootol er Qo TUES) Pp ii 2, 102,2, 2 Cocamnda, 1010. 8, rear, 6206) 7 COPALA-KRISHNUDY, Gupywpall Kise idgtadtyar pw [Badhs-jsoa-bidapiblidamo, « romantic prom; Pirva-paripayenitekame a mythological ean le] Sev Pretooieas Pratiasions Bee toula, Sjp08Feyeu®. [Prmbandha-kalpa-allas] okie. 1000, fo. 8. LTH Bra, Ig) GPALA-S¥AMT NAYADU, ¥, Vidya gore. TA) look of electrical and shemial sence, nena factures, ale] Published by N. G. Pas & Co (gui) New edition, 2 pts, pp. 120, 96,2; plate Madras, 1909.” 12°. 174.10 (GOPALUDU, Sips, Seo [Addenda] Sire Graton ‘GRAY (nowt). Sees Kavusarase tharangn Teing te trualation of Grays Kegy Sato Telos vero ly G. Ramabantacharya. (F088 88048.) pr ii 8 Bapati, 1910. 6% 1878.0, 29009 ORTERSON (Growox Auanan). See [Addcedn] | Ivora—Linpusie Swrwey. Linguistic Survey of ‘Compiled and wdited by GA. Grierson. 68.2, Iain 1904, de. Pol. QUETUR, Kebns EFSAGTS Hog Smr. seg aur gaeous. [Upsayiaemasjar. Ad ‘reess on pliticn aod eleatoo, delivered at the feat Congress of Talay adie beld at Guster lite by Palogorta Vetkataratoama] pp. 3 vi 08, tes [Cocenaty} 1810. 1 174. £48, GURU-BRAHMA §ARMA, Maddlapelé Veilafey- payee’, Sree Seongare Chandrabaonam. A ‘Teloga, drama in fio eta [on tho fortunes of Chandrachsn, the adopted 40m of Kuinds.] By Maldulapals Gurabrabmam. [Bovised by Kople- nied Vablateerataa Sites} | (Somseogath- com, PETS) pp. i 8 824. Cocanad, 1010, HANUMANTA RAU, Melee Si pw Stangets0So. (Pammnna frm) (A biry Dased apon "Don Quixote) Conde, 1902, le 174 gx. 312) HEMA-TATA DVI GAREAR, School History of India, Adapted by K. A. Vieoraghavachaviar =. {com Sei Hemlota Dovi's “The Mstory of Tada forays and Gila” Bolarged aud thoroughly re- 14874, 6001) ADDENDA. 28 sad. Teloga edition [unslata by the adapter) ronda so. (Longmans Veruacular Seren for Madeas)~ pp wit 2825 8 plates. Bombay § (Caleta, adres pind, 10. 12, 14KT0 m8 HYMMALS, Si [Addends) Base 3.W.). Hymne sod Spiritual Sonya, eles 1910, 13%, MI. 0,88 Telugn Hyoons Bom ff. [ited by D, Downie, ‘Thint edition.) pp. vi. 218 Anerson Baylst Tagu Maron: Matholit Pa Uihing Howse Madras, 1910. 12%. 1074055, DIA Lingsile Surny. Linguist Sarvey of Tia... Compiled aed sited by. A. Grierson [eassted by Sten Konow]. (Vol iv. Mons and Dravidian Languages.) Coletta, 1904, ee, Fl 150.2 FAGAN-MATHAMY, Guna. Sauguudlikan, A ‘rva in fve acts fon the epic Iogead of the ower ebtsied by Bhs from bearen for Dra di) by Guido Jaguonadam, [With Bog profac hy J. Virwrtghavala.Bted by Jayant Dhive-ndvayenufa) (2094s wm Pree ss) pp-ii 68. Cocanado, 1009, 8%. 1014.4. 60.8) ALIDASA. (Supporto Works] rdos'te. (Kaliddeahérali 64 Sonarit tants on stro Togisal divination, “Haited with Senshi com mentary and Tega papas, called Salih, ‘Heyy Argues raja lina Diabita] pp.80 ‘Selina xtas [Rajmandry,) 110. Be 1058. ce, 68.2) XANAKARAZU, Gi, oofe megOF FRO 90, (Aayléye-rijyttgn-nitmbgn-chariea, A Wnty of the Brith Bupite aud ite constitu- tion], 2405 [Maelputom,} LOL, ot 12 14. 48 net Btes 19 Ki RARLVELYU, Foliar. dewsysys. S85. [Kapi-vélprgstakame, A ralious poo in 79 aiatens, describing the loves of Krishna and Radha, ee. "Bolted by A. V. Narasighaw Pane flu] (Anaeda Pres Serion) pp il 94, Maas, 1910,” 12°. 1a. 5, KAGRAIA, edyoe8. (Aironmntet, With ‘ologs tmnaation) Seo Mowerans. by. Boge. [Vaidyimnite] yp. 118-12, itera &. 104 29, KONOW (Str). Sew [Addenda] Toes —Linguitic ‘Serey. Linguste Sorvoy of Indin,- edited by G.A. Grin [esintd by 8, Konow]. 1904, Pol 188.12 KRISHNA NISRA, 0550 Bsc bs. (Prue loahachandrodayam. (Readorod from Kyshoa'e Sanskrit dame) by A. Vyasamoory Sstry Oar.) ‘Se [Addenda] Pauooicis Pomicinoxs— Pita pperam. The Kavita, te, wth iy no 1, ee. 1010, te cpm iE Ber BISHVARUNT, Avaihanoms, Swipe Proater, Sow Addons) LareunTxasas Oh, “Tho ablvovintot Goon Creeper translation of Talshot-naessqhame’s Jala) by s+. Kvstaamon, le, 1910, de. 12 1 ARISHYAMORT,J, (Avro). stsKsctn- Sigs. [Paruon-gure-charapa-sannidhi. A ‘Teluga teasalation by Chittamire Rimagya of “at the Foot of the Masten” a theophical love in English by Krishoamiet] pp ti Chitor, UL. es a KRISHYAAHERTE sist, Svi.yale Yoita- gejvepxt, Bobbll wldhe natakam, [A drama fm tho defonco of Bobi by Roja Raggh Raw in 1957] in six note by Keavibj (eie] 8 Krahon rmoorthi Sate, (@™OyOub OF.) pp. 127 Tajakmandry, IMB. 8.” TAL BB.) KRISHNASVAMI, Paydipeddi. Ozbasso [Bi Invigama, Apter on tho legend of the poet Dilhaga’s amour with the princess his pupil id ohare boon composed by Singurryedo, ad Inte tt by hin som Narasipha to P, Krshos-evint tho is now described ns tho author inthe elo phosr and some Jaterplated verwa, Eied boy 7, Déea Perumal] 1910. 12%, See [adonda] Svicansereoe sears 1 40, KRISHNAYYA, Sangeeta ihaniyam ofthe ory of Dillane (tho poet and kis amour ‘wth the princess hie papi. (S088 Ogitos Pera) “py td, 108. Pera, 30 [Foval Printed, 1010. Be. ‘tra. 6212) XUDER (0.1). 298 Gorse aatgpaie... eagogie of tho Holy Bible. Second dition, ADDENDA, | aADHAVA, son of Indu Kare, 00 Drawn Tndstial Miron Printer ars. oh 28 rp. 128, enh, 190. Kumiga TATAGHARYA, Tiremaln Addasti Labsiminrsigkarpe, Kexitidalawe. See [Ad eae) Prey Lokeaiaran, Sq) 88660 ‘sol [Griyahpati-pai, oe Mantra-trayavirara ‘Teauslated by Kumira Talichiryn) Fr ith. 86.0) in. TAKSHMENARASINHAMY, Chilatowarti. The sbbrevisted Galen Creeper. A. Hindu nora TA translation into Hngish of Enkahnt-aratm: Tema’s Hema”) by Avadsnam Kristamant Seater, Prodtor. ‘ryt 191, ee 12% ia. 48 TAKSHME-SARASINGA RAV, Ponape Pika romanayge-pu*. Boldha bodb edhe. (A drama fn 10 acts om tho Mio and. preachiog of the Bada) by P-L. Narnia Res. [With minds snd prastvana by K. Narasimha] (gers. “pope waccor ave UNE) Pp, 9, 279. Bo [Reset] 1910. 8° tava. 2 62a) ‘Vriddha vivaham. (A comely in 4 nets on the marcngo of an old man to « young giel] Dy Pb: Narain Tas. [With nud nd prt tana by K,Nerasinhama) (2ygarsvse., pos ovate Wevien) pp iy 18 Sms (Panuta) 1910. tra. a. 6214) LHOA.KORT, Pasipeddi, Hossyrusosms srmuagmenss, | [Savatchal-patiayaany, or Havomad-yivdhama. A” poor in 7 ae inrsporsed with pote, on th logend of ant tnde's maeriogo with the daughter of she San- fod] pp. vi, 200. aan Zaort [Bion Besoeda printed} 110. 6. ANB 8. BRAT MACLEAR (Gronoe Paroesice). Macloa’s New ‘Testament History for National and Elementary Schools transated into Telugu sf! SoS foe Gowers F. Second edition, yp. iv. 212 SPO. Proms Vopry (Madras), 190, 12° 176 0 8h, copepres, (ddhavaidaon,” Wich Teloga paraphrase] ‘See [Adends) Pemorchs, PntiantonsPitha= so ADDENDA. sa ram. Sei Bhaesti, ee, voli ee, 1910, ee. | MARASIIGUAM PANTULE, 4. V See [Addonds] & itd 60a ete) | Kagevars, ¥ebdeaytt [Katinelpetabame, MADHU-SUDANA SARASVATI disciple of ite fsara, Soe MankonbnaniModern Versions. Lnhagevatgita.) Lessyreh at” [Bhagavad sti ‘With interpretation hy Ch. Sandan Sissi from the comentario of Madhs- dana, ole} 1910, le, M005. 68.2, MADRAS, Proedency of. A Collection of Plaga Sayings aod Proverbs beating on Agrosltare [With preface by C. Demon] (Agronltura Departmont, Madras, Bulletin 0,22) pp. 175- 200, Geet, Prats Madras, 1801. Leth 22) [Namen of the Fisld Crops grown ia the Marae Psweidoney. (Agrialtral Department, Maran Bells no. 24) pp. 217235. Goo. Pras; Madras, 1692. 8 L8.18800.20) MAWA-BHARATA—Newwavs ayo Texan's Vor- bom v8 GEmogaareean. Seer seN Gierpreese [Udyoga-parrams. An onsy prose paraphrase by M. Bubba Row (Vihno-pida) of {is eanto and of ite appendix tho Sinat-kumdre- ila) pp. 3 118, 3¥3! (adres) 1910 aT 119, Moose Vansoxs. Bhagavad.) Gees erahs. [Andheehageradegita A Inotrical version of the Glue ia 3 ayetoe, by Chinriviel Sobrakapya Sate.) pp. 207,19 Coxanala, 1910. 82" 144.38, MARLER (F. L), of te Tondon Minion, Soe [Addenda] Brntx—Now Tostamost.—Garpels [fk] "Commentary onthe Gorpel of St. Mare hy Be Ba Meslr, te. 1910, 8%. ANT4 bb MRITYUMIAYA VARMA, Kime-rishi See Pitheperem. Biited by K. Mratyusjaya 1910, rar (Addenda) Pasioote Penonsiove, at ‘Bara [WARASIMHACHARYULU, Parga-sile. See VE cusrunepe, Be Sn6¥e [Keurig ‘Bed. with interpretation by. Nere- oo. 12. ite.) tame snhihdsysl] Biel by NP] 1910, 12. MITA AB WARASTMHAMU, Keli. See [Addenda] Laxana sussnoyax Bie, P.¥. Buddha bodha sadhe. [With adn and praatoana by Nerasimbaina) ino, & 14074, 8.62.8) ‘Soe [Aadonds] Laxsovi-xansstysk Te, [Wien suas and a Pv, Veidba vivahan prasvana by Nerasinbaswe} 1010 wAnAYANA- x22", Dieewhe, 50g, taaeied gue [Vinalicil ‘A rowates of Rajput history vader Anrunguab] po 42,911; 8 plain, sop [Madras] Bio.” a. av, Tra ihn ht So el by mat gtk chien, Niibodhiyoomeon moral and religious themes ited by the thor’ son Pagatela Laken. ‘Satya ‘Krshos. hisbhivarpanams, nieiyane Sabbi Ran) (G4 27seez,he- ser byrd Gove) pp ik AD. Visagapatam, 1010. &. ars.a. 82.00) PEPARAgU, Diftrkasl, hoor woman [Sabksatali-pariyayama. A oom, with oconsionl ‘proton the logead of Gakntals and Desbyasta] 010, See Pexoonas Posizexmioes Bawa, Seorteee® [Prbaniba-kalpe-vllari] el Shope. Tyee. 190D,te, ANTE 2.GoL 2, ete) See (Addenda) Gérstacerant PAUL QF. 6). Nirape ‘PEDA VRITKATA DASU ant CHINA VEAEATA DASU, Pagigeréew Maranura. Chita Tia saake vijyame, 260 oe FOF Seas + ‘Tonga drama [ia 5 aot on tha logond of the Moctegos amour with Tard, wife of Dribspai). pp.ii 204, Madr, 1010, 8. MITE. 60.6) PEDDANNA, Diviihla, Suns bagerayee [Umb-oshseraregstaams, 109 anata adorn 338 tion of the deities Siva and Piatt] pp. 17 ‘ornare ss [Iajelmundry) 1910. ‘M074 90.) [PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS —Masuiratan. o- GPR. 508, ans 587 [Andhra An illustrated magasioo of isclinenus iteratre aited by Ayyabl Véskateramanayys.] =20- syom 30 [Marlipaten, 1910, oe) ‘ipnye I 54 Bharati, A snonthly Daited hy K. Meuiyenjoye Pithapuram, 1010, ee, 174 #6 Prmaron, ‘Teloga magazine Varma. 8 Prouurvsam. ‘The Kavita. A moutly "Tologu literary magstine. Eaited de published by Suthavadanoes Venkata Ramakrishna Kava (£08) Pilhepwram, Cocauada (printed), 1910, eB \ 1a 3 PILEAL LOXACHARYAR, son of Pedaite Tiree tht Piles, diag of Nam-Billa Som Eto. OS Pruneean Te Gatto [Sri- b-paticpai, of Mantertrayeviverapame, A tract on fortune of the Tengalai Sr-raish- tava. Tranlated. into Telogu by ‘Tirvmale Adiaiki Keira Ttiehieya) pp. 26. [Madren] aia. 12 arte 2.5612) ‘st si-oysin[Bhigavalam, bk A prose vorsion, with ocesinal extracts from the. Sane ert feat and wont-forooediatorpretations ned explanations of thom.) Madrat, 1910, ot. MATA 0,88 PURUSHOTTAMY, Gipsluad Fosteysmatyarpe’ ohd anvipoteapwres. [Mickapléyacntie: Jame, A drama in G ola on the logon of the votary Mavkapdys rscved by Sive from death] ppt 4, 68. Meme [Dewada,] 1910. 8% 14074. b, 62102) PURUSMOTTAMUDY, Nala, wE# sot. (Aj. Sovond edition] pp. 40, 26shyo [Bani tam) 1910. 12, ra. 38, RAGHAVA BHATTA, Saiterslons, Soe Tous waa Diao, Gs #tetped i (Bhagurnd ADDENDA. mm Diajaawkistanaa. Followed by 3 hymn by the itor, Sadkarshaoa Raghare Bhatia.) (1002) tr. 174 88 RATAMAME SETTL, Kerala Norwhart Gipile: Iyshgammapu’, Kes¥S0G. (Onga patie charitra. 100 versa oa the logend of the god Gapa-pati) pp. 821. Vizegapatam, 1910.12, Ter. 2208) RAMA-CHANDRA SASTRY, Aavipalli, of London iain High Setaot, Vieogepatam. "8p Acosn rere fl “A dewnn i$ aoteo tho story of the amour ofthe pot Bilas with {ho peiness his pupil) pp i. fe i 92. Vise snpatam, 110. 1rd. 62.02) Forman. 8 of he Kasha ry. RAMA-KRIBHYA KAVE, Darbor Pot of Pia ram, See{Addonda] Prnooioas Ponicarions— Pilleperam, ‘The Kavita, Edited & published bys Voakate Ramalrithon Kavala, 1910, ee, ® 10178 £3, ‘ee Vii Kan, Soe8. (taste RAMA-XEIHNAM-ACHARYULU, Konisdere, of ALB.M. Training Seed, Bapetla El ‘Telugu Googeaphy of the World by K. Rate rntnamachatie, (@™F®R Gao) pp. ie lU, Bapaa, 1910.” 6 Hi 1213) RAMAKRIGHNAYYA, Vallablon’ni Dralmaye pw", Reoe-oFe. (Gapnedtatama, A drama fbn the logend of Kpishpa's vietory over Gays. ited by Chintalapiti Rima-mict ist] pee 1A Frese [Golempal) Gadd Tpristea) 1910, 12 irk sk@) [RAMA-LIGA RAZU, RilabayPatairamey Gteosrare, 02 asaas forthe pall, allowed by 18 stansn on the pedigree of Gidiparti Veskatappayys) pp. 9. 822 gee [Hamepul, Dgpvila printed] 1910. 16% 148. 0, $8.0) RAMAMONANA RAT, Jimivi. See (Addenda) Tudoseasudzae. Se +, Jnaaabodharal, Pal linbod by. Ramamotae Roy. 1910.” 12 17a S601) 05 ‘RAMA-RArA-BHOSHANUDU, of Bo(tepall (Baste Morn), vgpers isan tes fe nena. Kn adbem epaegan. Hegepseo. (Vase Shavit, With the interpretation by Ch. Veikatichala Santi, wbich according to the ‘clophons of tho presnt edition was based upon the commentary Vides jana-rajant of Sowa Kivi, ton of Atréya Siddhdvvara.Tovsed by Sooth Bhadeidr-ria Siti, and elitad by P. Sirya nirsyaye Tirthulu] pp, 3,824, Madre, 1910. & 1408 9.10. RAMASVAMT SASTRE,Vvila,& BONS, Su [Ad lode] Boore (Sir W). 08D. Teashoo. [Pabtied by B.S. & Sons] 1910, 12% MT 38) RAMA OL, Nadimigi. Benssorayadiame pathama, [A poom ia pada metre onthe legend (OF Kylahow’s conquest of Bindaora (Shiga x 63, t2).)_ (fe nti) -.) pp 10. Aadean, 1910, 12% wea RANOAVADHOTALU, Taliri Subinyyeryu’. Si Rengaradhatalavari Jaanabodlavall.[Hfywns, ‘powms, and prose homies expounding Vodatic Theology.) Published (with bicgraphy] by At rmoory Ranamohin Roy, (Qterssstems Geeteet) pp. viii 72 1 Gunter, Mani ‘tem (printed), 1010, 12%, MITA a S60) SANKARSHANA RAGHAVA BHATTA. See [0- Ande) Rauava Buagya sara obpAtvpu. Marca Verio “etki, a0, 8 See Viunieh —Ramiyana— Gee metres, (Son "A pada version by Sips Giplaa) 117.8. 9218) Sivimmviaes. sessestaaiss romees [Soravatt-vésataparivayama, or Peodli= ‘A sorice of mariage ng, some being ‘of Saraeeat "345430 [Audrae] witb, S008T (Sir Wat), Bark, 2#%>- Tvanhon (Anabridged translation, Published by V. vin Sinet Sons) pp. 645 1 plata Sudran, 10. 1 ts. 38:3) ADDENDA. 0 SESHAYYA, Siyagyi Sue Vikeaps Ri, B. Ny ted Sionavrs, 3. sBcoab¥, eat [Sateeumyolta} [oo 8, Mirah 62.0) SIROARARTUDU, Chiretavi, Oyrhatso (Bi npiyame, A poem in 8 soar, intorpersed vith prow, on the Ingen of the poot Dilbane’s {oat with the princess hin pupil; sid to have ‘been composed by Sibguriryo, and Inter sold ‘by his som Naruse to Papdipeddi Krishoo vim, who is vow deveribed asthe author in the colophons and sowe interpolated. vertn, Edited by T. Diva Parundllayya pp. vit 125 Sey [Madrag] 1010. 1, TATE. 140. Forms part of the Boaiteana- gat ronla wml fr a? Stem Stain 280g Sen (A Tamsin face), Sane SPE) quit ot tpt © sokxbeares. ten wee. ge Bingen pre ei, an ‘e wn Cem vite eteewes{Sm nged {eel gent iby Pane Satyr (Gees ante geo) ita 605 i Seaimerns, suit ths Tans even oe oe EQ phon tees (Rea) ono Sun sav, ne Steyr se commentary compiled by Ch. Viskaticbala Set ‘See Risin vy [Addeoda Risacnizy-nienayees: SOMA.WATHEA RAV, ddipad: Ductehi-stbage-p ausenr vores, [Sarve-maayaqatakama. 100 ovotinal verca to tho Deity. Third elition) pp Wl, #-@s0H o#0 [Piteparan) 1910 1 Mir. a 87 aor SRINIVASA RAV, Clilorige, See [Addends) Baimocnaxona Chapnérionvica. 25°08 (Sai lini Trasanted by Seinvian Tes] 101, 0 [dadrabhivati] REA, Atv, 2) SUBBA RAV, Payatala Jalibmi-niniyens. See [Addenda] Nesmna Sierer,P. Tho works of . L Nriimba Sarr. [Bited by PTs 8.2.) 1010. 14175, 321409 SSUBBA RAV, Vusgiri of Moratipatnm, Sangonta Bejonnodayen [or Tiek-apisha-vjayo-ntiake- tu). A drama ia six acts [bad om the pra Inudta by Séshowu Védkutepatt on th logend of the amour of the Mooa-fod and Tivi, wife of Bribaepoti). (og"Ansanaa wis Teer Deasprotae.) pp.i78; I plat, Manipatem, ria. 12 rar 8 308) SUBRAKMANYA $ASTRI, Chiriver, of Pedda ‘an, Sw CAldends) Makara Modern Verio, (Bhogaved-gite] GOeOE ETERS: [Andkew-biagovad-pia, A metrical version of ho Gita, by Sabrabmaaye) 1010, 32°. MIT 38 SURYAMARAYANA BAU, Tullprogoda, SF 553s. [Piothacrrapnama. A story] pp. 2. Se (Tanaka) 1000, 8, ITE gg. 3802) ADDENDA. 08 SURYA-MARAYANA SASTRI, Mollsé Rimco- ‘Nani? Amalayanom, 849 ¢uqeodoase [Wahickar-Dhara buatjivitams. Alife of tho Snebrit dramatist Bhara-bhiti] pp. 4 wert [Amalaparem) 1010, aT gg. 30.00 SORYA-NARAYANA TIRTHULY, Purigom, Soi edlini. Sev Addenda) Raaiza-putenanooe syang... syooH (Vasuchertmme, Bilited by SE) 1910. 6 1478.10, ‘TIRU-RARAYANA-SVAME, Nombari. Koka tendo, [A dean in G sols on the Puranologend Gf the Wada fast) (SepoKEs- es) pp. 2, 561, 108, i Bars) (dre), Maron (printed), ro10, 6 na74b 62.) ‘VBiEATAOHALA SASTRI Citar, Se Addon2s) Riwsenisemdonayuge. “vgn +» TE [Weewebaviteame. With the inerprelation by Vetlatacaln, which socordiog to the proreat ction wag bated. upon. sho Videnjamo-raljnt of Sia Kavi] 1910. 8 1478 3.10, VEAEATARATNAMU, Puluyrta, See [AdJends} Gonrve, Retin... ar gscines. (Upanyie asa, Batol by V.] 1910, 13%, 174.648, INDEXES. he rfc in thes Indes are to the nama of authors or eter Headings ender which the works re atalgee. Anonynone wore eaalaued wer ter tt are Sade by the ph in oo. 1. GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES. nll, Aanewaxinn, 3, [Aion Lasse Alcantara ‘svi Golden Corp Adiceantemals. Goxoasion Sista ‘AUlayade-prasuseeana. AMIAYA, ‘Autye-prdgevsara VAL ‘Athidhinsstow ns, Amon. ‘Autiankentaardakomes aos, ‘Athinaregays-pehandbama,— Ge-duvie, 2. Abhinarodhinvihqupuripame, "~AcuvurinA yun. Aldnagaiay ‘Rela bal, ‘Actalgnadhams, chai, Antkenata Py TKnva Daa, higeatla Sieasin Dieses, Sonn Ite, 77 Autatsemas prgagenes Visapicndaro, 8 ‘Rekapfenmipvaregtakama. Baran, ‘chine, Vinegecuthoany, K. Achieyertow ies. Sirknieioninyvts, Y Ackgyestbttamatva. Kesvowisttt ad ‘Aelyutinnndspaiclavipesteratoasla, Area ast Acta of Apes, Bink —New Testament, ‘Aitttasonda ” Saanseana (W), ‘ubiuttaee- ryan. PowatoreaKene, Allydinn-siadyaya, Powkgas— Brande pide Aaugatespanisa, Urawineane Aucporam. Mus ustuta—Nawaya ant Tithana's Voi, Aula koocalpela btathivandhanasn, ae fosasnany Nate Aaieyliiseaasivs-yadats, fame Nivowe, Advair ni Some ‘Vekhexptyvanopo, 2. Sinisaxoa Vostiona ‘Adventures of Nala Kaauavicnrens Pe 2 ‘Aenps Fables Aor Agwtyepkaertiyesbimes, Acasa Avistate, Duvnaoa Ra, ‘Aye Laksindckanasbpsane, Ch, Aayeaniteandasavlamma. Rixcy, S ‘Abaingapduyam [commentary], AUnAt-an Aitareyoethmana Baainayae ‘Aiareopanisiak— Urasians Atoms Kista [end] agenion ‘Alisa laan [Adenia] Ponoeerano 0X. ‘AktarwstanteaLasanuoranivavey, U. ‘AkDaydegoutamt-nhstmyams, Vissats Sra, rs Alabaragechoams, Cush Sou, ‘AlnkarchandrieeSivanbeatr, ‘Alnilveandiodayemu, Sunaaiscavoany Né- Alilarnigmama, —Vingttatoame, ‘Alikesugeaberasyanam, Tans 30,3 ‘laboot Cows. Giaeacratt Rit All stot Heres, "Slama KAU, Alvindchiryula vablavama. Bilas Mooastrat Annas. Seanardnroo Amerkig Atanas, ‘Amarrkigulraie index] Twv-véScapicuis vou, de Amara pelarategpapn comtientry). Ves ‘eafastnns Sra, Amar pedithesbeedsen [omonymous ooumen tary} Awe AmnyikioaJant-pttion baits, Rosnezsox W, Awarwkteyn, — (Addenls] Axan ‘Anaeiataks Srisghtnarska hiv), AMARC. (ends ana Ambujseabe taka, Laxsiatsinirayo, Ba Avainéinmet [i Disa {Amie Ham, Hazan Tia no Morte Awyiteindipanisat, —_Urassuans ‘Anttila. Suaxsrene(W). ‘Amubitegrathe-chitawapi, » Pewooreat Post ‘urine AmuktwnalyalaKesoxa-neea, ‘Anthtignpltpnakapraygn Prgetonn. onnnslipka. Vesa soars Riv, onmilari. — Viseatiqvanoyo, 2. oonds-magha, WAAR Cuagyoei- Anualissgyapn, fura-xip Rina-cnana, ‘nandaval fo aitinyépniobad. Urawstans ‘Anandayamn, Kpbiya-wOet Siero ‘Rnsodolayeoijakames DussOinasos Siar ‘Anata ylwana~yata-kalpe (vata Kall). ‘Poniyas.—Plavsyttora pire Amaghestraianu. Tauris $ismm, D, and “hiaasvane Siena, Ch Avasplaighavemt, Moxie Monta, Seddharirann. Axoite ‘Anise Kom ai axtyama. Hay (1) “Anlnkew gana GAREY (Wf Cuts. Andiretlboiba. ‘Teo ndkmtdlateboihialSreagaiasa Pax Andhnviagwend-gts, [Addenda] Mani-nuinasa Kndlcttigaratan, PUES Bhagat: ‘purine Andie Dirta, — Manknutexra, ‘Rade ara [Addenda] Psmoscus, Popa. ‘xvi — Maclin Andacbbanbhieiddh,—-Vabuaqa-xqisues io, KR. Aodt thasie Wshanamn. Karama, ‘Andhra thlifchartessaigehame,— Gapinrio Mavane. Andie taahéepramn, Vestine, ‘Anileiiijionluotalame, Cubioa, Aniirwsbandeiokuma, Sears, 2 ‘Andiadge ata oatriySlvia-vih. Papua ‘ie Elz, Avan bigevata-puripma. S3E-2i60LU, D, ‘Andimipia. Tasoa-aAvacous Sabsepa ‘RndhmgilagSvadamn Javabevs, Hjeaioa- A Arai iaisya hating, 28. Sein Suu, Anvire na Uihtotrharpachintdwagh S14 tsuana Panprit Aodtim-Kistika mabimyams, — Sie-aauny (Gita Kav. Andh-avipanditasnéghawe ‘nite kei rtaitara Bk ‘Teewov Pasir iscenasssrrs, GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES, a Andhreckayla carts, Vieng, ‘Aodluelasinyaaretalsaalakama, Tviaenisa Aniireokileéstundsita, Carn (MW), Gaus Biv, Anibyaokoktpafchiptsn, [Addoada] Nisa Sion Aninwiabitbirva, — Mawi-nsinars ‘on = mabi= nob eab-opyn = mae [Aaaends) Gusrox, Anti-ninsagriae. Avlineniouesaiana. Sonar 2: ‘Aninweniyakegutakae, — Ponoonimeanooy, ‘Andlnesighapy-hateabkam, »Axbsrdsn Jaca ‘xia Ste ali paditarann, ‘nite papain, “and SHURA HOR, 0. Anvlpiniaryama. Upooivasranirs Andlncpunctatverkausnalk Sona Ro, 7. 1. Laceunasuny, PB Vinara Rage _ Tacaxairwvye, 0, Autha-paryshseyeprabhvama, PeypAniniys- Andicenghvamgamy, KiuDisa Aniiwrtdpnate [vo by. Vela Ki Aniireratotiarama, ‘Andee arcana, Laxsnaseve, FA ‘sera Kati, Namavs Audtea-gobda-taivany, Shs crmt Sispm, Tae Andtra-ierabams, — Uivanivays ‘Anda SeooLasiafooueatery), ‘Aniirestryosnisame Mayon. Snap Ye ives, = [inti version | Sb Rou), Vinat Andinwvéosuphrw-vinarya, ‘Shara Andie, gabon, D. ‘Andnvayslarayama, Cumsaaa Som, ‘Kodhrigha-yargarrampi Pandgaea, Auineojdgavatma, Siekzivacaie, Andivojansbatela. Urasstane ‘Andiosia shares, Vinasiaasa Lv, Oh, ‘ngleyalokoksivadvall.Sia-gaeana Past Katy nen ‘Avgliestiysogesiemtsacatitra [Addenda] ‘Basan, Adglyn-okavi-stki-cudbi——Siva-paSana Tayo Agle-rilyhintioao,°unstandtams, —Sérv Angleton Vylyachintamani, — Riva-corina Tiqtat Maonavdoniat, jogunotlnhaint, Arta DAs Anta-mantsire, Setar, 2 ‘Annotations on Sunandaolyerinaany, NR atic, 8 Autarved-aarainie ein prbirame, Vass ‘Shera, F-8. Autyenyayetigps Battany,—Bellary Pret Sve ‘Aviyeptabareadsnyame, Visss4 usa, ‘sntyedtividhinama ANrvest ‘Ansttarrodepetakame, usta Ser ‘Anublavacstiram, Nanas Sista Risto ‘Anupimmaijan. ANU ‘Anupae-araopin, Tey -wirna-rnasion ‘Soest Avesicann parm, Mancina Verone [Two or More Parous} Apettrtanyesisie, Tasatiots, ‘Sourcaadet, AyrYbst [Lagsietisom Sisrm §.¥. ‘Vins uisoant, K Apuvadetarigi, —Susmoas (LB) ‘Apts yaw pry Ca (J) ‘Appecdisuchaivama. Area Disv. ‘Appeckaryamu. Arma Kav, K- [Addenda] Atea Kast, K: Appale-liaepadyonulu. Arata Dit Appayesikhitecisitramn, SHE3048-4Osn, Apter-kavi-papgita-paasam. DHWAsoh Matern Apatrasoam Paraves, Vint, ‘Mall SARATA—annaye and "Tiken’s Version. Anibigarin ata igantr, ‘Avihénorvrattvam, Sisto Sisrm, 7-4, ‘Arssigratinne[commentary}Dota-tiarvA, ors Avainrat-sildijona, Stoua.ninn, ‘Avindiatedivichatra. Aner, Aruna, Monson (lr PI). ‘Arjun thing (Aryan liga Esrotor) ‘Sivagucana PaxDyA. Dace Arjasmata mira pguotirsganthems, Anya ‘Aryan Coleco. SaSanicninra. [Deaf ‘end Seppoiitiue Works) Arye nit meta boa. "Siva gasvasa Payovdst ‘Auibndranyainmdlane- kapha, Chaba Pat Tio, Ayano airy, Sonmamasva Sista, Ch ‘AtbgalGki Panisuna Darr, GRNERAL INDEX OF TITLES Arbrathin paras ‘Acuvue itr Asaya-sruins Autvaihanan, Dawraton Rig ‘Aea-taksapa:aircasigabames SKWDL-SIvA "ito, Agvaliyegeyestton —Agvauivans premature, JAMIN ‘Agvergsteam. MANU-WABCU BUATTa ‘Ayrcealpegttrmn, VeRwagaswte Ni ‘000, By ee harvey [fe Ablaiyenivshamn,Vikiasi8caMo, X; Rina Svseanonarn. ‘cin oma, Kes Aimntoths Uenad. — Uronioe, ‘teeta vrerga coment) VET ‘ioe Sore imagen Yooknno4 Avan, Atonpytyesbrtaaprs. Phat, Atwivalokams, ‘Aema-yeraVikeaya You, ‘Aemopenisiad, “Urata ‘Atte Pot of he Master MOR, J, Avadeitrgita ‘Avaric Det. ‘Avatar ‘Araton mdr ‘Avayarti haul ‘Avivhape mamnakanula, amt Rata Bat Se Aysamsantramas ine —New Testanent— Nanasoynantrsope, [Addenda] Kats Darsinaers, Satna T,X, Suvinavord, Vebuaponssoioninven, ‘Stioanicuterouy, 7. ‘Vista Sverina- ‘orp [Stone Ayedbyekigguia Vass Visaphonatanans Dis, Iacenepanyéemiala, "Tacos (F). Bator elloghs.Viheapasomntont Jacana hig, ¥ abisler paral, Vinksasoawe, X Dahwcthiryatrama. Visu-ueano, Datligrecariteme, Vasa Navaxoo. Iai ane ants volrnighapt. Cranes) asiluyokia clviee-atyamtlan grin ‘aslo. Di Poy (Nand TH4v (0 1), Dal-thaparattns, PUniQhn—Bigeateprrve, ile bays bhari-nyraaan. Vie ‘uno, Ralafecharttms, — Ponsvan—Standa pura Dalekinda. PArwees, Belekagdamy, — Raeoou, 8.¥. Sin 2 Vekesrionsnran Dise aT Tilimbeini, —Viseapa neve, ideals, Daoeason Bi, Iulepevisryeme, — Uponiva-ranien, Nulerimiyapema, Rawat, Siete ileihaba, Stemi Sort, hevivlelintimagi, TALE, inci klpotaravs,_ Sivkaion Sis, P Nlergdkargame. CHDRNAYA SOx slays gupta pases [eommentry) Tuscan ‘alijaersnn pgm Baliepatanawn Haine Valyayadaame, URL —Balary Tract Sey piaurepaddaan, [Addenda] Tata Yoo, alarsnteadbonms, Tora Sietm, D, 0d ‘Vasaavana Siena, Ch Nanasnyrers Navopo awrpuriname, Souaceknnng0, PB Sinan, Voavaiyame, —TasavacniZ, ejudorkarigeande-niekame., Risouisrot, Telove and live Hat GL) VendupadAnoa-nnnteclantenwn, —Sb-lae MOEN, ‘adden tain, Dhadegietateriowgetakame ian, Mhaiayerabiyadayame — Laxsual-rat, 2 Z Dingavadbajan-apela, "Toasts Dise Thagerad-gta, Maticntatssh.—Afaarn Person ‘Bhagavat pts gabe bie boda fommentary). Ht ndaa Mot Fesin (Boel a. haga ges ghirtn-dpike. and “rabuaystha- “was [mantra] BAL-aUneatuaN¥ Vaasa agave malting pera. ‘Phagua'gledtha-bdinpareptnes).—VRats aaraNa YooIxb6 SYA agave it iparyn agra paraphras) ‘Natisom sep, Pouiys— Verda: "Vaskacreavanik YooIND Svat, same Riv, Me Dhignateparioa, Bhgevatame, —Porigas a {Addons Po. ‘Migguata-saptama-skandhaylsa-giat-Hatha “Viixarionatant, Kuresnaddale Diagavarsairtanainiie, Taxi, Dajegivinda. SAREARAONANYA. [Doula ond ‘Sippnititions Works) tel Lax saaasara, K: GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES, a Diakteingtams. Donasinarys, 3.7: Bhaktemile Mastouee Bakldmpiang, ~ Devactisa Dis Uhaktajayame, Divan DAs Bhaktiastre Nimans hallserijechartema, Aska Sere, ee gnats Ke allgeriy-cartena, ‘Kou Dun voo Bowes. Taousesknie Pusprre nis, nanabrasa hire atten Uhimatiitattra-pakgika [oommentry) ahcuata Sisva, D. Ve Dharsteaigrtame, Siicuina Siena, YY. hira-sirerasivai, MAni-ouinaea Hannay ‘and Tana’ Vern. Bideteadni Mundcaainsra— Apes. Date [Addoads) Ueaootoae Postcarions— f Pitapuram. ‘area ot atakam, — DHARYRLARL areiaceauthieitao, “eullita nigrbam. ‘unmet DBhdekareraindyanao [Yrson by Disha and ors} VALMIEL Bhishareptakame. [Addeads) Bukscaxooy, “Stal Pot Masaratbakam, —uSseanvpe, Bein! Pt Ehialarodanamu,Drawearya, i Bavebiatiiitamn, [Addenda] Sobvawinivaya ‘isem, ACI Dhiyn-atm-migmbema, — Jagax-vieua Lv, avsnydtara-porton | Ponies, ‘haepatchavingat kath Vasita-ascus vows hom Khandams, —Setssaop. Iihindgeguakame, Vekeaqaceanasnana wOere Iimsgraneporésame, SHU-SASUUY eager Popeye ig balan ‘kapesoena Te, Pera tyra tna. | nna vee Maaninsexid- sHjg-chariuamn (Bhoja-prabadha) porn Bhajersiyaa, ‘aj paipayai Brame ‘Bhauaee garth pik commentary. ‘narani YooINDt SAME Binrridhann Axavsarinieso0u, 2 "Korigaea Mars Ponds —bhagavatcpurinn “Aovates nasa Store Danigrsipreahinaens Dhol bodhist.-Gaoanaray. hagelesttrame, — Guochar. 49 ‘agp pstrama, —[Addonda) vega moar, iba [i Bible Diedonary. — Binse—Appendic Tilloa-ojaen, Rinaxuanouanve, KK: Bllanyaen. [Addenda Riv-cnanona Siar, ‘Maria. ‘ithaniyeo (Dhan chart) [really by Sige ‘yedal Kiteaeva, [Addeade)Stsoanisev9e. Dilayiye-ngakamn, [Addenda] Resign, 0.7 Dilvipraganas Visuatacaraaa, Tiogrepien of the Pgs Poet. Sal-adou-aCue, @ Dingrphy of Ch, Paratha, Jou, Ch Flack gor Vola. Via Bobbiatula kata, Kansayra Niven. Babbilyodatekam, [Addenda] Ketan own Saray, & ‘sdans Kroc plaka, Bins —OW Tests ‘nent Pang ejeatiapainaya, —Kopivana Mann, ‘onl of Commo Payer. vena. Pavnatn (. B). amanaia Yoo Braham g-rbaryam. ‘Vanoudniansy ‘ahi btowchintnn Do ahs rahe sont Bechara, Dathnnas oe eof Brahmisde-poriga, Porixas eahimwssis, TADANGTANA Siskme-atratia-sagraan. DApAkrass Drakmvalvarta-puaqa. Powys Dahiya. Panwa, Pd, Frahaopaonn, Unasitans det History of the Tacrmatins, saskeuunvent Dyihad-vaiyeratonrme, Ptah, pat srtamye ates Didnt ui, nus Tk, PF adnan, ‘er 2. Pied haigina « « hin posta diate ‘thajanidaythdam, Calaitienaf Havin (Galena fr 4.000 pars. samunn gulichinal, Chasesox(W. ‘Dorai-asisioa 1a sabatwour, ‘Veeapse ‘Vosrapicnsnve, {addenda Taxa ‘Niwvaya Riu, D, aod Sot ‘ru jiduavachansleyoea Te Lessin xheran, BX [adnds) Goria (Gavnane Mayr, ‘Remus GHNERAL INDEX OF TITLES, Cate. Ponuaatreane, Cotecatel aeration for young Chien, ‘Betuany—Dalery Tract Soy Catechism of Seriptare Dectrise, ‘alary Trae! Sty. Cute of VisihtadwitaPhilonghy, Daas Bena — CCatechin on the vidence of the Critian Reve Iation. “Canto CatehiisTelapiows Miner” Carmona (Chamatktre kahit -Viskapwaaiinesa ‘Sanea, Ch. Camathiresnite-prahasnam, Drvonioa Ii Ghamadkarvareadyéval Seatac Ike. Chiyekyecharizame,” Mbuiseszeuteruns, ‘ad eer CChagda-kanfan, -Keubwiprana Oundregraiepeme, —Viiigtrutoan, Chandraicactrana, Vasnares, CCsadabéee-uialama, — Aastaaate Wat Chandiaiis..-nffka Asner 2:7 (Chandr-ttn-faam,Vinucreae, Chandsalames SOnats, de Ghanirannitpergayamu. Soxiva, A.B. CChandsgelasbarit, Vesegactat 7 CChandapeniechrirams, Vienna (Chandagtkharamn. [Addends] Baskne-cranina ‘Caagroeioav, Chand gtarestakame (Chanda ranean, ‘pera Chios Decbartrams. Sawa Tk, K: (Chana tava-prdonna, ParavanAth ‘Chat = vai = dj haga ary ‘Vesxaqiouinrves, Catagdam nature sire SaSanhenava [Doula and Seppantitons Works) Cchaugapyeatatara. Ciavosrra (Char Parathtann-avi cats Chetchitartatha Cundentts, [Addenda} Cuxsouts Chennsptnapu Praideney in apd ililapokn Gaaxona-géeuan, Penisan Slot eu ‘Uhogdfesalgabamn. Mao ‘Chennap-avinylan-eabstyenadoe- isan ‘mula MaBRAn (Chennavilayp- nde saheoaane, souavarra, Chennai arachairane, Aveava Max Canlayistrima, snore Rav Chidadogoqanisat. Urania CGandorntatiarion, —Tykow alas buts, Cet (Chkdayyantakane avenues Dio Peeves, $5 CGionigesipe-tiiamn, Vibeayos0ue ‘Gnmavtoie konami roots 1 tom Ware Chinnavira telus Tagine pragndtearamala ethan "Ditanfey Te Se ie nam Deen Ok iyelgnms, Mache Ri 2 Chm utinenne nade Eo. it tsar Ynmustoon, inact Gnovarys, N, ‘i, Kas hed kam, Geyer ata hitigsvam. sod iwava Manan, KZ, Uiteesing, Lspedon-aisa Ser Chittick yptskarijayann, [Added] Pxox ‘Wasaga Dia an Cunesa Vitata DI. Chote Tact, Har) {visa Ministry [Alin] ooos (WB, Chronology of the Dijayanagar Kings Vara ist Prono Code Gal of riminal Pacers ‘domi, ‘Colleton of cial Doosmenta, Mona. Colleton of Talugn Provera. | Cue (MW) Colleton of Telugs Sayingy and Proverb Lansing ‘om Agrcalters[Adlenda) Mabuas. Cclketon of tha Tnseriptions «.- in the Nee soa Failte Covet Isbin yi ‘Discs, Mons. Ccllgsivn relied Chiao, ae ‘Sais (h)- ‘Comnatary oa dee Gogpel of St Mark. [Alden] ‘he Comipentary on the Now Testament, Tie —Naw "Pataca Companion Tolags Reade to... Grammar. Anes ui. Compleie "Noten on RA, Telage Text, 1000. ‘Somea-winavaya Slats, Dy atl Sovoaxh-Rins sma Cont oa Neh dog, Vink compe Nuon. Raghoamam, Kuna ‘CampeteTelags Provera Guat rare IA, 2 ‘Compate Tratin oa Telugu Verieaion, Mas ‘okra TA, Convertion Uetean an Tolater aod Crain, Tina —Balary Trt Suit. Copioie Annotations on the Matriculation Text, Sonva-ninivaya Siseu, 2, and ater copious Annotations onthe ‘Telugu Text forthe ‘Mavilatian, , VieApAMih Se, GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES Copious Noteson Stee Keualya parinayan, Pap- savin Sisen X. otc Hasay on Png Serna, Daxsuyt.voen, ?. Cts om Ttugn Venientaran, Kass ‘oie Sa Cebelopakianiin, —Gagyu Paap, Dakss Daxsue Dalatinegegrabsnais. Casares, Ch 5 Visgucatoan, Danbe-vimansins, —‘Tononant sya Dy “Vesagvana Sisvn, Ch Darke depelod, CANEY (W, of Caton Daya lkemincharitea Dax Daye kemirecharirama, KEE, Digeathrqatakame, Gora Kare Dimrthiriame, Lacon Dagvatrchartrms, eis Mart, Dh Daptratar slain egeahama, — SUMLARAYALE ‘Nivwov. Distin 1 Amie Hama, Hawa ih ‘AB al- Morpaus nuavva Sher, J. oars (IE). Dae a Dato Pain Tia Dauteiyeataae, —Nrrvinaya You Dasevian vapeur Puss. Dadersbaayapames Sank Tears, Deloga chia Vasuatexusupe, X.Y. Disiigesmaianigetat, Pasuosst Devan Digyennaiaskomms, Kususayaisrene, Dentermomy, sk —Ol Testanaut— Tent ‘euch Divocbvthmana-mahatyame, (Addenda) Cuan Déorhitam sabjane-Dhdgyam. Souow (D). Devakaaedaoaataacn. DEVAKLAANDANA Devalcdharoa-asta (mpi). DEVALA Devwvakyolllangamulane gsiihiaa papa ‘aj Cursos Devevilyopadiqivaigrams, Bie — Appendix, Devithagunta parton, Dest tsgvatame Pe Dest Chauiberini, — asune-cuasona Cuage Divtdapkame, —Acivers wave, Deveyattavingttrstnenuia, Arps Dis Deven gratiadkyumela, "Bits Appead, Dianursntevnabiinya Anuavayackanasta Dhanvana [Aden [in a. Dinavantacnighags Duxvasrane Dihatvata-vgyum, GANA Banh Dinrmajesiayena, —Veserasomia Ri, Dinktgadecharieams. " NYHOQO, 2 Dinempar-rindyayamn, — Sesthcuate Dist, 383 Dinrms-pastka, Titus Diners aisme, Danni ‘Dhaest Cate). Gata, ‘Yuusarannra, Dhanna-pstee-atoskarao ‘Siar Dharmavalmme, — Ria-ouavoave, Kh Dinewspaléeh PantoreaL Ponuenriows—Madros Dadtepddhiediah Mesagoran Avo Veta Diwcitstakans, Saseantoe, Diaigue on Salvation, omestow Ie). Diahgoos in Teagan Bagla Datocs, Diatonery, Hogs and Telogyo, Montes.) Maxuxinauna Dinsionary nglish and Tong. Dwr (0B). Distonary of the inod Disota «dn Talay rows (CP). Dictionary ofthe Teloogo Language. Choe can Diauonary, Teape and Kaglsh, Drown (©. Dilahtarcasiranae Meaaypkya Sues, X. DiipechanienVesiara nny, KV Dinacvartaminl, " Pesootea. Poaucartos— ‘stair Disses of Call e._ SAHADEvA Dispitesions on Village asin. Rawsswana, Divye-tsipmbha, — Sirc-mbetenare., V Divyestriviiema, — Pmnasisaran Dist. Dacument Weiler Danavta Sa J Dora Trowraoy (8), Drones Dreopedbevsyuparnce ‘Deaupai-vantespbarapaa, To, Drgsrinye wien Devices dasha Dayorso "Vasiripianestra, ‘Soma winsva¥a "Sabena. "atau, X, Danie ida Suvivisn Ric, Klik. Danas-maiia ASKS CHANDRA Chatai> age charity Darmayedarblraa Darybdbaalnineme, SUBA Rid, K: Drilnga-taijrha-atitm Sataniceiara [Deuba and Sepostisins Works] Dedtrineanmants-oartann. sean Drdteipeatalaatjtals kala, Viraawise Dring vr-darepimss —Rascus nN, ? Somamuagrapraniow, Sorvastinsvaya Io, Dvityopaleekindame, rou —OM Testament — Penltech Dwrteimes manjar, SaSmaniousnvA, [Dont ‘nd Suppentitons Works) ‘lwact-pttiisbike-itskams, ‘Txerart Sher, ‘D, an Viskaresrana Siete, Ch (GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES 08 Rgvtilipita, Visavaaicuava Nivapo, 7 and ‘bern Beidagtnshstoya. —Tucavanra Riv, Beidiratabva (68 oo). ‘Bea-malika:prepdga rata, Dowa-siuarva O78. Besvale-prgayame, —— Kutgnysndare Sst leirie Telegraph, | TaLecea Blog. [Addeaa) Gav (2). Hlomensary Bony. Ragodcninvan, 2, “lemeatary Telegu Gongrephy. [Alana] Rae ‘eseAN-AcHAIUL, A Buprsof Tada Nine Gems Vesiara-earvany, i english and otoga Fist Book aglieh and Toaga Voor. Bagi Ineewtor ExGtsi Boglch, Tusa Telage and. Hindstni Sona “Asvont Piya (2). oglih Taig Dictionary. ‘Guerra, aglaleTlage Voosbolary, —Dicrovara Baglch Traslatio of « Callaction of fil Doon viene Maes poner Erunwssss isterio Ramayana, SasscxOqe Rina-coantra wy on Tologe Language and Literature, Hi Rage Bhoow (F). Eten, Bint Old Fatamen sous ‘bicnosans, Saheanenisarane Exodus Tuh—OM Toston —Pevlate, Bryon of the Folie of Women, ee Duce aur, 2, ote aed Moral Talon Pere ie). ostnah('jsth 1 ‘AU Bes ‘igor of Sputh in eluga, Viresaaseany, ‘int Bonk of Argan Momalty and igon,Str8- asian Parr Wirt Bonk of Tug, Vitara ninarya, $8. ist Caechiom, Warss (0). Vist Lesone ia Tluge. Thxpavasniya MDa: ‘int Posie! Reader. Joven (W) at Sesukonine ‘eLw, 2. ch Por Andon Buuzor (Sir W. Volks of Soathora nin Gove (CB. Fortones Whee, Vingasatoane, Gilriyttodpkame, Tinta ppendis Gajpmans-njayana. Kyuss Sisre, CCafndra-mokshama, —" PURIRAS—Bhipecte: Ganryatebaritra, (Addenda) Rasi-4uys Serr c “nanos se Tawistrarra, FY. Gine-sidyaativs Gandlacrabamnt” VAAUDHV00, AC Ganfiki-nul-ndbdtnyams, Kesava DAs shah "NioranontaNv, X Gaustpainediarteans, Ponitas—Brakedyd Pouiyas.— Dewreioa-dst-pa- ‘Tmpatarra Nivope, erin, Gaus poten Gandima-dharoa ssa, (Gantamtantatinyan, Gagrwes, eysya aos Sse Vaueate Sse, F5 gyuka-Nihanams, —Suoanscaanrous, 7 end “Atala bcantcuseruLy, 7 (Gays idchajonama, Suan ‘std Atata-ifoakicninyo., 7. Gaftcndialains, [Addenda] Toor VB. Cayateriyana. Vata GBatrctantea Taxroas UGayopigdoama, — Laksieanasig, Ch Rou Mavi, 7-8 Gaywendtakame, — Kigerunt Aca (Gon foe Vali, Vita Genesis Tsis—-O1d Taste —Penttea, Gholi Kadina, Sagaieaza Sisr, I, of Rajeheandry Cala padyamal Pua Kayt iabayatraysir [oomomentary} Stern Snoaxeita Svs one gina Jasacnera, Diao p ecreaginTLARSu-spsya Sst, S. Galivaserarsname, VEGRXtaSEATNAM, ‘Gai'sChoce thet for His Pople Stxreox(D). Gallon Creeper [Adlenda Laxsin-vuxasne i, Ch (Gopamdapula Votkatierare-sta-qatakana, rapeeerss, 22 Vai Cailecrtaterams,-RaZwna JvoreHK Gopalereyackytua, Viswapabrica tk, U: opin Boag Bhapente pede, Gipeahekasmul, Veiextactinante Sua, Ch. Gosanoakstagama, —Cnanacrar Bio, ceed of Fens Chit, Har (3). pels Tusuz Hoe Fetanent Geile aan, Vinbyacusboane, K: Goverment Savnge Banks, “Leite Cec ovine shatrlape-mabjaiki-wima Sa ‘ounes.[Doulf ud Seppatitios Works) (Govindadvidaps- naire SaNesnicuy Dowd and Suppaitition Works} Geeyiglneberitta. Viswapspraucpo, 7:2, UGrabapamila, | Viabgctisoase Toa — GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES, 358 rie vyavabara- isdn, Pha TADA, 0. (Grammar of Uo Tlign Languags. Caney (W), of Ginrvanarts Sauron, Orinyestte. Apvanieans. Csi t Convaraion, Anglo‘Tlage, Kons tara, D. (GsidetoRasy-weting. _Veiaqa-sviat Nava Guide to Teacher in Nature Sealy. TAMAS ‘sancican., X. slimekbaiarectartrans, Sa-pateana Sists, 1 of Bajhonndry. (Got akgoale Tear Aza, Gapamasja, Sones Hau, Garutul-pabatika fesmusatay} Tov ‘ADACARTOLD, Gara Ponisas— Stone pura (Garner (oa, ‘ae sivenama-deeiyan Sergio insur (Gare gueiaaViniscuicano, GGyonu Dodhini, -DEv-fatean Visvannt Walanyeahitoyany, SHelsou! Saba, ‘Ninivaya Mone 8 Hanaingiktble, Lax, i and Deeks saga Langage Gout (8) Hanwue-vjeyanin. Kigtant Aon Tanunad-rivdmme [Addai ofan en nin ysshnrbgati | Gorvatra (ya St) Shesatnlame capers Seer Hewilisame, Sutin Ta bigpoe Kitna Baton Hathcregename, PAearie an, A. HasguakaaVentataatvava Sere Hritinnpa uvyuicus nbs MANE Hevgchndrs-onbpsasuna, Riva 84a Sceanen aitndrnetha Hanes Rwicuinrs, Weheatures, 4. Vinwantuares arigehandn-vilisu Costaainoh Diva Pano iwearra Tarigenoniopdyton. ORAS —Stmteperaye, ariehandopyansont. GAN Dit ‘Gada Maem, aoMaracuanyOLD PLN, ‘Seana Mayra Marigchandrpthyneatabgrabaine, VERRGPA- ‘Tren Saat, tere, Martuthtaratgin Vista SIST Z 0. Tartan aankaetata ito Fron arcrjgums, Keno, Hansa, [Addeua) Bigs Moctaalsaates, "ui (commeoty} ‘tavruaans Rowan ser Haeyetabarl —Vetearsevnnd Riv, Hacyesatjvanl Vinseuteawy, i Haeyetamsigini- Vinaaanna Ri, ch ‘Siauicnterout ‘Sandal, Masyaertaatams, Matyi peaks Matin Et fF). aya laine isp, Maxteaea Sone Baa lata” Lava sansa, Ch Addenda) Laxsutnanssneiaw, Oh Howie rant (2) Willeanodieelaewitama, ——Mfprruysara ‘Neus, aia Winda-digechaten MansDRN ‘india sir -Rabale, Vina-ndcaavd ‘cuinrous, ind digits, ‘Devt Saneie [Addenda] Hiou-tari Mons (.). Minddcarnssiatrsanigrbams. S1¥av0% (.1-) indamabsjnula atasabba, VINA“ ‘nat, Mindirmindaivepanisha, Jonvsrox (B,D). Hinde-mata predrpame, Donan. Mindt-mataabla Vines uiean K, indtsmata- viride thasjank GORA ‘Yaeuinoa Wiadtnndr, Vina wanna Riv, Ch Mindgvivshaels, Vina sea, inte aheiteemsigadann. Doers, Wis Tits Braue —wNew Testament — Cagle (Selon) isory of Todi Masson (E, Bonet) istry of Tis for Haye and Gil, ‘aitank Dev Sune Miavry of Joh DaARieit (). inoryof Salvation, Poatesera, ara. Sina Disupo, istry of the Church of Christ tthe General {Cunell of Niwa Pano FH). istry ofthe Disooery af Aterion, Roses or, History ofthe Rverating Goepol Newt (1), itory of the Milt Zasnaday a the Vieagpatn {Atdenda] Dine” Abgrvoyoara Nisa, Za Mieesail Pesooteat Postcards, ipa (i ox]. Moly ble” Taoue, Hn loko tral. Sra-gatmana Payor Hnterand Arjna. ‘Daher Hymna Heras Lyme and’ Syst Soogy (Addenda) Dien @.W). UNREAL INDEX OF TITLES, 68 11 am-megunany opel atypia! ann gre Tsthans [by J. Rall Besras, otatey. Bean © pentantrsane Iicdeiyame, Mood Paqant lain Conrrstion ei Kewling Laon ‘Suosvisa Vanabict Incaroation of Chis. Ber (W). Idee to Hinde Mui. "Bees Indian Ivideace Ac, Isoid—Lapdative Cen, Idi Law of Contmst. Iva, Laie ‘own, Todian Lnlaoa Aet, Ix. —Lepiative Cows, Indian Popal Cole.” Iyout-Lepidative Coen, Indian Pants sod Drags we Kegan Bi "Napcans, dian Regtition Ack Tuba —Lapatiee ‘Counc Iighdimamelo Klaryrapsebaapayira chy ‘Doxasta (E). rb -vartnya-iyahireraans~ YimubaAdlawealava hatin, Mt “Fvowoava Nissin, Indrainiyeilisanbo. Sunnanayopo, 2, J iglndurdoacbartramn. Eyota, glade. vous Tighnclaralacaidya-chistany, Piua Pata gah nigh. irl for Youth, Inupe-kamara In wom snl we trnt? Canny (2) I, Tetvangpenstat Vnanienane Tlaggtes of te Holy mite (Addenda) Nunes ED Taepartatals, Ancor the Chistian Baligin tue? Ivanlon. [Aadends] Soor (Sir W), ‘agent ndtngame ise, Tganathestitmyame, —Sanvbgone ‘Togau-nthe-partabe Jacana, ‘Igan natant vila ‘Kar Jagurnithayogisatahame Viseareqoe, Pisa Vina Simin bran, Jae. Jaimank gpilecanitarana ‘Tltr-kannendiakama. — Nkos-auosuayeoe. Sstocbanl Vintpensheamo, Samtiiettiamme Rare Visesacatioano, ‘inaktattaaams, divantest, Risso. Brows (CP, asa camera Paaxiga nue ‘Bena Son 350 JHositsistary, Arracacsanastnas, ‘Jotun nrwanapeoasunass Phasa Tg, 1 ‘Tita thahaa, [aienae) strainers, (Gorstasiearya, 2c ‘Titakchandsika, Visage Digaitra ‘stake pact Vatbvann, Sayasad-candarkn pat, Sonpana: nova Ry, Tayeramerimegtakama. aM, ‘havybendrtaer. Suaxsness(W), “upecaraiiaersjeatasirena, —Vieumanes "Rit, Ch Se pabalimitone, ‘Hvrsatr-aaigraam, Savinoasa Bean, Tacit ‘TdoeLethgal [Aden] Rasadvabarane ‘Teinbdhink,Dv-gasan Viana ‘inwlahas. Gaedza Siam, & {Teanentrgepadyamola, Vikas ‘Tnytatatva kanal, Casa. Koyo Tiina paipdps-annblha-ttta- Kiana, ‘Masti Dis Sidoianamn. vara, ‘Tnn-pakini [anshation of Bala-képds), Vise Seo srpanndaba-vigih vata -aala- at arma paa-kegeccbggans, Vasa Ehocxtasn Sept “Inigtvisitha YOou-vAsisepuaazuarana, ‘Taloweapaddiayoki astaipam, Cannon, “Ttoiayauae Laxoro-xanasta Raw, P., niogpedoram, “neraboron, Tdi -KownUar SiwePyyer“Thowas-Lispaliyama, — Vaaeoka Pansanatn Sista Joba's GonpeL BUe-~Now Tetamont — Gul, ‘Toatcn and Macey diplayed [iy Il Towuley} ‘eure, Ayitisatvshayan, ‘art Raion Ie, Si atinediatabmirane, | Navauaavisa, PS Kidanbar. (Aden) Dis Rial Buaiwaves, enntsla-vjayainn, Axara DHORKLON Kalo‘ichint KyasuyacnOnns Rise, lvelakra Kit, Klbait'cartame. Gunv-svivary aiiasemalainynie, Dadsiat, ‘asbsgvre- hela paarstrtara charter Sunacet0y fe ‘items Vinucpeamxoea Stix Kilo ia. ‘Vidura Sresiouata JP. GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES. 80 eon — Leiltice Kali pomolaya aang ou Saba Kateperidayams, Sona, PA aluvatiVESEapA-kinA Re Kajilaams, Keaton, ejiowbarteama, VESRAPA-HINGNGD4 Sanaa, Oh. Kiils-chavitapokangame — Visiapscnii Usa Sanaa, Ch T its kéral. (Addenda) KAU038 iii, Kita au Sse, ili Harhatha, "Kasnavva NGVODU Kaigermendanain, Vaseveacratt, Pu, Katyamanlanams, Nigeusaae U.P Kalyandivtkaamed, Niassayoou Kona Raut Sarvaninvan, KemalGva-pariysin VHSRMFANARASIWK "tio Narape, ‘ématnnchatha, —Kiwaama, émaodala. Kiveaxa ‘Rit Tsanea-et, Kessnincangechairans. Tanniikana Ri Kimitdangunedasbanams, — Buowcaaves, Mc Kanraaiyatelachariewna, — Pouayas—Daur- ardi-epoperdna Kémslarchiotanans, ‘Ranigvarv gata. ‘Teaxvsox (A). Kanaldigl Satvisioninrow, 2.4, Ranakasajte-gikhamap pavgnyama. VSIA vasa, 2. T- Kiekivarade“aj-ongalothaunyame, Vist. a Sie, ¥.8 Kandicpayictrivil Arscowanasoynan, amet vege tinge kava VENEATAC seta Ki, Kagab-ne-gu tanta, thant pata Aprinoi ‘Vihxara-sana Sik Tky Nava, ‘anyakd-castan, VIMMALLAtYA, KZ Kanyakdmbikejayama, Kisctsonn Sis, ‘Maripatli Kanyakd-parmégvrt-harituns, Avrivy Ser anya permtyartdandakann, Tatont¥ar 8 Kenyakeparamagradeadalaion, _ Sonva I X- ssineaiva I, anyahtpramdyrarlaa, fe Kanyakivijyame, —‘Rivivesa-nisope ‘anyasullam, VESnapsrva HKG, 0, anyeyukama, ” Wadga-uisoan, K Kuyoacupdale — WaNRconania Cuaron Kops dambhibasidvat.pabasname, Ont saraya Sst, Cr so Kapiladeve-hatiaaneidam, ia prise plete ‘Kare-ipeatakama, Karmbpasdme. ‘Karnujarvam, Kareena ary rasta Poniens Baga. [Addenda] Kane-viure Vesiarionata Shavi, onacnisina Man Tani atts, [Alena] Gna (2. Rage Kiptomjilcktiale. Somayxa Diksur Kastrilabam, Duvoason Ri, Kati [Upovishai, Unusinaba Kathtsttaiginms, — SiMaoEvh, Kearns PUnLpAS—Karme:purina. Keumnlpeprinayame, Sven Rau, 7B, KaveChaapperstakama, Citavparna. Kavilitaytervavami,” 1AMANOJAOHARYOLY, 2 ‘Kevifntijanamn [oommentary} Tua Sonvoe. Kevijaneraijanama, — S0naya, 4B Kavijietamals SaLaeauOhet, KevtLingansegtakama, Jaseavuvop Kaviittuma, Diouranih 1 Kevirijumnieaihnama Ausuta Maxem Keviradaoaya (i oo) Kavisuiyayevisheblams, Stata, A. Kavigi-elayams [oommentary]AtGeaLac Kavi. [Addenda] Pexioniat Pomscastors— Pithapsren. Kéeysnhireanigehamy, —Nazasi Buorisopo Kediegaravrata-kal ora), Pondyas— Kindpaisia Urawauane ‘Rindpanishnd pia fommentry) BALa-soumane stayva Tati t isin VEREATA-AUREA Rit épranlalama, Vekeapacaxsenl-psa Te. Koy tothe Acts ofthe Apatoe. Case (3), Kiyiretubeabertrama,. Mafonasa, imyiewostaryaine, VBheapioranasonté Rie Nivaoe bsrtieionms, Inoth—Lapidatie Conc icaka-vada. Laxtn-ranastant, & King Bnporore Coronation Drama Tiurast ‘sist, Dy and Visayan Sisra, Ch ing Lor.” Stansesus (W.) intdsjeigema. Duduavt, ivtnalspusakamu, Butt Testament — "Potna. Kivtamle Heras irtnal, Kistanaigal. — Tvicaonisa Svar. GBNERAL INDEX OF TITLES, Nanas so ‘elghal so Papatla Nena Sth gti gieeshamala. [Addenda] Nusa SHsTu 2 ishkindkindams. Vans laptan ain dayesiynypeeand-loamaml, "ives, ovila Laxsmn-wanasink Rio, PY Konduicharteama. GUnt-bua Sane, “Késkoodemabatiecn. —"Vasuapacaanyand, K: ‘ott bandana, Dia, ‘Kota rondavatragatlpuotikama. Veith areas, Mela, ad Vindsasoas, ula kath Cuts, he Keasaraerastusiva Thos (W. B). Krisionhispetidalimmgtaiain, | SiMmamess- ‘un, dt Kyispedeveriyechaitmme —Siuaxima Ri, ‘Vina-sia Biv, ch Krshoa jal: aida. SORTA-RinranA Sst, rip riirhGnbend marapegstnann (Krish hnta' Wilh [Adieois) Bateieecanoea Cuay= Pr Kyidionkarpzorta, — LIuKg0Ka. isha isthiargename. [Addenda] Naya ‘Shera, P Kyinkgels-vioosikame —Sésutcusnven, ‘KA. sige nigskams, Bucsasca Ric Kyinbpepaichavingateratoemdla. Appa Dis, Kshyergyerioguma. Kowina Duonsay, Krinncjamecattrama, SURYA Rang AE S Kfisinasfam-rvaiams, Wesray Acme Kisbpegtakame, Sharda Iai ta sina Pinar Siigoy charts, Dat ‘lado LakulaI-sin-enasi-julaka “risineytete, Bean, | Mota saljan’ sands Comrie Re. [Resmatasemtandbam’ sina telage kanes val ‘race Kutdtenigha-chritms Pape (J. Kripilimevigrius yaar Har (J), Kote nibendians BG otis altandbanayokka Way (Gey). Dita Parent Kabatrigéledharvd, Paowasta Rigo, Kabeteegeitans, Newite 0), Keatraye-palaybala, Ksnbrexrra, Keclgpabipianme,Gagyo Daan, ‘Vesapaiea Das ‘Vinigesoasy, [oom aldbhimdoam. a Kolichire-pstaba, Ponosuoerane, teeny, Vesapiaeane, X, Knmiveatakama. MASoar¥A Komistglakame, Vidwapoiinastanny, 2. Kamudvaesiaigadbirame, Buea ncnivasoo, Kopodahirakaah Mara, Karmepuniga Pokus, Kanu porgasimasigiame. Lixsmwasa Ri, ? Koya Késakondarsayaam, apeievecaitam “Append ‘Kgecavrnskame, Kosaka ‘Voseapa Riv, 30, ‘Vanni Hsyaon— Summameuvriyvanan, ‘hoousuasi 2 awcotasta Rigo, Z Kol-rketigans-visama,. Kijava DAsv. Kuquuin-sapebani MMuigeAd Ngan Mose SEDI. afuiaao, wvalainsod- pags, Kevalsiqreehariene, ababa-pepigamn, —PaRowa-raerea Taghivepakernan,Visteatachaaya Sore. ¥ Takshmapemebehbe-ndjakan, - RAMKWCICaHAE W010, Firumalichrge ‘Aveava Dixans, 2 course Nauivaya Nic Talaltniiyapedieteclattrams, Minas na Sana, alshnaseyaniyana, — Laxsuet-winivaga $e ‘mi KM. akshnt- apis, Salanionines [Doula and Suportins Werke Jalahptondanevjgyame, Tua-cuanbops, XR, Talent, Rioiewaye Sy Talit-rsya-ndna-oasm,-PURANAS.—Dral- ‘isdpering Lalo Gaubae. SuxaRa-RoarrA, 4.5, Tashiyigama, —Lati. List Jadgment, Beta, Listes on Hada Msioe Dnaaavasra Rie, ‘Latter fom the Minister of the. Christian, Religion to the oblate ofthis Coustey. nan, tery, Mu (8). Lot Kalidasa VEseaqa-sincusa Sune, Ch. Tifeof.- Quen Viera Ving uisenst, Life Givait Vesnapisusayary, P. Lief See Kishin Dovaaya. SOwK-NKIU Riv, aE if, Seon Vonnkwmasi Salah, Riskatayt Tito of St Dikita—Minwayva Same, LfeofSel Vallabasharya Govivon-bin, A: ib of... Se Vgearama. Cajal Ta th late Mabsrjahof Vjlemagarsn RACs Serre GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES, 04 Tutivat. —Tasxarsotiors. Tidginnegtakamn, Tatoavanyo inguin Sorvey of fndin [Addenda] TU, Lingua Sufdowteveie Rasa svio KAU. ony. Larnots. Lives of noble Women. AcncnAnivt, 22h Tosklay Hall, Tinsra0x (A) Tekacistalame.” Niahvaya Rite, iad LBkdwanerivdaw. Vinesuscany, Lghans’Taluge Copybnokx Loxewais, Gres, £03. Lapidus. Lieinun, Take chita vatya bina. pubbe-smishira (ob - vartainame) "Tyo uae Wakes Geeply Hibik Now Totannt— onpele. Mactoth,— Suaxsrs CW). Mada Malin gpilewtalama, —DArowva Gaetoataaivop. Mudacrdbans-cart, VESKATLOMARYOLD, ‘Mathavenilan, MSouava, {[Adlenla) Maouars Madhava Vilyéranyechartraas. S4PR00-XOR, a. ‘Viesph Kavi and Riwa-sisya Msdhaet-madbokarama. SivagasnanaSistt ‘Madhupacibiema. BaUiaton HA ‘Madna Civil Cone Ach TsDIA.— Zeyiatioe (run Maghacmahtmye-stt, — Pouiyas — Pad ‘porte gh: mdse msiyam. porte Mat bta-riagama, abi brat [x fs) Mati atagtatame, Maat yodlnal-vinarynann. a Sa, CY. Makiediremanonama, Paxprrtesoava Sri Mahigin Psuxiea Riu, 2.5. ‘Mais kav- Bhara= Ut jedtame ‘Sonvuninivaya Sivou, AC 2 Mabi-kai Kalida chair, nuin Sun, Ch 7 Matd-piriyne, Para inant Dasvpo, Matdsuhtrwcbarie, Sebuvisa Biv, Ch Mahicrdkyaatnval, Uransans Mahicvicbavtr Taras ‘Mab yoghnandimyit bapa all naa! Faaaeease Riv, F- Maldyaenaye-painonare, — Buooa8ca Hiv Matialrerjayatnn, Suohtva Suse, Mahilekai-oin, — TAKSHMSHHNs, 2, Ponigaa—Pt iveano Sou, Rina-tseev00 3.0, ‘Nnere [Aad Vasant ‘Vewnata. 306 Mabipasisiad. Mastrepraas Makara etait Navene. Malt Riwacrasone Riv, 0. alt natin Cnbasiyems)DAvA-MHO Mlaisigheiyame, Kwaconaxoren 1h Dsta-vsentamVibearicnataeo, Ye rusia Keister Aca, ‘Svante “u8eany Msjavitsanimitrama, Kaunas, Malincrisyam TAKNE-NARAaDHE, Mallethapallya. Buasoeeaat Malone yagematatame, Maczixa Malika-narutame, Malina gta Manas ide Ta nares, 2 Minette, Quan, Minaeevairugrntaianon Bastar Manascttslyame Mfanssatabination). -GiriLa- "ssa Tones, Manne satan liga Kalagand Ui vchirgaan Taare, Mansa tana Maneatis, Vanaaaa pee Vanna, Mandakya (Opanisbel}. Uravontins Maigabeirmistnysnn(akatn), Via Taran I Maplin en A Su Mayitrayt Sannin, ‘Suposttions Works] Masi naokartyan, % ‘Unoasoa Raton-vies, Siavaeaiaona weplakamn Vaseagae [Doutyat ant Rivacuanons Sir, Pron, Pontcarions — lr, Mancharwsiagyvaresatakame, — Posvsudrrancne, Bacsasoa Le, “Viscapiai SiSnaeivana, Manirassram, NAMASiWaM Mantras tye vivarapana, [AdJends] a1 Tixssiavan. Mansalof Alaa, Marval of Hig ‘Manual of Hinds Law. Manual Lao Txt Monaartes dra. Manr-dartams, ‘Manavangnpartpam. ‘Manan rachanviarnae, ‘sna a, Pout Mons vasa = pki, Team arsenate gotichiand Mavfiaeatamens gurebinad. Swwasnioarr4, asa, ‘Sraanor (F-1) Cours (2). ‘Beamarva NW enon, 4. Che ‘Vinnie Maire, PF Ris “prakigiedaalandhnme ounos (1. W.) ar (3). OBNERAL INDEX OF TITLES 6 AMiskapdiyuaitakane. [Addend] Porvenirsany, ay. Dandie parpame. —Mivara Masta. Poniyas. Msckndiye-parpwainsugtobame, Laxsuayn iu, 7 ak sha nya bans gab vartamoam, 1. ‘rina evar (Mark's Caspel). DID New Testament — Cane, MécweusdreceyeRigénamy. [Addenda] Dinu Mariage of Sakamanjors Sastvsn It, X. Mariags of Sonandani StsivAsa Tv, ‘Mactanda- allt. (commentary)Nizivaya Tages, Anent-p Mayiehaka-vshoeM-ocasmoslana gol, ‘Goubox (FW). Math dvb eta « Kal Coat - ath) TPunisat.—dariatyetare pur Mati (Mata) chit vrya balan pubbe-ratans ‘hat (Matthew's Gage) BALE — Mew ‘Testament Corel, Mayaridugie, Mavs, | Meir of Petuntoring. Bruty, | bees kaupiknspinn, Views, Ko Meroantof Voce Suara (W). Mira den ginal Goxoow (. W). Meuprtaye Txtscmar Moar. CuaLinar Samus, D. Mind every thing, PoRUSIOrraw Miiacvivalainae — Rawanas, Min iaenighant Bow (C. Midktrg [oommontay], VURSNER¥ABA. Miretielawn. Tabeia-rartes, Blteclatimase torabign Mala radtinramila Ua, Warts (1). Modern Bash Wisdom. Steahiiasa PANY oink easy Novae, SP (Mobae-dharma, Mati-stara Matern Ter Pion [Ste paren) Mokatamargunn. shane, Mole Kobi poyyé doen,” Was, Moka uigegtakama, EASeAYYA Nvabo, Mollersniyamen. Bou, Movlika saaliton. —— Vasuapiadaacsrday, 5 | Mra Baten Tiras Re Mores Vitamqeo shiitano dignam deliveries (oe Staglee Costus, HOU | Morning and Ivening Prayer. Tarouoes | Mrkvakatikames Soonaxa, Muchitundopaktiytooms, Sixh-suspana Ri Magia Uhryarmaehi mapas, Vinigicuican Mai ginacingat Viswapasanaarann Wace Nara. Modserihasnn, ‘Veskana-oara oer Mowers, Menon "Nana Bua, 4 Keesha. Mokandinands-bhagam,Kigh-rar Mukunderighoewcharitramn Taxstwt-xanvso, Malestinldin Siiclaooy (Dita Kav) Munule;jooetalpalama. TARRIDANGDY, | sihgane Teacher Dunant "okt —dadras ‘Mumah-ped Manda (Upaniebad unica taka apy ddara manus antes, Durer of Feehva Narayana Taw, Nijeealabatne-ndle Nidenimaya.” Naot uicvijn, Nig [Nadota tila, Vikgatatoawy, X: Naishadhama. ans, Snuxinne Naloga masa vara Kritaanigha chart, Poms. (J.B), Nalachaknavt ata dvd ‘ou, F Nalechalrart ital Naleclarer, Draawaxincsrroy, Saleem, Nata. iliyirdieyarabandhas, Niworlggioisin (Amare hig). Auana-sos, ‘Name of Trshminieal set Peopiadnreoe ‘Sau ot tha Bold Crop own nthe Aaa Tresideny. Mantas, Naw fidwedl. Har). Nintijeswoiarscame Toran Ss ‘i Visexiqvasa Sit, Oh Monartarpana. Maks ‘Mabe adetapd Makanda Pruoncat, Poatce Pyar Loxiouanean ‘Vnusentana. ‘Vitacisoane, Ke ‘asa, ‘eis oise, V2 Naot Rinavionie: Prooaaa, Avvinoas Néndsincvigracnighante, Vigts Rame-mritmmas SAesoa-snasoquan, Oh Nande-nandane aiskame,-VisiapAaaape ‘Nadir kant -ngjans aise ‘Maneayonra Suu, K Nenmapacthaiilarcartnine, — Dnameayva, X, icbaltittna. NAA, ‘irae Partravay-oupvddnma.Aysava Max Niraleapadareaune. Visbgnuiscax0, X, Necrbagralaineptalams, Goreasviat Nerakaire-sjayn. Duta SO Nawepativangerals Visnvanaasn Vasatea 8 ampulvjgnne, [Niraia-dset-yodyanula. —» Natasiona Disu, ‘Ndrdyana [of astetypanihad), (GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES ma Nanceana, the Gad Tassie -ranasrt ‘Néryae-atakom, Nermadi-paratalyam, "Riu, PV. ‘Ntievints Dakar, ‘Vicia Nadnemmuigann. — Pxuasivaray Disvoy, Nevkilariitumy, — Tyauaciva Seis Nattch Gir Tinuaasoa Re, Gonieaxmnny Navaniguikul, Viessucusoame, Novendthecharte, Gama Sasa Nevesatoeivilia’ Vaiuapaaaaarys, KA Noveatiadikama, Siasaieana Sista, [Nevie-aisipvacata-Lhapdandpanyasa-durpaye ‘malsame. Rasoiouanu, V Nevvularimeyajunn Vattst—Hseayen “Append Nagadugilanathiowchartrams, NaRasinuons ‘eave, Noykensyata-prakaagema, Nanash BuoeAuny, Nataiennijalamna, Dsus — Append. [Nosocomial yainayoma, Toatata, 0. ‘Nowhi dopa Vinbjuoawe, X. [Neti chan, Pafonactavra, ‘Nemmulavinaranu guidlines, EsDia— “agate Gone. New Soon! Standant Header, Vxigap-naraant, Matis, and Vintgaisean, K, New Tatament, ites ‘Now Testament Wiaory.[Adende) Mactrax Gry Now Tesament Stories, Dinu — Append ‘Nidinna Manna (Addenda ationara, gjegoreatavaine Vannanatea 80, A and oun Rie Nijlga-Chikayyongtekama, —Vananavicuine vou, Pe. = Weronr-ionie vow, KM. Niepiregite StauieuaLawy, Kaa Niletontl-vioame. Pahat¥a, 3 Nilewunder paigayamu Toa, 1 Nilisundat-paripayensfakame. Nau Suit b ‘Mind Stn NinskajopaMiydnama. —evoaavea [Niepavade-praininame, nwuaton Te, Ninwanestdramula. Arava Dies Nirgomakégdama. —Tigue—Old Testament — Teatteh Ninguyesdlenntkarpams, Grins ‘Yacuaon| ‘Nirvachane-evaradarpenama, — LaSouonivaneno, Pa Niagunae-gatakama [irvachanare-rimtgsonms, Team Suva a0 ete, isha Nba, [Addenda Nees Susre,?. 'PaSca-nanton, Vindgauisoan, tons (Praga. ition AMANDA, Nienistrame Nee otenstrnigralunn.Mrrruysava Noga Nicqasemas BMARERLIAEL itivakytmpiame, Sona Tho, “Nite larmichaeases, Tats, [Nitynm’ nine saedetharten New (8. [Nityinoeendhenams. Ayranoa ‘in ain aryame, Prance (W. HL, ‘Nim aina Kept. Kgl ‘iru winapayngtitams, -WARblaw (J. 8). ‘Ninn’ ainsrashane-marpam, Dawaox (W.) [Note on te Live of Tele Duets aod Satoan ‘Sonvasrativasa Sara, Dy and Sexanaaiie Shera, ¢ ‘Note om tho Telagu Tox fie tho Matiettion, "Vasa-niMANts0Ly NAVODU, a oder isiphagetakame. SESUArrA Nunley Teait—Oli Testament — Peat, [Nira jing. techndlayokie chaga pestle mi ‘Natana Bobil-igla lath Nitane Kon-leykae, ‘atena nanan win, Kagwearra Nivopv. auc, 2 ance ‘Natansnibandhae-grntbamallal kata, [Ad eos} Mactan (C.F). ‘Nolan nitwndanaranamalin’ Kahala, Dace ena Nof-eimilrypatla praayama. Tnvesvow ee a ysinthum Satan Opiate arnayanin Ness Maven Out Tetstaent Dies, 05 Gusta, Portelenin, On Dosth, Gono. W), On Holey. Betta Poneeni shu 8), On Pentel,” Guano (W.- On Rene of Mind, Besa. ‘On Us Tart of Chit (nthe Stall Poe and Char. (On sho Worship of Jogannath Ordo Satin Was rien Mons, Cnneravioe Mepanori Orta gateoma, Tasocuisran, Othella Saaxeraue(W). on Liberty. Liseve(W), ‘Gonoox (J. W3. acan-inn, GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES. am Booas QW. 1) | Outlines of Chick Mintay Sivek. Ostines of tie History of gland. Padamels, Sun revarea, ‘adapt [oommeatary]. Twi-ouaxoadaxon “Satara admaporipn, Ponyas Palmavat tata Axawsioninvet, Palmis-iean, ~Gorosny (0) Pda pai Leese manasa Rio, PF. ‘ankvaya 1a, Dio ‘Vint ntonara isu, Visas, ‘Manisa Shera, Piunen rigata kata, Paiyamols, Pega Palpindioeyatarnae WM. Paljisaligatabama. —Sonava, V2 7. Palpitikeeayiga. Prato, olawtraSatasvat Ta Palavkaverekalpeells Tvicuswoarea, 77K. elleaposjedaal ‘Tnueast Signs, D, ad “Vinwasvana Sra, Ch, LadalantPadibea-kathaAxavrieni, X: Paichabbdaiyn Vooablary, Manotel. Sry Pichadosh Sivaya. ‘PaichomeKt-honuet:pchavmget-rat mil ‘Aves Daa Paschatente Cant), Vascua-ranr Puichactantnna, VEGANS 1A. Porihtecriams, Bucaatoa RAD. : ipjove proven, Pingevgremthany, pve ‘yum Dnupant Sista, Dy aad VEN- abana Sima, Ch. Papditerjama, Tinveatt Sins, 2, and Wes ‘ayaa Sora, ch Papgice reais, Shoawatisus Pago Piotlecavapnamn, [Addenda] Sonvaninians mi, 7 Poth, Ceanssow (¥), Dagsitla vars vapayamanane, MOLE worn (1.'T) gait, Vetatesemh Bic, Vinarta Ae iden) ar anonnda eae ‘oun goraslaraps semi ‘Ryans weary Paramnaaeearirn ti assnianda-gururls kata [vesoa ofthe Pars ‘mire gurivin ketal) Basou (CC. Pacaaabaryratnealt ANAATES ‘rnnitacchandik ommeatry) ina Sista, Chafee, Pare jalguent TAWinAnnA Svs [Addende] Haws an Paramdstn ppd [oommentary]* Somes. Doerner, Paka, Tarumbimerturrgtakame, aRongint, 4 & ‘rama vilakshaa-tiruy sedan brang ange Tam, KANNAN AYA Peston, Pangan, Ditaryame, — Uponi¥a antes Paste sen Panctatbartn sie anigabacn. Panjitsma. Aa Kav, 2 Panjim, SH-asS Kav, Tinatipabaranama, LARSIMTAAASIIAND, Ch ‘Tones, 8 ‘Som 10, 7 ‘Atea Dis, eltepabarapenitekan, SOsYAviNARA 80, 8. asin itaiatagismagh, Swen ‘pice. aguldiaegrenchama, — Bumt—Comple Bite ‘arnndaha genta spightama, [Ade “roda) Kuoes (C.F). PavigadibrkbanamslandaidhiGehiog, alban Tow goiohinaprguitiadvall. Extuat, eatgriyanie, Teva acon TOMA: SY Man eaupe - oe Vesapaabnures, 8 Porvat-pmiye-njakamn, [Adena] Goria Paget ita ainda, Tativatya- akan Pajacaigighavann iu, PT se of Mind. Batre, Vobix Hobtiaai-igutatha, VIR, , and Cuskoutsau, Polledinnecnrteam. " Soiean-oisu. ‘ola seul mid, rkam en. SeHoUsze (0) ‘Yoopot Pay." Mosriuee (ire FL) ‘el vellon rv peda yell” Vind as palpate. Suave, ‘Bik Complete Bake ‘Dousinares, 0.7. "Lagsan-xAnASA Peso [Addenda] Sivrersno, Pentstoach, Bais. ‘Panera siebaetn, wed hata peoegin Pilly, Torch Phun wad Karson, Pioheihraale tas Iie Sr, Piotr of Hagland.Jixaeack Ronavares, Mala Kouke pedo, Papayva Sista, 2 Strang. DakainysxOi, P Staniowsnvens, Vainara Sista, £0. Buatustya, Motes (rs. ‘Visage Svatgcuata rast 1 GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES, an Toes Women, Wows, Dipierjakasitram, Masta Pishwa Nevyuqa Eun. inacplsy, 7 Piilara Singuyokka chores Pipette, Yast Pigemalstta Banapvdsa Pralundlalpa-vallass Petootat, Pomc ox —Beswod Prabandhaajeraagrare-vjaya-vlnma, VES ‘aga Kav, Gaspar, ‘Vsti dail grat tin. Plavarisrancpo, MK. Pratéthachandedayant.— MatuarvA, XS, and ‘Sisearya, Gh ¥. ‘Deu. Prabécha-chaodrGlaye-nijakams, [Aden] pea Mish, Prachandachiakyams, LARBIOT-NARAsI4nS Tau, PY. Prachapdayhdaveaitalauon, — LAKSux-aasty- maw, Ch Nisa. muosnaep0, ‘Vesteara -mananavra, Peele navna va, Pradpsmndnanansfkane, Prndyanin nutans, “Ananda Prohie' ( dia padre) ‘Sirk-ninate, P Palen Pra sir, rake ndfaan [aon Prantina. Sisco, P. 7 ‘Tinonsnivansoninvene Prakyeiaitnmn, | Lecce sera K Prop Suaarane (W. Pramada-itnn=dyha, VASKAqA~ anasto Prapadanepiejanina. —-Kipaxpa-nioares, Daapilla Rasn-cussona Craqponionies, Prasutgetagva ras Ninaanquvee, Pras ghar tks Ls sana Prstonejolave alae ve, Ch rar (Upanishal). raya. ‘Anvacuaea ‘Ni. ‘Sadeani [Doct ext Suppose Werk} Pestevika yada. ina Sis, Psa-noneaar [in a) Drtiperadyame, Veseaphniva Siem Prathnmdliyanrpuaakanny, Sinnacrina, Dik A cae Prathamakaeya- pam, ores (Wan ‘Stanientneout, WC. Priyiaryina, Pega, Hanseava, a3 ‘rie Baay on the eltive Merit of Manche ‘on Varucbation,Teoustusona Ek, Fe te Vropromive Grammar of the ‘Telagu Language ‘Aso (A. Tt) Progr of TelugLitenture, Vieapacrpsuyi Ty, KB ata" "Dini —0ld Patanent Pola ime ligGvadhstget rshanamsla (Pa. geal ativan). Kinucusoa Ava ues, P Yatinde-sgne Peaderalatayams, signa candi, Suaxarens (W>), ‘Pastime Dino ‘Vasaapeaioarsa, 7 apa inf. PPunedaradvuscbairase, -VISkATA-vErMALA opdtparn-karma-prakiyika, — Laxsont-sge ‘na Sivas, 9 Darpacatryagaliga-vivarma, — RAGHU-WinNi- ‘our oh orushnedkta Vea, oroshitime kavictartte Jom, Chendher. Pervichiye-pata. Shsasxicninven, F. aspa-tpacrilon —-Kisniny, Pan ‘Yooipeliiateatia, "azar Anta Pushpecripichairems, Won ately ‘vine ‘Bidhtsndiaveaibirante, ‘Nava, 7, an ober, ‘sohke-pripoyam, ViSKATARAMANOZA Sot Rsikiestracame, — Myooe Patan Rgmveihevptinente (area, Pan ‘Vssracrhonara Ligne pindetyana, Sons, PA Maghe-deveetigama.Dhivacsanivaeoe, Raghn-enpge Kianisa Tiahasyemani-maijr NARMS Sioa Risse allway andthe Seam Raging Raa sjmpen Bavsakoa Ky, ijehano-agakame. View aiouararra, PZ Ligeti pmyamnta.PaScracraten Tjnlyaedbareaaigpens VoRavatava, Iijesuteigna, Kixaxoant Msjesibiarsbartrme, Mata, Me Vingscutean, sjusthlarechartvimasyain. Baaleaya, « Rijeribaresvitan — Taeara, 6. jection kein Laxan Kanaan, Rijeteaipik, Kata /ENERAL, INDEX oF TITLES, wt Rejevidanajoyama, Mose, ije-rangeprapike, Laxey, Miajeyegwtnikarame, —Tasw-soon, Tajyogeatrabn. PoRias —Bhageonte purge, Takchanecharien, PURUSHOTTaNO akaapane gurihi oka sambiiabana. Jo sor (le). Rakshanipyame, [Rémacthtearestavam, Appia tara. éndthyndyame, TAotestaneet ‘Rima train, VENEATAOHAL- YA ‘Das. ams candrasiayam, ‘C, Rime-dangakams, _Sonav4, A. 2, Rial SaSaniondara, [Doulfl and Sop pntions Works idea jnanams, NADAWARANY 8 emacjanana-stakan Vistar, XK: eoackargpit SuSwamlonsnrA.” [Douyed tn Sappontitins Works) Dena. asu-xanasoany, Résackroiotjun-nésyayanin. SOea-pauana sir Rimsligiyeatakame, — Sosara, A 2 ame-ligeyrar-atsam, Vasey Suns, ¥. aa-migseutaragnms, Rixpiasinarax Dis Ieanmesataaing. Visi EAMAYYA, 77 Ranenétekame. Paves, Sananisa Daa Reosoujepabia, "Sirknlwouisrone, Y. Rimiogjeviomime, — Pusmuacsasat Dit earyune ‘Vasuarea 8 eanejyenyagune “Beutecraiate Se Tima-ayehaieame, Sulvvine Tau, Rameabanimame, Tawra Rineataveriame, Matearhuarrcee, inatiratargntakamu, Wha, the Gat ‘Rintyap-kianan, | RikavartA, a Rimayanamt, Most aut Ramayana atl fsaval VatoIK Rengyepa-vachaname, Riana, Kamthtrka-sanesda, Kasih embiee ofa Hee. Dawson 1, Lbmégrare-naldtnyaina. — Laxsinayene, 2.2 Ramloyame, Hasoara Enigeaithersnsyaname, Rasa xine. Radgneniga-ammakunoa Nadele annals avg covatule Kola. Katou nivant Laighripacnrtran.Nisivara Masta, Taggerijeckalseeamasthirams, Sh siva Ti, Bh Raignrijaaribhihtkame, Vasaaa Riv, a8 aight vit Tion-bthivai Tatoiranuorac, en Taam Vasieapgvo Hon Sayaka, ‘Som tu, Vl Tdgeaunyekeesakama, Pouyars 7 Taeemafjen. BUANUDATeA Mesa Kewepmakanqame Naeata DuOrhions Risnacchistimani, Ra-canna, Hasta-jnatand siamo. Tai, X.0 ‘Vnsapasanasiqns Ti [dena [Aatenda) Arr ‘arasoutan, P. atom mkt utneaahadgsiyekams, ‘i. Ratodval tov alsa atndenchartasa. ‘Visa seunnae, ‘Gorinaceesuya YA: Haran otra Siveaso Seat Seonnonstant Nave, Sutninaaceany, Maguceano, DP. ‘Asaore-oisu, X, and eva samira, ayal-bnpdi-Kanaa, ‘iva Tao, ayonabaskarmant’ charteun, ——$xI-wiaa~ orm, Regula Cant, Rou. Tlic to the Sia-barleral, Moweswoass 4), ‘Rigkiclvidapaama, —Buaxravasaata Nie Report of the Fist Congres of Telugu Panda "Tewoy Pavoree “Dh, and TuisKaROyO, Dh ‘Revenvelean-vd niluarapayataraval, Ma. Rogeebikitas,— Vintu-aioany, X, Sgeehikiae kmmwdipha, MUNA ‘AnD ‘Veta ‘Roc intnpaaton). RAMAAVAMI Sora, VF ‘ulvityiye(Radra-ebamals, Rada-oama. "vio takintgu-ndakam, — Baaoavavra 1 [Addenda] Theo cank- vasacsvie kitchens, Posiyas.— Agate ‘porn, Rskmineperinayambe, Thora, a, sanaavarenave okmigh-prigayama. ee yatta nana Sittetakstagaesgrabapus Cuenavs Soa ‘Sibir SAtderatedenn, Sitkxioioninrene, B ORNERAL INDEX OF TITLES om Sabdirwclanisika, — Mannoraanerne Moa Salatethaeine ‘Toone Rept ‘Sabie uous Vatvarom Se, XG, & Co Sabideparannu Masc-puteara Verna end Mauicnoanasa—Mdor. Ver Subbbratjeni. —Goeinacea Sich i-énande toda, 2 Such-chid-Saanda-rima-atakams, a Suldnsnda-ygl-gtatame nya Vicon Suevacniva Siore, Vasarea, Sanisasoa Vor Sud guneyigivijestio Mirada, Teo ea Svan, 2 2 Siahevjondoanderadj-nafjart, Taxra-varenea avons. Sidhu-ridatake-takame | Stiaes, Saiiv epdo postakama. TUG. Sal-ralyestrenn — TAUMBARIA. Sigurta, Bireaagt Siluiiva pansies, — SANADEEA Saint Joie (Lakes, Mars, Matthew's) Gong ‘inke—Now Tuarnent--Gusp. Saivlnt [Adena] TuSnonccaxona Cnaprd- inne Saivalnt candretkbaram, ‘tana Cuayonuone Satalitbnaigarae, —Dousinaves, 0, ¥. 8 Sekala-sviebiesangeaham, Tkowita-nisu. Silaletitba yawu malate, -Vasiaa [adends] Baten. Sisrun 75. Salal-viyhiacthat, sana —Visgapation, Sakafeptn irpyamey LAKSOML-PAT, 2, Skul talkin kal kat Guat, Ch, Srkunaina. Vintsusstoaae, Ke Sakuntla. Kawoina, Sesntla niga Sakuntalenplame, Sakuntateprinayam, iar * Pix View snaoavee, Sijor-sinma-rom-mant-taerann, Sti Prmontnt Posten: Mauuxinsonve, a. ‘Tag wauivayscninvon, [addenda Parasia, ‘Ronwa-sinta Masa, ‘Stange sdakama,” Vekeapicnanvunn, ‘Shdnye-prethana-puratama, Leis, ‘Sindnya-pnnapoakamayokin charity, le, Paovtes (1). Samer pite, Vusva.niouava Naan, and ter, Simbe-ighnots. asronaasoaty sr Sumpakaray- pays, te. Sup ite Uomo [Aan] Buacavarra Sasa, ‘Sanekytalokechandrika, Cnatachatt RU, ¥, Suokia-lokdktisnektava, Sa auteuna Pipes Sapsirttadie-niglante, Vice gtsarsa, ‘Smita. ANNATA, A Stnanddpasiyimama, “Thansa Kav Senatamaergis (Addenda) Mant-nainar Soatorjtagacra, | Manh-sthnarac Matern Verninn" [issyeparva) Suny wenden pinhshanayxjpavt-dNrapa- smantrmulaSqyO¥icVaNDAs Sandip tatveskddhitam, GOPAA-ISESA "Vaca Sango Senay, Vestn. Saguenay, Ssbgittillagyn naga, maria, G2 Saiyan. Vananiousevv, nd other, Sig darpima, SitknenesiouserOUt, Ke tnd Natasaionint ov, Saigtenerhandeyetakams, storsaM, @V. Sringeri [Aateods) Sovak Rae, ooo CW. [Adlenda] Kus [Aadends) Pome [Niwirapa Tio, D, end Setmiwute, D Seagterataskar. Sixsoa-ntva ‘Shogta-sampradiya- prada, Supn4-Rima ‘Dieenrben Snigit-srahgadaraifaos, Chua Vasxara Das. gle Stlaranendigraems, TAMAAUSANTA, TY. nigrum, Safreawe Shiga satya aiohand nkosi, Vina asa XZ Seip stint sbaioiayame, [Aes] “scavure aia Sten Saige sirshan, Sangia Teschandosm ‘Sobguaviyadarpeosns, ‘Sfowe.stun Nevo. Vinuaseayya, Kf ‘Vesieapestir Nix "ro, 0. Seéghopmyieamala, — Rnacavanra Tk, Scbyralerydearaonmn, — Saquasirschanvo, K: Seijvaripachariramt Sai igs taka, Sova nina at 2 Buvaayva, Saivi-purvirjndya-satakam, Siti Matra. Sotho, Vitae Vion Snikare-suyhis, Ponkyas—Stonde-purdia, Sailar-ijyaahvajama. Vebeaticrameas, K, GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES ma SaaihyS-Lipgame, — Date—Oll Tatatent — ‘enttech Sikh m= pakgiks, Sut vioviasnaceine, ‘vrsapa-sin Siivlyasatra Karu ‘Shikyaeitstame[owmmentary). Manicueva Shasvar Suikitaneratra. Toicacehuvva, 7 VIC Silaigertnayapaan.Vauait Sarre Primer. Haste (end Vigeaxnaea ‘sie Sonsiae Proves Chaacran Riv, 3 SoutandydRiytuata. Boapaioutaiea Siem ‘Sti prvam.” Mau-sunara Hada Pro [iw o More Paes], DMAicnanAtA Morn Prins ‘Siubtrgynmn Mascmtanata —Madern Prion [Zw or lowe Perse] Sopta gotta eiyamamdtingain, Ws sara Sista, 15 Sapte kiigore-ttigme, | SumamaprepeaR Ssrangadlan Vinu-tanne Rt, Sireageilnr-caritr,Visiapiassn $0 Siragudlurcharteame, occu, “ Shom-niste, J Vekucapinizy, Ch 2. entsea Vrsaga Dis, Skigulbar aisha, Siomiaxa Oavye. Sonam Ser By. Somunanvigeasane, Samet, Prontat, Poatsurse, "Hel a Sacral Vahate-paipgnon, [Akl ‘Sirmavin Sorasrattjyam | Sonara, VV ‘Struvat-erata ely rita), Powis — ‘Slund-purde Sarbatieall Daneangvas00y, A, Sarmiobdivioyama.[Addends] Bianapvionx, ‘Sloseamian, ‘Visathcuazan, 7. 7 Taneats, £6 ‘Sirtharpadactalpedream, asou-2AMiNUzayvs, Farvecbelayarsinaigrabamy. ‘Tint ‘0. Sarvrlataane itn ‘Voiara Kart, Gop Scrviminyaatkams, [Aldon Sinasthrna eau, B Sarvacmia-aa-snigrabaon, — Goetia-xgpanes ‘Yaentson, Surva-qui-mbédhiol, Salavistorsnven arene m7 even Sureoatea Upanistnd. — Uraxoans Ssbrakia, TiwWatoa Hao Siabrkbiysigayan. Chaves, Ch ‘Sau-haytvitdyanam, Maxoas Satur kte Haha in) Satdvalhiacaranne,Tinotart SAsra, D, end ‘Veskartgrana Sisrn, Ch Sahpaveathn via tata, VESKAPAKARA ‘Vingucutoane, X. Sathya Mas Travel Pannier Punaeisoss Sathya sm yet “ajay. Soavannyaktn Vebeaga iv, BX, and $s ms Sakathimaian, —AcuemanAnns, 0. Sitparisa-latebapams, Dowabuarsa, 0.7. $. Sativacabdlai, Puaooican Pusucatos®,— [Avra Kavt 2, Satya tit alga, aa Vinu-wansarya, Sucyatargeandra- nat ‘Kb Sutynlatiglandeyamn, —_Subsvdsa Rh, X itjerkic Sonvasninivase say, CZ Sutyen sina dan yun farvopadlyokk, aiksiipam, Casts, ‘SutykmacchamiiSdayam[Aldende] Acuvora: fea sara, Satyenirgagubarchatha, Beauwares, 2 Sicjenjaie Travels Vietgasoas, Sitpacrite pir -diga-yatralu Gaya Maes ‘Powel Vinbaiseane, 2 Sayemnvaniban, Penoueat Pomuearions— ‘ajay. Sutyemtjvat, Vintgatiteaw, K: Satyecarejyams, ANANPAoHARVULE, X Suiyavnta-sjgscajakans, VEREATA~ MAR Vintuoane, ‘Vesistasusn TAU, 2 ‘cnaraeats(). Satyartisaieame, Satyavatetakao Saagenedenighast Shipirblape nighents, Bins Appel yacredaanigta teal, Dime pend. Satjavatigtagani, (Adina) Notnai Siete, 7. Sanpanitikams, — [Adeada] aosskreasu, 0. rogeidhiha pratnasigraaa. APPA. Shyayeiane naga, Riwousionsayou, "Pela Swundarrgeakane —Jrevanv SOx Sunderam, TLVA-WARAYAUD Sivintdivicharee Siva Sed for Sada. SHERIDAN (RB), Feel History f foi, [ASenda] Hesa-tark ‘Devt Suave 1. INDEX. OF ‘TUTLES, 80 Sipe Toot in Seiptne Language, Tine — “Appenic Second Gengephy. _Grooran Stoond Felape Reading Disks Saseow. Sele Oe fo The Book of Cmanon Prayer Treat Selation af Teogu Chieti Tyros. yaaa Scetions in Teluge Poetry. Asuivt Navy Sekt Tail Tales Nauavayarsiot, 3 Stosrptickamis. — Basuicuaxoaa Catan Sermn on ie Mowat, Binu—New Tstarnent— ‘net (Math) ‘Shinra. Mastcbwinata— Modern Versions, [iar Sevimia,Tawiason Ri, SCvaldnt, Sirtniuaavin, ZY. ‘Shabarashanc, Stabaitnrathnavai, Varo Sey, A, & G0 Shad-rsunigiagt, | ABHIDULSA Shanta erode ‘orto MuDaucan Shatclalkrs-nvayanan Shilpa aragine Aina étela tha Cua, Ch ‘Storage abd adapted Fon of Moving and Evening ‘Matitona-wrry Mea: Masao ensixanoa Geers akon Prayer. Lincies. ‘Store Tolage Grasimar. Stsuavra, U Sidlltjnaelaneytaams, yor. ‘Sikharoia-gtakama, Sietaxaninnepe ‘Sisal (of Tutiyopannbed} ” Urasiaats, Sinhtdr-grainbatakame. Kons DAgvov. Sceadjamul Nes Sas Siguiieeaaiiven Tuvuasea Tw, Sigepaianata, Vinbacascam, Sietalyseamn — Shtsa visu ase, = Siboanicianreue, ac 7 Shi-mabidovistirati Kauss, Stesmzinyama. — PuRUsHlerAMOp, X: Steparnayeinn, | -Visiayianaya HAO, Ke ‘Surine-tidayapbu, Vin sicnavabisupU ‘Slt rinsjdye-n dame, Sterdajunkya-san “listha-asgrabnnn, Strait hnaya-ou Vise sngraban Passau Fase, Stirimeqatakawe. | [Addenda Tana iisoa mae Sirkcnioa Stirimetatectryam. “Teaver Stieasamvaria, Gopita-kina-bisuey, R Stewyamu Mannan, Swart POSKR4a —Pedsa persia Sw SubuviatenanvuLe, fl aa asap Rh, FE Sijtcharitrme ‘Vaiss ‘Sacra rj-carcran, Sir Nthd-tudht-rsann, —LaRbuoexkivaya ‘stern, 2. Siraepurns. “Punta, Siveralasyekingame.— PURiSAs.—Stane Pein vpdcaptomaae KS, Siverinadkahisynaba, —Srvasina Dist, Sirgaartatakoin Yue Woo, Sircgatahamn. Vikas Kav, ¥ oresvaraya [i oo) Stande-purn. PURINAs Sill Pox ao Chet,» Gonoox (J. W.) Stishicrjgning, Sostanaceta IayPicn a ‘Somm-garablyiayaia, -AwasoActanveu, K- Shue newly devo! South Ladin Moc oso ‘ons NAnASIRIA SHA ‘sme. Spocimenn of Sot Taian, popular erotic ‘ost. Natta Siena, 5.30 Sémigranrgaakann, Mauaxinatita Sarat, Porusnireano, Son-mili, Avra Pita CE. Siopamtea, Snags Bi Spel Instruction, Ixera¥eros Soca [commentary] TAM ANUA, Stenathahartran,Laeslsanaaavv, Sronivanlakshanams, Vash aasodctisrow. ‘Ste Veersalingun' cial Boga. VeSRATAS sunoa IXU, T Settle [oomentery).— Ttwxt ya, eehaehvayam.— TAnasU, 2 ‘St lajnene- ru uveeleieve soit, ‘Sono ign, Fe Setipiabestyadayamn Pavavgeasoyy, 3. Seekpihpealarkedenitlawe. Soxvawiniraga ism, Garton Sse-Arsiqa vibe xiakaon. de Seikrisinandfakamn, Tuovasoa 1, Sa-Stsinepatchavingatsato nla, Aeea Das Seekyishmegatalama. SMivise RAMANGAUD. Seta bras ness are ‘Viscapa Svmricuat nun Taken Eat, St Svendthneharitrani bax ncnasav, Spiighrn candy. [Adlemda) Gon ta Sant Sig hn omen Sriigetonraka kiya, Segara Spars pay rtata Efagieeae pon Sesuiourneeny, Visearaaiva Taous-sirta Mae suusason 1, GENERAL INDEX OP TITLES, a2 Pisa Vina muannuve, "Vixnecntea VA ‘Vesapacnasoncsetiu Vasa Sonata ‘Vises, NK Mauasioaeroy. Karromaaseees, 7 Moxowoe Kart st Naichar-ammakone Teasou savant ‘Vesa 180, Sigh tonite. Shigeo Sinica | Senin looper | Sivan ame Stvtnedndaa. Stain jae ce Sitmoare jn Siuige mayen Soups Strat Sak cen aaa te Senagerie tsi x Sroriavnipgyala dlaitena, Swinson siren, prune naib, s-Vitoria-akcavarii-klamnnn dn hihi shir Sega pip. Srungure Chania. iaias Suen Sra etal barra, ‘Shievisicne Pe (dend] Mezat Liaacaieran, {ews} ona swat Son Srackanhoekydonma, KAMPyvawa IX, | Setycat-sm-eigto, Vannnanusnic | sani Veatinlry, Svinte Avan ‘Storie tom Fndiaa Hinay.Vinu-atonavonite "uw, Ke surg of Mary, Gowvox (JW. Joursro8 I) Diesaean Viscanso Sour yter junta Stites om Hindi, Serdar thi Sia mig eat bas-katacnsaban. Doce Sula patala, — ViswaT-namavarra, 2.8. Si Malayan, | Vinbuisean, Stieakieugrninns, Stal Stealtigsty, | KessaW0ar Skiyrvamis Maui-wuisara—Moforn Fondon, [re a More Perea] Setvdya, Vista, 6 ‘Studie i ial Facts ae Wstry (GN) and Taavis 0). Sabteiparnaysnn. Tanaseita Masri, £4, © Visiapaaige, Ch Ze ve sr | Setedssumyuma. Subbaaita, Kucera. Sabbaaita-may-Baptia-harame, —Nina-nna ‘Sissi Subbed, Laxsmsayen, B. a3 Subba-rrtamioama, Thats —Now Tatanet.— Gant Sata omen) Subrabmanyeerjeyanbs, —‘Tehotnion BuO, Soiskahigyariayane — ANDATYA, TZ Shatin Pasooiat Poaesmos®.—Viaenra- saliva peta - gare eure "sta Yost, Stara ight tal Sunburn, Sadde-nishhpecnracna-kag-hste ‘ma. Vikan, Suliledbsiliye-st-kayioue, ‘ctaven 2 Sudha ‘wien Sdn tative kant dara ea Diao, Bhagat, {Addons} tea Doe oan-nksnvee, sifoanie ‘Ssukcuatawe Kee Saryaaema tata (Soleakamatakaramu). Ka: Mates DAA Ssogenerieyams, HuDaaryA, Soguofkancinbecatgucarie, VaxO}Sneazuns ‘Pans DEL ‘Sogupemijicveitekadatiala, — Muiaaean Xi ‘i Sejendnanda-raijita-mabjus, DIARTA-VATSAIA Narooe Sujaioestbiat, Donok-rasioa Ti, Suintaedipa, Poniyat—Sbande-prdns. anasival,SLoIALAw NavoEU, PZ SibiontttrproBdayemba. Nanasnyta Yoo Sijtinlayatse [Addenda Sopet ty Veagart ‘Solatrahinaknvalyame Sktmahdyihi-cate “VaxuLionnaya Pana ‘Soka-pashainat kata. ‘Nkvo0e, Po Sekasumpysda, Tau Sukacepeat Kanara Navaxvpo, * Bue junta, ‘ueea “Tira Duar, Sutnvina Ha, K: ‘Kmsuy6, DA, ‘Sufouanawe Sule Sulcus Stlakshapssira Sullind Chanda Dt Shinrkdmilnaam Snail Tesavany (A). Sumatistaland, SIDA crac oft Bible, ia — Append Senandaparnayama, —Suvian Tv, Sitedineomsemeiyemn Neng Sondara kinda Vitae Sadar stneatakasa, Setar 1, K: ‘Sovoanenina. OENERAL INDEX OF TITLES. Svea Rink Biv, Bara ‘Sanita sutha rouge. Mostar Nivove. Sapploment tothe Angleyayydyacatanank, Si00- anna Kk, Supe foommeciary) San frarams [lo Nwsnauiorene, 2 Surstigihaljapams. Sveti Strpiendnkyapnqatakame, NALAYARL piso Strpesatatuma, Licucuase Mavons Sostoenijyama -Hanovanta Te, Sila Tabasca Itt Sualemsindvaieata, Cuneearya, Ch, Sostcfakomn, [Ad2enta] Strnad Re, D Suglcrilisaa [Addenda] Gora kay Ta. Suthaenaparinayam. -ANKAYYA, Tt Suwarcaliparipaytea (Addenda) [aca woust Swvarmemila Plavantsatp, 2. Suvargeeiakialn SDRVA Tet, A. Suvértn uLk-—Now Tetaneot-— Gop, Stvitahama Dinca New Tatament —Cespl, Sevigapial. Hint Append Svintevat qeakama, Spier YOO, Seapnscphnledaepapams, Catactat T,X, Sear-yallvuiy,varumele etale vagus Must Srangelblerekbnme, Vinssiusoaw0, K Startesbactnanabaittams, PRODANNG, A.C, Svirshishe-mantcsanbavems, uacavanta Hi "Somaya NE owe Seatantye-daryona. Syamaatakenai Muu 8), Acscitaniatn, Syamantakdpaehygoanu. —-VESKATA LaKsul- ‘ebalula mii ptakama, [Addons] Nese Sisen P ‘aiingaaut—_Veas ‘witty amet byhonaa-oitya-karmfsh a "arenas ‘aisinyipaniiad, — Urarsuane ‘if-bbnntekaumadk, Vesiaacoonee Rie FX, Tulsa Hajstan, Laks nanastane, Ch ‘ole of Tutacbarys, —"Turicue Tales of Vikramarkn, Vigne, Teneaikame. Vint ‘Tayrprlagi, YouSigessa Siseu, ‘Topas eaqarenopaydoana.— GaSoLoaana ‘Marre ‘Tnkcbandyame Vise atsaves, KZ Tanariguaniou, 0 4 ‘Viscarana Rave Vesiarctat, 8 [Adda] San ‘Tsk yagda-nsakam, Tse savage ‘Tike vijaga taka, ike, Vaapar ‘inlay nd vlnm mil-vri Penvshirranrins {comentary) ‘Tursanyal-e-raton-mle and page ‘Vimuatacusnra, ‘Tejas anilteprpasakams, Conse (C). ‘atta, Pardon, ‘Teyaryo-tsdhial [eommentery]—AWMANicamn- ‘astra kinanla, —Takoa-xivaxous, P Totlvmale, Rawacason Avaanors, P, Tattrepeakignl”"Puntyas-—Stowde-porina, ‘etter lin [iotopreation). JSuNARaxOA "Ya ‘Tattrnanndon Kara Tastrestrame — Doresinarra, 0.7 8 ‘uitrasmayan, Phat Loekouiavan Teaching” of Jou Chest in his own Worl, Dinta—ee Tatoment,_ [Stone] TelngpoSeestions. Monn J.) ‘elogno Treslation from the. Book of Common Prager Lette. ‘eloge ae Bog Sl eed ‘savra Nave, ‘ologs aoa Pali Translation Gai sata Paso ‘eloga Ballad Poesy ‘log ble Dietonary. Cuasnsnity (1) Conaree, Tani, ngs and Hindustani ecaalery, ascoriuy Sort. ‘Telugu Chistian Lei Down (AH ‘Tlugi Commentary on the New Testament nue Teme eooo-xaa 50 Borue (1. A). ‘olngucFnglh Diesomary” Taows (CP). Piertae Ssieasa iain ungein Tolyge Pint Honk (Togs péthemls moda pstskame). Tavvou ‘eloga Fret Catechism, Carmen ‘Teagu Geograph Primer. Ganohara ‘Vesapsanas Sista, V7 [denis] tesa ‘Teluge Grummer ‘Tlope Myin ‘Tologu Hyon in Wagla Metre, Hvweats ‘olags Tonto. Teo. ‘ology Juente Moral Tastrantor, Sagan Paxoras Toga Mitanaa, [Addons] Bes (J. W). ~ [Addenda] Haas, ‘Tologe Matabborat " Mash-atinata-—Nenseya tend Tidian’s Peron Tega ‘olugunieanes Satmanocs, D Taows (CP) otiae Sanson Sse, 7 GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES, 8 ‘Telegu Pty for Chidsn, — Piravea Seay, eloge Poste Vintucaioan, ‘ologs Priner, Sta TAU, ‘Plage Render, Dow (01). ‘Telugu Sooo Book (Telugu renfo. posakan). ‘Ten, atogaSaletion, Morn (. ‘ology Spiling Asia, ee Dictosaus, Telia Story Heelers, Senau-nkrep0) fy a ‘Vgpu ska, X ‘Tatyga Tent fo tho Matriclation Esaniaton, ee, “SoADRAIE o> —Maraa— assert Mera, ‘elogs Upanishaln Ununits, syakarsamse, —Gui-diit Sista, ‘eageryalargesnigabamn. Snares U ‘Telagu Zoology Pvimer. [Alena] St-earra, au ‘evita Rae ‘Tapathioanvarne ypahyazame, — Gaiokouaue ‘asa harunakanatakams, VASKATARGp KAYLRips ‘Tae haere shatraan, Kran ‘hoor of Arbanusvis, Seat Sistm, 7 ‘hrfokasndar, SOhvA Tht, Torvtrmmaiinam. ”1sa-obe ut Ti Mlreayopnishad” — Uramsuane Timm doeplaksbiywdayame Timm turmoantharteny ‘Senne Senki, Tirnmantitham oommentry). AQAGITAANI vita Paso Tineimatestens fg Mamuhabu-poi Paar Tiewpall-epdu, Agrinoa. ‘Tirepetsla pabivema,Tavraru, ‘Tirestesdloeaseamesdgraamu, Kayeay Av¥s ieey-marh ARVANA Tiras riminae fyse pb Run hay Navupe. Sotéaia, Metaaman Rania ‘Total Bali of the Sun, de. Hace -xizuiente ‘run, he ‘To tind Daiover. Ha (3). ‘Trsgadéadrsgur-chandwdastrame ‘rane, AE I ‘Trnlation Gide Treat on Mensertion, Niort (It). elbeemalje, Sikwusriny, 7 bbl Gusearva Sisem Telkerndar, SowEA TAL, AC ‘Tripuresundar-wtakame. ‘Parva coxa ‘rivageme, TRU-VALLOvAR ‘Tavita, Rhoads Re, Panwa Arps Da a7 ‘ve Atonement. Waxoxaw (8) ‘Troe Kas Mae, Kish ‘Tr Raga, bance (WHE). ‘True Way of Salvation, Davox (W), ‘rath forall. HAY () ‘Forgan, Maxon Bayes, Tyagersjvavanthitara.‘Tyio4-iva SeiMt Vingeesipenprithanikramamls, Laie — “Bap, Char of awisye-paga [i lo) Udyog parame, MauL-muinars—Nowneya and Tikene's Virion, ‘Matenusuara.—Sadem Person. [den] Mu xuinara Unisagvaretalanns, [Addenda] Poor, 2. Uns-patyabyadayame, — Peuwtheans Rie, Vametia palipameVistgictshoan, Unions righevame, —Brdskana MATA. Upumayanacprayig. Avastin punted [nf Upsnishateeratoéea. Urastsnans, Upsaytseclanirikn.” VEskxpesvion Naxape, ‘Upwnydan maf (Andra malas) [denis Gis, Upanytsamola, Bacox (E). Upwghitarn, (Addenda) Kuen (6), nwo Arthanawary, a Tacuvats Bs, Usbiendtaam Vetearacesea Siar Vshcgarnayama, Survaceinivas aan, 2, ee Vinay, XZ ‘nari [4 fr). Ditaregutsnijen, — Unsane oli, Utamgoqeatana, "Gmoarrs, Ch Uetareharshandeiatydenme. Sasa Max Unarariempmame, — Sous-xiouvDy, Utara sine charitens, Uitar sine char ‘(Addenda Buran. Uiarwsima-cartrs, Boat Uiterssimdyagame, Parasia Vecinnerburangam,» Masicthnana— Modern Versus (Hari-umee) Vechinamala, Vistoue nt, auectiion AvapuOEs,P. [by iver aur) Naaasarra, Kaginla. Vechamantindhame, aan, Vale Mocum ofall Anglo-Tolge Leaders, Noto: "paw Taos. toot PutscaTions, lr "Nb “xARTA-VALIABE isscordta Prat 4 GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES. 88 Yektyajirnn, Loum asa, Veidjakaniblandia Untsu-cuanoes Gurra ‘Kaveaara, Vailyalneea Vaovana, ‘Valdyamyta-Montyrana - Vakiyesaranataiva Donasiaayys, 0.7 Vaidjuiirims. AAs Vie Valdye-gntnakl Avani Sanasvat Vailyute obama, Cuatscat SabH, D. Valjyuntilcana. Taxaavsoaet bu Vuthioasedbarm-chandska Kita Juca-rart Tue, Vavtgyegatata, Diarepnant Vaigyrdbnrmardpika, Sulu, D Vainyedhartncpraksgi, "THARKABUO, Purdie, Vunyegiriat Puaainauaven, Valarekapesiasisn. Kact-akria-rnasia ‘Soeana. Vajeabbarvijayams. —[Addoods) Beauvisanoa Siete, Vatyauunja, _ Nanasnanioutevony, 4, Vikyesndbh Sasiaeicninvs, Vikpira Baown (.P, Vallaihieg-charitauon. GOwxDanisu, Vilaikernamala, Viuaie Vieanemtry-aitbava-gatan, — URKRAS — Bhipecta pda. ‘Yamaon patina. VEwaxa, ‘Vunasevntr malig piety mht (Vicia) HULAst Serr, Vanwilas Strain, ‘Vinwsalegtivadidonns, Vinasndomalahte- “uae Tiras ase, abd VI artgvana Rion, Ch. Vonspstg. PARNELL (). Vane tnerighevame, Laksitxanasiyn 1, ni Vanit-per-vartlblantams, Saxena (W). Venberayugvarn. Vibeaqactoans Rit, Voruierijesautane, DHnceRey Vorshalabsint-nuasipba-atakama. mua Davee. Voriba-mansinba-ptukams, —Pbnvarirasogy, aK Vavibe-parina, — Poukeas, Mutat, 8, and Sour, on, Virekiotn —Buwsasaa Ri Vara-akabm-vrata- alga (veaa-Kaths), siyas—deiaytern peri, Veracrachi-vijejame, VISTA -magaxayr, U.D.Y. Varngulkenitakems, Vasiapasvnni Wi, R, 00 Vareqollnprobannama. —Sirdnararra, 2. Var cvari-muni-prarais-vijajana snonymous) ‘Atasirstneavia Paso Varyasimayoma. VosiafaaaseLousuvow. Varian Viatgusatonst, ‘Varin vlan Sarva sinivaganonn, ‘Vasunaeesuonons, Tuusabea IAW, Veolia Buviaton 1 Veeardita, Somaxote, Vnstkaranatantea, Darvin, Viishiie imam, Yok Vesihfhacsaptagat, Vesna ‘Veetegepecrinabarann, Thu soxe, ‘Vuetnsaava Viste migrabame, ‘Vastiameichhaniémgient “Iaosramt Lig, 7 Vowsinritane. Rouexisasnosmayene. [Addenda Ranisummesea- ‘ooa-visirnscnictra, Vesaracteiu, 7 Monova! Navops, sexi "Vine nusoascanrenr, M, “Vespa anions Veli VinsustatoaM, X: Vasondlapargapama Vinwsicuavope, a ¥ Vasosijeviliseaitaama BEsuZouiuvew, XA ‘Voymannpatiyam, Vibes ‘Voldhtadarymaroa, Stravay Velintecdip fwommentry) Ranken, ‘Vouinakrana, Shstionuase Niveoe, PR ‘Vedinta sinned, [Addenda BRDABAYANA. Volistapetchadst Siva Veosourpaethiebs. —Duanas-aisa Dieses, ‘outlya-agapamn. Varian tina Sioa Vooteons, Valintestena, Tina Yootnoas. Vedinleetdiiiaiamn,Vanans, Vedvedgpanysams. — Viscurs Hiv, Veeslingn’s Ciel Biography. Viaeie ‘sven Tike, 7 ‘Velugunnu cikatkins’yémisiigatyame Coxe imanejidne-wtege-yadganla, Vaan, ‘Youna mst veda rtoaval, Vea, eran pmigamuls (Virmnns-pdyam). VISAS Venene-faminla. Vian ‘Yenmae-ptahamala, Visa ‘Vegan am. (etoAnisucrarsi) Veninamhara make pradarsana, Visayan “tat, F ‘Veukatichalauhnyan, oe ‘Naekeaya Bape oaks — Varia GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES a0 ‘Vethatialaonahitanyame, —-Yar-xtonoisone, Veiketidetsvimichariramn, Tash Ray Niveoe ‘Vedhajadstsndmula sn hata, Tetase-pine, Veilaisindirams, Viteata Kv, Gnneparere ‘Voikafavarasteastakaa, —» VESRSP4 WAN, ne ‘Veikatgvarvjoya-viliuma, —-Visnaga. Kav, CGasapavere, Vequapyaladivekrtnale, _Veyo-oorkua Dist ‘Vegwgipalegrakamn, Veye-orita Vegreviahayesneiame, Vines A: ‘Wille piebovingatt (Dilep?) VELA Via ive Onfo Sati. Way, Vivien Cransara Sox ViekdewshunliOleyama, FIEAHHARA Poxesucr Vices. Nipowsua Diss ‘Viehiresdigyaan, ‘Viste vin kath ‘Viscaya-sanasoqne- ane ‘Sts Ki, Victoria carta. Visa ‘Virion Bra of Telugu Literatur, Suiuvinic ayes, P.- ‘Videhakaialyan ‘iilhaa-iotinprabasssan ‘Soreaonnivayh Sant, Tiittou He Vinnie Mau auanara Modern: Vorains, [dye-paren} Vaiyeapita” Cour Viiplgurs [Addenda Goeiss ayia Nava Vilpiesye (nsllanicarye nite, Vit ‘avavania VidybethPenoneut Postearios— Ads, ‘Vigulaaktonikiat Kebtatbntenent noe hion samba. Ditase igrabenstnwune guiehi, BELAY, Viren Pssenacasaa. Vigrbeaimgoamy, Powter, Vigoarsdbanama,—aioioniarens, 7 Vijyikestiasima. Tnwaton 1s. ‘Vijyant vasa, Taxouraaasrene. ‘Voarsrighavamn, Laxseueanasya Ry, 2 Voeyerighavetiakanay TATARR, Vigerton Gajepoll Mabeaige KOSI het Charitran. asieeayt Se Vijysnimeyardotiame, Siti Vijgeeisnma, Visapinize, Ch Ze Vjniowchandrika, * Taxanaya But 7 ‘Vijsin jandriandedhawatakama,VISiAPL AU ‘marasvan, ‘Vina, Kexoune. ‘ijnine papa, Guana visas, Vijinipranuma.” Ker. Vijnsgrangs [oommestan] Vusiwegvans Vikewilardemchasieaat, Tatas Vikeanarka charts. Veiapinamayone, 2. ¥ ‘Vranas, JARKAYA, Vine. ana Risk [Addenda] $xieans none Nazasiyua Sse Kune, ‘Village Cove Vinal. Vinary-siramn BI ‘Vingyaia-catorhl, — Vinegusonny, ‘Vinyalacraca-kan Crm). PULAQAS— Banda-pordga Vindlactrsigi Viaggio, Vinolarvabin. | Sttianarya 8 Vint Vanes, [Addenda] Sti-nbearva, s Viprvodriyanesbaritane, Bie, PY. Viecrapmame. Pa “Lacaun-vanasis ‘Taosavaaierepe nvr, ‘Vestal vl naka anyone, P 2 ‘Voeighareicakam, Lacswayun0, dite eur. —Motern Perione cara Maa ~ Vaseapionats Mase, Vinigparnaitakann, Tasohatanroe, 8 ‘Viit-ptalie Virleshetndr-evala ko Same. Vinicrsnvet, Pd ‘Vii liga-kavi-dartma,— VBSagA-soma ‘hiv, 7 Vishowsttiyama, Keune, isha vara resign "Viieata Sat, 3 Visecntyiainan, Vis mies, Visbew-puvinn Pongas. ‘Vshowcparkma, Acnroniaserupe. E iguavioanre, V2 —Siniainasrinn, 72 ‘Visalia -ge-paatn-pad Roque ni Viagacnanaeae SOs Vigecteahndpenisba Urasiseans. feud Hettoue Uponihade} Vigrlamsnvaya pri “Vianna peabiae "Ka Vigrakarma-pralqi Cprakia). — Vapracanea ‘Vigrakarma poriganViswainrent 77 Vigremnighange VEYA ‘Vigeim yotnt milan ig alana ny ‘Vasuaranase Mast Sowsewirap, A [totes ‘Vaninaseanasy Siiniwopy (Bata canoe GENERAL INDEX OF TITLES 0 Vig Pemooroa, Posicartoxs— Value. ‘aks Bayern. ‘Vhtegareqtstame, —-Korlgana DICSHEA, Vieemalbavapsla. Vivanant. Vieshepayoun Nisivana Duara, Vivkctanika, —Strivratarva, P. SVineacibaneo, ‘Vivika-tandsikd-vimarannng, Deuleay¥a, ‘Vivoka-chagargi, Sahcanicnier YVivskusandianVinssa-usoan, Vivskerijyame — Kaxacansee, ‘Vitkidayame, Pamooieay Punuicirtoxs.—Co- canal, ‘Vividha-rstayacapskarapepedyamel, end) Daaoavanta Ri ‘Vouablary. — Dieriowaries Goxsarra Siort Voie f Program, Pawavien Poaucasions— “Madran ‘Vries, ‘Mk HAD, Vrs nijyamae Dasavauiz, Vyian-roktcraidyeitema. —V¥ian ‘Vpavdtmedarpanunn Vaya Pasacanas ‘iste, [a ona [Aan a Vyavasiyaina, — Bawyaica Tae Waru of tho Rajan Tvs (0.1). Way of Salvation Due Waytollenven, Deut Wat Consol Yetween Light andl Dasknow ‘Coxconn. Whelaslenat Har (1), Weses Malabar, Vntsutiteamy, K: Wort for Word Traian of the Aagiorelags Tine Reader, Gaerawatee (L), WeeshipofJaginoath. Sucatexirna, ‘Yiehacgondr-vijyama, - ViEATA RD, 2 Yudavenighava papayas, IAGHAYA” Kv ‘sranune, ‘Yajepeayaname, ——VIMEgLAKAND, K, ‘ajwvakyaccaceams, Garry Phat ‘Yajnvakye-smyt ViU8AvALnr ‘Yajacarihe-bhugeraltigista, CoNDAx- visu ‘Yojuahdoshdgni-paiyimélia-prgeyn. Peg Yotakarpegmafinela. — Mai-oinara— Molo Verons_(Aranyn-poroe) Yallgiya Yalu ‘Yanna manniyae Yestrecintags, DAvsoUH, Yatirdivinpl, Aqaciriasavita Pawn Yeu cing upalisam, Dia Now "Patanent [Stations usua-tinarut Diswwe, 3 GBNERAL INDEX OF TITLES. sot Yoowhestuyobks ovations, exw (W). | Vogpépdgyuvicrama, —Vinigtuane, ‘Yorkeshnykkagui-vstandaame, ist — | Yevinn cia vipa lading. quiha-ontansay, "Now Testament — Gal ‘Yon esa evita Di “Now Tart rnutrtayokia avin Hay rent iow yorala. Ila (3) Youllackigdens, | VAbuik Youve, Pauxiaany (6), yatta Dia Yogihyeseme. — Vissuuseaw, Yeddbnpafstakame, — Mauscousnara— dena oguatia. Parassaue ‘end Tilt Version ‘Yogi nya [i Yousn-vidyr-dhite-yridQhe-5Abin,ypann Yor-visijia-rataauela Yoou-vssuyua-| © Afelaviad ‘Any Ue ‘eatin ondnioealgesijvan. NAQsMAneSN, PS IL SELECT SUBJECT-INDEX. he claifnton in tis Idea file — [An wen Senos Apiaultare and Botany. ‘Reroany aod Aarlgy uriry and Votariney Sine Mating Physigy, Sergey, and Hy (omit "Arte Divination, Magi, Phys! Soc and Natal ior. Ober Are nn Scot ‘atoouae, eamane Hiro, ano Camco, usr, Bensoamar, ann PouRtons 1. Works on Tulagu Grammar and Ortho. ‘en 2, Ohnmae of othe Language, A. Prnur end Readings of alg 4 Peis tod) Headings of oker Langone. 5, Ditonreg, Vorb, and Phrase tests af lag 6 Distonaae,.Vorbulcog, aed Pheu Pie nw ine ova: Prony (OMhrwiaon) an Style (As ‘ram 10, Atmctanos spon Tet M1 Pedgoy. & aes, Wasi oxo Pou (la Pro aenoy ato Stan Lar (a Pr). sro. ew dy. ‘sed, [Lay ano Ataoneraaron 1. Dekh Tae. 3. Hina Law Muceuistes, Coutsenon, yb ree Paaooiat, Paivourne Avo Tasotoas, 2. Adie, Vldpuns, and Salva Stems 3, Micalaseos ora Axo Daa 1, Anthologies at Woks of Mixed Content 2 Drama sed estative Datel ‘ale (Falta gay, te). ‘ial Pate. ria Hino, Romani, ri and ‘Panegyi Poot ead Chaps Religion ani Padme Poems and Ghee Dag, Dery tad i) Cian, (i) Biads Proveaes axe Annas 1, Chitin. Ti) il Workron Desrngand Tit, a ipitger ae Baca (6) Works om Dostsion ad Lage ‘in Pr). (G) Tiare oo Sanwa (G2) Miele 3. Desi aod rations San ‘over ss Tear sor ARTS AND scrENOES. Dato Palm in India (ogiyé-doqmulo Karras ogi payire chyna) BONavia CK). lonentay Duany (Oshahigstermy). Takoi- oa Mort Anda, Euan (Sir W), [Namen of Vie Fil Crops grown la the Madar Tredency, Mannan ynvaniyame (Agroltre). Buoys IAW Andleepirigaryae, —— Upumirareanin, Arigherataidagjana "Sibona-siona. Dlepiigryena. Uponivacreaninn. Didvesieignisamy Jaonxsdaie Rt, VB hj. Vainana, (Clea for $000 years, Erueweno4s, pheno Eres. Gsehieedryak. Laxsuntxesnna Sisea, $.¥. ‘Gayaltontarame, oma Jono ‘Hak sana Goat kstyare, ‘Ttakeclandeks, _‘Vaheapigrasa Dies ‘ouske yar, Varrasious ‘Syotipsterevishayamn. Vespa Sissons Pant aaa se, Sr, Kildare Kit, Klimpia Ka aidiseher, [Addons] Katvas Museen daepaya, Mouorr, Munir” Mouowra Mutirrineraqda, Banka Daa, hale pmdarsinVisaa Sarat Daepestryegebape-virerans (Tal Bais of the Son, te) Kasnu-sAREACuanveLe, Che Aymputsinpser gen (A sot Ho) simmeana an Ayre lay iishe isnt, Tung ie ates Bee Ayre qin, Un gma NEE Geanathanms (Alehouse ee Sa ees ses of Cae). Sse ‘Trowie on Mensurtion (Kshio - gait), ‘Nate (I). SELECT SUBIECT-INDEX. 08 Avhidhine- stan (Sin-aaenighany. At Agasyapedkte-vidyegisinnn, Avista Kawau, (Addenda) Kasei, ‘Adglsnonidyintiman,"anubeodiama, Sire Anglo Todas Vydptcintamasi, — Rva-cirita Piya Avopin-matjor, — AxorieA. ‘Auupaoa=taragig, RA vio mason Soraea Anbsthin-paiahs, —_ Asupasruita, ena (Vesta) Dasara Bipigerajemabiname, Sebaaser0,D. Dpbavayeratniearac, VESKaApIOWNVUL0, ‘Gautama. Chika maton. ——arastsnys Dis, Dinan. (Addenda [2 lo) Dinnraotart-ghagte. Divas ue Bune ‘Dons-ehvarva, Tedian Vhnts aad Drags oe. Kessrmanku M. Apes ofambecarmaaani, Mousa Nye Mose EDI Moasos. Matava-idina, MATA, [Aden) tsonava Mats yoginandimyta-Kalpa wall. Vea ‘stdout Jacasrast Rage, Y. Mooi sania, -VeseArCxtxn Nedijnina, NADL ‘Nudtnaksateenals immaya Nath Nudtvijtna, —NapL hoiniihintimapl, RIWG-cHANDRA Riga chicied-kroma-dika, MUHAMAD ‘ABD ‘UuAn igh Swlerabyeirann—LOUNQuiIA. Striallaresaite. Sinan Sieefemiieen, Baotou Tao ‘Vipin, Iau easpoucvatcan Voidyakrishindha, —Uniyacnaxona ora ‘Kasra, Yelyslvat, VaoraRs VaidyimriaMOxtyvans, - Vaidyeatreratanal, Dowwsinarva 3 ¥$ VaidjrqtgtkeAvaouina Snap ‘Vajlerclaeeruamu, Hach-vivia-easioa ‘Son om Yucngunedipa, — Vaeapasviny, Vestespamrtodtarama. MUNG-YKM0 NAYODD, Va Sone ‘Vosavehhandéayitamn. Saoscrant Hau, T- Yyleaokiavaiiyegisirame, Visa, ‘Vandnbralyaedine inh, larpayann, ‘Maga ‘aao Veet Yoin-valdyasteanl-Navseanviaa, PS ‘Vespa Atinystydayusnlioaas, — Anvionana Pr. iaratesaigraain. Shicaiwa Bist, 7. Gioaeteuna (anghopanyémul,Lactares on ind Maso) Thacavanea 10, Givesvidydsteint, —Thwauarva Nivupo Gayakelichanntn, —SiSoandousnvandy 2, ad “Ata attoundcnisrowe, 7 (syaka-aidddijaname, Soanioninvews, 7, ‘an Arla Siscanoudnvuts, 7. Insdos to Minds Masic (Svarapallaale, varpemal, ‘tag Musto, rental Mass. Cunas¥iou MuDALivin, Pillvbarartageeral ‘Yeathanahyan-postakars Pelawauawva, 2, ‘Soman, Dis Subiiraianl, Gonitasxmya Vicutson. Shigharbodhini Vanabieueron, and others Scie darpaam,SHaMHaNWACHReCOLY, nod Nesaniynicuanvene, Saigha-campatya- prada. Summa nina ‘Divas, nigh mevdrdn of endgrbame, — Riaxer nama, 7.7. Suigitesdicams, Saket, Snigia-sudhienigebin,-MUxU-sint Ncvo0u,¥ Shigis-vdyé-inpayane. Vibeara.stiot Ni WOW, 0.0. Saititanerindval, Tricanhuavna, 27K, ‘Teletlnratrlauiondl, Veseaacnones i, W. ‘Tysguijesviotkraeda, ‘Tviowia Seis 1 ovmue ants, oremKATION, waste, 2 Ablayadepeerneaiotana, —ABNAYADs, ‘Advaita nid, Viseatosranvoe, P Dali-ptaname, Bau, Klajiacame Vin ipaldharaa-vi Mahia. Puaxias Le, DS Mantegna, Nagastytany Mayavastegaia, Maes ‘Nimuohana sara darppame Rasanaracen, SELECT SUBIECT-INDES. 400 Telja-maténdia-hivyanm, — Saxuavarvane, “Dis and Dudseatoge, Dh Simoneau, ASMA, 3. Sikhe-naractphgatakare, SHku-xAnasnan, Sivn-rardaya [i oa ‘Svapns-phaladarpename (Dreams and all abot i), naza-tar iv, Vanwndla Sivan, ‘Vastharanetnatra. Darvin ‘Yantreshintimai, —-Danooaua etic Telageph (Morupa apps). Teueosar Snatassstuma (Telagu Zoology Prime). (A lends) Sinan, ‘Manual of Biology ea giate-suigrlamy), Le san-rar A Railways and the Stam Kogine (napa ‘ovala) Tawar. Valdyutn-ohe-qtteamu Metalorgy).Cuats-rar Sua, D ‘Viyi-gure, (Addenda) Gorina-avint Nava Vioblevahini, Sicaave, Dast-Swée kar (Mh Docutcnt Waite), Pe ‘ava Shere, Puktaira (oops), Sanasvart Bit Stlalhsigaamn, ” Dowa-ainarya, 0 7 5 ‘Vigrakarma-praligics Cpa). VigvAKas SIBLIOGRAPRY, LITERARY HISTORY, AND Andluw-Doahbhinythi. (Bho Progress of Telogn “itera VESKAAKHAINA IU, KZ Aniesthisicebasiasuigrame. Goria hiv ivan. Andin-kar-panite-anighamn (Rope of the ist (Congas of Talogu Pauli). Tewau Pas: Andlwavolahaitrana (elage Poet) scam, Andlewstabonhin-vinarn (Cedian on Te Tog Venera). KMSHNA-KORH SSSI Vian. ‘Aubandranytaimaon kapha, CALA EAM iy, hasarinatams, —Beumesers, £. Ceteal Bsey' on Pingali Soran Danang own, 22 ‘nay on Tlagu Language and Literature, 1 red Kevgivtamola (Dingraphion of the Plage Ponts. ‘Satainacncut

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