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October 03, 2019

Edition: 05

Quotation Of The Week

Home of Dragon Pride

“Building Successful Futures”

The Week Ahead

Monday, October 7, 2019

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Wednesday, October 9, 2019 Dry Grad Committee Mtg: 7:00pm

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Friday, October 11, 2019

Upcoming Events
October 14th – Thanksgiving Day – School Closed
October 16 – Photo Retake Day
October 17 – “Student Vote”
October 21 – Department Head Mtg
October 22 – Nichidai Japan, school visit
October 25 – Non-Instructional Day
October 28 – Flex Day, Staff Meeting, PAC Meeting
October 30 – Interim Report cards issued

Field Trips

Date Time Teacher Destination

October 8, 2019 11:40 am - 3:00 pm Ms. Snodden Recreation Centre

Students are reminded that a registered FPSS Parking Pass is required for all students driving a vehicle to school.
A Parent consent form and application is available from SSL Mr. Doherty.
Students are also reminded that parking on school property is a privilege. Unsafe driving or motor vehicle infrac-
tions on or hear school property will result in the loss of parking privileges.
Please drive safe!

Student ID Card
Please let students know that student ID cards are available at the office for students who have paid their student
activity fees ($20). Students may pay their fees and/or pick up their student ID cards before school, at lunch, and
after school at the office.

Home of Dragon Pride

“Building Successful Futures”


TRAX Update: Provincial Graduation Assessment Requirements

Please see the attached Deputy Minister’s bulletin for a summary table of which assessments are required per
grade level and year. To clarify, the Grade 10 Graduation Numeracy Assessment is required for all students.
Grade 10 students must take it this year. The Grade 10 Graduation Literacy Assessment is required for Grade
10 students; only Grade 10 students take it this year.

This year’s Grade 12 students do not take a literacy assessment and do not take a Language Arts 12 ex-
am. Language Arts 12 exams listed on the 2019/20 Graduation Assessment Schedule are only for students re
-writing an exam or completing exam requirements attached to the old curriculum. See Important Notes on the
first page of the schedule.

If student is currently in Grade 9…

 In 2019/20 (Grade 9) – No provincial assessment.

 In 2020/21 (Grade 10) – Grade 10 Graduation Numeracy Assessment AND Grade 10 Graduation Literacy
Assessment are required.

 In 2021/22 (Grade 11) – No provincial assessment.

In 2022/23 (Grade 12) – Grade 12 Graduation Literacy Assessment is required.

If student is currently in Grade 10…

 In 2019/20 (Grade 10) – Grade 10 Graduation Numeracy Assessment AND Grade 10 Graduation Literacy
Assessment are required.

 In 2020/21 (Grade 11) – No provincial assessment.

In 2021/22 (Grade 12) – Grade 12 Graduation Literacy Assessment is required.

If student is currently in Grade 11…

 In 2019/20 (Grade 11) – Grade 10 Graduation Numeracy Assessment is required (if not already writ-
ten). No requirement to complete the Grade 10 Graduation Literacy Assessment.
In 2020/21 (Grade 12) – Grade 12 Graduation Literacy Assessment is required.

If student is currently in Grade 12…

In 2019/20 (Grade 12) – Grade 10 Graduation Numeracy Assessment is required (if not already written).
There is no requirement to complete the Grade 10 Graduation Literacy Assessment, no Grade 12 Language
Arts 12 provincial exam and no Grade 12 Graduation Literacy Assessment for these students in 2019/20.

Schools may refer to the associated table on page 10 of the B.C. Graduation Program Implementation

Home of Dragon Pride

“Building Successful Futures”

This Week at Fleetwood Park - Principal’s Message: September 30th – October 4th

Good morning Dragons!

Our September start-up is now behind us and we are rolling into October! Time moves fast at Fleetwood Park Second-
ary…. Our students and staff are now well into their new curriculum and our routines of the first semester are in place.
We look forward to the days ahead and the many traditions and special events that the season will bring.

Home of Dragon Pride

“Building Successful Futures”

This week began with a Professional Development Day. Our staff participated in an interesting workshop that focussed
on the learning needs of students with Dyslexia and the challenges and strengths of these exceptional students. Our
thanks to presenter, Dr. Ramirez, for your insight and expertise.

On Monday evening the weather cooperated for our Dry Grad Boat Cruise. It was a beautiful, clear evening to be out
on the water. The sunset was gorgeous and the views sensational! We hosted 167 Grade 12 students for a cruise
around the Vancouver Harbour. This was the first Grad 2020 event of the school year, and was a great success. Our
students had a wonderful time with beautiful scenery, good food, music, dancing and friendship. Thank you to the Dry
Grad Committee for all your work in coordinating the event.

Home of Dragon Pride

“Building Successful Futures”

On Tuesday morning the school practiced our first Fire Drill of the year. Again, the weather cooperated as all students
and staff followed the evacuation procedures. Over the course of the school year, we will be practicing 10 evacuation
drills. This is an important aspect of our safety systems. Each drill will be carefully analyzed for possible improvements
to our process. Thank you to all Dragons for your participation.

Tuesday afternoon was perfect to spend some time

outside and cheer on our Senior Boys Soccer Team.
Congratulations on your victory.

Our Senior Boy’s Volleyball team was in action last

night. The team is looking very strong this year.
Good luck Dragons!

Home of Dragon Pride

“Building Successful Futures”

Wednesday evening brought our Grade 12 Parents/guardians to Fleetwood Park for our Graduation Information Night.
The presentation included details on graduation eligibility, expectations, post-secondary liaison, Career Life Connec-
tions, Scholarships, Dinner-Dance, Commencement, Dry Grad, Grad Photos and more. This final year for our senior
students is so important. We had an excellent turn-out of parents/guardians and we know that our Graduating class of
2020 will have a very special year of successes. We are also confident that this group of students will rise to our chal-
lenge and provide high levels of civic involvement and leadership to our school community.

This morning started with the annual Grade 8 Pancake Breakfast! What a fun way to start the day. Hundreds of grade
8 students enjoyed a free pancake breakfast and laughter with their classmates. Our newest students have now expe-
rienced the Grade 8 Retreat and are officially Dragons! The breakfast was another nice way for our school to remind
the grade 8 class that they are highly valued members of our community and we are very happy they are here! Special
thanks to the Student Council and to Chef Crema, Assistant Barbosa and all of our Culinary Arts students for your help
in making this event possible! Great work team!

Home of Dragon Pride

“Building Successful Futures”

Today at lunch we will be holding our first Staff Committee of the year. Again, all staff are reminded of the importance
of the Staff Committee’s work; and are encouraged to reach out to any Staff Committee member for feedback and sup-
port as we navigate our way through the year.

Tomorrow we will be celebrating World Teacher Day! I encourage all students and parents/guardians to take the op-
portunity to recognize the incredible work and influence of our Fleetwood Park Secondary staff. Their influence, care,
mentorship and expertise change lives every day. On behalf of the entire Fleetwood Park community, I would like to
take this opportunity to thank our staff for all you do on behalf of our students. It is a privilege to work alongside you! 

Home of Dragon Pride

“Building Successful Futures”

Home of Dragon Pride

“Building Successful Futures”

Mission Statement:

“At Fleetwood Park Secondary we value excellence in education and strive to provide a learning environment where all students
are encouraged to build successful futures.”

Home of Dragon Pride

“Building Successful Futures”

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