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Exploring Worship: A Practical Guide to Praise & Worship, Bob Sorge, Bob Sorge, 1987,

0962118516, 9780962118517, 297 pages. Used as a text internationally, Exploring Worship lays a
scriptural foundation for understanding what praise and worship really is, and then provides a
practical framework for implementing praise and worship at the local church level. This is one of the
foremost worship texts used today by Bible Schools, Universities, and local church worship
ministries. This newly-released "Revised/Updated version" makes Exploring Worship once again a
relevant equipping tool to today's worshipers. "I am totally unaware of a more comprehensive
treatment of this subject in any book, including those of mine. It should be read by all worshipers,
and should be required study for all who aspire to lead congregational worship."- Dr. Judson
Cornwall, from the foreword.


Following the River A Vision for Corporate Worship, Bob Sorge, Dec 1, 2003, Religion, 78 pages.
Imagine the ultimate worship experience--what would it be like? Using a sound scriptural foundation,
Bob paints a vivid picture of what corporate worship can become. Get a ....

Between the Lines God Is Writing Your Story, Bob Sorge, Nov 12, 2012, Religion, 127 pages. See
how God uses the unique twists of our journey to craft a story with our lives. When the journey
grows long, we can be tempted to lose heart. This book will impart fresh ....

Running the River of Praise, Wading in Pools of Worship , John W. Hubley, Jun 1, 2006, Religion,
284 pages. .

Planted by the water the making of a worship leader, Chris Falson, 1998, Religion, 207 pages. .

Opened from the Inside: Taking the Stronghold of Zion , Bob Sorge, 2010, Religion, 116 pages. The
taking of Zion is a gripping illustration of how you will penetrate, surmount and overcome the
obstacle that looms before you..

Loyalty The Reach of the Noble Heart, Bob Sorge, 2004, Religion, 204 pages. This book sounds a
bold call for loyalty to God and to God's Davids. God's Davids are leaders-male and female-who are
safest to follow because of their unwavering passion to be ....

Playing Together As a Worship Band , Angela (CON) Dean, Corinthian Group, Bobby Brock, Apr 1,
2003, , . From Maranatha! Music-over three decades of worship music, resources, seminars, and
experience combine to help you . . . Get Off the Ground and Soar as a Group! This video lays ....

Up with worship how to quit playing church, Anne Ortlund, Dec 1, 1982, , 170 pages. .

How to plan informal worship , Winnifred Wygal, 1955, Religion, 64 pages. .

Exploring Worship Anew Dreams and Visions, Pamela Ann Moeller, Dec 1, 1998, Religion, 181
pages. In this feminist theology of worship, Moeller argues for a collaborative approach to the
worship service, in which the participants are involved from preparation to celebration..

Worship Is... What?! Rethinking Our Ideas about Worship, Tom Kraeuter, Jul 1, 1996, Religion, 112
pages. "Tom Kraeuter is one of the most prolific authors and teachers on the contemporary worship
scene today. His books are available worldwide in multiple languages. Tom's biblical ....

Celebration of Worship , Jim Copple, Apr 1, 1978, Religion, 47 pages. .

The Fire of God's Love , Bob Sorge, Nov 1, 1996, Religion, 176 pages. This book explores how God
is igniting His Bride in this hour with His firey love, awakening us to blazing passion for our Beloved
Lord Jesus. Emerging from the crucible of the ....

Secrets of the Secret Place Keys to Igniting Your Personal Time with God, Bob Sorge, 2001,
Religion, 217 pages. Bob shares some of the secrets he's learned in making the secret place
energizing and delightful. Not only will this book help to defuse your personal struggles related to the

Take Charge of Your Emotions: Seven Steps to Overcoming Depression, Anxiety, and Anger , Linda
J. Solie, Sep 15, 2013, Religion, 272 pages. Take control of your own well-being with this proven
7-step approach to managing your emotions and overcoming anxiety and depression, from a
respected Christian psychologist..

The Fire of Delayed Answers , Bob Sorge, May 1, 1996, Religion, 231 pages. If you are waiting for
your prayers to be answered, this book will rekindle your hope and feed your faith. Written from the
crucible of the author's own personal crisis of ....

Glory: When Heaven Invades Earth , Bob Sorge, 2000, Religion, 88 pages. God is stirring a
profoundly deep cry in our hearts today for nothing short of a full-blown invasive explosion of God's
Glory in the earth. Written with practical applications ....
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