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Chapter 191: "Friends...!!

" – Choji unleashes his strike directly into

Jiroubou's chest, flattening him into the ground. His opponent loses
consciousness and returns to his regular form. With a great strain on
his body, Choji walks away towards the direction of his friends.
Remembering his dads words about making a true friend someday,
Choji sees an arrow the group left, his body giving out, he slumps
against the tree and falls motionless. Elsewhere the group rushes on,
thinking they're being underestimated because they have not yet run
into any traps. Further ahead and the Sound ninja greet the return of
Jiroubou, Tayuya curses him out and he merely offers an affirmative in
return. Kidoumaru realizes the fake, Shikamaru drops the Henge and
the group begins to fight. Shikamaru and Kiba quickly get pinned with
sticky spider threads, and Naruto and his clones get stuck in a spider
web. As Kidoumaru looks on, Neji jumps in from behind him...

Chapter 192: "Plan...!!" – Neji narrowly misses Kidoumaru, who

then swings to quickly surround and cover the Leaf ninja in a sac of his
threads. Naruto tries to cut himself free of the web, but its maker
boasts it is very resistant. Inside the thread, Neji begins to break down
how it works, with Kidoumaru's chakra giving it strength, even after
being expelled from his body. Kidoumaru then begins to expel daggers
of hardened thread. Wondering which is the real Naruto, he begins to
hurl the daggers. One by one he sticks the clones and they poof away,
leaving one final Naruto. Being full of himself, Kidoumaru gloats he has
the real one and throws. But when the dagger hits, the last Naruto
disappears as well! Jumping from behind Kidoumaru comes Naruto,
but the Sound ninja spins around and lassos him with thread, things
look grim until Neji comes from nowhere and cuts the unbreakable
thread freeing Naruto!

Chapter 193: "Game Over" – The Leaf regroup and Neji tells them
to go on, stating Naruto can rescue Sasuke from the darkness like he
did for him. They head out and Kidoumaru sends sticky thread after
them. Neji takes the brunt of it and spins, cutting the thread away.
Kidoumaru begins to get excited about the chance to fight and defeat
his opponent quickly. Neji uses his Byakugan to see how Kidoumaru
expels the thread. Just then flowering cobwebs are fired, which Neji
tries to cut and avoid, but one catches him and he gets pinned to a
tree. Kidoumaru breaks down how Neji emits a needle-like point of
chakra from his fingers to cut his threads using the Juuken. With Neji
pinned he states he can take him out, leaving Neji to raise a slight
grin. Kidoumaru rears back and expels a hard piercing stream of
thread, Neji focuses and emits chakra from his body, cutting the
threads and avoiding the strike. In an instant he is below Kidoumaru,
in the stance of Hakke Rokujuuyonshou!

Chapter 194: "Probing Each Other" – Neji unloads the strikes on

Kidoumaru, sending him crashing to the ground below. When the dust
settles, Kidoumaru is revealed standing, covered in hardened spider
thread. He gloats he can emit the thread from every pore on his body.
The two ninja size each other up, and Kidoumaru jumps away, cutting
a thread to send kunai at Neji. It lands harmlessly and daggers come
flying in from all over. Neji does Kaiten to knock them away and then
hurls a kunai back directly at the hidden Kidoumaru. Surprised,
Kidoumaru realizes he can't play around and activates his level one
seal. He summons a large spider, who emits many baby spiders to
come raining down on Neji. Neji spins to knock them away, and as he
slows Kidoumaru throw a kunai to strike his opponent while he's

Chapter 195: "Strategy...!!" – Neji emits chakra to deflect the

kunai, and realizes all the thread is slowing his movement. All hail of
daggers and spiders begin to come after him. He defeats most but
some get through and cut him. Elsewhere the remaining Sound ninja
state Kidoumaru likes to play around, and that level two would mean
game over. Kidoumaru unleashes more daggers and realizes there
must be a weakness. Neji is tiring and Kidoumaru releases the spider
to come crashing down onto his opponent. With a Juuken upper thrust,
the spider explodes to reveal more daggers raining down onto him.
Neji falls to the ground and Kidoumaru goes level two, expelling thread
to form a hardened bow and arrow. He pulls back and unleashes it as
his weakened opponent.

Chapter 196: "The Strongest Foe!!" – The arrow hits and when the
dust settles, Neji stands away from its impact crater. He realizes his
foe has found the Byakugan’s weakness. A surprised Kidoumaru sees
his missed a killing blow by mere centimeters, but still managed to
pierce Neji's shoulder. He surmises the Leaf ninja emits chakra to
detect incoming attacks. Neji realizes this is his toughest opponent
yet. Kidoumaru determines there is a small blind spot emanating from
Neji's upper back, so he fires another arrow tied to a string to adjust
its flight. The arrow flies through everything in its path, missing Neji
by inches due to the tree it went through. Kidoumaru creates a new
drilling arrow and prepares to fire. Neji realizes how weak he is,
wondering what Naruto would do in his situation. Flashbacking to
Naruto saying he'd definitely win, Neji grins states he has no chance to
avoid it. The arrow fires, tearing through the forest and it pierces Neji
through the stomach...

Chapter 197: "Unyielding Determination!!" – The arrow pins Neji

to a tree and Neji quickly grabs the thread and sends his chakra into
it, traveling all the way back and into Kidoumaru mouth and gullet.
The Sound ninja is damaged, he falls to the earth and Neji thinks over
his past with Naruto, and how Naruto said he wasn't a loser. Elsewhere
Naruto tells his group that Neji will catch up soon because he's a
genius. Emboldened, Neji cuts the thread and rushes to the falling
Kidoumaru meeting him head on he strikes a killing blow. Neji states
he knew he couldn't block it so he prepared himself to take the strike,
and that he knew all his weaknesses better than his opponent did.
Kidoumaru returns to his normal form, bloody and weakening. Neji
tells him he had to hold up the mantle of "genius", so he could not

Chapter 198: "Reincarnation...!!" – Neji states no one can

determine another’s destiny, and Kidoumaru states Neji will die soon
as well. Neji thinks back to his father telling him to live on, and states
he won't die so easily. Kidoumaru gloats that they can't stop
Orochimaru, but Neji states there is someone who can turn Sasuke
back, who can return him from the darkness as he once did for him.
Kidoumaru continues to gloat but then coughs up more blood, and
finally falls lifeless to the ground. Neji looks to the heavens, and then
falls to the ground motionless. Elsewhere Shikamaru begins to lay out
their strategy and Tayuya and Sakon continue on. Orochimaru screams
out in pain at his compound. Realizing he can't wait for Sasuke
anymore, Kabuto goes to make preparations for a new body, telling
gathered prisoners the last one standing gets their "freedom."

Chapter 199: "Desire...!!" – Kabuto works in a medical area

over a covered patient. A former possible host for Orochimaru
and leader of the Sound Five, Kimimaro was also granted a
curse seal. The young man stirs and asks Kabuto how long he
has. Kabuto replies he still can be useful, though not as a
container. Kabuto watches the monitor and the prisoner fight
finishes. Orochimaru walks in to greet the winner. The prisoner
realizes this is his end, and asks that his clansmen be freed.
Orochimaru agrees and tells him that he will remain as a small
part of his subconscious mind. A scream rattles through the
compound, and Kabuto states Orochimaru can't change bodies
again for three more years. Kimimaro rises through the pain,
stating he will bring the container to show his dedication and
repay his uselessness. Elsewhere Tayuya and Sakon stop,
sensing the Leaf ninja behind them. Sakon turns to charge them
gloating they'll be dead in seconds...

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