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Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2017; 45:595–612

Published online 21 September 2016 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/cta.2250

Fractional-order electronically controlled generalized filters

Georgia Tsirimokou1, Costas Psychalinos1,*,† and Ahmed S. Elwakil2

Electronics Laboratory, Physics Department, University of Patras, Rio Patras GR 26504, Greece
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, P.O. Box
27272, United Arab Emirates

Novel topologies of fractional-order generalized filters are introduced in this paper. These offer the follow-
ing benefits: (1) realization of lowpass, highpass, bandpass, allpass, or bandstop filter functions by the same
topology; (2) resistorless realizations; (3) electronic adjustment of their frequency characteristics as well as
their order; and (4) employment of only grounded capacitors. All the above have been achieved using
Operational Transconductance Amplifiers as active elements and appropriate multi-feedback topologies.
The behavior of the proposed designs is verified through simulation results using the Cadence IC design
suite and the Design Kit provided by the Austrian Micro Systems 0.35-μm complementary metal–
oxide–semiconductor process. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Received 25 January 2016; Revised 18 July 2016; Accepted 26 July 2016

KEY WORDS: fractional-order filters; fractional-order circuits; generalized filters; CMOS analog integrated


The utilization of the fractional-order calculus, instead of the conventional integer-order calculus, in
electronic engineering offers attractive features [1]–[12]. For example, the magnitude responses of
these filters exhibit a stopband attenuation equal to 6(n + a) dB/oct, where n and a (0 < α < 1) are
the integer and fractional parts of the order of the filter. Compared with the 6n dB/oct attenuation
offered in the case of integer-order filters, fractional filters offer a more precise control of the
attenuation gradient [4].
As a result, significant research effort has been conducted for developing fractional-order filter
structures. Implementation of fractional-order filters in fully digital form [13]–[15] offers the
advantages of easy design, reliability, programmability, and better noise rejection in comparison
with the corresponding analog realizations. On the other hand, the digital implementation suffers
from the high power consumption associated with the required analog-to-digital (A/D) converter.
Analog realizations of fractional-order filters have been already introduced in discrete component
form in [4], [16]–[26]. The used active elements were Operational Amplifiers (op-amps), second-
generation Current Conveyors (CCIIs), and Current Feedback Operational Amplifiers (CFOAs).
Because of the employment of passive resistors, the realized time-constants have the form τ = RC,
and, consequently, an additional automatic tuning circuitry is required for compensating the
deviations from the desired frequency response. Another important drawback is the absence of
programmability, making these structures not capable of fulfilling the demand for realizing

*Correspondence to: Costas Psychalinos, Electronics Laboratory, Physics Department, University of Patras, Rio Patras
GR 26504, Greece.


Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


programmable analog filters. Alternative fractional-order filters which do not suffer from the
aforementioned drawbacks have been introduced in [27]–[29].
All the above designs offer one type of filter function, and, therefore, the existence of filter
topologies which are capable for implementing various types of filter functions without modifying
their core is very important from the design flexibility point of view.
The contribution made in this paper is that, analog implementations of fractional-order generalized
filters are introduced for first time in the literature, where the filter functions are implemented without
changing the topology but through an electronic tuning of the corresponding bias current. It should be
mentioned at this point that, for demonstration purposes, only the standard filter functions will be
presented even though the proposed topologies are capable of realizing arbitrary fractional-order
filter functions. In addition, they are resistorless because of the employment of Operational
Transconductance Amplifiers (OTAs) as active elements. As a result, the designer has only to
choose the appropriate values of the dc bias currents in order to realize the desired transfer function,
and, therefore, the proposed schemes offer design flexibility and programmability. Another feature is
the employment of only grounded capacitors.
The paper is organized as follows: the characteristics of various fractional-order filter functions are
presented in Sections 2 and 3, while the corresponding OTA-C realizations are introduced in Section 4.
The performance of the proposed schemes is evaluated in Section 5, through the utilization of the
Cadence IC design suite and metal–oxide–semiconductor (MOS) transistors models provided by the
Austrian Micro Systems (AMS) 0.35-μm complementary MOS (CMOS) process.


2.1. Fractional-order lowpass filter (FLPF)

The transfer function of a FLPF with low-frequency gain K1/K2 and pole frequency ωp = K21/a is given

H ðsÞ ¼ : (1)
sa þ K 2

The magnitude and phase responses are given respectively by

jH ðjωÞj ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
  ffi (2)
ω2a þ 2K 2 ωa cos aπ 2 þ K 2

1 ωa sin aπ
argfH ðjωÞg ¼ argfK 1 g  tan  2 :
ωa cos aπ
2 þ K2

Note that when ω → 0 the phase is equal to arg{K1} while for ω → ∞ the phase will be equal to
(argfK 1 g  aπ
2 ).
The half-power (3 dB) frequency (ωh), defined as the frequency where there is a 0.707 drop of the
low-frequency gain (i.e. K1/K2) is given by

aπ ffi aπ 
ωh ¼ K 2 1 þ cos 2  cos (3)
2 2

with a corresponding phase angle of (3)

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2017; 45:595–612
DOI: 10.1002/cta
0 1
B sin 2 C
argfH ðjωÞgjω¼ωh ¼ argfK 1 g  tan1 @ aπ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
2cos 2 þ 1 þ cos2 2

2.2. Fractional-order highpass filter (FHPF)

The transfer function of a FHPF is given by (4), while its magnitude and phase responses are those
in (5)

K 1 sa
H ðsÞ ¼ (4)
sa þ K2

K 1 ωa
jH ðjωÞj ¼ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
aπ  ffi
ω2a þ 2K 2 ωa cos þ K 22
0 aπ  1 (5)
ω a
aπ B C
argfH ðjωÞg ¼ argfK 1 g þ  tan1 @ aπ 2 A:
2 ω cos
a þ K2
Note that when ω → 0 the phase is equal to (argfK 1 g þ aπ
2 ), while for ω → ∞ the phase will be equal
to arg{K1}. The high-frequency gain is K1/K2 and the corresponding expressions for ωh and the phase
at this frequency are given by

aπ ffi aπ 
ωh ¼ K 2 1 þ cos 2 þ cos
2 2
0 aπ  1
aπ B sin C
argfH ðjωÞgjω¼ωh ¼ argfK 1 g þ  tan1 B @ r 2
aπ ffiA:
1 þ cos 2

2.3. Fractional-order allpass filter (FAPF)

An FAPF has the transfer function in (7)

sa  K 2
H ð sÞ ¼ K 1  (7)
sa þ K 2
and its frequency behavior is described by (8)
aπ  ffi
u 2a
uω  2K 2 ωa cos þ K 2
u 2 2
jH ðjωÞj ¼ K 1 t aπ
ω þ 2K 2 ω cos
2a a þ K 22
0 aπ  1 0 aπ  1 (8)
ωa sin ωa sin
B aπ 2 C B aπ 2 C
argfH ðjωÞg ¼ argfK 1 g  tan1 @ A  tan1 @ A:
ωa cos  K2 ωa cos þ K2
2 2
Note that when ω → 0 the phase is equal to (arg{K1} + π), while for ω → ∞ the phase is equal to arg
{K1}. For a < 1, the magnitude response has a minimum equal to K1tan(aπ/4) occurred at ωo = K21/a.
The phase at this frequency is equal to (arg{K1} + π/2). In addition, when ω → 0 or ∞ the gain is equal
to K1.

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2017; 45:595–612
DOI: 10.1002/cta

2.4. Fractional-order bandpass filter (FBPF)

The transfer function of a FBP is:
K 1 sβ
H ðsÞ ¼ : (9)
sa þ K 2
Using (9), it is obtained that
K 1 ωβ
jH ðjωÞj ¼ rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
aπ  ffi
ω þ 2K 2 ω cos
2a a þ K2 2
aπ  1 0 (10)
βπ ω a
argfH ðjωÞg ¼ argfK 1 g þ  tan1 @ aπ 2 A:
2 ω cos
a þ K2
In order to obtain a FBPF response, α > β should be fulfilled. Note that when ω → 0 the phase equals
(argfK 1 g þ π2 ), while for ω → ∞ the phase equals (argfK 1 g þ ðβa Þπ
2 ). The peak frequency (ωpeak),
calculated using the condition: dω jH ðjωÞjω¼ωp ¼ 0, is given by
8  h qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
< cos aπ 2 ð 2β  a Þ þ a2 þ 4βðα  βÞtan2 aπ 2
ωpeak ¼ K 2 : (11)
: 2 ðα  β Þ ;

In the case that α = 2β, then ωpeak = ωo.

The magnitude response at ω = ωp = K1/a, is equal to K1 1
, and the phase at this frequency is

2 1ðβ=aÞ

equal to (argfK 1 g þ ð2βa

). In addition, when ω → ∞ the gain is equal to K1ωβ  a.

2.5. Design equations for generalized filters of order a

Because of the absence of commercially available fractional-order elements [30]–[32], an alternative way
for implementing a fractional-order transfer function is its approximation by an integer-order function.
There are several methods for obtaining rational approximations of the variable sq, such as the Carlson’s
method, Matsuda’s method, Oustaloup’s method, and Continuous Fraction Expansion (CFE) method
[33]-[40]. In this paper the second-order approximation of the CFE, given by (12) will be employed.
ða2 þ 3a þ 2Þs2 þ ð8  2a2 Þs þ ða2  3a þ 2Þ a2 s2 þ a1 s þ ao
sa ≅ ≡
ða2  3a þ 2Þs2 þ ð8  2a2 Þs þ ða2 þ 3a þ 2Þ b2 s2 þ b1 s þ bo
 2      (12)
β þ 3β þ 2 s2 þ 8  2β2 s þ β2  3β þ 2 A2 s2 þ A1 s þ Ao
s ≅ 2      ≡
β  3β þ 2 s2 þ 8  2β2 s þ β2 þ 3β þ 2 B2 s2 þ B1 s þ Bo

Substituting with (12) into (1), (4), (7), and (9), the derived transfer functions are, respectively,
K1 b2 s2 þ b1 s þ bo
H LP ðsÞ ¼ 
a2 þ K 2 b2 D ðsÞ
K1 a2 s2 þ a1 s þ ao
H HP ðsÞ ¼ 
a2 þ K 2 b2 D ðsÞ

a1  K 2 b1 ao  K 2 bo
s2 þ s þ (13)
a2  K 2 b2 a2  K 2 b2 a2  K 2 b2
H AP ðsÞ ¼ K 1  
a2 þ K 2 b2 D ðsÞ
2 3
K1 b2 s2 þ b1 s þ bo 6 1 A2 s2 þ A1 s þ Ao 7
H BP ðsÞ ¼  6
4  7
ða2 þ K 2 b2 Þ D ðsÞ B2 B1 Bo 5
s2 þ  sþ
B2 B2
where D(s) is given

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2017; 45:595–612
DOI: 10.1002/cta

a1 þ K 2 b1 ao þ K 2 bo
DðsÞ ¼ s þ 2
s þ : (14)
a2 þ K 2 b2 a2 þ K 2 b2

Comparing the transfer functions of the FLPF and FHPF, it is easily derived that the numerator in
HHP(s) is derived through the substitution: bj → aj (j = 0, 1, 2) in the numerator of HLP(s).
Inspecting the transfer functions of FLPF, FHPF, and FAPF, it is concluded that all of them have the
same form. Consequently, they could be realized by the same topology just by changing the coefficient
values. A suitable solution for this purpose is the Functional Block Diagram (FBD) of the inverse
follow-the-leader multi-feedback topology (IFLF) depicted in Figure 1.
The realized transfer function using this topology is

G2 s2 þ Gτ11 s þ τG1 τo2

H ðsÞ ¼ : (15)
s2 þ τ11 s þ τ11τ2

Comparing the coefficients of (15) with those of FLPF, FHPF, and FAPF the design equations of all
the filters are

a2 þ K 2 b2 a1 þ K 2 b1
τ1 ¼ and τ 2 ¼ : (16)
a1 þ K 2 b1 ao þ K 2 bo

The corresponding design equation for the scaling factors Gi(i = 0,1,2) are summarized in Table I.
With regards to the FBPF realization, a possible solution is the FBD in Figure 2, where H1(s) and
H2(s) are the filter blocks in Figure 1, which realize the transfer function in (15).
The expressions for time-constants of the stage #1 are as given by (16), while for stage #2 they are

B2 B1
τ 12 ¼ and τ 22 ¼ : (17)
B1 Bo

The corresponding design equation for the scaling factors Gij(i = 0,1,2 and j = 1,2) of both stages are
also summarized in Table I.

Figure 1. FBD for realizing FLPF, FHPF, and FAPF of order a. [Colour figure can be viewed at]

Table I. Values of scaling factors for realizing the FBDs in Figures 1 and 2.
Filter G2 G1 G0
b2 b1 bo
FLPF K 1 a2 þK 2 b2
K 1 a1 þK 2 b1
K 1 ao þK 2 bo
a2 a1 ao
FHPF K 1 a2 þK 2 b2
K 1 a1 þK 2 b1
K 1 ao þK 2 bo

FAPF K 1 aa22 K 2 b2
þK 2 b2 K 1 aa11 K 2 b1
þK 2 b1 K 1 aaoo K 2 bo
þK 2 bo
b2 b1 bo
FBPF K 1 a2 þK 2 b2
K 1 a2 þK 2 b1
K 1 ao þK 2 bo
A2 A1 Ao
B2 B1 Bo

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2017; 45:595–612
DOI: 10.1002/cta

Figure 2. FBD for realizing FBPF of order a. [Colour figure can be viewed at]


3.1. Fractional-order lowpass filter (FLPF)

The transfer function of this FLPF and its magnitude and phase responses are given by (18) and (19),

H LP ðsÞ ¼
sαþβ þ K 3 sβ þ K 2
K1 (18)
jH ðjωÞj ¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
aπ  ða þ βÞπ βπ
ω2ðaþβÞ þ 2K 3 ωaþ2β cos þ 2K 2 ωaþβ cos þ K 23 ω2β þ 2K 2 K 3 ωβ cos þ K 22
2 2 2

h i 0   1
ωaþβ sin ðaþβ Þπ
þ K 3 ωβ sin βπ
argfH ðjωÞg ¼ argfK 1 g  tan1 @ A:
2 2
h i βπ (19)
ðaþβ Þπ β
ω cos 2
aþβ þ K 3 ω cos 2 þ K 2

The half-power frequency can be found as the solution to the following equation, derived taking into
account that the maximum gain of the filter is K1/K2,

ða þ βÞπ βπ
ωh 2ðaþβÞ þ 2K 3 ωh aþ2β cos þ 2K 2 ωh aþβ cos þ K 23 ωh 2β þ 2K 2 K 3 ωh β cos  K 22 ¼ 0: (20)
2 2 2

3.2. Fractional-order highpass filter (FHPF)

In a similar way, the transfer function of a FHPF, with maximum gain equal to K1/K2, is

H HP ðsÞ ¼ K 1 : (21)
sαþβ þ K 3 sβ þ K 2

The responses of this filter are described by

K 1 ωaþβ
jH ðjωÞj ¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
aπ  ða þ βÞπ βπ
ω2ðaþβÞ þ 2K 3 ωaþ2β cos þ 2K 2 ωaþβ cos þ K 23 ω2β þ 2K 2 K 3 ωβ cos þ K 22
2 2 2
0   1 (22)
ða þ βÞπ βπ
ωaþβ sin þ K 3 ωβ sin
ða þ βÞπ 1 B
B 2 2 C
argfH ðjωÞg ¼ argfK 1 g þ  tan @   C
2 ð a þ β Þπ βπ A
ω cos
aþβ þ K 3 ω cos β þ K2
2 2

and the half-power frequency is calculated by solving (23)

ða þ βÞπ βπ
ωh 2ðaþβÞ  2K 3 ωh aþ2β cos  2K 2 ωh aþβ cos  K 23 ωh 2β  2K 2 K 3 ωh β cos  K 22 ¼ 0: (23)
2 2 2

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2017; 45:595–612
DOI: 10.1002/cta

3.3. Fractional-order bandpass filter (FBPF)

The transfer function of a FBPF is

K 3 sβ
H BP ðsÞ ¼ K 1  (24)
sαþβ þ K 3 sβ þ K 2

with magnitude and phase responses given given by (25)

K 1 K 3 ωβ
jH ðjωÞj ¼ sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
aπ  ða þ βÞπ βπ
ω2ðaþβÞ þ 2K 3 ωaþ2β cos þ 2K 2 ωaþβ cos þ K 23 ω2β þ 2K 2 K 3 ωβ cos þ K 22
2 2 2
0   1 (25)
ða þ βÞπ βπ
ωaþβ sin þ K 3 ωβ sin
βπ B 2 2 C
argfH ðjωÞg ¼ argfK 1 K 3 g þ  tan1 B @   C:
2 ð a þ β Þπ βπ
ω cos
aþβ þ K 3 ω cos β þ K2
2 2

The peak frequency (ωp) is calculated solving the equation in (26), which is derived from (25)
applying the condition: dω jH ðjωÞjω¼ωp ¼ 0.

ða þ βÞπ βπ
aωp 2ðaþβÞ þ aK 3 ωp aþ2β cos þ ða  βÞK 2 ωp aþβ cos  βK 2 K 3 ωp β cos  βK 22 ¼ 0 (26)
2 2 2

jH ðjωÞjω¼ωp
while the half-power frequencies are calculated from the condition jH ðjωÞjω¼ωh ¼ pffiffi .
The quality factor (Q) of the filter is then given by

Q¼ (27)
ωh2  ωh1

where ωh2 and ωh1 are the upper and lower half-power frequencies, respectively.

3.4. Fractional bandstop filter (FBSF)

Finally, the transfer function of a FBSF is that given in (28)

sαþβ þ K 2
H BS ðsÞ ¼ K 1  : (28)
sαþβ þ K 3 sβ þ K 2

The magnitude and phase responses are these in (29)

u ða þ βÞπ
u ω2ðaþβÞ þ 2K 2 ωaþβ cos þ K 22
u 2
jH ðjωÞj ¼ K 1 u aπ   
t ða þ βÞπ βπ
ω2ðaþβÞ þ 2K 3 ωaþ2β cos þ 2K 2 ωaþβ cos þ K 23 ω2β þ 2K 2 K 3 ωβ cos þ K 22
2 2 2
0   1 0   1 (29)
ða þ βÞπ ða þ βÞπ βπ
ωaþβ sin ωaþβ sin þ K 3 ωβ sin
B 2 C B 2 2 C
argfH ðjωÞg ¼ argfK 1 g þ tan1 B @   C  tan1 B
A @   C:
ða þ βÞπ ða þ βÞπ β
ω cos
aþβ þ K2 ω cos
aþβ þ K 3 ω cos þ K2
2 2 2

The peak frequency (ωp) is calculated from (29) under the condition: dω jH ðjωÞjω¼ωp ¼ 0, while the
half-power frequencies are calculated using the fact that at these frequencies there is a 0.707 drop of
passband gain which is equal to K1. The quality factor of the filter (Q) is calculated from (27).

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2017; 45:595–612
DOI: 10.1002/cta

3.5. Design equations for generalized filters of order a + β

The design equation will be derived following a similar procedure to that in the case of the filters in
Section 2. Thus, using the expressions in (12) and the definitions in Table II, the derived
expressions for the transfer functions of fractional-order filters are summarized in (30):
K 1 N ð sÞ
H LP ðsÞ ¼ 
D 4 D ðsÞ
K 1 N  ðsÞ
H HP ðsÞ ¼ 
D4 DðsÞ
K 3 N ** ðsÞ
H BP ðsÞ ¼ K 1   (30)
D 4 D ðsÞ
K 1 N  ðsÞ þ ðK 2 b2 A2 Þs4 þ ðK 2 b2 B1 þ K 2 b1 B2 Þs3
H BS ðsÞ ¼ 
D4 D ðsÞ
ðK 2 b2 Bo þ K 2 b1 B1 þ K 2 bo B2 Þs2 þ ðK 2 b1 Bo þ K 2 bo B1 Þs þ K 2 bo Bo
D ðsÞ

The expressions for polynomials N(s) and D(s) in (30) are given by (31) and (32), respectively,
N ðsÞ ≡N 4 s4 þ N 3 s3 þ N 2 s2 þ N 1 s þ N o (31)

D3 3 D2 2 D1 Do
DðsÞ ≡s4 þ s þ s þ s þ (32)
D4 D4 D4 D4
while the polynomials N*(s) and N**(s) in (30) are derived from the corresponding expression in (31)–
(32) by performing the following substitutions: bj → aj, Bj → Aj, (j = 0,..,4) and Bj → Aj, (j = 0,..,4),
The transfer functions in (30) all have the same form, and, consequently, they could be realized by
the same topology just by changing the coefficient values. The corresponding FBD of the IFLF filter is
that depicted in Figure 3.

Table II. Definitions of the variables used in the expression in (30).

Variable Expression
Do ao  Ao + K3  bo  Ao + K2  bo  Bo
D1 a1  Ao + ao  A1 + K3  b1  Ao + K3  bo  A1 + K2  b1  Bo + K2  bo  B1
a2 Ao þ a2 A1 þ ao A2 þ K 3 b2 Ao þ K 3 b1 A1 þ K 3 bo A2
þ K 2 b2 Bo þ K 2 b1 B1 þ K 2 bo B2
D3 a2  A1 + a1  A2 + K3  b2  A1 + K3  b1  A2 + K2  b2  B1 + K2  b1  B2
D4 a2  A2 + K3  b2  A2 + K2  b2  B2
No bo  Bo
N1 b1  Bo + bo  B1
N2 b2  Bo + b1  B1 + bo  B2
N3 b2  B1 + b1  B2
N4 b2  B2

Figure 3. FBD for realizing FLPF, FHPF, FBPF, and FBSF of order a + β. [Colour figure can be viewed at]

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2017; 45:595–612
DOI: 10.1002/cta

The realized transfer function of this FBD is that in (33)

G4 s4 þ Gτ 13 s3 þ τG1 τ22 s2 þ τ1 τG21τ3 s þ τ 1 τG2 τo3 τ4

H ðsÞ ¼ : (33)
s4 þ τ11 s3 þ τ11τ2 s2 þ τ 1 τ12 τ3 s þ τ 1 τ21τ3 τ4

Comparing the coefficients in (33) with those in (30), the derived expressions for time-constants are

D4 D3 D2 D1
τ1 ¼ ; τ2 ¼ ; τ3 ¼ ; and τ 4 ¼ : (34)
D3 D2 D1 Do

The corresponding equations for the scaling factors Gi(i = 0,1,2,3,4) are summarized in Table III.
Having available the design equations in (16), (17), and (34) as well as those in Tables I and III
the design of various types of filters is facilitated.


The topology for realizing FLPF, FHP, and FAPFs of order a (i.e. the FBD in Figure 1), using OTAs as
active elements, is demonstrated in Figure 4. The lower left OTA is a multiple output element, where
the non-inverting output is used for realizing the FLPF and FHPF functions, while the inverting output
is used for FAPF function. This modification could be easily performed through an appropriate
switching scheme. The corresponding OTA-C filter suitable for implementing the FBD in Figure 3
is demonstrated in Figure 5.
The features of both topologies are the following:
a. The filter functions are realized by the same core, and, therefore, they can be considered as
generalized filter structures.

Table III. Values of scaling factors for realizing the FBD in Figure 3.
Filter G4 G3 G2 G1 Go

FLPF K 1 ND44 K 1 ND33 K 1 ND22 K 1 ND11 K 1 NDoo

FHPF K 1 D44 K 1 D33 K 1 D22 K 1 D11 K 1 Doo
N  N  N  N  N 
K1 D3
K1 D2
K1 D1
K1 Do

N 4 þK 2 b2 A2 N 3 þK 2 b2 B1 þK 2 b1 B2 N 2 þK 2 b2 Bo þK 2 b1 B1 þK 2 bo B2 N 1 þK 2 b1 Bo þK 2 bo B1 N o þK 2 bo Bo
FBSF K1 D4 K1 D3 K1 D2 K1 D1 K1 Do

Figure 4. OTA-C realization of FLPF, FHPF, and FAPF functions of order a.

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2017; 45:595–612
DOI: 10.1002/cta

Figure 5. OTA-C realization of FLPF, FHPF, FBPF, and FBSF functions of order a + β.

b. They offer resistorless realizations because of the employment of the transconductance parameter
(gm) of OTAs for realizing the required time-constant as well as for scaling factors.
c. Their frequency characteristics and fractional order could be electronically adjusted. This origi-
nates from the fact that the transconductance gm is controlled by an appropriate bias current.
d. Only grounded capacitors are utilized.
A suitable OTA structure is demonstrated in Figure 6. Considering that the MOS transistors operate
in the subthreshold region and the aspect ratio of Mn1 and Mn3 is A times the aspect ratio of Mn2 and
Mn4, the realized transconductance is given by the expression

g m ¼ gmo : (35)
ð1 þ A Þ2

Figure 6. OTA structure with enhanced linearity.

Table IV. Bias currents and scaling factors for fractional filters of order a.
fo = 100 Hz C = 50 pF LP (a = 0.5) HP (a = 0.5) AP (α = 0.5) BP (α = 1, β = 0.5)
Io 6.37 nA 6.37 nA 6.37 nA 3.82 nA 19.1 nA
Io1 6.37 nA 6.37 nA 6.37 nA 3.82 nA 19.1 nA
Io2 573.4 pA 573.4 pA 573.4 pA 955 pA 955 pA
G2 0.167 0.833 0.667 0 5
G1 0.5 0.5 0 0.5 1
Go 0.833 0.167 0.667 1 0.2

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2017; 45:595–612
DOI: 10.1002/cta

Figure 7. Estimation of the accuracy of the employed approximation in the case of a LP filter (a) magnitude
response, (b) phase response, (c) relative error of the magnitude and phase. [Colour figure can be viewed at]

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2017; 45:595–612
DOI: 10.1002/cta

In (35), gmo is the transconductance of OTA in the case that A = 1. For example, gmo = Io/nVT., where
VT is the thermal voltage (26 mV@ 27 °C), Io the bias current, and n the subthreshold slope factor of an
MOS transistor. A benefit of the OTA in Figure 6 is its enhanced linearity [41].


The performance of the proposed generalized filter structures will be evaluated using the Analog
Design Environment of the Cadence software and the Design Kit provided by the AMS 0.35-μm
CMOS process. The employed power supply voltages were VDD = 1.5 V and VCM = 0.75 V. The
aspect ratios of the transistors of the OTA in Figure 6 (A = 5) were 60 μm/10 μm for Mb1–Mb3,
25 μm/1 μm for Mn1, Mn4, 5 μm/1 μm for Mn2, Mn3, and 10 μm/15 μm for Mp1–Mp2.

Figure 8. Post-layout simulation of the frequency responses of the filter topology in Figure 4 (a) magnitude,
and (b) phase (the corresponding theoretically predicted responses are given by dashed lines). [Colour figure
can be viewed at]

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2017; 45:595–612
DOI: 10.1002/cta

As a first design example, the filter topology in Figure 4 will be emulated. Considering that the pole
frequency is fo = 100 Hz and both capacitors have the same value of 50 pF, the values of the dc bias
currents as well as scaling factors for the topology in Figure 3 are summarized in Table IV. The
implementation of the condition G2 = 0 is performed by omitting the rightmost OTA as well as the
OTA biased at current G2Io in Figure 4; the output of the filter is derived at the output of the remaining
rightmost OTA. Also, the condition G1 = 0 is performed by omitting the OTA biased at current G1Io.
In order to estimate the accuracy of the approximation in (12), the derived post-layout magnitude
and phase responses of a LP filter (a = 0.5) are demonstrated in the plots in Figures 7a–b,
respectively. In addition, the corresponding plots of the theoretically predicted responses and those
derived from the original fractional-order filter are also provided. In order to facilitate the reader, the
corresponding relative error plots (i.e. referred to the original filter response) are supplied in
Figure 7c. According to these results, the employed approximation offers accuracy better than 10%
in both magnitude and phase within the range [fo/8, 8fo], where fo, is the pole frequency. This range
could be further enhanced using a higher-order approximation instead of the second-order
approximation employed in this paper at the expense of circuit complexity.
Following the above discussion, the derived magnitude and phase frequency responses are given in the
plots of Figure 8, where the dashed lines corresponding to theoretically predicted responses are also provided.
As a second design example, the behavior of fractional filters of order a + β will be evaluated,
utilizing the same bias conditions and aspect ratios for OTAs as in the previous case. Considering
that fo = 100 Hz and value 50 pF for capacitors, the values of dc bias currents for the filters are
summarized in Table V. The realization of the zero scaling factors is achieved following the same
procedure as in the previous design example.
In order to have evidence about the realistic behavior of the filter, taking into account the parasitic
capacitance and resistances appearing at the nodes of the topology, its layout design has been performed.
The obtained frequency responses with the corresponding theoretically predicted are depicted in Figure 8.
The electronic tuning capability of the proposed generalized fractional-order filters is
demonstrated in the case of an a + β order FBPF. The corresponding values of bias currents and
scaling factors for tuning a and β are given in Table VI, while the obtained frequency responses

Table V. Bias currents and scaling factors for fractional filters of order a + β.
fo = 100 Hz C = 50 pF LP (a = 1, β = 0.5) HP (α = 0.5, β = 1) BS (a = 1, β = 0.5) BP (a = 1, β = 0.5)
Io 8.03 nA 8.6 nA 8.03 nA 8.03 nA
Io1 8.03 nA 8.6 nA 8.03 nA 8.03 nA
Io2 3.37 nA 2.26 nA 3.18 nA 3.37 nA
Io3 1.39 nA 1.25 nA 1.47 nA 1.39 nA
Io4 424.7 pA 455 pA 424.7 pA 424.7 pA
G4 0 0.8333 1 0
G3 0.0476 0.5556 0.7619 0.2381
G2 0.2973 0.3438 0.5946 0.4054
G1 0.5556 0.0476 0.5926 0.4074
Go 0.8333 0 0.8333 0.1667

Table VI. Bias currents and scaling factors for tuning the order a and β of an FBPF.
fo = 100 Hz C = 50 pF BP (a = 0.7, β = 0.5) BP (α = 0.8, β = 0.7) BP (a = 0.9, β = 0.9)

Io 9.89 nA 8.1 nA 6.63 nA

Io1 9.89 nA 8.1 nA 6.63 nA
Io2 3.25 nA 2.95 nA 2.65 nA
Io3 1.24 nA 1.30 nA 1.37 nA
Io4 368.6 pA 443.7 pA 550.4 pA
G4 0.0771 0.0453 0.0196
G3 0.2979 0.3156 0.3333
G2 0.4200 0.4425 0.4759
G1 0.3654 0.3501 0.3333
Go 0.1643 0.0780 0.0196

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2017; 45:595–612
DOI: 10.1002/cta

are demonstrated in Figure 9. Using these plots, the obtained frequency characteristics of the filters
are summarized in Table VII, where the corresponding theoretically predicted values are given in



Figure 9. Post-layout simulation results for demonstrating the electronic tuning capability of the order a + β
of the FBPF through (a) magnitude, and (b) phase response (the corresponding theoretically predicted re-
sponses are given by dashed lines). [Colour figure can be viewed at]

Table VII. Frequency characteristics of the FBPFs.

FBPF a = 0.7 β = 0.5 a = 0.8 β = 0.7 a = 0.9 β = 0.9 a = 1 β = 0.5
fpeak (Hz) 104.7 (100) 104.7 (100) 104.7 (100) 106.8 (100)
Gain(max) (dB) 5.6 (5.7) 4.1 (4.2) 1.8 (1.9) –4.7 (4.9)
fh1 (Hz) 30.3(28.5) 42.19 (39.95) 55.78 (53.13) 33.03 (31.01)
fh2 (Hz) 304.4 (293.8) 250.6 (242.7) 194 (188.2) 257.1 (248.7)
Slope at upper stopband (dB/oct) 3.96 (4) 4.9 (5) 5.8 (5.8) 5.9 (5.9)
Slope at lower stopband (dB/oct) 3 (3) 4.5 (4.4) 5.9 (5.8) 3 (3)

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2017; 45:595–612
DOI: 10.1002/cta

Table VIII. Bias currents and scaling factors for tuning the peak frequency of the FBPF (a = 1, β = 0.5).
Bias current fo = 10 Hz fo = 100 Hz fo = 1 kHz
Io 802.8pA 8.03nA 80.28nA
Io1 802.8pA 8.03nA 80.28nA
Io2 336.8pA 3.37nA 33.68nA
Io3 139.5pA 1.39nA 13.95nA
Io4 42.47pA 424.7pA 4.25nA
G4 0 0 0
G3 0.2381 0.2381 0.2381
G2 0.4054 0.4054 0.4054
G1 0.4074 0.4074 0.4074
Go 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667


Figure 10. Post-layout simulation results for demonstrating the electronic tuning capability of the peak
frequency of the FBPF through (a) magnitude, and (b) phase responses (the corresponding theoretically
predicted responses are given by dashed lines). [Colour figure can be viewed at]

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2017; 45:595–612
DOI: 10.1002/cta

The electronic tuning capability of the peak frequency of the FBPF is achieved through the
utilization of Table VIII. The obtained responses are plotted in Figure 10, while their most important
characteristics are summarized in Table IX.
The sensitivity performance of the FBPF with regards to the effect of MOS transistor mismatching
as well as process parameters variations has been evaluated using the Monte-Carlo analysis (N = 100
runs). The derived statistical plot for a FBPF (a = 1, β = 0.5, and fo = 100 Hz) about maximum gain,
peak frequency, bandwidth, and slopes in the lower and upper stopband attenuations are
simultaneously given in Figure 11. The values of the standard deviations were 0.65 dB, 20.6 Hz,
29.2 dB, 0.34 dB/oct, and 0.61 dB/oct, respectively, confirming that the proposed topologies have
reasonable sensitivity performance characteristics.

Table IX. Frequency characteristics of the FBPF with tuned peak frequency (a = 1, β = 0.5).
FBPF fo = 10 Hz fo = 100 Hz fo = 1 kHz
fpeak (Hz) 10.96 (10.47) 109.6 (104.7) 1.09k (1.05k)
Gain(max) (dB) 4.9(4.9) 4.74 (4.86) 4.52 (4.86)
fh1 (Hz) 3.25(3.1) 33 (31) 331.3 (310.1)
fh2 (Hz) 26.2 (24.9) 257.1(248.7) 2.45 k (2.49 k)
Slope at upper stopband (dB/oct) 5.8 (5.9) 5.9 (5.9) 6 (5.9)
Slope at lower stopband (dB/oct) 3.35 (3) 3 (3) 3 (3)

Figure 11. Post layout Monte-Carlo simulation results about (a) maximum gain, (b) peak frequency, (c)
bandwidth, (d) slope in the lower stopband, and (e) slope in the upper stopband of the FBPF (a = 1,
β = 0.5). [Colour figure can be viewed at]

Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2017; 45:595–612
DOI: 10.1002/cta


The proposed fractional-order generalized filters fulfill the demand for realizing low-voltage analog
filters with only grounded capacitors and electronic adjustment of their frequency characteristics.
Another important feature is the electronic tuning capability of the order of the filters. The provided
simulation results for orders 0.5, 1.2, 15, and 1.8 confirmed their correct behavior for various types
of filter functions. Taking into account that their performance has been evaluated at post-layout level
and that the obtained Monte-Carlo results show that the filters have reasonable sensitivity
characteristics, they could be considered as attractive candidates in practical applications where high
performance analog signal processing stages are required.

This work was supported by Grant E.029 from the Research Committee of the University of Patras
(Programme K. Karatheodori).

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Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. J. Circ. Theor. Appl. 2017; 45:595–612
DOI: 10.1002/cta

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