Inception Report (First Draft) - TPMA PH II - EHRP PKG I

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Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Project (EHRP)
Third Party Monitoring Agent (TPMA) Phase-II
(Contract No.7192273)

Inception Report (First Draft)

Package-I: Okaldhunga, Sidhuli, Ramechhap and Shindhupalchowk

July 2019
Revisions Submitted by: Submitted to:
Rev. No. Particulars Date Consultant: IBRD - Nepal,
The World Bank Group,
Mukesh & Associates, India Kathmandu,
‘Division-2’, 2/6, Ranganathar Avenue, Nepal.
Perumal Malai Main Road, Narasothipatty,
Salem - 636004, Tamil Nadu, India.
in Association with Sub-consultant:

Building Design Authority (P) Ltd., Nepal

Prepared by: Checked by: Appd. By : D.M Sheet Size : A4 Date: July 31, 2019
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Location Map of Project Area

Shindhupalchowk District

Ramechhap District

Sidhuli District Okaldhunga District

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BDA : Building Design Authority Pvt. Ltd.

BMM : Brick Masonry with Mud Mortar

BMC : Brick Masonry with Cement Mortar

CLPIU : Central Level Program Implementation Unit

DLPIU : District Level Program Implementation Unit

EHRP : Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Project

GMALI : Grant Management and Local Infrastructure

HH : House Hold

IDA : International Development Association

M&A : Mukesh & Associates

MIS : Management Information System

MRs : Minimum Requirements

NBC : Nepal Building Construction Code

NRA : Nepal Reconstruction Authority

PA : Participations Agreement

PDO : Project Development Objective

PDNA : Post-Disaster Needs Assessment

PMU : Project Monitoring Unit

SMM : Stone Masonry with Mud Mortar

SMC : Stone Masonry with Cement Mortar

TOR : Terms of Reference

TPM : Third Party Monitoring

TPMA : Third Party Monitoring Agent

TWG : Technical Working Groups

VDC : Village Development Committee

WB : World Bank

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Table of Contents
1. Overview of the project ................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Background of the project ...................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Purpose, Scope and Objective of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) Program ......................... 7
1.2.1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 7
1.2.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.3 Objective ...................................................................................................................... 8
1.3 Expected Outcome of the Assignment .................................................................................... 8
1.4 Target Area of the TPM Program ............................................................................................ 8
1.5 Implementation Structure ...................................................................................................... 9
1.6 Task and Responsibilities ........................................................................................................ 9
1.7 Duration of the Assignment.................................................................................................. 10
2. Approach of TPM Program.......................................................................................................... 10
2.1 Methodology and Implementation of Program..................................................................... 10
2.1.1 Content of TPMA Activities and Methodology ............................................................ 10
2.1.2 Communication Methods ........................................................................................... 12
2.2 Work Plan ............................................................................................................................ 13
2.2.1 Detailed Program of work ........................................................................................... 13
2.2.2 Deployment schedule of the Key Staffs ....................................................................... 20 District and Central Level Staffs...................................................................... 20 Roles and Responsibilities .............................................................................. 21
2.3 Reporting Format ................................................................................................................. 22
2.3.1 Site Inspection Report ................................................................................................ 22
2.3.2 Periodic Reports ......................................................................................................... 23
2.3.3 Completion Report ..................................................................................................... 23
2.4 Data Collection and Reporting .............................................................................................. 23
2.4.1 Questionnaire and Checklists...................................................................................... 24
2.4.2 MIS-TPMA Data Management System ........................................................................ 24
2.4.3 Data Ownerships and Quality Assurance..................................................................... 24
2.5 Outstanding Issues to be resolved ........................................................................................ 25
3. Methods of data analysis, interpretation and discussion............................................................ 25
4. Recommendation........................................................................................................................ 27
4.1 Recommendation for Short Term Improvement ................................................................... 27
4.2 Recommendation for Long Term Improvement .................................................................... 27
5. Reports and Deliverables ............................................................................................................ 28
6. Annexes ...................................................................................................................................... 28
Annex 1: Questionnaire and Checklists ....................................................................................... 29
Annex 2: Reports ........................................................................................................................ 86
Annex 3: Detail Work Program .................................................................................................... 92

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1. Overview of the project

1.1 Background of the project
On April 25, 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck central Nepal. The earthquake and its
sequence of aftershocks caused more than 8,700 deaths and 25,000 injuries. A Post-Disaster
Needs Assessment (PDNA), completed on June 15, 2015, found that total damages and losses
resulting from the earthquake sequence amounted to approximately $7 billion, and
reconstruction needs amounted to approximately $6.7 billion. The earthquake sequence
destroyed 498,852 and damaged 256,697 houses. The largest single need identified in the PDNA
was housing and human settlements, accounting for $3.27 billion (almost half of the total
needs). On December 20, 2015, the Government of Nepal established the National
Reconstruction Authority (NRA) under an Act of Legislature-Parliament. The NRA has mandate of
undertaking construction of structures affected by the earthquake and the overall responsibility
of policy formulation, providing guidance, planning, coordination and oversight of the Housing
Reconstruction Program.

The Housing Reconstruction Program is an owner-driven program of the government of Nepal.

Earthquake-affected households that meet eligibility criteria are entitled to a housing subsidy
grant of 300,000 Nepalese Rupee (NPR 300,000) in three tranches, provided that the houses are
reconstructed as ‘multi-hazard resistant’ structures in compliance with reconstruction guidelines
set forth by the Government of Nepal and as provided in the Nepal Building Construction Code
(NBC). The Program is for an in-situ reconstruction, unless relocation is necessary because of
vulnerability due to location hazard or loss of original location. The eligible beneficiaries are also
provided with training and technical assistance.

The data collected and digitized during damage assessment survey is used to identify eligible
beneficiaries based on Damage Grades. The eligible beneficiaries sign a Participation Agreement
(PA) to get themselves enrolled in the housing reconstruction program. The PAs are signed
physically at the Village or Municipality level. Upon enrollment in the program, every eligible
beneficiary is entitled for the first tranche of NPR 50,000. Subsequent tranches are provided
based on the following:

 The second installment of NPR 150,000, released upon completion of the construction up to
plinth level, based on report of inspection team establishing that the plinth has been
constructed in compliance with the guidelines.
 The final installment of NPR 100,000, released upon completion of the construction up to
the roof-band level, based on report of inspection team, establishing that construction from
plinth up to roof band has been in compliance with guidelines.

DLPIU GMALI is responsible for facilitating the implementation at the district level providing
guidance, monitoring quality and implementation of the overall reconstruction of local
infrastructure and residential buildings. NRA aims to facilitate, coordinate and manage service
delivery for housing reconstruction, through DLPIUs of Building, GMALI and Education, I/NGOs
and other relevant stakeholders, especially for inspecting and supervising community
infrastructure construction and training and orientation services to masons and house owners.

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CLPIU Building is responsible for establishing housing construction standards, hiring and staffing
districts and local bodies with sufficient numbers of engineers, sub-engineers and assistant sub-
engineers to conduct housing inspections, developing and overseeing the implementation of
technical training and providing overall technical inputs to the housing reconstruction program.

The World Bank is financing to support the Nepal Reconstruction Authority (NRA) of the
Government of Nepal to implement the Earthquake Housing reconstruction Project (EHRP),
through International Development Association (IDA) Credit (for Original and Additional
Financing) and through Nepal Earthquake Reconstruction Multi Donor Trust Fund (acting as its
administrator). The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to “restore affected houses with
multi-hazard resistant core housing units in targeted areas and to enhance the government's
ability to improve long-term disaster resilience.” The key indicators for tracking progress
towards the PDO are:

 Households with resilient core housing reconstructed under the project.

 Citizens made aware of earthquake resilient reconstruction.
 Government officials trained on Disaster Risk Management.

The World Bank has now provided an opportunity to the firm for the services of Third Party
Monitoring (TPM) to carry out field level monitoring to technically review the government’s
inspection scheme on sample basis, provide technical feedback to the World Bank. The goal of
using third parties to assess the status and performance of a project, its compliance status, or
emerging issues through a specialized parties is to provide an unbiased perspective on the issue
and status, and to make recommendations for improvement, where relevant.

This draft inception report is prepared so as to provide:

 A detailed program of work for the first year including outline of methodology to be used,
process monitoring and reporting formats
 Details of how the TPM data management information system will operate and be
maintained, and how it will access data from EHRP NRA MIS.
 A complete staffing and work plan, including deployment schedule of key staff
 Outstanding issues to be resolved
 Any staff changes, both at district and central levels
 Data collection forms and report templates.

This is the first draft of the inception report and the second and final draft will be prepared
addressing issues of World Bank and government partner along with TPMA and submitted after
improvements/ feedbacks from selected pilot site visits after one month.

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1.2 Purpose, Scope and Objective of the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) Program

1.2.1 Purpose
The purpose of the TPM Program is to carry out a comprehensive field level technical
monitoring of houses under EHRP in close coordination with DLPIU, GMALI, house owner
and local authority. The monitoring will be carried out on sample basis to ensure that the
World Bank project is completely utilized to fulfill the objective of hazard resistant
reconstruction in affected areas, which will put a step forward to formulate a disaster
resilient nation and society.

1.2.2 Scope
 The Third Party Monitoring (TPM) is a project designed by World Bank to seek services
of field level monitoring to technically review the government’s inspection scheme on
sample basis for hazard resistant houses in affected four districts (Sindhupalchowk,
Ramechhap, Sindhuli, Okhaldhunga) of Nepal. This program also provides technical
advice to engineers and technicians whom are being involved in the inspection.

 In TPM project, the consulting firm (M&A-BDA), herein after called ‘TPMA’ will be
primarily responsible for independent monitoring and evaluation of the inspection
process in selected districts.

 The TPMA will be responsible to carry out spot checks to a minimum of 5% of houses
(housing structures of the beneficiaries being charged to IDA and MDTF) being
constructed by program beneficiaries in the World Bank supported districts at various
stages of construction. An additional 1% is expected for repeat/ follow-up visits.

 The TPMA will be responsible for establishing a central office in Kathmandu and
appropriate number of offices at field level. The TPMA will coordinate with concerned
authorities, for spot checks of houses at post-plinth, roof-band and after completion.

 The TPMA will use NRA EHRP MIS data which will require coordination with NRA and
CLPIU GMALI prior to deployment.

 The World Bank will be responsible for contract management and supervision of the
firm. The monitoring and evaluation activities will provide continuous feedback (i.e.
immediately following data collection and quality control, so time lag assumed to be
around 36-48 hours) to the World Bank on the project’s performance. As during
monitoring, individual houses will be checked on sample basis. The TPMA will update
data either daily or on the first available opportunity basis on compliance or
otherwise. The TPMA is also expected to provide recommendations to mitigate
negative impacts of non-compliant structures and summary statistics in reports on a
daily basis in case of urgency, in addition to mutually agreed frequency for each
district so that corrective actions could be undertaken in a timely manner. The TPMA
will report directly to the World Bank.

 A ‘Pilot Program’, one-month data collection/site inspection is to be carried out.

Following a one-month pilot program period, the site inspection methodology and
structure shall be revised in accordance with the lessons learned and start in full.

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1.2.3 Objective
 To provide critical data from the field as input to World Bank;

 To provide independent feedback of project implementation providing information to

World Bank on adherence to the due process of inspections by the government for
compliance with approved construction standards for multi-hazard resistant

 To make recommendations to WB on improvement or modifications to inspection

guidelines and seismic resistant standards due to geographic, logistical or other
challenging context.

 To timely identify crucial deviations in project implementation from operations

manuals and support the program in achieving compliance with key project rules;

 To timely identify and analyze factors responsible for deviations and recommend to
the WB regarding corrective actions, which EHRP management could take and rectify.

 To share the findings of monitoring with the World Bank to facilitate the
mainstreaming of best practices.

1.3 Expected Outcome of the Assignment

 Promotion and dissemination of seismic resistant buildings and structures.

 Improvement on reconstruction guidelines of multi-hazard hazard resistant houses set forth

by the government of Nepal as provided in the Nepal building Construction Code (NBC).

 Creating awareness on the necessity of seismic resistant construction to invoke build back
safer through interaction, orientation and discussion with local people, masons, carpenters,
low and middle level technicians involved in the reconstruction activities.

 Upgrading and promoting technical staffs (including masons, carpenters) involved in

reconstruction activities through training on earthquake resistant construction.

 Help to enhance of the government's capability to improve long-term disaster resilience.

 Access socio-economic condition of people in earthquake affected districts of Nepal.

1.4 Target Area of the TPM Program

World Bank has implemented TPMA project on 14 most earthquake affected districts namely:
Dolakha, Dhading, Nuwakot, Rasuwa, Gorkha, Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, Lalitpur,
Kavrepalanchowk, Sindhupalchowk, Makwanpur, Sindhuli, Ramechhap and Okhaldhunga. The
housing structures of the beneficiaries being charged to IDA and MDTF for the following 4
districts are assigned to M&A-BDA for TPM work:

1. Okhaldhunga
2. Ramechhap
3. Sindhupalchowk
4. Sindhuli

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Beneficiaries with grant agreement

First tranche received

Constructions started
Total Beneficiaries
Second tranche Third tranche

Applications Approved Not approved Applications Approved Not approved

1 Okhaldhunga 21,143 19,970 19,395 19,065 19,035 18,875 160 15,562 15,504 58
2 Sindhuli 50,862 33,688 33,688 27,102 27,002 26,902 100 15,693 15,592 101
3 Ramechhap 48,580 43,539 43,539 41,895 40,804 40,611 9 32,344 32,008 55
5 Sindhupalchok 87,001 82,433 82,433 81,443 81,103 81,061 43 61,445 61,398 47
Total 207,586 179,630 179,055 169,505 167,944 167,449 312 125,044 124,502 261
Source: Central Level Project Implementation Unit (CLPIU), Building

1.5 Implementation Structure






1.6 Task and Responsibilities

 Develop and agree with the task team on the monitoring mechanisms including the tools,
methodology, etc. to be used. The mechanism shall adequately cover all the indicators
mentioned in the EHRP results framework and be gender disaggregated for communities in
assigned four districts. The monitoring function shall help NRA and through them to CLPIUs
Building and GMALI verify the accuracy of EHRP’s own data collection and monitoring
information systems and provide recommendations for improvements in these areas to be
detailed in TPMA’s reporting.

 Based on stratified random sampling, carry out at least 5% spot checks of housing structures
of the beneficiaries being charged to IDA and MDTF in the assigned four districts. The
stratification will be done both on the basis of geographical location and the stages of
inspection i.e. plinth level inspections, roof-band level inspections and completed houses

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inspections, carried out by government engineers. Additional 1% of each stage of inspection

is expected for repeat visits in those districts.

 Document and report to the task team (and the EHRP management at NRA, through the task
team), on general and specific findings on EHRP’s mobilization and associated technical
assistance. TPMA will finalize the program of spot checks with World Bank task team (with
the assistance of NRA) under the general guidelines.

 TPMA will be responsible to collect and update data. All data and project information needs
to have universal access subject to clearance by the World Bank. Read access to the EHRP
MIS should be provided by NRA.

 The consultant will categorize local bodies and wards on the basis of two categories of risks:
(i) Hazard Risks; and (ii) compliance risks. Hazard risks should be all types of natural hazards.
The compliance risks will include risks of noncompliance because of accessibility, material
availability, technical assistance, acceptance of guidelines by beneficiaries, adequacy of
guidelines etc.

 The consultant will also identify deviations by beneficiaries in terms of minor and major
deviations and suggest remedial measures as well suitable to the project area.

 The consultant will actively coordinate with government engineers, develop visit plans in
coordination with the district and local bodies level engineers.

1.7 Duration of the Assignment

The duration of the assignment will be 1.5 years (18 Months), with a possibility of extension.

2. Approach of TPM Program

2.1 Methodology and Implementation of Program

2.1.1 Content of TPMA Activities and Methodology

Item [1]: TPM Approach and Methodology
 Background of the TPM Project
 Understanding of the project objectives
 Identification of Activities
 Description of activities
 Development of Monitoring Plan / Mechanism
 Field Level Monitoring, Material testing, Inspection
 Monitoring of Quality & Implementation
 Independent Third Party Monitoring & Evaluation of Inspection Process
- Conducting spot check of individual houses at various stages (plinth level, roof
band level and completion level) of inspections covering wards and VDCs of
selected districts.

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- Identification of deviations in construction works with their possible

classifications as major and minor deviations; and suggestion of remedial
measures/ possible corrections
 Reporting, Monitoring Reports & Documents of Site
- Submission of Bi-weekly, Monthly & Quarterly Reports of TPM activities to World
- Regularly sharing TPM findings with DLPIUs/NRA and World Bank
- Submitting the Completion Report to WB

Item [2]: General Approach to the Services

 Review / Desk Studies
 Study on regulations and enforcements
 Seismic Codes followed in Nepal
 Other acts and regulations laid by NRA to be followed
 Nepal Building Code
 Responsibilities of TPMA
 Common mistakes in constructions

Item [3]: Methodology

Methodology include key information of the monitoring framework (including formation of
team, selecting significant performance indicators, collecting information by using different
methods, applying statistical/non-statistical, mathematical techniques for analysis work,
interpreting the findings). It also highlights major problems which can hinder project
execution process and their plausible solutions.
 Understanding of Acts, Policies & Procedures
 Quality Assurance system
 On-site / Off-site testing
 Geo-tagging of photographs during field visits
 Problems Anticipated and Technical Approach for solution
 Categorize local bodies and wards
 Independent Quality Monitoring
 Independent Quality Assessment during different stages of Construction
 Study on Material Data
 Field and Laboratory tests at different stages of construction
 Construction Issues & Corrective/Remedial & Follow up Actions
 Other Requirements
 Professional judgment on materials
 Use of approved laboratory & alternative independent laboratories
 Reporting and monitoring system
 Project Monitoring and Results Framework

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2.1.2 Communication Methods

TEAM 1 within/ M1 TEAM 2

M6 outside district within/ outside M6



Field Office

M2 M4 M2

Central Office
House Owner 1 M5 House Owner 2

World Bank

Fig: Medium of communication at various levels.


M1: Communication between team members.

The medium of communication will be oral if two members are at same area and will be
through telephone conversation if they are far apart geographically.

M2: Communication between team members and house owners.

The communication medium will be in the form of oral based on the questionnaire
prepared by the field surveyor.

M3: Communication between team members and Central/ Field office.

All the hard copies of questionnaire and important documents needed at field level are
collected at field office and the surveyors report over here.

M4: Communication between Field office and Central office.

This is the integral medium of communication where the data collected at field must be
shared through MIS.

M5: Communication between Central office and World Bank.

The medium of communication will be through the internet and meetings held at
specified time.

M6: Communication between Central office and World Bank.

It is the medium of communication between the team members at each four districts
with the organizations like DLPIU/ GMALI and other local bodies.

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2.2 Work Plan

2.2.1 Detailed Program of work
Based on the TOR of the TPMA project, step by step procedure will be followed to
accomplish the TPM work. For this, various activity groups consisting of different tasks will
be formulated appropriately. Every tasks in the activity groups will be given due attention
during the work. This will help to successfully complete the TPM work with better
understanding. The formulation of activity groups and tasks comprising overall TPMA
work is shown in the table below.

Activity Group Task
TASK 1.1: Establish Central offices and
appoint key personnel
TASK 1.2: Start up meeting and discussing the
Activity Group I TPM work
Develop monitoring/Plan TASK 1.3: Review of existing monitoring
mechanisms mechanism in practice
TASK 1.4: Develop monitoring mechanisms
including inspection checklists and
reporting format.
Phase TASK 2.1: Establish field offices and appoint
field staffs
TASK 2.2: Train field engineers/staffs

Activity Group II TASK 2.3: Carry out pilot survey

Pilot survey TASK 2.4: Revise/ Update proposed TPM
process based on feedbacks from
Pilot survey
TASK 2.5: Monitoring plan / implementation
mechanism agreed with task team
TASK 3.1: Prepare sampling of beneficiary's
HH for spot check and set target
number every month
Activity Group III
TASK 3.2: Plan the Site visits for inspections
Based on stratified
to complete target number of HH
random sampling, carry
at every month
out at least 5% spot
checks at stages of TASK 3.3: Collect the inspected sheet of
Survey inspection i.e. plinth sample HH from DLPIU.
Phase level inspections, roof- TASK 3.4: Mobilize field team to sample HH
band level inspections
TASK 3.5: Carry out site inspection of House
and completed houses
for compliance verification
TASK 3.6: Conduct orientation and awareness
Collect and update data.
program to HH on necessity of
hazard resistant structures
TASK 3.7: Progress/Quality inspections at
plinth, roof and completion stage

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Activity Group Task
TASK 3.8: Collect relevant data on progress
(Data entry and Compilation)
TASK 3.9: Analyze and interpret the collected
TASK 3.10: Quickly Identify the deviations, if any.

Activity Group IV TASK 4.1: Share Findings with DLPIU/ discuss

and review the findings to solve
Actively coordinate with
the issues at field
government engineers,
develop visit plans in TASK 4.2: Develop visit plans in a systematic
coordination with the manner
district and local bodies TASK 4.3: Establish coordination mechanism
level engineers. TASK 4.4: Coordination with local bodies
TASK 5.1: Bi-weekly briefing of TPM work to
the World Bank task team for
changes/improvements in survey
and reporting formats
TASK 5.2: Prepare monthly report and submit
to the World Bank for review and
Activity Group V further action.
Identify deviations by TASK 5.3: Submit quarterly reports to WB
Detailed beneficiaries in terms of team by summarizing monthly
Data minor and major information and including trends
analysis, deviations. and lessons for implementation
Evaluation Document and report to TASK 5.4: Make all data and project
and the task team information available on a web-
Reporting Reporting, Monitoring based interface.
Reports & Documents of TASK 5.5: Prepare a completion report at the
Site end of the assignment including an
assessment of achievements,
strengths, weaknesses and lessons
learned by EHRP during the project
period. The report outline would
be agreed with World Bank teams
before the details are prepared.

The tasks have been arranged in appropriate activity groups, in which a possible
overlapping of the tasks may occur to ensure better understanding. The detail work
Program is attached in Annex-3.

TASK 1.1: Establish Central offices and appoint key personnel

With its Central office based in Kathmandu, the TPMA will ensure
provision/establishment of appropriate facilities/office at field level with team members
consisting of team leader, specialist, site surveyors and MIS to execute the objective of
the project successfully.

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TASK 1.2: Start up meeting and discussing the TPM work

Before deciding the ways to execute the project, selecting the site engineers and sub-
engineer, a start-up meeting will be held to discuss the TPM methodology and processes
in detail.

TASK 1.3: Review of existing monitoring mechanism in practice

For the success of every project it is important to review the already established
mechanism and procedures used by them. Here, in this assignment other TPMA who are
previously involved in such projects will be contacted to understand their lesson learned.
Their monitoring mechanism will also be thoroughly reviewed.

TASK 1.4: Develop monitoring mechanisms including inspection checklists

Before starting the inspection of the houses in the field, it is crucial to prepare monitoring
mechanisms like inspection checklist in order to make the survey easier and cover all the
aspects included in the list prepared. Such monitoring checklist will be capable to address
the project output and outcome. A separate MIS will be developed for this purpose.

TASK 2.1: Establish field offices and appoint field staffs

To monitor all the individual field office at four different districts, it is very important to
establish central and field offices. One office at each district will be established that will
communicate with the central office and field staff. These offices will have required
physical facilities with sufficient internet connection to transfer data.

TASK 2.2: Train field engineers/staffs

To conduct the survey and inspection, the field engineers/staffs must be aware about the
technical checklists and procedures to be followed to gather the required information.
They must be trained in order to have rigid idea about the technical and social area to be
covered in the survey and get the maximum results with minimum visit possible. At the
central level, the engineers and sub-engineers will first have orientation about the
project, their roles and responsibilities, checklists, concept of minor and major deviations,
MIS and related applications. Based on the learning outcome, 4 engineers and 4 sub
engineers will be selected for the assignment. In the district, during the piloting, these
engineers and sub-engineers will have hands-on training on the data collection though
mobile apps and uploading in MIS.

TASK 2.3: Carry out pilot survey

Pilot surveyors are appointed to perform the light inspection of the allocated area for
monitoring and inspection. They will adopt the strategy to test the questionnaire using a
smaller convenience sample compared to the planned sample size. For this process, about
a month will be allocated for pilot survey. This piloting will make engineers and sub-
engineers more comfortable in using apps and understanding the purpose of the TPM.

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TASK 2.4: Revise/ Update proposed TPM process based on feedbacks from Pilot survey

Necessary changes on the process of survey and inspection will be taken based on the
feedback from the Pilot Surveyor. Improvement will be made in case of major deviation
and difference between the prepared checklist and the result observation from pilot

TASK 2.5: Monitoring plan / implementation mechanism agreed with task team

Group discussion and agreement among the task team is needed to actually implement
the planned mechanism for the survey of HH.

Desk Study

Establish Central and Field Offices

Develop monitoring mechanisms

including Inspection Checklist

Train Field Engineers

Pilot Surveyor

Revise/Update TPM process based on

feedbacks from Pilot Phase

Fig: Pilot Phase

TASK 3.1: Prepare sampling of beneficiary's HH for spot check and set target number
every month

The samples are selected using the random stratified sampling procedures. The
stratification will be done both on the basis of geographical location and stages of
inspection i.e. houses at Plinth-level, roof level and completed level. The geographical
stratification will be made on the Urban/Rural municipality’s level. Before arranging visit
to the sites, visit plan will be prepared and informed in advance to the concerned agency
like Task Team, NRA, CLPIU, DLPIU and other local bodies as appropriate. Visit will be
planned for every month in such a way that a maximum number of inspections could be
achieved at one go.

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TASK 3.2: Plan the Site visits for inspections to finish target number of HH at every

To achieve the target of inspection certain specified samples are selected at the start of
every month and proper planning is necessary for the site visit and survey like the number
of target house to be visited every day. The number of sample houses may vary every
month, but at the end of the assignment 5% spot check and 1% repeat check will be

TASK 3.3: Collect the inspected sheet of sample HH from DLPIU

Before arranging visit to construction sites, visit plan will be prepared and information
about the target house and its pre-defined number will be gathered in advance from
concerned agency like Task Team, NRA, CLPIU, DLPIU and other local bodies as
appropriate. Further, the inspected sample HH sheet is also collected from DLPIU.

TASK 3.4: Mobilize field team to sample HH

As per the plan, four teams, each team with two members (one Civil Engineer and the
other Sub-engineer), will be mobilized to the targeted area to sample the HH.

TASK 3.5: Carry out site inspection of House for compliance verification

Site inspection will be performed based on the checklist provided to the field surveyors by
the central office. The compliance level of the construction of house must be verified as per
the need of World Bank under the guidance of NRA. The predefined checklist will be used.

TASK 3.6: Conduct orientation and awareness program to House owner on necessity of
hazard resistant structures

The victims of the target area may not be much educated and aware about the
importance of suitable structure to prevent the damage from natural hazards if
encountered in future. Hence, it is very important to provide awareness program to
House owners.

TASK 3.7: Progress/Quality inspections at plinth, roof and completion stage

Our primary target is the inspection of quality of construction of house at three different
stages like plinth, roof and complete stage and it must be done carefully because the
entire conclusion of the project depends on the data gathered at the site by the surveyor.

Task 3.8: Collect relevant data on progress (Data entry and Compilation)

Since the survey is performed based on the questionnaire, the data from the field are
collected with the simple yes or no question as per the hard copy. Further, for the
integrity and validity of the collected data, the picture of the house with owner and
deviation is taken. Every major observation will be sufficiently be backed by the
photographic evidence.

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Task 3.9: Analyze and interpret the collected data

The purpose of analyzing data is to obtain usable and useful information about the status
of the methods and precaution for the construction of the house and whether it is as per
the guidelines provided by NRA or not. To get the conclusion of the project, analysis of
data collected in the form of questionnaire and photos are mandatory.
Data interpretation refers to the implementation of processes through which data is
reviewed for the purpose of arriving at an informed conclusion. The interpretation of data
assigns a meaning to the information analyzed and determines its signification and
implications. Data interpretation in the project is quite simple because the questionnaire
consists of simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question and the result is quite obvious.

TASK 3.10: Identify and categorize quickly the deviations, if any

The field engineers are pre informed about the categorization of deviation on two levels as
major deviation and minor deviation. Hence, the data collected at the target house and the
deviation of construction as per the specified order is classified in the provided two levels.

Set Target Number Every month

Sampling of Beneficiary's HH for TPM Spot Check by random sampling

Collect the Inspected Sheets of sample HH from DLPIU including

Inspection Checklist

Mobilization of Field Team to Sample HH

(Training/ Co-ordination with NRA)

Site Inspection of House for

Compliance Verification

Identification & Categorization of Deviation by


Data Entry/ Compilation Verification

Share Findings with DLPIU/ Suggest for

improvement at field

Fig: Survey Phase

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TASK 4.1: Share Findings with WB and review the findings to solve the issues at field

The TPMA will provide continuous feedback to World Bank such that the time lag will not
be more than 36-40 hours.

TASK 4.2: Develop visit plans in a systematic manner

There must be systematic visit plan to the target house of victims so that the owner of the
house and the ones involved in actual construction of house don’t feel bothered and
irritated. Such visit plan will be developed after wider discussions with district level
stakeholders so that the plan will be more realistic.

TASK 4.3: Establish coordination mechanism

Distinct and easily accessible coordination medium will be established at the initial stage
of project execution, so that it will be easier to coordinate with all the members
associated with the project and the project is completed smoothly.

TASK 4.4: Coordination with local bodies

It is mandatory to coordinate with local bodies to make the survey process easier and
smoother. The local bodies consist of members who are more aware about the location of
the target HH and the direction to reach. It will save the time and effort if information is
gathered from such personnel.

TASK 5.1: Bi-weekly briefing of TPM activities to the World Bank task team for
changes/improvements in survey and reporting formats

The firm will report the World Bank on bi-weekly basis to inform the status of the project
and to know if any kind of changes and improvements are needed for survey and
reporting formats.

TASK 5.2: Prepare monthly report and submit to the World Bank for review and further

At the starting of each month specific numbers of sample household are selected and by
the end of the month the samples must be verified. And the reports after data analysis
and verification prepared will be submitted to the World Bank for review and further
action. The reporting formats are presented in annexes. The formats will clearly mention
about the number of houses planned, surveyed and found with major and minor
deviations. Apart, the report will also explain about the types and causes of deviation.

TASK 5.3: Submit quarterly reports to WB team

This entire project TPMA is initiated, so that the World Bank gets the information (a) if the
subsidy provided by them reaches the targeted victims, (b) if the construction is as per
the guidelines provided by NRA and (c) if the WB support is properly used. The quarterly
report will summarize monthly information and will include the trends of deviations and
lessons for implementation.

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TASK 5.4: Make all data and project information available on a web-based interface

The data and the final result obtained must be accessible to all the stakeholders
associated with the project and general people and the target household members.
Hence, the most appropriate medium to make the data accessible to everyone is the web-
based interface. The proposed MIS will be able to address this need.

TASK 5.5: Prepare the report

A completion report at the end of the assignment will be prepared including an

assessment of achievements, strengths, weaknesses and lessons learned by the EHRP
during the project period. The report outline would be agreed by World Bank teams
before the details are prepared.

2.2.2 Deployment schedule of the Key Staffs District and Central Level Staffs

Year 2019 Year 2020

Number of Days

Name of Staff

S. & Firm
for this
N. Associated









A. Key Experts:

Mr. Dila Ram 390

1 Team Leader * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Kandel days
Mr. Rajeeb Technical 270
2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Ghimire Director days
Dr. Kamal Structural 270
3 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Bahadur Thapa Engineer days
Mrs. Rakshya Database 240
4 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Sedhain Manager days

B. Backstopping Support: Mukesh & Associates, India

Chief 60
1 Mr. D. Mukesh Architect days * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sr. Technical
Mr. Khem 60
2 Director * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Dallakoti days
Mrs. P. Structural days
3 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Sivagami Engineer

Reporting &
4 Mr. P. Suresh Monitoring * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Year 2019 Year 2020

Number of Days
Name of Staff

S. & Firm
for this
N. Associated









C. District : Surveyor
1 To be named Engineer * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
2 To be named Engineer * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
3 To be named Engineer * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
4 To be named Engineer * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
5 To be named Sub-Engineer * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

6 To be named Sub-Engineer * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
7 To be named Sub-Engineer * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
8 To be named Sub-Engineer * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
days Roles and Responsibilities

Team Leader
 Responsible for mobilizing the team members for third party monitoring in the field.
 Carry out periodic reviews, visiting all the Districts and agencies where project are
implemented and make ensure that projects’ operations are being implemented,
work is of good quality, procedures put in place are working as planned.
 Analyze and validate third party monitoring reports.
 Act as a coordinating entity in consolidating monitoring reports/field observations
and provide timely, relevant & verified project level information and submit to
World Bank
 Identify common mistakes that house owners are making during construction and
prepare technical recommendations for corrections of those issues.
 Report the technical suggestions to improve inspection systems (inspection forms,
compliance, retrofitting measures) to World Bank for further action.
 Work flexibly and efficiently under pressure, delivering high quality outputs to tight

Technical Director
 Support team leader in planning, programming, overall coordination, monitoring
and supervision and analyzing third party monitoring field reports as well.

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 Participate in data analysis and technical writing of reports on monitoring and

verification results.
 Responsible for reporting to the WB on progress of third party monitoring.
 Responsible for project planning and programming, overall coordination, monitoring
and supervision of the field-based staffs.

Structural Engineer
 Support team leader in planning, programming, overall coordination, monitoring
and supervision and analyzing third party monitoring field reports as well.
 Working with team leader, identify common mistakes that the house owners are
making during construction, and prepare technical recommendations for
rectification of those issues.
 Provide technical guidance to the field engineers conducting third party monitoring.
 Conduct periodic site visit of owner driven housing constructed.

Database Manager
 Support team leader in planning, programming, overall coordination, monitoring
and supervision and analyzing third party monitoring field reports as well.
 Performs data quality checks/verification to all data received with an aim to ensure
project data received is reliable and accurate.
 Responsible for programming, testing and updating data for third party monitoring.
 Develop and improve systems for managing the flow of communications, data,
analysis and learning between the different technical areas that contribute to the
delivery and coordination of the TPM work streams.
 Develop a third party monitoring system (e.g. mobile or tablet app).
 Preparation of project report, monitoring and evaluation report
 Develop MIS Reporting System as required by World Bank.

Chief Architect (Advisor) and Sr. Technical Director

 Provide inputs, oversight and technical guidance, as needed, to the design, delivery,
analysis and reporting of monitoring, capacity building, and learning activities,
including leading on programmatic activities as required.
 Coordinate and support Technical Working Groups (TWGs) by organizing meetings,
preparation of project briefings, and training events if required.

2.3 Reporting Format

2.3.1 Site Inspection Report

The Site inspection report templates are attached in annexure and will be finalized after
feedback from one month pilot survey in close coordination between the World Bank and
the TPMA. Site inspection report will be filled and uploaded in the prescribed MIS system

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of the project as well as by sending reports to World Bank. The reports will be sent at
regular interval during various construction stages.

2.3.2 Periodic Reports

The TPMA will report directly to the World Bank on a bi-weekly, monthly and quarterly

Bi-weekly report changes in survey and reporting formats and spot checking are to be
anticipated and would be discussed and agreed with the World Bank task team. Frequent
interactions with NRA teams are anticipated to request inspection data. Summary details
of all individual inspections conducted during the 2-week period and full reports of
inspected houses requiring remedial action should be included in the bi-weekly briefings.

The monthly reports will be factual, focused on the ongoing monitoring activities and
progress in meeting deliverables. The monthly reports will be results-based and organized
according to project requirement. Monthly reports would be prepared for World Bank’s
review and further action covering the topics summarized above, including summary
statistics, noted irregularities and recommendations for short-term and long-term
improvements to project implementation. Summary details of all individual inspections
conducted during the month period, including an analysis and details of inspected houses
requiring remedial action should be included in the monthly reports.

Quarterly reports will include analysis of results and deviations by project. These reports
will provide a more detailed analysis of trends and recurring challenges and report on the
progress made over the quarter period. Quarterly reports will be prepared summarizing
monthly information and including trends and lessons for implementation, in a format
that can be shared by the World Bank task team not only with the implementing agencies,
but also with the EHRP donor community.

2.3.3 Completion Report

A comprehensive completion report will be prepared at the end of the assignment
including an assessment of achievements, strengths, weakness and lessons learned of the
housing reconstruction program. The report outline would be agreed with the World Bank
teams before the details are prepared. The main purpose of completion report will be to
disseminate information about project achievements and outcomes, and measure these
against the objectives.

All reports will be made available to the Bank and its project teams. The report templates
are attached in annex-2 that will be improved by TPMA in consultation with the World
Bank during the upcoming stage of submission.

2.4 Data Collection and Reporting

Data collection is the actual monitoring process during a third party validation. To collect data
against selected performance indicators during the project execution process, different
techniques may be applied. The methods can vary in cost, accuracy, simplicity and technical
expertise required to assess the project activities. Data collection methods include engineering

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techniques for construction, social & environmental impact related projects along with
formal/informal methods (including study of project literature, official interviews, surveys,
questionnaire, field worker reports, direct observations and applying sampling techniques etc.).
Once different data collection techniques are selected, schedule for sampling based visits of
project sites may be planned to validate the execution process within a time framework.

2.4.1 Questionnaire and Checklists

The assessments will be carried out based on the following conditions. The checklists are
developed based on these 12 conditions, and are provided in annex-1. The android
application will be developed that will be capable to capture these conditions:



2.4.2 MIS-TPMA Data Management System

A management information system (MIS) for this particular purpose will be computerized
database of information organized and programmed in such a way that it produces
regular reports required for the decision makers. It will be possible to obtain special
reports from the system easily. In this TPMA project, for the ease of the data collection
and interpretation at central office, we will have a MIS system would be developed which
consists of geo-referenced data, managed through website and data base. The MIS
receives data from the field surveyors, who enter the required data through the android
mobile and tablet apps. For this purpose an application will be developed. The MIS will
be user friendly and any users with general idea about the application and web can use
them easily.

Reporting through MIS:

This MIS will also be able to generate customized reports. The MIS will be capable to
generate Geo-referenced data of each house including the deviations found in the house.

2.4.3 Data Ownerships and Quality Assurance

Accurate data is undoubtedly the cornerstone of every organization and the lack of
genuine data prevents the efficient transfer of information between departments
and subsidiaries and impedes decision-making and understanding of specific

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problems. Although, every member of team are responsible for the quality of data,
in this project site surveyors plays the crucial role because they are the one to visit
the field and gather data. Hence, to gather the information about the quality,
following points must be taken in consideration:

a) Validity: To determine the validity of the data, the name of the owner and the
signature must be included in the questionnaire. Further, to know if the data
were collected at the site, the picture of the house with the owner in it must be
b) Reliability: Reliability is the degree to which an assessment tool produces stable
and consistent results. Entire project is dependent on the data and reliable tools
must be taken in consideration to obtain desired result.
c) Integrity: Data integrity is the maintenance of and the assurance of the accuracy
and consistency of, data over its entire life-cycle, and is a critical aspect to the
design, implementation and usage of any system which stores, processes, or
retrieves data.
d) Precision: Precision refers to the closeness of two or more measurements to
each other. Cross verification and check must be performed to know the
precision of the data.
e) Timeliness: Data in the form of questionnaire and pictures are collected in the
field on daily basis or on the first available opportunity basis on compliance or
otherwise and each day surveyors are needed to submit the data to the central
office through MIS system designed and developed at central level.

2.5 Outstanding Issues to be resolved

TPMA team will identify and maintain a log register of finding issues/deviations during
monitoring of reconstruction houses. TPMA expert will categorize a priority rating as major and
minor deviation based on their technical characteristic. TPMA will suggest remedial measures
and immediately reporting and communicating to the World Bank. A major issue/deviations that
will have a high impact on project success, World Bank wish to take initiation in close
coordination with NRA to resolve outstanding issue as quickly and effectively. The concerned
authority will determine the deadline for resolving the deviation/issues.

3. Methods of data analysis, interpretation and discussion

The purpose of analyzing data is to obtain usable and useful information about the status of the
methods and precaution for the construction of the house and whether it is as per the
guidelines provided by NRA or not. To get the conclusion of the project, analysis of data
collected in the form of questionnaire and photos are mandatory.

Data interpretation refers to the implementation of processes through which data is reviewed
for the purpose of arriving at an informed conclusion. The interpretation of data assigns a
meaning to the information analyzed and determines its signification and implications. Data
interpretation in our project is quite simple because the questionnaire consists of simple ‘yes’ or
‘no’ question and the result is quite obvious.

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After discussion with the team members, it is then decided whether the data obtained, analyzed
and interpreted is as per the requirement of the World Bank or not. If concerned result is not
obtained, all the efforts go in vain and cause loss of time and money.

Finally, after verifying the obtained data it is finally presented to the World Bank in the form of
reports consisting of Tabular form and may contain the graphical representation as well.

TPM data will be collected in the form of questionnaire and photos. The TPM spot check data
sheets are prepared for three different stages inspection, including technical, household specific
and locality specific observations. The field engineers (staffs) may use additional sheets and note
cards if necessary. In TPM spot check data sheet, every question of MRs is divided into two
answers, i.e. 'yes' and 'no'.

TPM spot check data will be processed and analyzed to present them to an understandable
form. The easiest way to understand the data is by examining it in charts, graphs and tables. The
data collected through questionnaire survey of houses under reconstruction in each of four
districts will be analyzed and tabulated to categorize them as compliant and noncompliant
houses. Houses which do not comply with the Minimum Requirements (MRs) will be placed in
noncompliant category. The noncompliant houses will further be analyzed to divide them as
houses with major and minor deviations based on the earthquake resistant elements mentioned
in MRs. The following criteria will be used for ensuring major deviations, satisfying any other
following criteria:
 Span of the wall > 4.5m, Size of room >13.5sq.m, and Height of wall >3.0m.
 Construction of more storey and attic than that is mentioned in the MRs.
 Absence of vertical members.
 No plinth band/beam.
 More openings.
 Weak masonry walls.
 Unsupported/Vulnerable gable wall.
 Absence or discontinuity of horizontal bands.

After tabulating the houses as compliant and noncompliant along with their subdivision as major
and minor deviations, the first result from the study will be ready to be examined and
presented. With the help of this table, the findings of TPMA spot checks will be presented in bar
charts (i.e., multiple bar diagrams) showing total sampled houses, major deviations and minor
deviations at every level of inspection. The percentage of aforementioned major deviations in
total number of sampled houses will be shown in a pie chart for interpretation and discussions.
The bar chart and pie chart will help to know:
 The total number of houses that need corrections for compliant construction so that
beneficiaries will be eligible for next tranche of housing reconstruction grant.
 The understanding level of beneficiaries and existing local group on earthquake resistant

The results of the analyzed TPM data will finally be presented to the World Bank along with the
completed report.

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4. Recommendation

Recommendations for long-term and short-term improvements will be made after the
completion of analysis and assessment work, to highlight follow up actions and to remove
bottlenecks hindering the project execution process based on the following points;

4.1 Recommendation for Short Term Improvement

The following issues will be taken into consideration while providing recommendations for short
term improvement to Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Project (EHRP):

 Immediate improvement of noncompliant houses identified during TPMA process

 Detailed technical assistance strategy
 Equitable coverage and need prioritization
 Collective approach
 Defining minimum technical to be availed in each Municipality/VDC/Ward across all affected
 One the job training and model house construction strategy.
 Equity of assistance and mandatory household orientation
 Robust information management system
 Refresher trainings at regular intervals
 Correct and timely communication
 Prioritize quality assurance, inspection and monitoring
 Strengthening village reconstruction committees

4.2 Recommendation for Long Term Improvement

The following recommendations for long term improvement will be considered as outcome of
the TPMA project:

 Institutional curriculum development of multi-hazard resistant houses for the capacity

 Building code implementation and its availability up to VDC/Ward levels.
 Preparation and implementation of standard handbook of quake-resilient building
construction based on locally available construction materials.
 Investigation for the necessity of updating seismic resistant building guideline.
 Social and environmental condition of earthquake affected districts.

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5. Reports and Deliverables

Sl. No. Deliverables Time Period

1. Inception Report
a) First Draft 1 month after signing the contract.
1 month from the date of receipt of comments on
b) Second Draft
the first draft.
2. Site Inspection Report 1 month after signing the contract.
3. Bi-weekly Briefing Reports Bi-weekly
4. Monthly Reports Monthly
5. Quarterly Reports Quarterly
Data will be updated either daily or on the first
6. Data Base
available opportunity basis.
7. Completion Report End of assignment.

6. Annexes

Annex 1: Questionnaire and Checklists


Annex 2: Reports
A. Bi-Weekly
B. Monthly
C. Quarterly

Annex 3: Detail Work Program.

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Annex 1: Questionnaire and Checklists

Page 30 of 93
TPM Unique ID:…………..
Nepal Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Program
Third Party Monitoring
Spot Check Data Sheet

Date of Visit…..…………………………….
Name of Inspector…………………………
I. Beneficiary Identification: GPS:
Name: Participation Agreement No.

Address: District: VDC/Municipality (previous) Municipality (New) T oll: Land Plot No.:

Ward No Ward No
Name of Nominee (if Type of Building Destroyed SMM SMC BMM BMC

II. Dates of Agreement, Inspection and Payment (Source DLPIUs MOUD/MoFALD):

Date of Agreement Request Date for 2 Inspection
Date of 1st tranche Payment Date of 2nd Inspection
Request Date for 1st Inspection Date of 3rd tranche Payment
Date of 1st Inspection Request Date for final Inspection
Date of 2nd tranche Payment Date of issuance of completion certificate

III. Category and type of building (Write “Yes” where applicable):

1. SMM-C 2. SMC-C 3. BMM-C 4. BMC-C

5. RCC -C 6. RCC –AB 7. CM 8. Others
For Others give details:

IV. Stage of Inspection Level (Write “Yes” where applicable)

1. Plinth Band 2. Roof Band 3. Both for Plinth and Roof Band 4. Completed

V. Current Status of Construction (Write “Yes” where applicable)

n n
1. Plinth Band 2. Bet Plinth & Roof B 3. Roof Band 4. Roof Const 5. Completed

VI. Observation of TPMA: (Fill “Yes” in only one of following options / observation)
Particulars Y Remarks
a. Compliance with construction standard
b. Compliance with minor deviation
c.Noncompliance / Major Deviation

Page 31 of 93
VII. Technical Inspection Sheet

If use fix design from design catalogue, Design No. BMC-1.1
Technical Assistant □YES, □NO Organization □GoN, □NGO ( )
Trained Masons used □YES, □NO Soil type □Hard, □Medium, □Soft
Comply to
Category Description MRs Remarks

Geological fault or Ruptured Area □ □
Steep Slope > 20° □ □
Landslide susceptible Area □ □
1 Site River bank and Water logged Area □ □
selection Rock-fall Area □ □
away from Liquefaction susceptible Area □ □
Filled Area □ □
No. of storey Not more than two plus attic. □ □
Span of Wall Not more than 12 times thickness of wall and not more than □ □
Shape of 4.5m .(14’9”)
2 Size of room Not more than 13.5sq.m (145’4”sq.ft) □ □
Height of wall Not more than 3.0 m.

Simple and regular shape as square and rectangular □ □
The length is not more than 3 times of its width □ □
Stone Avoid round, easily breakable soft stone and boulder stones □ □
Size: Thickness>50mm(2”),length/Breadth>150mm(6”)

Brick Over burnt, under burnt and deformed bricks are not used in □ □
construction. Minimum crushing strength = 3.5 MPa.
3 Materials
Mortar Strength is not less than 1 cement :4 sand mixture for masonry □ □
Concrete M20 grade (1 cement: 1.5 sand: 3 aggregate) □ □
Rebar HYSD bars, fy = 415 Mpa /500 Mpa □ □
Timber Hard wood □ □
Continuous strip footing □ □
4 Foundation Depth below GL One Storey ≥800mm (2’8”) □ □
Two Storey ≥900mm (3’) □ □
Base Width One Storey Soft≥650mm(2’2”),Medium≥550mm(1’10”),Hard≥ □ □
550mm mm(1’10”)
Two Storey
Soft:≥900mm(3’),Medium≥650mm(2’2”),Hard≥550 □ □
Started right from the foundation and continue up to the roof □ □
RC Timber
5 Placed at all Hard wood. One member of 75mm(3”)
member corners , x 100mm(4”) for corner.
junction of Two member of 75mm(3”) x
walls and 100mm(4”) for openings □ □

Reinforcement 12mm dia bars for one storey and 16mm dia bars for two storey
with 1:4 mortar in cavities. □ □
Anchorage 60 times diameter of reinforcement □ □
A continuous RC band is provided through all walls at the plinth level. □ □
Height from GL Not less than 300mm(1’) from GL. But recommended is 450mm. □ □
Thickness 150mm(6”) □ □
Width Not less than wall thickness/350mm □ □
6 Plinth Main: 4-12mm dia bars
Reinforcement Stirrups: 6mm dia. at
150mm(6”) c/c, Concrete cover of 25mm(1”) □ □

Page 32 of 93
VIII. Recommendation of TPMA
Particulars Remarks
Technical Recommendation by the Field
Technician (if applicable)

Technical Recommendation by the District

Engineer (if applicable)

IX. Household Specific Observation:

Items Y/N Remarks
1. Factors resulting in slow/delayed construction
i. House Owner Financial Limitation
ii. Lack of technical awareness/support/assistance
iii. Lack of availability of material
iv. Delay in payments of Installments
v. Non-availability of Skilled Labour
vi. Others
2. Others
vii. Is Toilet constructed
viii. Is Solar installed
ix. Use of building (Y/N) i. Commercial ii. Private iii. Rent iv. mixed
3. Satisfaction of beneficiaries
i.Not satisfied ii.Moderately iii.Satisfied iv.Highly
with regard to housing project

X. Locality Specific Observation:

Items Y/N Remarks
1. Risk Categories (Spot/Settlement Specific)
i) If Settlement/Area prone to following Hazard Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Steep slope
River bank / Waterlogged area
Liquefaction susceptible Area
ii) If settlement /Ward is with following Compliance Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Availability of material
Technical assistance
Acceptance of guidelines by beneficiaries
2. Cost of Labor & Materials in the area:
i. Unit Cost of Materials (NRs.): stone, sand & timber per cum, brick per no, cement per bag, Rod per kg
stone Brick cement sand Timber Rebar
ii. Cost of Labour Per Day (NRs)
Mason Unskilled Carpenter

Page 33 of 93

XI. Photographs with their Number

Signature of Field Sub-Engineer

1: Copies of Inspection Forms [MOUD]

2: Copies of Request of Inspection

3: Copies of Completion Certificates

4: Any other document

Page 34 of 93
TPM Unique ID:…………..
Nepal Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Program
Third Party Monitoring
Spot Check Data Sheet

Date of Visit…..…………………………….
Name of Inspector…………………………
I. Beneficiary Identification: GPS:
Name: Participation Agreement No.

Address: District: VDC/Municipality (previous) Municipality (New) T oll: Land Plot No.:

Ward No Ward No
Name of Nominee (if Type of Building Destroyed SMM SMC BMM BMC

II. Dates of Agreement, Inspection and Payment (Source DLPIUs MOUD/MoFALD):

Date of Agreement Request Date for 2 Inspection
Date of 1st tranche Payment Date of 2nd Inspection
Request Date for 1st Inspection Date of 3rd tranche Payment
Date of 1st Inspection Request Date for final Inspection
Date of 2nd tranche Payment Date of issuance of completion certificate

III. Category and type of building (Write “Yes” where applicable):

1. SMM-C 2. SMC-C 3. BMM-C 4. BMC-C

5. RCC -C 6. RCC –AB 7. CM 8. Others
For Others give details:

IV. Stage of Inspection Level (Write “Yes” where applicable)

1. Plinth Band 2. Roof Band 3. Both for Plinth and Roof Band 4. Completed

V. Current Status of Construction (Write “Yes” where applicable)

n n
1. Plinth Band 2. Bet Plinth & Roof B 3. Roof Band 4. Roof Const 5. Completed

VI. Observation of TPMA: (Fill “Yes” in only one of following options / observation)
Particulars Y Remarks
a. Compliance with construction standard
b. Compliance with minor deviation
c.Noncompliance / Major Deviation

Page 35 of 93
VII. Technical Inspection Sheet

If use fix design from design catalogue, Design No. BMC-1.1
Technical Assistant □YES, □NO Organization □GoN, □NGO ( )
Trained Masons used □YES, □NO Soil type □Hard, □Medium, □Soft
Comply to
Category Description MRs Remarks

Geological fault or Ruptured Area □ □
Steep Slope > 20° □ □
Landslide susceptible Area □ □
1 Site River bank and Water logged Area □ □
selection Rock-fall Area □ □
away from Liquefaction susceptible Area □ □
Filled Area □ □
No. of storey Not more than two plus attic. □ □
Span of Wall Not more than 12 times thickness of wall and not more than □ □
Shape of 4.5m .(14’9”)
2 Size of room Not more than 13.5sq.m (145’4”sq.ft) □ □
Height of wall Not more than 3.0 m.

Simple and regular shape as square and rectangular □ □
The length is not more than 3 times of its width □ □
Stone Avoid round, easily breakable soft stone and boulder stones □ □
Size: Thickness>50mm(2”),length/Breadth>150mm(6”)

Brick Over burnt, under burnt and deformed bricks are not used in □ □
construction. Minimum crushing strength = 3.5 MPa.
3 Materials
Mortar Strength is not less than 1 cement :4 sand mixture for masonry □ □
Concrete M20 grade (1 cement: 1.5 sand: 3 aggregate) □ □
Rebar HYSD bars, fy = 415 Mpa /500 Mpa □ □
Timber Hard wood □ □
Continuous strip footing □ □
4 Foundation Depth below GL One Storey ≥800mm (2’8”) □ □
Two Storey ≥900mm (3’) □ □
Base Width One Storey Soft≥650mm(2’2”),Medium≥550mm(1’10”),Hard≥ □ □
550mm mm(1’10”)
Two Storey
Soft:≥900mm(3’),Medium≥650mm(2’2”),Hard≥550 □ □
Started right from the foundation and continue up to the roof □ □
RC Timber
5 Placed at all Hard wood. One member of 75mm(3”)
member corners , x 100mm(4”) for corner.
junction of Two member of 75mm(3”) x
walls and 100mm(4”) for openings □ □

Reinforcement 12mm dia bars for one storey and 16mm dia bars for two storey
with 1:4 mortar in cavities. □ □
Anchorage 60 times diameter of reinforcement □ □
A continuous RC band is provided through all walls at the plinth level. □ □
Height from GL Not less than 300mm(1’) from GL. But recommended is 450mm. □ □
Thickness 150mm(6”) □ □
Width Not less than wall thickness/350mm □ □
6 Plinth Main: 4-12mm dia bars
Reinforcement Stirrups: 6mm dia. at
150mm(6”) c/c, Concrete cover of 25mm(1”) □ □

Page 36 of 93
Category to MRs Remarks
Walls are not laid staggered or straggled; and continuous vertical □ □
joints are avoided.
At corners or wall junctions, through vertical joints are avoided. □ □
Masonry is interlocked. □ □
One Storey 230mm. □ □
Thickness Two Storey 350mm for ground
230mm for first floor
Walls Not more than 20mm and less than 10mm in □ □
Mortar Joints thickness.
7 Length equal to the full wall thickness is used in □ □
Through Stones every 600 mm height at not more than 1.2 m apart
Gable wall Unsupported masonry gable wall □ □
Lightweight materials (wood, CGI sheets etc ) □ □
are used as gables
Masonry gable wall with gable RC band is used. □ □
Same Lintel level is provided for all doors and windows. □ □
Openings are located away from inside corners by a clear distance □ □
equal to at least 1/4 of the height of the opening, but not less than
8 600 mm.
Position and Size of
Total length The total length of openings in a wall is not □ □
greater than 50 % of the length of the wall
(Door/Windows) between consecutive cross-walls in single storey
construction, 42 % in two-storey construction
The minimum horizontal distance between two □ □
openings is equal to one half of the height of the
Distance shorter opening, or 600 mm, whichever is

Horizontal bands are provided throughout the entire walls at plinth, □ □

sill, lintel, and roof level.
RCC: Concrete: 1:1.5:3 and Steel: fy = 415MPa/500MPa □ □
Sill Band A continuous sill band is provided through all □ □
walls at the bottom level of windows.
Thickness Not less than 75mm. □ □

Rebar 2-10mm dia. □ □

A continuous lintel band is provided through all □ □
walls at the top level of opening. Where
opening width do not exceed 1.25m and
masonry height above opening do not exceed
0.9m, 75mm lintel is sufficient. For opening
width up to 2m and masonry height above
opening upto1.2m, 150mm lintel band is
Lintel band

Thickness 75mm 150mm □ □

9 RC
Rebar 2-12mm 2-10mm (Top) and □ □
Horizontal Horizontal
2-12 mm (Bottom)
band band
Stitch band At corners and junctions, stitches( dowels) are □ □
(Dowel) provided addition at a vertical spacing of 500-
The minimum length of stich band is 1.2m. □ □
Thickness Not less than 75mm □ □
Rebar 2-8mm dia. bars □ □
Roof band A Continuous roof band is provided at the top- □ □
level of walls, so as to integrate them properly
at their ends and fix them into the walls.
The minimum thickness of roof band is 75mm. □ □
Thickness 75mm 300mm □ □
Rebar 2-12mm 4-12mm dia. □ □
Stirrups For All 6mm dia. @ 150mm c/c □ □
Hook length For All 500mm □ □
Cover to Rebar For All 25mm (clear) □ □

Page 37 of 93
Horizontal bands are provided throughout the entire wall at plinth, □ □
sill, lintel, and roof level.

 Main wooden member, Sill band □ □

 2-75mmX38mm shall be placed along with Lintel band □ □
wall and properly connected with batten,
50mmX38mm @ 500c/c. Stitch band □ □
 Stitch (Mid band) shall be continuous.
Horizontal Roof band □ □

Reinforcement □ □
Connection Main wooden member: 4 nails; Batten: 2 nails. □ □
Note: 5mm wooden nail or 3.15mm galvanized
steel nail can be used.

VIII. Recommendation of TPMA

Particulars Remarks
Technical Recommendation by the Field
Technician (if applicable)

Technical Recommendation by the District

Engineer (if applicable)

IX. Household Specific Observation:

Items Y/N Remarks
1. Factors resulting in slow/delayed construction
i. House Owner Financial Limitation
ii. Lack of technical awareness/support/assistance
iii. Lack of availability of material
iv. Delay in payments of Installments
v. Non-availability of Skilled Labour
vi. Others
2. Others
vii. Is Toilet constructed
viii. Is Solar installed
ix. Use of building (Y/N) i. Commercial ii. Private iii. Rent iv. mixed
3. Satisfaction of beneficiaries
i.Not satisfied ii.Moderately iii.Satisfied iv.Highly
with regard to housing project

X. Locality Specific Observation:

Items Y/N Remarks
1. Risk Categories (Spot/Settlement Specific)
i) If Settlement/Area prone to following Hazard Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Steep slope
River bank / Waterlogged area
Liquefaction susceptible Area
ii) If settlement /Ward is with following Compliance Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Page 38 of 93
Availability of material
Technical assistance
Acceptance of guidelines by beneficiaries
2. Cost of Labor & Materials in the area:
i. Unit Cost of Materials (NRs.): stone, sand & timber per cum, brick per no, cement per bag, Rod per kg
stone Brick cement sand Timber Rebar
ii. Cost of Labour Per Day (NRs)
Mason Unskilled Carpenter

XI. Photographs with their Number

Signature of Field Sub-Engineer

1: Copies of Inspection Forms [MOUD]

2: Copies of Request of Inspection

3: Copies of Completion Certificates

4: Any other document

Page 39 of 93
TPM Unique ID:…………..
Nepal Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Program
Third Party Monitoring
Spot Check Data Sheet

Date of Visit…..…………………………….
Name of Inspector…………………………
I. Beneficiary Identification: GPS:
Name: Participation Agreement No.

Address: District: VDC/Municipality (previous) Municipality (New) T oll: Land Plot No.:

Ward No Ward No
Name of Nominee (if Type of Building Destroyed SMM SMC BMM BMC

II. Dates of Agreement, Inspection and Payment (Source DLPIUs MOUD/MoFALD):

Date of Agreement Request Date for 2 Inspection
Date of 1st tranche Payment Date of 2nd Inspection
Request Date for 1st Inspection Date of 3rd tranche Payment
Date of 1st Inspection Request Date for final Inspection
Date of 2nd tranche Payment Date of issuance of completion certificate

III. Category and type of building (Write “Yes” where applicable):

1. SMM-C 2. SMC-C 3. BMM-C 4. BMC-C

5. RCC -C 6. RCC –AB 7. CM 8. Others
For Others give details:

IV. Stage of Inspection Level (Write “Yes” where applicable)

1. Plinth Band 2. Roof Band 3. Both for Plinth and Roof Band 4. Completed

V. Current Status of Construction (Write “Yes” where applicable)

n n
1. Plinth Band 2. Bet Plinth & Roof B 3. Roof Band 4. Roof Const 5. Completed

VI. Observation of TPMA: (Fill “Yes” in only one of following options / observation)
Particulars Y Remarks
a. Compliance with construction standard
b. Compliance with minor deviation
c.Noncompliance / Major Deviation

Page 40 of 93
VII. Technical Inspection Sheet

If use fix design from design catalogue, Design No. BMC-1.1
Technical Assistant □YES, □NO Organization □GoN, □NGO ( )
Trained Masons used □YES, □NO Soil type □Hard, □Medium, □Soft
Comply to
Category Description MRs Remarks

Geological fault or Ruptured Area □ □
Steep Slope > 20° □ □
Landslide susceptible Area □ □
1 Site River bank and Water logged Area □ □
selection Rock-fall Area □ □
away from Liquefaction susceptible Area □ □
Filled Area □ □
No. of storey Not more than two plus attic. □ □
Span of Wall Not more than 12 times thickness of wall and not more than □ □
Shape of 4.5m .(14’9”)
2 Size of room Not more than 13.5sq.m (145’4”sq.ft) □ □
Height of wall Not more than 3.0 m.

Simple and regular shape as square and rectangular □ □
The length is not more than 3 times of its width □ □
Stone Avoid round, easily breakable soft stone and boulder stones □ □
Size: Thickness>50mm(2”),length/Breadth>150mm(6”)

Brick Over burnt, under burnt and deformed bricks are not used in □ □
construction. Minimum crushing strength = 3.5 MPa.
3 Materials
Mortar Strength is not less than 1 cement :4 sand mixture for masonry □ □
Concrete M20 grade (1 cement: 1.5 sand: 3 aggregate) □ □
Rebar HYSD bars, fy = 415 Mpa /500 Mpa □ □
Timber Hard wood □ □
Continuous strip footing □ □
4 Foundation Depth below GL One Storey ≥800mm (2’8”) □ □
Two Storey ≥900mm (3’) □ □
Base Width One Storey Soft≥650mm(2’2”),Medium≥550mm(1’10”),Hard≥ □ □
550mm mm(1’10”)
Two Storey
Soft:≥900mm(3’),Medium≥650mm(2’2”),Hard≥550 □ □
Started right from the foundation and continue up to the roof □ □
RC Timber
5 Placed at all Hard wood. One member of 75mm(3”)
member corners , x 100mm(4”) for corner.
junction of Two member of 75mm(3”) x
walls and 100mm(4”) for openings □ □

Reinforcement 12mm dia bars for one storey and 16mm dia bars for two storey
with 1:4 mortar in cavities. □ □
Anchorage 60 times diameter of reinforcement □ □
A continuous RC band is provided through all walls at the plinth level. □ □
Height from GL Not less than 300mm(1’) from GL. But recommended is 450mm. □ □
Thickness 150mm(6”) □ □
Width Not less than wall thickness/350mm □ □
6 Plinth Main: 4-12mm dia bars
Reinforcement Stirrups: 6mm dia. at
150mm(6”) c/c, Concrete cover of 25mm(1”) □ □

Page 41 of 93
Category to MRs Remarks
Walls are not laid staggered or straggled; and continuous vertical □ □
joints are avoided.
At corners or wall junctions, through vertical joints are avoided. □ □
Masonry is interlocked. □ □
One Storey 230mm. □ □
Thickness Two Storey 350mm for ground
230mm for first floor
Walls Not more than 20mm and less than 10mm in □ □
Mortar Joints thickness.
7 Length equal to the full wall thickness is used in □ □
Through Stones every 600 mm height at not more than 1.2 m apart
Gable wall Unsupported masonry gable wall □ □
Lightweight materials (wood, CGI sheets etc ) □ □
are used as gables
Masonry gable wall with gable RC band is used. □ □
Same Lintel level is provided for all doors and windows. □ □
Openings are located away from inside corners by a clear distance □ □
equal to at least 1/4 of the height of the opening, but not less than
8 600 mm.
Position and Size of
Total length The total length of openings in a wall is not □ □
greater than 50 % of the length of the wall
(Door/Windows) between consecutive cross-walls in single storey
construction, 42 % in two-storey construction
The minimum horizontal distance between two □ □
openings is equal to one half of the height of the
Distance shorter opening, or 600 mm, whichever is

Horizontal bands are provided throughout the entire walls at plinth, □ □

sill, lintel, and roof level.
RCC: Concrete: 1:1.5:3 and Steel: fy = 415MPa/500MPa □ □
9 Sill Band A continuous sill band is provided through all □ □
walls at the bottom level of windows.
Thickness Not less than 75mm. □ □

Rebar 2-10mm dia. □ □

A continuous lintel band is provided through all □ □
walls at the top level of opening. Where
opening width do not exceed 1.25m and
masonry height above opening do not exceed
0.9m, 75mm lintel is sufficient. For opening
width up to 2m and masonry height above
opening upto1.2m, 150mm lintel band is
Lintel band

Thickness 75mm 150mm □ □

Rebar 2-12mm 2-10mm (Top) and □ □
Horizontal Horizontal
2-12 mm (Bottom)
band band
Stitch band At corners and junctions, stitches( dowels) are □ □
(Dowel) provided addition at a vertical spacing of 500-
The minimum length of stich band is 1.2m. □ □
Thickness Not less than 75mm □ □
Rebar 2-8mm dia. bars □ □
Roof band A Continuous roof band is provided at the top- □ □
level of walls, so as to integrate them properly
at their ends and fix them into the walls.
The minimum thickness of roof band is 75mm. □ □
Thickness 75mm 300mm □ □
Rebar 2-12mm 4-12mm dia. □ □
Stirrups For All 6mm dia. @ 150mm c/c □ □
Hook length For All 500mm □ □
Cover to Rebar For All 25mm (clear) □ □

Page 42 of 93
Horizontal bands are provided throughout the entire wall at plinth, □ □
sill, lintel, and roof level.

 Main wooden member, Sill band □ □

 2-75mmX38mm shall be placed along with Lintel band □ □
wall and properly connected with batten,
50mmX38mm @ 500c/c. Stitch band □ □
 Stitch (Mid band) shall be continuous.
Horizontal Roof band □ □

Reinforcement □ □
Connection Main wooden member: 4 nails; Batten: 2 nails. □ □
Note: 5mm wooden nail or 3.15mm galvanized
steel nail can be used.

General Light roof comprising wooden or steel truss covered with CGI □ □
sheets is used.

Connection All members of the timber truss or joints are properly connected. □ □
10 Roof
Arrangements are done for connecting roof and wall. □ □
Bracing For flexible diaphragm, diagonal bracings are provided. □ □

VIII. Recommendation of TPMA

Particulars Remarks
Technical Recommendation by the Field
Technician (if applicable)

Technical Recommendation by the District

Engineer (if applicable)

IX. Household Specific Observation:

Items Y/N Remarks
1. Factors resulting in slow/delayed construction
i. House Owner Financial Limitation
ii. Lack of technical awareness/support/assistance
iii. Lack of availability of material
iv. Delay in payments of Installments
v. Non-availability of Skilled Labour
vi. Others
2. Others
vii. Is Toilet constructed
viii. Is Solar installed
ix. Use of building (Y/N) i. Commercial ii. Private iii. Rent iv. mixed
3. Satisfaction of beneficiaries
i.Not satisfied ii.Moderately iii.Satisfied iv.Highly
with regard to housing project

Page 43 of 93

X. Locality Specific Observation:

Items Y/N Remarks
1. Risk Categories (Spot/Settlement Specific)
i) If Settlement/Area prone to following Hazard Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Steep slope
River bank / Waterlogged area
Liquefaction susceptible Area
ii) If settlement /Ward is with following Compliance Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Availability of material
Technical assistance
Acceptance of guidelines by beneficiaries
2. Cost of Labor & Materials in the area:
i. Unit Cost of Materials (NRs.): stone, sand & timber per cum, brick per no, cement per bag, Rod per kg
stone Brick cement sand Timber Rebar
ii. Cost of Labour Per Day (NRs)
Mason Unskilled Carpenter

XI. Photographs with their Number

Signature of Field Sub-Engineer

1: Copies of Inspection Forms [MOUD]

2: Copies of Request of Inspection

3: Copies of Completion Certificates

4: Any other document

Page 44 of 93
TPM Unique ID:…………..
Nepal Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Program
Third Party Monitoring
Spot Check Data Sheet

Date of Visit…..…………………………….
Name of Inspector…………………………
I. Beneficiary Identification: GPS:
Name: Participation Agreement No.

Address: District: VDC/Municipality (previous) Municipality (New) T oll: Land Plot No.:

Ward No Ward No
Name of Nominee (if Type of Building Destroyed SMM SMC BMM BMC

II. Dates of Agreement, Inspection and Payment (Source DLPIUs MOUD/MoFALD):

Date of Agreement Request Date for 2 Inspection
Date of 1st tranche Payment Date of 2nd Inspection
Request Date for 1st Inspection Date of 3rd tranche Payment
Date of 1st Inspection Request Date for final Inspection
Date of 2nd tranche Payment Date of issuance of completion certificate

III. Category and type of building (Write “Yes” where applicable):

1. SMM-C 2. SMC-C 3. BMM-C 4. BMC-C

5. RCC -C 6. RCC –AB 7. CM 8. Others
For Others give details:

IV. Stage of Inspection Level (Write “Yes” where applicable)

1. Plinth Band 2. Roof Band 3. Both for Plinth and Roof Band 4. Completed

V. Current Status of Construction (Write “Yes” where applicable)

n n
1. Plinth Band 2. Bet Plinth & Roof B 3. Roof Band 4. Roof Const 5. Completed

VI. Observation of TPMA: (Fill “Yes” in only one of following options / observation)
Particulars Y Remarks
a. Compliance with construction standard
b. Compliance with minor deviation
c.Noncompliance / Major Deviation

Page 45 of 93
VII. Technical Inspection Sheet

If use fix design from design catalogue, Design No. BMM-1.1
Technical Assistant □YES, □NO Organization □GoN, □NGO ( )
Trained Masons used □YES, □NO Soil type □Hard, □Medium, □Soft
Category Description to MRs Remarks

Geological fault or Ruptured Area □ □
Steep Slope > 20° □ □
Landslide susceptible Area □ □
1 Site River bank and Water logged Area □ □
selection Rock-fall Area □ □
away from Liquefaction susceptible Area □ □
Filled Area □ □
No. of storey RC band Not more than one plus habitable attic
Timber band Not more than one storey.
Span of Wall Not more than 12 times thickness of wall and not more than □ □
Shape of 4.5m .(14’9”)
House Size of room Not more than 13.5sq.m (145’4”sq.ft) □ □
Simple and regular shape as square and rectangular □ □
The length is not more than 3 times of its width □ □
Stone Avoid round, easily breakable soft stone □ □
Size: Thickness>50mm(2”),length/Breadth>150mm(6”)

Brick Over burnt, under burnt and deformed bricks are not used in □ □
construction. Minimum crushing strength = 3.5 MPa.
3 Materials
Mud mortar
Free from organic materials, pebbles, hard □ □
Mortar Materials.
Cement mortar
Strength is not less than 1 cement : 6 sand □ □
Concrete M15grade (1 cement: 2 sand: 4 aggregate) □ □
Rebar fy = 415 Mpa /500 Mpa □ □
Timber Hard wood □ □
Continuous strip footing □ □
4 Foundation Depth below GL 750mm(2’6”) for one storey □ □
Base Width Soft≥750mm(2’6”),Medium≥650mm(2’2”),Hard≥550mm(1’10”) □ □
Started right from the foundation and continue up to the roof band. □ □
Placed at all corners , junction of Hard wood. One member of 75mm(3”)
walls and openings x 100mm(4”) for corner.
Two member of 75mm(3”) x
One 12mm diameter bars 100mm(4”) for openings
Vertical □ □
member Two 16mm diameter bars

60 times diameter of
Anchorage reinforcement □ □

Height from GL Not less than 300mm(1’) from GL. But recommended is 450mm. □ □
Thickness 75mm(3”) for hard soil; 150mm(6”) for soft soil. □ □
Width Not less than wall thickness/230mm □ □
RC band
6 Plinth Main: 2-12 dia. for 75mm band in hard soil; 4-12 dia for 150 mm thick
Reinforcement band in soft soil. Stirrups 6mm dia. @ 150mm c.c. Concrete cover of □ □
25mm (1”).

Page 46 of 93

VIII. Recommendation of TPMA

Particulars Remarks
Technical Recommendation by the Field
Technician (if applicable)

Technical Recommendation by the District

Engineer (if applicable)

IX. Household Specific Observation:

Items Y/N Remarks
1. Factors resulting in slow/delayed construction
i. House Owner Financial Limitation
ii. Lack of technical awareness/support/assistance
iii. Lack of availability of material
iv. Delay in payments of Installments
v. Non-availability of Skilled Labour
vi. Others
2. Others
vii. Is Toilet constructed
viii. Is Solar installed
ix. Use of building (Y/N) i. Commercial ii. Private iii. Rent iv. mixed
3. Satisfaction of beneficiaries
i.Not satisfied ii.Moderately iii.Satisfied iv.Highly
with regard to housing project

X. Locality Specific Observation:

Items Y/N Remarks
1. Risk Categories (Spot/Settlement Specific)
i) If Settlement/Area prone to following Hazard Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Steep slope
River bank / Waterlogged area
Liquefaction susceptible Area
ii) If settlement /Ward is with following Compliance Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Availability of material
Technical assistance
Acceptance of guidelines by beneficiaries
2. Cost of Labor & Materials in the area:
i. Unit Cost of Materials (NRs.): stone, sand & timber per cum, brick per no, cement per bag, Rod per kg
stone Brick cement sand Timber Rebar
ii. Cost of Labour Per Day (NRs)
Mason Unskilled Carpenter

Page 47 of 93

XI. Photographs with their Number

Signature of Field Sub-Engineer

1: Copies of Inspection Forms [MOUD]

2: Copies of Request of Inspection

3: Copies of Completion Certificates

4: Any other document

Page 48 of 93
TPM Unique ID:…………..
Nepal Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Program
Third Party Monitoring
Spot Check Data Sheet

Date of Visit…..…………………………….
Name of Inspector…………………………
I. Beneficiary Identification: GPS:
Name: Participation Agreement No.

Address: District: VDC/Municipality (previous) Municipality (New) T oll: Land Plot No.:

Ward No Ward No
Name of Nominee (if Type of Building Destroyed SMM SMC BMM BMC

II. Dates of Agreement, Inspection and Payment (Source DLPIUs MOUD/MoFALD):

Date of Agreement Request Date for 2 Inspection
Date of 1st tranche Payment Date of 2nd Inspection
Request Date for 1st Inspection Date of 3rd tranche Payment
Date of 1st Inspection Request Date for final Inspection
Date of 2nd tranche Payment Date of issuance of completion certificate

III. Category and type of building (Write “Yes” where applicable):

1. SMM-C 2. SMC-C 3. BMM-C 4. BMC-C

5. RCC -C 6. RCC –AB 7. CM 8. Others
For Others give details:

IV. Stage of Inspection Level (Write “Yes” where applicable)

1. Plinth Band 2. Roof Band 3. Both for Plinth and Roof Band 4. Completed

V. Current Status of Construction (Write “Yes” where applicable)

n n
1. Plinth Band 2. Bet Plinth & Roof B 3. Roof Band 4. Roof Const 5. Completed

VI. Observation of TPMA: (Fill “Yes” in only one of following options / observation)
Particulars Y Remarks
a. Compliance with construction standard
b. Compliance with minor deviation
c.Noncompliance / Major Deviation

Page 49 of 93
VII. Technical Inspection Sheet

If use fix design from design catalogue, Design No. BMM-1.1
Technical Assistant □YES, □NO Organization □GoN, □NGO ( )
Trained Masons used □YES, □NO Soil type □Hard, □Medium, □Soft
Category Description to MRs Remarks

Geological fault or Ruptured Area □ □
Steep Slope > 20° □ □
Landslide susceptible Area □ □
1 Site River bank and Water logged Area □ □
selection Rock-fall Area □ □
away from Liquefaction susceptible Area □ □
Filled Area □ □
No. of storey RC band Not more than one plus habitable attic
Timber band Not more than one storey.
Span of Wall Not more than 12 times thickness of wall and not more than □ □
Shape of 4.5m .(14’9”)
House Size of room Not more than 13.5sq.m (145’4”sq.ft) □ □
Simple and regular shape as square and rectangular □ □
The length is not more than 3 times of its width □ □
Stone Avoid round, easily breakable soft stone □ □
Size: Thickness>50mm(2”),length/Breadth>150mm(6”)

Brick Over burnt, under burnt and deformed bricks are not used in □ □
construction. Minimum crushing strength = 3.5 MPa.
3 Materials
Mud mortar
Free from organic materials, pebbles, hard □ □
Mortar Materials.
Cement mortar
Strength is not less than 1 cement : 6 sand □ □
Concrete M15grade (1 cement: 2 sand: 4 aggregate) □ □
Rebar fy = 415 Mpa /500 Mpa □ □
Timber Hard wood □ □
Continuous strip footing □ □
4 Foundation Depth below GL 750mm(2’6”) for one storey □ □
Base Width Soft≥750mm(2’6”),Medium≥650mm(2’2”),Hard≥550mm(1’10”) □ □
Started right from the foundation and continue up to the roof band. □ □
Placed at all corners , junction of Hard wood. One member of 75mm(3”)
walls and openings x 100mm(4”) for corner.
Two member of 75mm(3”) x
One 12mm diameter bars 100mm(4”) for openings
Vertical □ □
member Two 16mm diameter bars

60 times diameter of
Anchorage reinforcement □ □

Height from GL Not less than 300mm(1’) from GL. But recommended is 450mm. □ □
Thickness 75mm(3”) for hard soil; 150mm(6”) for soft soil. □ □
Width Not less than wall thickness/230mm □ □
RC band
6 Plinth Main: 2-12 dia. for 75mm band in hard soil; 4-12 dia for 150 mm thick
Reinforcement band in soft soil. Stirrups 6mm dia. @ 150mm c.c. Concrete cover of □ □
25mm (1”).

Page 50 of 93
Category to MRs Remarks
Walls are not laid staggered or straggled; and continuous vertical joints are avoided. □ □
At corners or wall junctions, through vertical joints are avoided. □ □
Masonry is interlocked. □ □
Thickness Not less than 350mm. □ □
Mortar Joints Not more than 20mm and less than 10mm in thickness. □ □
Walls Through Length equal to the full wall thickness shall be used in every 600 □ □
Stones mm height at not more than 1.2 m apart horizontally
Unsupported masonry gable wall □ □
Gable wall
Lightweight materials (wood, CGI sheets etc ) are used as gables □ □
Masonry gable wall with gable RC band is used. □ □
Same Lintel level is provided for all doors and windows. □ □
Position and
8 Openings are located away from inside corners by a clear distance equal to at least □ □
size of 1/4 of the height of the opening, but not less than 600 mm.
openings The total length of openings in a wall is not greater than 30 % of
(Doors/Wind the length of the wall between consecutive cross-walls in single
ows) Total length □ □
storey construction.
The minimum horizontal distance between two openings is equal
Distance to one half of the height of the shorter opening, or 600 mm, □ □
whichever is greater.
Horizontal bands are provided throughout the entire walls at plinth, sill, lintel, and □ □
roof level.
R.C. C Concrete: 1:1.5:3 and Steel: fy = 415MPa/500MPa □ □
A continuous sill band is provided through all walls □ □
at the bottom level of windows.
Sill Band Thickness Not less than 75mm. □ □
Rebar 2-10mm dia. □ □
A continuous lintel band is provided through all
walls at the top level of opening. Where opening
width do not exceed 1.25m and masonry height
above opening do not exceed 0.9m, 75mm lintel is
sufficient. For opening width up to 2m and masonry
□ □
height above opening upto1.2m, 150mm lintel band
is necessary.
Lintel band

Thickness 75mm 150mm □ □

Rebar 2-12mm 2-10mm
(Top) and 2- □ □
9 12 mm
Horizontal Horizontal At corners and junctions, stitches( dowels) are
Band provided addition at a vertical spacing of 500- □ □
Band 700mm.
Stitch band
The minimum length of stich band is 1.2m. □ □
Thickness Not less than 75mm □ □
Rebar 2-8mm dia. bars □ □
A Continuous roof band is provided at the top-level
of walls, so as to integrate them properly at their □ □
ends and fix them into the walls.
Roof band The minimum thickness of roof band is 75mm. □ □
Thickness 75mm 300mm □ □
Rebar 2-12mm dia. 4-12mm dia. □ □
Stirrups For All 6mm dia. @ 150mm c/c □ □
Hook length For All 500mm □ □
Cover to For All 25mm (clear) □ □
Horizontal bands are provided throughout the entire wall at plinth, □ □
sill, lintel, and roof level.
 Main wooden member, Sill band □ □
 2-75mmX38mm shall be placed along with Lintel band □ □
Wooden wall and properly connected with batten,
Horizontal 50mmX38mm @ 500c/c.
Stitch band □ □
Band  Stitch (Mid band) shall be continuous. Roof band □ □
Reinforcement □ □
Connection Main wooden member: 4 nails; Batten: 2 nails. □ □
Note: 5mm wooden nail or 3.15mm galvanized steel
nail can be used.

Page 51 of 93

VIII. Recommendation of TPMA

Particulars Remarks
Technical Recommendation by the Field
Technician (if applicable)

Technical Recommendation by the District

Engineer (if applicable)

IX. Household Specific Observation:

Items Y/N Remarks
1. Factors resulting in slow/delayed construction
i. House Owner Financial Limitation
ii. Lack of technical awareness/support/assistance
iii. Lack of availability of material
iv. Delay in payments of Installments
v. Non-availability of Skilled Labour
vi. Others
2. Others
vii. Is Toilet constructed
viii. Is Solar installed
ix. Use of building (Y/N) i. Commercial ii. Private iii. Rent iv. mixed
3. Satisfaction of beneficiaries
i.Not satisfied ii.Moderately iii.Satisfied iv.Highly
with regard to housing project

X. Locality Specific Observation:

Items Y/N Remarks
1. Risk Categories (Spot/Settlement Specific)
i) If Settlement/Area prone to following Hazard Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Steep slope
River bank / Waterlogged area
Liquefaction susceptible Area
ii) If settlement /Ward is with following Compliance Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Availability of material
Technical assistance
Acceptance of guidelines by beneficiaries
2. Cost of Labor & Materials in the area:
i. Unit Cost of Materials (NRs.): stone, sand & timber per cum, brick per no, cement per bag, Rod per kg
stone Brick cement sand Timber Rebar
ii. Cost of Labour Per Day (NRs)
Mason Unskilled Carpenter

Page 52 of 93
XI. Photographs with their Number

Signature of Field Sub-Engineer

1: Copies of Inspection Forms [MOUD]

2: Copies of Request of Inspection

3: Copies of Completion Certificates

4: Any other document

Page 53 of 93
TPM Unique ID:…………..
Nepal Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Program
Third Party Monitoring
Spot Check Data Sheet

Date of Visit…..…………………………….
Name of Inspector…………………………
I. Beneficiary Identification: GPS:
Name: Participation Agreement No.

Address: District: VDC/Municipality (previous) Municipality (New) T oll: Land Plot No.:

Ward No Ward No
Name of Nominee (if Type of Building Destroyed SMM SMC BMM BMC

II. Dates of Agreement, Inspection and Payment (Source DLPIUs MOUD/MoFALD):

Date of Agreement Request Date for 2 Inspection
Date of 1st tranche Payment Date of 2nd Inspection
Request Date for 1st Inspection Date of 3rd tranche Payment
Date of 1st Inspection Request Date for final Inspection
Date of 2nd tranche Payment Date of issuance of completion certificate

III. Category and type of building (Write “Yes” where applicable):

1. SMM-C 2. SMC-C 3. BMM-C 4. BMC-C

5. RCC -C 6. RCC –AB 7. CM 8. Others
For Others give details:

IV. Stage of Inspection Level (Write “Yes” where applicable)

1. Plinth Band 2. Roof Band 3. Both for Plinth and Roof Band 4. Completed

V. Current Status of Construction (Write “Yes” where applicable)

n n
1. Plinth Band 2. Bet Plinth & Roof B 3. Roof Band 4. Roof Const 5. Completed

VI. Observation of TPMA: (Fill “Yes” in only one of following options / observation)
Particulars Y Remarks
a. Compliance with construction standard
b. Compliance with minor deviation
c.Noncompliance / Major Deviation

Page 54 of 93
VII. Technical Inspection Sheet

If use fix design from design catalogue, Design No. BMM-1.1
Technical Assistant □YES, □NO Organization □GoN, □NGO ( )
Trained Masons used □YES, □NO Soil type □Hard, □Medium, □Soft
Category Description to MRs Remarks

Geological fault or Ruptured Area □ □
Steep Slope > 20° □ □
Landslide susceptible Area □ □
1 Site River bank and Water logged Area □ □
selection Rock-fall Area □ □
away from Liquefaction susceptible Area □ □
Filled Area □ □
No. of storey RC band Not more than one plus habitable attic
Timber band Not more than one storey.
Span of Wall Not more than 12 times thickness of wall and not more than □ □
Shape of 4.5m .(14’9”)
House Size of room Not more than 13.5sq.m (145’4”sq.ft) □ □
Simple and regular shape as square and rectangular □ □
The length is not more than 3 times of its width □ □
Stone Avoid round, easily breakable soft stone □ □
Size: Thickness>50mm(2”),length/Breadth>150mm(6”)

Brick Over burnt, under burnt and deformed bricks are not used in □ □
construction. Minimum crushing strength = 3.5 MPa.
3 Materials
Mud mortar
Free from organic materials, pebbles, hard □ □
Mortar Materials.
Cement mortar
Strength is not less than 1 cement : 6 sand □ □
Concrete M15grade (1 cement: 2 sand: 4 aggregate) □ □
Rebar fy = 415 Mpa /500 Mpa □ □
Timber Hard wood □ □
Continuous strip footing □ □
4 Foundation Depth below GL 750mm(2’6”) for one storey □ □
Base Width Soft≥750mm(2’6”),Medium≥650mm(2’2”),Hard≥550mm(1’10”) □ □
Started right from the foundation and continue up to the roof band. □ □
Placed at all corners , junction of Hard wood. One member of 75mm(3”)
walls and openings x 100mm(4”) for corner.
Two member of 75mm(3”) x
One 12mm diameter bars 100mm(4”) for openings
Vertical □ □
member Two 16mm diameter bars

60 times diameter of
Anchorage reinforcement □ □

Height from GL Not less than 300mm(1’) from GL. But recommended is 450mm. □ □
Thickness 75mm(3”) for hard soil; 150mm(6”) for soft soil. □ □
Width Not less than wall thickness/230mm □ □
RC band
6 Plinth Main: 2-12 dia. for 75mm band in hard soil; 4-12 dia for 150 mm thick
Reinforcement band in soft soil. Stirrups 6mm dia. @ 150mm c.c. Concrete cover of □ □
25mm (1”).

Page 55 of 93
Category to MRs Remarks
Walls are not laid staggered or straggled; and continuous vertical joints are avoided. □ □
At corners or wall junctions, through vertical joints are avoided. □ □
Masonry is interlocked. □ □
Thickness Not less than 350mm. □ □
Mortar Joints Not more than 20mm and less than 10mm in thickness. □ □
Walls Through Length equal to the full wall thickness shall be used in every 600 □ □
Stones mm height at not more than 1.2 m apart horizontally
Unsupported masonry gable wall □ □
Gable wall
Lightweight materials (wood, CGI sheets etc ) are used as gables □ □
Masonry gable wall with gable RC band is used. □ □
Same Lintel level is provided for all doors and windows. □ □
Position and
8 Openings are located away from inside corners by a clear distance equal to at least □ □
size of 1/4 of the height of the opening, but not less than 600 mm.
openings The total length of openings in a wall is not greater than 30 % of
(Doors/Wind the length of the wall between consecutive cross-walls in single
ows) Total length □ □
storey construction..
The minimum horizontal distance between two openings is equal
Distance to one half of the height of the shorter opening, or 600 mm, □ □
whichever is greater.
Horizontal bands are provided throughout the entire walls at plinth, sill, lintel, and □ □
roof level.
R.C. C Concrete: 1:1.5:3 and Steel: fy = 415MPa/500MPa □ □
A continuous sill band is provided through all walls □ □
at the bottom level of windows.
Sill Band Thickness Not less than 75mm. □ □
Rebar 2-10mm dia. □ □
A continuous lintel band is provided through all
walls at the top level of opening. Where opening
width do not exceed 1.25m and masonry height
above opening do not exceed 0.9m, 75mm lintel is
sufficient. For opening width up to 2m and masonry
□ □
height above opening upto1.2m, 150mm lintel band
is necessary.
Lintel band

Thickness 75mm 150mm □ □

Rebar 2-12mm 2-10mm
(Top) and 2- □ □
12 mm
9 (Bottom)
RC At corners and junctions, stitches( dowels) are
Horizontal Horizontal provided addition at a vertical spacing of 500- □ □
Band 700mm.
Band Stitch band
The minimum length of stich band is 1.2m. □ □
Thickness Not less than 75mm □ □
Rebar 2-8mm dia. bars □ □
Roof band A Continuous roof band is provided at the top-level
of walls, so as to integrate them properly at their □ □
ends and fix them into the walls.

The minimum thickness of roof band is 75mm. □ □

Thickness 75mm 300mm □ □
Rebar 2-12mm dia. 4-12mm dia. □ □
Stirrups For All 6mm dia. @ 150mm c/c □ □
Hook length For All 500mm □ □
Cover to For All 25mm (clear) □ □
Horizontal bands are provided throughout the entire wall at plinth, □ □
sill, lintel, and roof level.
 Main wooden member, Sill band □ □
 2-75mmX38mm shall be placed along with Lintel band □ □
Wooden wall and properly connected with batten,
Horizontal 50mmX38mm @ 500c/c.
Stitch band □ □
Band  Stitch (Mid band) shall be continuous. Roof band □ □
Reinforcement □ □
Connection Main wooden member: 4 nails; Batten: 2 nails. □ □
Note: 5mm wooden nail or 3.15mm galvanized steel
nail can be used.
Page 56 of 93
Light roof comprising wooden or steel truss covered with CGI sheets is used.
□ □
Connection All members of the timber truss or joints are
properly connected. □ □
Arrangements are done for connecting roof and
10 Roof wall. □ □
Bracing For flexible diaphragm, diagonal bracings are
provided. □ □

□ □

VIII. Recommendation of TPMA

Particulars Remarks
Technical Recommendation by the Field
Technician (if applicable)

Technical Recommendation by the District

Engineer (if applicable)

IX. Household Specific Observation:

Items Y/N Remarks
1. Factors resulting in slow/delayed construction
i. House Owner Financial Limitation
ii. Lack of technical awareness/support/assistance
iii. Lack of availability of material
iv. Delay in payments of Installments
v. Non-availability of Skilled Labour
vi. Others
2. Others
vii. Is Toilet constructed
viii. Is Solar installed
ix. Use of building (Y/N) i. Commercial ii. Private iii. Rent iv. mixed
3. Satisfaction of beneficiaries
i.Not satisfied ii.Moderately iii.Satisfied iv.Highly
with regard to housing project

X. Locality Specific Observation:

Items Y/N Remarks
1. Risk Categories (Spot/Settlement Specific)
i) If Settlement/Area prone to following Hazard Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Steep slope
River bank / Waterlogged area
Liquefaction susceptible Area
ii) If settlement /Ward is with following Compliance Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Availability of material
Technical assistance
Acceptance of guidelines by beneficiaries
2. Cost of Labor & Materials in the area:
i. Unit Cost of Materials (NRs.): stone, sand & timber per cum, brick per no, cement per bag, Rod per kg
Page 57 of 93
stone Brick cement sand Timber Rebar
ii. Cost of Labour Per Day (NRs)
Mason Unskilled Carpenter

XI. Photographs with their Number

Signature of Field Sub-Engineer

1: Copies of Inspection Forms [MOUD]

2: Copies of Request of Inspection

3: Copies of Completion Certificates

4: Any other document

Page 58 of 93
TPM Unique ID:…………..
Nepal Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Program
Third Party Monitoring
Spot Check Data Sheet

Date of Visit…..…………………………….
Name of Inspector…………………………
I. Beneficiary Identification: GPS:
Name: Participation Agreement No.

Address: District: VDC/Municipality (previous) Municipality (New) T oll: Land Plot No.:

Ward No Ward No
Name of Nominee (if Type of Building Destroyed SMM SMC BMM BMC

II. Dates of Agreement, Inspection and Payment (Source DLPIUs MOUD/MoFALD):

Date of Agreement Request Date for 2 Inspection
Date of 1st tranche Payment Date of 2nd Inspection
Request Date for 1st Inspection Date of 3rd tranche Payment
Date of 1st Inspection Request Date for final Inspection
Date of 2nd tranche Payment Date of issuance of completion certificate

III. Category and type of building (Write “Yes” where applicable):

1. SMM-C 2. SMC-C 3. BMM-C 4. BMC-C

5. RCC -C 6. RCC –AB 7. CM 8. Others
For Others give details:

IV. Stage of Inspection Level (Write “Yes” where applicable)

1. Plinth Band 2. Roof Band 3. Both for Plinth and Roof Band 4. Completed

V. Current Status of Construction (Write “Yes” where applicable)

n n
1. Plinth Band 2. Bet Plinth & Roof B 3. Roof Band 4. Roof Const 5. Completed

VI. Observation of TPMA: (Fill “Yes” in only one of following options / observation)
Particulars Y Remarks
a. Compliance with construction standard
b. Compliance with minor deviation
c.Noncompliance / Major Deviation

Page 59 of 93
VII. Technical Inspection Sheet

If use fix design from design catalogue, Design No. SMC-1.1
Technical Assistant □YES, □NO Organization □GoN, □NGO ( )
Trained Masons used □YES, □NO Soil type □Hard, □Medium, □Soft
Comply to
Category Description MRs Remarks

Geological fault or Ruptured Area □ □
Steep Slope > 20° □ □
Landslide susceptible Area □ □
1 Site River bank and Water logged Area □ □
selection Rock-fall Area □ □
away from Liquefaction susceptible Area □ □
Filled Area □ □
No. of storey Not more than two plus attic. □ □
Span of Wall Not more than 12 times thickness of wall and not more than □ □
Shape of 4.5m .(14’9”)
2 Size of room Not more than 13.5sq.m (145’4”sq.ft) □ □
Height of wall Not more than 3.0 m.

Simple and regular shape as square and rectangular □ □
The length is not more than 3 times of its width □ □
Stone Avoid round, easily breakable soft stone and boulder stones □ □
Size: Thickness>50mm(2”),length/Breadth>150mm(6”)

Mortar Strength is not less than 1 cement :4 sand mixture for masonry □ □
3 Materials Concrete M20 grade (1 cement: 1.5 sand: 3 aggregate) □ □
Rebar HYSD bars, fy = 415 Mpa /500 Mpa □ □
Timber Hard wood □ □
Continuous strip footing □ □
4 Foundation Depth below GL One Storey ≥800mm □ □
Two Storey ≥900mm □ □
Base Width One Storey Soft≥800mm(2’8”),Medium≥600mm(2’0”), □ □
Hard≥ 600mm(2’0”)
Two Storey Soft: Not recommended, □ □
Started right from the foundation and continue up to the roof □ □
RC Timber
5 Placed at all Hard wood. One member of 75mm(3”)
member corners , x 100mm(4”) for corner.
junction of Two member of 75mm(3”) x
walls and 100mm(4”) for openings □ □

Reinforcement 12mm dia bars for one storey and 16mm dia bars for two storey
with 1:4 mortar in cavities. □ □
Anchorage 60 times diameter of reinforcement □ □
A continuous RC band is provided through all walls at the plinth level. □ □
Height from GL Not less than 300mm(1’) from GL. But recommended is 450mm. □ □
Thickness 150mm(6”) □ □
Width Not less than wall thickness/350mm □ □
6 Plinth Main: 4-12mm dia
Stirrups: 6mm dia. at
Reinforcement 150mm(6”), Concrete cover of 25mm(1”) □ □

Page 60 of 93
VIII. Recommendation of TPMA
Particulars Remarks
Technical Recommendation by the Field
Technician (if applicable)

Technical Recommendation by the District

Engineer (if applicable)

IX. Household Specific Observation:

Items Y/N Remarks
1. Factors resulting in slow/delayed construction
i. House Owner Financial Limitation
ii. Lack of technical awareness/support/assistance
iii. Lack of availability of material
iv. Delay in payments of Installments
v. Non-availability of Skilled Labour
vi. Others
2. Others
vii. Is Toilet constructed
viii. Is Solar installed
ix. Use of building (Y/N) i. Commercial ii. Private iii. Rent iv. mixed
3. Satisfaction of beneficiaries
i.Not satisfied ii.Moderately iii.Satisfied iv.Highly
with regard to housing project

X. Locality Specific Observation:

Items Y/N Remarks
1. Risk Categories (Spot/Settlement Specific)
i) If Settlement/Area prone to following Hazard Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Steep slope
River bank / Waterlogged area
Liquefaction susceptible Area
ii) If settlement /Ward is with following Compliance Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Availability of material
Technical assistance
Acceptance of guidelines by beneficiaries
2. Cost of Labor & Materials in the area:
i. Unit Cost of Materials (NRs.): stone, sand & timber per cum, brick per no, cement per bag, Rod per kg
stone Brick cement sand Timber Rebar
ii. Cost of Labour Per Day (NRs)
Mason Unskilled Carpenter

Page 61 of 93
XI. Photographs with their Number

Signature of Field Sub-Engineer

1: Copies of Inspection Forms [MOUD]

2: Copies of Request of Inspection

3: Copies of Completion Certificates

4: Any other document

Page 62 of 93
TPM Unique ID:…………..
Nepal Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Program
Third Party Monitoring
Spot Check Data Sheet

Date of Visit…..…………………………….
Name of Inspector…………………………
I. Beneficiary Identification: GPS:
Name: Participation Agreement No.

Address: District: VDC/Municipality (previous) Municipality (New) T oll: Land Plot No.:

Ward No Ward No
Name of Nominee (if Type of Building Destroyed SMM SMC BMM BMC

II. Dates of Agreement, Inspection and Payment (Source DLPIUs MOUD/MoFALD):

Date of Agreement Request Date for 2 Inspection
Date of 1st tranche Payment Date of 2nd Inspection
Request Date for 1st Inspection Date of 3rd tranche Payment
Date of 1st Inspection Request Date for final Inspection
Date of 2nd tranche Payment Date of issuance of completion certificate

III. Category and type of building (Write “Yes” where applicable):

1. SMM-C 2. SMC-C 3. BMM-C 4. BMC-C

5. RCC -C 6. RCC –AB 7. CM 8. Others
For Others give details:

IV. Stage of Inspection Level (Write “Yes” where applicable)

1. Plinth Band 2. Roof Band 3. Both for Plinth and Roof Band 4. Completed

V. Current Status of Construction (Write “Yes” where applicable)

n n
1. Plinth Band 2. Bet Plinth & Roof B 3. Roof Band 4. Roof Const 5. Completed

VI. Observation of TPMA: (Fill “Yes” in only one of following options / observation)
Particulars Y Remarks
a. Compliance with construction standard
b. Compliance with minor deviation
c.Noncompliance / Major Deviation

Page 63 of 93
VII. Technical Inspection Sheet

If use fix design from design catalogue, Design No. SMC-1.1
Technical Assistant □YES, □NO Organization □GoN, □NGO ( )
Trained Masons used □YES, □NO Soil type □Hard, □Medium, □Soft
Comply to
Category Description MRs Remarks

Geological fault or Ruptured Area □ □
Steep Slope > 20° □ □
Landslide susceptible Area □ □
1 Site River bank and Water logged Area □ □
selection Rock-fall Area □ □
away from Liquefaction susceptible Area □ □
Filled Area □ □
No. of storey Not more than two plus attic. □ □
Span of Wall Not more than 12 times thickness of wall and not more than □ □
Shape of 4.5m .(14’9”)
2 Size of room Not more than 13.5sq.m (145’4”sq.ft) □ □
Height of wall Not more than 3.0 m.

Simple and regular shape as square and rectangular □ □
The length is not more than 3 times of its width □ □
Stone Avoid round, easily breakable soft stone and boulder stones □ □
Size: Thickness>50mm(2”),length/Breadth>150mm(6”)

Mortar Strength is not less than 1 cement :4 sand mixture for masonry □ □
3 Materials Concrete M20 grade (1 cement: 1.5 sand: 3 aggregate) □ □
Rebar HYSD bars, fy = 415 Mpa /500 Mpa □ □
Timber Hard wood □ □
Continuous strip footing □ □
4 Foundation Depth below GL One Storey ≥800mm □ □
Two Storey ≥900mm □ □
Base Width One Storey Soft≥800mm(2’8”),Medium≥600mm(2’0”), □ □
Two Storey Soft: Not recommended, □ □
Started right from the foundation and continue up to the roof □ □
RC Timber
5 Placed at all Hard wood. One member of 75mm(3”)
member corners , x 100mm(4”) for corner.
junction of Two member of 75mm(3”) x
walls and 100mm(4”) for openings □ □

Reinforcement 12mm dia bars for one storey and 16mm dia bars for two storey
with 1:4 mortar in cavities. □ □
Anchorage 60 times diameter of reinforcement □ □
A continuous RC band is provided through all walls at the plinth level. □ □
Height from GL Not less than 300mm(1’) from GL. But recommended is 450mm. □ □
Thickness 150mm(6”) □ □
Width Not less than wall thickness/350mm □ □
6 Plinth Main: 4-12mm dia
Stirrups: 6mm dia. at
Reinforcement 150mm(6”), Concrete cover of 25mm(1”) □ □

Page 64 of 93
Category to MRs Remarks
Walls are not laid staggered or straggled; and continuous vertical □ □
joints are avoided.
At corners or wall junctions, through vertical joints are avoided. □ □
Masonry is interlocked. □ □
7 Thickness Not less than 450mm. □ □
Mortar Joints Not more than 20mm and less than 10mm in □ □
Walls Length equal to the full wall thickness is used in □ □
Through Stones every 600 mm height at not more than 1.2 m apart
Gable wall Unsupported masonry gable wall □ □
Lightweight materials (wood, CGI sheets etc ) □ □
are used as gables
Masonry gable wall with gable RC band is used. □ □
Same Lintel level is provided for all doors and windows. □ □
Openings are located away from inside corners by a clear distance □ □
equal to at least 1/4 of the height of the opening, but not less than
8 600 mm.
Position and Size of
Total length The total length of openings in a wall is not □ □
greater than 50 % of the length of the wall
(Door/Windows) between consecutive cross-walls in single storey
construction, 42 % in two-storey construction
The minimum horizontal distance between two □ □
openings is equal to one half of the height of the
Distance shorter opening, or 600 mm, whichever is

Horizontal bands are provided throughout the entire walls at plinth, □ □

sill, lintel, and roof level.
RCC: Concrete: 1:1.5:3 and Steel: fy = 415MPa/500MPa

Sill Band A continuous sill band is provided through all

walls at the bottom level of windows.
Thickness Not less than 75mm.

Rebar 2-10mm dia.

A continuous lintel band is provided through all
walls at the top level of opening. Where
opening width do not exceed 1.25m and
masonry height above opening do not exceed
0.9m, 75mm lintel is sufficient. For opening
width up to 2m and masonry height above
Lintel band opening upto1.2m, 150mm lintel band is
Thickn 75mm 150mm
Rebar 2-12mm 2-10mm (Top) and 2-
RC 12 mm (Bottom)
band Stitch band At corners and junctions, stitches( dowels) are
(Dowel) provided addition at a vertical spacing of 500-
9 Horizontal 700mm.
The minimum length of stich band is 1.2m.
Thickn Not less than 75mm
Rebar 2-8mm dia. bars

Roof band A Continuous roof band is provided at the top-

level of walls, so as to integrate them properly at
their ends and fix them into the walls.
The minimum thickness of roof band is 75mm.
Thickn 75mm 300mm
Rebar 2-12mm dia. 4-12mm dia.
Stirrups For All 6mm dia. @ 150mm c/c □ □
Hook length For All 500mm □ □
Cover to Rebar For All 25mm (clear) □ □
Horizontal bands are provided throughout the entire wall at plinth, □ □
sill, lintel, and roof level.
Horizontal  Main wooden member, Sill band □ □
Band  2-75mmX38mm shall be placed along with Lintel band □ □
wall and properly connected with batten,
50mmX38mm @ 500c/c. Stitch band □ □

Page 65 of 93
 Stitch (Mid band) shall be continuous. Roof band □ □

Reinforcement □ □
Connection Main wooden member: 4 nails; Batten: 2 nails. □ □
Note: 5mm wooden nail or 3.15mm galvanized
steel nail can be used.

VIII. Recommendation of TPMA

Particulars Remarks
Technical Recommendation by the Field
Technician (if applicable)

Technical Recommendation by the District

Engineer (if applicable)

IX. Household Specific Observation:

Items Y/N Remarks
1. Factors resulting in slow/delayed construction
i. House Owner Financial Limitation
ii. Lack of technical awareness/support/assistance
iii. Lack of availability of material
iv. Delay in payments of Installments
v. Non-availability of Skilled Labour
vi. Others
2. Others
vii. Is Toilet constructed
viii. Is Solar installed
ix. Use of building (Y/N) i. Commercial ii. Private iii. Rent iv. mixed
3. Satisfaction of beneficiaries
i.Not satisfied ii.Moderately iii.Satisfied iv.Highly
with regard to housing project

X. Locality Specific Observation:

Items Y/N Remarks
1. Risk Categories (Spot/Settlement Specific)
i) If Settlement/Area prone to following Hazard Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Steep slope
River bank / Waterlogged area
Liquefaction susceptible Area
ii) If settlement /Ward is with following Compliance Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Availability of material
Technical assistance
Acceptance of guidelines by beneficiaries
2. Cost of Labor & Materials in the area:
i. Unit Cost of Materials (NRs.): stone, sand & timber per cum, brick per no, cement per bag, Rod per kg
stone Brick cement sand Timber Rebar
Page 66 of 93
ii. Cost of Labour Per Day (NRs)
Mason Unskilled Carpenter

XI. Photographs with their Number

Signature of Field Sub-Engineer

1: Copies of Inspection Forms [MOUD]

2: Copies of Request of Inspection

3: Copies of Completion Certificates

4: Any other document

Page 67 of 93
TPM Unique ID:…………..
Nepal Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Program
Third Party Monitoring
Spot Check Data Sheet

Date of Visit…..…………………………….
Name of Inspector…………………………
I. Beneficiary Identification: GPS:
Name: Participation Agreement No.

Address: District: VDC/Municipality (previous) Municipality (New) T oll: Land Plot No.:

Ward No Ward No
Name of Nominee (if Type of Building Destroyed SMM SMC BMM BMC

II. Dates of Agreement, Inspection and Payment (Source DLPIUs MOUD/MoFALD):

Date of Agreement Request Date for 2 Inspection
Date of 1st tranche Payment Date of 2nd Inspection
Request Date for 1st Inspection Date of 3rd tranche Payment
Date of 1st Inspection Request Date for final Inspection
Date of 2nd tranche Payment Date of issuance of completion certificate

III. Category and type of building (Write “Yes” where applicable):

1. SMM-C 2. SMC-C 3. BMM-C 4. BMC-C

5. RCC -C 6. RCC –AB 7. CM 8. Others
For Others give details:

IV. Stage of Inspection Level (Write “Yes” where applicable)

1. Plinth Band 2. Roof Band 3. Both for Plinth and Roof Band 4. Completed

V. Current Status of Construction (Write “Yes” where applicable)

n n
1. Plinth Band 2. Bet Plinth & Roof B 3. Roof Band 4. Roof Const 5. Completed

VI. Observation of TPMA: (Fill “Yes” in only one of following options / observation)
Particulars Y Remarks
a. Compliance with construction standard
b. Compliance with minor deviation
c.Noncompliance / Major Deviation

Page 68 of 93
VII. Technical Inspection Sheet

If use fix design from design catalogue, Design No. SMC-1.1
Technical Assistant □YES, □NO Organization □GoN, □NGO ( )
Trained Masons used □YES, □NO Soil type □Hard, □Medium, □Soft
Comply to
Category Description MRs Remarks

Geological fault or Ruptured Area □ □
Steep Slope > 20° □ □
Landslide susceptible Area □ □
1 Site River bank and Water logged Area □ □
selection Rock-fall Area □ □
away from Liquefaction susceptible Area □ □
Filled Area □ □
No. of storey Not more than two plus attic. □ □
Span of Wall Not more than 12 times thickness of wall and not more than □ □
Shape of 4.5m .(14’9”)
2 Size of room Not more than 13.5sq.m (145’4”sq.ft) □ □
Height of wall Not more than 3.0 m.

Simple and regular shape as square and rectangular □ □
The length is not more than 3 times of its width □ □
Stone Avoid round, easily breakable soft stone and boulder stones □ □
Size: Thickness>50mm(2”),length/Breadth>150mm(6”)

Mortar Strength is not less than 1 cement :4 sand mixture for masonry □ □
3 Materials Concrete M20 grade (1 cement: 1.5 sand: 3 aggregate) □ □
Rebar HYSD bars, fy = 415 Mpa /500 Mpa □ □
Timber Hard wood □ □
Continuous strip footing □ □
4 Foundation Depth below GL One Storey ≥800mm □ □
Two Storey ≥900mm □ □
Base Width One Storey Soft≥800mm(2’8”),Medium≥600mm(2’0”), □ □
Two Storey Soft: Not recommended, □ □
Started right from the foundation and continue up to the roof □ □
RC Timber
5 Placed at all Hard wood. One member of 75mm(3”)
member corners , x 100mm(4”) for corner.
junction of Two member of 75mm(3”) x
walls and 100mm(4”) for openings □ □

Reinforcement 12mm dia bars for one storey and 16mm dia bars for two storey
with 1:4 mortar in cavities. □ □
Anchorage 60 times diameter of reinforcement □ □
A continuous RC band is provided through all walls at the plinth level. □ □
Height from GL Not less than 300mm(1’) from GL. But recommended is 450mm. □ □
Thickness 150mm(6”) □ □
Width Not less than wall thickness/350mm □ □
6 Plinth Main: 4-12mm dia
Stirrups: 6mm dia. at
Reinforcement 150mm(6”), Concrete cover of 25mm(1”) □ □

Page 69 of 93

Category Description to MRs Remarks

Walls are not laid staggered or straggled; and continuous vertical □ □
joints are avoided.
At corners or wall junctions, through vertical joints are avoided. □ □
Masonry is interlocked. □ □
7 Thickness Not less than 450mm. □ □
Mortar Joints
Not more than 20mm and less than 10mm in □ □
Walls Length equal to the full wall thickness is used in □ □
Through Stones every 600 mm height at not more than 1.2 m apart
Gable wall Unsupported masonry gable wall □ □
Lightweight materials (wood, CGI sheets etc ) □ □
are used as gables
Masonry gable wall with gable RC band is used. □ □
Same Lintel level is provided for all doors and windows. □ □
Openings are located away from inside corners by a clear distance □ □
equal to at least 1/4 of the height of the opening, but not less than
8 600 mm.
Position and Size of
Total length The total length of openings in a wall is not □ □
greater than 50 % of the length of the wall
(Door/Windows) between consecutive cross-walls in single storey
construction, 42 % in two-storey construction
The minimum horizontal distance between two □ □
openings is equal to one half of the height of the
Distance shorter opening, or 600 mm, whichever is

Horizontal bands are provided throughout the entire walls at plinth, □ □

sill, lintel, and roof level.
RCC: Concrete: 1:1.5:3 and Steel: fy = 415MPa/500MPa □ □
9 Sill Band A continuous sill band is provided through all □ □
walls at the bottom level of windows.
Thickness Not less than 75mm. □ □

Rebar 2-10mm dia. □ □

A continuous lintel band is provided through all
walls at the top level of opening. Where
opening width do not exceed 1.25m and
masonry height above opening do not exceed
0.9m, 75mm lintel is sufficient. For opening □ □
width up to 2m and masonry height above
opening upto1.2m, 150mm lintel band is
Lintel band

Thickness 75mm 150mm □ □

Rebar 2-12mm 2-10mm (Top) and □ □
Horizontal Horizontal
2-12 mm (Bottom)
band band
Stitch band At corners and junctions, stitches( dowels) are □ □
(Dowel) provided addition at a vertical spacing of 500-
The minimum length of stich band is 1.2m. □ □
Thickness Not less than 75mm □ □
Rebar 2-8mm dia. bars □ □
Roof band A Continuous roof band is provided at the top- □ □
level of walls, so as to integrate them properly at
their ends and fix them into the walls.
The minimum thickness of roof band is 75mm. □ □
Thickness 75mm 300mm □ □
Rebar 2-12mm 4-12mm dia. □ □
Stirrups For All 6mm dia. @ 150mm c/c □ □
Hook length For All 500mm □ □
Cover to Rebar For All 25mm (clear) □ □

Page 70 of 93
Horizontal bands are provided throughout the entire wall at plinth, □ □
sill, lintel, and roof level.

 Main wooden member, Sill band □ □

 2-75mmX38mm shall be placed along with Lintel band □ □
wall and properly connected with batten,
50mmX38mm @ 500c/c. Stitch band □ □
Horizontal  Stitch (Mid band) shall be continuous.
Roof band


Connection Main wooden member: 4 nails; Batten: 2 nails. □ □

Note: 5mm wooden nail or 3.15mm galvanized
steel nail can be used.

General Light roof comprising wooden or steel truss covered with CGI □ □
sheets is used.

Connection All members of the timber truss or joints are properly connected. □ □
10 Roof
Arrangements are done for connecting roof and wall. □ □
Bracing For flexible diaphragm, diagonal bracings are provided. □ □

VIII. Recommendation of TPMA

Particulars Remarks
Technical Recommendation by the Field
Technician (if applicable)

Technical Recommendation by the District

Engineer (if applicable)

IX. Household Specific Observation:

Items Y/N Remarks
1. Factors resulting in slow/delayed construction
i. House Owner Financial Limitation
ii. Lack of technical awareness/support/assistance
iii. Lack of availability of material
iv. Delay in payments of Installments
v. Non-availability of Skilled Labour
vi. Others
2. Others
vii. Is Toilet constructed
viii. Is Solar installed
ix. Use of building (Y/N) i. Commercial ii. Private iii. Rent iv. mixed
3. Satisfaction of beneficiaries
i.Not satisfied ii.Moderately iii.Satisfied iv.Highly
with regard to housing project

X. Locality Specific Observation:

Items Y/N Remarks
1. Risk Categories (Spot/Settlement Specific)
i) If Settlement/Area prone to following Hazard Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Page 71 of 93
Steep slope
River bank / Waterlogged area
Liquefaction susceptible Area
ii) If settlement /Ward is with following Compliance Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Availability of material
Technical assistance
Acceptance of guidelines by beneficiaries
2. Cost of Labor & Materials in the area:
i. Unit Cost of Materials (NRs.): stone, sand & timber per cum, brick per no, cement per bag, Rod per kg
stone Brick cement sand Timber Rebar
ii. Cost of Labour Per Day (NRs)
Mason Unskilled Carpenter

XI. Photographs with their Number

Signature of Field Sub-Engineer

1: Copies of Inspection Forms [MOUD]

2: Copies of Request of Inspection

3: Copies of Completion Certificates

4: Any other document

Page 72 of 93
TPM Unique ID:…………..
Nepal Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Program
Third Party Monitoring
Spot Check Data Sheet

Date of Visit…..…………………………….
Name of Inspector…………………………
I. Beneficiary Identification: GPS:
Name: Participation Agreement No.

Address: District: VDC/Municipality (previous) Municipality (New) T oll: Land Plot No.:

Ward No Ward No
Name of Nominee (if Type of Building Destroyed SMM SMC BMM BMC

II. Dates of Agreement, Inspection and Payment (Source DLPIUs MOUD/MoFALD):

Date of Agreement Request Date for 2 Inspection
Date of 1st tranche Payment Date of 2nd Inspection
Request Date for 1st Inspection Date of 3rd tranche Payment
Date of 1st Inspection Request Date for final Inspection
Date of 2nd tranche Payment Date of issuance of completion certificate

III. Category and type of building (Write “Yes” where applicable):

1. SMM-C 2. SMC-C 3. BMM-C 4. BMC-C

5. RCC -C 6. RCC –AB 7. CM 8. Others
For Others give details:

IV. Stage of Inspection Level (Write “Yes” where applicable)

1. Plinth Band 2. Roof Band 3. Both for Plinth and Roof Band 4. Completed

V. Current Status of Construction (Write “Yes” where applicable)

n n
1. Plinth Band 2. Bet Plinth & Roof B 3. Roof Band 4. Roof Const 5. Completed

VI. Observation of TPMA: (Fill “Yes” in only one of following options / observation)
Particulars Y Remarks
a. Compliance with construction standard
b. Compliance with minor deviation
c.Noncompliance / Major Deviation

Page 73 of 93
VII. Technical Inspection Sheet

If use fix design from design catalogue, Design No. SMM-1.1
Technical Assistant □YES, □NO Organization □GoN, □NGO ( )
Trained Masons used □YES, □NO Soil type □Hard, □Medium, □Soft
Comply to
Category Description MRs Remarks

Geological fault or Ruptured Area □ □
Steep Slope > 20° □ □
Landslide susceptible Area □ □
1 Site River bank and Water logged Area □ □
selection Rock-fall Area □ □
away from Liquefaction susceptible Area □ □
Filled Area □ □
No. of storey RC band Not more than one plus habitable attic
Timber band Not more than one storey.
Span of Wall Not more than 12 times thickness of wall and not more than □ □
Shape of 4.5m .(14’9”)
House Size of room Not more than 13.5sq.m (145’4”sq.ft) □ □
Simple and regular shape as square and rectangular □ □
The length is not more than 3 times of its width □ □
Stone Avoid round, easily breakable soft stone □ □
Size: Thickness>50mm(2”),length/Breadth>150mm(6”)

Free from organic materials, pebbles, hard

Mud mortar
3 Materials Mortar □ □
Strength is not less than 1 cement : 6 sand
Cement mortar
Concrete M15grade (1 cement: 2 sand: 4 aggregate) □ □
Rebar fy = 415 Mpa /500 Mpa □ □
Timber Hard wood □ □
Continuous strip footing □ □
4 Foundation Depth below GL 750mm(2’6”) for one storey □ □
Base Width Soft≥800mm(2’8”),Medium≥750mm(2’6”),Hard≥750mm(2’6”) □ □
Started right from the foundation □ □
Rc Timber
5 Placed at all Hard wood. One member of 75mm(3”) □ □
member corners , x 100mm(4”) for corner.
junction of Two member of 75mm(3”) x
walls and 100mm(4”) for openings

60 times diameter of
Anchorage reinforcement □ □

Height from GL Not less than 300mm(1’) from GL □ □

Thickness 150mm(6”)for medium and soft soil. 75mm(3”) for hard soil □ □
Width Not less than wall thickness/350mm □ □
RC band Timber band
6 Plinth Main: 4-12dia for
150mm(6”), 2-12dia for
Main member : 2-
Reinforcement 75mm(3”) height □ □
75mmx100mm connected with
Stirrups: 6mm dia. at
batten 50mmX38mm@500c/ c
150mm(6”), Concrete cover of

Page 74 of 93
VIII. Recommendation of TPMA
Particulars Remarks
Technical Recommendation by the Field
Technician (if applicable)

Technical Recommendation by the District

Engineer (if applicable)

IX. Household Specific Observation:

Items Y/N Remarks
1. Factors resulting in slow/delayed construction
i. House Owner Financial Limitation
ii. Lack of technical awareness/support/assistance
iii. Lack of availability of material
iv. Delay in payments of Installments
v. Non-availability of Skilled Labour
vi. Others
2. Others
vii. Is Toilet constructed
viii. Is Solar installed
ix. Use of building (Y/N) i. Commercial ii. Private iii. Rent iv. mixed
3. Satisfaction of beneficiaries
i.Not satisfied ii.Moderately iii.Satisfied iv.Highly
with regard to housing project

X. Locality Specific Observation:

Items Y/N Remarks
1. Risk Categories (Spot/Settlement Specific)
i) If Settlement/Area prone to following Hazard Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Steep slope
River bank / Waterlogged area
Liquefaction susceptible Area
ii) If settlement /Ward is with following Compliance Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Availability of material
Technical assistance
Acceptance of guidelines by beneficiaries
2. Cost of Labor & Materials in the area:
i. Unit Cost of Materials (NRs.): stone, sand & timber per cum, brick per no, cement per bag, Rod per kg
stone Brick cement sand Timber Rebar
ii. Cost of Labour Per Day (NRs)
Mason Unskilled Carpenter

Page 75 of 93

XI. Photographs with their Number

Signature of Field Sub-Engineer

1: Copies of Inspection Forms [MOUD]

2: Copies of Request of Inspection

3: Copies of Completion Certificates

4: Any other document

Page 76 of 93
TPM Unique ID:…………..
Nepal Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Program
Third Party Monitoring
Spot Check Data Sheet

Date of Visit…..…………………………….
Name of Inspector…………………………
I. Beneficiary Identification: GPS:
Name: Participation Agreement No.

Address: District: VDC/Municipality (previous) Municipality (New) T oll: Land Plot No.:

Ward No Ward No
Name of Nominee (if Type of Building Destroyed SMM SMC BMM BMC

II. Dates of Agreement, Inspection and Payment (Source DLPIUs MOUD/MoFALD):

Date of Agreement Request Date for 2 Inspection
Date of 1st tranche Payment Date of 2nd Inspection
Request Date for 1st Inspection Date of 3rd tranche Payment
Date of 1st Inspection Request Date for final Inspection
Date of 2nd tranche Payment Date of issuance of completion certificate

III. Category and type of building (Write “Yes” where applicable):

1. SMM-C 2. SMC-C 3. BMM-C 4. BMC-C

5. RCC -C 6. RCC –AB 7. CM 8. Others
For Others give details:

IV. Stage of Inspection Level (Write “Yes” where applicable)

1. Plinth Band 2. Roof Band 3. Both for Plinth and Roof Band 4. Completed

V. Current Status of Construction (Write “Yes” where applicable)

n n
1. Plinth Band 2. Bet Plinth & Roof B 3. Roof Band 4. Roof Const 5. Completed

VI. Observation of TPMA: (Fill “Yes” in only one of following options / observation)
Particulars Y Remarks
a. Compliance with construction standard
b. Compliance with minor deviation
c.Noncompliance / Major Deviation

Page 77 of 93
VII. Technical Inspection Sheet

If use fix design from design catalogue, Design No. SMM-1.1
Technical Assistant □YES, □NO Organization □GoN, □NGO ( )
Trained Masons used □YES, □NO Soil type □Hard, □Medium, □Soft
Comply to
Category Description MRs Remarks

Geological fault or Ruptured Area □ □
Steep Slope > 20° □ □
Landslide susceptible Area □ □
1 Site River bank and Water logged Area □ □
selection Rock-fall Area □ □
away from Liquefaction susceptible Area □ □
Filled Area □ □
No. of storey RC band Not more than one plus habitable attic
Timber band Not more than one storey.
Span of Wall Not more than 12 times thickness of wall and not more than □ □
Shape of 4.5m .(14’9”)
House Size of room Not more than 13.5sq.m (145’4”sq.ft) □ □
Simple and regular shape as square and rectangular □ □
The length is not more than 3 times of its width □ □
Stone Avoid round, easily breakable soft stone □ □
Size: Thickness>50mm(2”),length/Breadth>150mm(6”)

Free from organic materials, pebbles, hard

Mud mortar
3 Materials Mortar □ □
Strength is not less than 1 cement : 6 sand
Cement mortar
Concrete M15grade (1 cement: 2 sand: 4 aggregate) □ □
Rebar fy = 415 Mpa /500 Mpa □ □
Timber Hard wood □ □
Continuous strip footing □ □
4 Foundation Depth below GL 750mm(2’6”) for one storey □ □
Base Width Soft≥800mm(2’8”),Medium≥750mm(2’6”),Hard≥750mm(2’6”) □ □
Started right from the foundation □ □
Rc Timber
5 12mm dia bars Hard wood. One member of 75mm(3”) □ □
member placed at all x 100mm(4”) for corner.
corners , Two member of 75mm(3”) x
junction of 100mm(4”) for openings
walls and
60 times diameter of
Anchorage reinforcement □ □

Height from GL Not less than 300mm(1’) from GL □ □

Thickness 150mm(6”)for medium and soft soil. 75mm(3”) for hard soil □ □
Width Not less than wall thickness/350mm □ □
RC band Timber band
6 Plinth Main: 4-12dia for
150mm(6”), 2-12dia for
Main member : 2-
Reinforcement 75mm(3”) height □ □
75mmx100mm connected with
Stirrups: 6mm dia. at
batten 50mmX38mm@500c/ c
150mm(6”), Concrete cover of

Page 78 of 93
Category Description to MRs Remarks
Walls are not laid staggered or straggled; and continuous vertical joints are avoided. □ □
At corners or wall junctions, through vertical joints are avoided. □ □
Masonry is interlocked. □ □
Thickness Not less than 350 to 450mm for one storey. □ □
Mortar Joints Not more than 20mm and less than 10mm in thickness. □ □
Walls Through Length equal to the full wall thickness is used in every 600 mm □ □
Stones height at not more than 1.2 m apart horizontally
Unsupported masonry gable wall □ □
Gable wall
Lightweight materials (wood, CGI sheets etc ) are used as gables □ □
Masonry gable wall with gable RC band is used. □ □
Same Lintel level is provided for all doors and windows. □ □
Position and
8 size of Openings are located away from inside corners by a clear distance equal to at least □ □
1/4 of the height of the opening, but not less than 600 mm.
openings The total length of openings in a wall is not greater than 30 % of
(Doors/Wind the length of the wall between consecutive cross-walls in single
ows) Total length □ □
storey construction.
The minimum horizontal distance between two openings is equal
Distance to one half of the height of the shorter opening, or 600 mm, □ □
whichever is greater.
Horizontal bands are provided throughout the entire walls at plinth, sill, lintel, and □ □
roof level.
R.C. C Concrete: 1:1.5:3 and Steel: fy = 415MPa/500MPa □ □
A continuous sill band is provided through all walls □ □
at the bottom level of windows.
Sill Band Thickness Not less than 75mm. □ □
Rebar 2-10mm dia. □ □
A continuous lintel band is provided through all
walls at the top level of opening. Where opening
width do not exceed 1.25m and masonry height
above opening do not exceed 0.9m, 75mm lintel is
sufficient. For opening width up to 2m and masonry
□ □
height above opening upto1.2m, 150mm lintel band
is necessary.
Lintel band

Thickness 75mm 150mm □ □

Rebar 2-12mm 2-10mm
(Top) and 2- □ □
12 mm
9 (Bottom)
RC At corners and junctions, stitches( dowels) are
Horizontal Horizontal provided addition at a vertical spacing of 500- □ □
Band 700mm.
Band Stitch band
The minimum length of stich band is 1.2m. □ □
Thickness Not less than 75mm □ □
Rebar 2-8mm dia. bars □ □
Roof band A Continuous roof band is provided at the top-level
of walls, so as to integrate them properly at their □ □
ends and fix them into the walls.

The minimum thickness of roof band is 75mm. □ □

Thickness 75mm 300mm □ □
Rebar 2-12mm dia. 4-12mm dia. □ □
Stirrups For All 6mm dia. @ 150mm c/c □ □
Hook length For All 500mm □ □
Cover to For All 25mm (clear) □ □
Horizontal bands are provided throughout the entire wall at plinth, □ □
sill, lintel, and roof level.
 Main wooden member, Sill band □ □
 2-75mmX38mm shall be placed along with Lintel band □ □
Wooden wall and properly connected with batten,
Horizontal 50mmX38mm @ 500c/c.
Stitch band □ □
Band  Stitch (Mid band) shall be continuous. Roof band □ □
Reinforcement □ □
Connection Main wooden member: 4 nails; Batten: 2 nails. □ □
Note: 5mm wooden nail or 3.15mm galvanized steel
nail can be used.

Page 79 of 93

VIII. Recommendation of TPMA

Particulars Remarks
Technical Recommendation by the Field
Technician (if applicable)

Technical Recommendation by the District

Engineer (if applicable)

IX. Household Specific Observation:

Items Y/N Remarks
1. Factors resulting in slow/delayed construction
i. House Owner Financial Limitation
ii. Lack of technical awareness/support/assistance
iii. Lack of availability of material
iv. Delay in payments of Installments
v. Non-availability of Skilled Labour
vi. Others
2. Others
vii. Is Toilet constructed
viii. Is Solar installed
ix. Use of building (Y/N) i. Commercial ii. Private iii. Rent iv. mixed
3. Satisfaction of beneficiaries
i.Not satisfied ii.Moderately iii.Satisfied iv.Highly
with regard to housing project

X. Locality Specific Observation:

Items Y/N Remarks
1. Risk Categories (Spot/Settlement Specific)
i) If Settlement/Area prone to following Hazard Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Steep slope
River bank / Waterlogged area
Liquefaction susceptible Area
ii) If settlement /Ward is with following Compliance Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Availability of material
Technical assistance
Acceptance of guidelines by beneficiaries
2. Cost of Labor & Materials in the area:
i. Unit Cost of Materials (NRs.): stone, sand & timber per cum, brick per no, cement per bag, Rod per kg
stone Brick cement sand Timber Rebar
ii. Cost of Labour Per Day (NRs)
Mason Unskilled Carpenter

Page 80 of 93

XI. Photographs with their Number

Signature of Field Sub-Engineer

1: Copies of Inspection Forms [MOUD]

2: Copies of Request of Inspection

3: Copies of Completion Certificates

4: Any other document

Page 81 of 93
TPM Unique ID:…………..
Nepal Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Program
Third Party Monitoring
Spot Check Data Sheet

Date of Visit…..…………………………….
Name of Inspector…………………………
I. Beneficiary Identification: GPS:
Name: Participation Agreement No.

Address: District: VDC/Municipality (previous) Municipality (New) T oll: Land Plot No.:

Ward No Ward No
Name of Nominee (if Type of Building Destroyed SMM SMC BMM BMC

II. Dates of Agreement, Inspection and Payment (Source DLPIUs MOUD/MoFALD):

Date of Agreement Request Date for 2 Inspection
Date of 1st tranche Payment Date of 2nd Inspection
Request Date for 1st Inspection Date of 3rd tranche Payment
Date of 1st Inspection Request Date for final Inspection
Date of 2nd tranche Payment Date of issuance of completion certificate

III. Category and type of building (Write “Yes” where applicable):

1. SMM-C 2. SMC-C 3. BMM-C 4. BMC-C

5. RCC -C 6. RCC –AB 7. CM 8. Others
For Others give details:

IV. Stage of Inspection Level (Write “Yes” where applicable)

1. Plinth Band 2. Roof Band 3. Both for Plinth and Roof Band 4. Completed

V. Current Status of Construction (Write “Yes” where applicable)

n n
1. Plinth Band 2. Bet Plinth & Roof B 3. Roof Band 4. Roof Const 5. Completed

VI. Observation of TPMA: (Fill “Yes” in only one of following options / observation)
Particulars Y Remarks
a. Compliance with construction standard
b. Compliance with minor deviation
c.Noncompliance / Major Deviation

Page 82 of 93
VII. Technical Inspection Sheet

If use fix design from design catalogue, Design No. SMM-1.1
Technical Assistant □YES, □NO Organization □GoN, □NGO ( )
Trained Masons used □YES, □NO Soil type □Hard, □Medium, □Soft
Comply to
Category Description MRs Remarks

Geological fault or Ruptured Area □ □
Steep Slope > 20° □ □
Landslide susceptible Area □ □
1 Site River bank and Water logged Area □ □
selection Rock-fall Area □ □
away from Liquefaction susceptible Area □ □
Filled Area □ □
No. of storey RC band Not more than one plus habitable attic
Timber band Not more than one storey.
Span of Wall Not more than 12 times thickness of wall and not more than □ □
Shape of 4.5m .(14’9”)
House Size of room Not more than 13.5sq.m (145’4”sq.ft) □ □
Simple and regular shape as square and rectangular □ □
The length is not more than 3 times of its width □ □
Stone Avoid round, easily breakable soft stone
Size: Thickness>50mm(2”),length/Breadth>150mm(6”) □ □
Free from organic materials, pebbles, hard
Mud mortar
Materials. □ □
3 Materials Strength is not less than 1 cement : 6 sand
Cement mortar
mixture □ □
Concrete M15grade (1 cement: 2 sand: 4 aggregate) □ □
Rebar fy = 415 Mpa /500 Mpa □ □
Timber Hard wood □ □
Continuous strip footing □ □
4 Foundation Depth below GL 750mm(2’6”) for one storey □ □
Base Width Soft≥800mm(2’8”),Medium≥750mm(2’6”),Hard≥750mm(2’6”) □ □
Started right from the foundation □ □
Rc Timber
5 12mm dia bars Hard wood. One member of 75mm(3”)
member placed at all x 100mm(4”) for corner.
corners , Two member of 75mm(3”) x
junction of 100mm(4”) for openings
□ □
walls and
60 times diameter of
Anchorage reinforcement □ □

Height from GL Not less than 300mm(1’) from GL □ □

Thickness 150mm(6”)for medium and soft soil. 75mm(3”) for hard soil □ □
Width Not less than wall thickness/350mm □ □
RC band Timber band
6 Plinth Main: 4-12dia for
150mm(6”), 2-12dia for
Main member : 2-
Reinforcement 75mm(3”) height
Stirrups: 6mm dia. at
75mmx100mm connected with □ □
batten 50mmX38mm@500c/ c
150mm(6”), Concrete cover of

Page 83 of 93
Category Descrip to MRs Remarks
Walls are not laid staggered or straggled; and continuous vertical joints are avoided. □ □
At corners or wall junctions, through vertical joints are avoided. □ □
Masonry is interlocked. □ □
Thickness Not less than 350 to 450mm for one storey. □ □
Mortar Joints Not more than 20mm and less than 10mm in thickness. □ □
Walls Through Length equal to the full wall thickness shall be used in every 600 □ □
Stones mm height at not more than 1.2 m apart horizontally
Unsupported masonry gable wall □ □
Gable wall
Lightweight materials (wood, CGI sheets etc ) are used as gables □ □
Masonry gable wall with gable RC band is used. □ □
Same Lintel level is provided for all doors and windows. □ □
Position and
8 Openings are located away from inside corners by a clear distance equal to at least □ □
size of 1/4 of the height of the opening, but not less than 600 mm.
openings The total length of openings in a wall is not greater than 30 % of
(Doors/Wind the length of the wall between consecutive cross-walls in single
ows) Total length □ □
storey construction.
The minimum horizontal distance between two openings is equal
Distance to one half of the height of the shorter opening, or 600 mm, □ □
whichever is greater.
Horizontal bands are provided throughout the entire walls at plinth, sill, lintel, and □ □
roof level.
R.C. C Concrete: 1:1.5:3 and Steel: fy = 415MPa/500MPa □ □
A continuous sill band is provided through all walls □ □
at the bottom level of windows.
Sill Band Thickness Not less than 75mm. □ □
Rebar 2-10mm dia. □ □
A continuous lintel band is provided through all
walls at the top level of opening. Where opening
width do not exceed 1.25m and masonry height
above opening do not exceed 0.9m, 75mm lintel is
sufficient. For opening width up to 2m and masonry
□ □
height above opening upto1.2m, 150mm lintel band
is necessary.
Lintel band

Thickness 75mm 150mm □ □

Rebar 2-12mm 2-10mm
(Top) and 2- □ □
12 mm
9 (Bottom)
RC At corners and junctions, stitches( dowels) are
Horizontal Horizontal provided addition at a vertical spacing of 500- □ □
Band 700mm.
Band Stitch band
The minimum length of stich band is 1.2m. □ □
Thickness Not less than 75mm □ □
Rebar 2-8mm dia. bars □ □
Roof band A Continuous roof band is provided at the top-level
of walls, so as to integrate them properly at their □ □
ends and fix them into the walls.

The minimum thickness of roof band is 75mm. □ □

Thickness 75mm 300mm □ □
Rebar 2-12mm dia. 4-12mm dia. □ □
Stirrups For All 6mm dia. @ 150mm c/c □ □
Hook length For All 500mm □ □
Cover to For All 25mm (clear) □ □
Horizontal bands are provided throughout the entire wall at plinth, □ □
sill, lintel, and roof level.
 Main wooden member, Sill band □ □
 2-75mmX38mm shall be placed along with Lintel band □ □
Wooden wall and properly connected with batten,
Horizontal 50mmX38mm @ 500c/c.
Stitch band □ □
Band  Stitch (Mid band) shall be continuous. Roof band □ □
Reinforcement □ □
Connection Main wooden member: 4 nails; Batten: 2 nails. □ □
Note: 5mm wooden nail or 3.15mm galvanized steel
nail can be used.
Page 84 of 93
Light roof comprising wooden or steel truss covered with CGI sheets is used.
□ □
Connection All members of the timber truss or joints are
properly connected. □ □
10 Roof Arrangements are done for connecting roof and
wall. □ □
Bracing For flexible diaphragm, diagonal bracings are
provided. □ □

VIII. Recommendation of TPMA

Particulars Remarks
Technical Recommendation by the Field
Technician (if applicable)

Technical Recommendation by the District

Engineer (if applicable)

IX. Household Specific Observation:

Items Y/N Remarks
1. Factors resulting in slow/delayed construction
i. House Owner Financial Limitation
ii. Lack of technical awareness/support/assistance
iii. Lack of availability of material
iv. Delay in payments of Installments
v. Non-availability of Skilled Labour
vi. Others
2. Others
vii. Is Toilet constructed
viii. Is Solar installed
ix. Use of building (Y/N) i. Commercial ii. Private iii. Rent iv. mixed
3. Satisfaction of beneficiaries
i.Not satisfied ii.Moderately iii.Satisfied iv.Highly
with regard to housing project

X. Locality Specific Observation:

Items Y/N
1. Risk Categories (Spot/Settlement Specific)
i) If Settlement/Area prone to following Hazard Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Steep slope
River bank / Waterlogged area
Liquefaction susceptible Area
ii) If settlement /Ward is with following Compliance Risks:
Name of settlement & ward No:
Availability of material
Technical assistance
Acceptance of guidelines by beneficiaries
2. Cost of Labor & Materials in the area:
i. Unit Cost of Materials (NRs.): stone, sand & timber per cum, brick per no, cement per bag, Rod per kg
stone Brick cement sand Timber Rebar
Page 85 of 93
ii. Cost of Labour Per Day (NRs)
Mason Unskilled Carpenter

XI. Photographs with their Number

Signature of Field Sub-Engineer

1: Copies of Inspection Forms [MOUD]

2: Copies of Request of Inspection

3: Copies of Completion Certificates

4: Any other document

Page 86 of 93

Annex 2: Reports
Page 87 of 93

Bi-Weekly Report Nepal Earthquake Housing Reconstruction Program

Third Party Monitoring
Reporting Date 25-Jul-19
S/N Description Siddhicharan Manebhanjyang Champadevi Sunkoshi Molung Chisankhugadhi Khiji Demba Likhu Gaoun Remarks
Municipality Gaoun Palika Gaoun Palika Gaoun Palika Gaoun Palika Gaoun Palika Gaoun Palika Palika
1 No. of HH Inspected

2 No. of HH -Noncompliance / Major Deviation

3 No. of HH-Compliance with minor deviation

4 No. of HH- Compliance with construction standard

Common Major Deviation Common Minor Deviation

a a
b b
c c
d d
e e
f f
g g
Page 88 of 93


Monthly Progress Report for the Month Ending

July 2019

Submitted by:
Mukesh & Associates in Association with Building Design
Authority Pvt. Ltd. (sub-Consultant)

July 2019

Page 89 of 93

Contents of Monthly Progress Report

1. Introduction / Background

2. Objective/Scope of the project

3. Issues Identified and Risk Mitigation

4. Details of Inspected Houses

5. Result and Report

6. Work Progress in the Reporting Month

7. Meeting and Interaction

8. Quality Aspects

9. Environmental and Social Aspects

10. Status of Construction Materials, Equipment and Man Power at Site

11. Remedial Actions

12. Conclusion and Recommendation

13. Photographs

Page 90 of 93


Quarterly Progress Report for the Quarter Ending

July 2019

Submitted by:
Mukesh & Associates in Association with Building Design
Authority Pvt. Ltd. (sub-Consultant)

July 2019

Page 91 of 93

Contents of Quarterly Progress Report

1. Introduction / Background

2. Objective/Scope of the project

3. Issues Identified and Risk Mitigation

4. Result and Report

5. Work Progress in the Reporting Quarter

6. Meeting and Interaction

7. Quality Aspects

8. Environmental and Social Aspects

9. Status of Construction Materials, Equipment and Man Power at Site

10. Trend Analysis and Lesson Learned

11. Conclusion and Recommendation

12. Photographs

Page 92 of 93

Annex 3: Detail Work Program

Page 93 of 93

Third Party Monitoring Agent (TPMA)
S.No. Task Name Duration Start Finish 2020
May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1 Third Party Montoring Agent 470 days Sun 6/2/19 Mon 11/30/20
1.1 Establish Central offices and appoint key personnel 25 days Sun 6/2/19 Sun 6/30/19

1.2 Develop, review and finalized the monitoring  52 days Sun 6/2/19 Wed 7/31/19

1.3 Establish field offices and appoint field staffs 52 days Sun 6/2/19 Wed 7/31/19
1.4 Preparation of Inception Report 27 days Mon 7/1/19 Wed 7/31/19
1.5 Submission of Inception Report 0 days Wed 7/31/19 Wed 7/31/19 7/31
1.6 Train field engineers/staffs and Carry out pilot survey53 days Mon 7/1/19 Sat 8/31/19

1.7 Revise/Update proposed monitoring mechanisms  26 days Thu 8/1/19 Fri 8/30/19

based on feedbacks from Pilot survey
1.8 Prepare sampling of beneficiary's HH for spot check  392 days Sun 9/1/19 Mon 11/30/20
and set target number every month
1.9 Plan and mobilize field team for inspection to finish  392 days Sun 9/1/19 Mon 11/30/20
target number of HH at every month in close 
coordination with DLPIU, House owner and local 
1.10 Collect relevant data on progree (Data entry and  392 days Sun 9/1/19 Mon 11/30/20
Compilation for three stage ‐ plinth, roof and 
completion stage)
1.11 Analyze and interpret the collected data  392 days Sun 9/1/19 Mon 11/30/20
1.12 Identify and categorize the deviations if any, share  392 days Sun 9/1/19 Mon 11/30/20
findings with WB/NRA/CLPIU/DLPIU & discuss and 
review the findings to solve the issues
1.13 Bi‐weekly briefing to the World Bank  392 days Sun 9/1/19 Mon 11/30/20
1.14 Prepare monthly report and submit to the World  392 days Sun 9/1/19 Mon 11/30/20
Bank for review and further action
1.15 Submit quarterly report and submit to WB team by  392 days Sun 9/1/19 Mon 11/30/20
summarizing monthly information and including 
trends and lessons for implementation
1.16 Prepare final completion report 26 days Sun 11/1/20 Mon 11/30/20
1.17 Submission of Final Completion Report 0 days Mon 11/30/20 Mon 11/30/20 11/30

Task External Tasks Manual Task Finish‐only

Split External Milestone Duration‐only Deadline
Project: Third Part Monitoring Agent
Milestone Inactive Task Manual Summary Rollup Progress
July 2019
Summary Inactive Milestone Manual Summary
Project Summary Inactive Summary Start‐only

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