Training Feedback Form - MEA University - BI

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Business Analytics Training Feedback Form


Campus: Department:

Please indicate your feedback based on the criteria listed below.

B5A58 – IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author Professional Reports Fundamentals v10.2.2
Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree

The Overview of IBM Cognos BI lesson was relevant     

The Introduction to the Reporting Application lesson was relevant     
Create List Reports lesson was relevant     
Focus Reports Using Filters lesson was relevant     
Create Crosstab Reports lesson was relevant     
Present Data Graphically lesson was relevant     
Focus Reports Using Prompts lesson was relevant     
Extend Reports Using Calculations lesson was relevant     
Use Additional Report Building Techniques lesson was relevant     
Customize Reports with Conditional Formatting lesson was
    
Drill-Through from One Report to Another lesson was relevant     
Drill-Through Definitions lesson was relevant     
Enhance Report Layout lesson was relevant     
I feel knowledgeable on this topic after taking this course     
I feel confident in taking the certification test after this course     
Additional Remarks:

B5A59 – IBM Cognos Report Studio: Author Professional Reports Advanced v10.2.2
Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree

Create Query Models lesson was relevant     

Create Reports Based on Query Relationships lesson was relevant     
Create Advanced Dynamic Reports lesson was relevant     
Design Effective Prompts lesson was relevant     

Create Additional Advanced Reports lesson was relevant
Examine the Report Specification lesson was relevant     
Distribute Reports through Bursting lesson was relevant     
Enhance User Interaction with HTML lesson was relevant     
I feel knowledgeable on this topic after taking this course     
I feel confident in taking the certification test after this course     
Additional Remarks:

Course Delivery Feedback

Strongly Strongly
Agree Neutral Disagree
Agree Disagree

After this training I feel comfortable to teach my students this subject     

The Instructor was knowledgeable and delivered the training to my
    
The Technical Assistant assisted me to perform the lab exercises to
    
my satisfaction
The IBM coordinator performance was to my satisfaction     
The training materials and courses selected were adequate     
The Technical environment provided to do the labs was adequate     
The Physical classroom environment was adequate to host the training     
The Training Logistics (breaks, lunch, dinner) were handled to my
    
I will be interested and capable of delivering this training to other
    
universities as part of the IBM MEA University program
Additional Remarks:

How do you rate the training overall?

Excellent Good Average Poor Very poor

    

What aspects of the training could be improved?

Other comments?

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