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Chapter 320: "Bounty Head Money" – In the Fire Temple coffins

line the interior. A monk tells Asuma they couldn't find Chiriku, Izumo
figures he was probably taken in for bounty. Kotetsu asks where the
bounty station is and Izumo says there are five in all. Izumo alerts four
other teams via birds to head for the others. Asuma states they'll head
out for the closest. One of the elder monks states they'll pray for them
and Asuma smiles. Elsewhere Naruto is jubilant, Kakashi states Naruto
can now work on refining it. Naruto collapses and Kakashi rushes to his
side. Naruto states he is very hungry and Kakashi grins. At the Temple
Asuma thanks the monk for praying. The monk tells him to be careful,
as one of the Twelve Guardians he has a price on his head as well.
Asuma tells him not to worry; his bounty has to be at least 5 million
more than Chiriku's. At Ichiraku Kakashi asks where Ayame is. Teuchi
says she's on a trip and these are the two new cooks. Naruto slobbers
in anticipation but the two new cooks prove clueless in the kitchen,
ruining each bowl of ramen made and dropping others. Naruto can
only watch on in slobbering sadness at the mayhem developing before
him. Elsewhere in a men’s restroom a hidden wall panel opens before
Hidan and Kakuzu. A man greets them and then offers Kakuzu his
appreciation for the bounty head. Chiriku's corpse is laid on a slab and
the reward money is handed over. Hidan curses the horrible smell of
the place and goes to leave while Kakuzu states he's going to remain
and count his money. Back at Ichiraku Naruto happily slurps up his
ramen. Yamato looks at his bowl with disdain and Naruto states he
wants to go train afterwards. Kakashi says it'll have to wait, there's
something else he needs to show Naruto first...

Chapter 321: "Smooth-Talking...!!" – Naruto states he isn't ready

for another of Kakashi's long-winded explanations. His sensei explains
he'll make it understandable, and asks Yamato to pay. Yamato
interjects that the senpai usually pays. Kakashi states that for those
you respect, there's no "senior" or "junior" talk, and then he adds that
of all his juniors, he only recognizes Yamato. Yamato then
embarrassedly interjects that he'll pay. Naruto thinks that Kakashi
does in fact have a way with words. They leave and Kakashi explains
about changing the shape of chakra, and how with Chidori he decides
the power and range of the attack. Because Naruto learned nature
manipulation, and knows form manipulation with Rasengan, he's pretty
much got the basics down. Naruto comments that this was easy, but
Kakashi states no. Kakashi then forms Rasengan in his hand to
Naruto's surprise. He states he couldn't fuse his lightning chakra with
Rasengan. To fuse the two requires a very special knack for it. He
states that neither he nor his teacher the Fourth Hokage could do it.
He states Rasengan is a high level form manipulation technique,
uncompleted and lacking nature. Naruto asks if that means it's a half-
complete jutsu and Kakashi affirms. He states he doesn't even know if
it's possible, so it's up to Naruto to find out. He asks Naruto if he
knows why he's telling him this, and he states it's because he believes
he can surpass the Fourth. Naruto blushes in surprise. Yamato smiles
and states Kakashi has a way with words. Kakashi states he really
does believe it. Elsewhere the Bounty master asks Kakuzu to return
with more later. Kakuzu replies he's going to Konoha to look for a
Jinchuuriki. The master states Kakuzu should look for a new partner. In
the forest Team Asuma runs on. Shikamaru asks Asuma how he knows
Chiriku. He states Asuma usually smokes two packs a day, but he
hasn't touched a cigarette in the last few days. When he stops
smoking there is something going on. Asuma states Shikamaru can
always see through him. The younger man says usually only in Shougi
and adds that Asuma also gave up smoking when the Third died.
Asuma states he and Chiriku were friends while in the Twelve
Guardians, similar to Shikamaru and Chouji. Shikamaru silently takes
this in, then states he won't have to wait long before picking his
smoking habit back up.

Chapter 322: "He Can't Be Killed" – Asuma says he's touched that
Shikamaru cares, but he didn't give up smoking because of Chiriku. He
then adds to be careful when they finally face Akatsuki. In the
restroom, Kakuzu states Hidan is a pain in the ass, but the only one
worthy to be his companion since the previous ones all died. And when
he gets really annoyed, the urge to kill rises, but Hidan can't be killed.
In Konoha multiple Narutos are exhausted and two attempt Rasengan.
They attempt to create Wind but it proves difficult to focus. A burst of
wind sends the clones flying and the agitated Naruto stands and forms
Rasengan again. His annoyance rising, he grits his teeth and the
Kyuubi chakra begins to boil and four tails form. Kakashi yells for
Yamato and he extends the wood to clamp down and subdue Naruto.
Yamato yells that if this continues it will be too much for Naruto, and
it's getting to be too much for him too. Kakashi replies it's the only
way, and it's all dependent upon Yamato. Yamato affirms. Elsewhere
Hidan sits and curses the stink that has stuck to him, a figure walks up
behind him and he expresses his annoyance that Kakuzu took so long.
He turns to see Asuma hurl kunai at him, he uses his scythe to knock
them away and then hurls it at his opponent. Asuma steps aside to
avoid the attack and Hidan stands frozen. Izumo and Kotetsu rush in
from the sides with large kunai, while Shikamaru watches from the
roof holding Hidan in place. Kotetsu and Izumo's blades strike home in
Hidan's chest. Asuma states that's one down, but Hidan replies that
hurt and asks what the hell is going on.

Chapter 323: "God's Judgment" – Izumo and Kotetsu are shocked

their attack was shrugged off. Hidan asks who they are and notices
Asuma's Fire loincloth. Asuma states they're from Konoha and they're
here to wipe Akatsuki out. He acknowledges Hidan's high skills and
Shikamaru also marvels at their power. Hidan says they've made a
misstep and Asuma asks where his partner is. On the roof Shikamaru
can barely jump away as Kakuzu slams his position. Hidan maniacally
yells that the binding jutsu wore off. Asuma rushes to protect
Shikamaru and yells for Izumo and Kotetsu to retreat, so they take up
positions around Shikamaru. Hidan tells his partner not to interfere,
that they will be his offerings. Kakuzu states that's fine, and to not let
down his guard. Hidan asks why he says that, they if they kill, that's
fine. He then makes his Jashin symbol below him out of his blood.
Asuma says he'll charge him and asks Shikamaru to attack him with
his shadow sewing. Kotetsu says he'll assist but Asuma firmly states
no, these guys are too good. Kotetsu then asks isn't retreat better?
Asuma says no, they'll be killed if they do that too. It's all like Shougi,
and sometimes you have to play in this fashion. Hidan pulls one of the
large blades from his sides, and curses them from not understanding
pain. Shikamaru states such a sacrificial gambit doesn't suit Asuma,
but the older man states it won't be one with you around. Asuma and
Hidan clash and Shikamaru tries to hit him with his shadow needles.
Hidan throws the blades and Asuma cuts through them. The scythe
then rushes, Asuma parries but a blade tip cuts his cheek. Hidan draws
the scythe back and licks the blood. Asuma emits a fire style burning
ash cloud which envelops Hidan. Hidan's body turns black with white
skeletal outlines, he then gloats that Asuma's in pain now, correct?
Asuma then feels that he himself has been burned instead. Hidan
gloats that God's judgment has helped Asuma feel the pain of others.
His fate is sealed and the ceremony will now begin, allowing them to
experience the pain together!...

Chapter 324: "Shikamaru's Analysis" – Kakuzu ponders Asuma's

monetary worth and Shikamaru wonders if Asuma's burning means
what he thinks. Hidan pulls out a spike and laughs with glee. Asuma
extends his Wind chakra through his knife and charges. Hidan jams
the spike through his femur and Asuma goes down in pain. Hidan
gloats how the pain of his opponent floods through him, causing
pleasure. Izumo and Kotetsu try to grasp what's happening and then
figure it out. Asuma has too and figures his foe can't be killed. Hidan
asks whether he should just end it now. Izumo orders Shikamaru to
stop Hidan's movements. Hidan raises his spike to pierce his chest,
going for the killing blow but Shikamaru's shadow stops him! Hidan
tries to fight against the binding. Kotetsu asks how long it was since
they called for reinforcements, and Izumo figures it will be another 20
minutes until they arrive. Izumo doesn't like their chances if Asuma
falls. Shikamaru maintains his hold and his mind frantically goes
through all the variables. Asuma thinks he has to use this time to
figure out a counter. Kakuzu tells his partner if this goes on any longer
he'll have to step in. Hidan yells that he can do it. Shikamaru thinks of
all the things Hidan has said so far, about preparations, rituals and
ceremonies. He then snaps to attention with the answer. Izumo asks if
he has an idea. Asuma thinks over the young man's ability to think
many moves ahead and consider many different strategies. Shikamaru
firmly tells his captain they're ready to go.

Chapter 325: "There Is No After...!" – Kakuzu ponders the

shadow's binding ability while Hidan fights against it. Izumo asks
Shikamaru what he'll do. The young man strains and explains he'll
withdraw Hidan from the circle on the ground. It's tied to his scythe
usage, even if it's not fatal if he can wound he can kill. It's tied to the
curse through consumption of his opponent's blood. He goes on to
state the final requirement is Hidan needs to be in the circle. Kakuzu is
impressed and Shikamaru explains how Hidan's boasts about starting
the ceremony helped give it away. Hidan is incensed and he curses the
young man, telling him after he gets free he's going to rip him apart.
Shikamaru retorts there will be no "after" and yells to Asuma that
Hidan is finally out of the circle. Asuma throws a shuriken which cuts
through Hidan with no ill affect on himself. Shikamaru then causes his
shadows to whip out and stab through Hidan, holding him down
further. Shikamaru states he can't hold on for much longer and Asuma
tells him good work. Hidan yells for Kakuzu to hurry and help him and
his partner retorts that he warned him his carelessness would be his
end. Asuma charges with his chakra blades and cuts off Hidan's head,
sending it flying next to Kakuzu. The Konoha ninja breathe a sigh of
relief. Kakuzu looks at Hidan's head and states that if he needed help
he should have asked earlier... and the head yells back that Kakuzu let
that happen! The Konoha ninja are shocked. Kakuzu reminds Hidan he
told him to back off, and now that he is only a head he dares yell at
him? Hidan's head states maybe he was at fault and asks Kakuzu to
get his body for him. Kakuzu picks up Hidan's head and makes no
further move. Hidan demands Kakuzu get his body but his partner
merely states his head is lighter.

Chapter 326: "Desired Pain...!!" – Hidan bitches to Kakuzu about

the hair pulling and complains about the pain of the beheading. The
Konoha ninja watch on and Shikamaru weakly states Hidan can't use
jutsu without his body. Izumo states they have a chance against the
other now and Asuma thinks over whether they should now flee.
Suddenly Kakuzu has kicked Asuma back. He places Hidan's head on
the body and dark threads emerge from his sleeves to sew it back on.
He warns Hidan to be careful or it'll come off again. The Konoha ninja
think over how impossible this is and Kakuzu tells Hidan to take Asuma
while he goes after the rest. Kotetsu summons a huge weapon and
Izumo charges and emits a sticky glue from his mouth. Kotetsu emits
a protective chakra to his feet and runs across the surface, the
charging Kakuzu gets stuck. Kotetsu lunges to strike but Kakuzu
unravels stitches from his forearms and sends out his hands to grab
the two men by the throat, sticky tendrils running from the forearms
to the hands allow him to maintain control. Asuma charges his blade
and stands to swipe at Hidan. His opponent jumps back and pulls his
scythe back from Asuma's blindside. Asuma dodges and the weapon
impales Hidan in the chest. Hidan merely laughs at the pain and points
out he is now in his circle. Asuma doubles over coughing up blood and
Hidan gloats that he is feeling the pain of death. He pulls a pike and
Shikamaru runs, yelling for him to stop. He can only watch in horror as
Hidan plunges the pike straight through his chest.

Chapter 327: "Within Despair..." – Asuma kneels and then coughs

up blood. In Konoha, Kurenai waters her plants. When the petals of
one falls off its stem, she is hit with an ill omen about Asuma.
Elsewhere Hidan relishes the pain and Shikamaru runs towards him in
shock, and then collapses. Hidan's skin returns to normal and he tells
his partner he's done. Kakuzu replies he almost is too. As Izumo and
Kotetsu struggle against the grip, Shikamaru stands and runs at the
man in a rage. Kakuzu yanks Izumo and slaps Shikamaru aside.
Suddenly crows fly in to surround the two Akatsuki. Hidan yells in
confusion and Kakuzu retorts it's to block their vision. A black sword
pierces through crows and Raidou places himself between Kakuzu and
Kotetsu. He strikes Kakuzu in the head with the sword and the other
releases his grip. Chouji lifts Asuma and Ino helps Shikamaru to his
feet. They retreat to the building roof and Aoba controls his flock,
sending them after the Akatsuki duo. The duo retreats backwards and
curses the backup. The birds poof away and Raidou asks Kotetsu if he
is okay. Chouji and Shikamaru yell at Asuma but the man remains
silent. Shikamaru listens at his chest and hears a faint heartbeat. He
yells for Chouji to return to Konoha with Asuma and tells Ino to apply
medical ninjutsu along the way. They affirm the order but suddenly
Kakuzu appears on the roof, stating he's not giving up his bounty.
Aoba states they'll hold them off while they retreat with Asuma. Hidan
gloats they're just more sacrifices but then he and Kakuzu suddenly
bolt to attention. Hidan asks to no one if it can wait a little longer.
Elsewhere the Akatsuki leader sits on the tongue of a large figure in a
city. He tells them to return as they're preparing to seal the Sanbi.
Hidan petulantly demands more time but his partner tells him to cool
it. Hidan concedes and Kakuzu states they'll be back later. Elsewhere a
nose pierced Akatsuki leader reacts in annoyance at the lack of
maturity in his men.

Chapter 328: "Team 10" – Izumo wonders why they are retreating
and Shikamaru yells for Asuma to be spirited away to healing. Hidan
states they shouldn't go anywhere as they'll be back soon; they then
puff away in smoke. Asuma weakly states it's okay now, this is it for
him. Ino uses healing on him and surmises they hit vital points,
meaning she can't do anything else. Asuma states he finally
understands why the Third did what he did, and it took him too long to
figure it out. He asks his former students to come close, Shikamaru
stoically tells them to listen close, as these are his last words. Asuma
tells Ino to look over for Shikamaru and Chouji and never to lose out
to Sakura in Ninjutsu or love. She cries and says she understands. He
tells Chouji he's kind and trustworthy, things that will make him
become a great ninja. He then also states he should try to diet. Chouji
cries and says he'll try. He finally tells Shikamaru he has a great mind
and sense for a ninja, the kind which could make him Hokage. He also
states he never managed to beat him once. He then asks if he
remembers his words on the "King," he whispers in Shikamaru's ear
what he's learned on the subject and the young man reacts in
surprise. He asks Shikamaru to take out his cigarettes and the young
man lights him one last smoke. We flash to the past, where Asuma
greets his team for the first time. He says there'll be no crying and the
young Shikamaru replies it's all because of the smoke. We go forward
to another time when Chouji ran up the bill at a yakiniku, and move
again to Asuma buying flowers at Yamanaka's. Ino asks who they're
for and Asuma states no one particular, she knowingly responds telling
him to say "Hi" to Kurenai for her. We move again to Asuma giving
Shikamaru a book on Shougi. Shikamaru wins their first match and the
young man says he doesn't have to go easy on him. We move again to
Asuma congratulating Shikamaru on being the only one to pass the
Chuunin Exams; and finally again to congratulate Ino and Chouji on
passing the Exam. He states they're now Chuunin and out of his care.
They'll lead their own teams now and he gives them matching earrings
as a gift. He asks them never to forget they were Team 10. In the
present Asuma's cigarette drops to the ground and his body goes still.
Ino yells out and she and Chouji profusely cry. Shikamaru remains
stoic. It begins to rain and Raidou covers Asuma's upper body with his
cloak. Shikamaru picks up a cigarette and lights it. He profusely
coughs and states he hates to smoke. He begins to heavily cry and
curses the smoke. Tears mix with rain, while back in Konoha Kurenai
watches the rain out her apartment window as well...

Chapter 329: "The True Goal...!!" – Near Konoha one Naruto

forms Rasengan and begins to go Kyuubi, the others freak and
yell for help. Yamato extends the suppressors and pin the
Naruto to the ground, it then poofs away. Kakashi asks Naruto if
he's okay, that after a day he's racked up 4,800 hours of
training with all the clones. Naruto expresses doubt that it can
even be done. Kakashi says that's not like him, but Naruto
replies it's different this time. Kakashi states he has to carry on
and Naruto replies it's like looking right and left at the same
time. Yamato agrees but Kakashi says he can do that. He forms
a clone and each looks different directions. Naruto suddenly
perks up with a new understanding. Kakashi wonders if Naruto
has figured something out. Elsewhere Akatsuki seals the Sanbi.
The leader states the Nibi will be next, and it should take six
days. Hidan complains about how long and idiotic it all is. He
states he was so close to killing the heathen Leaf ninja and
showing them the true nature of Jashin. The leader tells him
they aren't heathens; they just follow a different path, the "Will
of Fire." Hidan doesn't like the rebuke and the leader says he's
not making fun of why he fights. The reason for war doesn't
matter, they'll always happen. Hidan argues that he's tired of
the prattle; his own goals won't be stopped by the group. The
leader replies as long as he's a member he will work for their
goals and if they are met his can come quickly in turn. Hidan
replies it's always about gathering money, and the leader states
yes, they do need a large sum of money. Hidan states he was
the newest member before Tobi, and he doesn't even know why
they're doing this then since the leader is always sneaking
around. The leader says there are three steps: The first is
money and the next is to create the first mercenary group.
Hidan replies they're just doing the same thing other villages are
doing, going on missions. And even becoming a village leader
they won't find sanctuary in any country. The leader replies it's
different. Shinobi villages make money for the country, and for
the money to be steady it needs war. There haven’t been any
big wars through this generation, and the villages are being
reduced in size. The Five Great Shinobi Villages can handle the
downtrend, but the smaller villages can't. Akatsuki will join with
the remaining small villages to form their own fighting force with
no country allegiance. Then using the bijuu they create new
battles and new wars and gain a monopoly over them. In the
end they'll control all the wars and be able to destroy the shinobi
villages of the large countries, forcing them to rely on Akatsuki.
With all that in hand, they can achieve their last true goal, to
control the world..

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