Lesotho Visa

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Lesotho Visa

Surrounded by South Africa, Lesotho is a small nation that is full of surprises. One of
the most underrated countries, Lesotho is a mountainous region that is filled with
natural beauty. Couple this with its excellent business and trade culture, low cost of
living, rich heritage and culture, this nation demands a visit from anyone across the
world. The ​Lesotho visa ​lets people from around the globe enter the country for
various purposes.
What is ​Lesotho Visa​?

The ​Lesotho visa ​is an endorsement that lets people enter the nation to take part in
tourism, business, work, studies, and other activities. A lot of nationalities have
visa-free entry into the country for short stay durations. However, for the rest of the
world, including India, the permit is available as a ​Lesotho e visa​. As a result, the
Lesotho visa for Indians ​is mandatory. The actual stay duration and validity of the
permit depends on the exact type of visa.

How to Apply for Lesotho Visa from India?

Thanks to the Government of Lesotho, the application for the Lesotho visa for Indian
citizens can be done with great ease. However, before starting the process, you must
ensure that you are eligible to apply for a particular category. You may then proceed
as follows -

1. Visit the​ Lesotho e visa​ portal of the Kingdom of Lesotho.

2. Click on the ‘apply now’ button and proceed to your application page.
3. Proceed to fill in all the required details on the Lesotho online visa
application form.
4. Upload the relevant documents as per the visa category.
5. Pay the fees online.
6. Submit the application.

Ensure that you provide true information and upload genuine documents. Providing
false information or fake documents can lead to visa rejection.
Lesotho Visa Types

As per the purpose of the visit, the Lesotho e visa can be issued as the following
types -

❖ Tourist ​- This category is applicable for individuals who are entering the
country to enjoy its beauty and take part in tourism.
❖ Business ​- This permit is issued for people who are entering the country to
take part in business activities such as meetings, conferences, etc.
❖ Student ​- This is granted for individuals who are travelling in order to take
part in study courses in Lesotho.

Documents Required for Lesotho Visa from India

As per the Lesotho visa application requirements, the following documents are the
general list of documents required for an application. Based on the individual
Lesotho visa requirements for Indian citizens, there will be additional documents.

❏ A passport valid for at least 6 months from the date of intended travel.
❏ Photograph as per the required specifications.
❏ Flight reservations.
❏ Proof of funds such as bank statements.
❏ Yellow fever vaccination certificate.
❏ Travel insurance.

Lesotho Visa Fees for Indian

The fees for the Lesotho e visa can vary depending on the exact type of the visa, the
number of entries, as well as on the foreign exchange rates. Apart from this, you may
have service charges if you are applying through a travel agency. As a result, check
the exact amount before starting your application.

How to Check Visa Status?

Once you have made the application, you can check the status by clicking ​here​. You
must enter your passport number and the email and password of your account you
used to make the application. Alternately, you can simply call your travel agent you
have applied through to know the status.

Where Do I Get a Visa for Lesotho?

The visa for Lesotho is available as an e visa and as a result, the application is made
using an online Lesotho visa application form at the e visa portal. Your permit will
then be sent to you via your email. However, due to the chances of rejection, you can
also apply through a travel agency. The agency will ensure that your application is
processed fast and without any difficulty at almost 100 per cent success rate.

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