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Lost Horoscope

o In the context of Lost Horoscopy when the time of birth or time of conception is unknown,
through horary method the lost birth details can be traced. The effects of ten divisions
(Dashavarga) will help to arrive at the natal Ascendant.
o Drekkana of your ascendant gives an insight into your personality, behaviour and other
important attributes.
o Details of all 36 Drekkana covering 12 signs are available in Chapter 50 of Kalyana
Varma’s ‘Saravali’
o 22nd Drekkana is called Khara and its lord is known as Kharesh.22nd Drekkana is considered
one of the first-ranked malefic planet for the native and gives clue to his death.
o The effects / nature of death for each Drekkana for 12 signs are explained in Chapter 47 titled
‘Aphorisms of death ‘in Kalyana Varma’s ‘Saravali”
o Drekkanas have an important role in Prashna astrology, especially Medical Astrology.
o The classical work on Prashna astrology “Krishneeyam” gives details of methods of using
Drekkana significations in horary astrology.

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