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Arpit Porwal

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Invisible Man
| Questions discussed in video
1. Who is Griffin and how does he
become the Invisible Man ?
2. What sort of man is Dr. Kemp?
What role does he play in the
3. How do you see Dr. Cuss? How
did he affect the development of
the story?
4. What impression do Mr. Hall and
Mrs. Hall form in the mind of the
5. Who is Bunting? How is he
troubled by the Invisible Man?
6. How is Thomas Marvel crucial to
the story? What happens to him in
the end?
7. How does the stranger reveal his
reality to the people?
Ans1. Griffin is the Central character of the
novel which is science fiction. Griffin was a
brant scientist doing some research work. He
discovers a formula that can make a human
being invisible. The formula involves taking
opium along with another drug. The effect of
taking these together is, it makes the blood
clear Then processing in a radiator engine,
makes him invisible.
Ans1. He succeeds in making himself
invisible but is unable to reverse the
process. Griffin is shown as a man with
psychological problem. He is portrayed as
a negative character with destructive and
harmful instincts. He becomes unbearable
and finally meets his end. Only then he
becomes visible to all.
Ans2. Dr. Kemp was a scientist, who lived in
the town of Port Burdock. He was also an old
acquaintance of Griffin. Now that Griffin was
the invisible man and was soaked in problems
of all sorts. He had come to hide in Kemp's
house. Kemp found it very difficult to believe
and accept the invisible man as his friend. He
had not seen him for several years, and here
appears uninvited and invisible.
Ans2. He tries to overcome his initial shock and sits
down to talk with Griffin. Kemp patiently listens to Griffin
and allows him to explain freely all that had happened
to him, till he came to his house. Kemp realises Griffin
was drunk with power and he calls Col Adye of Port
Burdock police. Adye tries to catch Griffin, but fails in his
attempt as Griffin escapes. Now Griffin vows to kill
Kemp as he feels betrayed by him. Kemp is not afraid
and keeps helping Col. Adye in his search to apprehend
the Invisible Man.
Ans2. The colonel gives him protection
Grillin overpowers Adye and wants to get
hold of Kemp as well On the streets of Port
Burdock, the towns people attack the
Invisible Man and bring his rule of terror to
an end.
Ans3. Dr. Cuss was the doctor in the town of
Iping. He was quite confused by the stories of
the stranger wrapped in bandages, who was
staying at the Coach and Horses Inn. Dr. Cuss
decides to go and see him. He goes asking for
donation for the nurses' fund. The strange man
pinches the nose of Cuss Cuss is so scared he
runs away from there, as it was an invisible
hand that had done the mischief.
Ans3. Cuss straight away went to see Rev.
Bunting and narrated his story, but Bunting did
not believe the story of the doctor Later on,
Cuss and Bunting get hold of Griffin's
notebooks, when he was exposed. But the
note-books were stolen from their custody by
the invisible Griffin. Griffin also took away their
Ans4. Mr. Hall is the hen-pecked husband of
Mrs. Hall and assists her in running the inn
"Coach and Horses'. In Iping, he was the first
one to notice that Griffin, the mysterious man
was invisible. The incident, when a dog bites
Griffin and his glove is torn happened in front
of Mr. Hall. He followed Griffin to his room to
discover the handless man, as it appears to
Ans4. Mrs. Hall is the owner of the inn 'Coach
and Horses'. She is a friendly, simple down to
earth kind of lady. She loves and enjoys talking
to her guests. Mrs. Hall is quite perturbed by
the behavior of the strange guest Griffin. She
also does not know what to do with his ill
temper. Later on, she does take a strong stand
when she refuses to offer him any food, till she
had received her dues.
Ans5. He is actually Rev. Mr. Bunting who
is the vicar in the town of Iping. After the
first encounter with Griffin, Dr. Cuss went
to see him. Bunting made fun of him and
laughed to hear, that an invisible hand
pinched his nose. The next night his own
home was burgled by the Invisible Man
Ans5. Later on, when Bunting along with
Cuss was trying to read the notes of Griffin
they were stopped by the Invisible Man,
who also stole their clothes. Here Cuss lost
only his trousers, but Bunting's complete
wardrobe had been stolen entirely.
Ans6. Thomas Marvel is a jolly old tramp,
unknowingly he becomes the first visible partner or
assistant to the Invisible Man. He carries around
the scientific notes of the Invisible Man for him.
Later, he also carries a large sum of money that
was stolen from a bank by Griffin Thomas grows
so much afraid of his partner whom he cannot see
that he fears to Port Burdock. He takes the
scientific notebooks and the money with him.
There he seeks police protection.
Ans6. At this the Invisible Man, filled with
vengeance, takes an oath to kill him, he even
makes an attempt on Marvel's life. Later on when
his retaliation is turned against Dr. Kemp, Marvel
is saved. Marvel establishes himself with the
money that has come to him. He opens an inn and
becomes very rich. At times, he even opens
Griffin's note-books to find out the secret of
invisibility; but he does not understand any thing of
it. He had named his inn "The Invisible Man".
Ans7. Mrs. Hall had stopped catering to the
stranger, Griffin Hunger became unbearable,
when no food was served. Mrs. Hall wanted
her dues to be cleared. The stranger offered
her money, this confused Mrs. Hall, as she was
told his remittance had not arrived. She
confronts him for his strange behavior and
demands truth from him emphatically. At this
he shows them what he really is.
Ans7. He handed Mrs. Hall something, at
which she screamed loudly. It was the
stranger's nose. She dropped it immediately.
Then he removed his spectacles, tore and
opened his bandages. False hair came off.
There was just hollowness. Nothing at all was
invisible. He was completely invisible, and this
was his reality.
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