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 Adaptive Structuration Theory

 Agenda-Setting Theory
 Altercasting
 Argumenation Theory
 Attraction-Selection-Attrition Framework
 Attribution Theory
 Classical Rhetoric
 Cognitive Dissonance theory
 Computer Mediated Communication
 Contextual Design
 Coordinated Management of Meaning
 Cultivation Theory
 Dependency Theory
 Diffusion of Innovations Theory
 Domestication
 Elaboration Likelihood Model
 Expectancy Value Theory
 Framing
 Gatekeeping
 Health Belief Model
 Hypodermic Needle Theory
 Information Theories
 Knowledge Gap
 Language Expectancy Theory
 Media Richness Theory
 Medium Theory
 Mental Models
 Minimalism
 Model of Text Comprehension
 Modernization Theory
 Network Theory and Analysis
 Priming
 Protection Motivation Theory
 Psycho-Linguistic Theory
 Reduces Social Cues Approach
 Semiotic Theories
 Social Cognitive Theory
 Social Identity Model of Deindivuation Effects
 Social Presence Theory
 Social Support
 Speech Act
 Spiral of Silence
 System Theory
 Theory of Planned Behavior/ Reasoned Action
 Transactional Model of Stress and Coping
 Two Step Flow Theory
 Uncertainty Reduction Theory
 Uses and Gratifications Approach

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