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What is the importance of interpersonal skills?

Interpersonal skill is the ability to interact with people through effective listening and
communication. It is important for students to have interpersonal skills because it helps them
connect with people and benefits their personality development too.

What do managers do in terms of functions, roles,and skills?

Managers get things done through other people. They make decisions, allocate resources, and fi
direct the activities of others to attain goals. Management Functions – planning, organizing, leading,

What is organizational behavior (OB)?

Organizational behavior (OB) is the academic study of the ways people act within groups. Its
principles are applied primarily in attempts to make businesses operate more effectively.

How do we measure job satisfaction?

Single Global Rating.
Summation Score. Job Diagnostic Survey. Job Satisfaction Index. Job Satisfaction Survey.
Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire. Job Satisfaction Relative to Expectations. Global Job
Satisfaction. Job Descriptive Index (JDI).

What is the difference between emotions and moods?

Emotions are short-lived feelings that come from a known cause, while moods are feelings that are
longer lasting than emotions and have no clear starting point of formation. Emotions can range from
happy, ecstatic, sad and prideful, while moods are either positive or negative.

What impact does emotional labor have on employees?

Results indicate that both forms of emotional labor have uniformly negative effects on workers, net
of work complexity, control, and demands. Emotional labor increases perceptions of job stress,
decreases satisfaction, and increases distress.

What is attribution theory? What are the three determinants of attribution? What
are its implications for explaining organizational behavior?
Attribution theory an attempt to determine whether an individual's behavior is internally or
externally caused.
1) distinctiveness
2) consensus
3) consistency
Attribute theory is how people interpret events and in their minds relate them to how they think and
carry themselves. this determines the relationship of the employees and also how the company
functions. Therefore are two types of attributes namely :Internal attributes,External attributes

What are the three key elements of motivation?

The three key elements of motivation are persistence, direction and intensity. Intensity refers to the
hardwork and dedication that is put in the motivation process.

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