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by Thomas Henry

Build a Tunable
Electrical noise
Noise Generator
similar, but more emphasis is given modulating white noise, then, caus-
to the frequencies within the audio es the VCO to vary randomly from This article describes
is most often band. It’s possible to carry this even this center frequency. In this way, a a tunable noise gener-
further and create other types of certain tonality is imparted to the ator which, instead of
considered an noise by emphasizing or shunning
various frequencies. This is usually
sound thus created; it’s still noise,
but it seems to be focused around a using an active filter,
enemy. done by following a white noise certain band of frequencies. By employs FM (frequen-
source with an active filter whose twisting the tuning control, it is pos- cy modulation) to
cutoff frequency can be adjusted. sible to sweep the sound across the obtain a broad range
In audio and radio circuits, for The filter can quickly become quite entire audio spectrum.
example, it can lead to an annoying complicated and be touchy to Incidentally, a VCO with a trian- of sounds.
background hiss or distorted recep- adjust. gle wave output seems to work best
tion. But, in fact, noise can be use- But here’s a new approach to here, giving a fairly smooth sound. R18, while the base connects to the
ful in a great number of applica- the problem. This article describes Squarewaves, on the other hand, negative side of things. Thus, the
tions. For example: a tunable noise generator which, lead to a rather harsh and gritty transistor is straddling a full 30V
instead of using an active filter, effect. In any case, the output of the (+15V and -15V) which is enough to
• A medical researcher might employs FM (frequency modula- VCO is dropped across the volume overcome the base-emitter break-
use it to study ways of reducing tion) to obtain a broad range of control which lets you set the down voltage. This forces it into
ringing in the ears, a condition sounds. What comes out of it is amplitude. avalanche mode and produces a
known as tinnitus. noise, of course, but it’s possible to So we have arrived at a unique really decent source of white noise
• An audio technician can use emphasize certain bands of fre- method for “tuning” the response at the emitter. R18 limits the cur-
white noise to equalize a public quencies. of a noise generator without requir- rent flow through the transistor, so
address system (set the tonal bal- When sweeping it over its ing the use of active filters. Let’s that it doesn’t fry in the process.
ance) for a particular room. range, the effect is quite ethereal, a check out a practical circuit which R18 also acts as a load resistor
for the noise thus generated.
Unfortunately, the signal is a trifle
FIGURE 1 weak just now and needs to be
boosted. So, we send it to a pream-
A Tunable Noise plifier configured around IC1a, AC
coupling it in the process by means
Generator: Block of capacitor C6. Notice that C6 is
Diagram purposely kept fairly small so that
the bass frequencies will be attenu-
ated a tad. This helps prevent rum-
bles in the sub-sonic region.
R1 and R13 set the gain of op-
amp IC1a to a factor of 101. But
believe it or not, that’s still not
enough “oomph” to properly mod-
ulate the VCO yet to come. So we
• An electronic musician uses sort of “swooshing” not unlike the implements the block diagram of move on to yet another preamplifi-
noise when synthesizing percussive sound of wind whistling through for- Figure 1. er, this time comprising IC1b, R4,
instruments like snare drums. est trees. Let’s investigate the gen- and R14. Operating in inverting
eral procedure first before turning HOW IT WORKS mode now, this op-amp will have a
In these and other situations, to the circuit itself. gain of 10. Put the two preamps
we need a reliable source of noise. Refer to Figure 2 which shows together, and we have boosted the
Now by definition white noise — as PRINCIPLE OF the schematic for the tunable noise white noise by a factor of over
it is often called — is a completely OPERATION generator. Let’s start out by analyz- 1,000. Now it’s strong enough to do
random mix of all frequencies, just ing the white noise source first, what we require of it!
as white light is a blend of all colors. Figure 1 shows the block dia- leaving the VCO portion for later. The hefty noise available at pin
On the other hand, pink noise is gram of the tunable noise genera- Notice the unusual arrangement of 7 of IC1b may have accumulated
tor. First, white noise is created transistor Q1. The collector isn’t an unwanted offset, so we AC cou-
using standard techniques which used at all, which suggests that Q1 ple it to the next stage via C8. The
But, in fact, noise then modulate the frequency of a is being pressed into service as a full strength signal is applied across
can be useful in a VCO (voltage-controlled oscillator). diode. In fact, it’s really behaving as potentiometer R9, which lets you
The depth control is used to set the a zener diode since the base-emitter manually adjust how deeply the
great number of amount of modulation desired. A junction has been deliberately noise will modulate the VCO.
applications. separate tuning control adjusts the
center frequency of the VCO. The
reverse-biased. Observe that the
emitter has been tied high through
And speaking of which, let’s
look into the VCO now. It was
Nuts & Volts Magazine/NOVEMBER 1999 25

A Tunable Noise

designed with several important require. Now, as it comes from the 1 and 8, respectively. Of course, emitter voltage on Q3 will cause
factors in mind; let’s overview them factory, this chip responds to a lin- from the 566’s point of view, this exponential changes in the collec-
before getting into the circuit ear control voltage, which has an makes no difference since there’s tor current which feeds IC3. The
details. extremely limited sweep range of still a +15V differential across pins 1 base of Q3 needs to be driven by a
First, after much experimenta- 10:1. However, with the addition of and 8. The reason we take this low impedance source, so Q2 acts
tion, it was determined that, for best just a few garden variety compo- unusual tack will become clear in as a simple emitter follower. More
results, the frequency sweep range nents it is possible to trick the 566 just a moment, so let’s continue. importantly, the two transistors
should be at least 1000:1. Next, to into thinking it understands the As mentioned above, the linear
make the device more suitable for exponential language. The control voltage input at pin 5 is too
audio and musical work, a approach taken hinges on two seedy for our purposes, so we’ll All of the components
1V/octave exponential response basic ideas: simply bias it at a fixed value and are commonly available,
leave it there. The bias is deter- and there’s nothing par-
• We can get better control mined by voltage divider R2 and ticularly tricky about the
By pulling some clever over the 566 by ignoring the linear R8. By the way, C1 is nothing more construction.
circuit stunts, we can control voltage input, and throttling than a simple compensation cap
coerce the 566 VCO chip the current which charges and dis- which keeps the sensitive linear
(which is both common charges the timing capacitor input from breaking into spurious tend to act in harmony to reduce
and cheap) to do exactly instead. oscillations. VCO frequency variation caused by
what we require. • The collector current of a Capacitor C9 sets the basic temperature changes. (The theory
bipolar transistor is exponentially operating range of the VCO. On the of this can get pretty complicated
related to the base-emitter voltage. other hand, the current fed into pin in a hurry, but the basic idea is that
seemed appropriate. (Each incre- 6 sweeps the VCO’s frequency up if the emitter saturation currents of
ment of 1V at the control input So, we’ll whip up an exponen- and down. And now we can see the the two transistors are reasonably
should cause the VCO to jump up tial converter based upon the tran- reason for the somewhat exotic close to each other, then tempera-
an octave.) sistor characteristic mentioned power supply arrangement. ture dependence is reduced.)
Finally, the design had to be above, and let that current directly The exponential converter — to There are a couple more
carried out with easy-to-find and govern the charge/discharge cycle be described next — is a current details to consider, then we’ll have
inexpensive parts. of the timing capacitor. source and pin 6 of IC3 is a current this exponential converter under
The last criterion may seem to That’s the general idea. Now sink. Voila — an exact match! (Had control.
be the hardest to overcome, since let’s get back to specifics by exam- we employed the usual power sup- First, when Q2 and Q3 do their
exponential VCO chips are a rarity ining Figure 2 in more detail. The ply arrangement, both the expo- thing, the response from the VCO
nowadays. But here’s the surprise: first thing you’ll notice is that the nential converter and the 566 will be “backwards;” the smaller the
By pulling some clever circuit power supply connections to IC3 — would have been current sources.) input voltage, the higher the fre-
stunts, we can coerce the 566 VCO the 566 — seem a little weird; -15V Let’s see how that magical quency. Moreover, the scaling fac-
chip (which is both common and and ground (instead of the usual exponential converter works. Recall tor of the converter isn’t quite right.
cheap) to do exactly what we ground and +15V) connect to pins that linear changes in the base- It can be proven via some rather
26 NOVEMBER 1999/Nuts & Volts Magazine
tedious calculations that the VCO desired before it finally appears at
frequency will double for every output jack J1.
18mV decrease at the base of Q2.
(Recall that we want a 1V/octave BUILDING THE TUNABLE
response, i.e., a doubling for every NOISE GENERATOR
1V increase.) Both of these prob-
lems are easily dispatched by IC2a. Checking out the Parts List
First of all, notice that this has makes it clear that this would be an
been set up as an inverting amplifi- easy and inexpensive weekend pro-
er. That takes care of getting the ject. All of the components are
sense of the control voltage correct; commonly available, and there’s
an increasing voltage at the input nothing particularly tricky about
leads to an increasing frequency of the construction. You can build it
the 566. Also, the ratio of R3 and using just about any method, from
R15 set the gain of IC2a at about breadboards to wire wrap to printed
0.018. So, when the input changes circuit boards. For best tempera-
by one volt, the output of the op- ture stability, though, be sure to
amp changes by 18mV, as mount Q2 and Q3 so that they’re
required. touching each other. You might
R15 is driven by the wiper of even want to epoxy them together. AD HERE
R10, the tuning potentiometer. The And be sure that the wiring around
top and bottom ranges of this con- the two transistors is neat since
trol have been limited appropriately some rather low currents are
by R5 and R6, respectively. With involved.
this pot you can sweep the VCO’s When using the tunable noise
basic frequency from about 20Hz generator, be careful not to blow
to 20KHz in one fell swoop; there’s out either your loudspeakers or
lots of usable range here! your ears! The output of this device
But here is the key to the whole is pretty hefty (up to a max of
circuit. Recall that the white noise 10Vp-p). This higher value was
generator output can be picked off selected so that the circuit would be
the wiper of R9, the depth control. compatible with analog synthesis
This signal feeds R7, which then equipment. On the other hand, if
sums into IC2a. Thus, the noise using the tunable noise generator
modulates the basic frequency of with standard hi-fi gear, you’ll want
the VCO, completely at random. to turn volume control R11 down to
Potentiometer R9 lets you adjust give an output of around 2Vp-p.
how much modulation you want. Finally, if you’re looking for
Naturally, when set to zero, the cir- some other uses for the tunable
cuit performs as a normal VCO. noise generator, be sure to check
And that brings us up to the the Internet site mentioned in the
output of the entire circuit. There Parts List. You’ll find modifications
are two waveforms available from and hints concerning this circuit
the 566 chip, a squarewave (pin 3) there. NV
and a trianglewave (pin 4). Feel free
to use either waveform, but in gen- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
eral, the triangle output sounds I wish to thank the following two
quite a bit smoother. But note that authors whose writings provided key
pin 4 rides on a rather heavy DC information used in the design of the
VCO portion. First, the 566 power
bias which needs to be blocked, supply trick was suggested by John
and the amplitude of the triangle Simonton, in his article, “Potpourri
there is only about 2.4Vp-p. and the Apple Connection,”
Capacitor C10 AC couples the sig- Polyphony, November 1977, pp. 28-
nal to op-amp IC2b, which then 31. Next, Terry Mikulic explained the
operation of the exponential converter
boosts it up to about 10Vp-p. The in his article, “Exponential
output is applied to volume control Converters,” Electronotes, Volume 5,
R11, which can tame the signal as Number 37, pp. 2-4.

PARTS LIST C10, C11 2.2 mfd. electrolytic

C12 10 mfd. electrolytic AD HERE
All resistors are 1/4-watt,
5% values. Semiconductors
R1 1K Q1, Q2 2N3904 NPN transistor
R2 1.5K Q3 2N3906 PNP transistor
R3 1.8K IC1, IC2 1458 dual op-amp
R4 - R8 10K IC3 566 VCO chip
R9, R10 10K linear
potentiometer Other components
R11 10K audio J1 1/4” phone jack
R12 82K
R13 - R16 100K RESOURCE
R17 330K Modifications, hints, and tips
R18, R19 1M concerning the Tunable Noise
Generator are available free of
All capacitors are 16V charge on the Web page of
or better. Midwest Analog Products.
C1 0.001 mfd. mylar
C2-C5 0.01 mfd. disc E-Mail:
C6-C9 0.047 mfd. mylar

Nuts & Volts Magazine/NOVEMBER 1999 27

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