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AUSTRALIAN STEEL INSTITUTE (ENVAGN (94) 000973838 contents Design Guide 6: Page Page saree aver STEEL WSTTUTE Litt owes fe PART STHFENED ANGLE SEAT oa ‘Copyright © 2007 by KU = Preface v C1 Description of connection 45 Kioto tor i & Serer, see eg neiear 4 oS cameo ‘Sedge UG Samp ag. Secloren 8 putt by: AUSTRALIAN STEEL MSTTUTE Concert oF Desion ouDes, | oe 1 om witout Bcc + & stecoutgmse Ss nea rete The Soto yp ret mut nt rooted any fom wh Sean EB Aa ote rian at Rotate Sa ee | PARTASTEE SEAT CONNECTION one Smstongromay ran td it penton Spee soma 3 a - veo sais ear anesprs cop a he a oe tet ora Stet Iatate (AS). Whiten permission mist 6 obtained fom ASI othe vse of 20y ‘Az Compliance wit AS 4100 (co Recommended dorign model ely ea i te A loco wae hr Poa nares ‘ camera » 13 td dg no cro ee an fer ere zor MT TATE} | Greate apstiseon eons 7 fcorente co vray of numa Ccgur teh | om Mentos lage osae cn eet eS et Gromreaisee se cun — Stmr cna 4 EE, nse coment eae BE Retro @ a 13 Recommend design nose C181 Decor o o.— Sin ‘spend as a Seana ‘enon maa BAU Toecorses one Perera ho Boson evomie a led et oe neve ec Bhs Coo care, anatteed Sec Sr Se et esi supro! Sean 1 parvo meaning pan 1 5 Sei Siac Srey tommcien——_Taeion saa oasinemege no reunetenes "Br? Benetton atcowacion 78 es Pe The ped Oe an jE St ti ‘3 ono emp Steed (Bleotrs nc) n = or suppers boon 09 benicar a cacao cme at a7 nome 2 2 oes, oe ns beni | PART BUNSTFFENED ANGLESEAT 22 ps. Bike efosan nose z Alin ncaa ec ane: Si mn open cis | Si Geaupionstcomencr "ap OS Bat olden na a dee eee arn comers £5 Oeamgcomucasere "3p BF Recommanded sgn mosel 77 ao Wogin acura se conection Bt Complane wih AS 1100 a ei eessesesee a ae ep cc cere nO, feemen SEE Pera a ae ee eno erate 5 Nn | 87 Connection geometry » in eee sen psn by fun So tte is pton as tun | Fennec pepcnoices Stam, To nnn ai a, ap eae coments | Wind rg sa co ARS eon eae 4 gree Gh rnin et ay tr Sk arn en sna he a 5 Aamo eat bn we wey fe a noe oo a ed scores e Asibudon ss rey ait ede ane sme, oy oye Sreranaresmienin Seen oe el En kay wait aay es ai 4 inset ae rb scams (0 12 Degree ier oon boc ena ana oy ny enya Deon © ree ei 2 rn ms an ah 122 Deen esanpe Ho 2 Pe ca te a inne weer mae Beso : S ees ee ee eal bec te moe aaa as poten sl nt mr pon a 4 nat near oe ‘a omate net at ten ti acon peso pon oh nmetincts e sean Seton a e in ote a Figure At Pure Az Fre 03 Figure At Figue AS Figure AB Flgue AT Figure AB Figure AB LIST OF FIGURES Page Lnsifened Beam at suppers... 2 Sifened beam a supports. 3 Bearing action dispersion nto. ISL RHS ond SHS webs! 5 Sti bearing nat on lange... 6 ‘Unstifened and {bear fgeomaty 7 UUattfenee RHS and SHS beam ‘geometry 6 Siffeed I section beam geometry 1" Logs bearing stiflener geomety 2 Unstone end susporse Figure A10 Unstifned intemal supported beam 5 Figure A11 Stifned ond suppotes beam... 17 Figue c3 Figue ct Figure 5 Figure 8 Fue cr Fgue ce Figue 63 Page Stilaned angle sat detais for ‘aration in Beam dept with {op iad restraint cleat Yl nes in colun web rm welded Tee sat connacton Sif bearing length of stoned ‘angle sat. Bold stifened ange oat Wieded tifned angle coat Wildes stiffened te soat ‘Supporting column wth ‘sflones kes angle seat Figure €10 Supporting eokumn with Flgue ct silfened weed angle seat tone, Supporting section column wit weed tee sea ange. Figure C12 Supporting Isection column Figwe 61 Typ! vans eer Storing sect acter codon, 20 sired Sot web Fre 62 ‘Typ ad an wig ee 1 Tetfoned angio soa dtaling.. 21 Fae C¥9 Supporting ection conn Fure 83 Unstone age sea cate ee for variation in beam depth Figure C14 Supporting RHS/SHS member ‘with top fixed restraint cleat.....22 FM ‘San welded tee beat to wall Figure B4 Bearing width of unetifoned Figure C15 Welded tee seat connection angle seat. 28 to supporting I-section Figure 85 amity twa and cia eine Seated 27 gue OF ae cng Figure 86 Botodnsiflones ange sat 28 recaracin Foe B7 Wold unites ange see! 29 Figve0? Ntomatre'x Fawr 82. Suportng cue win eee Stn wand amevst fou be Atonane - ~ Figure DS Assumed shear stress: Frou 89 Supping ctunn with 7gure 05. Assumed s unsere toed si at pur 08 cetyl ee eee oe Fr 10 Woled sa comacton " supporting column flange. 49 Figure D7 Connection geometry. Fiowe 611 ominous "gue 8 Sipprng came wn bona Saleerepaarng stn web 2 maccmacon oe Fowect Typesteanpesstaitowd’ , F9xo00 Boaing pnd cemesonio Tyce. as Hector trae owe C2 Typeat a nd wid Derad ong sat sn ca ee Seay 8 e eee o ar “0 St 52 PREFACE This now series of connection publications by the Australian institute of Stel (AS!) covering capacity tables, theory and devign of indviual simple connections wil be known as the ‘Sinictufa! Steal Connections Seres, Part 1. ed, 2007 (‘Connection Sores, Part). This Connection Series, Part detals the method of design and provices capacity tables and Gelaling parameters for range of simple connections commonly used for setua! sles ‘Austala. Connectons have a major engineering and econome imperance in see! siete Influencing design detaling Integrated wih industy detling Is the Key to minimum costs at each stag. This Connections ‘Sonies, Part in conjnetion withthe fuure Connection Series, Part 2 for rig comections (Collectively the Structural Stoel Connections Series or “Connection Sores) replaces. and feahances an ASI flagship pbiaton ist released in 1978 at which time connection design theories were developed for the purpose of generating and releasing connection eapacty tables. The frst thee edtions were released in permissible stress format. The fourth ealion Dosign of Structural Connectons (often refered lo a tha Green Bock) was released in 1994 In Imit site format but there was no subsequent roleas@ of limit state companion document Containing conection design capacity tables. Design Guide 6 covers seated connections and rlerences Handbook 1 Design af Structural ‘Stee! Connactons which fs the hub of a now Cannection Series expanding and revsing the ‘lemantal comettion theory contained in previous edtione of Desig of Stuctral Connections ‘nis allows the seated connection models to romain concise ane practical for efcient design. Te presentation ofthe conection model folows a styised calelation page format wih & rumored DESIGN CHECK procedure 10 simply the design capacity assessment. These Important comections are often detailed as par fnew or existing stucurlslelwerk. ‘Tre most significant upgrades in reviewing and consolidating the previous seated connections are the isolation of each type of seated connecton theory into stand-alone models. Ths Separation, despite making ths Design Guide larger, eliminates confusion and défrentation i {elating and design paramoters. Part A contains the sti saat conection thoory, Part B tho Linsutfered angle seat connection, Part C the sifened angle seal connection and Part D the bearing pad connection. The primacy thecretical refinements lie i the delaing leitatons, inelsien of unsiffened RHS and. SHS beams in Part A and local capacty checks of the ‘Supported member now with RHS ang SHS sactons in Par C. The almost pure pinged ana nigh shear capacily Bearing pad connection has been retained in Part D. Guide © includes Standardsea detain but due f0 the Bmflese coniguratons and relatively simple chocks tore 'ate no design capacity tables. The Design Guide contains many design examotes foreach Part whieh have been rigorously checked by hand calculation and using the Limcon sofware for Consistency and vallty. Special suveys of te Austalon steel Industry provided best practice for component and. cimensional standardisation. The models ate only applicable tor the ‘dimensional and geometreallimatone specified. Any adzltona! loads, load combinations oF ‘eomety arrangement boyond the tits spociied must be underiaken by a competent Professional person and supported by engineering research, theory or princes, ‘The new Connections Series format wih separate design guides for individual connection types Is Iniended fo facitate addition to o revision of connection model theory using relevant new local or Intemational research as deemed appropriate by. the ASI. Connection model ‘developed using the Handbook 1 theory fllaw a syed page format wi a numbered DESIGN, ‘CHECK procedure to simpy connection capacity assassimen Enginering Sysioms has worked closely wth the Australian Stee Instiue to futher develop Leon as tha companion program for this new Connection Design Gulde series. The latest torsion of moon filly mploments the naw connection design models and it was employed ht ‘checking most design examples. Tho Limcon output for one or moe ofthe worked example is Included in an appendix to each Design Guide. The program fs an efficint lool covering the full ‘ange of stuctral connections, Inusing these beyond the scope of Ihe Design Guide. ‘an appendix to each Design Guide also contains an ASI comment form. Usors of this Publeaton are encouraged to photocopy this ene page form and forward any svagested Improverents which may be incorporated nto future eaitons Ts. Hogan SA Mont e sete Se eaten am. ABOUT THE AUTHOR ‘Tim Hogan ie Direclor of SCP Conauiting Py Lid. His geademic achievements include. = Bachelor of Engineering from tne University of NSWY with 1 Clase Honours and the Universi ‘Medal Post graduste qualfeationsincude a Master of Engineering Sconce and a Master of Business Acminisation, Tm is 9 Member ofthe Inttuon of Engineers Ausraia wih CPE Ng ‘and IE Aust sas His early experiance was on bridge design and constructon with the NSW Pubic Works Department and subsequently as Development Engineer and tion Engineering Manager with ‘he Australian laste of Steet Construction unbl 1980. Consullng experiance wit SCP Consulting sine 1980 has included design and supervision of large stea! framed buldings, ‘ndustialbuldings. mill buldings, etal developments, defence infrastructure and composite Sstesl-concreto buldings. His publshed works deal primarly wih the areas of composite aneructon, sil connections, fabrication and erection of sll stuctures and he was # mayor ontribuie and editor of the Commentary t0.AS 4100. He Is 8 member of @ number of ‘Stancards Austaia Committees dealing wih stool and composi stucures and is cutenty Chairman of Commitee 80-001 Steel Structures and 0-082 Composite Constructon, He fecsived an award ‘fom Standards Australia for his coniibutions Io. witing of Australian ‘Stancards ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTING AUTHOR AND EDITOR ‘Scott Munter is now the National Structural Decking Manager for BlueScope Lysaght. He was formery the Nalionol Manager--Engineering & Constucton forthe Australian Stoo! Insitute (ASI) and worked in th rola from 2009 to 2007. Ths key role Involved sating the technical leadership of ASI in suppor of design and construction to enable the effiint specification and use of steel in construction. Respensibiies Included ASI technical publications, advice on industry best practce, ASI and Code commitees, presentations and lecturing Scott a Member of the Instuton of Enginoers Ausraka wih CP Eng & NPER (Structural) Staus. He holds Bachelor of Structural Engineerng from the University of Technology Sytney with 1 Class Honours ang the Univeraty Medal. Hs professional carr includes 75 ‘yeors n consulting chil and structural engineering working fori Hogan at SCP Conculing, His consulting experience includes a stong steal focus with major ineasvuclue, industal and commercial developmen plus domeste construction e eves ne etiam ms ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: ‘The authors would ike to extend special thanks 1: “The ASI Connections Steering Commitee consisting of Richard Collins (Engineeting Systems), Antvony No (Onestoe! Market Mile) and Arun Syam (Smorgon Steel Tobe Mile) for the ve contrbutions wih the development and fevlow ofthe technical anc edfoial content 13 ASI Connection Publeaton by + Richard Coltina—Enginaering Systems in the development and upgrade of the Lincon otware code in parallel withthe design theay aiding in tho oltng and validation ofthe revised mole + Standards Australia for proving their echnical typeceting experts, + Whizzcad Pty Ltd wit dating and graphics for pubsting, + ASI. Slate Engineering _& Construction Special Sub-Commite engineering and industry reviw of maruscits Together with suppert of +All focete of the ASI membership including design engineers, steelwork dealers and {abriator in contributing inst best practice and standards through ASI surveys and ‘rect consuitalion 0 ostablsh the theory and geometry inthis new ASI Connection Prbleation Signiicant contributions were ma for progressive e ses om « 4. CONCEPTOF DESIGN GUIDES 1.1. Background ‘The ASI was formed in 2002 through the merger of Australian Insta of Steel Construction (AISC) ana Steet Instute of Ausvala (SIA). The former AISC published a design manual aving {uidance on the design a structural connectons in tol (Re. 2) [ASI is upcaing Reference 2 by way of the Connection Seri including design gules dealing with connection parts and indivcual conpecton types. The overall series of Connections publications wil be known asthe Connections Seis ‘The former AISC so publishes a manual containing standardeed dataling for siple conrections, accompanied by load lables (Ret 3) Wiherovor possible each design guide for inldual connection types contains standorsised ‘olaling and design capac tables for tha connection type covered by that dasign gue ‘rived using the design made in at design guide ‘The Connection Saris s @spaciaist series devoted tothe design of connections in structural stool in accordance wih curent Austalan Stanaara AS #100 (Re. 1), reflecting the current Slate of Krowledge of connection behaviour Irom st results. In some instances, the test ‘idence is sparse and in ather instances the eigence is canradclcy or cloucod. Each design ‘ude. the Connection Sares has. been writen by. weighing the evidence to provide Fecommended design procedures based In par on ine design procedures Used in equivalent ‘manuals andor published papers. This Guide is tended to provide a design model forthe seated connections which gives a realli estimate of connection design capacty and consisersble efo has been expended ‘ocoarching and doveloping simple, et salclacory deslgn models which can bo jistfied on the ‘basis ofthe available research and current desig prac It's o be emphasised that for some Connections, the: design model presented is not the only possible madol—meraly the most Tepreseniatve of the behaviour of an individual connection in the ophion of the ASI. te therefore not intended to. suggest that other models may not result in adequate ‘connection capacity and further reference Is made to the Disclaimer on page i ofthis Publication a to the requlted investigation and verification by a compatent professional person or persons in regards tothe accuracy sultabllty and applicability ofthe materials rovided in this Connections Series. ‘Tho connections dealt with inthis Guide are those presently In common use in Austalia and {elles the types of connections covered winin the eater AISC. Stondardized. Structural {Connections (Ret. 3), [REFERENCES 1) STANDAROS AUSTRALIA, AS 4100—1908 ‘Stee stuctures 2 AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, “Design of structural ‘onnoctons adion, Authors Hogan, TJ. and Thomas, LR. Edie Syam, AA 1994, 3 AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, “Slendavstzed structural connactons, 3 edton, 1985 e srt th cton oo: PARTA STIFF SEATCONNECTION At Typleal deta | — | | “ » | ” ” | 4 | 1 oF | —— © FOURE A2_ STIFFENED Beam AT SUPPORTS ia ® “ FIGURE At UNSTIFFENED BEAM AT SUPPORTS Detailing notes: (1) te assessing seating lenth, prove for possible under-sun on beam length. AS 4100 ‘Gause 14.4:52 permis a deviation from the speciid length tobe as follows mm fr lengths less than 10 metres = mm for lengths greater than 10 metres (2) Stifeners may be provided in oder 10 Increase the design capacity ofthe boam at the support orn order to provide traional retain to the Boam at ho suppor (Figure M2) seatag commaeins fe ton PARTA STIFF SEATCONNECTION A? Compliance with AS 6100, requirements ‘lif seat connections require an assessment ofthe design capacity ofthe supported momber web in shear and the design capaciy of the web to susiain a concentrated reaction, which Involves checking both bearing yield and bearing buckling capacities, The desigh assossmert is Caria out using the provisions of AS 4100. Design shear eapacity—Unstifened web 1S 4100 close 5.1 date wl th sear capac of web and fran approximately unc Shear Sucosdsrbuioe auch on han Io Sane) Secon apponed meri Sota Shear vay aon (o) Th soar yl capacty «824 FE he nomial heard ape om We 084A, This Is the expression used or Ve Ine recommended design models. (©) The shear bucking capacity if dt > 82/7250), where the nominal shear bucking capacity depends on whether the web panel is stifenes or unsifned. For rolled ‘niversal sections or channels and thee-plte sections without intermedia stiffeners ‘he web is unstifened and so the nominal eapacy fs given by: Weave “hits the expression used for V nthe recommended design mod Jn capacity Compressive bearing on edge of awe AS 410 Clause 5.13 deals wih comprossive bearing action acting onthe edge of a web and I “Specifies he assumptions av tothe dispersion of ore Inio he wed as folows ‘AS 4100 Figure Dispersion of ore for I and [section [AS 4100 Figure Sti bearing length under | or [section Nange AS 4100 Figue iepersion of force for RHS and SHS sections ‘The dispersions are summarised in Figure AS, a are the terms uses subsequently ‘AS 4100 Clause 6.13.2 definas the nominal Rearing capacily while Clause 5.13.3 detioes the nominal bearing yild capacty, and Clause 513-4 the nominal Bearing Bueing capacty. {and {sections ‘The nominal beating yield capacity (Ry) is oqual to 1.25 by te which is mulipiod by @ capacity fecor of 0.9 0 give Vin tte recommended design model “The nominal bearing buckling eapacty (Ry) Is ebtined using Sacon & of AS 4100. an area of Ins ta and a slendemass ratio (Lr) of 25 dle. In Section 6 of AS-4700, the cure Tor 1% = 0's used as this application most logical fais under the classification of ‘her sections in Table €2.4(1) of AS 4100, A kof 7.0 ls used as local Ducking ofthe section web fs nol @ ‘sign consideration, Ths f the Bass of expression for Vy in he racommendad dosign model ‘Tables to assistin the design of tvs connection are avatatle n Reference At. RHS and SHS sections ‘The nominal beating yield capacity (Ry) Is equal to 2h which Is mulipiod by @ capacity factor of 0.9 give Vn the recommended design model, ‘The nominal bearing buckling capacity (Ry) is obtained as for! and [ sactons except that Lis laken 983.5 dt fr interie Dearing and 3.8 ci fr end bearing, Tables to asi in he design of his connection are avatabe in Reference AZ ¢ meeetaoceee m+ 1 and [sections by = O64 250444) re by att 05d, =a4-2% RHS and SHS sections fo ag P= B25 Ure) 4 by =D + 0.5, oh =A -2roe ost fe os pk. (©) tmteral suppor RHS and SHS sections b= B+ 8 on by =e de Be =~ ros = depth of beam member au = ouside raus of hollow section = fat with of web ot hollow section % and {sections dy =. 54H) twice the distance trom neutal axis to compression ange fort ar 4, = ange thicknase of o | = plate tnciness FIGURE AS. BEARING ACTION DISPERSION INTO I, [, HS AND SHS WEBS rs secant wo ‘The st bearng length for stee-o-seel connections is given by Figure Ad which fs based on Figure 5.13.12 of AS 4100. In seslto-concrewe oF steeLtcmaconry connections, the sll bearing lengih is self evden (se Figure At. he FIGURE At_ STIFF BEARING LENGTH ON FLANGE (as Figure 513.12 of AS 4100) It he design reaction exceeds the design capaciy of the connection, the options avaliable are ‘ther to reinforce the web wih web coublr plates (and reanalyse the connection with the ‘hickoned web} oF t provide a load-bearing steer. AS 4100 Clause §.14 species the design procedure for load-bearing stifaners and the ‘ecommended design model follows thi Clause. Inia, the web shear bucking capacity Te ‘Ascorsod using tho expression for V; a8 descnibed above, Stear veld is no longer af concern Fora rolled secon or a Unee-pale secton without intermediate web sileners, the web ts ‘considered ae unatifened, but ntermediat web siffeners are provged auch thatthe spacing 53a then the web is considered as stlfened ‘The oxpresions for Ve and Vin Section AS darive directly tom AS 4100 Clause 5.14. le Assosting Vj using Section 6 of AS 4400, ac = 05 e ured a8 the atifened web fala under the {ategory of other eecton In Table 6.3.33) of AS 4100. e design ie 8 me PARTA STIFF SEATCONNECTION 3 Recommended design mode\— Unstitfened t and {section beams. Design requirement Design is based on determining Van. which involves determination of the minimum design atiy out ofthe design eapacites (Vi. Vy Yo Ve). TER, Vins» R”(aesign Feat). Detintions . | 1 ¥ — roe FIGURE AS UNSTIFFENED I AND [ BEAM GEOMETRY Defining: fw = yield stress of web of beam 1 = thickness of bearing packer = stil boating length t= beam web thiciness 1.0, eny nec to determina Shear yd capac a5 8a < Wy (apis for mest sections) ay 1.0, shar bucking cons des sino Ve >4¥5 (AS 4100 Clouse 5.11) (AS 4100 Clause 5.11) e sant eon a Design bearing yield capacity: Ve = Wy = 0.11.25 Daal) (AS 4100 Clause 6.13.3) winore be = DF 254%) (FIG. A3 END SUPPORT) b+ 806+) (FIG. Ad INTERNAL SUPPORT) Design bearing buckling capacity: Vo #Rie = 0:5(0K Au fe) (48 4100 Clause 5.13.4) where k= 1.0 since local buckling ofthe web isnot a design consideration Aas = By De = ys 05a (FIG. A3 END SUPPORT) = by + 10d (FIG. A@ INTERNAL SUPPORT) lic = the member slnderness redvtionlactr +e ()piten Gy n= 0.003260. 15.5)20 va = (Wn {Zo} tesa Mer since bdr = 25 dl ko =t0 21000, 195) B13, «2050 fy = 05 (using the classifeaton of tbr section in Table 6.9.21) of AS 4100) Design requirement: Vin = F*(Gosign reaction) 1 Vg Athen ether web doubier plates can be add tothe web by butt welsng them fo the flanges and filet welding nem down the other two sles wh a tg size equal 19 the doubler plate thicknoss ora load-bearing siferor can be provide. If web doubler plats ate provided, {he above procedure is repeated using a total web thickness equa to that of the orginal web plus haf the thickness of any wab doubler plates (see Design Guide 7, fra detailed treatment Dt web doubler plates), 1.9 loadbearing stifener is provided, the recommended design procedure Is given In Section AS ofthis Design use, e sents camecton, at eoon ms PARTA STIFF SEATCONNECTION 4 Recommended design mode!— Unstitfened RHS and SHS ‘ectlon beams Design requirement Design is based on determining Vax, which solves determination of the minimum design ‘Sapaly out ofthe design capaci (Vi, Vy Vo Va) THEN, Van > R* (design reaction), t (hE supe (earl supe FIGURE AG_UNSTIFFENED RHS AND SHS BEAM GEOMETRY Yel sre of section sti bearing length fat depth of wob of section 4 clear depth between flanges (= section thickness section depth thickness of bearing pack outside radius of section AL = 2¢- 20" DESIGN CAPACITIES Dosign shear yold capacity: We Wes O58 A, Design shear buckling capacity: Vee Op = O54 ah Aes Ye (aS 4100 Clause 5.11) (AS 4100 Clause 6.11) where a, NOTE: ta,>1.0, aly need io eotemie shar yldcapacy 3 Vs <4 (apis for most eeton) ray <1. soar Buceng entols design sce 6» e sone Se eaten a. Se Design bearing yold capacity: Ve = WRuy® 0.82 Bt.) where by = by#28\rart hi) #080: = B+ 5. Hh) + ay = a8 defined in AS 4100 Clause 5.13.3 (AS 4100 Cruse 5.13.3) (FIG, A3 END SUPPORT) (FIG. A INTERNAL SUPPORT) Design bearing buckling capacity Va = Ran = 0.8(Gh Ae) mere k= 1.0 since local buckling is nota design consideration Aap = Diol (8S 4100 Clause 5.13.4) “Ft = det eay a) = 0.0082601.~ 13.5) 20 (mB) Ae Ldn = 35 dt INTERNAL SUPPORT seat END suPPORT hos t0 dag = le =138) 453i, +2050 wm +08 {using the classfeation of ‘other section’ in Table 63.511) of AS 4100) Design requirement Vas > R* (design reaction) 11 Vins R* hen either web doubler plats can be added to the web by filet welding them all ‘round to the sides. If wed doubler plates ae provided, the above procedure is repeated using {2 total web thickness equal to nat of the origin! web plus half the thickness of any web doublet Plates, Place should beat last tho thickness ofthe section, should be provised to both veri ‘and te filet welded with filet weld leg 326 equal to he doubler sate tickness. e a a we eK a ARTA STIFFSEATCONNECTION AS Recommended design model— Stiffoned section Beams Desiga requirement Design is based on determining Vj, which itself involves determination ofthe minimum of the Gesigm capaci (Vs, Ve ¥. Va). Thea, Vag ® (sign reaction}. Definitions “The load-bearing stilfener maybe used tagethor with intormediat sifoners fo the web, the fst “ne spaced a ckiance som the load-bearing siffener or may be used In isolation (in which aso tis assumed thatthe web is unstifened with > Sa). (a = Tepe tor els 7 Ere teor wit OB et09 Gate s 144) (B00 dine 5.144) (o)Unettena wo (0) tone we (e-weneat rma wad sferars) (Simeon gooey FIGURE AT STIFFENED | SECTION BEAM GEOMETRY Suitfener geometry and steel grade comely btaton on stfanee by = zl Geometry tat be 5 ies sh (45 4100 Cause 5.163) {Generally solo toner that Pua = bal where ba = slfneroustand tom the fc0 of the web 1, = thickness of sitfoner Day © wth of stifonar eld stress of stoner too may be # Grade 300 fat bar. Yield stress (for ‘Strength of plate bars to AASINZS 3670.1 (Ref. A4) Gems 353 Grae 00 = e exe Sn etn or DESIGN CAPACITIES Design shear buckling eepacity of beam wob in pane! adjacent to support 9 0406 fuAs) iweb is considered unstitoned, s> 3d} (88 fr Vin Section A} = 0.9 44 (0.6 fue) if we Is considered stoned, s < 30, ‘ere aay ae defied in Clause 5.11 5.2 of AS 4100, Design bearing yield capacity of web and load-bearing stiffener: Wee Yr 08A (85 4100 Clause 5.14.1) where A, = area of sttfeners in centct withthe flange = 2 bale But <2 Dat fa = yield stress of te sitfner Ve = a8 dofind in Section R3 = 0.9 (1.25 Bvt) Design buckling capacity of web and load-bearing stifener acting together: Vs = 09 (ane) (As #100 Clause 5.14.2) vinere a = 28 defined for Vs in Section AS except use a = 0.5 for ‘athar sections’ in Table 5'3.(8) of AS 4100 and = 07H i btn Hanges ae tan east toni he plane of he sae Sas a tas Aa aaa fe see egener wha engh of wb on ac st otal none ese pdf Fig 8) “ i250 c ‘ou l= Wot ses ofmonber nb Cc not_| t foo ar a t a FIGURE Af LOAD GEARING STIFFENER GEOMETRY e seve Sones edn oe ‘Section properties for use in calculating Vi [Section properties inctuding Ay and f fort allots weg as # actual dimension but 17.5 bal YF 250 cruciform shape section of Figure AB are ban = 17 Stal fFFRRO ut sst2 An = Dols Ube Lan Design capacity of weld to web: j= Haley dape whore tv © design capacity of iet weld per unt length for ul angth weld botween flanges ‘Wold design capacity: Wiles ae itt welss and, for economy, should be sized tobe single pass welds I possble— tis generally means 6mm or 8 mm let welds, altnough some welding procedures wil allow 1@'nm singla pase filet wee to be deposted. Check india! suatons using 10 mm file wold with fabricators befoe specifying, Weiss would normally be weld calegory SP, For wold catagory SP, vy = O85 KNImm — E&TXXIWEOX clectrodes, 6 mm ik = OTS KNimm — E4BxXNNSOX electrodes, 6 mm AATRNImm ——_EAIXXIWOX electrodes, 8 mm filet 1.20 kNimm —— E4BXXIN5OX electrodes, 8 mm filet Design capacity of connection: Vins= 1M es Wi: Van Design requirement: Vins A (design reaction) e seste conte at eon aoe PARTA STIFFSEATCONNECTION AS Design examples AGA Design example No. 1—Unstiffened end supported beam Determine if a §30U892.4 with a design reaction of 300 KN can satstactoriy sit on a support lahich provides 150 mm of sii bearing length. No flange cover plate or web stienng Is use. ‘Stoel Grade 300 290018 cee FIGURE Ad UNSTIFFENED END SUPPORTED BEAM Design parameters SR0UBG24 J = 553mm = 156mm — ty = 102mm s20 mPa a =502mm y= 502mm 08d: =251 mm Gilt = 49.2 mm Aq® 533. 102 5437 mn? Suppor = 160mm ty =0 DESIGN CAPACITIES 2. 16 capac “aac arag |"? 17> 12ateerectin apsty econ ster vite capac Design shear yield capacity: Vy #0544 320 5427/10" = 999 4N Design bearing veld capacity: ny = 180+25 «156= 199 mm Ve #094 1.254 199» 10.2» 320/07 = 694 KN Design bearing bucking capacity: 5 = 189+ 251 = 440 mm 2dit, = 2549.2 = 1292 (LIN ie = (123 8207280)= 190 Since 2405 a= 0.307 (Table 62.2(8) of AS 4100) Ve 0.9 0.907 x 1.0» 440 x 10.2 320/10" = 397 AN Hence, Vin = [989; 694; 397]qa= 957 KN = V"=200 KN SATISFACTORY Using design aids in Reference At (page 536) Vs £4¥,= 930 AN (as above) Ve #3187 « 169» 698 kN (as above) Ve 01903 «440 =297 KN (a8 above) Vw = 807 RN (as above) e see oe ton as PARTA STIFFSEATCONNECTION AG Design examples 'A6.2_ Design example No. 2—Unsifened internal supported beam FIGURE A10. UNSTIFFENED INTERNAL SUPPORTED BEAM Design parameters 4160. 100 x40 RHS a 180mm ft 4 4h =(150-2%40) = 42mm ail t Sten = 80.0 mm 42150-26100 = 130mm Ac=2 (150-2 40)+608 1138 mm? Sit support = 10mm =0 DESIGN CAPACITIES Design shoar yield capacity: Vy $0.58 «450 1136/10" = 276 Design shear bucking capacity: « “(peers 2"° wow DOES NOT CONTROL sign bearing yield capacity: by =110+ 600+ 130 = 200 mm Using AS 4100 Clause 5.13.3 ke = 190160 92.5 24100 k= 2100 240 on = Gh BS -02054 wom 44, =02585 on subtitton ino equation in AS 4100 Clause 5.133, 9 2 290 4.0 480 x 0.2555/10" 40 KN e soata conse, a 2ton Design bearing buckling capacity PARTA STIFFSEAT CONNECTION AG Design examples by = 200mm ay = 25290 4.0 2820 mi" ‘R63 Design example No, 3—Stifened ond supported beam Ir = 352190 4g INTERNAL SUPPORT os 40 " 4000 190, 300, eto Co 2 ras Free fl a 908 Gese 100 ao = 0.266 (Table 6.3.3(3) of AS 4100) " 35) Ye = 00 0.200 «10% 2820 40 0° = 25046 LL, ence, Ve = 1276: 240; 250)ue= 240102 = 1048 sarisractonY Ms le Using desig id In Rearence A: | VY, = 267 KN (possible typographical error in Rel, A2—-276 KN as above i correct) Y= 0.628 «290 = 240 AN (as above) Ve = 0.860. 290 Va FIGURE Att” STIFFENED END SUPPORT Design parameters Allbeom steot Grade 350 fe © 960 MPO te = 10mm by 100mm = 18mm fe = 350MPa 6, =300mm A, 16016 AS07250 dy = d= 1800-2 25.0 1450 mm a 203 mm > by sifenor uly ettectve DESIGN CAPACITIES Design shear buckling capacty of we = 10009, wobiesiifened d= sid, #06910. ddty= 1450/10 145 e 100 2 __2__ +078] S V" = 1200 4N ® i i ap ue u nu ‘cOMPLIES PARTA STIFF SEATCONNECTION AT References Al AUSTRALIAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION, ‘Design capacty fables for ‘Sructura seo, Vol: Open sectons’, eaten, 1998. AUSTRALIAN STEEL INSTITUTE, “Design capacity tales for stucturt ‘olow sections, 2 edton, 2008 “STANDARDS AUSTRALIA/STANDARDS NEW ZEALAND, ASINZS 3678:1996 ‘Sructual ‘stool-Hot old plates, foorplates and sabs STANDARDS AUSTRALIAISTANOARDS NEW ZEALAND, ASINZS 9679.1:1996, “Sirvtural steel, Part: Het rolled bars and sections’ too, Val 2: design pie oe PART UNSTIFFENED ANGLE SEAT B1 Description of connection PARTB UNSTIFFENED ANGLE SEAT 82 Typical detailing of connection “The angle seat connection consists of an angle component with one leg balled or filet welded {oa supporing member. wih the supported member seated on the oustanding le ofthe angle. euaiis ee cpus meme moscoos ns argo nas 7 eC re eer oe He ee A Speers ere ub eee eataee aaa a eer 0 ee ssorasot | 5 ee | + use only welded seats to hollow section columns. Welded 4.6/5 studs or blind bolts can Botied angle seat ‘Weldes angie seat be used but are not within the scope ofthis Design Guide. FIGURE 82. TYPICAL BOLTED AND WELDED UNSTIFFENED ANGLE SEAT DETAILING Suitable components Angle seat 150 90UA 150 100 UA, 150» 150 EA, 200 «200 EA, Reswaining cleat 10075 UA 75x 75% EA. 100 « 100 A FIGURE 81 TYPICAL EXAMPLES OF UNSTIFFENED ANGLE SEAT CONNECTIONS | e aes SS ten wm» e gn gait w PARTE UNSTIFFENED ANGLE SEAT B3._Detaling considerations 1 The restraint cleat may te connected either to the web oF flange of the supported tember. The restraint cleat usually has standard Neles (22 mm diameter) which allow Vaations beam dopth dus to roling tolerances for standard rlleé sections 10 bo ‘necommodated 2 For a supported member section deop and smaller, this connection is not Fecommendod since the restsint cleat i large in rolation to beam depth. Altoratve 3 Tho 10 mm standard clearance is @ cial dimension. The design models derved on the assumption of 14 nm design clearance inorder fo provide for possible undertun on the beam length, Detaiing short may affect the design capacity of the angle seat dve 10 Increased eccentey, 4 The angle seat may be balled or weldes tothe support but not usualy both 15 Tne angle components are standard rolled angles (Grado 300) cut fo length. 6 The angle seat component should have a minimum teg simension of 80 mm for the ‘utstanding Top and 150 mm forthe vortical log tthe supporing member. 7. Skew and raking supported members cannot be accommedated 8 Only connections to | ection colurmn flanges or webs or RHS/SHS column faces are pracical wth fis connection. Boam-o-beam conections are nat common applcalions. For | section column flanges or webs, bolle or welded angle Seats and restraining cleats may be used For RHS/SHS colunns use welded angle seals and restraining cleats. Bolted cleats wih ‘welded 4618 studs or bind bots can be used bul are nat within the scope ofthis Design Guide, © Oversize holes may be used in oustanding legs of angle seat and restraining cleat to ‘low for erecton tolerances, ané fo asset allowing beam rtalon. 10 Angle seal components usually attached to the supporting member in the shop by ‘waling or boting 41 Toes methods of providing for variation in beam depth with top fixed restraint clasts ar shown in Figure 89. Restaint cleats fo the web requre no such consizeratons and are profered for this reason og apatites Vere sctsin ome feat tae ‘ge rhopatached ate6nm 2 100m ian poen poate eatarm gone ‘ae ‘enw (a) Vertalso ‘eytzoearalewih (0)Snop tached cote ‘emo: se town ange mi cosas show, FIGURE 82. UNSTIFFENED ANGLE SEAT DETAILS FOR VARIATION IN BEAM DEPTH "WITH TOP FIXED RESTRAINT CLEAT (From Ret.) e cos eon wo? PART UNSTIFFENED ANGLE SEAT B4 Compliance with AS 4100, requlrements “The angle seat connection is notionally a FLEXIBLE CONNECTION within the terms of AS 4i00, which are discussed in Secon 22 of Handbook 1 of ths Pubicalon The feauirements for any design mode! re specified in Cause 9.1.3 of AS 4100 and re discussed ip Secton 23 0f Handbook ‘The foatona flexbility needed in order for this connection fo comply with the requirements of AS 4100 fr simple constuction is aovided by the oly thin otstancing eg oF the angle seat; “+ lately thin web or top angle provided fr stability ony “+ ball sip inthe Bote stabity angle 1+ alli inthe bois through the Bottom flange of he beam “The only ral rests to unhindered rotation ofthe connection fs due to the stably angle, Its considerod thatthe connection qualifies as a lexible connection in terms of AS 4100, e tigen m= PART UNSTIFFENED ANGLE SEAT ‘Background information In previous editone of ths Manual (Ret. 69), and inthe previous edltons of the American Institute of Stee! Construction Manual, the dosign mode! used was the so-calld equired Dearing feng” mothed developed inthe 1940's, “This mode! was based on the work of LySe (Refs 81, 62) fr welded angle seats, The mod {ests on an observation by Lyso ha “The beam flanges which are supported by the angle, bend under the reaction and cause the reaction tobe concentrated on an area under the web. The amount of this bending is dsierminad by the relative siless of the Mange and the outstanding leg. Since the longoe are aso fastened tothe oustanding le, tho two ack mote or as as a unt and the sate of eres in the outstanding legis thereby affected, Lyse postulates a more involved dasign model than the ‘Tequired bearing length’ method but the tse model has nol Boon vsed in practice, and ony applied Wo wolded sess in any case Jn tne “tuired bearing lengt’ procedure, tho location of tho roaction—a crea dimension in the design ofthe connacton ified by assumption The assumption mace is thatthe centre ‘ofthe effective bearing length isthe same as that quired to cause beam web local yeking. ‘Once the cantra of the affective beating length i determined, then tho move assumes that: {@) the crea suction for bending inthe oustanding fog af the ange Is at the base ofthe et ‘tthe leg {(b) bolts in he vertical tag of the angle seat are loaded in vetcal shear only, (e) welds connecting the vertical lag ofthe angle seat are loaded eccenticaly by the Beam reaction Roeder and Dailey (Ret. 84) reported tests on both sifened and unsifened angle seat Connections. They dbserved ina web angles caried Between & and 35% of tho end reaction for Connections whieh fated by web enippling bul het not enough data was availabe to warrant & fess ‘conservative design mode! than that presented in the AISC (US) LRFO provisions {fet 88) They sso noted thal unstiened seats can yield adequately witout fractre rotating Beyond that required to accommodate tha end rolaton of tne beam which they sre supporting. ‘They conclucod that baller design model for peedicing the dstibuion of forces. te nmecton are needed bu that more researen was necessary to develop these models. Roeder ‘nd Daley resed a number of queslons about the AISC (US) design procedure, which they ‘onsidered needed tobe adcrossed, ‘American practice wth permissible stress design was to assume an angle of dsperson of 45 ‘ogroes trom the iif seat length and an allowable stress of 0.75, at tho top ofthe web Ml ‘The value of sti bearing langth used indesign was obtained by assuming that bending in the ange and web ripping atthe top ofthe web filet wero simultaneously rial so that his load ‘ve the capacity ofthe connection. This method design can be found in Blodgett (Ref. 85) and ew ofthis method of design may also be found in Re BS, Garrett and Brokenbrough (Ref. 83) detail the American approach 10 design for LRFD {equivalent to Limt Stale Desige). This design procedure is essentially the some as thal presented inthis Design Gude. ore recent research on bolted angla seats has been repor by Yang, Chen and Bowman Taview and alfernaive design proposals ee contained in Ref. BO, jon fs ported in Ral BT. “The conchisions in Ref, 86 for connections with bolts connecting the oustanding Ieg of te angle seat and the bottom lange ofthe supported members can be summarised as Fellows (i) The assumed distribution of forces within the connection used by the AISC LRFD method ‘appene be highly healed and somewhat unrealistic rs sgn gute me {i Coincdont shear force might have a sigileant ettect on the Gesion moment eapacty at {he outstanding lg ofthe ange set. li) The effect of toting the supporting member te angle seat sto add redundancy 0 the Connection ub-aesomblage, such thatthe whole system is staicall indeterminate lw) The offect of baking the supporting member to the angle seat can Increase the load {anrying of angle sent connections comprising @ exible angle and sf beam, (0) A quadratic equation was developed forthe design capacity for bolted angle seat ‘onnoctons. Ths is recommended for inclusion in the AIS (LRFD} desig procedure as ‘an upper lmiton connection capaci lui) Design capactie obtsinod from the AISC (LRFO) design procedure are not significantly ‘iveror when compared with results obtained from the mote falional model developed by the authors. (oi) Because the AISC (LRFD) design procedure ignores the beneficial effects of the onnacting bolts between the bottom flange and the angle seat, and also employs an ‘very conseralve falure mechanism, the procedure tands lo underestimal the load ‘arfying capaci. AISC (LRFD) design procedure i eativaly safe forthe flowing lit: 85mm << <254mm te 514.9 mm where = thicknoss of anglo seat componant f= thickness of supported member web ‘Angle seat shoul be longr than 200 mm wherever possible, bu th seat length should ‘ot be fess than 190 mm, “Testing reported in Ret. BY confirmed that the AISG (LRFO) design procedure was conservative {for most cases and thatthe analytical macel presented In Ret, BB was correct in terms of the fal modes uted in the plastc-hinge analysis. Consequently, the recommended design model In this Design Guide uses the AISC (LRFD) design prosecute (Ret. B8) bul adapted tothe provsions of AS 4100 (Ref. B10} e sno ms sates connacion, at ean PART UNSTIFFENED ANGLE SEAT B6 Basis of design model Te ean capony wo epg) come rt am Cie 6133 6A 10 big os Pa er ee ray aed tues onFau St thelnb te 3 INARI to : the tea capusty toon) emen dc Por Ce 5.134 9 8 40 bang | Pr ea es cans Sas Dsoden gee SAE i See acne Bette i fa ote by mn 6134 400, 8 sone oo wad of tempted . oe eee SS AST end seine be Soe 7 eee RO sna tcd ao eee — be ‘ he ‘heen an a dpe fin yh al ese gh Sonate bee —1 J “ Peart ttt a rnc ee acct enon | 4 | +e Z sere smss monte: et tasny oe cca (ese GEGEN CMON NE 2 He ere acces gh ae wig el beats stb cinta ne LE Siraod nenber ly 2 ‘| 1, ea. ost anpey 7 *pamttastatad Oa i Poy “This assumption i the common assumption mage in many design methods. j “The capacity of the connection is then assumed o occur when the reaction (¥") isthe maxieun that can be accommodated bythe outstanding leg ofthe ange seat Denna | i fo) Fee 5131100108 4100 1) spun fe nan set Tus ee ee {cee DESIGN CHECK NOs 2.9.4) || nom Y= Vex 04.25 fetal #2510)" (0%) ing suse 5109 0AS 4100 at FIGURE 94 BEARING WIDTH OF UNSTIFFENED ANGLE SEAT whore As = (125 tq) aN K=25 0mm ul Gorton aon n Section St of handbook 1, using the aesumed eriteatsocton show In " aul re 8 Now sng Section of Handbook 1 and DESIGN CHECK NO. 2 7 Fate of te bts a shea, bere ad end plat ect n bah ever 9 ot he Ven Woe Minted.) =e, sothalo,= ki ectntly defined in Fig 85 | car ite sappoiny cnt’ saved in eermning Ve Whom te ua baked | Wo trong erties taoss on te ate are seamed fe party vera sreanng ME y= Hf gt 2/4 inkNe tices besser seine on ns bast tne son tenn lnc a To ond set in tc epesaon Vit haved on eopon tn Powe 85, cane of econ ve (e422) tom neo spr, neta eton a For the welded seat, this eccentricity of the load is traditionally accounted for in design. The 2 amici edn he male veny are 69) endings) tom aco suppor es + eareiiy ef recclin tome! econ | oe 2 = creat en) ‘so that substitution into the expression for F, given in Section 4.11(a) of Handbook 1 for a aoe wold group wih Fr = F = VM, = Yen rout + Bot, whee bene v, - Bhalvs by # 26, + 2ky = Ahi + 2hy ‘since @, = kelV, from above Meh ¢e ‘eases cinco eon o* e sented connection! etn m7 | Equatng the two exoreasion fr by resulls in: Vhs has Bale 2 hy whi in tun reduces to quadratic expression inthe one unknown (Wo Hoek here: y= hike 2s he =2 hike the solution to which is fat dkS ah ve 2 from which th sti bearing length w otek “The si bearing longtn mus salsy the two constraints as follows (soe Fig. BS): crt sty Thus, > Lye ‘adopt y= Ls 6 et bReh tr Thusite,>2(4+%= 6) adopt, #24 * 4c) ‘The balled connection has an upper limit on connection capaciy based on the tecemmmendations in Ret 8. PARTB UNSTIFFENED ANGLE SEAT 87 Connection geometry a - 14 coc Lt : tn : a : sa H 9 : 4 ed fo be £0 mm nominal, but 14 wm fused for doslgn purposes nordor to roi for fossbie underun on the beam ongh- AS 4100, Claune 448 gos a manor undorn ot hen r Seams oer 10 mong, FIGURE 06 BOLTED UNSTIFFENED ANGLE SEAT NOTE: es gsumed to be 10 mm nominal, Bt 4 rf us ile undeun on he be ear over 10 ong, FIGURE 87 WELDED UNSTIFFENED ANGLE SEAT for daca purposes in otro provi or Tang AS 4100, Clause 184.5 ves 8 masa undortun of & fe ae e eae on twat PARTB UNSTIFFENED ANGLE SEAT 58 Recommended design model— Welded angie seat Design is based on determing Vin, which involves the detemination ofthe minimum design capacity ofthe dosign capaci (Va. Vy Va) Note that V,= Vk = Ve (Soe Section 60), ‘Then Vas 2V" design shesr force on connection Becomes the design recut Connections must be designed for 9 minimum design shear force of 40 KN of 0.15 « member ‘esign shear capacity whichever isthe lesser. ‘Summary of checks DESIGN CHECK NO. 1 — Detating ination DESIGN CHECK NO. 2 — Design web crippling capaci of supported member web DESIGN CHECK NO. 3 — Design bonding capacity of outstanding log of angle seat componer DESIGN CHECK NO. 4 — Design capac of seat and determination of sti bearing lath DESIGN CHECK NO. 5 — Design web bucking capact of supported member web | DESIGN CHECK NO. 6 — Design capac of weld to supporting member | DESIGN CHECK NO. 7 — Local capacity of supporting momber e sete Sn ton o* DESIGN CHECK NO. + Detailing limitations (see Section BS): (@) with of ange seat L, should be > 0.90 «wid of bottom flange of supported member 2 150mm (8) Devth otangle seat, shoulgbs 2 180 mm (@)_Lenatt of outstanding leg ty shouls be = 90mm {) thickness of angle seat should satisy 9.5 < t= 25 mm DESIGN CHECK NO. 2 Design web crippling capacity of supported member web (AS 4100, Clause 6.13.3: Ve=4(125fetanbu) — 8098 ere Du= b+ 25h ig. 24) Je = veld stess of supported member web 1a thickness of supported member web >, = 8¢ DESIGN CHECK NO. 4 ty = thickness of supported member lange DESIGN CHECK NO. 3 Design bending capacity of outstanding leg of angle seat component: wine 6, = 64 b/2— (+ n)= eccentricity of design shear force, V" (Fig BS) ‘he = ial stress of angle seat component 1L,= with of angle soat component 1 = thickness of angle seat component DESIGN CHECK NO. 4 Design capacity of seat and determination of stiff bearing length: From Section 86 previously, the design capacty of the connection (Vz) for any supported member's given when V,= Vp = Vz wich loads fo yo bel a oa nore ks = hike + 2k (AN) 2habs ON ky =09(1.25 fut) (Alm) (se0 DESIGN CHECK NO. 2) ke = 0.9 (Guts (2) (kNinwm) (806 DESIGN CHECK NO. 3) by #44 e(mm) K= 25 ty (mm) The si bearing length be determined from the exoression for Ve thal aa eray 2 * ok ul must be such that 6+ b,, = 8 dened in DESIGN CHECK NO. & = length of wos to vertical og of angle seat component NOTE: Wolds ae Mit welts an for economy. shoul be saad too single pats welds if possible the genorlly means 6 mn or 8m filet sz thowgh some weld procedures wil allow 10 mm Ingle pose fet welds to'be deposted. Check inva situations using 10m Mt wos wth {aoneaar, Welds woud normaly Be welé quality SP For weld category SP, b¥y = 0.835 kNimm — EATXXIWOX electrodes, 6 mm filet = 0.978 kNimm —EABKXIWSOX electrodes, 6 mm file | AW kNimm — ESIXXM4OX electrodes, 8 mm let = 1.90 kNinm —— EABXXIWSOX electrodes, 8 mf e osu 18 oe DESIGN CHECK NO.7 T Be tof osy’ sy’ FIGURE 88 SUPPORTING COLUMN WITH UNSTIFFENED WELDED ANGLE SEAT TO WEB. ‘Local shear design capacity—supporting column web: alter DESIGN CHECK NO. 10 for ‘angle cleats in Design Gize 7 Angle seat on one side of web 05" $0.90. 0160 hedhste oF 2108 fect dy = sheer rans opin =L +0, 05st, ‘nal sont on bth 0 of web (Pepe -0sv; 50,90 «0.60 Fe chs te oe Suu cto, Lev VE <1.00 have a eartranser pth = La + « She ‘p= yee tess of supporting column web {© = thickness of supporting column web ¢ at EE oon ms PARTE UNSTIFFENED ANGLE SEAT 68 Recommended design model— Bolted angle seat Design is based on determining Vac: which inoles the detominaton of tne minimum design apay ofthe design capaci (Vo. Wy, Vp Yl Note tat V,= Vz = Vz (see Section BS). “Then Vin.® V' design shear force on connection becomes the design requirement Connections must be designed fora minimum design shear force of 40 KN oF 0.18 x member fdesign shear eapacty whichaver isthe less. Summary of checks DESIGN CHECK NO, 1 — Detain tations DESIGN CHECK NO, 2 — Design web cripslingcapacty of supported member web DESIGN CHECK NO. 9 — Design bending capacity of outstancing leg of angle seat component DESIGN CHECK NO. & — Design capac of seat and determination of sf bearing length DESIGN CHECK NO. 5 — Design web buckling capacity of supported member web DESIGN CHECK NO. 6 — Design capacity of bolts to supporting member DESIGN CHECK NO, 7 — Local eapacty of supporting member e seated connect eion DESIGN CHECK NO. 1 Detailing limitations (se Section 8 (2) Wrath of angle sea L, should be 2 0.90» width of tom flange of supportad member > 150mm (©) Depth of angle seat L, shouldbe = 150 am (2) engin af outstanding eg L, Snould be = 90. (6) Thickness of anglo st 2 should stialy 9.5 425 mm DESIGN CHECK NO. 2 Design web crippling capacity of supported member web (AS 4100, Claus Vee W425 fyctnet) — $= 0.9 were bye by + 25 ye * eld sre of supported member web ‘a thickness of supported member wed 0, = 98 DESIGN CHECK NO, 4 a * thickness of supporice member Hlange ssa): DESIGN CHECK NO. 3 Design bending capacity of outstanding leg of angle seat component oro8 wore eccontcy of design shear force, V* ‘yu = yield sr055 of angle seat component {L. =wiatn of angle seat component 1 = thickness of angle seat component DESIGN CHECK NO. 4 Design capacity of seat and determination of sti bearing length From Secton BS provouay, the design capaciy ofthe conection (V) for any supped member is given when V. = V = V_ which leads to: " ces 2 we wero he = ik + Dk ig = Dh NY? fk; =0.9(1.25 fst) (kNimm)_(G6e DESIGN CHECK NO. 2) ke "09 (fale V4 (kNimm) (886 DESIGN CHECK NO. 9) bg =t, + 4-0 (mm) Ky =25 ta (mm) ‘The st bearing length 6, is determined from the expression for V0 that: begat ette = ek “Gali asihay 7S" but mustbe such that c+ b, 4% 2 120% 100=220mm bbe=980+25%109=63.3mm Dee 63.9. 981.212 = 254 mm e sesion ute a DESIGN CHECK NO. 5 = 2502012, BT 4, 78 ms wy =05 £0298 (Table 6.2319) 0f AS 4100) Vp "0.9 » 254 7.6 «320» 0.208110" = 165 kN DESIGN CHECK NO. 6 oy =16+96.02 © 320mm 978 Kinin Ve 2e00.878 aot DESIGN CHECK NO. 7 (NOT REQUIRED AS CONNECTION IS TO COLUMN FLANGE) ‘SP weld category, 6 mm fet, EBX weld metal 1B1KN DESIGN CAPACITY OF CONNECTION Vu £178 186; 18tqn #16512 = 100 KN compuies OTHER DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Golan deson moment, = 26100 + 2101100 = 246 1M ince oy =hi2 08320 nme 100mm Use = 160mm minum ef AS 4100 4 = 210m fr 2000089 5, ¢ sasiod constant eon a ART UNSTHFENED ANGLESEAT B12 Ooty ea oeston cox nor 3,4 1812.2 Design example No, 2—Bolted seat y= GOASPO NOSE 1470 AN by =2.5 «109 =27.25mm Web of 2500072 8 Wi © 2.796 x 27.25 + 2 2796 x 5.55 1046.7 KN hy =2 2.736 «1170 = 6402 (KN) veces WAT OTE E yy ? etre flay £32010 10284724 ty 2295-4 000-21 2am 2 resntsine tora (Zi) (Es) big 2-0 ' Tlanderotaies m= 30048 Tr { Ve 0.9 «360» 324 KN tomers ZS -2725- 2.8mm i be B79g 2725~ oli be sekosseiae | £2447 apne age DEsON cnEcK Ho. 5 ea erst? BB ayy | is vs roune 811 tT Ser CONNECTION GOTH SIDES OF SUPPORTING COLUMN WEB Ci x02m tase e939) 4100 | Va #09 «244.7 «7.6 x 320 x 0.208/107 = 160 kN Design panes | 2 Tien iOnom) 1, 18mm 4 <8Smm 1 +1800 Deston cHECK Wo. 6 Cours Stoanm gtiarim te #78 tie 809 tng cay n vr my age et we . 2 «8.8/8 bolting category in horizontal leg of angle seat through bottom flange of dy == 403-2109 981.2 mm — y= 320. MPA beam ea) fous nae sesoucncck 0.4 {us tang conven ct ve ue Le=t80 mm — 209«178= 160m For 8.0NIS category Va" 92.64N M20 bolt (Handbook 1. Table 10) 2180 mm COMPLIES: Bearing of bots on angle seat component a alas 8s 0 098-25 OO = 218n = 284N beim 45mm " Lies Bearing of bots on column web (connections both sides—use 0.9 x Web thickness pe sce) ton 90m no cour see ae eee ee te eS aay Boe ele 05mm 205mm — ate | ese moemon conus ve 926.296 868 # 9261 | e sian ae ¢ sw en me ee DESIGN CHECK NO. 7 yews dt 224 1200N #54202 100mm = (9012; 70; 5+ 20)n0 100+ 70+ 45 =215 mm 240 HA 1.08 320 «215 « 86/10" = 629 KN DESIGN CAPACITY OF CONNECTION Vi 148; 924; 160: 370} = M48 KN 2 "= 120 KN ‘COMPLIES: conus: PARTC STIFFENED ANGLESEAT C1 Description of connection ‘The slffened angle seat connection consists ofan ancle component bolted or ilet welded to @ supporting member, wit the supported member sealed on the outstanding le of the angle Locating bolts fx the supported member to the outstanding leg of the angle seat. A conta ‘votial stifener is welded tothe angle seat o else a oe shaped seats used ‘A restraining angle may be xed to ether the lop flange ofthe wab ofthe supported member In order to prevent the beam tipping over, Features ofthe conection ae: + the angle seat is a oled angle, cut to lenath,arade 300 wih a pate stifencr welded centraly ora fabricated tae section with a cairal silver grade 220, + the restraining angle I @ rolled ange, cu to tenth, grade 300 ‘+ theangle seat may be filet woldod or belted to the supporting member, + the boting ategory normaly uses is 6.85: ‘+ the connection cannot be used with skew or raking supported members; + locating bots in the outstaning fog of the angle seat and in the toa-bearing + the connection is usualy restricted to beamt-column connections + use only welded seat fo hollow section columns. Welded 4.6/8 studs or bind bolts can be used but ae not within the scope ofthis Darign Guide aint angle are not FIGURE Ct TYPICAL EXAMPLES OF STIFFENED ANGLE SEAT CONNECTIONS e ese nh etn aes ae ie PARTC STIFFENED ANGLESEAT C2 Typical detating of connection soos ie ‘outgoing cot Sete wea mmr onder wes tobe L, —<— Ke le 10a Bototaral set wow, eles ne seat 7 {YPIGAL BOLTED AND WELDED STIFFENED ANGLE SEAT AND foun c2 WELDED TEE SEAT DETAILING ‘Suitable components Angle set 150 90 UA 190 «100 UA 190 150A 1200 «200 4 Restraining cast 100+ 75 UA 15x 75x ER, 100 100A e oxi ide 6 a PARTC STIFFENED ANGLE SEAT C2. Detaling considerations 1 The restraint cleat may be connected elther to the web or lange of the supported rmomber. The resvain cleat Usually has standard hols (22 mm ciametor) wich allow ‘artions in beam dopth due to rollng tolerances for siandard rolled sections be ‘ecommodated 2 For a supported member secton 250 mm deep and smaller, this connection 1s not ‘commended since th rosraint cleat Ie Targe in rolation to boam depth. Aoratve ‘onmections are considered more eoanomie, The 10 mm standard eacance ls a etlcal dimension, The design models derived on the {assumption ofa 14 mm design clearance inorder fo provide fr posibioundor-run onthe beam Tongth. Detaling short may affect twe design capacity due to the increased secon, ‘Te angle seat may be belted or welded tothe support but not usually both 5 The angle seat component should nave a minimum leg dimension of 60mm for the cutstanaing leg and 10 rm forthe vertical og to the supporting member. 6 Skew and raking supported members cannot be accommodated 7 Only connections to section column tlanges or webs or RHSISHS column faces a ‘racial wih this connection, Boartobheam connections are not common apalcations, For! section column anges or webs, belted or waded angle seats and restraining cleats may be used For RHSISHS colunns, use welded angle seats and restraining cleats, Bolted cleats with \welseg 4.6/5 studs or Bnd Dols ean be Used bul are not win the scope af hs Design Guide, 8 Oversize holes may be used in oustanding lags of angle seat and restsining Ce ‘low or erection laleronces, and to seat ia alowing beam flation © Angle seat component is usually atached to the supporting member in the shop by ‘wong or boting, Welded tee Is always shop welded 10 Three methods of provsing fr variation in Beam depth with top fixed restraint cleats axe shown in Figue C3. Restvait cleat to the wed reqice no ugh considerations, ond are Pelered forts reason, ronan oy vee “610 10mm, Sees (se sone t mt can or os igen ges eateso rae joes ete eae aon FIGURE C2. STIFFENED ANGLE SEAT DETAILS FOR VARIATIONS IN BEAM DEPTH WITH "TOP FIXED RESTRAINT CLEAT (Kom Ref. 68), e Pere oe PART STIFFENED ANGLE SEAT C4 Compllance wth AS 4100 ‘equltement ein he tes of J stfenat angle sea connection spoon @ FLEXIBLE CONNECTION se IE soS ena Ssciseed n Section 22 of Hancbook of tus Puticaton Aerating del re susie n Clan 913.0 AS 4100 and wre cuted in Secon of nanaboos “Tne rotlionallexiblity needed in ord for this connection to comply withthe requirements af ‘AS #100 for simple constrotion is proved by the: “+ lativety thin web or top angle provided fr slabity ony: + botalp in te boked stabity angle + bal tip in the bots through the bottom flange ofthe bear. “The only real restrain to unhindered rotation ofthe connection f duet the stably angle, terms of AS 4100 Iti considered thatthe connection qualifies as a exile connection Sd tes conc oan a PART STIFFENED ANGLE SEAT ¢5_Background information ‘The recommended design model is based on te design mathod uses in the AISC (US) LRFD ‘Manual of Steel Construction (Ret. C1), but using equivalent provisions in AS 4100. We citing and web bucting provisions ae taken directly from AS 4100 using @ sf bearing length equa othe wiat of outstanding plate supported by the siffener under No bending In the outstanding plato under the supported members assumes ‘The design sccentrity inthe welded angle seat and wold tee connections is tal used in the AAISG (US) LRFD Manval (Ret, Ct) being 80% othe length ofthe lg or plate attached to the supported member bttom flange. ‘The boltes and welded angle seat spread the design load out ae pat of eir connection tothe supporting member and no special provisions need be conedered when covsiorng the supporting mombor—whether the somecton tothe colamn web o lange ‘The toe seat delvers the load in a very concentrates fashion though the vertical welds connecting the vertical plate fo tne supporting member This does nat present problem where the vertical plates in tine wih or close to the web Behind the column flange svhen he ‘connection i te an F-secton celuma tango ‘Most of the research on ths connoction has cancenrated on the wade lat seat connection to 4 column web, where the concentrated load can cause yielding ofthe column web in te ‘manner shown in igure G4 (eee Rels. C5 to C8) Studies on a related problem ofa single vortcal pate, connected to the cant of column web aralel to he column anges, nave also been undertaken (Refs C2 to C4). For the ease ofthe connection to column web, the recommended design srocedure uses the "nominal capacily forthe supported momber web given in Ret CB. Oue tothe celormation of he web ofthe column, the effective eccentriity reduces and the recommended design procedure Uses the eccentrietyrecommendea In Rel. C8. FIGURE C4_ YIELD LINES IN COLUMN WEB FROM WELDED TEE SEAT CONNECTION e design its m« PARTC STIFFENED ANGLE SEAT CB__Basls of design mode! “The design capacty for web exgping (Vs) comes diectly fom Clause 6.13.9 of AS 4100, being the bearing yield capacity. The beasng with (2) used i based on Figure 8.13.11 of AS 4100, ‘8 indieated in Figure C5(0) below. “The design capacty for web bucking (Vs) comes diectly fom Clause 5.13.4 of AS 4100, being the bering bucking capacity, The bearing dP (ty) used Is also based on Figure of IS £100, a8 neatod m Figure C5(O) below. ‘As require by Clause 5.134 of AS 4100, the slendornass ratio of the web i taken as 2.5 dite find Cause 6 8. of AS 4100 Is Used 1 dolomine the nominal capac for web bucling “The sii bearing length (0) is assumed to be equal tothe long of the Nonzontal te of the angie seat lens the cearanve (c) since the stilfener comes out to the fop font te of he angle Seat as in Figure C5, as porte Sypeal dota in Figure C2. a (9) Figure 5.181.106) 0F AS 4100 (0) Dispersion offre i stitered ang FIGURE C5. STIFF BEARING LENGTH OF STIFFENED ANGLE SEAT \Whon the seat is bolid to the suppeting mombor, the forces onthe bois are assumed to be primary vertical seanng forees, being Hedtonaly designed on this basis with the altonal Tenuile forces de to load eacentnely being neglect. The expression for V, is based on this assumption For the welded sea, this eccentty ofthe load i tadktionally accounted for In design. The ‘ecentley of he load onthe wed is given by (Figure C5): 2 0 that substitution into the expression given in Section 4.11(2) of Handbook 1 fora vertical filet weld group with =O, = VM; = Ve results vy elt «tues assumed 1 be a short member aubjct to aval compression and therefore fection capaci need be considered. The design eapacty (Va) I determined using Clause 62.1 of AS 4100 ‘The weld connecting the stifenar tothe vertical eg of the angle seal component is assumed to be loaded ecconirealy also, The design capacty ts detormined using the above expression for Vias per Section 11(2) of Hendoook of this Publication. e asin ue 8 oe PARTC STIFFENEDANGLE SEAT C7 Connection geometry 7 ta ma.2-0 ae deter NOTE ci sumed ob 10mm nom ba. ule or dso purposes mode oie fr pean mde cn rit AS 4100, Caure M4. gest mana unr 88 fo FIGURE C6 BOLTED STIFFENED ANGLE SEAT ¢ ses a ain as fe I sumed rier prov i cenured ob 10 rm nonin bul 4 eu fo desi purposes i rer 0 row fr ao ee con ib 00, Cause 1648 es 9 annum do eam over 10m on FIGURE 67 WELDED STIFFENED ANGLE SEAT 221000 Se docu Is assum tobe 10 mm nina, BA 14min fs used for design purposes nod 0 prvi Tre es es beomienh a 00, Clouse 248 ves. masiman oder oy FIGURE 9 WELDED STIFFENED TEE SEAT e design guide 8 o PARTC STIFFENED ANGLE SEAT CB_Recommended design mode!— Bolted angle at Design is based on determining Vay, which involves the determination of tho minimum de ‘apaciy ofthe design capacities (Vj. Vs, Ve. Va Vi ‘Thon Vas 2" dosga ehoar force on connection becomes the d Connections must be éesigned for a minimum design she ‘design shesecapociy whienovors the lessor ign quirement force of 40 KN or 0.5 member Summary of checks DESIGN CHECK NO. 1 ~ Detailing imitations DESIGN CHECK NO. 2— Design web erpping capac of suppored member web DESIGN CHECK NO. 3 — Dasiga web bucking eapaciy of supported member web DESIGN CHECK NO. 4 — Design capacity of bois fo supporting member DESIGN CHECK NO. 5 — Design capac of tifoner o angle saat DESIGN CHECK NO. 6 — Design capacty of weld to sttfenee DESIGN CHECK NO.7 — Local capacty of supporting membor e eae SE oan oe DESIGN CHECK NO. 1 Detaing lnitations (eee Fie, C8): (a) Wl of ange set L should be © 0.00 = width af btom flange of support member 2 150mm (0) Depth of angle seat L, should be = 150 mm (©) Leng of outstanding leg (should be = 80 mm DESIGN CHECK NO. 2 Design web crippling capacity of supported member web (AS 4100, Clause 5.13.3) M125 fated) 4208 + 25t6 (F9.c5) ‘ye # yield toss of supported member web ue thickness of supported member web ee 16mm a (a.08) {4 = thickness of supported member longs DESIGN CHECK NO. 3 ‘Web bucking capacity of supported member web (AS 4100, Clause 5.18.4): Vo =WOneta tweed 608 et da 9.09) by = B,#2.8ty (Fg. 65) tos fe = 8 defined under Ve above Clauses § 13.4 and 6.8.3 of AS 4100 define the bearing bucking capacity of the web vsing the Compression membar slondernese reduction flor (ay) which Is defined in Clause 6.2.9 of [AS ut00. Volvos of ue ave tabulated in Table 6.13) of AB 4100 for various values of) and ENG) s (As 4100, Clause 5134) DESIGN CHECK NO. 4 Design capacity of bolts te supperting member: Ye = nos) where m= numberof bots—usvally 4 (Vy design capacity of single bolt in shear NOTE: $y isthe design capacity of a single bolt in shear for the strength Hint state being ‘ven by a= (9 on where $V; = design eapacty ofa single bot in hear (= 0.8) 2%, = design capacity in bearing ofa ply (b= 0.9) e wo In this connection, $v = © minimum of [in OR BV Vu: Ve lnete #Vn 6Vn-BveM in Handbook 1 for threads include or excluded from the shear plane -thveaés should normally be assumed included in the shear plane (.e. 6) @¥%ig ~teatad to local bearing or plate earout inthe angla seat component = minimum of [0.9 3.2 ff: 09 > aut $Me —Felated to local bearing o plate tear-ut fale inthe supporting momber = minum of 0.9 3.2 df 0.9 ule) %. = thickness ofthe supporting membee y= 68 fined in Figure CB = bot diameter = ultimate tense strength of angle component fe = ultimate tensile strength of suppeting member DESIGN CHECK NO. 5 Design capacity of stiffener: Ve= of where 9° =09 fy =Formtactor= 1.0 provided wily = 8 Assit icth of ttfener (goneratly= by~ 6) (Fig. C8) 1 = thickness of sfener > wil8 21.2 ty Grade 300 beam 2 14 le Grage 360 boar f= vol sess of sioner DESIGN CHECK NO. 6 Design capac of weld connecting ttfner to angle sat c w he 82 4 where $v = 98 defined for Vein Section C8 1” length of weld = Lt (ig. 60) serbia t 2081, eae (Fg. 6) e seat comatne etin as DESIGN CHECK NO.7 Vv FIGURE C2_ SUPPORTING COLUMN WITH STIFFENED BOLTED ANGLE SEAT TO WEB, Local she Section B8 Bearing of bolts on supporing member is assessed under DESIGN CHECK NO. 4 e seated concn ft eon PARTC STIFFENED ANGLE SEAT CO Recommended design modl— Welded angle seat design capaclty—supporting member wob: Refer to DESIGN CHECK NO. Tin Design is based on determining Vin, which involves the determination ofthe minimum design ‘capac ofthe design capaciios (Vs Vs, Vy. Vo ‘Thon Van. ® V* desianshoar force an connection bacomes the design reqiroment. Connections must be designed fora minimum éesign shear force of AO KN oF 0.18 = member ‘design shear capacity whichever isthe lose ‘Summary of checks DESIGN CHECK NO. 1 — Detang limitations DESIGN CHECK NO, 2 — Design web cipoing capaci of supported member web DESIGN CHECK NO. 3 — Design web buckling capacly of supported member wed DESIGN CHECK NO, 4 — Design capacty of wold to supporting member DESIGN CHECK NO. 5 — Design capacity of stifoner DESIGN CHECK NO. 6 — Design capacity of wale to stifener DESIGN CHECK NO. 7 — Local capacity of supporing member e devon git me DESIGN CHECK NO.1 Detailing limitations (see Fig. C7): (2) Width of angle seal L, should be = 0.90 with of bottom ange of supported member 2150 mm (©) Depthof angle seat L, should be = 180mm (6) Lang of oustanding eg , should Be = 99 mm DESIGN CHECK NO. 2 Design web crippling capacity of supported member web (AS 4100, Clause 6.13.3): Ve=H125 hats) §— 9209 were by = 6, #2. (9. 05) ‘ye vel ares of supported member web ee= thickness of supported member wed bebe cet4mm (Fig. C7) ty # thickness of supporid member flange DESIGN CHECK NO. 3 ‘Web buckling capacity of supported member web (AS 4100, Clause 8.124): Ve =Hilmetasheos) — 6#09 were Dow = Dy da? ig. 65) dy =D 25t0 (9.09) tes fe = 28 defined under Vs above Clauses 5.13.4 and 63:3 of AS £100 define the bearing buckling capacity of th web using the ‘compression member slendermess reduction factor (a,), which is cefind in Clause 6.3.9 of AS 00. Values of ty ae tabulated n Table 6.3.33) of AS 4100 for various values of y and fo, wher: o> FY a5) ays 05 | (AS 4100, Clase 5.134) DESIGN CHECK NO. 4 Design eapaclty of weld to supporting member: vs = 2hlte) h-[oe]+ c whore ee =e+02 but 208K, riers (Fa.c7) LL, = length of vera leg of angle seat component NOTE: Ves ar filet wots and. or aonom, shouldbe sized tobe singe pass wots if possible {he genealy mane 6mm” 8m filet sia aough some wedng procedures wil alow 10 m= ‘Thole pace itt weiss to dapostos. Check ined! tune using 10 mm lat welds wi fntiestr Weide would nomly bo weld ually SP. For wa category SP, ve = 0.895 kMmnEAIXKWAOK electrodes, 6mm Mle 978 Nim EAEKXEOX aecdes, 6 rm ot SAAN EAONWAOX olcrodes, 8 mm Het AD KMinm —EAEXAWSOX electrodes, 8 Mot e design gue 6 om « sted commas at eaten RE EDEDDDDIOSSSSSSSSSS DESIGN CHECK NO. § Design capacity of stiffener: Ve = lb Ast whee 4 =09 y= Form factor © provided wt, 8 ‘m= wich of sioner (ganeraly = Ly ~ ig. 7) b= thickness of stttener > w8 212 ty Grade 300 beam 2 14 by Grade 350 beam Ju = vel svess of sitter DESIGN CHECK NO. 6 Design capacity of weld connecting stiffener to ange seat: Yeahs Where $¥e © 9 defined for Ve above Ly = length of weld = b= t= (F@.c7) ee Fee be=t 20814 ee (Fig. cr DESIGN CHECK NO.7 Local capacity of supporting member i v FIGURE C10 SUPPORTING COLUMN WITH STIFFENED WELDED ANGLE SEAT TO WEB Local shear design capacity check—supporting member web: Rafer to DESIGN Chi Local shear desi ;pporting member web: Refer to DESIGN CHECK ¢ sta coat ation aoe PARTC STIFFENED ANGLESEAT C10. Recommended design model— Welded tes seat _ which involves the determination ofthe micimum design Vi Design is based on aetermining V ‘capacy ofthe design capaciies (Ve Vi ‘Then Vin ® V" dosign shear force on connection becomes the design requirement Connections must be designe for @ minimum design shear force of 40 kN or 0.15 x member ‘design shear capacity whichover i the laser. Summary of checks DESIGN CHECK NO, 1 — Detaing lations DESIGN CHECK NO, 2— Design web erpping capacily of supported member web DESIGN CHECK NO, 2 — Design web bucking capacity of supported member web DESIGN CHECK NO. 4 — Design capac of vertical eg of tee DESIGN CHECK NO. 5 — Design capacity of weld of verical eg to supporting member DESIGN CHECK NO. 6 — Local capac of supporting member e estes Stat oon EEE EE SE! EE DESIGN CHECK No.1 Detaiting imitations (see Fig, C8): (8) Widts of ae seat pte (.) 20.90 + width of botom age of supported member Should ba mee ct etppone = 150 mm (©) Depth of te vertical plate (,) should be.» 150 am (©) Length of ae sat plate (Ls) shoul be = £00 mm (4) Thickness of oe seat pte (4) should be 2 10 mm (6) Thickness of vertical lat (t,) should be = 1.2 ta Grade 300 supported member 2 14 ly Grade $50 supported member 2 2 illot weld og size (0) Use minum M20 bats in 4.618 procedure Jo connect bollom Range of supported member oe seat pate ne DESIGN CHECK No.2 Design web crippling capacity of supported member web (AS 4100, Clause 5.12.3) Vo=WI25hetwtod = 09 winere by = b+ 2.8) (ig. 65) ‘ye Yold stress of supported member web ‘ua thioknoss of suppertd member web be cx t4mm (Fig. ca) hekness of supported member ange & DESIGN CHECK NO. 3 Wob buckling capacity of supported member web (AS 4109, Clause 5.13.4) Ve *HlOetinhens) —— 9= 08 were bug = Dy + dd ig. co) bu =, #250 Fi. 05) asf * 28 dotnes under Ve above Clauses 6.13.6 and 6.3.3 of AS 4100 define the bearing bucking capacity of the web using the compression member slendemess reduction facie (a), whieh fe tetined In Cause 6.33 of ‘AS 4100, Vauos of aa tabulate In Table 6.3.18) of AS 410 for various Vale of iy and x FES) = 05 (AS-4100, Clause 6.12.4) ¢ seated conmacony a eon oe . DESIGN CHECK NO. 4 DESIGN CHECK NO. 6 ‘Local capacity of supporting member: Design capacity of vertical leg of ee ieee | CONNECTION TO F-SECTION COLUMN WEB. fe = Uh Ah | wnere 9 =09 hy
100 mm COMPLIES: 4 =20mm 210mm comenies, 4 =20mm 312160 = 192mm COMPLIES 228 216mm COMPLIES DESIGN CHECK NO.2 be 2150-14 = 196 mm dy 2198-4 2.5 18.0= 176 mm Ve 20.91.25 x 310 10.0 476110" = 614 KN DESIGN CHECK NO. 3 ue = 176 40.5 x 660.= 506 mm 25660 : = 25x660, [510 ygg y= o.s foo *Y250 ae =0195 (Table 6:3.3(3) of AS 4100) Ve = 0.9» 606 10.0» 310% 0195/10" = 275 kN ot SSE cn DESIGN CHECK NO. 4 m= 150mm —=20mm > 18008 = 18.75 mm > 12104 20mm fa © 250.MPa Vy =09% 1.0% 180 «20 260010" 75 kN DESIGN CHECK NO. 5 ve = 1.30 tm 4, ©900-20= 280 mm ee £14 +05 x 196 = 82 mm bul» 0.25260 +6=68.5mm Adopt €2 mm Ye 28280.130 Vie (ex a/2007" DESIGN CAPACITY OF CONNECTION Vu * (614; 275: 675: 360hn ‘SP Category fot, E48XX alectrodes, 6mm tet 75 KN = V" = 250 kN COMPLIES DESIGN CHECK NO. € Connection o web of I-secton column from one side fw S102 mm fy =320MP w= 440 MP3 20 + 0.67 x (440 320) = 400 MPa © £025. 250= 655 mm and = 40 mm Adopt 68.5 mm ke "2+ (0.866 x 4741300) = 3.368 ke = (QTE Soap ara D254 = 0126 ke = (474 <(474~ 250)9(2 «200 25.4) 967 ky (4300+ 2404 «474)25.4 sins k= 00731 (3968.21.24 +6.967 + 111.9) = 1302 = ao 1982230, 00.282102" +40) = is3kN COMPLIES DESIGN CHECK NO. 7 FROM SECTION 8S Seaton one side of web o% =05%300 = 150 (iy = 300+ 180 = 450 mm Ve =250KN 51.08 «320 «4.50 « 10.210" = 1586 KN ‘COMPLIES e coset Se aon a PARTD BEARING PAD D1 _ Description of connection ‘The bearing pad connection consists of wo plates, one conecte to the supported member Teh oat) ann bears cvecty on anaer pate connected tothe Supporting member (beading pad). (Reer to Figure D1 for typical examples) CGoneraly, both plates are filet weliod tothe members although there v9 reason why the ‘late te te supoortng mamber cannot be bolted rather than welded Features ofthe connection ae: + welds are filot wells to Bol the supporting ané supperted members the components are ether standard size lat bare cu to length o plate cut osu «+ focatng bots ar usualy amployed bu ae not oas-bearng: + the connection ca only be used for beam-o-colummn connections: + the connection cannot be uted wih skew oF raking supported members; | the connection is as close ast is possible to got o a pure pinned connection i + the connection is a high shear capac connection. FIGURE D1 TYPICAL EXAMPLES OF BEARING PAD CONNECTIONS e sos ste wo PARTD BEARING PAD D2 _Typleal detiting of connection {Alternatives A,B 8 ©) = 2t4nm ein Bananas a cones pan a “M20 bots. =n 7 | tere = a Bearing pad | [bom 7 | pe ee ena amet suas requeed oan Packer: 7 Tao min} er a oarng pea} 7 fe Pome ealremarvers epee “Pack. 7 ie ba sata [| ie FIGURE Dé ALTERNATIVE'C” e aoe ae PARTD BEARING PAD D3 Detailing considerations 10 " “The connection may need to be shined to sult during erection, The connection detail Consequently Incuaes provision fr hime of O-4 mm final thickness (4 mm being the ‘raximum permissible under run in beam length permitted by Clause 14.45 of AS 4100). ‘Shins wit need to be holed tothe bare gauge a the end pate, ‘The recommended design model in Section OT sssumes an undersun in beam length ‘Slt tne maximum periasibla valve of rm. Dataling fra larger under-un requires ‘inaction fo the recommended design model ‘Component lengths are determined by design considarations. A minimum componer Jongh of 150 mm is rvommended fr both ene plate and bearing pad components ‘Sawn or machine fame out edges are recommended ate bearing interface. ‘Generali, the bearing pad fs as thick as or thicker than the end plate and is 98 wide oF tnider than the end pte fo alo or erectan tolerances. ‘Components (both ené plate and beacng pad) may be elther cu from plate (Grade 250) Erbe a standard flat bar (Grade 300), The components should be sawn oF machine flame ut fer note (3) above. ‘kaw and raking supported members cannot be accommodated. ‘Only connections to I section column flanges or webs or RHSISHS column faces ae practical wth tis connection. It isnot recommended for bean-Lo-beem connections Fabvialion ofthis connection requires close contol in cuting the beam to length and {etal consideration must be givon fo squaring tne beam ends such thal both plates a feral, and the effect of Beam camber does not rosult in out-ofsquare end plates wich Imakos erection and ea -up ofc. “he filet wo to the end pte should not be continued aeross the Lop ofthe ens plate, te end pate does not extend tothe top lange ‘Undercuting of the beam web during fbveation isto bo avoided ifthe welds o comply vwnASINZS 1554.1 (Ret. D1), {thin end plate may bow due to wold shinkage and this s to be avoided as it can ‘eriously rest the avaiable bearing avea achieved in practice, To reduce stron, a mmnimum Inckness of endplate of 12mm is recommended. ‘Te connection has ite facility fr ste adjustment ducing erection. in a run of beams, Signty shorter beam may be detaed and supplied wih packers of varying thickness ia ‘raor fo ake up any secumuloton of tolrenoes, Ths needs to bo diecussed wih the ‘Boreator i hs fe intenéed, n= tis approach can adversely affect the avaible bearing sgn te 6 PARTD BEARING PAD. D4 Compliance with AS 4100 requirements Te etgtng et cimnesion fe ntonaly « FLEXIBLE CONNECTION wine ts are" discussed ‘mn Secton 2.2 of Handbook 1 of the pub requirements for any design model are specified in Cla ore decussed rearanet sy etn pecid In Clause 9.13 of AS 4100 and are dausved “The only resant to unhindered rotation of the the ond plate component whic ae dtberatl 510 minmise any hndrance lee ean is considered thatthe connection quaies. connection isd othe oaing bots rough iy laced at low a pose he ons pate So flexible connection in tems of AS 4100, ¢ dn pins ae PARTD BEARING PAD DS Basls of dasign model ‘The design ofthis conection i relatively straightforward as the recommended design modal given in Section BY rccates, Only bret comments nthe equations fr the tems fr design ‘aac (Vs trough ¥) are presented hee, Te expression given for V, can oly be considered as an estimate at his sage, The tanster of hear fom the beam wed le assumed to take place over a dopth of dy, and ii futher {esumed thal 9 shear stress debutionsindar to that in an | beam appias—see Figure DS. ‘The lator assumption requ frter investigation. re | SECTIONAA secroves FIGURE 0S ASSUMED SHEAR STRESS DISTRIBUTION “The nominal shear yield capaciy (Va) from clause 5.14.4 of AS 4100 has been used in the ‘Exorassion for V;~-based on the accumption aa uniform shear stress distribution. “The expression alven forthe design beating capacity (V4) al the interlace is derived tom Giauce 13.3 of AS #100, while the design capacity Tor tho ond pate im compression (V.) Sarives from the nominal section capacity given by Clause 6.2.1 of AS 4100 taking ky = 1.0. LUtewie, th two expressions forthe design eapacties in compression and shear of he Bearing pad (Vs and V. respectively) come fom Ciauses 621 and 8.11 of AS 4100 respectively ‘The expressions forthe design capacity ofthe filet welds to the end plate (V,) and the bearing pad (V)}come direty tom Hendock 1 “The eccenticiy ofthe beam pate reaction on the Bearing pad has not been considered. These cconteties are summarsed in Figure D8. Fer typical practical sitvations, the ecrentciies ‘re soon fo be smal n absolute tors. e cea a aon (2) End plate nt ay on baring poe wane an seek, 2mm {on substituting fort) Pores 2 ande, = 24054 4 Dosian asurptin ‘wang pad (on sbetiuting for) res 2 and, = 240.54, FIGURE D6 ECCENTRICITY OF END PLATE REACTION ON THE BEARING PAD es ite 8 w PART BEARING PAD DS Basis of dasign med! “The design of this connection is relatively straightforward as the recommended design model ‘ven in Secton DY indeates, Oni tie comments on the equations forthe terms for design apacty (Vy trough V4) are presented hee, “The expression given for V, can only be considered as an estimate al tis stage. The raster of hear rom the beam web ie assumed to take place over a doplh of ty and itis futher [Sesumed that a shear srose isbuton simlar to that In an I beam applias see Figure OS. ‘Tho latter assumption requires further investigation ccs Ld b=) be kets ee FIGURE D5 ASSUMED SHEAR STRESS DISTRIBUTION “Tne naminal shear yield capacity (Ve) from clause 6.11.4 of AS 4100 has boon used in the ‘expression for Vs ~-baaed on tho aesimption af uniform shear sites distribution “The expression given for the design beating capacity (Vo) atthe terface is derives from Clause £122 of AS 4100, while tho design capacty for the end plate in compression (V.) ‘lrives fiom the nominal sacton capacity gWven by Clause 62.1 of AS 4100 taking k= 1.0 Uewise, the two expressions forthe design capactes in compression and shea ofthe Dearing pad (Vs and V, respectively) come fom Causes 62.1 and 8.11 of AS 4100 respectively ‘The expresions forthe design capacity ofthe filat welds tothe endplate (Vs) anc the bearing pad (V} como dreety fom Handbook 1 ‘The eccentric of ine beam pate reaction on the bearing pad has not been considered. These ccantictes are summarised in Figure OS. For typical practical situations, Ihe eccentcites {re seen be emallin blue terms (0) End pate ot aly ande, = 24084 4 basin assmsion (©) Ene plate uly on teming po wear baticg, 2 | ae tag teh z {on substiuting for 4) enaed onde, = 240.88 FIGURE D6 ECCENTRICITY OF END PLATE REACTION ON THE BEARING PAD e soe sm et ton o* PARTD BEARING PAD 6 Connection geometry ‘ommromna: 2, tmmaouon I Defining ES | i FIGURE D7 CONNECTION GEOMETRY {Alan (Fig.D8) tog ® beam web thickness 05 Ben fe = beam wob yo stress te: en y= ond plate yield stress f= bearing pad yield stoss 5, = vorical weld length on bearing pad = bearing pas component length bbe = horizontal wed length on beating pad = by hy = vertical weld length on end pte = dy ~ ty PART BEARING PAD D7 Recommended design model Design is based on determining Vex, which invelves determination of the minimum design apaciy ofthe design capacities (Vy. Vy Va Vos Va oF V). ‘Then Vu. V* design shear force on connection bacomes the design requirement. Connection must be designed fr a minimum design shear force of 40 kN, or 0.15 « member sign shear capacty, whichever sth loser Summary of checks DESIGN CHECK No. 1 — Detating imitations DESIGN CHECK NO. 2— Design shear capacity of beam web at endplate DESIGN CHECK NO. 8 — Deslan bearing capact at interface of patos DESIGN CHECK NO. 4 — Design capacity of end plato (compression) DESIGN CHECK NO. 8 — Design capacity of bearing pad (compressionshear) DESIGN CHECK NO. 6 ~ Design capacty of wald to end plate DESIGN CHECK NO, 7 — Design capacity of wald to bearing pad DESIGN CHECK NO. & — Beam ration check DESIGN CHECK NO. ©— Local capacity af supporting member @ sents cone eton a” DESIGN CHECK NO. 1 DESIGN CHECK NO. 8 benign rere to aunt dretonreonnmndet boa mut 5. Seana hk amtenn (chap dont um ecto v0 room tba eC pa i ee Manas oe a ak supported member web is avoided, where d, = beam depth, 3. mm minimum and § mm nominal specified in Figure D2. Jnetease above (he oan Ferns Cm ate ca ee us | (bet Na bet 6 cata rag ona an pc Sexe coeernehs | trite Design shear capacity of beam web at end plate: v , | wechedetey rea Ueto cee 5314 | Design bearing capacity at interface: DESIGN CHECK NO. 3 a Jt Ye=W25 iad) $209 (ASATEO Clause 5193) ; DESIGN CHECK NO. 4 | 4 ‘ Design capacity of end pate—Comoression: . Ve Hho £09 (AS 4100 Clause 62.1) | av ase te DESIGN CHECK NO. 5 | FIGURE 08 5 SUPPORTING COLUMN WITH BEARING PAD Design capaciy of bearing pad-—Compressionlshesr: CONNECTION TO WEB Vi AlGp0t: 08 funn $= 09 (AS 4100 Clause 6.2.1 and Section 5 of Handbook 1) DESIGN CHECK NO.6 Design capacity of weld to ond plate: (c00 Soction 4 of Handbook 1) Ve = (2d, B= te) fe wale across beam flanges j = 2 ‘a weld across beam flanges | Local shear design capaci orting column: ater ‘geal near dean capacity—suppoting column: afer DESIGN CHECK NO. 10 fr angle | Connection on oe sis of web 0550.90 x 060hc ch | oF S108 | dy = shear ranster depth «+ 6 | 53 Conecton of btn sides of wet DESIGN CHECK NO. 7 Dosign capacity of weld weld across botlom of pad ; ro weld across bottom of pad Se Josy sos, lode 0.904060, dy Ce ee ee ed ea «. Seieares eo nade Cas ast osm alte ote: See eg emia xian sna. sen i eee, Eeawnt ame ‘tein [Een¥XDX eletdes, 8mm lot a frees Seca el i sect pat marten ts baen fearing montarvon e ne a e enn ae PARTD BEARING PAD column design moment (Mf) i¢ given by the product of the design reaction times the load ota Sy ot the clr face (ex), but the Gesigner must assume e. to be at least 100 mm Sing AS 4100, Clause 4.3.4 ‘uc * V" (100+ 2000 km connection o column ange = V"(100+ f2)1000 kA connection to column web where «d= eal depth (rm) te = coho we thickness (mm) “ne reaufeoment of Clouse 43.4 of AS 4100 tha he Beam reaction be assumed at a minum sree (af 100 mm ofthe column face would appear fo be a very severe requirement Cor ion, sine practeal ecsonvelles would not exceed 30 mm. In adgion, the (er ernas low fest and fs not kel to impart large moments to the coh e secs ttt eanon we PARTD BEARING PAD 9 References 1 STANOAROS _AUSTRALW/STANDAR pana OS NeW ZEA ‘Structural steel welding, Part 1: Welding of soo! srucirce ASINZS 1554.1:2004 MO Oo PARTO BEARING PAD 10 Design example 110.1 Design example No, 1—Boaring pad F-section flange. ‘rm decan ‘rade 200 Sa eo ae : = t09 fmouces onze 200 ies ‘ce 0 FIGURE 09 BEARING PAD CONNECTION TO I-SECTION FLANGE Design parameters (Figure 08) =4=20mm fy =20-4= 18mm bo #82 150mm by = 150mm fe = 320M to" 76 mm ty =409mm eh = 408. ty =280MPa f= 280MPa fy * 260.2 4 =200:mm = 180 mm 6, =200mm beso (he = 180 = 10.9 = 169 men DESIGN CHECK NO. 1 4 =200. mm = 150 mm ‘comues: 4 > 150 mm ‘COMPLIES 2 = 150.0 == 150mm COMPLIES 4 =20mm 242 20mm conpuies: == 20mm2 12mm minimum COMPLIES: 2420 bolls in 4.6 category trough end pate COMPLIES dh, = 180 mm > 0,90 403 = 121 mm comPues, DESIGN CHECK NO.2 V, =0.9«060% 520% 160 7.6/10" = 222kN DESIGN CHECK NO.2 Vj =0.9% 125280. 16x 180110" DESIGN CHECK NO.4 Vs = 0.9. 280 x 150» 20/10? DESIGN CHECK NO.5 Vs = 0.9260 180 20/107 oF = 0.9 05% 280 «200 » 150/10" e sssing nace et eon DESIGN CHECK NO. 6 6 mm, E4OXX filet wes, 0% = 0.978 KN wold across bottom ange of beam Ve = (2109+ 150-76)<0978 =47040 DESIGN CHECK NO.7 © mm, E4BXX

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