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Deanandita Zahra 11170140000031 4A

Article Summary Form

Article title: Character Education in Content Courses: Self-Scoring as A Means for
Developing Honesty in Students
Writer/s: Patrisius Istiarto Djiwandono
Journal/Newspaper and volume, issue: TEFLIN Journal, Volume 27
Date published: July 2016 List No:
 Is there any biographichal information about the author given? What are the
author’s qualifications and authority?
No, there is not. But based on Google scholar, the author is a Professor of
English Language Education at Ma Chung University.
 Who is the intended audience?
The author intended the teacher as the audience. The author wants to show how
self-scoring can develop students’ honesty.
 Define the general problem area. What does the author intend to discuss? Why?
The general idea of this article is the character education of students especially
honesty. The author intend to discuss about how is the way that teacher can do to
know more and to evaluate about the students’ character by doing the self-scoring.
Because it is not an easy thing to do in line with the limited time of contact between
the teacher and the student.
 What is the objective or purpose of the research? Is this clearly stated?
The purpose of the research is to report an effort to shape students’ honesty
through self-scoring techniques. Yes it is clearly stated in the abstract of the paper.
 Does the author define any specific terms?
Yes, he does. He defined that self-scoring or self-rating is how the student give
the score for their own assignment based on the teacher’s criteria.
 If the article is a report of a research study, what method is used and what is the
sample for the study and how is it selected?
The method that is used in the research is by doing an experiment. The author
did this experiment to the 19 students of Ma Chung University who were taking
Language Testing at the English Letters Study Program. The lecturer asked the
students to do assessment after they did 2 small quizzes and 1 major quiz. After that
the scores which assessed by the students will be compared to the scores by the
lecturer. Before they did the self-assessment, the lecturer explained the criteria of
scoring and ensured the students’ agreement on the criteria. They were told that this
kind of assessment was the chance to exercise honesty, and that a cheating would be
a betrayal to their own conscience.
 Are there any illustrations, tables or graphs used?
Yes, there are two tables that used in this paper. The first table is “Table 1. The
Scores from the Quizzes”. And the second one is “Table 2. Means of the Scores and
Results of Mann-Whitney Test”.
 What are the author’s major findings and conclusions?
The results indicate the changes in the students’ scoring behavior across the
three tests. Both the first and the second Small Quiz, the scores were quite similar to
the scores given by the lecturer. But the scores in the Major Quiz were increasingly
greater from the teacher’s scores because the students realized that this quiz was a
high-stake factor which would determine their grades.
The analyses of their scores from three different tests make the student to be less
honest when realizing that the assessment become more of a high-stake test. So,
self-assessment needs to be exercised with caution especially when the test becomes
high-stake. It is also needed that the teacher should give a scoring guide and
monitor the students’ character.
 Does the author suggest areas for further research or discussion?
No, the author does not suggest any further research but the author mentioned
other several ways of instilling honesty by giving a rational reason for coming-late,
writing academic paper with proper citation, and also doing peer-assessment.

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