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An Study Of Recruiter preference Towards Human Resources Industry

1. Name of consultancy

2. how many year old your consultancy are

A. 1-5 years

B. 5-10 years

C. more tan 10 years

3. In which level you are recruiting the candidate?

Sources Front Top Middle

Non IT
4. From which source you adopt to source candidate ?

A. Job portals

B. Current Database

C. Advertising

D. Social Media

E. Candidate Referral

5. Normally, Why Candidates wants to do a job change ?

A. Salary Hike

B. Carrer Growth

C. Location

D.Other Reason

6. What form of interview normally you are conducting ?

A. Personal

B. Telephonic

C. Video Conferencing

7. Normally, How much time entire recruitment process is taking ?(from sourcing
to placing)

A.. 1-2 weeks

B. 3-4 weeks

C. More than 1 month

8. which age of people are applying for Job from your consultancy most.

A.18 to 25 years

B. 26 to 35 years

C. 35 to 45 years

D. 46 Above

9. Any suggestions


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