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The tunnel diode characteristics and operation depend upon some of the subtle differences
between a normal PN junction and structure of the tunnel diode itself. Essentially it is the very
high doping levels used in the tunnel diode its unique properties and characteristics.

Tunnel diode theory shows that it does not act as a normal diode, but instead exhibits a negative
resistance region in the forward direction.

The I-V characteristic curve, combined with the very high speed of the diode mean that the it
can be used in a variety of microwave RF applications as an active device.

Tunnel diode theory basics

The key to understanding tunnel diode theory is the characteristic curve in which there is a
negative slope – this indicates an area of negative resistance. An area of negative resistance
means that if the voltage is increased, the current actually falls – the opposite to Ohms Law.

It is also interesting to note that current also flows in the reverse direction - the reverse
breakdown voltage is actually zero and the diode conducts in the reverse direction. The
characteristics near the origin of the graph are virtually symmetrical.

Tunnel Diode - Definition:

A tunnel diode is a special type of PN junction diode that shows the negative resistance between
two values of forward voltage (ie, between peak point voltage and valley point voltage).

Tunnel Diode Basics:

The tunnel diode was first introduced by Leo Esaki in 1958. Its characteristics are completely
different from the PN junction diode. The symbol of tunnel diode is shown below.

Basically the tunnel diode is a normal PN junction diode with heavy doping (adding impurity)
of P type and N type semiconductor materials.

▪ Approximately a tunnel diode is doped 1000 times as heavily as a normal diode.

▪ Due to this, large number of majority carriers are available in the semiconductor layers.

▪ As a result, in tunnel diode the depletion layer is very narrow (The initial recombination
is occurred using carriers near to junction itself).

▪ Compare to normal PN junction, the depletion layer of tunnel diode is 100 times

▪ The width of depletion layer will be of the order of 10-6cm.

▪ Most frequently germanium and gallium arsenide are used to make tunnel diodes.

▪ The ratio IP/IV is the major factor for tunnel diode applications.

▪ For germanium, it is typically 10-1, while for gallium arsenide, it is closer to 20-1.

▪ The IP value will be from few microamperes to several hundred amperes. But the V P is
limited around to 600mV.

▪ So if we provide improper voltage even from the internal battery of 1.5V will destroy
the diode. (shortly we will see about the IV, IP).

The tunnel diodes (operating in negative resistance region) are used in high speed applications
such as in computers, oscillators, switching networks, pulse generators, and amplifiers where
switching times are in the order of nanoseconds.

Tunnel diode IV characteristic

The characteristic curve for the tunnel diode is made up from several different elements:.

• Normal diode current: This is the normal or expected current that would flow through a
PN junction diode.
• Tunnelling current: This is the current that arises as a result of the tunnelling effect.
• Excess current: This is a third element of current that contributes to the overall current
within the diode. It results from what may be termed excess current that results from
tunnelling though bulk states in the energy gap, and means that the valley current does not
fall to zero.
The three constituents of the tunnel diode current sum together to give the overall characteristic
curve that is often seen in explanations of tunnel diode theory.

Tunnelling mechanism & theory

Tunnelling is an effect that is caused by quantum mechanical effects when electrons pass
through a potential barrier. It can be visualised in very basic terms by them "tunnelling" through
the energy barrier.

The tunnelling only occurs under certain conditions. It occurs within tunnel diodes because of
the very high doping levels employed.

At reverse bias, the electrons tunnel from the valence band in the p-type material to the
conduction band in the n-type material, and the level of the current increase monotonically.

For the forward bias situation there are a number of different areas. For voltages up to Vpe,
electrons from the conduction band find increasing availability of empty states in the valence
band and the level of current increases up to a point where the current equals Ipe.
Once this point is reach, it is found that number of empty states available for electrons with the
level of energy they are given by the increased voltage level starts to fall. This means that the
current level falls in line with this. The overall current level falls away relatively swiftly,
dropping to near zero.

As the current from the tunnelling effect falls, so the diffusion current, which is the same action
as occurs in a normal PN junction diode starts to increase and steadily becomes the dominant

Tunnel Diode Working Phenomenon

Unbiased Tunnel Diode

In an unbiased tunnel diode, no voltage will be applied to the tunnel diode. Here, due to heavy
doping conduction band of n – type semiconductor overlaps with valence band of p – type
material. Electrons from n side and holes from p side overlap with each other and they will be
at same energy level.

Some electrons tunnel from the conduction band of n-region to the valence band of p-region
when temperature increases. Similarly, holes will move from valence band of p-region to the
conduction band of n-region. Finally, the net current will be zero since equal numbers of
electrons are holes flow in opposite direction.

Small Voltage Applied to the Tunnel Diode

When a small voltage, that has lesser value than the built-in voltage of the depletion layer, is
applied to the tunnel diode, there is no flow of forward current through the junction.
Nevertheless, a minimal number of electrons from the conduction band of n region will start
tunneling to valence band in p region.

Therefore, this movement creates a small forward biased tunnel current. When a small
voltage is applied, tunnel current starts to flow.
Increased Voltage Applied to the Tunnel Diode

When the amount of voltage applied is increased, the number of free electrons generated at n
side and holes at p side is also increased. Due to voltage increase, overlapping between the
bands are also increased.

Maximum tunnel current flows when the energy level of n-side conduction band and the
energy level of a p-side valence band becomes equal.
Further Increased Voltage Applied to the Tunnel Diode

A further increase in the applied voltage will cause a slight misalignment of the conduction
band and valence band. Still there will be an overlap between conduction band and valence
band. The electrons move from conduction band to valence band of p region. Therefore, this
causes small current to flow. Hence, tunnel current starts decreasing.
Largely Increased Voltage Applied to the Tunnel Diode

The tunneling current will be zero when applied voltage is increased more to the maximum.
At this voltage levels, the valence band and the conduction band does not overlap. This
makes tunnel diode to operate same as a PN junction diode.

When applied voltage is more than the built-in potential of the depletion layer the forward
current starts flowing through the tunnel diode. In this condition, current portion in the curve
decreases when the voltage increases and this is the negative resistance of tunnel diode. Such
diodes operating in negative resistance region is used as amplifier or oscillator.

Due to forward biasing, because of heavy doping conduction happens in the diode. The
maximum current that a diode reaches is Ip and voltage applied is Vp. The current value
decreases, when more amount of voltage is applied. Current keeps decreasing until it reaches
a minimal value.
The small minimal value of current is Iv. From the above graph, it is seen that from point A
to B current reduces when voltage increases. That is the negative resistance region of diode.
In this region, tunnel diode produces power instead of absorbing it.

Applications of Tunnel Diode

• Tunnel diode can be used as a switch, amplifier, and oscillator.

• Since it shows a fast response, it is used as high frequency component.

• Tunnel diode acts as logic memory storage device.

• They are used in oscillator circuits, and in FM receivers. Since it is a low current
device, it is not used more.

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