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11/27/2019 25 Words to Avoid in Your Next Sales Pitch

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JANUARY 29, 2014

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Written by: Alyssa Rimmer | Share:    

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11/27/2019 25 Words to Avoid in Your Next Sales Pitch

If there's one thing we know, it's that salespeople are talkers. We can say from
experience because our sales team here at New Breed is a talkative bunch. All day we
can hear them in the conference rooms, we can hear them in the kitchen, we can even
hear them talking in the hall sometimes. Just talking, talking, talking.
So with all those words swirling around in your head, how do you always know the

right thing to say? What words encourage the sale and what words are you using that
could actually be hurting your sales pitch? Wouldn't Services
 it just be easier if you had a list of

those bad words so you could be sure you keep them out of your head?
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Well today you're in luck! We're sharing a list of 25 words you should be avoiding in
your next sales pitch. Some of these words may seem Resources
 obvious, we think there are

some in here that will be a little bit of a surprise. So let's have a look and then go close
some deal!
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1. Honesty
It implies that everything you have said before isn't truthful.
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2. Contract
Contracts seem very final, instead say something like "agreements".

3. Buy
Instead of "buy", try "own" in order to show the end value of purchase. Your buyer isn't
just throwing money out the window, they're exchanging in order to own your product.

4. Problem
When you hear this word, the immediate reaction is negative, use "challenge" instead.

5. Prospects 2/12
11/27/2019 25 Words to Avoid in Your Next Sales Pitch

Call your leads "future clients" instead.

6. Hope
It shows that you're not sure, so why would they be? Solutions
 Be 100% behind what you're

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7. Don't
Using any negative when you're referring to your About
 product or service is a no.

8. Obviously Resources 

Some people may take this as a condescending word, as in they're not smart enough
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to understand.

9. Quota

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It implies you're just trying to close the deal to hit your numbers and don't actually care
about solving for their challenge.

10. Maybe
Again, you need to be confident in your sales pitch, so using words like maybe don't
help your cause.

11. Cheap
You need to position what you're selling as valuable (even if you think it's cheap) or
you'll never close the deal.

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11/27/2019 25 Words to Avoid in Your Next Sales Pitch

12. Cost
This could make them feel like there are other options, use "total investment" instead.

13. Perhaps Solutions 

Just like "maybe" you don't want to sound wishy-washy

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in your sales pitch or next

14. Guarantee About 

A guarantee doesn't really mean anything, instead use

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the stronger word, "warranty".

15. Discount Contact 

This can devalue your entire deal, so refrain from using this whenever possible.

16. Cheaper
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Great, now someone can find what you're selling at a lower rate? Not what you want.

17. Competitor
Don't bring up your competitors, position your product or service in a way that shows
your buyer it meets their needs and will exceed their expectations.

18. Price
"Price" may make them think they can shop around, again here use "investment"

19. Forbidden 4/12
11/27/2019 25 Words to Avoid in Your Next Sales Pitch

What a terribly negative word. This goes without saying, just don't use it.

20. Objections
Use "areas of concern" instead. Solutions 

21. Sign or Signature Services 

Rather than asking them to "sign" a document, ask for their approval instead.
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22. Commission
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Everyone knows salespeople are working for themselves, but don't make it blatantly
obvious that you're going to make money off the sale.
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23. Pitch
A pitch is too salesy, instead refer to it as your presentation.
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24. Customers
Instead call them "clients" or "people we serve".

25. Advice
Not everyone is looking for advice. Instead, say that you or another client "had a similar
experience in the past". 5/12
11/27/2019 25 Words to Avoid in Your Next Sales Pitch

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Sources:, LinkedIn, Alen Mayer, Sales Coach AZ

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About The Author

Alyssa is a former New Breeder.


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