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Chapter 208: "The First Hand is a Feint!!

" – Tayuya states that is

impossible but Shikamaru begins to break down what movements
control what actions. He then sends the oni after Tayuya, but she
quickly raises a hand seal and disperses them into nothingness.
Tayuya smiles but suddenly freezes, bound by Shikamaru's winding
shadow. Snaking through the tree limbs he caught her from behind
with his feint. Tayuya is enraged and enters her level two form. She
uses her immense chakra to break the hold. Shikamaru buckles down
and states he'll have to try a different method. Forming a new seal he
uses a shadow neck binding technique, shadow hands begin to creep
up Tayuya's body. The Sound ninja raises her flute and plays a
Genjutsu spell. Shikamaru throws a kunai at Tayuya's feet and gets
bound in the spell. Shikamaru is in a hellish world where his bones
melt off his skin. Tayuya gloats her level two form gives her access to
a ton of Genjutsu spells. She picks up the kunai at her feet and
charges to kill her opponent. Just then Shikamaru raises up to punch
her in the stomach, revealing how he used his shadow to break his
finger to cause enough pain to break the spell. Shikamaru then reveals
his final move, that the shadow bind is stronger in closer combat. To
the surprise of Tayuya she realizes the kunai was thrown just so she
would grab it to get within his striking distance!

Chapter 210: "Lee's Secret!!" – Naruto tells Lee to be careful but

Lee tells him to move on after Sasuke. Naruto made a promise to
Sakura with his nice guy pose, so Lee does the same telling Naruto he
will handle Kimimaro. Back in Konoha Genma and Raidou are
recovering, Tsunade states sending Genin was unavoidable but she has
taken steps to lend them support. Suddenly Gai bursts in, he rushed
back to hear of Lee's surgery. Tsunade says it was a success and Gai is
relieved. An attendant bursts in to tell them Lee is gone. They rush
back to Lee's room to see he had left during the night. Tsunade notices
the absent-minded Lee picked up her sake bottle by mistake instead of
his medicine. This worries Gai... Back at the fight Lee attempts to land
another hit on Kimimaro, he pauses for a moment to tell his opponent
he needs to take his medicine. He withdraws the bottle and takes a
bitter gulp. Gai tells Tsunade that the last time Lee accidentally
consumed liqour he got drunk and destroyed a building. Other than
not being able to hold his liquor, Lee also happens to be a natural user
of the Suiken, the drunk fist style of fighting!

Chapter 211: "Unpredictable...!!" – Kiba and Akamaru emerge

from the stream and move onto dry land, and Kiba tries to attend to
his wounds. Lee begins his assault on Kimimaro, a fast and random
freewheeling offensive style that is hard for Kimimaro to predict.
Kimimaro uses the Dance of the Camellia but Lee manages to avoid his
strikes. Lee finally connects and knocks Kimimaro backwards. Seeing
no other choice, Kimimaro lowers his tunic and raises his left arm.
Activating his cursed seal his radius and ulna multiply and emerge
from his forearm. He charges to attack and Lee moves to avoid a
strike, but not before Kimimaro extends his ribs out of his chest to
barely graze Lee's cheek. Lee is surprised and knocked back to the
ground. Standing over his opponent, Kimimaro boasts that this is his
unpredictable bloodline limit...

Chapter 212: "Pinch, Pinch, Pinch!!" – All around the area, the
Leaf Genin are struggling... Kimimaro tells Lee that he can control the
density and amount of bones in his body. On the stream a level two
Sakon walks towards Kiba's location. Shikamaru continues his struggle
with Tayuya. Lee understands he has to keep Kimimaro occupied for as
long as possible, so he attempts Omote Renge. Kimimaro sends bones
out of his chest and reduces Lee's upward kick to nothing. He then
reaches in to strike Lee's face... Shikamaru tries to calm himself to
think of a way to overcome his opponent. Elsewhere Kiba is surprised
by Ukon, who hid his scent with Kiba's coat to get in close. Ukon
removes a kunai and goes in to strike Kiba... Shikamaru's shadow
falters and Tayuya readies a kunai to strike... but Tayuya is suddenly
blasted away by a gust of wind! Ukon's kunai has connected with a
dark robbed figure... Before Kimimaro's bone can strike Lee, an
explosion of sand protects Lee and sends him backwards. Coming to
the rescue of the Leaf Genin are the siblings of the Sand! Gaara,
Kankurou and Temari have arrived!

Chapter 213: "A Large Debt...!!" – Kimimaro makes the first move
and fires the bones of his fingers like bullets. Gaara's sand rises and
stops them easily. Lee asks Gaara why he is here, and the Sand Genin
replies he has a debt to the Leaf. Elsewhere Shikamaru states he can't
stand being protected by a woman, but Temari dismisses his talk.
Shikamaru warns her that their opponent can create illusions. Temari
understands and she unleashes a huge sickling wind. Tayuya tries to
find cover. At Kiba's location, Kankurou controls Karasu and goes after
Ukon. Kiba then notices Sakon lunging from behind Kankurou. The
Sand Genin can't defend himself in time. Sakon had his hand on
Kankurou's face to insert himself, but Kankurou's face falls away!
Underneath lies a second puppet! The puppet wraps its bladed arms
around Sakon and squeezes!

Chapter 214: "Retreat for the Time Being...!!" – The puppet casts
aside Sakon and goes after Ukon. As Sakon's body lands, Ukon rushes
to his brother’s aid and absorbs him into his body. Kiba yells for
Kankurou not to underestimate the two men. Kankurou says the same
should be said of him. He uses Karasu to attack the two men, as the
Sound ninja backs away from the attack they unknowingly land right
into Kankurou's second puppet Kuroari! It closes its chest, locking
them inside! Karasu's limbs come off to reveal poison tipped blades.
Kankurou brings the blades down into slots in Kuroari. Blood and a
scream come out from the puppet, the fight is over, and Kankurou has
won. Elsewhere Shikamaru tells Temari of their opponent’s powers but
the Sand kunoichi says not to underestimate her power as well. Wiping
her blood on her fan she swings it, summoning a weasel with a huge
sickle! The gust of wind and weasel cut a huge swath of destruction,
leveling the surrounding forest. When the dust settles, Tayuya is
unconscious, crushed underneath large hewn tree trunks. Temari asks
Shikamaru how it looks; he can only look on in bemused surprise,
thinking to himself that though she is a pushy person, maybe he'll
have to thank her this time around.

Chapter 215: "Gaara of the Desert" – In the field, Gaara see Lee's
wounds and states he'll take Kimimaro. When Lee ignores Gaara, the
Sand Genin trips Lee to prevent him from being hurt further. Kimimaro
fires off another round of bullets and Gaara sends tendrils of Sand
after him. Kimimaro avoids the attacks and says Gaara is pitiful,
limited by the sand in his gourd. Gaara looks on and uses a rain of
sand shower to distract Kimimaro. Tendrils of sand wrap around his
feet and then begin to clump around Kimimaro. Gaara states he can do
anything with sand, even crush the rock in the ground itself to create
more like he is doing now. Gaara uses his Sabaku Sousou to crush
Kimimaro, the technique fails and Kimimaro emerges from the sand,
he has uses his bloodline to create an internal armor to prevent his
crushing. Kimimaro says he took Gaara too lightly but it won't happen
again. Gaara disagrees and causes a huge wave of sand to rise and fall
over Kimimaro; slamming his hands to the ground Gaara constricts the
sand to crush him. This fails as well; rising from the sand comes
Kimimaro with a spiked tail!?...
Chapter 216: "Spear and the Shield...!!" – Rising from the ground,
Kimimaro begins to charge towards the two Genin, bursting through
even another Sabaku Kyuu. Kimimaro has activated his level two form!
No stand barrier can stop him and he gets close enough to knock
Gaara back. He mocks Gaara's absolute defense. Lee takes action and
tries to land strikes in Kimimaro, when he raises his tail to strike the
Genin, sand bursts forth between them to launch Lee backwards to
safety. Seeking to end the fight, Kimimaro reaches to the back of his
neck and withdraws his spine into a long vine whip! Using his fourth
dance, he wraps the tendril around Gaara and creates a large bone
flower on his left arm. Sand gathers between the two men and forms a
mini Shukaku shield! At Orochimaru's compound, Orochimaru and
Kabuto discuss the Kaguya clan’s sad history of bloodshed and war.
When they challenge their host Water country Hidden Mist wiped them
out, and only Kimimaro remained. In the field, Kimimaro raises his
unbreakable flower spear and strikes the belly of the impenetrable

Chapter 217: "For Precious People" – As the Shukaku shield holds,

Kimimaro's bone flower spear fails. Kimimaro tells Gaara that he is the
last of his clan, and the Sand Genin mocks the Sound ninja for his
dedication to a man who is just using him. Seeing the chance to finally
end the fight, Gaara turns the ground below Kimimaro to sand and
sinks him deep into the earth. Using the last of his dances, Kimimaro
causes a forest of bone spikes to emerge from the ground. Gaara uses
his sand to levitate himself and Lee above their deadly reach. Thinking
themselves safe, Kimimaro emerges from one of the bone shafts and
rages that they could not understand his dedication to Orochimaru.
However, at that instant his body finally fails him. Kimimaro's body
dies and he is frozen like a statue. Gaara and Lee then reflect on his
passing and the importance of precious people. We then move to the
Valley of the End. Two huge statues stand on either side of a huge
waterfall. Naruto has finally caught up to Sasuke...

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