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A new multimedia resource for teaching quantum mechanics concepts

Antje Kohnle, Donatella Cassettari, Tom J. Edwards, Callum Ferguson, Alastair D. Gillies et al.

Citation: Am. J. Phys. 80, 148 (2012); doi: 10.1119/1.3657800

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A new multimedia resource for teaching quantum mechanics concepts
Antje Kohnle,a) Donatella Cassettari, Tom J. Edwards, Callum Ferguson, Alastair D. Gillies,
Christopher A. Hooley, Natalia Korolkova, Joseph Llama, and Bruce D. Sinclair
School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, KY16 9SS, Scotland,
United Kingdom
(Received 28 July 2011; accepted 13 October 2011)
We describe a collection of interactive animations and visualizations for teaching quantum
mechanics. The animations can be used at all levels of the undergraduate curriculum. Each animation
includes a step-by-step exploration that explains the key points. The animations and instructor
resources are freely available. By using a diagnostic survey, we report substantial learning gains for
students who have worked with the animations. VC 2012 American Association of Physics Teachers.
[DOI: 10.1063/1.3657800]

I. INTRODUCTION potentials (5); measurement and wave function collapse (1);

one-dimensional scattering (4); expansion in eigenstates (5);
Quantum mechanics is one of the most challenging topics the sudden approximation (3); bound states in two-dimensional
students encounter in the physics curriculum. Students can potentials (3); time-independent perturbation theory (4); multi-
become proficient at performing quantum mechanical calcula- particle wave functions (2); spin and angular momentum (5);
tions, but still have difficulty interpreting their results. A sub- the density matrix (1); and quantum information (1).
stantial effort has been made to investigate particular student The animations are created in Adobe Flash,38 which
difficulties and misconceptions in quantum mechanics and to allows for easy layering of objects and ensures that the ani-
discern the underlying reasons for these difficulties.1–11 This mations have a small file size. The calculations were per-
work has led to the development of conceptual diagnostic formed in Mathematica and the graphs were imported as a
tests,12–16 and to the development of resources and teaching series of static vector curves into Flash. The animations
strategies for improving student learning of quantum require Flash Player and can be viewed in a web browser39
mechanics.17–21 or downloaded as individual swf files. Flash Player is in-
There is evidence that a conceptual knowledge of quantum stalled as a plug-in on most browsers so users may drag the
mechanics is robust and well-maintained over substantial peri- file into a browser window to run the animation.
ods of time.22 Animations and simulations can play an impor- Key aspects that make the animations useful for learning
tant role in helping students build mental representations of include that they are based on outcomes of education research
physics concepts, and have been shown to be effective in and our experience; each animation focuses on a single con-
helping students learn a number of physics topics.23–36 The cept and includes a “Step-by-Step Exploration” tab which
animations and visualizations (collectively called animations explains details of the animation. In each step, one aspect of
in what follows) we have been developing and evaluating37 the animation is explained and highlighting is used to show
are complementary to existing resources. Based on education this aspect in the graphs or images. Users can move forward
research and our own teaching experience (the project and backward through the steps, or move directly to the first or
includes four quantum mechanics lecturers), each animation last step; all animations include interactive elements such as
includes a step-by-step exploration that explains key points in sliders, radio buttons, play controls, and check boxes to en-
detail, and specifically targets student misconceptions and courage exploration and investigation. The animations help
areas of difficulty in quantum mechanics. students build their intuition by emphasizing comparisons with
In Sec. II, we describe the animations in detail and highlight classical behavior, highlighting both similarities and differen-
aspects that make them useful educational tools. Section III ces between classical and quantum systems. Several anima-
presents the outcomes of interviews and observation sessions tions use wave packets to describe localized particles, making
with students from two institutions. Section IV explains our possible the comparison with classical particle trajectories.
evaluation efforts, and Sec. V discusses future work. Instructor resources include problem sheets with full solu-
tions. The problems require students to make predictions,
II. OVERVIEW OF THE ANIMATIONS switch between different representations, and interpret the
results of calculations. The animations and instructor resour-
Since summer 2009 we have been creating a set of anima- ces have been tested with students and the results of the
tions aimed at university students studying quantum mechan- evaluations have been used to optimize the resources (see
ics. This resource now includes over 40 animations and Ref. 37 and Secs. III and IV).
additional animations are being developed and added. So far, To illustrate some of these points, Fig. 1 shows two
we have developed animations on the following topics (the screenshots of an animation on the probabilistic analysis of a
number of animations for each topic are in parentheses, with classical oscillator. Probability plays a key role in under-
some animations listed under more than one topic): Probabil- standing quantum physics, but many students have little ex-
istic analysis of classical systems (2); Bohr’s model of the perience analyzing classical systems probabilistically.7,8
hydrogen atom (1); the photoelectric effect (1); probability This animation helps students understand the classical proba-
current (1); wave packets (5); the Heisenberg uncertainty bility density of a mass-spring system, and to distinguish
principle (2); momentum probability densities; the one- between probability densities and probabilities. Figure 1(a)
dimensional infinite square well (10); the finite well (2); the shows the main window, with snapshots of the oscillator’s
harmonic oscillator (5); bound states in other one-dimensional position at various times; Fig. 1(b) shows one of the steps in

148 Am. J. Phys. 80 (2), February 2012 C 2012 American Association of Physics Teachers
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Fig. 1. (Color online) Screenshots of the animation, “Probabilistic analysis of a mass-spring system.” (a) The “Animation” view and (b) the “Step-by-step
Exploration” view.

the Step-by-step Exploration tab, with the classical probabil- five first- or second-year physics students from the University
ity density seen as the limit when the number of snapshots of Edinburgh, and eight second- or third-year physics students
approaches infinity and the bin size approaches zero. from the University of St. Andrews. The Edinburgh students
used two animations in a single workshop session; the St.
III. STUDENT OBSERVATION SESSIONS Andrews students had used a larger number of animations in
tutorial problems. In the observation sessions the students first
To optimize interface design and content we conducted interacted freely with an animation they had not encountered
individual student observation sessions and interviews with previously (see Fig. 2). This animation covered material

149 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 80, No. 2, February 2012 Kohnle et al. 149

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Fig. 2. (Color online) Screenshot of the animation “Scattering from a finite well,” after modifications due to the observation sessions were implemented.

which was not part of the quantum physics courses at either design of the radio buttons to make it more obvious which
institution, but which should have been accessible to both button is selected, extended the functionality of the sliders so
groups of students. During this part of the session, students that the slider can be changed both by dragging and by click-
were asked to think aloud while using the animation. In the ing a certain slider position, and grayed out controls that are
second part, students were asked questions about the content not active, such as in the step-by-step exploration.
of the animation to see if the explanations and graphs made We also used the interface design research outcomes of
sense to them. A follow-up interview gave students the oppor- PhET,40–42 such as including controls that students may
tunity to reflect on their use of this animation and others they believe to be significant but are not (such as allowing the
had used. The entire session lasted about 30 min. user to change the light intensity in the photoelectric effect,
Despite the small number of volunteers for these observa- even though this change has no effect on stopping voltage),
tion sessions, we found a high level of consistency across and avoiding an overly complex appearance on start-up,
both institutions on several issues concerning interface because such an appearance can inhibit exploration and
design and content. The feedback led to a number of inter- interaction. Check boxes, in particular those displaying addi-
face design improvements that are now being incorporated tional graphs or information, are unchecked as the default,
into all animations. In particular, we are changing the step- and a simple situation is displayed. As an example, the “Bohr
by-step exploration controls (see Fig. 3), disabling backward model and its extension to elliptical orbits” animation begins
controls on the first step and forward controls on the last with circular orbits. We keep the “look-and-feel,” that is, the
step, and adding a step counter that shows the total number interactive elements, controls, and layout, consistent across
of steps and highlights the current one. We also modified the all animations. For example, classical quantities are shown
as red in all animations. We also include multiple representa-
tions of the same phenomenon, or contrast the quantum and
classical behavior of the same phenomenon. For example,
we show the trajectory of a ball in a two-dimensional infinite
square well and the corresponding quantum momentum
probability density. Tabs are made more prominent to avoid
the “Step-by-Step Exploration” tab from being overlooked.
Several issues were raised that are not specific to the partic-
ular animation used, including avoiding inconsistencies in nu-
merical and graphical representations due to the number of
decimal places displayed. (In the animation used in the obser-
vation sessions, the reflected fraction was displayed as “0.00”,
even though the graph still showed a reflected wave function
Fig. 3. (Color online) A picture of the (a) old and (b) revised step-by-step with nonzero amplitude); choosing a plotting range large
exploration controls. Student observation sessions had shown that navigation enough that the shape of the wave function (oscillatory or ex-
through the steps was unclear. ponential) is unambiguous; and using color to distinguish

150 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 80, No. 2, February 2012 Kohnle et al. 150

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between overlaid curves, such as the incident and reflected finite-depth square wells, energy eigenstates and superposi-
wave function. tion of states, expectation values, and scattering from a
potential step and a finite well. Students used two of the ani-
IV. DIAGNOSTIC SURVEY RESULTS mations, The potential step and finite well, in an hour-long
workshop. This use was the first time that students used the
In 2010 we performed a preliminary evaluation of the ani- animations. During the workshop, students were given a
mations using questionnaires and a diagnostic survey admin- problem set which asked them to explore the effect of vary-
istered to second-year and third-year undergraduates taking ing certain parameters, for example, the affect of the height
courses on quantum mechanics.37 The results showed that of a potential step on the wavelength in the transmitted
the students found the animations useful for improving con- region, and then perform calculations to quantify and verify
ceptual understanding. Second-year students performed their observations. The diagnostic survey was administered
significantly better than the third-year students on the two during the last week of the semester at a time when roughly
questions related to topics for which second-year students half the class had already participated in the animations
had used animations but third-year students had not. workshop. Students were given 35 min to complete the sur-
Because we were not able to determine whether this differ- vey and were asked to circle the correct answer for each
ence in performance was due to the animations or another question, rate their certainty on a scale of 1–4 (1 being most
factor, we modified our procedure to try to isolate the effect certain), and briefly explain their reasoning in a free-text
of the animations and administered the same diagnostic comment. The survey covered the topics of the course. Two
survey to second-year students at a time when only part of of the questions were taken from the quantum mechanics vis-
the class had used the animations. ualization instrument (QMVI)12,13 and the rest were devel-
All students completing the survey were either studying oped by us. The survey contained ten multiple-choice
for a physics or astronomy degree or a joint degree including questions and one that required students to sketch a wave
physics. The introductory course includes 15 lectures on function for a quantum tunneling situation (this question is
quantum physics and covers historical aspects of the devel- not included in the following analysis).
opment of quantum mechanics, the Schrödinger equation, Of the 48 students who completed the survey, 22 students
bound-state solutions for the one-dimensional infinite and had already used the animations, 17 had not, and 9 surveys

Fig. 4. (Color online) The outcomes of the diagnostic survey, shown as (a) the percentage of correct answers for each of the questions, shown separately for
those students that had used animations and those that had not, and (b) the difference between the percentage of correct responses for those students that had
used the animations and those that had not. Questions 5 and 7 cover the topics of the animations used in the workshop.

151 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 80, No. 2, February 2012 Kohnle et al. 151

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had no response to this question. Questions 5 and 7 covered Physical Sciences Subject Centre Development Project
the topics of the animations used in the workshop. Question 5 2009=10 and 2011=12, and the support through the Univer-
focused on the finite well and asked which of the following sity of St. Andrews Fund for Initiatives in Learning, Teach-
statements about the bound state energy levels in the finite ing, and Assessment. They thank Aleksejs Fomins, David
well are true (for the text of the question, see Ref. 37): (a) A Canning, and Liam Atkinson, outstanding summer students
minimum well depth is required for there to be any energy lev- who created many of the animations. They are grateful to Dr.
els; (b) the greater the well depth, the more energy levels exist; Judy Hardy for organizing the observation sessions at the
(c) the spacing between energy levels is independent of the University of Edinburgh. They thank the anonymous referees
well depth; (d) for any well depth, there are an infinite number for their helpful comments. Instructors can email the corre-
of energy levels; or (e) the difference in energy between adja- sponding author for a password to access the instructor
cent energy levels increases with increasing quantum number. resources.
Statements (b) and (e) are correct, the others are incorrect.
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Electronic mail:
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Higher Education Academy, which funded this project as a (2009).

152 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 80, No. 2, February 2012 Kohnle et al. 152

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24 33
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