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Submitted to: Sir Faisal Sultan





DATE 17-12-2019

Introduction and Background of the Company:
Lucky Cement Limited (LCL) is one of Pakistan’s largest cement manufacturing companies
and has made its name at the top of the list of the biggest cement producers and exporters of
the country, Lucky Cement Limited was established in 1993 by TabbaMemon family. Its
founders include Abdul Razak Tabba and Azam Soofi. In Pakistan, Lucky Cement has
evolved into a premium cement manufacturer delivering consistent quality, providing
unmatched customer satisfaction, and, most importantly, benefit from low production costs.
Lucky Cement is one of the largest cement producers in the domestic cement industry with a
production capacity of 9.35 MTPA and over two decades of cement manufacturing
experience in Pakistan at its plants in Pezu and Karachi.

Moreover, the Company now has an international production footprint in the Democratic
Republic of Congo and the Republic of Iraq. It has established various other business
concerns in textiles, cement, construction, power generation sectors, and real estate
development. It is also Pakistan’s first and largest exporter of loose cement and is the only
cement manufacturer to have loading and storage terminal at Karachi Port. Lucky Cement is
growing rapidly and offers a higher return to its stockholders. It has gained the highest market
share as compared to its competitors. It is successfully attaining its financial and nonfinancial
objectives on short term and long term basis. It is not only focusing on attainingits financial
objectives but also its strategic objectives, in which it decided to provide its customers with
dynamic, innovative products and to provide cost benefits to its customers, which then tend to
give higher satisfaction levels to its customers. LCL prioritizes its corporate social
responsibility (CSR) as a part of strategic objectives and it assists its employees and
communities by providing better education and health facilities. LCL cares a lot about its
employees and rewards them above market salary and benefits. It has the policy of equal
employment opportunities and nondiscriminatory behavior to its employees.
We strive to be a growth-oriented company by identifying opportunities, making the right
investments, producing high-quality cement and using innovative technology to achieve cost
competitiveness and customer satisfaction. We endeavor to harness the best human resources
and providing them a level playing field in achieving long-term goals. We aim to deliver
sustained growth and enduring value to our stakeholders. We recognize our obligations
towards the environment and corporate social responsibility and seek to mitigate any adverse
effects on our environment.

Ensure a sustainable leadership position in Pakistan and increase the global footprint in the
cement sector. Identify and capitalize on diversification opportunities to maximize
shareholders’ value while remaining socially responsive in all spheres of operations.

Cement Industry In Pakistan:

In every economy, the construction industry is the backbone of the country. The cement
industry in the construction sector plays a vital role in the development of the country in
terms of contribution to GDP, employment opportunities, exports, and imports. The biggest
challenges confronted by the cement industry, a fast thriving giant industry, consisted of
energy outages, adulteration in cement products by many rivals to save cost. According to the
All Pakistan Cement Manufacturing Association (APCMA), Lucky Cement contributes
towards not only its growth but also works very hard to strengthen the cement sector in
Pakistan. It is the company that focuses on fulfilling not only the domestic demand for its
products but also feeding the international market. It exports in countries such as
Afghanistan, India, Nepal, etc. Its share price in stock markets can judge the positive impact
of its exports. In 2011, its production and exports decreased due to conflict and undermined
relationships between Pakistan and Afghanistan for one year. In the wake of the flimsy
relations’ period, Pakistan and Afghanistan rebuilt trade ties, and again, LCL’s export sales
grew there and it enjoyed stable production for three years continually. Lucky Cement
Limited is a market leader cum industry leader in the cement sector of Pakistan. It is
thebiggest producer, seller, and exporter in this category. This giant company looks like an
icon andrecords stupendous growth and expansion over the years.
To begin analyzing different frameworks that we can use to assess solutions for the growing
environmental impact of the cement industry and the market regulations needed, a better
understanding of the forces that critically affect the industry must be distilled. Porter’s five
forces provide a competitive forces framework that allows us to understand better the
different dimensions that govern market competition. Porter's 5 Forces examines the five
forces that make a company competitive while helping identify its strengths and weaknesses
Porter’s five forces are:

Analysis Of Micro Environment Of Lucky

i. Rivalry Among TheFirms:
Rivalry within the cement industry is moderate. In other words, only a few firms control the
market in many different countries. This is due to the high fixed cost (approximately 10
million dollars a plant). This creates a highly concentrated firm environment with limited
rivalry.On the other hand, cement products are not differentiated. This means that
competition between existing firms can get intense. When consumers do not bare a cost by
switching from one firm to another (low switching costs) and when the product lacks
differentiation, this creates a haven for competition and intense rivalry. The combination of
the above factors results in moderate rivalry within the global cement industry.The
competition in the industry is very stiff, as there is almost no differentiation in products.
Theproduction capacity of all the players is high.c. Even then, theintensity of this threat is

ii. Threat Of New Entrants:

High barriers to entry mean that firms already in the industry do not fear outside
competition. Barriers to exit, on the other hand, means that firms already in the market are
locked in. This can result from the firm’s inability to sell the assets if it decides to leave
the industry. Barriers to entry and exit can be seen in four different ways. First, the
government creates barriers by limiting the number of licenses it sells for production.
Cement is energy-intensive as well as highly polluting; therefore, entry to such a market
has to be highly regulated in the eyes of many governments. Second, patents create entry
barriers. Patents on new production methods or machines create difficulties for firms to
enter. However, the cement industry is not a patent dependent industry, unlike other
industries such as pharmaceuticals. Third, assets needed to produce cement cannot be
easily utilized for another industry (i.e., the cement industry is highly asset-specific). This
means that if a firm decides to enter the market, it must realize that a cease in its
production will be very costly. Finally, economies of scale can prevent entry. For cement
firms, neutralizing the high fixed costs requires a minimum efficient scale of production
that creates a strong barrier to entry. Overall, the cement industry has high barriers to
entry and high barriers to exit. The ease of entry for novice players includes: the
technology used for cement production is easily available, and the raw material used for
cement production is also easily available. But the entry barriers consist of high fixed
cost, the requirement of large investment, high cost of electricity and power, and
achievement of economies of scale. Hence, the intensity of this threat is at a medium
level, i.e., not posing a threat to LCL.

iii. Threat Of Substitute Products:

There is no proper substitute available in the market for cement products, except the building
blocks and pre-fabricated walls and ceilings. Indeed, abruptly, the building blocks (used
instead of bricks) industry seems booming as blocks (which use some cement as well) have
been used in construction, which has slightly diminished the demand of cement during
construction. In the same way, pre-fabricated walls and ceilings also play the same effect. But
such a decrease in demand is not noticed yet since the overall demand for cement for the
construction industry domestically and internationally seems rising. Hence, the intensity of
this threat is low.

iv. Bargaining Power Of Suppliers:

Supplier bargaining power is the fourth force that Porter argues influences industries.
Suppliers, if powerful, can extract some of the profits that producing firms are making off of
consumers by raising the prices of raw materials. In the inputs market for the cement
industry, suppliers are concentrated, but buyers are also concentrated. This means that initial
bargaining is practically on equal footing. Suppliers of the cement industry are divided into
two categories: suppliers of transportation and suppliers of raw materials (clinkers). Cement
manufacturers have argued that price hikes in the cement industry are due to increases in the
price of both transportation and raw materials. This means that suppliers are powerful enough
to force new prices on the cement industry. However, the weakness of the final consumers
relative to both implies that the burden is mostly shifted to the price of the final product. In
general, suppliers are powerful if there is a credible forward integration threat (suppliers can
buy producing firms), suppliers are concentrated (no switching opportunity), the cost is
prohibitive to switch suppliers, and if a supplier can rally up the final consumer (such as fair
trade farmers). In the case of cement, the power of suppliers comes from their concentration
regionally and from the high cost in switching between suppliers. It is not easy for a cement
firm to buy a clinker. This means that local raw material production must be utilized and that
local or regional suppliers have high bargaining power. The raw materials are easily available
from local vendors. The electricity power supplier to the industry is increasing its prices on
the command of the government, and this is affecting every sector. Still, LCL is lucky to have
its energy generation system too. Hence, the intensity of this threat is low.

v. Bargaining Power Of Customers:

The Fifth force of competition is Buyer Bargaining Power/Bargaining Power Of Customers.
This refers to the effect customers can exert on a particular industry. Pure buyer power exists
when only one buyer exists in the market (monopsony). In this case, power is entirely in the
hands of the buyer. In the cement industry, facts suggest that this effect is minimal. The
power of consumers is limited due to the lack of substitutes, the small number of cement
firms (oligopoly), and the inelastic demand that consumers have for the product. Buyers are
said to be powerful if they are highly concentrated, purchase a large amount of the product, or
if there is product standardization. The last effect exists, but its impact is weak because of
persistent shortages in the cement market. Given the fact that the buyers in the cement market
lack the characteristics that give them power over producing firms, the competitive level of
the industry judged through this force is very low. Firms have an easier time setting price
while buyers generally act as price takers. The price of the cement given by all the companies
is almost the same in Pakistan. So, the buyer has no other option if s/he needs it, which means
the switching cost of the buyer is low. Hence, the intensity of this threat is low.


PESTEL stands for political, economic, sociocultural, technological, legal, andenvironmental.
It is an analytical tool available to companies to determine how external factors influence
their operations and make them more competitive in the market.PESTLE is an analytical tool
that identifies how various factors may affect an organization and its competitive standing.
PESTLE analysis allows managers, marketing, and financial experts to examine factors
(outside of money) when making decisions about the company's services or products. So the
manager of a company that uses PESTLE analysis may focus on the social aspects of
consumer behavior may include examining customers' demographic culture and buying
patterns. Or may choose to look at the environment and how it plays into consumer reach.
Adverse weather conditions, how the customer views sustainability, and even environmental
policies at the local or national level can affect the future of the brand.

Analysis Of Macro Environment Of Lucky

i. Economic Factor:
The economy of Pakistan appeared slightly improving during the fiscal years of 2013-14, and
then, 2015-2016 Many economic indicators improved, such as a decrease in inflation and
Karachi Inter Bank OfferedRate (KIBOR) or so-called discount rate. In contrast, foreign
remittances, GDP, and various sectors of the economy witnessed improvement, which
became a good indicator for LCL and other businesses by providing a conducive business
environment. Though the government devised incentive schemesunder its periodic trade,
monetary, and fiscal policies, its overall policies were not executed well, andthe tax rates to
the cost of doing business kept escalating at an alarming level. In the year 2017, after the
ouster of the premier on the grounds of disqualification by the Supreme Court of Pakistan, the
PakistanStock Market was crashed, and the business-friendly environment in Pakistan
became a nightmare. The issue also impacts of company production due to an increase in
inflation crises in the country as petrol energy. Then the people purchasing power come to
week not to move customers to purchase the product.

ii. Social Factor:

Pakistan is a densely populated country. Its population is growing at a rate of around 2%
every year. Themasses from all socio-economic strata and the various public and private
entities require houses,buildings, and infrastructure. They acquire funds either from their
savings or borrowings, but they needsuch structures. Hence, the demand for cement is ever
rising. Besides the socially favorable environment,LCL is building its corporate image among
the populace. It is ranked as the 6th in the top-ten philanthropiccompany. LCL has played a
vital role inthe improvement of the environment. It planted50,000 trees withthe collaboration
of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and large government agencies to make
theenvironment clean and safe. It has generously donated amounts of its profit for community
development,to educational institutions, and hospitals to create a disease-free environment. In
recognition of its service, it has been awarded a CSR award and numerous other awards.
Fig1.Cement Shipments in and from Pakistan in 2014 (in Tons)

S. # Company Local Export Total

1 Lucky Cement Ltd. 3,183,063 1,456,9600 4,639,963

2 D.G Khan Cement Ltd. 2,214,004 153,433 2,367,437
3 Maple Leaf Cement F. Ltd. 1,347,576 45,239 1,392,815
4 Pakcem Ltd. 1,283,568 75,856 1,359,424
5 Attock Cement Ltd. 1,187,571 117,191 1,304,762
6 Pioneer Cement Ltd. 1,136,956 131,985 1,268,941
7 A.C Nzp. Cement Ltd. 1,069,272 101,270 1,170,542
8 Bestway Cement Ltd. 913,898 249,239 1,163,137
9 Fauji Cement Company 990,829 152,208 1,143,037
10 Bestway CHK Cement Ltd. 1,032,048 54,762 1,086,810

Source: Lucky Cement Limited (2015)

iii. Technological Factor:

Organizations are made through people and processes. Developing an organization requires
changing its processes through technological upgradation. Technological change can
substantially increase efficiency, as employees have to put less effort, which increases
employees and organizational development. The enforcement manufacturing industry in
Pakistan, state-of-the-art technology is available in the country since the import agents of
large-scale industrial plants are available. They steer about the effective use of such plants
and their long-run maintenance. LCL has installed giant and modern plants and has
implemented many systems, which are eco-friendly and minimize the cost of the production.
It has installed a system to use alternate coal for generating electricity. This leads to cost
efficiency and profitability.

iv. Legal-Political Factor:

Pakistan is a country where people from different cultures, religions, languages, ethnicities,
and races are living together with peace and love, but unfortunately, the peace is under fire
now. Due to the politicalconditions in Pakistan, especially in Karachi, many businesses
started moving from Pakistan to othercountries. The incidents of target killing and bomb
blasting created a negative image of Pakistan in the world. The investor is shy to invest here;
even the local investors appear reluctant to invest here. Due tothe legal-political unstable
conditions of the country, the policies remain unpredictable and taxation rates keep rising. It
is called a banana republic. Thus, investment and business climate appear unfriendly for
LCLand others.

v. Environmental Factor:
The environment is a very critical issue for the company and product. The bad
environment when created in the country so company go down to lose and crash therefore
bad environment effect on the production sale and benefit of the company as suddenly
attack terrorist on the market then every customer not to move the market side and
become the strike there is bad impact on the product supplies and worker also not to come
for working in the company, there is long time very bad environment in KPK and star war
between government of Pakistan and Taliban near lucky cement in pezu this time very
difficult situation in the kpk the company product supplies and workers was not to proper
working in the company.

SWOT is the acronym for; Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. It is a very
effective tool used in the Business industry to form strategies. SWOT analysis in marketing is
almost the same thing as a normal SWOT analysis. In this case, you analyze to form
marketing strategies. SWOT analysis in marketing will help you decide which marketing
strategy you should use to get the best result for your business. The strategy will help you to
capitalize on the opportunities using all the strengths. It will also help to avoid the threats and
minimize the weaknesses.



STRENGTHS:The major strength of the LCL discussed as under:

 Financially strong
 High product quality
 Infrastructure near ports
 Highest export share
 High pay scale
 Large dealer network
 Employee
 Development

The lucky cement growth and share are increase strength in all country as brand quality result
is very strong become an impact on market share in all world out of the country sales and
share per value increase each rs 15 their market value and face value is each rs 13 in Pakistan
stock exchange and London stock exchange, the lucky cement brand and quality and
company assets is very high level to compare other companies. The branch of manufacturing
in Karachi, the growth and share are strength due to good brands and quality. Lucky Cement
is growing rapidly and offers a higher return to its stockholders. It has gained thehighest
market share as compared to its competitors. It is successfully attaining it's financial and
non-Financial objectives on short term and long-term basis. It is not only focusing on
attaining their financial objectives, but also its strategic objectives, in which it decided to
provide their customers with dynamic, innovative products, and to provide cost benefits to its
customers, which thentend togive higher Satisfaction level to its customers. LCL
prioritizesAward, and Corporate Excellence Award 2014. LCL cares a lot about its
employees and rewards them above market salary and benefits. It has the policy of equal
employment opportunities and non-discriminatory behavior to its employees. However, its
employees lodge grievances about relatively less gratuity and pension funds. LCL is lucky to
have its energy generation system too. Hence, the intensity of this threat is low. LCL has
installed giant and modern plants and has implemented many systems, which are eco-friendly
and minimize the cost of the production.Lucky Cement Limited is a market leader cum
industry leader in the cement sector of Pakistan. It is thebiggest producer, seller, and exporter
in this category. This giant company looks like an icon and records stupendous growth and
expansion over the years.

WEAKNESSES:The weaknesses or negative areas of the LCL are discussed as

 Increasing general and admin expense
 Capital intensive industry
 Increased production cost
 Highly Localized and regionalized markets
 Low gratuity and PF funds
 High transportation cost
 Low advertising

The lucky cement industry is weakness in internal and external factor as about the internal
weakness is workers shortage, employers shortage advance technology shortage and weak
managements.thers is a lot of problems created in the internal factor.the company brand of
lucky market is established so far from city and village in the area of mountain not worker
reach to company for duty on the time and not good facility of advance as interest easy
contact to other departments between share information and external factor is also in
weakness as transportation, supplies of goods to market and shortage water shortage
electronic shortage and gas shortage etc. It's also a low advertising brand.


OPPORTUNITIES:Opportunities are external factors in your business environment

that are likely to contribute to your success. Lucky cement has the following
opportunities which can be availed in the future.
 Increasing demand for cement in the Gulf region
 Infrastructure development
 Population increase causing an increase in real estate
 Increase production to reduce cost and achieve economies of scale
 Undiscovered markets of northern regions of Pakistan

The best opportunities are available for the increase to the growth and share in the market
abroad as Afghanistan, Iraq, sham Syria and the north area of Pakistan as Waziristan,
Miranshah,sawaletc.the government decide new underpass creating different place cities. And
decrease custom duty on the imports to goods for new market share and interest sale and
profits the lucky cement ger best opportunities to create or caught new foreign market and
increase sale growth of cement.

 THREATS:Threats are external factors that you have no control over. You may want
to consider putting in place contingency plans for dealing with them if they occur
Main The threat for the lucky cement are as follows:
Governmental regulations
Fluctuation in currency rates
Price competition
Alliance the lucky cement opposition
Fluctuation in demand
Political instability
Increase production cost

Lucky cement industry face to the threat external as market growth and share get down due to
inflation create in the country as government change custom duty increase strike in flood low
brand quality and other threat are founred if government changes become so market share and
growth decrease.if created inflation so people purchasing power will be weak then threat will
be face to market share and growth of lucky cement industry or other country abroad close
business to our country then threat will be founded and other threat as decrease value of
currency to our country to other countries.

Key Players in the Cement Industry:

The major competitors for Lucky Cement Limited include:

 DG Khan Cement Limited (DGKCL),

 Dewan (JAVEDAN) Cement
 Maple Leaf Cement Factory Limited (MLCFL) LACKSON TOBACCO ,
 SCement Company Limited (FCCL),
 Attock Cement Pakistan Limited (ACPL) (FALCON CEMENT) (DIRECT
 Power Cement
 Pakcem Limited
 Bestway Cement Limited


Rather than looking at departments or accounting cost types, Porter's Value Chain focuses on
systems, and how inputs are changed into the outputs purchased by consumers. Using this
viewpoint, Porter described a chain of activities common to all businesses, and he divided
them into primary and support activities, as shown below. Value chain analysis is a way to
visually analyze a company's business activities to see how the company can create a
competitive advantage for itself. Value chain analysis helps a company understands how it
adds value to something and subsequently how it can sell its product or service for more than
the cost of adding the value, thereby generating a profit margin. In other words, if they are
run efficiently the value obtained should exceed the costs of running them i.e. customers
should return to the organisation and transact freely and willingly.

Basic Concepts of Value Chain Analysis

Most organizations engage in hundreds, even thousands, of activities in the process of
converting inputs to outputs. These activities Of lucky cement can be classified generally as
either primary or support activities that all businesses must undertake in some form.

 Primary Activities:

Primary activities relate directly to the physical creation, sale, maintenance and support of a
product or service. Primary activities are directly concerned with creating and delivering a
product. They can be grouped into five main areas: inbound logistics, operations, outbound
logistics, marketing and sales, and service. Each of these primary activities is linked to
support activities which help to improve their effectiveness or efficiency; and According to
Porter (1985), the primary activities are:

Inbound logistics:
These are all the processes related to receiving, storing, and distributing inputs internally.
Your supplier relationships are a key factor in creating value here. Refers to goods being
obtained from the organisation's suppliers and to be used for producing the end product.

 Capital intensive process.

 Produces cement for local and export markets.
 Located in Pezu and Karachi.
 Capacity of 25,000 Tons per day.
 Raw material are limestone,gypsum and clay.

Raw materials and goods are manufactured into the final product. These are the
transformation activities that change inputs into outputs that are sold to customers. Here, your
operational systems create value. Value is added to the product at this stage as it moves
through the production line.Lucky cement faced problems:

High fuel consumption and need for alternative source of energy.

 Lucky cement requires a lot of power to operate its plant.

 Due to unavailability of reliable and consistent power, lucky cement developed
100% captive power generations units for both production facilities.
 Since the industry faces a situation where sales price will be fixed by mutual
consensus , the cost of production will be the most critical factor of profitability.
 Flow chart of the cement production process:

Outbound logistics:
Once the lucky cement products have been manufactured they are ready to be distributed to
distribution centres, all the lucky cement wholesalers, retailers or customers. Distribution of
finished goods is known as outbound logistics. These activities deliver your product or
service to your customer. These are things like collection, storage, and distribution systems,
and they may be internal or external to your organization.

Marketing and Sales:

These are the processes use to persuade clients to purchase from you instead of your
competitors. The benefits you offer, and how well you communicate them, are sources of
value here. Marketing is a comprehensive term and it includes all resources and set of
activities necessary to direct and facilitate the flow of goods and services from producer to
consumer in the process of distribution. Marketing must make sure that the product is
targeted towards the correct customer group. The marketing mix is used to establish an
effective strategy, any competitive advantage is clearly communicated to the target group
through the promotional mix.

1.Focus on brand name

2.Effective differentiation
3.Effective public relations
4.Price differentiation
5.Strong distribution network

To identify the wants and create customer satisfaction through product innovation, product
quality and customer service Lucky cement limited takes assistance of sales representative.
The marketing department of Lucky cement limited is a comprehensive one which helps
them to withstand the severe competition persisting in cement industry.


After the product/service has been sold what support services does the organisation offer
customers? This may come in the form of after sales training, guarantees and warranties.
These are the activities related to maintaining the value of your product or service to your
customers, once it's been purchased. In the Lucky Cement Pakistan, Service increases the
value of the entire product to the final consumer. Especially in cement like product being
commodity quality doesn’t matter much what matters is product as per specification and after
sales services. Competitors too are very sharp in the cement industry the only way to
differentiate and set a bench mark is the after sales services.

 Support Activities:
Support activities assist the primary activities in helping the Lucky Cement Limited (LCL)
achieve its competitive advantage. There are four main areas of support activities:
procurement, technology development (including R&D), human resource management, and
infrastructure (systems for planning, finance, quality, information management etc.). These
activities support the primary functions above. In our diagram, the dotted lines show that each
support, or secondary, activity can play a role in each primary activity. For example,
procurement supports operations with certain activities, but it also supports marketing and
sales with other activities.

1. Procurement:
This department must source raw materials for the business and obtain the best price for
doing so. The challenge Of LCL for procurement is to obtain the best possible quality
available (on the market) for their budget. This is what the organization does to get the
resources it needs to operate. This includes finding vendors and negotiating best prices. The
procurement is value addition to purchase it is something more than just purchase which just
talk about what ,when and how but procurement should include all the things discussed
further in the section. The procurement process in LCL is systematic as it is process industry
every stage in the process requires approval from the authority.

2. Technology Development:
These LCL activities relate to managing and processing information, as well as protecting a
company's knowledge base. Minimizing information technology costs, staying current with
technological advances, and maintaining technical excellence are sources of value creation.
The use of technology to obtain a competitive advantage is very important in today's
technological driven environment. Technology can be used in many ways including
production to reduce cost thus add value, research and development to develop new products
and the internet so customers have 24/7 access to the firm.Improving quality of blended
cement through innovative processing utilizing industrial by-products for improved quality
performance of LCL.Conservation of resources through maximizing the use of low-grade
limestone forcement manufacture.Development of new products or discovering new methods
of analysis .Productivity research for increased efficiency in use of resources.Recycling of
wastes and research for efficient use of scarce materials.Characterization of industrial wastes
and looking into possibilities of environment friendly co-processing of wastes in cement
manufacture, leading to thermal substitution and conservation of natural resources.

3. Human Resource:
The LCL will have to recruit, train and develop the correct people for the organisation to be
successful. Staff will have to be motivated and paid the market rate if they are to stay with the
organisation and add value.People are a significant source of value, so businesses can create a
clear advantage with good HR practices.

Recruitment and selection

Training and development
Performance Appraisal
Career Advancdement Avenues
Wages and Saalry structure
Promotiona and Transfer
Motivational Measures
Safety measures
4. Infrastructure:
These are a LCL company's support systems, and the functions that allow it to maintain daily
operations. Accounting, legal, administrative, and general management are examples of
necessary infrastructure that businesses can use to their advantage. Every organisations needs
to ensure that their finances, legal structure and management structure work efficiently and
helps drive the organisation forward. Inefficient infrastructures waste resources, could affect
the firm's reputation and even leave it open to fines and sanctions.over 23% of the production
cost of cement is powet.It quickly became clear to us that if we were to run a profitable
company,we need to keep power costs to the we focused our efforts on
improving efficiency to get more output for less power.

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