Solid-State Controller For Air Conditioning Units

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6 NOV /DEC 1966

Solid-State Controller for Air Conditioning Units


Abstract-It is essential to maintain the condensing temperature practical to control the revolutions per minute of the
of air-cooled air conditioning systems at certain minimum levels condenser fan and thus the quantity of air by using an SCR
when operating during cold weather. Recent advances in solid-
state technology have opened up new approaches to controlling (Silicon Controlled Rectifier) in an electronic circuit to
condensing temperatures at any desired minimum level. The solid- control the average power delivered to the condenser fan
state control system described uses an SCR with a unijunction motor.
transistor firing circuit to control directly the power to the specially
designed fan motors. In designing such a control system, con- THEORY
sideration has to be given to matching properly the solid-state Figure shows a curve of a typical single compressor,
control, fan motor, and the temperature sensing device with the air
conditioning unit performance characteristics to obtain the desired single condenser fan system comparing rated capacity to
reliability and stability. outdoor ambient temperature entering the condenser coil.
The design and operating characteristics of the solid-state Below 54°F, at ARI rating conditions (80°F dry bulb, 67°F
controller and the special fan motor are stressed. The solid-state wet bulb) at the evaporator, the system will begin to lose
circuit design is described and the analysis and testing to insure the capacity. The indoor cooling load at ARI rating conditions
desired characteristics are reported. The controller power output
waveforms are shown and their deleterious effects on standard is used in this case, but would actually be lower during
motors illustrated. The improvement with the special design of winter operation due to lower relative humidities usually
fan motor is shown. encountered in the winter months. The system may, there-
fore, start to lose capacity at an even higher outdoor tem-
perature. It is desirable that the condensing temperature
SUMMARY be kept above 90°F to insure proper expansion device feed.
IT IS BECOMING common for air conditioning systems A system normally operates at a condensing temperature
to be required to supply cooling to air conditioned spaces about 30°F above the outdoor ambient temperatures. If
during all seasons of the year. Interior zones of large build- the condenser fan speed, and thus the air quantity, is cut
ings with either high light and people loads or electronic in half, the difference between outdoor air temperature and
equipment loads need air conditioning often when it is as condensing temperature is doubled, assuming the indoor
low as 0°F outside. load remains constant. If, on a day when the ambient tem-
An air conditioning unit which uses an air-cooled con- perature was -20°F and the fan speed were reduced to
denser is subject to various problems when the outdoor 1/4 of its normal speed, the condensing temperature would
temperatures drops below approximately 50°F. At these
low temperatures, there will not be sufficient pressure dif-
ference across the expansion device to pass enough re-
frigerant to the indoor evaporator coil. This causes a grad-
ual decrease in suction pressure at the coil and com-
pressor, resulting in loss of capacity, frost accumulation on
the evaporator coil, possible liquid flood back to the com-
pressor, and even sweating of the liquid line due to ex- z
6004 S
cessive subcooling of the liquid refrigerant. z
40 2
By controlling the quantity of air flowing over the con- w CONTR
denser coil, it is possible to maintain the condensing tem-
0 20-
7 k
perature at an optimum operating level. It has now become C O0 N T R O

Paper approved by the IEEE Electric Space Heating and Air

Conditioning Committee for presentation at the 17th Annual -2C10 11
Appliance Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, May 17-19, 1966. Manu- 20 40 6~0 cO 00 1~0 40
script received October 4, 1966. % ARI CAPACITY
The authors are with the Carrier Air Conditioning Company, Syra-
cuse, N. Y. Fig. 1. Capacity vs. outdoor entering air.

be about 100°F, the normal 30-degree difference being divider, comprised of the thermistor and a resistor; second,
changed to 1200. through a resistor R2 connected to the anode of the SCR.
By using the solid-state circuit shown in Fig. 2, the The thermistor-resistor voltage is fed to the capacitor
power input to a special permanent split capacitor motor through a diode almost instantly every half-cycle. If full
may be precisely controlled, thereby allowing 0 to 100 per- fan power is called for by the thermistor, then the voltage
cent fan speed in response to a temperature signal. divider will provide ample voltage to fire the SCR with
only a few volts drop across the entire control. If the ther-
THERMISTOR SENSOR mistor calls for a very low fan speed, then the initial
The temperature signal for this circuit is obtained with charge on the capacitor from the voltage divider may be
a thermistor. This device is mounted on the condenser coil two volts below the unijunction firing point. The remain-
at a point where condensation is taking place and the tem- ing charge is supplied through R2. This resistor charges the
perature is representative of the condensing temperature capacitor with a cosine wave, so that there is a linear change
being maintained. The thermistor must be electrically between the temperature of the thermistor and the power
isolated from the coil it is mounted on, yet must be ther- supplied to the motor. A given increment of a sine wave
mally responsive to the coil, and must be properly mated has a different amount of power in it than an adj acent
to the system and control to insure system stability. increment. The cosine wave balances this inequity, as
A satisfactory thermistor design shown Fig. 3. The shown in Fig. 4. Thus, the output of the R3 thermistor volt-
is in
assembly is composed of a mounting strap to which a piece age divider controls the power supplied to the motor.
of 1/4-inch OD copper tube is soldered. A piece of in-
sulating material is placed under the thermistor at 'the
bottom of the tube and the tube is filled with a thermally
conductive epoxy. A negative temperature coefficient
thermistor is used.
The fan nmotor is connected in series with a full-wave
bridge rectifier. The SCR is connected across the bridge out-
put. When the SCR is triggered to a conducting state by a
positive pulse on its gate, current flows to the motor. At the
end of each half-cycle, the current momentarily goes to
zero and the SCR again becomes an open circuit. It requires
another positive pulse on the gate to allow current to flow
to the motor. The effective power supplied to the motor is
Fig. 2. Circulit.
a function of the percent of the time during a half-cycle
that the SCR is conducting.
The output waveshape of this device must be sym- z LEADS

metrical; that is, the positive half-cycle must be identical

to the negative half-cycle. This is not a problem on resistive CONDUCTIVE EPOXY FILL
loads, but the effect of a minute direct current component
in the alternating current fed to a motor will result in a RETURN


lower speed and higher winding temperatures on the

motor. The use of a single SCR insures the symmetry of SATURATED REFRIGERANT
the waveshape and minimizes motor design problems.
Fig. 3. Thermistor sensor assembly.
A dropping resistor R1 in series with a Zener diode is con-
nected in parallel with the SCR. The Zener diode provides
a reference voltage for the control circuit when the SCR is
in the nonconducting state. The pulse which controls the
SCR comes from a capacitor discharging through a uni- ZENER REFERENCE VOLTS

junction transistor. It is a characteristic of this transistor UJ

that when the voltage between emitter and Base 1 exceeds (D
a certain percent of the voltage between Base 1 and T HERMISTOR- R3 VOLTS

Base 2, then the resistance between emitter and Base 1

becomes very small. In this circuit, the capacitor is charged
up to the firing voltage of the transistor, then discharged 1/2 CYLE
through the transistor into the gate of the SCR. The TIME

capacitor is charged from two sources. First, by the voltage Fig. 4' Control circuit voltages.

TRANSIENT PROTECTION and 72 percent is doing work. When this control is used, the
All semiconductor components in this circuit are sub- rotor losses are compounded due to the existence of har-
ject to transient overvoltages. The unijunction transistor monics in the waveshape applied to the motor. At half
and Zener diode are self-protecting; however, the diodes voltage, approximately one-third the total energy supplied
and SCR have been damaged in the laboratory by placing to the motor through this control is at the fundamental line
the control on the secondary of a 460: 230 volt transformer frequency, about one-third is at the third harmonic, and
and switching the 460 volt primary. Transient overvoltages the remaining one-third is at other odd harmonics. Because
over 4000 volts have been recorded on the control in this of the symmetry of the waveshape, even order harmonics
manner. An avalanche diode was placed from anode to gate do not exist. These harmonics, incidentally, cause all
on the SCR. This diode was selected to avalanche at a volt- mranner of vibration problems in fans and motor mounts
age lower than the peak inverse voltage rating of the bridge which were designed for 60 cycle use and never tested at
diodes. When the avalanche diodes voltage rating is ex- 180 and 300 cycles.
ceeded, it triggers the SCR and allows the transient to Another important relationship is between input power
pass through the control and be dissipated in the motor. and speed. Curve B shows a much steeper slope than curve
C anid motor B is much more prone to getting the whole
FAN MOTORS system into a hunting situation due to a snmall voltage
M\'Iotors and associated equipment which are used with change causing a larger speed change.
this control must be compatible with it. Figure 5 shows The solution to these problems has been in designing a
speed, voltage, and temperature rise of a permanent split rotor which has minimum losses at low speeds and rotors
capacitor (PSC) motor. Curves A and B are for motors and stators which are less susceptible to harmonics. These
which are considered standard. Curve A shows the voltage things all tend to reduce efficiency at full power to the
reduced by means of a variable auto transformer. Curve B motor so there is a very definite limit placed on how far it
shows the effect of this control on the same motor. Curve C is economically feasible to go. The remaining heat has to be
shows the replacement motor which was designed to work removed from the motor with improved cooling systems. A
with this control. large fan integrally cast into the endring of the rotor has
When a motor is slipped down with a variable auto proven the most successful means of removing this heat.
transformer, the rotor losses become enormous. At half
voltage, for example, of the total watts input about 22 per- TESTING
cent is stator losses, 41 percent is rotor losses, and 37 per- This control is designed to operate on 208- to 240-volt
cent is doing work, whereas at full voltage in the same systems and at design ambients from -20 to 125°F. The
motor, 9 percent is rotor losses, 19 percent is stator losses critical components in the control were thermocoupled and


-- ~~~~~~~-looc

200 - - 800

EM f 1 A_ 300

(I, 0-
IOV 120 RPM -600 II:
0W IOV= 100 RPMI

Tl S~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
W .

U DO WV eVV - , \ 300

t/ X,~Il-~ - --


0 50 ISO
000 EO 250 0 50

150 200
2550 0 50 100 150 200 250

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 5. Motor characteristics. (a) Standard PSC motor with Variac. (b) Standard PSC motor with solid-state control.
(c) Special PSC motor with solid-state control.

checked on an operating system at voltage extremes (187 CONCLUSION

to 264 volts) and at temperatures from -40 to + 125. The application of a solid-state speed control to an air-
At low ambients and light loading, the entire system was cooled air conditioning system for the purpose of control-
tested for stability. The sensitivity of the control was ad- ling head pressure has proven to be an intricate balance
justed so that, at very low ambients, wind gusts and ex- of many items. When these items are all brought into har-
pansion device instability would not cause the system to mony, a reliable device can be produced which increases
go into an undamped hunt or a hunt whose extremes would the versatility of the air-cooled air conditioning system and
cause unsafe or unsatisfactory operation. improves the operational reliability.
Since there is always a slight voltage drop through the
control, its effect at maximum ambients was checked. This ACKNOWLEDGMENT
voltage drop is caused by the drop through the diode bridge Acknowledgment is made to Dr. J. Law and R. Resh
and also by the fact that some of the wave is always of the Carrier Research Division, Carrier Corporation,
chopped out. The effect of this at maximum ambients was and to L. Rodgers of the Carrier Air Conditioning Com-
found to be about 0.5 percent in fan speed. This was found pany for their assistance in the refinement and evaluation
to be insignificant on total system performance. of the control package.

David B. Dibble was born in Syracuse, N. Y., on April 16, 1931. He received the B.M.E. de-
gree from Syracuse University, N. Y., in 1954.
He joined the Chrysler Corporation, Highland Park, Mich., in 1954, in their Institute of En-
gineering program. From mid-1954 to 1956 he served in the United States Navy as an Engi-
neering Officer. He joined Carrier Corporation, Syracuse, N. Y., in 1956, and worked as a de-
velopment engineer in the Unitary Equipment Development Department. He has been in-
volved in the development of packaged air conditioning and heating units ranging in size from
room to 80-ton air conditioners. He is at present Manager of the Large Packaged Equipment
Development Department for Carrier Air Conditioning Company, a division of Carrier Corp-
Mr. Dibble is a member of ASHRAE.

Russell E. Wood was born in Syracuse, N. Y., on February 5, 1937. He received the B.S. degree
in mechanical engineering from John Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., in 1958.
He served in the United States Army as a guided missile maintenance officer, and then joined
United Aircraft Research Laboratories, East Hartford, Conn., in 1961. In 1962 he joined Carrier
Air Conditioning Company, Syracuse, N. Y., where he has been involved with the development
of packaged commercial air conditioning systems and with their application for satisfactory
year-round operation.
Mr. Wood is a member of ASHRAE.

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