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Chapter 118: "Forced to Stay...!!

" – Introduces Shodai and Nidaime

Hokage. Orochimaru has summoned the first and second people to
bear the Hokage title, emotionally wounding Sarutobi. Pakkun realises
that others are following him and the retrieval team. Shikamaru
decides to set up an ambush, with at least one member left behind as
a decoy sure to die. Shikamaru nominates himself to be the decoy with
the highest chance of surviving. As the squad sent to stop his team
approaches, Sakura and Naruto go ahead while he remains behind.
Following Pakkun’s paw prints, the squad blunder straight into a trap
set by Shikamaru and become captured by his Shadow Imitation.

Chapter 119: "My Life...!!" – Shikamaru doesn’t have enough

Chakra left to meet his plan and a hidden member of the squad is
ready to pounce. Pakkun senses that nobody is following, elevating the
spirits of Naruto and Sakura. Behind Shikamaru, another ninja drops
down… holding a sound ninja’s corpse. Asuma drops it and proceeds to
take out the squad in a flourish, putting out his cigarette in their blood.
Back at Konoha, Orochimaru revitalises and brainwashes the
summoned Hokage brothers, as an ANBU member discusses the
murderous preparations needed for the summoning technique, Edo
Tensei. Instead of signing a blood contract, someone is sacrificed and
their body is covered in ash and dust, transforming them into the
shape of the summoned spirits...

Chapter 120: "Hokage VS Hokage!!" – A battle of Hokage-level

techniques ensues, with expert elemental attacks of fire, water, earth
and wood. Shodai eventually causes a forest to rise and entangle
Sarutobi, who summons the Monkey King, Enma, who scolds him for
not killing Orochimaru when he had the chance. Sarutobi vows to
correct the mistake and has Enma transform into his diamond staff
form. Freed from the vines, Sarutobi prepares for armed combat.
Impressed, Orochimaru draws his own weapon, spitting out a weapon
of serpentine nature, the mythical Grass-cutter sword Kusanagi.
Sarutobi’s age gives him a disadvantage. Even worse, he finds that the
summoned Hokage brothers regenerate removed and damaged limbs!

Chapter 121: "Horrible Reality Test...!!" – Sarutobi begins a

technique that will affect the very souls of the Hokage brothers.
Suddenly, Orochimaru tears off a mask... and a young woman stands
in his place. Expecting an impostor, the girl identifies herself as
Orochimaru. Enma and Sarutobi realise the truth. A stroll down
memory lane reveals that Orochimaru’s inhuman views were why he
was not chosen as Yondaime Hokage. Later, he was caught red-handed
performing human experiments. Cornered, he confesses to developing
an immortality technique so that he could live long enough to master
every technique known to mankind. And now, 10 years later, he plans
to replace his current female body and inhabit Sasuke’s!

Chapter 122: "Inherited Dying Will!!" – Orochimaru re-masks as

his old self to finish Sarutobi off. Compassion for his old pupil prevents
him from going too hard, the same reason Orochimaru escaped before.
Enma’s eyes open wide as a familiar set of hand seals heralds the
summoning of the Shinigami (Death God)! Shodai wraps Sarutobi in
complete darkness as the last of Sarutobi’s Chakra is divided through
two Shadow Clones. Sarutobi tells Orochimaru that the love he feels
for the village he protects as Hokage will never crumble! And even an
old dog has new tricks that Orochimaru is unaware of... namely the
Sealing Technique: Demonic Soul Imprisonment!

Chapter 123: "The Final Sealing" – Even with the new technique
waiting, Sarutobi still takes a beating from his enemies. The technique
is slow to work, but Shodai and Nidaime are grabbed by Sarutobi’s
clones, dispersing the darkness. The Death God then reaches through
the clones and rips the very souls from the brothers, which dissolve to
show the corpses of Zaku and Kin!! Enraged by Orochimaru’s attitude
to his subordinates, Sarutobi tackles him head-on! The sword is
knocked from Orochimaru’s hand and the Death God’s claws plunge
into his stomach. But with a simple gesture, the sword stops in mid-air
and rushes towards Sarutobi’s unprotected back as the Death God
begins to tear Orochimaru’s soul from his body...

Chapter 124: "The Eternal Battle...!!" – Sarutobi takes the sword

knowing the Death God will take his soul along with Orochimaru’s
anyway, where they will fight forever in the Reaper’s stomach. Close to
death, Orochimaru sees the Death God itself eating the souls it ripped
out earlier and looking at him with hunger. Panicking, Orochimaru tries
to kill Sarutobi and end the technique early to save his soul. The rest
of Konoha is almost defeated, until Orochimaru’s giant snake is
crushed by a giant toad! Jiraiya arrives with a flashy entrance to save
Ibiki. Sasuke catches up to the Sand Siblings, but as Kankurou
challenges him, Shino takes Sasuke’s place, demanding he continue to
chase Gaara so he can have the match with Kankurou he was denied in
the exams.

Chapter 125: "The Moment of Awakening...!!" – Kankurou and

Shino prepare to fight, with Kankurou warning the Leaf ninjas that true
terror awaits them, not from him and his puppet but in Gaara. Shino
takes the threat seriously and assembles his bugs ready to fight.
Gaara wakes up and shoves Temari aside as Sasuke arrives. Sasuke
flashes back to when Gaara interrupted his training with Kakashi, with
Gaara leaving while dubbing Sasuke his prey. Perched high up, Gaara’s
mind begins to snap and his body begins to transform into the same
inhuman shape that grabbed at Sasuke from the shell of sand in the
exam. The right side of his face and right arm become monstrously
misshapen and Gaara yells for Sasuke to hurry up and fight!!

Chapter 126: "Unprepared...!!" – Kankurou’s puppet, Karasu, turns

out to be a walking arsenal of poisoned weapons. However, Shino
already has a plan and sees the method Kankurou uses. However,
Shino inhales the poison gas from karasu’s bomb! Back at Konoha,
Sarutobi and Orochimaru stand in deadlock as Orochimaru clings to
life. Konoha’s evacuees witness the Hokage monument cracking as a
bad omen. Shino pulls out another trump card, sending armies of bugs
along the Chakra “strings" Kankurou uses to control Karasu. But this is
already a dummy move, as bugs are already moving to the
puppeteer’s position, faking Kankurou out and allowing the bugs to
swarm on the Sand genin. However, the gas is already at work inside
Shino’s lungs and the bug-tamer collapses onto the branch he stands

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