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Assionmenf #5

Chapter 29: Spinal Cord lnjury

Please complete the following assignment and post to the assigned drop box by 5Il5/20{8 at

#1: How is a diagnosis of incomptrete spinal cord injury determined? *A,aL

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#2: What are possible psychosocialeffects of a complete spinalcord injury?

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#3: A nurse working the night shift on a medical-surgical unit looks up from the nurses' station to see a
patient walking toward the elevator. Evidently, the patient removed the traction device being used to treat
his high cervical (C2, C3) fractures sustained in a fall off a porch. The Gardner-Wells tongs are still
attached to his skull. He insists he is leaving to "go get a drink." What should the nurse do?
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#4: A 3Z-year-old single mother of two school-age children was involved in a motor vehicle accident and
sustained an incomplete spinalcord injury at the L2 level. She has weakness (strength 215) and
decreased tone in the right lower extremity. She has paralysis and flaccidity in the left lower extremity.
She is in her room crying and saying
- that she will never walk again or be able to care for her children.
How should the nurs6 reipond? q,,f^t- nWt-i
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Activity: O'4 L^ut-g<-V
. Create a table that outlines medications used to treat spinal cord injury.
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What surgical options are avbilab[e for a patient with a suspected spinal cord injury?

L&rufu rec*or.y

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