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BRD-Groupe Socidé Générale SA. Headquarter: 1-7 Boulevard fon Mibalache, sector 1, Bucharest ‘Tea, 30.66.36 the Trade Register: 361579 Stock Bxehange- Accordig 1 article 19 of Regulation (EU) no $96/2014 on market abuse, BRD = Grape Socicé Senerale S.A. informs the investors that the Bank recived on November 29,2019 ‘notfieion fom Mr. Tiber Mihai SELEGEAN, Deputy CEO Legal and Adminisae, ‘member of the Management Commies, regarding the sale of 5,000 shaee eld t BRD ‘The trarsacton tok place cn November 27,2019, on the Bucharest Stack Exchange - Ma segment the stle pice being. 15.26 bt share for wo packages of SI and 25 shares 15.24 ft /share a package of 4894 shares, according tothe notation atache, bao cn Pw ao an o — Cm te p | eosoeste cea SPATE ate oe BREESE, Sct layomawennewarn a hp ba FRegetul Pubte ai CNVA oy nr PUROTINGR0008 Anexa 10 Raportareeranzcte ene de cure Persoanle Core Execita Responsable De Conducere ‘Mode entra raporares ranzactilorreaizate de catrePersoancle Care Busrcta Responsabilial De ] “Conducore T-Bar eT ropa conde pS POA eA TET mai seurceannimenwomar 0). | 7 ” i ee a 2 Motel iia 7 7 2) Pest DIRECTOR GENERAL ADJUNCT JURIDICS ADMINISTRATIV Neer wT Tri INITIAL [Eat oie [ie ‘GRD. GROUPE SOCIETE GENERALESA eter .830090RHHOXCLHODS -£ Det pnd nen (rae Secne are se apa pa Woe tetramen fear tp de transee: iu) ect aa 9) ecrne ere ot ete trounce Bere imarmerniy | ACTIUN Saran cutdedeeare _ | ROBRDBACNOR 1) Nas cctes | VANEARE Presta ret (RON Volum 5% i B cc or eee ea (n0%) Voom + ott eres = pew! 152004 00 ©) Daas |) tec race [BURSA DE-VALORI BUCURESTI -SEGMENT PRINCIPAL

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