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electronic music IBDOPSLOMES, INC. 2o socn vernon connostew ae8e6 Ya 200275475 CUT OF STATE DIAL TOLt FREE — 1.800.243.7270 POLYBCK oa YPHONTS SYNTHE EXPANDER FROM EML Polybox is probably tne most exciting synthesizer development since voltag control - and what's equally exciting is that you can add Polybox's unique polyphonic capabilities to your own voltage controlled synthesizer. POLYBOX 1S A NEW CONCEPT - TAKE THE TIME TO UNDERSTAND WHAT IT DOES - 2NO WHAT IT CAN 00 FOR YOUR MUSIC. Traditional voltage contro) mode} 15, Arp Axxe, Odyssey way V.C.= voltage controiled keyboard anol i fier] ed synthesizers (EML 101, 500, Moog Micro, Mini, 2600, and others) are organized in the following NVC oscittator Poof V.c. filter Generally, you can play one or two keys at a time - and to play chords froma single key you must carefully tune oscillators to an interval. It's all very time consuming on the stage, it wastes money in the studio - and, it limits jour music, While organ based instruments, such as the string machines are polyphonic, they lack such dramatic synthesizer features as clide, and wide vibrato and timbre possibilities WITH POLYBOX YOU CAN HAVE YCUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOC. Polybox is normally added to an existing synthesizer in the following way: keyboard Tn simple terns. semitone inte you can sele board - or simply "o: keyboard polyphonica ft will also Follow ¢ $00: with your synthesizer key- rat some pitcn and play the Polybox follows your synthesizer oscillator sand viprato Poly-Box is a brand new synthesizer concept the puts some really exciting new musical possibili within your reach, ‘ADD POLY-BOX TO YOUR SYNTHESIZER AND YOU'LL GET 26 *MDITHONAL PITCH SOURCES PLUS A UNIQUE POLYPHONIC }PRBILITY. WHAT 1S 11? Poly-Box is a pitch following variable chord gen- erator controtied by your synthesizer and Poly- Box's own keyboard with built-in memory. Poly-Box takes 2 single pitch from your synthesizer and creates two banks of pitch sources. Each pitch bank contains 13 sinultaneously available pitcn sources at precise semitone intervals - covering an entire chromatic octave. The pitch banks may be in the seme oF different octaves, and can cover the Fange from one above to three octaves below the synthesizer oscillator In automatic pitch following mode, Poly-Box locks onto the synthesizer pitch and follows it through, bend, vibrato, portamento and keyboard transpos?- tions, The pitches in each pitch bank change in paraliel with the synthesizer pitch. The Poly-Box keyboard and controls are used to select which of the pitenes in the pitch banks - up to 26 at one time - are passed on through the synthesizer! Poly-Box is easy to add to your present synthesizer It takes just 2 patchcords to use Poly-Box with any patcnable synthesizer. Your non-patchable synthe Sizer will need only @ miror modification.** EML 100, EML 101, EML 200, Aries Modular, Arp 2600, 500, Moog Modular, Oberheim, Roland 100 and 700, Steiner Parker, and others. sHaith just @ small ada Micro, Mini, Axe, synthesizer can b2 Consult EML for cetails tion, your EML 500, Synkey, or Other non-patenable accept the Poly-Box $475.- MHAT CAN YOU 00 WITH IT? Wake music naturelly = more music, with less hassl in Tess time. In the recording studio or on the stage, you'll get a'new gutsy polyphonic sound fron your synthesizer without fussing with oscillator tracking, or jugging around expensive and finicky instruments. Poly-6ox Wall Tet you et more mustc from your synthesizer ‘than you thought possible. In the composition studio you'll create entirely naw controllable tinbres and voices. Poly-80x will plug Fight into any modular system. It's the most music~ per-buck module you can buy. HERE ARE A FEW SAMPLES OF WHAT YOU CAN DO. 1. Depress @ key on the synthesizer and play Poly- Box polyphanically. Poly-Box will cate or trigger the synthesizer envelope(s) if desired, and will follow bends and vibratas of the syn- thesizer oscillator. Transpose Poly-Box by senitones or actaves with the synthesizer key- board. Note that Paly-3ox increases the effec tive length of your synthesizer’s keyboard ty one octave. kith keyboard menory on, sustain is controlied by the synthesizer's envelopes With memory off, you play stacatto. 2. Select a chord on the Poly-Box keyooard - you don’t have to hold the chord - Poly-Sox wil? renenber it until the next is chosen. Kow play the synthesizer keyboard. You'll be playing 2 parelTel chord, again with all the pizch bend, portamento and vibrate effects of your syntre- sizer. Change chords at will. vvans:o Poly-dox pitch banks up or down by precisely an octave (it's done digitally) ar use the octave coupler to transpose the second pitch bank one for two octaves below the first. You can get up octaves of chromatic pitches a once if 3. Combine the techniques of 1 and really exciting rusic ad INPUT] SIGNAL 7) SHAPER POLY BOX Block PIACRAM PHASE FEEDBACK Loor ] PL FREQUENCY FEEDBACK 70°, oer Ave: oWi0ER roe octave Div (DER fe Loop MIXER ¢ Ky6p MeM aaa 9 SO 9 9 ° fe Z 7 ELECT RoMIC 670512 LABS /WC. Box Ht, VERWMEN toon) I" (ok PoLY-Box ae FREQUENCY 100K, TO VOLTAGE peeled Te vormee G" CONVERS/ON ECIPROCAL. cer 2208 + Voltsye proportional te Tele tia, ELECTRomic Mrusic CARBS SC Box f, VERNON, CT 06066 (03) Brs-orst” (or2? Sdeq CQ door 992207 ASUNd Xog-A7ed. dorvaiaa p W394, OVAL oLnY dus a Fo At DH 310" suas Chop Te nw 70-77 sory 1, CT C6066 ELECTEomIC F7USle LABS, WC. E7S-0787 Box VERNON C203) 7%, Free genre 13 FREQUENCY AND PHASE” FEEDBACK COOP POLY-BOK YCo ¢ SERVO Loors ELECTRONIC Peg1c CABS, /HC. BOX tf, VERMOW, CT 06 066 ) @03) © Brs- O7s7 fo-P? drt ; Jor 7704 asbHd ae DA HILIMS vr X09 -A70d a 0 : yodyy3nd9 oy c SHS 8 + % . g ~ = vo -bai7go0> ss BAWLVO J K we $ i at $48 Uso &. gw yS8 on, 7 Ry mor + Ame” Beds ney” be ouverts ne Sef Eno § nN a ass Arddos YIMed + ved be SYRIA anyloo dol ppc 2 [es sees 1 ¢ mt ye 7 ¢ ELECTR owe fe-77 t7esic CABS, tHe. VERNOM, CT OF 266 Box 1 BRILLIANCE Keygoano (13 ners) ~e \ even meno swrTen ey qoowrrer ow RESET LIVE Poly -BoX MIXER KY6D MEM, AxDp FILTER ELECTRONIC. MYSTC CABS JHC. Bex 4, VERWONW, CT 06066 @ (23) 878-0757 apie 74

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