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This chapter deals with the application of whatever we learned in ray optics. Solving the problems
of this chapter shows the skill and level of clearity of concept of ray optics. In this chapter you
will be able to know the working principal of various instruments which aids our vision.

This book consists of theoretical & practical explanations of all the concepts involved in the
chapter. Each article is followed by a ladder of illustration. At the end of the theory part, there
are miscellaneous solved examples which involve the application of multiple concepts of this

Students are advised to go through all these solved examples in order to develop better
understanding of the chapter and to have better grasping level in the class.

Total No.of questions in Optical Instruments are -

In Chapter Examples.............................................................. 06
Solved Examples ................................................................... 04

Total No. of questions .......................................................... 12

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1. INTRODUCTION based on Projector

1.1 Definition Ex.1 A slide projector lens has a focal length

10 cm. It throws an image of a 2cm x 2 cm
Optical instruments are used primarily to assist slide on a screen 5 m from the lens. Find (a)
the eye in viewing an object. the size of the picture on the screen and (b)
the ratio of illumination of the slide and the
1.2 Types of Instruments picture on the screen.
Depending upon the use , optical instruments Sol. (a) As here f = 10 cm and v = 5m = 500 cm
can be categorised in the following way :
1 1 1
OPTICAL INSTRUMENT So from lens formula – = , we have
v u f

Camera Projector Telescope Microscope 1 1 1  500 

– = i.e., u = –   cm
500 u 10  49 
Pinhole Lens Simple
v 500 
So that m = =
u  500 / 49 = – 49
Astronomical Terrestrial
Here negative sign means the image is
inverted with respect to object. Now as here
Refracting Reflecting Gallalian Binocular object is (2 cm × 2cm ) so the size of picture
on the screen
2. FILM OR SLIDE PROJECTOR Ai = ( 2 × 49 cm) × ( 2 × 49cm)
It projects real, inverted and magnified image of = ( 98 × 98) cm 2
an object, when the object is placed between F (b) As light energy passing per sec through slide
& 2F and screen between 2F and  . is equal to that in the picture on the screen.
2.1 Magnification : IA = Ii Ai
If the sides of slide are a and b and
magnification of projection lens is m , each side
I A ma  mb 
So I = i = a  b  = m
will become m times so that the area of image i A
Ai = ma x mb = m2 ab = m2A0 I
i.e. I =(–49)2 = ( 49 × 49)
2.2 Intensity : i

As area of image becomes m 2 times that of i.e. intensity in picture on the screen will be
object, the intensity of image will become 1/m 2 [1/(49x49)] times lesser than that on the slide.
times that of object, as This is why in case of projector for observing
IA0 = Ii Ai = Ii m2 A0  Ii = ( I/ m2) image on a screen the source of light must
be very powerful and the room dark.

u v
> > >
> >
> >> >
> < > > >
> >>
> >
Carbon Arc
Carbon Arc

Mirror Condensing
Condensing lens
lens Film/ Slide
Film/Slide Projection lens
Projection lens Image/ Screen

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3. CAMERA (B) f- number:
It is the ratio of focal length to the
Camera is of two types viz. pin hole camera and
aperture of lens. i.e. f - no. = f/D
lens camera.
3.1 Pinhole Camera : Examples
based on Camera
It is based on recti linear propagation of light and
forms real, inverted image on the screen. Ex.2 A pinhole camera with 75 mm high film is to
h0 hi be used to take a picture of a 10 m high
= = tree. The film is 150 mm from the pinhole.
u v
How far should the camera be from the tree
hi u to include the full height of the tree?
 =
h0 v
Sol. In case of pinhole camera
 = = i.e., u= v x
 v u I
O 
I Here I = 75 mm, O = 10 m and v = 150 mm.,
150 mm
u v So u = (10 m) x = 20 m
75 mm
Note :
The image formed on the screen is neither a
shadow ( as it is not dark) nor a true image It is an optical instrument used to increase the
( as the rays do not intersect each other and visual angle of near objects which are too small
can not be seen as an aerial image in to be seen by naked eye.
absence of screen. Microscopes are of two types v iz. simple
3.2 Lens Camera : microscope and compound microscope.
4.1 Simple Microscope :
>> It is also known as magnif ying glass or

. .
F 2F magnifier and consists of a convergent lens with
object between its focus and optical centre and
eye close to it. The image formed by it is erect,
I virtual, enlarged and on same side of lens
between object and infinity.

In it a converging lens whose aperture and

distance from the film can be adjusted is ..
used. Usually object is real and between 
and 2F;so the image is real, inverted,
. O

diminished and between F and 2F.

(A) Exposure :
. .
2F F
 (
 F
For a particular film, a definite amount of u 0
light energy must i.e. incident on the film v
for proper exposure. i.e.,
I x S x t = constant where, I = intensity
of light, S = area of aperture of lens and
t is the exposure time. O
0 (
i.e. ID2 t = constant where D = aperture

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 h D h D
Magnifying power Magnifying Power = = i × = i ×
0 ue h0 h0 ue
visual angle with instrument 
= =
Maximum visual angle for unaidedeye  0 v hi v
But for objective, m = i.e., = –
u h0 u
hi h
Now,  = = 0 with, 0 = h0 /D
v u
v D
so, M.P. = –   where, ue + u = L
 h D D u  ue 
M.P. = = 0x =
0 u h0 u
Now two possibilities are there :
Now, two possibilities are there : (A) Final image is at infinity ( far point)
(A) Image is at infinity (far point)
If v =  , u = f (from lens formula) v D 
u e = fe  M.P. = –  
u  fe 
So, M.P. = =
u f where L = u + fe
Note : Note :
Here parallel beam of light enters the eye i.e., A microscope is usually considered to
eye is least strained. operate in this mode unless stated
(B) Image is at D (Near point) otherwise.
1 1 1 (B) Final image is at D ( near point)
In this situation v = – D, so that, – =
D u f For eye - piece . v e = D ,
or, = 1 +
u f 1 1 1
D  – =
So, M.P. = 1 + D  ue fe
Note : 1 1  D
 = 1  
Here final image is closest to eye i.e. , eye is ue 
D  fe 
under maximum strain.
4.2 Compound Microscope v  D f D
 M.P.= – 1   with L = v + e
u  f  f
fe  e  e D
f0 Note :
u v In case, u  f 0 and, L = v + ue  v so that
F0 Fe
O • • • L D
F0 | M.P.|  x
f0 fe
 1. As magnifying power is negative, the image
ve seen in a microscope is always truly inverted,
i.e., left is turned right with upside down
It consists of two convergent lenses of short simultaneously.
focal lengths and apertures arrangedco-axially.
2. Resolving Power : The minimum distance
Lens f0 is the objective or field lens and fe between two lines at which they are just
is the eye-piece or ocular. Objective has smaller distinct is called limit of resolution and
aperture and focal length than eye-piece. The reciprocal of limit of resolution is called
separation between objective and eye-piece can resolving power.
be varied. 1 1
 R.P. =  = 2  sin  / 
x 

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Examples Ex.4 If the focal length of a magnifier is 5 cm
based on Microscope
calculate (a) the power of the lens( b) the
Ex.3 A man with normal near point (25 cm) reads magnifying power of the lens for relaxed and
a book with small print using a magnifying
strained eye.
glass, a thin convex lens of focal length
5 cm. (a) What is the closest and farthest Sol.(a) As power of a lens is reciprocal of focal length
distance at which he can read the book when in m,
viewing through the magnifying glass ? What 1 1
P = = diopter = 20 D
is the maximum and minimum MP possible 5 x 10 m2
using the above simple microscope ?
Sol.(a) As for normal eye far and near points are (b) For relaxed eye, MP is minimum and will be
 and 25 cm respectively so for magnifier D 25
v max = –  and v min = – 25 cm. However, for MP = = = 5 
f 5
a lens as
While for strained eye, MP is maximum and
1 1 1 f
– = i.e. u = will be
v u f (f / v )  1
So u will be minimum when v = min=– 25 cm D
MP = 1 + = 1 + 5 = 6 
5 25 f
i.e. (u)min. = =– = – 4.17 cm.
 5 / 25   1 6 5. TELESCOPE
And u will be maximum when v = max = 
5 It is an optical instrument used to increase the
i.e. (u)max. =
5 /    1 = – 5 cm. visual angle of distant large objects.
So the closest and farthest distances of the Telescopes mainly are of two types v iz.
book from the magnifier ( or eye) for clear astronomical and terrestrial.
viewing are 4.17 cm and 5 cm respectively.
(b) As in case of simple magnif ier 5.1 Astronomical Telescope :
MP = (D/u). So MP will be minimum when It consists of two converging lenses placed
u = max = 5 cm. coaxially with objective having large aperture and
25  D a large focal length while the eye- piece having
i.e. (MP)min = = 5   f 
5   smaller aperture and focal length. The separation
And MP will be maximum when u = min between eye- piece and objective can be varied.
= (25/6) cm
 25  D
i.e. (MP) max. = = 6   1  
 (25 / 6)  f

f0 L
v=f0 ue
U= 
0 0

Fe F0
∙ ∙ 


) (
y IM


Field lens >>

Eye lens

Astronomical Telescope

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Magnifying power 3. Infrared Telescope :
visual angle with instrument  It is used to see distant objects in dark.
= = , f0 Vacuum- tube
visual angle for unaided eye 0
Focusing electrodes

Light fe
0 = h/ f0 &  = h/(– ue)
Infrared ......
> > >
> > > > >

> > > >
 f0  Radiation > > > >
 M.P. = –  u  with L = f 0 + ue Eye piece
 e
Cesium- oxide Fluorescent
Rock-salt Photo- cathode
Now two possibilities are there Screen
field lens
(A) Final image is at infinity ( far point) 5.2 Terrestrial Telescope :
Here, v =   ue = f e
So, M.P. = – (f 0/ f e) with, L = f 0 + f e
Note : IF f0
f0 f
Usually , a telescope operates in this mode u=
unless stated otherwise.
(B) Final image is at D ( near point) F0 IM
Field Erecting lens
1 1 1 lens f0
Here, v = D  – = f0 2f 2f
D  ue fe
If a lens of short focal length f is placed at 2f
1 1  fe 
 = 1 from the intermediate image at a distance
ue fe  D 
2f on the other side of it and this image will act
as an object for eye- lens which will produce
f0  fe 
So, M.P. = – 1  D  erect image with respect to the object; this lens
fe  
is called erecting lens and as f or it
m = – 1, the MP and length of telescope for
f eD
with L = f 0 + relaxed eye will be
fe  D
f0 f
Note : M.P. = – (–1) = 0 , L = f0 + fe + 4 f
fe fe
1. The above discussion is that of the refracting
(A) Galilean Telescope
2. Reflecting Telescope : L
If the field lens of refracting telescope is
replaced by a converging mirror, then the IM
telescope becomes a reflecting one, where
M.P. = f 0 /f e

Here the conv ergent eye- piece of

astronomical telescope is replaced by a
divergent lens. Here M.P. = f 0 / f e with ,
L = f0 – f e
Note :
In this telescope as the intermediate image
is outside the tube, the telescope cannot be
used for measurements. This was not the
case for all previous telescope.

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(B) Binocular Ex.6 A telescope has an objective of focal length
50 cm and an eye- piece of focal length 5 cm.
The least distance of distinct vision is 25 cm.
The telescope is focused for distinct vision on
a scale 2 m away from the objective. Calculate
(a) magnification produced and (b) separation
between objective and eye- piece.
Sol. As objective has focal length 50 cm and object
is 2 m from it , it will form the image of
object at a distance v such that
1 1 1 200
– = i.e., v = cm.
v  200 50 3
v ( 200 / 3) 1
When two telescopes are mounted parallel with m0 = = = –
u  200 3
to each other so that an object can be seen
and as focal length of eye- piece is 5 cm and
by both the eyes simultaneously, the
it forms as image 25 cm in front of it, the
arrangement is called a binocular. Here, the
distance of object (image formed by objective)
length of each tube is reduced by using a
from it will be
set of totally reflecting prisms which provide
1 1 1
intense, erect image f ree from lateral – =
 25 ue 5
inversion. Binocular gives proper 3-D image.
i.e., ue = – cm
Telescope 6
based on
ve 25
Ex.5 An astronomical telescope has an angular with me = = – = 6
ue  25 / 6
magnification of magnitude 5 for distant
objects. The separation between the objective and hence
and eye- piece is 36 cm and the final image (a) Magnification m= m 0 x me =(– 1/3) x 6 = – 2,
is formed at infinity. Determine the focal i.e., final image is inverted, virtual, double of
length of objective and eye-piece. object and is at a distance of 25 cm in front
Sol. In case of astronomical telescope if object of eye lens.
and final image both are at infinity. (b) As distance of intermediate image (which is
MP = – (f 0/f e) and L = f 0 + f e between the two lenses), from objective is
So here –(f 0/f e) = – 5 and f 0 + f e = 36 (200/3) cm while from the eye- lens is
Solving these for f 0 and f e, we get (25/6) cm., so separation between the
f 0 = 30 cm and f e = 6 cm objective and eye-piece,
200 25 425
L = + = = 70.83 cm.
3 6 6

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Ex.1 A 35 mm film is to be projected on a 20 m and L = v + ue = 12 + 5 = 17 cm.
wide screen situated at a distance of 40 m In this situation eye is said to be relaxed and
from the film- projector. Calculate the distance for a given microscope MP is minimum while
of the film from the projection lens and focal length of tube maximum.
length of projection lens. (b) If final image is at D ( Near point)
Sol. As in case of projector,
1 1 1
I v For eye- piece, – =
m = =  25 ue 5
O u
 25
20 x 100 cm 40 x 100 i.e., ue = = – 4.17 cm.
So – 6
3.5 cm = u
i.e., u = – 7 cm and, m = [ 1 + (D/f e) ] = [1+ (25/5)] = 6
i.e., film is at a distance of 7 cm in front of So, MP = m x m = – 5 x 6 = – 30
projection lens.
and, L = v + ue = 12 + 4.17 = 16.17 cm.
1 1 1
And from lens formula – = , here we In this situation eye is said to be strained
v u f and for a given microscope MP is maximum
have while length of tube is minimum.
1 1 1 D
– =  25
Note : In case (b) me = =
4000 7 f ue  25 / 6 = 6 = m
or f  7 cm = 70 mm
So here MP = m × m = m × me = linear
[as ( 1/4000) << (1/7) ]
i.e., focal length of projection lens is 70 mm.
Ex.3 In a compound microscope the objective and
Ex.2 A compound microscope has an objective of
the eye- piece have focal lengths of 0.95 cm
focal length 2 cm and an eye- piece of focal
and 5 cm respectively, and are kept at a
length 5 cm. If an object is placed at a
distance of 20 cm. The last image is formed
distance of 2.4 cm in front of the field lens,
at a distance of 25 cm from the eye- piece.
find the magnifying power of the instrument
Calculate the position of object and the total
and length of the tube if (a) final image is at
infinity (b) final image is at least distance of
distinct vision ( = 25 cm). Sol. As final image is at 25 cm in front of eye
Sol. As object is at a distance of 2.4 cm. in front
of field lens of focal length 2 cm. field lens 1 1 1 25
will form its image at distance v such that – u = i.e., ue = –
 25 e 5 6
1 1 1
– = i.e., v = 12 cm. ve  25
v  2.4 2
And so, me = u =
e  25 / 6 = 6 ...(1)
v 12
so that m = = = – 5 Now for objective,
u  2 .4
v = L – ue = 20 – (25/6) = (95/6)
(a) If final image is at infinite ( far point)
So if object is at a distance u from the
1 1 1 objective,
For eye- piece, – =
 u e 5
6 1 1
i.e. , ue = – 5 cm. – =
95 u 0.95
and m = (D/Fe) = (25/ 5) = 5
So, MP = m x m = – 5 x 5 = – 25 i.e., u = – cm

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i.e. object is at a distance (95/94) cm in Sol. As object is distant, i.e., u = –  , so
front of field lens.
1 1 1
(95 / 6)  94  – = f i.e. v = f 0 = 12 cm
v v  0
Also, m = = = –   ...(2)
u ( 95 / 94 ) 6 i.e. objective will form the image IM at its
So total magnification, focus which is at a distance of 12 cm from
O. Now as eye- piece of focal length – 4 cm
 94  forms image I at a distance of 24 cm from it,
M = m xme = –   x (6) = – 94
1 1 1 24
i.e., final image is inverted, virtual and 94 – u =  ue = = 4.8 cm.
 24 e 4 5
times that of object.
Ex.4 A Galilean telescope consists of an objective i.e, the distance of IM from eye lens EA is
of focal length 12 cm and eye- piece of focal 4.8 cm. So the length of tube
length 4 cm. What should be the separation L = OA – EA = 12 – 4.8 = 7.2 cm.
of the two lenses when the virtual image of Now by definition :
a distant object is formed at a distance of 24
cm from the eye- piece? W hat is the  tan  AB / EA  OA
MP =   tan  =
magnifying power of telescope under this 0 0 AB / OA  = EA
f0 12 10
So, MP = u = = = 2.5
e 4.8 4
i.e. , the image is erect, virtual, and is at a
distance of 24 – 7.2 = 16.8 cm in front of

I f 0=12 cm

> f0 fe
4.8 cm
> ue
0 
>> (
O ( E A
) )
0 >> IM
L= 7.2 cm >> >
24 cm

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