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International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMM E-IJENS Vol:10 No:04 1

Review of Automated Machines towards

Devising A New Approach in Developing
Semi-Automated Grass Cutter
Sivarao, T.J.S.Anand, Hambali, Minhat, Faizul

Abstract — This article presents a review of researches done causes low blood pressure and poor fluid intake [1].
on the subject of automated tractor. An autonomous tractor is a In committed situations, robots can do and should do the
vehicle that can operate without or with minimal human job for us. Robots are not only used in outer space, but, there
control, self-propelled and guided automatically along a desired are many places on earth where it is too dangerous for man to
path. The benefits from such a system are useful for agriculture work at like in the deep sea, nuclear plants or waste dumps.
industry by reducing labor cost and time, as well as improving Hence, there is also a growing need for robots in supporting
output efficiency by eliminating human errors. Many human beings in their daily life at home or at work [2]. These
researches and inventions have been made, with the results are also reasons for the limited workforce available in this
ranging from successful, encouraging to some that are
sector. The operation of a lawn is a skill and labor intensive
impractical for commercial implementation for certain reasons.
task and furthermore the shortage and aging workforce in
These implements include sensor, global navigation satellite
agriculture results in a decrease of skilled machine operators.
system, machine vision, laser triangulation, ultrasonic
transmitter and geomagnetic controller, as well as actuator and
Therefore, the development of driverless lawn tractor is of
servo motor. commercial significance and societal importance.
There has been a need for some time for a lawn tractor that is
Index Term— Automated grass cutter, Proportional truly automatic. Although many types of automatic lawn
Integral Derivative (PID), Geomagnetic Direction S ensor mowers have been proposed in the past, none have met with
(GDS ), Mower. any real degree of commercial success [3]. One of the reasons
being that the proposed systems cost too much, that many
I. INT RODUCT ION small landscaping operators would not be able to afford. For
Lawn mowing is an important part of the process to keep those in developing countries where the cost of labor is low,
terrain with grass well-manicured and tidy. Places such as the investment against return would not be favorable. Besides
soccer field, garden, home lawn, golf course and many others that, systems that apply technology such as Global
require constant lawn mowing and grass cutting. One of the Positioning System (GPS) and motion-sensor are too
complicated tasks is mowing, with large amount of time and sophisticated for any ordinary employee to operate. This paper
effort needed to complete it. Depending on geographical reviews the previous inventions done by other researchers in
location and weather trends such as rainfall and temperature, it finding the various automated tractors and the newly proposed
is generally necessary to move a lawn on a weekly basis. The cost effective method for the simple and useful automated
duration to complete the task takes from minutes to hours, tractor.
depending on the size of the particular lawn and the mo ving
equipment available. The required long hours and the
Conventional tractors are manual driven, where a driver is
complicated job would make the operator to succumb to
required to maneuver the direction of the tractor on the desired
fatigue. It is a fact that humans have some physical limitations
course. For activities such as in agriculture seed planting or
regarding environmental factors such as weather conditions,
regular grass cutting process, the path traveled by the tractor
including temperature, pressure, humidity and so on which
is mostly fixed in a certain pattern predetermined by the driver
or operator. Therefore, the criteria to develop an autonomous
T his work was supported in part by the University T eknikal Malaysia
Melaka (UT eM) towards working on UT eM funded project titled tractor has the primary requirement that the tractor be guided
„engineering of mechanical control kit for unmanned grass cutter‟, to travel on a desired path with minimal human intervention.
Project number: PJP/2009/FKP(8A)-S536. With the development of technology, many scientists and
Ir. Sivarao, Anand, Hambali, Minhat, are the academic members while researchers have studied, designed, or invented various
Faizul is a lab technician at Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering,
Universiti T eknikal Malaysia Melaka (UT eM), Hang T uah Jaya, 76100
autonomous vehicles which can self-propelled and guided
Durian T unggal, Melaka, T he correspondence author can be contacted automatically while human only have to monitor or control
via e-mail: or through some remote means.

105204-9191 IJMME-IJENS © August 2010 IJENS

International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMM E-IJENS Vol:10 No:04 2

From most of the researches, many types of guidance „machine vision‟ video camera scans the immediate
systems and obstacle detection system are developed and surroundings and watches for obstacles. The global
applied to the vehicle, such as GPS, vision capture by camera, positioning system determines the tractor‟s precise location on
infrared or sonar wave sensor, and all these devices collect the the field. The inertia sensor senses the movement of the tractor
data and input information and send for analysis and in the field and calculates its path. The computer guidance
calculation by computer which then convert it into command control uses „sensor fusion‟ to combine all of the information
for controlling the actuator and motor [4-6]. When the actuator coming from the different sensors. The electro-hydraulic
and motor are activated, it will control the wheel steer with steering valve receives orders from the computer and controls
certain angle or direction and the sensor attached to the the steering to cater the precise need [8].
wheels and actuator will give the feedback information to the
main computer to analyze and give a response or command for
the next step. This cycle will repeat until the job is finished.
These would be a good solution for autonomous vehicle but
since the cost of the installation and investment is higher, so it
cannot be a popular commercial product, and the maintenance
cost would be high as well. Operator who controls this system
also needs professional and technical skill training, and it
becomes expenditure which requires more time and money.
From the U.S. Patent by Pansire, (1980), an invention of self-
propelled and self-guiding lawn mower was invented [7]. A
fully automatic lawn mower which is self-propelled and guiding
based on the principle of magnet following a passive ribbon or
wire of ferromagnetic material. The concept of providing
guidance for a machine utilizing the principal of a magnet
located on the machine predetermined path defined by a
passive wire of ferromagnetic material or permanent magnet Fig. 1. Basic elements of agricultural vehicle automation system (Reid et
that impregnated material laid on or in ground. The drive al, 2000).
wheels are coupled to a continuously rotating drive shaft by
individual solenoid actuator, the drive shaft is turned by a
battery powered electric motor and the guidance system
generating steering command through activating and
deactivating the actuators. This invention is limited with the
magnetic force is enough or not to attract and maintain the
lawn mower stable and the travel path is limited by the
predetermined path.
Reid, et al, (2000) from North America had done some
research on an agricultural automatic guidance [8]. This was
then the recent research in agricultural vehicle guidance
automation in North America. The conceptual framework of an
agricultural vehicle guidance automation system as shown in
Fig. 1 which includes navigation sensors together with
navigation planner, vehicle motion models, and steering
controllers as can be visualized in Fig. 2. In the research, they
had studied the various types of electronic device and steering
controller. For the steering controller, the actuator which Fig. 2. Sensor fusions on an agricultural tract or.
converts the control signal from a feedback controller to an
appropriate mechanical adjustment in steer angle. Hydraulic In 2002, Batavia et al., was carried out a research on
steering system was developed around 1980, after that, the autonomous coverage operation in semi-structured outdoor
electro-hydraulic steering system was developed for environment [9]. This study focused on the comprehensive
agricultural vehicles. In 1998, Proportional Integral Derivative navigation system capable of extended coverage operations in
(PID) steering controller for agricultural tractor guided by a semi-structured environments. The system is able to track
Geomagnetic Direction Sensor (GDS) was further developed to specified paths with high accuracy, detect small obstacles
achieve suitable steering performance. The wheel position reliably, and plan coverage patterns to completely cover a
sensor calculates the angle that the wheels are turned. The specified area, where, the user interface can be displayed

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International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMM E-IJENS Vol:10 No:04 3

directly on vehicle or remotely. Human intervention was controls the oil flow in the steering cylinder and thereby the
occasionally necessary due to persistent obstacle detection positions the steering wheels accordingly and the position of
false positives and hardware failures. Future work will the vehicle is fed back by GPS measurements. The steer angle
concentrate on improving localization to reduce the is limited to ±10.6º and a potentiometer mounted at the left rear
dependence on high accuracy (and high cost) GPS, and wheel side measures the actual steered angle and transmits the
additional testing. information back to the hydraulic steering control system. The
An automatic guidance for agricultural vehicles in Europe measured steering angle of the left rear wheel was converted in
research was done by [10]. This research was concerned with the steering system to the mean steering angle. The result
automatic guidance of agricultural vehicles with implements of showed that the positioning accuracy was sufficient for
various solutions. One of the guidance systems for vehicles vehicle guidance even though the dynamics of the high
consist sensor, controller, and actuator. There were several mounted GPS antenna were not compensated. A standard
sensors inserted in the systems and the controller, PID type, deviation of driving precision of less than 100 mm is acceptable
translates the sensor position deviation signal into a voltage for several agricultural applications; however, further research
which is used to open a valve, forcing the hydraulic ram in the will consider methods for improving driving performance.
steering circuit to change the steer angle of the front or rear Nelson, (1997) obtained the U.S. Patent for an invention of
axle, in case of side shifting the implement, an additional ram to automated lawn mower [13]. A self-propelled lawn mower
adjust the position of the implement relative to the tractor. which utilizing a rotating directional loop antenna to determine
Automatic guidance systems witnessed in Fig. 3 for side- its positioning within the cutting area by measuring the angle
shifted implements have a limited control band and, as a between transmitters placed in the cutting area. The orientation
consequence, still need a driver to steer the vehicle within this is determined by comparing present and previous positions;
band to enable automatic correction of position deviations the stored path information is compared with the calculated
[11]. The driver must keep the path and compensate lateral position to determine the steering signal which directs the
forces produced by implement shifting. mower to move in desired path. The direct current drive motor
replaced with a clutch and gear mechanism to the drive wheel
directly from the engine, an actuator would select forward or
reverse gears. An operator needs to monitor and control the
process via the remote control and computer. A further
improvement of the information transmitting is required and the
safety features need to be added.
A research on an agent of behavior architecture for
unmanned control of a farming vehicle was done by [14]. They
presented a hybrid agent of behavior architecture to deal with
the autonomous navigation of a farming vehicle. The vehicle
autonomously works local piloting; follow a tentative path
predefined by human operators through a set of intermediate
positions. A wireless LAN is used to get a bi-directional
communication between the vehicle and human supervisor.
Sensor-fusion algorithms are proposed to overcome the lack of
GPS signals so as to obtain continuous and precise
positioning. The autonomous tractor focused on the st eering
wheel and on the brake and clutch pedals, maintaining the
Fig. 3. Modular structure for a system to guide agricultural vehicle
manual driving mode. Different solenoids/electro-valves and
autonomously. T he figuratively portrayed components indicate available
elements [11].
actuators were integrated for the steering control system. In
the experiment, gradual action was achieved by pulse width
A study on guidance of a forage harvester with GPS was modulation (PWM) control of the three-way-valve that
done by Stoll and KutzBach, (2000) [12]. A self-propelled commands the steering hydraulic circuit and its schematic is
forage harvester was the test vehicle for this research; it was shown in Fig. 4. A closed-loop control system is required to
equipped with an automatic steering system, and Real Time reach and keep the steer angle reference. It was found that, the
Kinematic Global Positioning System (RTK-GPS) was used as control response over-shoot resulting in delayed dampen in
the positioning sensor. The GPS measurements were exported the hydraulic steering system which was caused by non-linear
characteristics of the hydraulic system.
to the navigation system. The adjustment signal derived from
the steer angle calculations are transmitted via the parallel port
adapter to the hydraulic steering system. A proportional valve

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International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMM E-IJENS Vol:10 No:04 4

resources). (3) Turns are the number of turns made by the

robot as it moves. The number of turns should also be as low
as possible for the same cost reasons as mentioned above.
Similarly Wong et al (2003) studied the topological coverage
algorithm for mobile robots [17]. It uses natural landmarks in
the environment to construct a planar graph representing a
decomposition of reachable surface into simple sub regions
that can be covered by a zigzag pattern. The grid based
methods generally used for navigation in coverage
applications can require considerable memory and computation
and is susceptible to odometry error. On the other hand, the
topological map used in this paper is proven to be robust
against sensor and actuator noise. It is also compact as its
resolution corresponds to the complexity of the environment.

Fig. 4. Schematic of the hydraulic system (Garcia-Perez, L., et al,

A model recognition and validation for an off-road vehicle
electro hydraulic steering controller was done by Zhang, Q.
(2002). Automated steering control is essential for autonomous
off-road vehicles which use an electro hydraulic (E/H) actuator
to implement the steering control as can be seen in Fig. 5. The
design and validation of an E/H steering controller through a
combination of system identification, model simulation and
field test was presented. A kinematic model of the steering
linkage geometry provided the gain between the hydraulic
actuator and the front wheel. The system model was used to
close the steering control loop based on the feedback signal
from the hydraulic steering actuator rather than from the front
Fig. 5. Hydraulic steering actuating system on the test vehicle (Zhang et
wheels. The simulation and vehicle test result indicated that,
al, 2001).
the developed steering controller was capable of efficiently
handling the non-linearity and dynamic asymmetry of the E/H
steering control system. It was also found to be capable of
achieving prompt and accurate steering control on an off-road
vehicle regardless of the nonlinear nature and the changing
ground conditions [15].
Recently in 2008, Cohen et al. tried the simulation of moving
lawn area which is continuous planer area by a mobile robot.
The robot is given as input a bitmap of a known geometric area
and derives an optimal covering path by implementing and
improving the well known on-line Full Scan Spanning Tree
Covering (STC) algorithm [16]. Their algorithm is shown in Fig.
Fig. 6. Grid approximation of a given work area and the spanning tree
An efficient area coverage algorithm should meet several
(Cohen et al, 2008)
performance measurements. (1) Run-time should be fast and
efficient – which is accomplished by the robot being able to III. PROPOSED AUT OMAT ED MODEL
calculate its movement on-line. For very large areas if run-time In a further study of the subject, a field study simulation was
is slower than linear, the robot will not be useable. (2) The carried out before mechanizing a full scale semi-automated
over-cover measurement is the relative size of the area that is grass cutter. The proposed low cost solutionised principle
covered more than once by the robot. This measurement would be the reference in developing the other conceptual
should be as low as possible. As the over-cover measurement designs in nearest future. This proposed project has proven to
grows, the overall time to cover the entire area rises, which achieve a relatively low cost solution in grass cutting with a
increases the cost of using the robot (money, energy, time and simple but functional, cable-guided mechanism.

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International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMM E-IJENS Vol:10 No:04 5

management of Centre for Research & Innovation

Management of UTeM for providing the initial research grant
to initiate the semi-automated crass cutter. Also, the authors
are indebt of thanking Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering,
especially the top level management, Dr. Rizal Salleh, Dr. Mohd
Warikh and Mr. Akramin for providing continuous support
and encouragement towards completion of the first phase of
the project.
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A CKNOWLEDGMENT International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Las
The authors/researchers would like to thank the top level Vegas, 2003, 1685–1690.

105204-9191 IJMME-IJENS © August 2010 IJENS


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