Analysis Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen

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1. Here √ In this place; at this location, to or into this place, at this point in a
process, activity, story, etc.
2. One √ Having the value of 1; use to refer to a single person or thing, used
before a noun to indicate that someone or something is part of a group
of similar people or things.
3. There √ In that place; at that location, to or into that place, at that point in a
process, activity, story, etc.
4. Day √ A period of 24 hours beginning at midnight; one of the seven time
periods that make up a week.
5. When √ (used in questions) at what time; on what occasion.
6. All √ The whole, entire, total amount, quantity, or extent of ; every number or
part of; the whole number or sum of.
7. American √ A person born, raised, or living in the U.S.; a person born, raised, or
living in North America or South America.
8. Go √ To move on a course; proceed, to move out of or away from a place
expressed or implied.
9. Back √ The rear part of the body; the part of the body that is opposite to the
stomach and chest and that goes from the neck to the top of the legs.
10. Old √ Having lived for many years; not young, used talk about or ask about a
person’s age, having a specified age.
11. Home √ The place (such as a house or apartment) where a person lives; a family
living together in one building, house, etc; a place when something
normally or naturally lives or is located.
12. Eat √ To take food into your mouth and swallow it; to gradually destroy, use,
or take away something; to wear something away: to bother or annoy
13. Big √ Large in size; large in number or amount; involving or including many
people, things, etc.
14. Dinner √ The main meal of the day; usually large normal event at which dinner is
eaten; a cooked and packaged meal that usually only needs to be heated
before it is eaten.
15. Bless √ To make (something or someone) holy by saying a special prayer; to ask
God to care for and protect (something or someone); to provide (a
person, place, etc.) with something good or desirable.
16. President √ The head of the government in some countries; someone who has the
highest position in an organization or business.
17. Give √ To make a present of; to grant or bestow by formal action.
18. Every √ Including each person or thing in a group or series; used to describe
how often some repeated activity, event, etc., happens or is done; used
to describe how far apart the things in a series of things are placed from
each other.
19. Year √ A unit of time that is equal to 12 months or 365 or sometimes 366 days;
the regular period of 12 months that begins in January and ends in
December; used to refer to the age of a person.
20. sometimes √ At certain times; at times; now and then; occasionally.
21. Talks √ To say word in order to express your thoughts, feelings, opinions, etc.,
to someone; to have a conversation or discussion with someone.
22. About √ Almost or nearly; used to indicate that a number amount, time, etc., is
not exact or certain; very close to doing something.
23. People √ Plural: human making up a group or assembly or linked by a common
24. First √ Coming berfore all others in time, order, or importance; used to refer to
the lowest forward gear or speed of a vehicle; having or playing the
main part in a group of instruments.
25. Thanksgiving √ The fourth Thursday in November in the U.S. or the second Monday in
October in Canada celebrated as a legal holiday for people to be
thankful for what they have; a prayer that expresses thanks to God.
26. Puritans √ A member of a Protestant group in England and New England in the
16th and 17th centuries that opposed many customs of the Church of
England; a person who follows strict moral rules and who believes that
pleasure is wrong.
27. Some √ Used to refer to a person or thing that is not known, named, or
specified; of an unspecified amount or number; of a fairly large amount
or number.
28. Landed √ Owning a large amount of land; including a large amount of land.
29. Atlantic √ Of, relating to, or found in, on, or near the Atlantic Ocean; of or relating
to the nations that border the Atlantic Ocean.
30. Shore √ The land bordering a usually large body of water; specifically: coast.
31. Really √ Used to refer to what is true or real; without question or doubt; to a
great degree.
32. Remember √ To have or keep an image or idea in your mind of (something or
someone from the past); to thing of (something or someone from the
past) again.
33. Much √ Large in amount or extent: not little.
34. Large √ Great in size or amount; not limited in importance, range, etc.
35. Bird √ Archaic: the young of a feathered bertebrate.
36. Call √ To speak in a loud voice; to annouce or read (something) in a loud
37. Turkey √ A large American bird that is related to the chicken and that is hunted or
raised by people for its meat.
38. Have √ To hold or maintain as a possession, privilege, or entitlement.
39. Enough √ Equal to what is needed
40. Money √ Something (such as coins or bills) used as a way to pay for goods and
services and to pay people for their work.
41. Buy √ To get (something) by paying money for it.
42. Tradition √ A way of thinking, behaving, or doing something that has been used by
the people in a particular group, family, society, etc., for a long time.
43. Yes √ Used to give a positive answer or reply to a question, request, or offer.
44. Purely √ Completely or only.
45. Now √ At the present time; in the next moment:very soon; in the present
46. Story √ An account of incidents or event; a statement regarding the facts
pertinent to a situation in question.
47. prove √ To show the existence, truth, or correctness of (something) by using
evidence, logic, etc.
48. New √ Not old:recently born, built, or creaated; not used by anyone else
previously; recently bought, rented, etc.
49. Country √ An area of land that is controlled by its own government; the people
who live in a country; an area or region that has a particular quality or
feature or is known for a particular activity.
50. Grow √ To become larger: to increase in size, amount, etc; to become betteer or
improved in some way: to become more developed, mature, etc; to
become larger and change from being a child to being an adult as time
passes: to pass from childhood to adulthood.
51. More √ Greater in amount, number or size; extra additional.
52. Quick √ Done or happening in a short amount of time; fast in thinking, learning,
or understanding, fast in moving or reacting.
53. So √ To a degree that is suggested or stated; to a great degree: very or
exremely; without any doubt.
54. Young √ In an early stage of life, growth, or development: not yet old; recently
formed, produced, started, etc.
55. Full √ Containing as much or as many as is possible or normal.
56. Life √ The ability to grow, change, etc., that separates plants and animals from
things like water or rocks; the period of time when a person is alive; the
experience of being alive.
57. Do √ To bring to pass: carry out<do another’s wishes>
58. Down √ From a higher to a lower place or position; in a low position or place; to
or toward the ground or floor.
59. Seat √ Something (such as a chair) that you sit on: a place for sitting; the part
of a chair or other place of furniture that a person sits on; the part of a
piece of clothing (such as a skirt or pair of pants) that you sit on.
60. City √ A place where people live that is larger or more important than a town:
an area where many people live and work; the people in a city; the
government of a city.
61. Park √ A piece of public land in or near a city that is kept free of houses and
other buildings and can be used for pleasure and exercise.
62. Name √ A word or phrase that refers to or that can refer to a specific person,
specific place or thing, type or group of things.
63. Union √ An organization of workers formed to protect the rights and interests of
its members.
64. Square √ A four-sided shape that is made up of four straight sides that are the
same length and that has four right angles.
65. Third √ Occupying the number three position in a series; next to the second in
importance or rank; equal in size, value, amount, etc., to one third of
64. Right √ Morally or socially correct or acceptable; agreeing with the facts or
truth: accurate or correct; speaking, acting, or judging in a way that
agrees with the facts or truth.
65. As √ To the same degree or amount; used to introduce an example.
66. Enter √ To go or come into(something); to begin to be in (an organization,
school, etc.); to cause (someone) to be in an organization, school, etc.
67. East √ To or toward the east.
68. Nine √ The number 9; the ninth in a set or series.
69. Afternoon √ The middle part of the day: the part of the day between noon and
70. Time √ The thing that is measured as seconds, minutes, hours, days, years, etc.
71. Thing √ A matter of concern: affair<many things to do>
72. Happen √ To take place especially without being planned; to do or be something
by chance; used with it to describe something that occurs by chance.
73. Wonderful √ Extremely good.
74. Made √ Used to say that someone has the right qualities to be or to do
75. Heart √ The organ in your chest that pumps blood through your veins and
76. Feel √ To be aware of (something that affects you physically, such as pain,
heat, or an object touching your body).
77. Full √ Containing as much as many as is possible or normal.
78. Joy √ A feeling of great happiness.
79. Fill √ To make (something) full; to become full; to spread all through (an area,
the air, etc.)
80. Another √ One more in addition; some other: different from the first or other one;
similar or equal to a particular person or thing.
81. Part √ One of the pieces, sections, qualities, etc., that make or form something
82. Too √ In addition; more than what is wanted, needed, acceptable, possible, etc.
83. Below √ In or to a lower place; on or to a lower deck on a ship or boat; in or to
lower rank or number.
84. Other √ Used to refer to all the members of a group except the person or thing
that has already been mention.
85. Hungry √ Suffering because of a lack of food: greatly affected by hunger.
86. Strange √ Different from what is usual, normal, or expected.
87. Rich √ Having a lot of money and possesions; very expensive and beautiful,
impressive, etc.
88. Wish √ To want (something) to be true or to happen.
89. Help √ To do something that makes it easier for someone to do a job, to deal
with a problem, etc. :to aid or assist someone.
90. Poor √ Having little money or few possesions: not having enough money for
the basic things that people need to live properly.
91. Many √ Consisting of or amounting to a large but indefinite number.
92. Seem √ To appear to be something or to do something: to have a quality,
(intransitive) appearance, etc., that shows or suggests a particular characteristic,
feeling, etc.
93. Think √ To believe that something is true, that a particular situation exists, that
something will happen, etc.
94. Only √ Alone in a class or catergory: existing with no other or others of the
same kind.
95. Today √ On, during, or for this day, at the present time.
96. Come √ To move toward something
97. Almost √ Only a little less than, very nearly but not exactly or entirely
98. No √ Used to give a negative answer or reply to a question, request, or offer.
99. Power √ The ability or right to control people or things
100. Move √ To cause (something or someone) to go from one place or position to
101. Light √ Something that makes vision possible.
102. Green √ Having the color of growing grass, covered by grass or other plants,
consisting of green plants or of the leaves of plants.
103. Eye √ The part of the body that you see with, an ability to understand and
appreciate something seen, used to descibe the way something looks to
104. Look √ To direct your eyes in a particular direction
105 Out √ Om a direction away from the inside or center of something.
106 Gray √ Of the color gray, tending toward gray, dull in color.
107 Face √ The front part of the head that has the eyes, nose, and mouth on it.
108 Which √ What one or ones of a group, what particular one or ones.
109 Still √ Not moving; lack motion or activity.
110 Little √ Small in size, not tall, small in amount.
111 Food √ The things that people and animals eat.
112 Breath √ The air that you take into your lungs and send out from your lungs when
you breathe: air that is inhaled and exhaled in breathing.
113 Short √ Extending a small distance from one end to the other end: having little
length: not long.
114 Body √ A person’s or animal’s whole physical self, a dead person or animal, the
main physical part of a person or animal.
115 Sudden √ Happening, coming, or done very quickly in a way that is usually not
116 Become √ To begin to be or come to be something specified: to begin to habe a
specified quality.
117 Clothes √ The things that people wear to cover their bodies and that are usually
(plural) made from cloth
118 Ready √ Prepared to do something; properly prepared or finished and available
for use; almost about to do something.
119 Break √ To separate (something) into parts or pieces often in a sudden and
forceful or violaent way.
120 See √ To notice or become aware of (someone or something) by using your
121 Skin √ The natural outer layer of tissue that covers the body of a person or
122 Hole √ An opening into or through something, a hollow place in the ground.
123 Front √ The forward part or surface of something: the part of something that is
seen first; a place, position, or area that is most forward or is directly
124 Shirt √ A piece of clothing for the upper body that has sleeves and usually a
collar and buttons down the front.
125 Cold √ Having a very low temperature, having a feeling of low body heat of
food, not heated.
126 Wind √ A natural movement of air of any velocity; especially: the earth’s air on
the gas surrounding a planet in natural motion horizontally.
127 Snow √ Soft, white pieces of frozen water that fall to the ground from the sky in
cold weather.
Felt √ A soft, heavy cloth made by pressing together fibers of wool, cotton, or
128 other materials.
129 Pleasantly √ Causing a feeling of happiness or pleasure, friendly and likeable
130 Cool √ Somewhat cold: not warm or hot; made of a light, thin material that
helps you stay cool.
131 Overheated √ Too hot, too excited or emotional.
132 Warmth √ The quality or state of being warm in temperature, kind, or friendly
133 Include √ To have (someone or something) as part of a group or total: to contain
(someone or something) in a group or as a part of something.
134 Whole √ Complete or full: not lacking or leaving out any part
135 World √ The earth and all the people and things on it
136 Very √ Use to emphasize that you are talking about one specific thing or part
and not another
137 Interest √ A feeling of wanting to learn more about something or to be involved in
138 Never √ Not ever: not any time, used to express surprise, doubt, or disbelief.
139 Offer √ To give someone the opportunity to accept or take (something)
140 Expect √ To think that something will probably or certainly happen
141 Passing √ The act of moving toward and beyond something, a person’s death, the
act of officially approving a bill, law, etc.
142 Near √ Close to someone or something in distance, not far away in time, almost
143 Beginning √ The point or time at which something begins: a starting point, the first
part of something, an early stage or period.
144 Great √ Notably large in size: huge
145 Broad √ Large from one side to the other side, having a specified width.
146 Street √ A road in a city or town that has houses or other buildings on one or
both sides
147 Call √ To speak in a loud voice, to annouce or readi (something) in a loud
148 Fifth √ Number five in a series, one of five equal parts of something
149 Avenue √ A wide street, a parth or driveway that leads to a house located off a
main road.
150 Two √ Being one more than one in number
151 Family √ A group of people who are related to each other
152 Deep √ Having a large distance to the bottom from the surface or highest point
153 Love √ A feeling of strong or constant affection for a person
154 Certain √ Not having any doubt about something: convinced or sure
155 Always √ At all times, at any rate, in any event.
156 Noon √ The middle of the day: 12 o’clock in the daytime
157 Sent √ A former monetary unit equal to 1/100 kroon
158 Servant √ A person who is hired to do household or personal duties such as
cleaning and cooking
159 Stand √ To be in upright position with all of your weight on your feet
160 Door √ A moveable place of wood, glass, ar metal that swings or slides open
and shut so that people can enter or leave a room, building, vehicle, etc.
161 Wait √ To stay in a place until an expected event happens, until someone
arrives, until it is your turn to do something, etc.
162 Walk √ To move with your legs at a speed that is slower than running
163 Order √ To put in order: arrange, to give an order to
164 Bring √ To come with (something or someone) to a place
165 Feed √ To give food to (someone or something)
166 Way √ How someone or something does something: how someone or
something does something behaves, appears, feels, etc.
167 Park √ A piece of public land in or near a city that is kept free of houses and
other buildings and can be used for pleasure and exercise.
168 Gather √ To bring (things or people) together into a group
169 Follow √ To go or come after or behind (someone or something)
170 Straight √ Not having curves, bends, or angles
171 Before √ At an earlier time, to or toward the place where someone is going: in
172 Ten √ The number 10, the tenth in a set or series, ten o’clock
173 Minute √ A unit of time equal to 60 seconds, one 60th of an hour
174 Desire √ To want wish for (something): to feel desire for (something)
175 Direction √ The course or path on which something is moving or pointing
176 Effort √ Work done by the mind or body: energy used to do something
177 Head √ The part of the body containing the brain, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, a
person’s mental ability: mind or intellect.
178 Slowly √ In a slow way or at a low speed
179 Left √ Located on the same side of your body as your heart
180 Then √ At that time, used to indicate what happened or happens next
181 Wide √ Extending a great distance from one side to the other: not narrow
182 Stop √ To not move, walk, etc., after doing so before
183 Shoes √ An outer covering for your foot that usually has astiff bottom part called
a sole with a thicker part called a heel a thicker part called a heel
attached to it and an upper part that covers part or all of tthe top of your
184 End √ A point that marks the limit of something: to the point at which
something no longer continues to happen or exist.
185 Ground √ The surface of the earth
186 Gentlemen √ A man who treats other people in a proper and polite way
187 Across √ From one side to the other
188 Fourth √ Number four in a series, one of four equal parts of something, the fourth
forward gear or speed of a car, truck, etc.
189 Toward √ Coming soon, happening at the moment
190 Day √ A period of 24 hours beginning at midnight: one of the seven time
periods that make up a week
191 Find √ To discover (something or someone) without planning or trying to: to
discover (something or someone) by chance
192 Trying √ Difficult to deal with
193 Restaurant √ A place where you can buy and eat a meal
194 Watch √ To look at (someone or something) for an amount of time and pay
attention to what is happening.
195 Easily √ In an easy manner: without difficulty, by a great extent or degree, by far
196 Country √ An area of land that is controlled by its own government
197 Like √ To enjoy (something): to get pleasure from (something)
198 Build √ To make (something) by putting together parts or materials
199 Must √ Used to say that something is required by a rule or law
200 Again √ For another time: one more time: to a previous position or place
201 Same √ Not different, exactly like someone or something else, not changed:
exactly like an earlier version, event, etc.
202 Long √ Extending a great distance from one end to the other end: not short
203 Believe √ To accept or regard (something) as true
204 Helping √ An amount of food that is put on a plate at one time, a portion of food
205 Proud √ Very happy and pleased because of something you have done,
something you own, someone you know or are related to, etc.
206 Truly √ In an honest manner, in truth: actually or really
207 Once √ On time only, at any time, at some time in the past
208 Least √ Smallest in amount or degree
209 Possible √ Able to be done, happen or exist.
210 Thin √ Having a small distance between the top and bottom ir frint and back
surface: not thick
211 Tall √ Greater in height than the average person, building, etc.
212 Sixty √ The number 60, the numbers ranging from 60 to 69
213 Dressed √ To put clothes in (yourself or someone else)
214 Black √ Having the very dark color of coal or the night sky
215 Eye-glass √ A single lens that is worn over your eye to help you see
216 Hair √ A thin threadlike growth from the skin of a person or animal
217 White √ Having the color of fresh snow or milk
218 Last √ To continue in time, to remain fresh or unimpaired
219 Strong √ Having great physical power and ability, having a lot of strength
220 Kind √ A group of people or things that belong together or have some shared
quality, a particular type or variety of person or thing
Shake √ To move sometimes violently back and forth or up and down with short,
221 quick movements
Fly √ To move in or pass through the air with wings
222 (intransitive)
223 Away √ From this or that place: in or to another place or direction
224 Good √ Of high quality, of somewhat high but not excellent quality, correct or
225 Morning √ The early part of the day: the time of day from sunrise until noon
226 Glad √ Feeling pleasure, joy, or delight, very willing to do something
227 Trouble √ To make (someone) feel worried or upset
228 Hurt √ To cause pain or injury to (yourself, someone else, or a part of your
229 Continue √ To do something without stopping
230 Health √ The condition of being well or free from disease
231 Beautiful √ Having qualities of beauty: exciting aesthetic pleasure
232 Blessing √ Approval that allows or helps you to do something
233 Give √ To make a present of, to grant or bestow by formal action
234 Man √ An adult man human being
235 Will √ Desire, wish, call it what you will
236 Surely √ In a confident way, without a doubt
237 Thankful √ Glad that something has happened or not happened, that something or
someone exists, etc.
238 Mind √ The part of a person that thinks, reasons, feels, and remembers
239 Word √ A sound or combination of sounds that has a meaning and is spoken or
240 Music √ Sounds that are sung by voices or played on musical instuments
241 Ear √ The characteristic vertebrate organ of hearing and equilibrium
consisting in the typical mammal of a sound-collecting outer ear
separated by the tympanic membrane from a soundtransmitting middle
ear that in turn is separated from a sensory inner ear by membranous
242 Tears √ A drop of clear saline fluid secreted by the lacrimal gland and diffused
between the eye and eyelids to moisten the parts and facilitate their
243 Suffering √ Pain that is caused by injury, illness, loss, etc. : physical, mental, or
emotional pain.
244 Turn √ To move around a central point
245 Fell √ Skin, hide, pelt, a thin tough membrane covering a carcass directly
under the hide
246 Wonder √ Something or someone that is very suprising, beautiful, amazing, etc
247 Spoke √ One of the bars that connect the center of a wheel to the rim
248 Know √ To perceive directly: have direct cognition of: to have understanding, to
recognize the nature.
249 Son √ A male child
250 After √ Following in time: at a later time
251 Gone √ Not present: no longer at a place, no longer existing, living
252 Remembrance √ The act of remembering a person, thing, or event
253 Father √ A male parent, a man who is thought of as being like a father
254 Winter √ The coldest season of the year that is after autumn and before spring
255 Flower √ The part of a plant that is often brightly colored, that usually lasts a
short time, and from which the seed or fruit develops
256 Spring √ Sprang out from the fire: to be resilient or elastic, also, to become
(intransitive) warped
257 Summer √ The warmest season of the year that is after spring and before autumn
258 Farmhouse √ A house on a farm
Hill √ A usually rounded area of land that is higher than the land around it but
259 that is not as high as a mountain
260 Outside √ An area around or near something (such as building)
261 Strange √ Different from what is usual, normal, or expected
262 Bug √ Obsolete
263 Hope √ To want something to happen or be true and think that it could happen
or be true
264 Season √ A time characterized by a particular circumstance or feature
265 Half √ One of two equal or nearly equal parts into which something can be
266 Sorry √ Feeling sorrow or regret
267 Bright √ Producing a lot of light, filled with light
Pleasure √ A feeling of happiness, enjoyment, or satisfaction: a pleasant or pleasing
268 feeling
269 Clean √ Free from dirt, marks, etc: not dirty
270 Fresh √ Newly produced, made, gatheredd, etc. Not perserved by being frozen,
canned, etc.
271 Noise √ A loud or unpleasant sound
272 Heard √ To be aware of (sound) through the ear
273 Accept √ To receive or take (something offered)
274 Full √ Containing as much or as many as is possible or normal
275 Understood √ Fully apprehended
276 Part √ One of the pieces, sections, qualities, etc., that make or form something
277 Own √ Belonging to oneself or itself, usually used following a possesive case
or possesive adjective
278 Belong √ Used to say that someone or something should be in a particular place
or situation
279 True √ Being in accordance with the actual state of affairs
280 Done √ Cooked completely or enough
281 Table √ A place of furniture that has a flat top and one or more legs
282 Known √ Generally accepted as something specified
283 Waiter √ A man who serves food or drinks to people in a restaurant
284 Fellow √ A male person: a boy or man
285 Famous √ Known or recognized by very many people
286 Soldier √ A person who is in the military, a member of an army
287 Battled √ A military fight between groups or soldiers, ships, airplanes, etc
288 Enemy √ Someone who hates another: someone who attacks or tries to harm
289 Appear √ To be or come in sight, to show up
290 Saw √ A hand or power tool or a machine used to cut hard material (as wood,
metal, or bone) and equipped usually with a toothed blade or disk
291 Finish √ To reach the end of (something)
292 Heavily √ To a great degree, very much
293 Direction √ The course or path on which something is moving or pointing
294 Carefully √ Using care, made, done, or said with care
295 Fifteen √ The number of 15
296 Cents √ A unit of money that is equal to 1/100 of the basic unit of money in
many countries
297 South √ To or toward the south
298 North √ To or toward the north
299 Corner √ The point or area where two lines, edges or sides o somehting meet
300 Hospital √ A place where sick or injured people are given care or treatment and
where children are often born
301 Bed √ A piece of furniture that people sleep on
302 Discover √ To see, find, or become aware of (something) for the first time
303 Sickness √ Unhealthy condition of body or mind, the state of being sick
304 Later √ At a time in the future, at a time following an earlier time
305 Doctor √ A person who is skilled in the science of medicine, a person who is
trained and licensed to treat sick and injured people
306 Dead √ No longer alive or living, no longer having live
307 Three √ The number 3, the third in a set or series, three o’clock

Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen
1. Simple Present Tense 1. Here is one day that is ours
2. There is one day when all Americans go back to the old home and eat a big dinner
3. Bless the day. The President gives it to us every year
4. We don’t really remember much about them
5. So we have turkey for Thanksgiving dinner, if we have enough money to buy turkey
6. That is a tradition
7. Yes. Thanksgiving Day is the one day of the year that is purely American
8. And now here is the story to prove to you that we have old traditions in this new country
9. That is because we are so young and full of life
10. We do everything quickly
11. It is a strange thing
12. There are rich people who wish to help the poor
13. But many of them seem to think that the poor are hungry only on Thanksgiving Day
14. They do these things more easily in old countries like England
15. They do them without thinking about them
16. But in this young country, we must think about them
17. In order to build a tradition, we must do the same thing again and again for a long time
18. There are greater and more important traditions in England
19. “I am glad to see that the troubles of another year have not hurt you
20. You continue to move in health about the beautiful world
21. “Thank you. I’m very hungry
22. His desire for food on Thanksgiving Day was not his own
23. True, America is free
24. But there are some things that must be done
25. “Here comes that old man,” said a waiter, “that buys that old no good fellow a dinner every Thanksgiving”
26. The Old Gentleman sat at the table, watching
27. The waiters brought food, and more food
28. “Thank you for my Thanksgiving dinner
29. “Do you know what’s wrong with him? He is almost dead for need of food
30. A very proud old man, I
2. Present Continous 1. They are growing older more quickly than traditions in old countries
Tense 2. For that blessing you and I can give thanks on this day of thanksgiving
3. Present Perfect Tense 1. Every Thanksgiving Day for nine years he had sat down there at one in the afternoon

4. Simple Past Tense 1. They were the Puritans

2. They were some people who landed on our Atlantic shore
3. But those people ate a large bird called turkey on the first Thanksgiving Day
4. Stuffy Pete sat down on a seat in the New York City park named Union Square
5. It was the third seat to the right as you enter Union Square from the east
6. They were wonderful things
7. They made his heart feel full of joy and they filled another part of him, too
8. They filled the part below his heart
9. But today Pete was not hungry
10. His breath was short
11. They were torn
12. You could see his skin through a hole in the front of his shirt
13. But the cold wind, with snow in it, felt pleasantly cool to him
14. For Stuffy Pete was overheated with the warmth of all he had had to eat
15. So he sat, very, very full
16. He looked out at the world without interest as if it could never offer him anything more
17. It was the home of two old ladies of an old family
18. There were certain things they always did
19. On Thanksgiving Day at noon they always sent a servantto stand at the door
20. There he waited for the first hungry person who walked by
21. Stuffy Pete Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen happened to pass by on his way to the park
22. Stuffy Pete sat in the park looking straight before him for ten minutes
23. Then he felt a desire to look in another direction
24. With a very great effort, he moved his head slowly to the left
25. Then his eyes grew wider and his breath stopped
26. His feet in their torn shoes at the ends of his short legs moved about on the ground
27. For the Old Gentleman was coming across Fourth Avenue toward Stuffy’s seat
28. That was a thing that the Old Gentleman was trying to make into a tradition
29. The Old Gentleman loved his country
30. He believed he was helping to build a great American tradition
31. The Old Gentleman moved, straight and proud, toward the tradition that he was building
32. Truly feeding Stuffy Pete once a year was not a very important tradition
33. It proved that a tradition was at least possible in America
34. The Old Gentleman was thin and tall and sixty
35. He was dressed all in black
36. He wore eyeglasses
37. His hair was whiter and thinner than it had been last year
38. His legs did not seem as strong as they had seemed the year before
39. As this kind Old Gentleman came toward him, Stuffy began to shake and his breath was shorter
40. He wished he could fly away
41. But he could not move from his seat
42. “Good morning,” said the Old Gentleman
43. That is what the Old Gentleman said every time
44. Every Thanksgiving Day for nine years
45. The words themselves were almost a tradition
46. The snow turned quickly to water when it fell upon his hot face. But the Old Gentleman was shaking with the
47. He turned away, with his back to the wind, and he did not see Stuffy’s eyes
48. Stuffy had always wondered why the Old Gentleman seemed sad as he spoke
49. A son would come there after he himself was gone
50. He lived in a room in one of the old houses near the park
51. In the winter he grew a few flowers there
52. In the spring he walked on Fifth Avenue
53. In the summer he lived in a farmhouse in the hills outside New York, and he talked of a strange bug he hoped
some day to find
54. In the fall season he gave Stuffy a dinner
55. These were the things that filled the Old Gentleman’s life
56. Stuffy Pete looked up at him for a half minute, helpless and very sorry for himself
57. And then Stuffy made a strange noise
58. As the Old Gentleman had heard the noise nine times before, he understood it
59. Stuffy was very full, but he understood that he was part of a tradition
60. It belonged to this kind Old Gentleman
61. They were known here
62. There he was found
63. He was picked up and taken to a hospital
64. They put him on a bed, and began to try to discover what strange sickness had made him fall
65. And an hour later the Old Gentleman was brought to the same hospital
66. And they put him on another bed, and began to try to discover what his sickness could be
67. After a little time one of the doctors met another doctor, and they talked
68. “That nice old gentleman over there,” he said
69. And Stuffy began to eat
70. No great and famous soldier ever battled more strongly against an enemy
71. The turkey and all the other food were gone almost as quickly as they appeared
72. Stuffy saw the look of happiness on the Old Gentleman’s face
73. He continued to eat in order to keep it there
74. In an hour the battle was finished
75. “Thank you,” Stuffy said
76. Then he stood up heavily and started to go to the wrong door
77. A waiter turned him in the right direction
78. The Old Gentleman carefully counted out $1.30, and left fifteen cents more for the waiter
79. They said goodbye, as they did each year, at the door
80. The Old Gentleman went south, and Stuffy went north
81. Stuffy went around the first corner, and stood for one minute
82. Then he fell
83. He told me he has had nothing to eat for three days
5. Past Continous Tense 1. Every time, things had happened to him
2. But it was a beginning
3. The Old Gentleman’s eyes were bright with the giving-pleasure
4. His face was getting older every year, but his clothes were very clean and fresh
5. He was trying to speak
6. He knew that Stuffy was accepting
6. Past Perfect Tense 1. Sometimes he talks about the people who had the first Thanksgiving
2. On those other Thanksgiving Days he had been hungry
3. He had come from a dinner so big that he had almost no power to move
4. His light green eyes looked out from a gray face on which there was still a little food
5. His body had suddenly become too big for his clothes, it seemed ready to break out of them
6. The dinner had been much too big
7. It seemed to him that his dinner had included all the turkey and all the other food in the whole world
8. The dinner had not been expected
9. These two old ladies had a deep love of traditions
10. The servant had gathered him in
11. Tradition had been followed
12. Every Thanksgiving Day for nine years the Old Gentleman had come there to find Stuffy Pete on his seat
13. Every Thanksgiving Day for nine years he had found Stuffy there
14. Then he had led Stuffy to a restaurant and watched him eat a big dinner
15. And he had been doing very well
16. Nine years is a long time here
17. Always before, they had been music in Stuffy’s ear
18. But now he looked up at the Old Gentleman’s face with tears of suffering in his eyes
19. But the Old Gentleman had no family
20. The Old Gentleman led Stuffy to the restaurant and to the same table where they had always gone
7. Past Perfect Continous 1. He had been passing a large house near the beginning of that great broad street called Fifth Avenue
Tense 2. The servant had orders to bring that person into the house and feed him until he could eat no more
8. Simple Future Tense 1. If you will come with me, my man, I will give you a dinner that will surely make your body feel as thankful
as your mind
9. Past Future Tense 1. He did not know that it was because the Old Gentleman was wishing that he had a son
2. A son would stand proud and strong before Stuffy, and say: “In remembrance of my father
3. Then it would really be a tradition


The writing style of text Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen by O. Henry is Narrative writing's because main purpose is to tell a story. The author
will create different characters and tell you what happens to them (sometimes the author writes from the point of view of one of the characters—
this is known as first person narration). Novels, short stories, novellas, poetry, and biographies can all fall in the narrative writing style. Simply,
narrative writing answers the question: “What happened then?”

Key Points:

 A person tells a story or event.

 Has characters and dialogue.

 Has definite and logical beginnings, intervals, and endings.

 Often has situations like actions, motivational events, and disputes or conflicts with their eventual solutions.


“Thank you,” Stuffy said. “Thank you for my Thanksgiving dinner.”

Then he stood up heavily and started to go to the wrong door a waiter turned him in the right direction.

The Old Gentlemen carefully counted out $1.30, and left fifteen cents more for the waiter.

This is a narrative because it’s telling a story. There are different characters conversing, and a plot is unravelling.

From the analysis text Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen by O. Henry above, it’s about Vocabulary, Grammar, and The Writing Style. It
can be concluded that :
Part of Speech :
1. Verb : 66 words
2. Noun : 123 words
3. Adverb : 38 words
4. Adjective : 82 words

Tenses :
There is found 9 tenses namely:
1. Simple Present Tense
2. Present Continous Tense
3. Present Perfect Tense
4. Simple Past Tense
5. Past Continous Tense
6. Past Perfect Tense
7. Past Perfect Continous Tense
8. Simple Future Tense
9. Past Future Tense

The writing style of text Two Thanksgiving Day Gentlemen by O. Henry is Narrative Text

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