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Pubtic Services - MA & UD Department_ -_Recruitment (Direct) -
Generat - Group-ll
Services - Notification No.70l7o15 &. 16/7017 Provisionally
setected candidates to
the post of Municipa[ commrssioner Grade.ilr Appointment orders - rssued.
G.O.Ms.No.306, Dated: 12.12.2019
1. From the Secretary, Telangana State Pubtic Service Commission,
Hyderabad, Letter No.51 9 / Gr.r /2016, Dated: oz.1i.zo1g.
7. From the DMA, Hyderabad. Letter Roc.No.e6gz7g/zo1g/ AZ
(1064/2015), Dared: 08. 1 1 .7019.

The Government approve the setection of the fottowing candidates made
the Tetangana State Pubtic Service Commission for appointment to the post of
MunicipaI commissioners Grade-lll in the scate of pay of Rs. 7g760 g20 -
305g0 -
880 - 33770 - 950 - 36070 - 1030 - 39160-1110 -'42490_1190_ 46060 _
1770 _

49870 - 1360 - s3950 - 1460 s8330 1560 63010 1660 67gs}

1760 _73770_
1880 - 78910 - 7020 - 80930 in RPS-20'15 ptus usual attowances as admissible
the rutes in force w.e.f. the date of taking charge of the post of Municipat
Commissioner Grade-lll.

1. Akula Venkatesh
7. Maheswar Reddy D

3. Gadde Raju
4. Chadhata Thirupathi
5. Saram Vidyadhar
6. Matta Srinivasreddy
7. Srinivas Reddy Kankanti
8. Na[[amattaBatakrishna
9. Battu Nagireddy
10. Gone Anvesh
1 1. Sujatha A

12. B. Gangadhar
13. Sanki Venkata Mani
14. Mohammad Jakeer Ahmed
1 5. Sujatha Kodaru
16. Lavanya Dubbaka
17. Jampata Rajitha
18. Hinjamuri Spandana

7. The above appointments as Municipat Commissioners, Grade-lll are subject

to the following conditions:
1) that the appointment is purety temporary and is tikety to be terminated at
any time without prior notice and without assigning any reasons.
7) that the services of the candidates witt be regutarized subject to his/her
character and antecedents being found satisfactory on verifiCation.
3) that they shatl be on probation for a total period of two years on duty
within a continuous period of three years.

4) that they shatl, have to pass the Account Tests prescribed for Local Body
Emptoyees, within a period of probation under rute 9 of Tetangana
Municipat Administration Service Rutes issued in G.O.Ms.No.109, MA&UD
Department, Dated: 17 -7-1990.

5) that their appointments are subject to the verification of the origina[

certificates and production of certificates of Physical Fitness in terms of
G.O.Ms.No.555, G.A.(Ser.A) Department, Dated: 77 -3'1987.

6) Reservations to BC-E group witt be subject to the adjudication of the

titigation pending before the Hon'bte Court
l) that the appointment of above mentioned candidates is subject to outcome
of court cases Pending, if anY .
8) they are directed to report for duty before the Director of Municipal
Administration within 30 days from the date of receipt of this order, faiting
which their appointments are liabte to be cancetted and their names witl be
deteted from the tist of selected candidates. Further they are directed that
if they retinquish their ctaim for appointment their decision must be sent to
Government in a prescribed proforma within stiputated period'

9) they shatt undergo immediatety after appointment, a course of integrated

training for such period and as per such programme and syttabus as may be
prescribed by the Director of MunicipaI Administration.

10)they shat[ before commencement of the training, execute an agreement

bond to the effect they shatt serve the Department for a period of 3 years
after comptetion of training referred to above.

11)they witt be tiabte to refund to the Government the pay and attowances and
any other remuneration received by them in addition to the amount spent
by the Government on their training.
i. if they fait to serve the department for a period of 3 years after
the comptetion of training for any reasons; or
ii. if they discontinue the training or are discharged white under
training for misconduct or any other reasons; or
iii. if they secure any other emptoyment etsewhere other than under
the state Government, the instructions issued in G.o.Ms.No.268,
Finance and Ptanning (FW.FR.l) Department, Dated: 08-09-1990
shat[ be fottowed.

12)the period of training shatI count for the purpose of probation, increments,
leave, pension etc., and they are etigibte during the period of training for
the initiat pay of post, with usuaI attowances admissibte at the ptace of the
practicaI training.

13)that during the period of training the candidates are etigibte to draw the
minimum of the scate of pay appticabte to the post of Municipal
Commissioner Grade-lll besides the attowances admissibte to them under
the rutes from time to time at the ptaces of their training. They shat[ not,
however, be etigibte to draw first increment untess they comptete the
training and pass the prescribed tests and are dectared to have
satisf actority compl.eted the prescribed period of probation. The
postponement of dectaration of probation on account of non passing of tests
shatt not, however, have the effect of postponing future increments after
they had passed the prescribed tests and after they had completed the
probation satisfactority.
3. The fottowing notification shatt be pubtished in the Tetangana Gazette.

(1)of the Tetangana State and Subordinate Service Rutes,

Under rute 10(a)
the fottowing candidates setected by the Tetangana State Pubtic Service
Commission are appointed on purety temporary basis as Municipat Commissioners
1. Akuta Venkatesh
2. Maheswar Reddy D
3. Gadde Raju
4. Chadhata Thirupathi
5. Saram Vidyadhar
6. Matta Srinivasreddy
7. Srinivas Reddy Kankanti
8. Nattamatta Batakrishna
9. Battu Nagireddy
10. Gone Anvesh
1 1. Sujatha A

17. B. Gangadhar
13. Sanki Venkata Mani

14. Mohammad Jakeer Ahmed

1 5. Sujatha Kodaru

16. Lavanya Dubbaka

17. Jampata Rajitha

18. Hinjamuri Spandana


The individuats concerned
(By Registered post with Acknowtedgement Due)
The Director of Municipal Administration, Hyderabad
The Tetangana State Pubtic Service Commission, Hyderabad.
The Commissioner of Printing and Stationery, Hyderabad.(for
Pubtication of Notification onty)
The Director of lnformation & Pubtic Relation Department, Hyderabad.
The Accountant Generat, Hyderabad.
The Director of Treasuries & Accounts, Hyderabad.

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