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_S ULUS-10560

_G Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection [USA]

_C0 Bestiary 100%

_L 0x2000e80c 0x00000000

_L 0x2000e834 0x53E00005

_L 0x1000e840 0x000007E7

_L 0x2000e9a4 0x00000000

_L 0x2000e9cc 0x53E00005

_L 0x1000e9d8 0x000007E7

_C0 Break Item Capacity to 255

_L 0x803FAEB2 0x00480004

_L 0x000000FF 0x00000000

_C0 CECIL HP 9999

_L 0x103F742C 0x0000270F

_C0 EDWARD HP 9999

_L 0x103F7CCC 0x0000270F

_C0 EXP Modifier x128

_L 0x2005a394 0x000529C0

_C0 EXP Modifier x16

_L 0x2005a394 0x00052900

_C0 EXP Modifier x2

_L 0x2005a394 0x00052840

_C0 EXP Modifier x32

_L 0x2005a394 0x00052940

_C0 EXP Modifier x4

_L 0x2005a394 0x00052880

_C0 EXP Modifier x64

_L 0x2005a394 0x00052980

_C0 EXP Modifier x8

_L 0x2005a394 0x000528C0

_C0 Fat Chocobo All Items x99

_L 0x403FAF70 0x00ED0001

_L 0x00630001 0x00000001

_L 0x403FB324 0x000A0001

_L 0x006300FC 0x00000001

_L 0x403FB34C 0x00240001

_L 0x00630116 0x00000001

_C0 FFIV+Interlude - 9999999 Gil

_L 0x203FB500 0x05F5E0FF


_L 0x203FB500 0x019003F4

_C0 Item Drop 100%

_L 0x2005a4c4 0x00000000

_L 0x2005a548 0x00000000

_C0 KAIN HP 9999

_L 0x103F759C 0x0000270F

_C0 Move Speed (Normal)

_L 0x200e3c6c 0x8C900030

_L 0xD0000001 0x10004000

_L 0x200e3c6c 0x24100002
_C0 Move Speed x2

_L 0x200e3c6c 0x8C900030

_L 0xD0000001 0x10004000

_L 0x200e3c6c 0x24100004

_C0 Move Speed x4

_L 0x200e3c6c 0x8C900030

_L 0xD0000001 0x10004000

_L 0x200e3c6c 0x24100008

_C0 No Encounters (Square=Off)

_L 0x200cf798 0x1000004C

_L 0xD0000001 0x10008000

_L 0x200cf798 0x14C70053

_C0 Prayer Modifier (Attack power increased +100%)

_L 0xD0000000 0x10000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x24050002

_L 0xD0000000 0x30000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x02602821

_L 0x406003b8 0x00070001

_L 0x40000000 0x00000000

_C0 Prayer Modifier (Attack power increased +1000%)

_L 0xD0000000 0x10000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x24050002

_L 0xD0000000 0x30000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x02602821

_L 0x406003b8 0x00070001
_L 0x41300000 0x00000000

_C0 Prayer Modifier (Attack power increased +10000%)

_L 0xD0000000 0x10000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x24050002

_L 0xD0000000 0x30000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x02602821

_L 0x406003b8 0x00070001

_L 0x42CA0000 0x00000000

_C0 Prayer Modifier (Attack power increased +15%)

_L 0xD0000000 0x10000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x24050002

_L 0xD0000000 0x30000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x02602821

_L 0x406003b8 0x00070001

_L 0x3F933333 0x00000000

_C0 Prayer Modifier (Attack power increased +15000%)

_L 0xD0000000 0x10000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x24050002

_L 0xD0000000 0x30000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x02602821

_L 0x406003b8 0x00070001

_L 0x43170000 0x00000000

_C0 Prayer Modifier (Attack power increased +50%)

_L 0xD0000000 0x10000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x24050002
_L 0xD0000000 0x30000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x02602821

_L 0x406003b8 0x00070001

_L 0x3FC00000 0x00000000

_C0 Prayer Modifier (Attack power increased +500%)

_L 0xD0000000 0x10000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x24050002

_L 0xD0000000 0x30000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x02602821

_L 0x406003b8 0x00070001

_L 0x40C00000 0x00000000

_C0 Prayer Modifier (Attack power increased +5000%)

_L 0xD0000000 0x10000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x24050002

_L 0xD0000000 0x30000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x02602821

_L 0x406003b8 0x00070001

_L 0x424C0000 0x00000000

_C0 Prayer Modifier (Attack power increased +999900%)

_L 0xD0000000 0x10000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x24050002

_L 0xD0000000 0x30000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x02602821

_L 0x406003b8 0x00070001

_L 0x461C4000 0x00000000
_C0 Prayer Modifier (Defense increased +100%)

_L 0xD0000000 0x10000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x24050003

_L 0xD0000000 0x30000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x02602821

_L 0x406003b8 0x00070001

_L 0x40000000 0x00000000

_C0 Prayer Modifier (Defense increased +1000%)

_L 0xD0000000 0x10000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x24050003

_L 0xD0000000 0x30000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x02602821

_L 0x406003b8 0x00070001

_L 0x41300000 0x00000000

_C0 Prayer Modifier (Defense increased +10000%)

_L 0xD0000000 0x10000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x24050003

_L 0xD0000000 0x30000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x02602821

_L 0x406003b8 0x00070001

_L 0x42CA0000 0x00000000

_C0 Prayer Modifier (Defense increased +15%)

_L 0xD0000000 0x10000100

_L 0x20272e98 0x24050003
_C0 99x [insert item here]

_L 0x0079425A+XXXX 0x00000063

Flame Claws 0001

Ice Claws 0002

Lightning Claws 0003

Faerie Claws 0004

Hell Claws 0005

Cat Claws 0006

Rod 0007

Ice Rod 0008

Flame Rod 0009

Thunder Rod 000A

Polymorph Rod 000B

Faerie Rod 000C

Stardust Rod 000D

Lilith Rod 000E

Staff 000F

Healing Staff 0010

Mythril Staff 0011

Power Staff 0012

Aura Staff 0013

Sage's Staff 0014

Rune Staff 0015

Dark Sword 0016

Shadow Blade 0017

Deathbringer 0018

Mythgraven Blade 0019

Lustrous Sword 001A

Excalibur 001B

Flame Sword 001C

Icebrand 001D

Defender 001E

Blood Sword 001F

Ancient Sword 0020

Sleep Blade 0021

Stoneblade 0022

Spear 0023

Wind Spear 0024

Flame Lance 0025

Ice Lance 0026

Wyvern Lance 0027

Holy Lance 0028

Blood Lance 0029

Gungnir 002A

Kunai 002B

Ashura 002C

Kotetsu 002D

Kiku-ichimonji 002E

Murasame 002F

Masamune 0030
Assassin's Dagger 0031

Mage Masher 0032

Thorn Whip 0033

Chain Whip 0034

Blitz Whip 0035

Flame Whip 0036

Dragon Whisker 0037

Crescent Axe 0038

Dwarven Axe 0039

Ogrekiller 003A

Mythril Knife 003B

Dancing Dagger 003C

Mythril Sword 003D

Kitchen knife 003E

Ragnarok 003F

Shuriken 0040

Fuma Shuriken 0041

Boomerang 0042

Moonring Blade 0043

Dream Harp 0044

Lamia Harp 0045

None 0046

Poison Axe 0047

Rune Axe 0048

Mythril Hammer 0049

Gaia Hammer 004A

Wooden Hammer 004B

Avenger 004C

Bow 004D

Crossbow 004E

Great Bow 004F

Killer Bow 0050

Elfin Bow 0051

Yoichi Bow 0052

Artemis Bow 0053

Iron Arrows 0054

Holy Arrows 0055

Fire Arrows 0056

Ice Arrows 0057

Lightning Arrows 0058

Blinding Arrows 0059

Poison Arows 005A

Silencing Arrows 005B

Angel Arrows 005C

Yoichi Arrows 005D

Medusa Arrows 005E

Artemis Arrows 005F

None 0060

Iron Shield 0061

Dark Shield 0062

Demon Shield 0063

Lustrous Shield 0064

Mythril Shield 0065

Flame Shield 0066

Ice Shield 0067

Diamond Shield 0068

Aegis Shield 0069

Genji Shield 006A

Dragon Shield 006B

Crystal Shield 006C

Iron Helm 006D

Dark Helm 006E

Hades Helm 006F

Demon Helm 0070

Lustrous Helm 0071

Mythril Helm 0072

Diamond Helm 0073

Genji Helm 0074

Dragon Helm 0075

Crystal Helm 0076

Leather Cap 0077

Feathered Cap 0078

Wizard's Hat 0079

Sage's Miter 007A

Gold Hairpin 007B

Ribbon 007C

Headband 007D

Green Beret 007E

Black Cowl 007F

Glass Mask 0080

Iron Armor 0081

Dark Armor 0082

Hades Armor 0083

Demon Armor 0084

Knight's Armor 0085

Mythril Armor 0086

Flame Mail 0087

Ice Armor 0088

Diamond Armor 0089

Genji Armor 008A

Dragon Mail 008B

Crystal Mail 008C

Clothing 008D

Leather Clothing 008E

Gaia Gear 008F

Sage's Surplice 0090

Black Robe 0091

Luminous Robe 0092

White Robe 0093

Power Sash 0094

Minerva Bustier 0095

Prison Garb 0096

Bard's Tunic 0097

Kenpo Gi 0098

Black Belt Gi 0099

Adamant Armor 009A

Black Garb 009B

Iron Gloves 009C

Dark Gloves 009D

Hades Gloves 009E

Demon Gloves 009F

Gauntlets 00A0

Mythril Gloves 00A1

Diamond Gloves 00A2

Giant's Gloves 00A3

Genji Gloves 00A4

Dragon Gloves 00A5

Crystal Gloves

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