KTSP 2006

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Education Unit Level Curriculum or SBC is a set of operational curriculum elements

which is compiled and implemented by each educational unit to provide wide authority and
scope to schools to undertake and develop organizational variations in education in
accordance with the circumstances, potential, and needs of the region, as well as the
condition of students.

The implementation of CBC was stopped in early 2006 and came to the SBC. The review in
terms of content and process of learning achievement of competencies by the students until the
technical evaluation is not much difference with the 2004 curriculum. Increasing the efficiency
of education management is done through the implementation of school-based management and
management of education is planned, effective and sustainable.

The most prominent difference is the teachers given the freedom to plan learning appropriate
with the environments and the conditions of students as well as the condition of the school itself.
This is due to the basic framework, standard competence, and basic in each subject for each
educational unit has been established by the Ministry of National Education. So, the
development of learning tools, like the syllabus and assessment system are under the authority of
the education unit (school) under the coordination and supervision of District / City. Example :
Schools usually apply physics 2 hours to 3 hours or religious learning which has 2 hours divided
by the presentation of the practice forms of prayer. And of course, this was arranged for the
adjustment of educational programs with needs and potential. Therefore, KTSP is often called
the refinement curriculum of the KBK. In a sense KTSP is a form of operational KBK in certain
educational institution units.

The purpose of this KTSP includes national education goals as well as compliance with the
distinctiveness, condition and potential of the area, the education unit and learners. Therefore,
the curriculum prepared by the education unit to allow adjustment of educational programs to
the needs and potential in the area. Curriculum development refers to the National Education
Standards that realize National Education Goals. KTSP curriculum development is guided by
competency standards (SK), basic competencies (KD), content standards (SI), and graduate
competency standards (SKL), which are used as a reference for learning in schools by
emphasizing the achievement of minimal abilities at each grade level and at the end education

Disadvantages of SBC :

After the KBK trial was terminated in 2006, the application of SBC is still stagnating. This is
reviewed in terms of the content and process of achieving the target competency of the
lesson by students to technical evaluation. The weakness is that the curriculum has not yet
developed competencies in full in accordance with the vision, mission and goals of national
education. The existence of a new pattern in developing curriculum, in the curriculum of KBK
2004 and KTSP 2006 competence is derived from subjects. So it can be concluded that there is
not much difference with the 2004 curriculum.

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