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Management Attitudes and Practices Theories 1

Human Resource Management (BUS 5511)

Unit 4 – Written Assignment

Management Attitudes and Practices Theories (Maslow)

Management Attitudes and Practices Theories 2

Maslow was really interested in broad view of his theory. But majority of scholars of his time tend to be

blind and focus their attention on narrow issues, Abraham Maslow's core vision was far from reality. His effort of

invention of theories in motivation and psychology, extended into greater business fields of marketing and

management. He also enjoyed exploring, social trends and their consequences. As the founder of such valuable

ideas as hierarchy of human needs, self-actualization, higher motivation, team decision making, and business

synergy, He was highly respected during his peak times, in 1970s. During that time, he was known as a founder of

the enlightened management approach. After many years Maslow’s popularity have increased, rather than

decrease. His theories continue to shape workplace in the United States and extends to other countries in the world

(Dininni, 2017).

Maslow's management theory is illustrated by a pyramid, divided horizontally into 5 sections, each one

representing one of the basic human needs that motivate our actions. The needs are, from most basic (base of the

pyramid) to most fully realized (top of the pyramid) physiological, safety, social, ego and self-actualization needs.

As lower level needs are met, the employee grows freer to focus on the higher motivational levels, such as

pursuing status, recognition and excellence, as well as self-fulfillment. Some advantages your company will enjoy

when your employees move beyond the lower-level needs and begin progressing toward self-actualization are:

1. Better employee focus and performance.

2. Greater "ownership" of task and project outcomes.

3. Improved attitude and loyalty; and

4. Increased motivation and engagement.

Many leadership development courses and training programs are based on Abraham Maslow management theory.

If you own your own company, the principles set down by the father of enlightened management will only help

you gain greater insight into the most important aspects of motivating your employees to make your company

successful. (Dininni, 2017).

Management Attitudes and Practices Theories 3

Maslow's first approach to the human part of business is based solidly in research. Even during his

theoretical concerning mentally sound, high achieving men and women, Maslow kept near to available data. He

usually never ventured opinions, in public, when lacking scientific verification, however its sketchy. Despite his

desires of having intuitive leaps, he reads many volumes of scientific fields: from sociology and anthropology to

biology and endocrinology. Along these lines, while positively a visionary in the true definition of the term,

Maslow dependably took pride in showing his thoughts solemnly and capably (“Eupsychian management”, 2018).

Second approach, it's a cliché to say every management approach is based certainly on psychology,

which is, a specific view of human nature, then it's no coincidence that Maslow's perspective is still very potent.

Putting together all competing motivational theories into a one metasystem, he was able to unify what was

previously seen as a huge but fragmented, and apparently self-opposing assortment of discoveries. Later

motivational work, for example, progressed by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan concerning theory of self-

determination, which is exceptionally reliable with Maslow's perspective on intrinsic motivation (“Eupsychian

management”, 2018).

Third approach, the regularity of developing Maslow's legacy to the work environment is known for

historical reasons. In 1965 Maslow has presciently predicted in his business writings, “Eupsychian Management”,

the rules of what he says enlightened management, including team decision making, personal fulfillment, and

organizational productivity, would get mounting significance as employees turned out to be more self-governed,

self-respecting, and very knowledgeable. Maslow saw this promising pattern officially in progress in the USA and

anticipated that it would spread in the long run all through the whole world (“Eupsychian management”, 2018).

A good management consultant can guide you in finding the best way to use the Maslow business management

model to motivate your employees--including your managers. An experienced leadership consultant can also

advise your managers on how best to implement the principles of Maslow on management with their teams.
Management Attitudes and Practices Theories 4

When looking at important characters of an effective coach from Maslow’s approach, I think the

third approach Eupsychian Management is the most important in being effective coach. Because this approach

forces employees to self-govern themselves by having self-actualization, knowing themselves and their

responsibilities. Working independently following their responsibilities without any administration involved. This

approach also works good for management position, everyone should follow their set up goals around work

environment and work freely to reach their goals. Self-actualization employee will bring more to an organization

because first they are passive candidates that work hard to get things done at appropriate pace (Hoffman, 2011).

Above all, I think the Maslow theories are different, but they can be relied on to bring the organization’s

success. They are less used in today's world but that doesn't mean they are less reliable but just the familiarity of

them is less around our cultures. I believe Obama was following this approach during his time in Whitehouse as

US president. And that why it could be the solution for most of issues happening in our organization today.

We measure coaching engagements and effectiveness in a few different ways, but it always starts by getting

agreement on what success looks like up front. This is both at the organizational level and the individual leader

level. We ask coaches, their managers, and the coach to complete evaluations throughout the process and we show

them the questions we'll be asking. Not only does it create a more transparent process, but when coaches know that

the coach will be evaluating their level of engagement, they are definitely more likely to be engaged!

Other ways we commonly measure coaching success include:

• Progress made between pre- and post-360-degree assessments

• Completion or progress toward individual development plans/action plans

• Annual goal achievement

• Leader/employee retention

• Leader/employee levels of engagement

• Rate of promotion or promotability

Management Attitudes and Practices Theories 5


• Dininni, J. (2017, February 22). Management Theory of Abraham Maslow. Retrieved from

• Eupsychian management; a journal. (2018, September 26). Retrieved from

• Hoffman, E. (2011, September 04). Maslow and Management Theory. Retrieved from

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